Example #1
 def fit_agl(self,
             x: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor],
             y: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor],
             lam: Union[float, int],
             max_iters: int = 1000,
             smooth: Union[float, int] = 0,
             weights: List[Union[int, float]] = None):
     """fits the adaptive group lasso"""
     if self.beta is None and weights is None:
             "Initial beta estimation is not available, please run fit or fit_gic first."
         return None
     if weights is None:
         weights = self.compute_weights(self.beta)
     x = remove_intercept(x)
     x = numpy_to_torch(x)
     y = numpy_to_torch(y)
     x = self.normalize(x)
     x_basis = self.basis_expansion_(x, self.df, self.degree)
     group_size = [self.df] * len(weights)
     x_basis, group_size = add_intercept(x_basis, group_size)
     beta_agl = self.solve(x_basis,
     self.beta_agl = beta_agl
     self.beta = beta_agl
     return self
Example #2
 def fit_2(self,
           x: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor],
           y: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor],
           num_lams: int,
           max_iters: int = 1000,
           an: Union[int, float] = None,
           smooth: Union[float, int] = 0):
     """fit group lasso then followed by adaptive group lasso, saves time for basis expansion"""
     x = numpy_to_torch(x)
     y = numpy_to_torch(y)
     x = remove_intercept(x)
     x = self.normalize(x)
     x_basis = self.basis_expansion_(x, self.df, self.degree)
     group_size = [self.df] * x.shape[1]
     x_basis, group_size = add_intercept(x_basis, group_size)
     result = self.fit_path(x_basis,
     beta_gl = result[min(list(result.keys()))]
     weights = self.compute_weights(beta_gl)
     result = self.fit_path(x_basis,
     best_gic = np.inf
     best_lam = 0
     best_beta = None
     if an is None:
         an = np.log(x.shape[1]) / x.shape[0]
     for lam in result.keys():
         beta_full = result[lam]
         gic = self.compute_gic(x_basis, y, beta_full, an, group_size)
         print(f"lam:{lam}, gic:{gic}")
         if gic < best_gic:
             best_lam = lam
             best_beta = beta_full
             best_gic = gic
     self.beta_agl_gic = best_beta
     self.beta = best_beta
     num_nz, nz = compute_nonzeros(best_beta, group_size)
         f"The best lam {best_lam} and the best gic {best_gic}. Finally selected {num_nz - 1} nonzeros: {nz}"
     return self
Example #3
        def eval_regions(bw, thr=0.0):
            mask_labeled = labelize(bw)
            regions = regionprops(mask_labeled)

            prop_saliency = []
            doa = []
            min_area = int(np.prod(target_shape) * thr)
            valid_idx = []
            for pid, props in enumerate(regions):
                if props.area < min_area:
                # extract proposal mask
                prop_mask = np.ones(bw.shape, dtype=np.float32)
                for u, v in props.coords:
                    prop_mask[u, v] = 0.
                # compute contribution
                prop_mask = utils.numpy_to_torch(prop_mask, use_cuda=HAS_CUDA)
                perturbated_input = img.mul(prop_mask) + blurred_img.mul(
                    1 - prop_mask)
                drop = 1. - predict(model, perturbated_input, category)
                doa.append(drop / props.area)
                #print('Region saliency: {:.6f}'.format(prop_saliency[-1]))

            prop_saliency = np.asarray(prop_saliency)
            doa = np.asarray(doa)
            regions = np.asarray(regions)

            idx = np.argsort(prop_saliency)[::-1][:args.top_k]
            prop_saliency = prop_saliency[idx]
            regions = regions[valid_idx][idx]

