Example #1
def handle_char_styles(page, data, parent, parser = None):
	off = 8
	(count, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
	ids = []
	off = len(data) - 2 * count
	start_ids = off - 2
	while off < len(data):
		(id, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
	off = 8
	fmt_size = 28
	start_styles = off + 2 + fmt_size * count
	attrsiter = add_pgiter(page, 'Attr. sets', 'wt602', 'container', data[off:start_styles], parent)
	off += 2
	for (n, id) in zip(range(0, count), ids):
		add_pgiter(page, 'Attr. set %d (ID: %d)' % (n, id), 'wt602', 'attrset', data[off:off + fmt_size], attrsiter)
		off += fmt_size
	assert(off == start_styles)
	descsiter = add_pgiter(page, 'Styles', 'wt602', 'container', data[off:start_ids], parent)
	off += 2
	n = 0
	while off < start_ids:
		add_pgiter(page, 'Style %d' % n, 'wt602', 'style', data[off:off + 6], descsiter)
		off += 6
		n += 1
	# assert(off == start_ids)
	add_pgiter(page, 'ID map', 'wt602', 'attrset_ids', data[start_ids:], parent)
Example #2
	def parse_data_record(self, n, data, parent):
		(para, off) = rdata(data, 2, '>H')
		off += 2
		(typ, off) = rdata(data, off, 'B')
		typ_str = None
		if int(typ) < len(plucker_type):
			typ_str = ' (%s)' % plucker_type[int(typ)]
		reciter = add_pgiter(self.page, 'Record %d%s' % (n, typ_str), 'pdb', 'plucker_record', data, parent)

		if typ == 0 or typ == 1:
			# read para headers
			off = 8
			paraiter = add_pgiter(self.page, 'Paragraphs', 'pdb', 0, data[off:off + 4 * int(para)], reciter)
			for i in range(int(para)):
				(size, off) = rdata(data, off, '>H')
				(attrs, off) = rdata(data, off, '>H')
				add_pgiter(self.page, 'Paragraph %d' % i, 'pdb', 'plucker_para', data[off - 4:off], paraiter)

			text = data[off:len(data)]

			if typ == 0:
				add_pgiter(self.page, 'Text', 'pdb', 0, text, reciter)
			elif typ == 1:
				if self.version == 1:
					uncompressed = lz77_decompress(text)
					add_pgiter(self.page, 'Text', 'pdb', 0, uncompressed, reciter)
				elif self.version == 2:
					uncompressed = zlib.decompress(text)
					add_pgiter(self.page, 'Text', 'pdb', 0, uncompressed, reciter)
Example #3
	def parse_text_frame(self, data, parent):
		off = self._parse_object(data, 0, parent)
		off = self._parse_object(data, off, parent)
		off = self._parse_object(data, off, parent)
		add_pgiter(self.page, 'Bounding box', 'zmf', 'zmf2_bbox', data[off:off + 0x20], parent)
		off += 0x20
		(count, off) = rdata(data, off, '<I')

		chars = []
		chars_len = 0
		i = 0
		while i < int(count):
			(length, off) = rdata(data, off, '<I')
			i += 1
			chars.append(data[off - 4:off + int(length)])
			chars_len += 4 + int(length)
			off += int(length)

		charsiter = add_pgiter(self.page, 'Characters', 'zmf', 0, data[off:off + chars_len], parent)
		i = 0
		while i != len(chars):
			add_pgiter(self.page, 'Character %d' % (i + 1), 'zmf', 'zmf2_character', chars[i], charsiter)
			i += 1

		return off
Example #4
def add_style_para(hd, size, data):
	off = 0
	(attribs, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
	# add_iter(hd, 'Changed attributes', '%s' % get_para_style(attribs), off - 2, 2, '<H')
	off += 2
	(attrset, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
	add_iter(hd, 'Attribute set', attrset, off - 2, 2, '<H')
Example #5
def add_string(hd, size, data, off, name, fmt):
	fmtlen = struct.calcsize(fmt)
	(length, off) = rdata(data, off, fmt)
	add_iter(hd, '%s length' % name, length, off - fmtlen, fmtlen, fmt)
	(text, off) = rdata(data, off, '%ds' % length)
	add_iter(hd, name, unicode(text, 'cp1250'), off - length, length, '%ds' % length)
	return off
Example #6
	def parse_text_frame(self, data, parent):
		off = self._parse_object(data, 0, parent)
		off = self._parse_object(data, off, parent)
		off = self._parse_object(data, off, parent)
		add_pgiter(self.page, 'Bounding box', 'zmf', 'zmf2_bbox', data[off:off + 0x20], parent)
		off += 0x20
		(count, off) = rdata(data, off, '<I')

