Example #1
    def blit_info(self):
        # blitting info for floating mana.
        index = 0
        for civilization in player.floating_mana:
            if player.floating_mana[civilization] > 0:
                    (percent_of_screen_width(45 + index),

                index += 2.5
                text = self.font_for_mana_info.render(
                    str(player.floating_mana[civilization]), 1, (0, 0, 0))
                self.window.blit(text, (percent_of_screen_width(45 + index),

                index += 2.5

        text = self.font_for_phase_info.render(player.current_phase, 1,
                                               (0, 0, 0))
            text, (percent_of_screen_width(88), percent_of_screen_height(87)))

        text = self.font_for_phase_info.render(npc.current_phase, 1, (0, 0, 0))
            text, (percent_of_screen_width(88), percent_of_screen_height(20)))

        text = self.font_for_phase_info.render(player.current_phase, 1,
                                               (0, 0, 0))
            text, (percent_of_screen_width(88), percent_of_screen_height(87)))
Example #2
 def __init__(self):
     # Mana zone
     self.pos_xy = percent_of_screen_width(
         31), percent_of_screen_height(74)
     self.height = percent_of_screen_height(12.5)
     self.width = percent_of_screen_width(31)
     self.rect = (self.pos_xy[0], self.pos_xy[1], self.width,
 def is_in_battle_zone(self):
     self.img_width = percent_of_screen_width(5.3)
     self.img_height = percent_of_screen_height(12.7)
     self.width = percent_of_screen_width(5.3)
     self.height = percent_of_screen_height(12.7)
     self.in_battle_zone = True
     self.location = self.owner.cards_in_battle_zone
    def __init__(self, name):
        # card info
        self.name = name
        self.civilization = cards_dict_class.civilization_by_name(name)
        self.card_type = card_dict[self.civilization][self.name]['Card Type']
        self.card_text = card_dict[self.civilization][self.name]['Card Text']
        self.mana_cost = card_dict[self.civilization][self.name]["Mana Cost"]
        self.power = card_dict[self.civilization][self.name]["Power"]
        self.race = card_dict[self.civilization][self.name]["Race"]

        # card properties.
        self.img = card_dict[self.civilization][self.name]["img"]
        self.info_img = pygame.transform.scale(
            (percent_of_screen_width(15.9), percent_of_screen_height(38.1)))
        self.card_back_img = sprite_loader.card_back

        self.pos_xy = (0, 0)
        self.pos_index = 0

        # card img size
        self.img_width = percent_of_screen_width(5.3)
        self.img_height = percent_of_screen_height(12.7)

        # card size
        self.width = percent_of_screen_width(5.3)
        self.height = percent_of_screen_height(12.7)

        # if the card i clicked by the mouse and can be picked up.
        self.is_picked_up = False

        # when the mouse is hovering over the card will show info.
        self.hover_over = False

        # if the card is used, it cant be used before next turn. (for attacking or for floating mana)
        self.is_used = False

        # blitting the card at a 90 angle if tapped.
        self.is_tapped = False

        # using bools for logic.
        self.in_graveyard = False
        self.in_battle_zone = False
        self.in_hand = False
        self.in_mana_zone = False
        self.in_shield_zone = False

        self.is_selected_bool = False

        self.is_clicked_bool = False
        # check how owns the card.
        self.owner = None

        self.location = None

        self.summoning_sickness = True

        self.triggers = []
Example #5
 def __init__(self):
     # Battle zone
     # creating positions for cards in players battlezone
     self.pos_xy = (percent_of_screen_width(31),
     self.height = percent_of_screen_height(12.5)
     self.width = percent_of_screen_width(31)
     self.rect = (self.pos_xy[0], self.pos_xy[1], self.width,
    def tap(self):
        if not self.is_tapped:
            self.is_tapped = True
            self.width = percent_of_screen_height(3.5)
            self.height = percent_of_screen_width(5.3)

