def eval(train_file): print('TRAIN') gold_annotations = read_annotations('../data/TRAIN.annotations', return_sent=True) pred_annotations = read_annotations(train_file, return_sent=True) print(f'Entities extracted as entirety') P, P_miss = get_precision(gold_annotations, pred_annotations, entirety=True) R, R_miss = get_recall(gold_annotations, pred_annotations, entirety=True) print(f'Precision: {P:.3f}') print(f'Recall: {R:.3f}') print(f'F1: {((2 * R * P) / (P + R)):.3f}') print() print(f'Entities extracted with "in" method') P, P_miss = get_precision(gold_annotations, pred_annotations, entirety=False) R, R_miss = get_recall(gold_annotations, pred_annotations, entirety=False) print(f'Precision: {P:.3f}') print(f'Recall: {R:.3f}') print(f'F1: {((2 * R * P) / (P + R)):.3f}') print(f'precision miss:') for t in random.sample(P_miss, 5): print(t) print(get_dep_path(sent=nlp(t[3][2:-2]), per=t[1], org=t[2])) print() print(f'recall miss:') for t in random.sample(R_miss, 5): print(t) print(get_dep_path(sent=nlp(t[3][2:-2]), per=t[1], org=t[2]))
def load_train_data(args, train_dir, valid_prop=0.10): """load training data and write to IO formatted training and validation files""" vocab = set() tfile =, TRAIN_FILE_NAME), 'w', 'utf-8') vfile =, VALID_FILE_NAME), 'w', 'utf-8') txt_files = [f for f in listdir(train_dir) if f.endswith(".txt")] random.shuffle(txt_files) num_val_files = int(len(txt_files) * valid_prop) for findex, txt_file in enumerate(txt_files): print("Reading", txt_file) rfile = vfile if findex < num_val_files else tfile doc_tokens, file_vocab = tokenize_document(join(train_dir, txt_file)) vocab = vocab.union(file_vocab) annotations = read_annotations(join(train_dir, txt_file[:-3] + "ann")) for token in doc_tokens: ignore_token = False for ann in annotations: if token.start >= ann.start and token.end <= ann.end: # Change this for IOB annotations if ann.atype == LOC_ANN_TAG: token.encoding = "I-LOC" if ann.atype == PRO_ANN_TAG: ignore_token = True break if not ignore_token: print(token.text + "\t" + token.encoding, file=rfile) tfile.close() vfile.close() return vocab
def replace_annotation_in_image(image, mask, new_path, bg_list, num_bg, num_rotate, rotation_limit): results = [] for i in range(num_rotate): fg_cut, mask_cut, h_cut, w_cut, rot_path = rotate_image( image, mask, rotation_limit, new_path) # check if mask and img have the same size, otherwise retry mh, mw = mask_cut.shape if not (mh == h_cut and mw == w_cut): print("fg_cut and mask_cut have different shapes! Skip.") continue for j in range(num_bg): bg_file = bg_list[randint(0, len(bg_list) - 1)] print("choose bg: " + bg_file) bg_label_path = bg_file.replace("/images/", "/labels/").replace( ".jpg", ".txt") bg = cv2.imread(bg_file, 1) bg_box_list = utils.read_annotations(bg_label_path) h, w, _ = bg.shape bbox_rand = get_random_position_on_surface(w_cut, h_cut, bg_box_list, w, h) if not bbox_rand: # todo: try again with smaller scaled object? print("couldn't place annotation on new background") else: bg_img, bg_path = place_roi_on_bg(fg_cut, mask_cut, bg, bbox_rand, rot_path, j) norm_box = utils.abs_to_norm_bbox(bbox_rand) result = (bg_img, bg_path, [norm_box]) results.append(result) return results
def disambiguate(args): '''Method for disambiguation''' # load pubmed files pub_files = [ f for f in listdir(args.dir) if isfile(join(args.dir, f)) and f.endswith(".ann") ] for _, pubfile in enumerate(pub_files): entities = read_annotations(join(args.dir, pubfile)) pmid = pubfile.replace(".ann", "") write_annotations(args.outdir, entities, pmid, True)
def fine_tune_yolo(debug=False): video = Video("../datasets/AICity_data/train/S03/c010/frames") detection_transform = DetectionTransform() classes = utils.load_classes('../config/coco.names') hyperparams = parse_model_config('../config/yolov3.cfg')[0] learning_rate = float(hyperparams["learning_rate"]) momentum = float(hyperparams["momentum"]) decay = float(hyperparams["decay"]) burn_in = int(hyperparams["burn_in"]) model = Darknet('../config/yolov3.cfg') print(model) model.load_weights('../weights/yolov3.weights') model.train() for module_def, module in zip(model.module_defs, model.module_list): if module_def["type"] == "yolo": break module.train(False) if torch.cuda.is_available(): model = model.cuda() optimizer = Adam(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, model.parameters()), lr=1e-5) gt = read_annotations( '../datasets/AICity_data/train/S03/c010/m6-full_annotation.xml') dataset = YoloDataset(video, gt, classes, transforms=detection_transform) data_loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=16, shuffle=True, num_workers=4) for epoch in tqdm(range(10), file=sys.stdout, desc='Fine tuning'): for images, targets in tqdm(data_loader, file=sys.stdout, desc='Running epoch'): if torch.cuda.is_available(): images = images.cuda() targets = targets.cuda() optimizer.zero_grad() loss = model(images, targets) loss.backward() optimizer.step() print('Training finished. Saving weights...') model.save_weights('../weights/fine_tuned_yolo_freeze.weights') print('Saved weights')