		chars = []
		chars_len = 0
		i = 0
		while i < int(count):
			(length, off) = rdata(data, off, '<I')
			i += 1
			chars.append(data[off - 4:off + int(length)])
			chars_len += 4 + int(length)
			off += int(length)

		charsiter = add_pgiter(self.page, 'Characters', 'zmf', 0, data[off:off + chars_len], parent)
		i = 0
		while i != len(chars):
			add_pgiter(self.page, 'Character %d' % (i + 1), 'zmf', 'zmf2_character', chars[i], charsiter)
			i += 1

		return off
Example #7
def add_comment(hd, size, data, off):
	(row, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
	add_iter(hd, 'Row', format_row(row), off - 2, 2, '<H')
	(col, off) = rdata(data, off, '<B')
	add_iter(hd, 'Column', format_column(col), off - 1, 1, '<B')
	off += 1
	add_long_string(hd, size, data, off, 'Comment')
Example #8
def add_obj_rectangle(view, data, offset):
    off = _add_obj_shape(view, data, offset)
    # TODO: It's not clear if the dims are relative to canvas or to the
    # shape's origin. All rectangles I've seen've had offset (0, 0).
    (tl_x, off) = rdata(data, off, '<i')
    view.add_iter('Top left corner X', tl_x, off - 4, 4, '<i')
    (tl_y, off) = rdata(data, off, '<i')
    view.add_iter('Top left corner Y', tl_y, off - 4, 4, '<i')
    (tr_x, off) = rdata(data, off, '<i')
    view.add_iter('Top right corner X', tr_x, off - 4, 4, '<i')
    (tr_y, off) = rdata(data, off, '<i')
    view.add_iter('Top right corner Y', tr_y, off - 4, 4, '<i')
    (br_x, off) = rdata(data, off, '<i')
    view.add_iter('Bottom right corner X', br_x, off - 4, 4, '<i')
    (br_y, off) = rdata(data, off, '<i')
    view.add_iter('Bottom right corner Y', br_y, off - 4, 4, '<i')
    (bl_x, off) = rdata(data, off, '<i')
    view.add_iter('Bottom left corner X', bl_x, off - 4, 4, '<i')
    (bl_y, off) = rdata(data, off, '<i')
    view.add_iter('Bottom left corner Y', bl_y, off - 4, 4, '<i')
    corner_types = {1: 'normal', 2: 'round', 3: 'round in', 4: 'cut'}
    (corner, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
    view.add_iter('Corner type', key2txt(corner, corner_types), off - 2, 2,
    (rounding, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
    view.add_iter('Rounding', '%.3fin' % (rounding * 0.02028), off - 2, 2,
    off = _add_point_list(view, data, off)
    return off
Example #9
 def parse(self):
     assert len(self.data) > 0x40
     add_pgiter(self.page, 'Header', 'c602', 'tc6_header',
                self.data[0:0x46], self.parent)
     off = 0x46
     while off + 3 <= len(self.data):
         (rec, off) = rdata(self.data, off, '<B')
         (length, off) = rdata(self.data, off, '<H')
         if tc6_records.has_key(rec):
             assert len(tc6_records[rec]) >= 2
             name = tc6_records[rec][0]
             handler = tc6_records[rec][1]
             if len(tc6_records[rec]) > 2:
                 (id, dummy) = rdata(self.data, off, '<H')
                 name += ' [%d]' % id
             name = 'Record %x' % rec
             handler = None
         if not handler:
             handler = 'tc6_record'
         reciter = add_pgiter(self.page, name, 'c602', handler,
                              self.data[off - 3:off + length], self.parent)
         if rec == 0x23:
             chart = gc6_parser(self.page, self.data[off:off + length],
             chart.parse_chart(3, reciter)
         off += length
Example #10
def add_cell(hd, size, data):
    off = add_record(hd, size, data)
    (col, off) = rdata(data, off, '<B')
    add_iter(hd, 'Column', format_column(col), off - 1, 1, '<B')
    (row, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
    add_iter(hd, 'Row', format_row(row), off - 2, 2, '<H')
    return (off, col, row)
Example #11
	def parse_bitmap(self, name, offset, length):
		bmpiter = add_pgiter(self.page, name, 'bmi', '', self.data[offset:offset + length], self.parent)
		uncompressed_data = bytearray()
		add_pgiter(self.page, 'Header', 'bmi', 'bitmap_header', self.data[offset:offset + 16], bmpiter)
		(width, off) = rdata(self.data, offset, '<H')
		(height, off) = rdata(self.data, off, '<H')
		(depth, off) = rdata(self.data, off, '<H')
		(palette, off) = rdata(self.data, off, '<H')
		off += 8
		if depth <= 8 and bool(palette):
			off = self.parse_palette(off, depth, bmpiter)
		rawiter = add_pgiter(self.page, 'Raw data', 'bmi', 0, self.data[off:offset + length], bmpiter)
		i = 1
		while off < offset + length:
			(blen, off) = rdata(self.data, off, '<H')
			off += 1
			blockiter = add_pgiter(self.page, 'Block %d' % i, 'bmi', 'block',
				self.data[off - 3:off + blen], rawiter)
			compressed = self.data[off:off + blen]
			add_pgiter(self.page, 'Compressed data', 'bmi', 0, compressed, blockiter)
				uncompressed = zlib.decompress(compressed)