            return regions, prop_saliency, doa
Example #4
 def fit(self,
         x: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor],
         y: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor],
         lam: Union[float, int],
         max_iters: int = 1000,
         weight: List[Union[int, float]] = None,
         smooth: Union[float, int] = 0):
     """fit the GAM model"""
     x = remove_intercept(x)
     x = numpy_to_torch(x)
     y = numpy_to_torch(y)
     x = self.normalize(x)
     x_basis = self.basis_expansion_(x, self.df, self.degree)
     group_size = [self.df] * x.shape[1]
     self.beta = self.solve(x_basis,
     return self
Example #5
 def fit_gic(self,
             x: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor],
             y: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor],
             num_lams: int,
             max_iters: int = 1000,
             an: Union[int, float] = None,
             smooth: Union[int, float] = 0):
     """fits the group lasso with gic"""
     x = numpy_to_torch(x)
     y = numpy_to_torch(y)
     x = remove_intercept(x)
     x = self.normalize(x)
     x_basis = self.basis_expansion_(x, self.df, self.degree)
     group_size = [self.df] * x.shape[1]
     x_basis, group_size = add_intercept(x_basis, group_size)
     result = self.fit_path(x_basis,
     best_gic = np.inf
     if an is None:
         an = self.df * np.log(np.log(x.shape[0])) * np.log(
             x.shape[1]) / x.shape[0]
     for lam in result.keys():
         gic = self.compute_gic(x_basis, y, result[lam], an, group_size)
         # print(f"lam:{lam}, gic:{gic}")
         if gic < best_gic:
             best_lam = lam
             best_beta = result[lam]
             best_gic = gic
     self.beta_gic = best_beta
     self.beta = best_beta
     print(f"The best lam {best_lam} and the best gic {best_gic}.")
     return self
Example #6
 def predict(self, x: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]):
     """predicts x"""
     x = numpy_to_torch(x)
     x = remove_intercept(x)
     x = self.normalize_test(x)
     x_basis = self.basis_expansion_(x, self.df, self.degree)
     x_basis = add_intercept(x_basis)
     eta = torch.matmul(x_basis, self.beta)
     if self.data_class == 'regression':
         return eta
     elif self.data_class == 'classification':
         return torch.where(
             sigmoid(eta) > 0.5, torch.ones(len(eta)),
     elif self.data_class == 'gamma':
         return torch.exp(-eta)
         return torch.round(torch.exp(eta))
Example #7
 def plot_functions(self,
                    x: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor],
                    cols: int = 5):
     """plot the estimated functions"""
     x = numpy_to_torch(x)
     x = remove_intercept(x)
     x_n = self.normalize_test(x)
     x_basis = self.basis_expansion_(x_n, self.df, self.degree)
     beta = self.beta[1:]
     nz, nzs = compute_nonzeros(beta, [self.df] * x.shape[1])
     nrows = nz // cols + 1
     fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=cols, figsize=(20, 12))
     x_o = torch.exp(x) - 0.1
     for i, j in enumerate(nzs):
         eta = torch.matmul(x_basis[:, self.df * j:self.df * (j + 1)],
                            beta[self.df * j:self.df * (j + 1)].double())
         ax.flatten()[i].scatter(x_o.detach().numpy()[:, j],
         ax.flatten()[i].title.set_text(f"Variable {j + 1}")
Example #8
def compute_heatmap(model,
    '''Compute image heatmaps according to: https://arxiv.org/abs/1704.03296
    Interpretable Explanations of Black Boxes by Meaningful Perturbation

        model           : deep neural network or other black box model; e.g. VGG
        params          : namedtuple/recordclass of settings
        original_img    : input image, RGB-8bit
        mask_init       : init heatmap
        use_cuda        : enable/disable GPU usage

    # scale between 0 and 1 with 32-bit color depth
    img = np.float32(original_img) / 255

    # generate a perturbated version of the input image
    blurred_img_numpy = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (11, 11), 10)

    # prepare image to feed to the model
    img = utils.preprocess_image(img, use_cuda,
                                 gpu_id=gpu_id)  # original image
    blurred_img = utils.preprocess_image(
        blurred_img_numpy, use_cuda,
        gpu_id=gpu_id)  # blurred version of input image
    mask = utils.numpy_to_torch(mask_init, use_cuda=use_cuda,
                                gpu_id=gpu_id)  # init mask

    upsample = torch.nn.Upsample(size=params.target_shape, mode='bilinear')
    blur = utils.BlurTensor(use_cuda, gpu_id=gpu_id)

    if use_cuda:
        upsample = upsample.cuda(gpu_id)

    # optimize only the heatmap
    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([mask], lr=params.learning_rate)

    # compute the target output
    target_preds = model(img)
    targets = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=1)(target_preds)
    category, target_prob, label = utils.get_class_info(targets)
    if verbose:
        print("Category with highest probability:",
              (label, category, target_prob))

    if params.target_id is not None:
        if category != params.target_id:
            print("Wrong classification! Skipping")
            return None

    loss_history = []

    if verbose:
        print("Optimizing.. ")
    for i in range(params.max_iterations):

        # upsample the mask and use it
        # the mask is duplicated to have 3 channels since it is
        # single channel and is used with a 224*224 RGB image
        # NOTE: the upsampled mask is only used to compute the
        # perturbation on the input image
        upsampled_mask = upsample(mask)
        if params.blur:
            upsampled_mask = blur(upsampled_mask, 5)
        upsampled_mask = upsampled_mask.expand(1, 3, *params.target_shape)

