def close(lock, path, file, min_zoom, max_zoom):

        connection = sqlite3.connect(file, check_same_thread=False)
        c = connection.cursor()

            "SELECT min(tile_row), max(tile_row), min(tile_column), max(tile_column) FROM tiles WHERE zoom_level = ?",

        min_y, max_y, min_x, max_x = c.fetchone()
        min_y = (2**max_zoom) - min_y - 1
        max_y = (2**max_zoom) - max_y - 1

        min_lat, min_lon = num2deg(min_x, min_y, max_zoom)
        max_lat, max_lon = num2deg(max_x + 1, max_y + 1, max_zoom)

        bounds = [min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat]
        bounds_string = ','.join(map(str, bounds))

        center = [(min_lon + max_lon) / 2, (min_lat + max_lat) / 2, max_zoom]
        center_string = ','.join(map(str, center))

        c.execute("UPDATE metadata SET value = ? WHERE name = 'bounds'",
        c.execute("UPDATE metadata SET value = ? WHERE name = 'center'",

Example #2
    def fetch_style_images(self, city, zoom=16, hq=True):
        city_polygon = utils.polygon_union(city['features'])
        city_bounds = city_polygon.bounds

        all_style_imgs = []

        fetcher = MapBoxFetcher()
        lat = city_bounds[3]
        lon = city_bounds[0]
        while lat >= city_bounds[1]:
            while lon <= city_bounds[2]:
                numx, numy = utils.deg2num(lat, lon, zoom)
                style_img =, lon, zoom, hq=hq)


                lon = utils.num2deg(
                    utils.deg2num(lat, lon, zoom)[0] + 1,
                    utils.deg2num(lat, lon, zoom)[1], zoom)[1]
            lon = city_bounds[0]
            lat = utils.num2deg(
                utils.deg2num(lat, lon, zoom)[0],
                utils.deg2num(lat, lon, zoom)[1] + 1, zoom)[0]

        return all_style_imgs
Example #3
    def write_josm_file(self, filename, tilezoom=14):
        create a osm file for the editor JOSM, that only contains the download boundary
        Load the file in JOSM and update the data.
        Note: Please do not missuse this function to download large areas with josm
        from shapely.geometry import LineString, Polygon

        f_out = open(filename, 'w')
        f_out.write("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n")
        f_out.write("<osm version='0.6' upload='true' generator='JOSM'>\n")

        for i, op in enumerate(self.outer_polygons):
            # create coordinate list and then a polygon
            plist = [(, node.lon) for node in op]
            outer_polygon = Polygon(LineString(plist))

            if not outer_polygon.is_valid:
                raise ValueError('outer polygon no %i is not valid' % (i + 1))

            (minlat, minlon, maxlat, maxlon) = outer_polygon.bounds
            (x1, y2) = deg2num(minlat, minlon, tilezoom)
            (x2, y1) = deg2num(maxlat, maxlon, tilezoom)

            for ty in range(y1, y2 + 1):
                for tx in range(x1, x2 + 1):
                    tile_rectangle = [
                        num2deg(tx, ty, tilezoom),
                        num2deg(tx + 1, ty, tilezoom),
                        num2deg(tx + 1, ty + 1, tilezoom),
                        num2deg(tx, ty + 1, tilezoom),
                        num2deg(tx, ty, tilezoom)
                    tile_polygon = Polygon(tile_rectangle)

                    if outer_polygon.contains(
                            tile_polygon) or outer_polygon.intersects(
                        minlat = tile_rectangle[3][0]
                        minlon = tile_rectangle[3][1]
                        maxlat = tile_rectangle[1][0]
                        maxlon = tile_rectangle[1][1]

                        f_out.write('  <bounds minlat="%.7f" minlon="%.7f" maxlat="%.7f" maxlon="%.7f" />\n' \
                                    % (minlat-0.0000001, minlon-0.0000001, maxlat+0.0000001, maxlon+0.0000001))