				add_pgiter(self.page, 'Uncompressed data', 'bmi', 0, uncompressed, blockiter)
			except zlib.error:
				print('decompression of block %d failed' % i)
			i += 1
			off += blen
		def parser(hd, size, data):
			return add_data(hd, size, data, width, height, depth)
		add_pgiter(self.page, 'Data', 'bmi', parser, str(uncompressed_data), bmpiter)
Example #12
def add_string(hd, size, data, off, name, fmt):
	fmtlen = struct.calcsize(fmt)
	(length, off) = rdata(data, off, fmt)
	add_iter(hd, '%s length' % name, length, off - fmtlen, fmtlen, fmt)
	(text, off) = rdata(data, off, '%ds' % length)
	add_iter(hd, name, unicode(text, 'cp1250'), off - length, length, '%ds' % length)
	return off
Example #13
def add_record(hd, size, data):
	off = 0
	(typ, off) = rdata(data, off, '<B')
	add_iter(hd, 'Record type', typ, off - 1, 1, '<B')
	(length, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
	add_iter(hd, 'Record length', length, off - 2, 2, '<H')
	return off
Example #14
def add_record(hd, size, data):
    off = 0
    (typ, off) = rdata(data, off, '<B')
    add_iter(hd, 'Record type', typ, off - 1, 1, '<B')
    (length, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
    add_iter(hd, 'Record length', length, off - 2, 2, '<H')
    return off
Example #15
def add_text(hd, size, data, off, name='Text'):
    (length, off) = rdata(data, off, '<B')
    add_iter(hd, '%s length' % name, length, off - 1, 1, '<B')
    (text, off) = rdata(data, off, '%ds' % length)
    add_iter(hd, name, unicode(text, 'cp852'), off - length, length,
             '%ds' % length)
    return off
Example #16
def add_style_para(hd, size, data):
	off = 0
	(attribs, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
	# add_iter(hd, 'Changed attributes', '%s' % get_para_style(attribs), off - 2, 2, '<H')
	off += 2
	(attrset, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
	add_iter(hd, 'Attribute set', attrset, off - 2, 2, '<H')
Example #17
def handle_char_styles(page, data, parent, parser = None):
	off = 8
	(count, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
	ids = []
	off = len(data) - 2 * count
	start_ids = off - 2
	while off < len(data):
		(id, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
	off = 8
	fmt_size = 28
	start_styles = off + 2 + fmt_size * count
	attrsiter = add_pgiter(page, 'Attr. sets', 'wt602', 'container', data[off:start_styles], parent)
	off += 2
	for (n, id) in zip(range(0, count), ids):
		add_pgiter(page, 'Attr. set %d (ID: %d)' % (n, id), 'wt602', 'attrset', data[off:off + fmt_size], attrsiter)
		off += fmt_size
	assert(off == start_styles)
	descsiter = add_pgiter(page, 'Styles', 'wt602', 'container', data[off:start_ids], parent)
	off += 2
	n = 0
	while off < start_ids:
		add_pgiter(page, 'Style %d' % n, 'wt602', 'style', data[off:off + 6], descsiter)
		off += 6
		n += 1
	# assert(off == start_ids)
	add_pgiter(page, 'ID map', 'wt602', 'attrset_ids', data[start_ids:], parent)
Example #18
File: zbr.py Project: renyxa/re-lab
def add_obj_rectangle(view, data, offset):
	off = _add_obj_shape(view, data, offset)
	# TODO: It's not clear if the dims are relative to canvas or to the
	# shape's origin. All rectangles I've seen've had offset (0, 0).
	(tl_x, off) = rdata(data, off, '<i')
	view.add_iter('Top left corner X', tl_x, off - 4, 4, '<i')
	(tl_y, off) = rdata(data, off, '<i')
	view.add_iter('Top left corner Y', tl_y, off - 4, 4, '<i')
	(tr_x, off) = rdata(data, off, '<i')
	view.add_iter('Top right corner X', tr_x, off - 4, 4, '<i')
	(tr_y, off) = rdata(data, off, '<i')
	view.add_iter('Top right corner Y', tr_y, off - 4, 4, '<i')
	(br_x, off) = rdata(data, off, '<i')
	view.add_iter('Bottom right corner X', br_x, off - 4, 4, '<i')
	(br_y, off) = rdata(data, off, '<i')
	view.add_iter('Bottom right corner Y', br_y, off - 4, 4, '<i')
	(bl_x, off) = rdata(data, off, '<i')
	view.add_iter('Bottom left corner X', bl_x, off - 4, 4, '<i')
	(bl_y, off) = rdata(data, off, '<i')
	view.add_iter('Bottom left corner Y', bl_y, off - 4, 4, '<i')
	corner_types = {1: 'normal', 2: 'round', 3: 'round in', 4: 'cut'}
	(corner, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
	view.add_iter('Corner type', key2txt(corner, corner_types), off - 2, 2, '<H')
	(rounding, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
	view.add_iter('Rounding', '%.3fin' % (rounding * 0.02028), off - 2, 2, '<H')
	off = _add_point_list(view, data, off)
	return off
Example #19
	def parse_data_record(self, n, data, parent):
		(para, off) = rdata(data, 2, '>H')
		off += 2
		(typ, off) = rdata(data, off, 'B')
		typ_str = None
		if int(typ) < len(plucker_type):
			typ_str = ' (%s)' % plucker_type[int(typ)]
		reciter = add_pgiter(self.page, 'Record %d%s' % (n, typ_str), 'palm', 'plucker_record', data, parent)