        # use the (upsampled) mask to perturbated the input image
        # blend the median blurred image and the original (scaled) image
        # accordingly to the current (upsampled) mask
        perturbated_input = img.mul(upsampled_mask) + \
                            blurred_img.mul(1 - upsampled_mask)

        # gaussian noise with is added to the preprocssed image
        # at each iteration, inspired by google's smooth gradient
        # https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.03825
        # https://pair-code.github.io/saliency/
        noise = np.zeros(params.target_shape + (3, ), dtype=np.float32)
        if params.noise_sigma != 0:
            noise = noise + cv2.randn(noise, 0., params.noise_sigma)
        noise = utils.numpy_to_torch(noise, use_cuda=use_cuda, gpu_id=gpu_id)
        noisy_perturbated_input = perturbated_input + noise * params.noise_scale

        # compute current prediction
        preds = model(noisy_perturbated_input)
        outputs = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=1)(preds)

        # compute the loss and use the regularizers
        class_loss = outputs[0, category]
        l1_loss = params.l1_coeff * l1_reg(mask)
        tv_loss = params.tv_coeff * tv_reg(mask, params.tv_beta)
        lasso_loss = params.lasso_coeff * lasso_reg(mask)
        less_loss = params.less_coeff * less_reg(preds, target_preds)

        losses = [class_loss, l1_loss, tv_loss, lasso_loss, less_loss]
        total_loss = np.sum(losses)

        # convert loss tensors to scalars
        losses = [total_loss.data.cpu().squeeze().numpy()[0]
                  ] + [l.data.cpu().numpy()[0] for l in losses]

        # update the optimization process

        # optional: clamping seems to give better results
        # should be useless, but numerical s**t happens
        mask.data.clamp_(0, 1)

    # upsample the computed final mask
    upsampled_mask = upsample(mask)
    if params.blur:
        upsampled_mask = blur(upsampled_mask, 5)

    perturbated_input = img.mul(upsampled_mask) + \
                        blurred_img.mul(1 - upsampled_mask)

    # compute the prediction probabilities before
    # and after the perturbation and masking
    outputs = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=1)(model(perturbated_input))
    output_prob = outputs[0, category].data.cpu().squeeze().numpy()[0]

    # compute the prediction on the completely blurred image
    outputs = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=1)(model(blurred_img))
    blurred_prob = outputs[0, category].data.cpu().squeeze().numpy()[0]

    return upsampled_mask, blurred_img_numpy, target_prob, output_prob, blurred_prob, np.asarray(
        loss_history), category
Example #9
def compute_heatmap_using_superpixels(model,

    img = np.float32(original_img) / 255
    blurred_img_numpy = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (11, 11), 10)

    # associate at each pixel the id of the corresponding superpixel
    segm_img = slic(img.copy()[:, :, ::-1],
    s2p = Superpixel2Pixel(segm_img, use_cuda, gpu_id=gpu_id)

    # generate superpixel initialization image
    nb_segms = np.max(segm_img) + 1
    segm_init = np.zeros((nb_segms, ), dtype=np.float32)
    if mask_init is None:
        segm_init = segm_init + 0.5
        for i in range(nb_segms):
            segm_init[i] = np.mean(mask_init[segm_img == i])
            # segm_init[i] = 0.5 if segm_init[i] < 0.5 else segm_init[i]

    blur = utils.BlurTensor(use_cuda, gpu_id=gpu_id)

    # create superpixel image mask
    if use_cuda:
        segm = Variable(torch.from_numpy(segm_init).cuda(gpu_id),
        segm = Variable(torch.from_numpy(segm_init), requires_grad=True)

    img = utils.preprocess_image(img, use_cuda,
                                 gpu_id=gpu_id)  # original image
    blurred_img = utils.preprocess_image(
        blurred_img_numpy, use_cuda,
        gpu_id=gpu_id)  # blurred version of input image

    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([segm], lr=params.learning_rate)

    target_preds = model(img)
    targets = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=1)(target_preds)
    category, target_prob, label = utils.get_class_info(targets)
    if verbose:
        print("Category with highest probability:",
              (label, category, target_prob))

    loss_history = []

    if verbose:
        print("Optimizing.. ")
    for i in range(params.max_iterations):
        upsampled_mask = s2p(segm).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)
        if params.blur:
            upsampled_mask = blur(upsampled_mask, 5)
        upsampled_mask = upsampled_mask.expand(1, 3, *params.target_shape)

        perturbated_input = img.mul(upsampled_mask) + \
                            blurred_img.mul(1 - upsampled_mask)