Example #4
    def write_josm_file(self, filename, tilezoom=14):
        create a osm file for the editor JOSM, that only contains the download boundary
        Load the file in JOSM and update the data.
        Note: Please do not missuse this function to download large areas with josm
        from shapely.geometry import LineString, Polygon

        f_out = open(filename,'w')
        f_out.write("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n")
        f_out.write("<osm version='0.6' upload='true' generator='JOSM'>\n")
        for i, op in enumerate(self.outer_polygons):
            # create coordinate list and then a polygon
            plist = [(, node.lon) for node in op]
            outer_polygon = Polygon(LineString(plist))

            if not outer_polygon.is_valid:
                raise ValueError('outer polygon no %i is not valid' % (i+1))

            (minlat, minlon, maxlat, maxlon) = outer_polygon.bounds
            (x1, y2) = deg2num(minlat, minlon, tilezoom)
            (x2, y1) = deg2num(maxlat, maxlon, tilezoom)

            for ty in range(y1, y2 + 1):
                for tx in range(x1, x2 + 1):
                    tile_rectangle = [num2deg(tx, ty, tilezoom),
                                      num2deg(tx+1, ty, tilezoom),
                                      num2deg(tx+1, ty+1, tilezoom),
                                      num2deg(tx, ty+1, tilezoom),
                                      num2deg(tx, ty, tilezoom)]
                    tile_polygon = Polygon(tile_rectangle)

                    if outer_polygon.contains(tile_polygon) or outer_polygon.intersects(tile_polygon):
                        minlat = tile_rectangle[3][0]
                        minlon = tile_rectangle[3][1]
                        maxlat = tile_rectangle[1][0]
                        maxlon = tile_rectangle[1][1]

                        f_out.write('  <bounds minlat="%.7f" minlon="%.7f" maxlat="%.7f" maxlon="%.7f" />\n' \
                                    % (minlat-0.0000001, minlon-0.0000001, maxlat+0.0000001, maxlon+0.0000001))

Example #5
def extract_video_tiles(tiles, year, hansen_db, forest_loss_dir):
    out_fl = os.path.join(forest_loss_dir, year)
    fl_template = 'fl{year}_{z}_{x}_{y}.npy'
    # for z,x,y in [(12, 1260, 2185)]:
    for z, x, y in tiles:
        lon, lat = num2deg(int(x), int(y), int(z))
        int_year = int(year[2:])
        extract_fc_and_fl_tile(hansen_db, lon, lat, int_year, os.path.join(out_fl, fl_template.format(year=year, z=z, x=x, y=y)))
def extract_forma_tiles(tiles, year, forma_db, forest_loss_dir):
    out_fl = os.path.join(forest_loss_dir)
    fl_template = 'forma{year}_{z}_{x}_{y}.npy'
    for z, x, y in tiles:
        out_name = os.path.join(out_fl, fl_template.format(z=z, x=x, y=y))
        lon, lat = num2deg(int(x), int(y), int(z))
        int_year = int(year[2:])
        img_arr = extract_tile(hansen_db, lon, lat, 256, crs='ESPG:4326')
        save_fc(img_arr, out_name, int_year)
def main():
    gee_dir = '/mnt/ds3lab-scratch/lming/gee_data/images_forma_compare'
    # with open('/mnt/ds3lab-scratch/lming/gee_data/forma_tiles2017.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    #     tiles = pkl.load(f)
    tiles = [('11', '753', '1076'), ('11', '773', '1071')]

    forma_dir = os.path.join(gee_dir, 'forma')
    forma2017db =
    # out_dir = os.path.join(forma_dir, '2017')
    out_dir = gee_dir
    forma_name = 'forma{year}_{z}_{x}_{y}.npy'
    for tile in tiles:
        z, x, y = tile
        lon, lat = num2deg(int(x), int(y), int(z))
        tile = extract_tile(forma2017db, lon, lat, 256, crs='ESPG:4326')[0]
            os.path.join(out_dir, forma_name.format(year='2017', z=z, x=x,
                                                    y=y)), tile)