		if typ == 0 or typ == 1:
			# read para headers
			off = 8
			paraiter = add_pgiter(self.page, 'Paragraphs', 'palm', 0, data[off:off + 4 * int(para)], reciter)
			for i in range(int(para)):
				(size, off) = rdata(data, off, '>H')
				(attrs, off) = rdata(data, off, '>H')
				add_pgiter(self.page, 'Paragraph %d' % i, 'palm', 'plucker_para', data[off - 4:off], paraiter)

			text = data[off:len(data)]

			if typ == 0:
				add_pgiter(self.page, 'Text', 'palm', 0, text, reciter)
			elif typ == 1:
				if self.version == 1:
					uncompressed = lz77_decompress(text)
					add_pgiter(self.page, 'Text', 'palm', 0, uncompressed, reciter)
				elif self.version == 2:
					uncompressed = zlib.decompress(text)
					add_pgiter(self.page, 'Text', 'palm', 0, uncompressed, reciter)
Example #20
def add_toc(hd, size, data):
    (count, off) = rdata(data, 0, '<I')
    add_iter(hd, 'Number of entries', count, off - 4, 4, '<I')

    offsets = []
    for i in range(int(count)):
        (offset, off) = rdata(data, off, '<I')
        add_iter(hd, 'Offset of entry %d' % i, offset, off - 4, 4, '<I')

    offsets = [o + off for o in offsets]