        noise = np.zeros(params.target_shape + (3, ), dtype=np.float32)
        if params.noise_sigma != 0:
            noise = noise + cv2.randn(noise, 0., params.noise_sigma)
        noise = utils.numpy_to_torch(noise, use_cuda=use_cuda, gpu_id=gpu_id)
        noisy_perturbated_input = perturbated_input + noise * params.noise_scale

        preds = model(noisy_perturbated_input)
        outputs = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=1)(preds)

        current_mask = segm  # upsampled_mask

        class_loss = outputs[0, category]
        l1_loss = params.l1_coeff * l1_reg(current_mask)
        tv_loss = params.tv_coeff * tv_reg(upsampled_mask, params.tv_beta)
        lasso_loss = params.lasso_coeff * lasso_reg(current_mask)
        less_loss = params.less_coeff * less_reg(preds, target_preds)

        losses = [class_loss, l1_loss, tv_loss, lasso_loss, less_loss]
        total_loss = np.sum(losses)

        losses = [total_loss.data.cpu().squeeze().numpy()[0]
                  ] + [l.data.cpu().numpy()[0] for l in losses]


        segm.data.clamp_(0, 1)

    if params.blur:
        upsampled_mask = blur(upsampled_mask, 5)

    perturbated_input = img.mul(upsampled_mask) + \
                        blurred_img.mul(1 - upsampled_mask)

    outputs = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=1)(model(perturbated_input))
    output_prob = outputs[0, category].data.cpu().squeeze().numpy()[0]

    outputs = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=1)(model(blurred_img))
    blurred_prob = outputs[0, category].data.cpu().squeeze().numpy()[0]