            self.is_tapped = False
            self.width = percent_of_screen_width(5.3)
            self.height = percent_of_screen_height(3.5)
 def is_in_mana_zone(self):
     print("card is in mana zone")
     # makes the image smaller, will fit better in manazone
     self.img = pygame.transform.chop(self.img, (0, 45, 0, 325))
     self.img_width = percent_of_screen_width(5.3)
     self.img_height = percent_of_screen_height(3.5)
     self.width = percent_of_screen_width(5.3)
     self.height = percent_of_screen_height(3.5)
     self.in_mana_zone = True
     self.location = self.owner.cards_in_mana_zone
 def untap_cards(self):
     for card in (self.cards_in_battle_zone + self.cards_in_mana_zone):
         card.is_tapped = False
         card.is_used = False
         card.summoning_sickness = False
         card.width = percent_of_screen_width(5.3)
         card.height = percent_of_screen_height(3.5)
     self.if_charged_mana = False
    def __init__(self):

        self.name = "noName"
        self.in_game = True

        # player input
        self.mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos  # mouse

        self.saved_deck = ['WrithingBoneGhoul', 'WrithingBoneGhoul', 'WrithingBoneGhoul',
                           'WrithingBoneGhoul', 'DeathSmoke', 'DeathSmoke', 'MieleVizierofLightning',
                           'MieleVizierofLightning', 'MieleVizierofLightning', 'LaUraGigaSkyGuardian',
                           'LaUraGigaSkyGuardian', 'ToelVizierofHope', 'SzubsKinTwilightGuardian',
                           'SenatineJadeTree', 'RubyGrass', 'CreepingPlague', 'BoneSpider',
                           'SuperExplosiveVolcanodon', 'Stonesaur', 'ScarletSkyterror',
                           'RothusTheTraveler', 'SteelSmasher', 'GoldenWingStriker', 'BronzeArmTribe']
        # saving the deck two places, will help when resetting.
        # creates a list of card objects with the "ACard" class.
        self.deck_list = [card_classes.ACard(name) for name in self.saved_deck]
        self.cards_in_hand = []
        self.cards_in_shields = []
        self.cards_in_mana_zone = []
        self.cards_in_graveyard = []
        self.cards_in_battle_zone = []

        self.battlezone = zones_class.battlezone
        self.battlezone_position = (percent_of_screen_width(6.25), percent_of_screen_height(46))
        self.battlezone_slots = []

        self.manazone = zones_class.manazone
        self.manazone_position = (percent_of_screen_width(6.25), percent_of_screen_height(74))
        self.manazone_slots = []

        self.graveyard = zones_class.graveyard
        self.graveyard_position = (percent_of_screen_width(65), percent_of_screen_height(80))

        self.shield_zone = zones_class.shieldzone
        self.shield_zone_position = (percent_of_screen_width(6.25), percent_of_screen_height(60.2))
        self.shield_slots = []

        self.hand_pos_x = (0.465, 0.29)
        self.hand_pos_y = 0.91
    def position_cards_in_hand(self):
        for i, card in zip(itertools.count(), self.cards_in_hand):
            card.pos_index = i

        hand_size = len(self.cards_in_hand)
        screen_width = screen_size[0]
        screen_height = screen_size[1]
        positions_in_hand = []
        # as long as hand size is less then 7 there will be no card overlapping
        if hand_size < 7:
            positions_in_hand = [
                ((int(screen_size[0] * (self.hand_pos_x[0] - (0.025 * hand_size)) + x * int(screen_size[0] * 0.051))),
                 int(screen_size[1] * self.hand_pos_y)) for x in range(hand_size)]

        # creats a list of positions according to hand img_width and hand size.
            max_hand_width = screen_width * 0.3125  # the width of the hand is max 31 % of the screen.

            hand_spot_size = int(max_hand_width / hand_size)  # the size of the spots are determent by hand size-

            # overlap is how much the cards overlap.
            overlap = percent_of_screen_width(5.3) - hand_spot_size

            for card in self.cards_in_hand:  # reduce the card box my overlap size.

                card.width = percent_of_screen_width(5.3) - overlap

                if card == self.cards_in_hand[-1]:  # if its the last card in hand, no need to make the box smaller.
                    card.width = percent_of_screen_width(5.3)

            for x in range(hand_size):  # create a list the size of the hand.