    for i in range(int(count)):
        off = offsets[i]
        (page, off) = rdata(data, off, '<I')
        add_iter(hd, 'Page ID of entry %d' % i, '0x%x' % page, off - 4, 4,
        (block, off) = rdata(data, off, '<I')
        add_iter(hd, 'Block ID of entry %d' % i, '0x%x' % block, off - 4, 4,
        (length, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
        add_iter(hd, 'Text length of entry %d' % i, length, off - 2, 2, '<H')
        text = read_unistr(data, off, int(length))
        add_iter(hd, 'Text of entry %d' % i, text, off, int(length), 's')
Example #21
def add_cell(hd, size, data):
	off = add_record(hd, size, data)
	(col, off) = rdata(data, off, '<B')
	add_iter(hd, 'Column', format_column(col), off - 1, 1, '<B')
	(row, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
	add_iter(hd, 'Row', format_row(row), off - 2, 2, '<H')
	return (off, col, row)
Example #22
def add_obj_page(view, data, offset):
    off = offset + 17
    (dimX, off) = rdata(data, off, '<I')
    view.add_iter('A dimension?', dimX, off - 4, 4, '<I')
    (dimY, off) = rdata(data, off, '<I')
    view.add_iter('A dimension?', dimY, off - 4, 4, '<I')
    # As with ZMF, the page is placed on a canvas and all dimensions are
    # relative to the canvas.
    (left_margin, off) = rdata(data, off, '<i')
    view.add_iter('Left page margin?', left_margin, off - 4, 4, '<i')
    (top_margin, off) = rdata(data, off, '<i')
    view.add_iter('Top page margin?', top_margin, off - 4, 4, '<i')
    (right_margin, off) = rdata(data, off, '<i')
    view.add_iter('Right page margin?', right_margin, off - 4, 4, '<i')
    (bottom_margin, off) = rdata(data, off, '<i')
    view.add_iter('Bottom page margin?', bottom_margin, off - 4, 4, '<i')
    (width, off) = rdata(data, off, '<I')
    view.add_iter('Page width', width, off - 4, 4, '<I')
    (height, off) = rdata(data, off, '<I')
    view.add_iter('Page height', height, off - 4, 4, '<I')
    (cwidth, off) = rdata(data, off, '<I')
    view.add_iter('Canvas width?', cwidth, off - 4, 4, '<I')
    (cheight, off) = rdata(data, off, '<I')
    view.add_iter('Canvas height?', cheight, off - 4, 4, '<I')
    off += 8
    return _add_obj_list(view, data, off)
Example #23
File: zbr.py Project: renyxa/re-lab
def add_obj_page(view, data, offset):
	off = offset + 17
	(dimX, off) = rdata(data, off, '<I')
	view.add_iter('A dimension?', dimX, off - 4, 4, '<I')
	(dimY, off) = rdata(data, off, '<I')
	view.add_iter('A dimension?', dimY, off - 4, 4, '<I')
	# As with ZMF, the page is placed on a canvas and all dimensions are
	# relative to the canvas.
	(left_margin, off) = rdata(data, off, '<i')
	view.add_iter('Left page margin?', left_margin, off - 4, 4, '<i')
	(top_margin, off) = rdata(data, off, '<i')
	view.add_iter('Top page margin?', top_margin, off - 4, 4, '<i')
	(right_margin, off) = rdata(data, off, '<i')
	view.add_iter('Right page margin?', right_margin, off - 4, 4, '<i')
	(bottom_margin, off) = rdata(data, off, '<i')
	view.add_iter('Bottom page margin?', bottom_margin, off - 4, 4, '<i')
	(width, off) = rdata(data, off, '<I')
	view.add_iter('Page width', width, off - 4, 4, '<I')
	(height, off) = rdata(data, off, '<I')
	view.add_iter('Page height', height, off - 4, 4, '<I')
	(cwidth, off) = rdata(data, off, '<I')
	view.add_iter('Canvas width?', cwidth, off - 4, 4, '<I')
	(cheight, off) = rdata(data, off, '<I')
	view.add_iter('Canvas height?', cheight, off - 4, 4, '<I')
	off += 8
	return _add_obj_list(view, data, off)
Example #24
def add_data(hd, size, data, width, height, depth):
	assert depth in (1, 4, 8, 24)
	bits = (width * depth)
	lsize = bits / 8
	if bits % 8 != 0:
		lsize += 1
	tail = lsize % 4
	padding = 0
	if tail != 0:
		padding = 4 - tail
		lsize += padding
	shift = (8 - min(depth, 8))
	mask = (0xff >> shift) << shift
	off = 0
	for h in range(1, height + 1):
		lineiter = add_iter(hd, 'Line %d' % h, '', off, lsize, '%ds' % lsize)
		i = 1
		while i < width + 1:
			if depth == 24:
				(color, off) = rdata(data, off, '3s')