    return upsampled_mask, blurred_img_numpy, target_prob, output_prob, blurred_prob, np.asarray(
        loss_history), category
Example #10
 def solution_path(self, x: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], y: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor],
                   num_lams: int, group_size: Union[int, List[int]], max_iters: int = 1000,
                   smooth: Union[float, int] = 0, recompute_hg: bool = True,
                   weight: List[Union[int, List[int]]] = None) \
         -> (List[torch.Tensor], List[float]):
     fits the model with a use specified lambda
     :param x: the design matrix
     :param y: the response
     :param num_lams: number of lambdas
     :param group_size: list of group sizes, or simple group size if all groups are of the same size
     :param max_iters: the maximum number of iterations
     :param smooth: smoothness parameter
     :param recompute_hg: whether to recompute hg
     :param weight: feature weights
     :return: coefficients
     x = numpy_to_torch(x)
     y = numpy_to_torch(y)
     self.group_size = group_size
     if isinstance(group_size, int):
         group_size = [1] + [group_size] * (x.shape[1] // group_size)
     if weight is None:
         weight = [0] + [1] * len(group_size)
     weights = [np.sqrt(group_size[i]) * weight[i] for i in range(len(group_size))]
     assert np.sum(group_size) == x.shape[1], "Sum of group sizes do not match number of variables."
     betas = []
     lam_max = self.find_max_lambda(x, y, weights[1:], group_size[1:])
     lam_max *= (1 + 1 / num_lams * 10)
     lams = list(np.linspace(0, lam_max, num_lams))
     lam_last = None
     for lam in lams:
         if not betas:
             # beta_full = self.solve(x, y, lam, group_size, max_iters, weights, smooth, recompute_hg)
             beta_full = torch.tensor([self.null_estimate(y)] + [0] * (sum(group_size) - 1))
             lam_last = lam
             beta = betas[-1]
             strong_index = self.strong_rule(x, y, beta, group_size, lam, lam_last, weights)
             x_s, group_size_s, weight_s = self.strong_x(x, group_size, strong_index, weights)
             # start = datetime.now().timestamp()
             beta_s = self.solve(x_s, y, lam, group_size_s, max_iters, weight_s, smooth, recompute_hg,
             # end = datetime.now().timestamp()
             # print(f"solve {end - start}")
             beta_full = self.strong_to_full_beta(beta_s, group_size, strong_index)
             v = self.fail_kkt(x, y, beta_full, group_size, lam, strong_index, weights)
             while len(v) > 0:
                 strong_index = list(set(strong_index + v))
                 x_s, group_size_s, weight_s = self.strong_x(x, group_size, strong_index, weights)
                 beta_s = self.solve(x_s, y, lam, group_size_s, max_iters, weight_s, smooth,
                                     recompute_hg, weight_multiplied=True)
                 beta_full = self.strong_to_full_beta(beta_s, group_size, strong_index)
                 v = self.fail_kkt(x, y, beta_full, group_size, lam, strong_index, weights)
             lam_last = lam
         num_nz, nz = compute_nonzeros(beta_full, group_size)
         print(f"Fitted lam = {lam}, {num_nz - 1} nonzero variables {nz}")
         if sum([group_size[i] for i in nz]) > 2 * x.shape[0]:
             lams = lams[:lams.index(lam) + 1]
     return betas, lams,
Example #11
 def solve(self, x: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], y: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], lam: Union[float, int],
           group_size: Union[int, List[int]], max_iters: int = 1000, weight: List[Union[int, List[int]]] = None,
           smooth: Union[float, int] = 0, recompute_hg: bool = True,
           beta_warm: torch.Tensor = None, weight_multiplied: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor:
     fits the model with a use specified lambda
     :param x: the design matrix
     :param y: the response
     :param lam: the lambda for group lasso
     :param group_size: list of group sizes, or simple group size if all groups are of the same size
     :param weight: feature weights
     :param max_iters: the maximum number of iterations
     :param smooth: smoothness parameter
     :param recompute_hg: whether to recompute hg
     :param beta_warm: warm start of beta
     :return: coefficients
     if isinstance(group_size, int):
         group_size = [group_size] * (x.shape[1] // group_size)
     assert np.sum(group_size) == x.shape[1], \
         f"Sum of group sizes {sum(group_size)} do not match number of variables {x.shape[1]}."
     assert lam >= 0, "Tuning parameter lam must be non-negative."
     """initialize parameters"""
     self.smoothness_penalty = smooth
     x = numpy_to_torch(x)
     y = numpy_to_torch(y)
     x, y = check_xy(x, y)
     x, group_size = add_intercept(x, group_size)
     if weight is None:
         weight = [1] * len(group_size)
     if not weight_multiplied:
         weights = [np.sqrt(group_size[i]) * weight[i] for i in range(len(group_size))]
         weights = weight[:]
     x1 = x.clone()
     # x1, self.R = self.group_orthogonalization(x, group_size)
     beta, error, iters, loss = self.initialize(group_size)
     if beta_warm is not None and beta_warm.shape == beta.shape:
         beta = beta_warm
     intercept_err = np.inf
     beta_old = beta.clone()
     num_groups = len(group_size)
     hg = None
     """start iterations"""
     while (error > self.tol or intercept_err > self.tol) and iters <= max_iters:
         iters += 1
         for g in range(num_groups):
             group_idx_start, group_idx_end = self.find_group_index(group_size, g)
             if recompute_hg or hg is None or g <= 2:
                 hg = self.compute_hg(x1, y, beta, group_idx_start, group_idx_end)
             derivative = self.compute_grad(x1, y, beta)
             if g == 0:
                 d = self.compute_d(False, derivative, beta, lam, group_idx_start, group_idx_end, hg)
                 alpha = self.line_search(x1, y, beta, d, group_size, g, lam)
                 beta = beta + alpha * d
                 beta[group_idx_start: group_idx_end] = self.close_form_QM(beta, derivative, hg, lam,
                                                                           group_idx_start, group_idx_end,
                                                                           weights[g], smooth)
         error = torch.norm(beta[1:] - beta_old[1:])
         intercept_err = abs(beta[0].detach().numpy() - beta_old[0].detach().numpy())
         beta_old = beta.clone()
         # print(f"error is {error}")
     # print(iters)
     # beta = self.group_orthogonalization_inverse(beta, self.R, group_size)
     return beta
Example #12
        #_, mask_bw_ref = cv2.threshold(mask_bw_ref, 132, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
        _, mask_bw_ref = cv2.threshold(mask_bw_ref, 204, 255,

        mask_numpy = cv2.imread(os.path.join(d, 'sharp/mask.png'), 1)
        mask_numpy = 1. - np.float32(mask_numpy) / 255
        # binarize mask
        # revert the image to correctly compute the regions
        mask_bw = np.uint8(255. - mask_numpy[:, :, 0] * 255.)
        _, mask_bw = cv2.threshold(mask_bw, 128, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)

        # convert images to torch tensors
        img = utils.preprocess_image(scaled_img, use_cuda=HAS_CUDA)
        blurred_img = utils.preprocess_image(blurred_img_numpy,
        mask = utils.numpy_to_torch(mask_numpy, use_cuda=HAS_CUDA)

        if args.verbose:
            print('Computing classification confidence drop')
        target_probs = predict(model, img, None)
        category, target_prob, label = utils.get_class_info(target_probs)
        if args.verbose:
            print('Category with highest probability:',
                  (label, category, target_prob))

        perturbated_input = img.mul(mask) + blurred_img.mul(1 - mask)
        perturbated_prob = predict(model, perturbated_input, category)
        if args.verbose:
            print('Confidence after perturbing the input image: {:.6f}'.format(