def do_aaa(self, args): """Analyze absolutely all: Show a collection of stats about the current sample""" print("\x1b[31mFile analysis:\x1b[0m") print_cols([ ("YARA:", ", ".join(map(str, yara_matches))), ("Chosen unpacker:", unpacker.__class__.__name__), ("Allowed sections:", ', '.join(unpacker.allowed_sections)), ("End of unpacking stub:", f"0x{endaddr:02x}" if endaddr != sys.maxsize else "unknown"), ("Section hopping detection:", "active" if section_hopping_control else "inactive"), ("Write+Exec detection:", "active" if write_execute_control else "inactive") ]) print("\n\x1b[31mPE stats:\x1b[0m") print_cols([("Declared virtual memory size:", f"0x{virtualmemorysize:02x}", "", ""), ("Actual loaded image size:", f"0x{len(loaded):02x}", "", ""), ("Image base address:", f"0x{BASE_ADDR:02x}", "", ""), ("Mapped stack space:", f"0x{STACK_ADDR:02x}", "-", f"0x{STACK_ADDR + STACK_SIZE:02x}"), ("Mapped hook space:", f"0x{HOOK_ADDR:02x}", "-", f"0x{HOOK_ADDR + 0x1000:02x}")]) self.do_i("i") print("\n\x1b[31mRegister status:\x1b[0m") self.do_i("r")
def print_imports(args): lines_static = [] lines_dynamic = [] for addr, name in apicall_handler.hooks.items(): try: module = apicall_handler.module_for_function[name] except KeyError: module = "?" if name in imports: lines_static += [(f"0x{addr:02x}", name, module)] else: lines_dynamic += [(f"0x{addr:02x}", name, module)] print("\n\x1b[31mStatic imports:\x1b[0m") print_cols(lines_static) print("\n\x1b[31mDynamic imports:\x1b[0m") print_cols(lines_dynamic)
def print_stats(): duration = time() - start hours, rest = divmod(duration, 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(rest, 60) print(f"\x1b[31mTime wasted emulating:\x1b[0m {int(hours):02} h {int(minutes):02} min {int(seconds):02} s") print("\x1b[31mAPI calls:\x1b[0m") print_cols([(name, amount) for name, amount in api_calls.items()]) print("\n\x1b[31mInstructions executed in sections:\x1b[0m") print_cols([(name, amount) for name, amount in sections_executed.items()]) print("\n\x1b[31mRead accesses:\x1b[0m") print_cols([(name, amount) for name, amount in sections_read.items()]) print("\n\x1b[31mWrite accesses:\x1b[0m") print_cols([(name, amount) for name, amount in sections_written.items()])
def print_allocs(self): print("Currently allocated:") lines = [] for start, end in self.allocated_chunks: lines += [(hex(start), "-", hex(end))] print_cols(lines)
def init_sample(show_fortune=True): global sample, unpacker, yara_matches, startaddr, endaddr, allowed_addr_ranges, section_hopping_control, write_execute_control global sections_executed, sections_read, sections_written try: histfile = ".unpacker_history" if not os.path.exists(histfile): open(histfile, "w+").close() with open(histfile) as f: known_samples =[:10] + ["New sample..."] print("Your options for today:\n") lines = [] for i, s in enumerate(known_samples): if s == "New sample...": lines += [(f"\t[{i}]", "\x1b[33mNew sample...\x1b[0m", "")] else: packer, name = s.split(";") lines += [(f"\t[{i}]", f"\x1b[34m{packer}:\x1b[0m", name)] print_cols(lines) print() success = False while not success: try: id = int(input("Enter the option ID: ")) except ValueError: print("Error parsing ID") continue if 0 <= id < len(known_samples) - 1: sample = known_samples[id].split(";")[1] success = True elif id == len(known_samples) - 1: sample = input("Please enter the path to the file: ") if not os.path.isfile(sample): print(f"Not a valid file!") else: success = True else: print(f"Invalid ID. Allowed range: 0 - {len(known_samples) - 1}") try: unpacker, yara_matches = get_unpacker(sample) except RuntimeError as e: print(e) success = False continue startaddr = unpacker.get_entrypoint() endaddr, _ = unpacker.get_tail_jump() write_execute_control = unpacker.write_execute_control if show_fortune: with open("fortunes") as f: fortunes = print(f"\n\x1b[31m{choice(fortunes)}\x1b[0m\n") else: print("") with open(histfile, "w") as f: f.writelines("\n".join(sorted(set([f"{yara_matches[-1]};{sample}"] + known_samples[:-1])))) allowed_addr_ranges = unpacker.get_allowed_addr_ranges() if not allowed_addr_ranges: section_hopping_control = False except EOFError: with open("fortunes") as f: fortunes = print(f"\n\x1b[31m{choice(fortunes)}\x1b[0m\n") sys.exit(0)