				add_iter(hd, 'Pixel %d (BGR)' % i, d2hex(color), off - 3, 3, '3s', parent=lineiter)
				i += 1
				(index, off) = rdata(data, off, '<B')
				for j in range(0, 8 / depth):
					add_iter(hd, 'Pixel %d (index)' % i, (index & mask) >> shift, off - 1, 1, '<B', parent=lineiter)
					index = index << depth
					i += 1
					if i == width + 1:
		if padding > 0:
			add_iter(hd, 'Padding', '', off, padding, '%ds' % padding, parent=lineiter)
			off += padding
Example #25
	def parse_color(self, data, parent):
		(length, off) = rdata(data, 0xd, '<I')
		name_str = 'Color'
		if length > 1:
			(name, off) = rdata(data, off, '%ds' % (int(length) - 1))
			name_str += ' (%s)' % unicode(name, 'cp1250')
		add_pgiter(self.page, name_str, 'zmf', 'zmf2_color', data, parent)
		return len(data)
Example #26
def add_header(hd, size, data):
    (sig, off) = rdata(data, 0, '<H')
    add_iter(hd, 'Signature', '0x%x' % sig, off - 2, 2, '<H')
    (version, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
    add_iter(hd, 'Version', version, off - 2, 2, '<H')
    (comment, off) = rdata(data, off, '100s')
    add_iter(hd, 'Comment', comment, off - 100, 100, '100s')
    assert off == 104
Example #27
def add_comment(hd, size, data):
	off = 2
	(comment_len, off) = rdata(data, off, '<I')
	add_iter(hd, 'Comment length', comment_len, off - 4, 4, '<I')
	off += 2
	(comment, off) = rdata(data, off, '%ds' % (comment_len - 1)) # skip trailing 0
	off += 1
	add_iter(hd, 'Comment', comment, off - comment_len, comment_len, '%ds' % comment_len)
Example #28
	def parse_header(self, offset):
		if self.page:
			add_pgiter(self.page, 'Header', 'bmi', 'header', self.data[offset:offset + 0x15], self.parent)
		(palette, off) = rdata(self.data, offset + 0xd, '<H')
		(depth, off) = rdata(self.data, off, '<H')
		off += 2
		(count, off) = rdata(self.data, off, '<H')
		return (off, bool(palette), depth, count)
Example #29
	def parse_color(self, data, parent):
		(length, off) = rdata(data, 0xd, '<I')
		name_str = 'Color'
		if length > 1:
			(name, off) = rdata(data, off, '%ds' % (int(length) - 1))
			name_str += ' (%s)' % unicode(name, 'cp1250')
		add_pgiter(self.page, name_str, 'zmf', 'zmf2_color', data, parent)
		return len(data)
Example #30
def chop_tag_f55c(hd, size, data):
	(count, off) = rdata(data, 2, '<H')
	add_iter(hd, 'Page count', count, off - 2, 2, '<H')
	i = 0
	while i != int(count):
		(pid, off) = rdata(data, off, '<I')
		add_iter(hd, 'Page %d' % i, '0x%x' % pid, off - 4, 4, '<I')
		i += 1
Example #31
def add_page_breaks(hd, size, data, off):
	(count, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
	add_iter(hd, 'Number of breaks', count, off - 2, 2, '<H')
	i = 0
	while off + 2 <= size:
		(row, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
		add_iter(hd, 'Break before row [%d]' % i, format_row(row), off - 2, 2, '<H')
		i += 1
Example #32
	def add_address(off):
		(row, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
		add_iter(hd, 'Row', format_row(row & 0x3fff), off - 2, 2, '<H')
		rel = (row >> 14) & 0x3
		add_iter(hd, 'Relative', key2txt(rel, rel_map), off - 1, 1, '<B')
		(col, off) = rdata(data, off, '<B')
		add_iter(hd, 'Column', format_column(col), off - 1, 1, '<B')
		return off
Example #33
def add_string(hd, size, data):
    off = 0
    (c, off) = rdata(data, off, '>B')
    sz = c & 0xf
    if sz == 0xf:
        (sz, off) = read_int(data, off)
    (string, off) = rdata(data, off, '%ds' % sz)
    add_iter(hd, 'Value', string, off - sz, sz, '%ds' % sz)
Example #34
def add_string(hd, size, data):
    off = 0
    (c, off) = rdata(data, off, ">B")
    sz = c & 0xF
    if sz == 0xF:
        (sz, off) = read_int(data, off)
    (string, off) = rdata(data, off, "%ds" % sz)
    add_iter(hd, "Value", string, off - sz, sz, "%ds" % sz)
Example #35
def add_header(hd, size, data):
	(sig, off) = rdata(data, 0, '<H')
	add_iter(hd, 'Signature', '0x%x' % sig, off - 2, 2, '<H')
	(version, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
	add_iter(hd, 'Version', version, off - 2, 2, '<H')