                # the position of the hand on x-axes
                move_hand_left = int(screen_width * self.hand_pos_x[1] + (hand_spot_size / 3))

                card_pos_x = move_hand_left + hand_spot_size * x

                positions_in_hand.append((card_pos_x, int(screen_height * self.hand_pos_y)))

        for card in self.cards_in_hand:
    def __init__(self):

        self.saved_deck = ['DeadlyFighterBraidClaw', 'ArmoredWalkerUrherion', 'ArmoredWalkerUrherion', 'ArtisanPicora',
                           'ArtisanPicora', 'BolshackDragon', 'BrawlerZyler', 'BrawlerZyler', 'BrawlerZyler',
                           'DeadlyFighterBraidClaw', 'FatalAttackerHorvath', 'FatalAttackerHorvath',
                           'FatalAttackerHorvath', 'FatalAttackerHorvath', 'FireSweeperBurningHellion',
                           'FireSweeperBurningHellion', 'FireSweeperBurningHellion', 'ImmortalBaronVorg',
                           'ImmortalBaronVorg', 'ImmortalBaronVorg', 'ImmortalBaronVorg']

        self.deck_list = [card_classes.ACard(name) for name in self.saved_deck]

        self.battlezone_position = (percent_of_screen_width(6.25), percent_of_screen_height(30))

        self.manazone_position = (percent_of_screen_width(6.25), percent_of_screen_height(5.2))

        self.graveyard_position = (percent_of_screen_width(25), percent_of_screen_height(15))

        self.shield_zone_position = (percent_of_screen_width(6.25), percent_of_screen_height(20))

        self.hand_pos_x = (0.665, 0.29)
        self.hand_pos_y = 0.05

        self.turn_counter = 1
    def blit_card(self, window):
        # getting the img to blit, and resizing it.
        card_img = pygame.transform.scale(self.img,
                                          (self.img_width, self.img_height))

        if self.is_clicked_bool:
            if not self.in_mana_zone:
                pygame.draw.rect(window, (250, 0, 0),
                                 (self.pos_xy[0] - 5, self.pos_xy[1] - 5,
                                  self.width + 10, self.height + 10))
                window.blit(self.info_img, (percent_of_screen_width(82.5),

        if not self.in_shield_zone:

            if self.in_mana_zone:
                card_img = pygame.transform.flip(card_img, False, True)

            if self.is_tapped:
                # rotating the card 90 degrees if the card is tapped.
                card_img = pygame.transform.rotate(card_img, -90)

            # if the card is clicked it will be highlighted.
            if self.is_picked_up:
                # if that card is picked up, the card will get mouse pos.

            if self.hover_over:
                window.blit(self.info_img, (percent_of_screen_width(62.5),

            window.blit(card_img, self.pos_xy)

            window.blit(self.card_back_img, self.pos_xy)
Example #13
    def __init__(self):
        self.font_for_phase_info = pygame.font.SysFont('comicsand', 30, True)
        self.font_for_info = pygame.font.SysFont('comicsand', 30, True)
        self.font_for_mana_info = pygame.font.SysFont('comicsand', 30, True)

        infos = pygame.display.Info()
        self.screen_size = (infos.current_w, infos.current_h)

        self.font_for_info = pygame.font.SysFont('comicsand', 30, True)

        self.fullscreen = True
        self.playingfield_resized = \
                                   (percent_of_screen_width(100), percent_of_screen_height(100)))

        infos = pygame.display.Info()
        self.screen_size = (infos.current_w, infos.current_h)

        self.window = pygame.display.set_mode((0, 0), pygame.FULLSCREEN)

        pygame.display.set_caption('Duel Masters')
    def __init__(self):
        self.cards_dict = card_dict
        self.playing_field = pygame.image.load("Sprits/playingfield.png")

        self.card_back_raw = pygame.image.load("Sprits/pic43176.jpg")

        self.civilization_ikons = {}

        self.darkness_small = pygame.image.load("Sprits/darkness_small.png")

        self.fire_small = pygame.image.load("Sprits/fire_small.png")

        self.light_small = pygame.image.load("Sprits/light_small.png")

        self.nature_small = pygame.image.load("Sprits/nature_small.png")

        self.water_small = pygame.image.load("Sprits/water_small.png")

        self.civilization_ikons = {'Darkness': self.darkness_small,
                                   'Fire': self.fire_small, 'Light': self.light_small,
                                   'Nature': self.nature_small, 'Water': self.water_small}

        self.card_back = pygame.transform.scale(self.card_back_raw,
                                                (percent_of_screen_width(5.2), percent_of_screen_height(13)))
Example #15
        def __init__(self):
            self.pos_xy = (0, 0)

            # size of a card.
            self.width = percent_of_screen_width(5.3)
            self.height = percent_of_screen_height(12.7)