	(comment, off) = rdata(data, off, '100s')
	add_iter(hd, 'Comment', comment, off - 100, 100, '100s')
	assert off == 104
Example #36
def chop_tag_f55c(hd, size, data):
    (count, off) = rdata(data, 2, '<H')
    add_iter(hd, 'Page count', count, off - 2, 2, '<H')
    i = 0
    while i != int(count):
        (pid, off) = rdata(data, off, '<I')
        add_iter(hd, 'Page %d' % i, '0x%x' % pid, off - 4, 4, '<I')
        i += 1
Example #37
def add_zmf4_obj_text(hd, size, data):
	_zmf4_obj_common(hd, size, data)
	off = 0x3c
	(count, off) = rdata(data, off, '<I')
	add_iter(hd, 'Length', count, off - 4, 4, '<I')
	off += 8
	length = 2 * int(count)
	(text, off) = rdata(data, off, '%ds' % length)
	add_iter(hd, 'Text', unicode(text, 'utf-16le'), off - length, length, '%ds' % length)
Example #38
def add_row_height(hd, size, data, off):
	(row, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
	add_iter(hd, 'Row', format_row(row), off - 2, 2, '<H')
	off += 2
	flags_map = {1: 'visible', 2: 'autofilter'}
	(flags, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
	add_iter(hd, 'Flags', bflag2txt(flags, flags_map), off - 2, 2, '<H')
	(height, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
	add_iter(hd, 'Height', '%.2fpt' % (height / 20.0), off - 2, 2, '<H')
Example #39
File: zbr.py Project: renyxa/re-lab
def add_obj_point(view, data, offset):
	(x, off) = rdata(data, offset, '<i')
	view.add_iter('X', x, off - 4, 4, '<i')
	(y, off) = rdata(data, off, '<i')
	view.add_iter('Y', y, off - 4, 4, '<i')
	type_map = {1: 'Line point?', 2: 'Curve point?', 3: 'Curve control point?',}
	(typ, off) = rdata(data, off, '<B')
	view.add_iter('Type?', key2txt(typ, type_map), off - 1, 1, '<B')
	return off
Example #40
def add_color(hd, size, data):
	(r, off) = rdata(data, 0, '<B')
	add_iter(hd, 'Red', r, off - 1, 1, '<B')
	(g, off) = rdata(data, off, '<B')
	add_iter(hd, 'Green', g, off - 1, 1, '<B')
	(b, off) = rdata(data, off, '<B')
	add_iter(hd, 'Blue', b, off - 1, 1, '<B')
	(a, off) = rdata(data, off, '<B')
	add_iter(hd, 'Alpha', a, off - 1, 1, '<B')
Example #41
def add_utf16(hd, size, data):
    off = 0
    (c, off) = rdata(data, off, ">B")
    sz = c & 0xF
    if sz == 0xF:
        (sz, off) = read_int(data, off)
    sz = 2 * sz
    (utf16, off) = rdata(data, off, "%ds" % sz)
    add_iter(hd, "Value", unicode(utf16, "utf-16be"), off - sz, sz, "%ds" % sz)
Example #42
def chop_tag_f54a(hd, size, data):
    (left, off) = rdata(data, 2, '<H')
    add_iter(hd, 'Left', left, off - 2, 2, '<H')
    (top, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
    add_iter(hd, 'Top', top, off - 2, 2, '<H')
    (right, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
    add_iter(hd, 'Right', right, off - 2, 2, '<H')
    (bottom, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
    add_iter(hd, 'Bottom', bottom, off - 2, 2, '<H')
Example #43
def add_categories(hd, size, data):
	off = add_section(hd, size, data)
	(axis_dir, off) = rdata(data, off, '<B')
	add_iter(hd, 'Reversed axis direction', bool(axis_dir), off - 1, 1, '<B')
	(axis_label, off) = rdata(data, off, '<B')
	add_iter(hd, 'Vertical axis label', bool(axis_label), off - 1, 1, '<B')
	raster_flags = {1: 'fine', 2: 'coarse'}
	(raster, off) = rdata(data, off, '<B')
	add_iter(hd, 'Raster', bflag2txt(raster, raster_flags), off - 1, 1, '<B')
Example #44
File: zbr.py Project: renyxa/re-lab
def _add_string(view, data, offset, name):
	(length, off) = rdata(data, offset, '<I')
	view.add_iter('%s length' % name, length, off - 4, 4, '<I')
	if length > 1:
		(text, off) = rdata(data, off, '%ds' % (length - 1))
		view.add_iter(name, unicode(text, 'cp1250'), off - length + 1, length, '%ds' % length)
		view.add_iter(name, '', off, 1, '1s')
	return off + 1
Example #45
def add_3d(hd, size, data):
	off = 0
	(desc, off) = rdata(data, off, '<B')
	add_iter(hd, 'Double description of values', bool(desc), off - 1, 1, '<B')
	(raster, off) = rdata(data, off, '<B')
	add_iter(hd, 'Series raster', bool(raster), off - 1, 1, '<B')
	depth_map = {0: 'small', 1: 'medium', 2: 'large'}
	(depth, off) = rdata(data, off, '<B')
	add_iter(hd, 'Series depth', key2txt(depth, depth_map), off - 1, 1, '<B')
Example #46
def add_autofilter(hd, size, data, off):
	(start_row, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
	add_iter(hd, 'Start row', format_row(start_row), off - 2, 2, '<H')
	(start_col, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
	add_iter(hd, 'Start column', format_column(start_col), off - 2, 2, '<H')
	(end_row, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
	add_iter(hd, 'End row', format_row(end_row), off - 2, 2, '<H')
	(end_col, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
	add_iter(hd, 'End column', format_column(end_col), off - 2, 2, '<H')
Example #47
	def parse_header(self):
		(offset, off) = rdata(self.data, 0x20, '<I')
		(preview, off) = rdata(self.data, off, '<I')
		if int(preview) != 0:
			self.preview_offset = int(preview) - int(offset)
			assert self.preview_offset == 0x20 # this is what I see in all files
		data = self.data[0:int(offset)]
		add_pgiter(self.page, 'Header', 'zmf', 'zmf4_header', data, self.parent)
		return offset
Example #48
def add_named_range(hd, size, data):
	off = add_record(hd, size, data)
	(id, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
	add_iter(hd, 'ID', id, off - 2, 2, '<H')
	off = add_text(hd, size, data, off, 'Name')
	(ordinal, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
	add_iter(hd, 'Ordinal number', ordinal, off - 2, 2, '<H')
	off += 2
	add_formula(hd, size, data, off)
Example #49
def add_utf16(hd, size, data):
    off = 0
    (c, off) = rdata(data, off, '>B')
    sz = c & 0xf
    if sz == 0xf:
        (sz, off) = read_int(data, off)
    sz = 2 * sz
    (utf16, off) = rdata(data, off, '%ds' % sz)
    add_iter(hd, 'Value', unicode(utf16, 'utf-16be'), off - sz, sz, '%ds' % sz)
Example #50
def add_cell(hd, size, data, off):
	(row, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
	add_iter(hd, 'Row', format_row(row), off - 2, 2, '<H')
	(col, off) = rdata(data, off, '<B')
	add_iter(hd, 'Column', format_column(col), off - 1, 1, '<B')
	off += 1
	(style, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
	add_iter(hd, 'Style', style, off - 2, 2, '<H')
	return off
Example #51
def chop_tag_f54a(hd, size, data):
	(left, off) = rdata(data, 2, '<H')
	add_iter(hd, 'Left', left, off - 2, 2, '<H')
	(top, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
	add_iter(hd, 'Top', top, off - 2, 2, '<H')
	(right, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
	add_iter(hd, 'Right', right, off - 2, 2, '<H')
	(bottom, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
	add_iter(hd, 'Bottom', bottom, off - 2, 2, '<H')
Example #52
def add_attrset_ids(hd, size, data):
	off = 0
	(count, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
	add_iter(hd, 'Number of attr. sets', count, off - 2, 2, '<H')
	n = 0
	while off < len(data):
		(id, off) = rdata(data, off, '<H')
		add_iter(hd, 'ID of attr. set %d' % n, id, off - 2, 2, '<H')
		n += 1
Example #53
def add_categories(hd, size, data):
    off = add_section(hd, size, data)
    (axis_dir, off) = rdata(data, off, '<B')
    add_iter(hd, 'Reversed axis direction', bool(axis_dir), off - 1, 1, '<B')
    (axis_label, off) = rdata(data, off, '<B')
    add_iter(hd, 'Vertical axis label', bool(axis_label), off - 1, 1, '<B')
    raster_flags = {1: 'fine', 2: 'coarse'}
    (raster, off) = rdata(data, off, '<B')
    add_iter(hd, 'Raster', bflag2txt(raster, raster_flags), off - 1, 1, '<B')
Example #54
def add_3d(hd, size, data):
    off = 0
    (desc, off) = rdata(data, off, '<B')
    add_iter(hd, 'Double description of values', bool(desc), off - 1, 1, '<B')
    (raster, off) = rdata(data, off, '<B')
    add_iter(hd, 'Series raster', bool(raster), off - 1, 1, '<B')
    depth_map = {0: 'small', 1: 'medium', 2: 'large'}
    (depth, off) = rdata(data, off, '<B')
    add_iter(hd, 'Series depth', key2txt(depth, depth_map), off - 1, 1, '<B')