def get_y(file, df): gold_annotations = read_annotations(file) print( f'{WORK_FOR} input annotations: {sum([len(annotations) for annotations in gold_annotations.values()])}' ) y = np.zeros(df.shape[0]) for i, idx in enumerate(df.index): sent_id, person, org, _, = idx for ann in gold_annotations[sent_id]: if (person in ann[0] or ann[0] in person) and (org in ann[2] or ann[2] in org): y[i] = 1 break return y
def main(): start_frame = 1440 end_frame = 1789 gt = read_annotations('../annotations', start_frame, end_frame) alg = 'mask_rcnn' detections = read_detections('../datasets/AICity_data/train/S03/c010/det/det_{0}.txt'.format(alg)) kalman = KalmanTracking() for i in range(start_frame, end_frame): f = Frame(i) f.detections = detections[i] f.ground_truth = gt[i - start_frame] kalman(f) print(seq(f.detections).map(lambda d:
def create_siamese_dataset(): AICity_dataset_path = '../datasets/AICity_data/train/S03/c010/' siamese_dataset_path = '../datasets/siamese_data/' annotation_file = 'm6-full_annotation.xml' frames = int(2140 * 0.25) gt_detections = read_annotations(AICity_dataset_path + annotation_file, frames) for frame in range(frames + 1): frame_name = "frame_{:04d}.jpg".format(frame + 1) img = cv.imread(AICity_dataset_path + 'frames/' + frame_name) for detection in gt_detections[frame]: xtl, ytl = detection.top_left w = detection.width h = detection.height class_path = str(detection.label) + '-' + str( + '/' if not os.path.exists(siamese_dataset_path + class_path): os.mkdir(siamese_dataset_path + class_path) cropped_img = img[ytl:ytl + h, xtl:xtl + w] cv.imwrite(siamese_dataset_path + class_path + frame_name, cropped_img)
def main(): demonstration_list = [] agents = read_annotations("annotations.txt") grid = create_video_grid(VIDEO_WIDTH, VIDEO_HEIGHT, BLOCK_SIZE) for agent in agents: positions = get_agent_positions_in_grid(agent, grid) step_list = get_steps_from_position_list(positions) demonstration_list.append(step_list) grid_width = len(grid[0]) grid_height = len(grid) num_states = grid_width * grid_height placeholder_mdp = GridWorldMDP(width = grid_width, height=grid_height, init_loc=(0,0), goal_locs = [], walls = [], name = "placeholder") planner = Planner(placeholder_mdp, sample_rate=5) planner._compute_matrix_from_trans_func() feature_map = np.eye(num_states) reward_array = deep_maxent_irl( feature_map, planner, demonstration_list, args.learning_rate, args.num_iterations) reward_matrix = np.reshape(reward_array, (grid_height, grid_width))"reward_prior", reward_matrix)
def load_test_data(args, test_dir): """load test data and write to IO formatted file""" vocab = set() tfile =, "test-io.txt"), 'w', 'utf-8') txt_files = [f for f in listdir(test_dir) if f.endswith(".txt")] for _, txt_file in enumerate(txt_files): print("Reading", txt_file) doc_tokens, file_vocab = tokenize_document(join(test_dir, txt_file)) vocab = vocab.union(file_vocab) annotations = read_annotations(join(test_dir, txt_file[:-3] + "ann")) for token in doc_tokens: ignore_token = False for ann in annotations: if token.start >= ann.start and token.end <= ann.end: # Change this for IOB annotations if ann.atype == LOC_ANN_TAG: token.encoding = "I-LOC" if ann.atype == PRO_ANN_TAG: ignore_token = True break if not ignore_token: print(token.text + "\t" + token.encoding, file=tfile) tfile.close() return vocab
def off_the_shelf_ssd(tracking, debug=False, **kwargs): if cuda.is_available(): torch.set_default_tensor_type('torch.cuda.FloatTensor') gt = read_annotations( '../datasets/AICity_data/train/S03/c010/m6-full_annotation.xml') video = Video("../datasets/AICity_data/train/S03/c010/frames") trans = transforms.Compose( [transforms.Resize((300, 300)), transforms.ToTensor()]) labels = ( # always index 0 'aeroplane', 'bicycle', 'bird', 'boat', 'bottle', 'bus', 'car', 'cat', 'chair', 'cow', 'diningtable', 'dog', 'horse', 'motorbike', 'person', 'pottedplant', 'sheep', 'sofa', 'train', 'tvmonitor') model = build_ssd('test', 300, 21) # initialize SSD model.load_weights('../weights/ssd300_mAP_77.43_v2.pth') if torch.cuda.is_available(): model = model.cuda() frames = [] model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): for i, im in enumerate(video.get_frames()): im_tensor = trans(im) im_tensor = im_tensor.view((-1, ) + im_tensor.size()) if torch.cuda.is_available(): im_tensor = im_tensor.cuda() output = model.forward(im_tensor) detections = w = im.width h = im.height frame = Frame(i) frame.ground_truth = gt[] # skip j = 0, because it's the background class for j in (2, 6, 7, 14): dets = detections[0, j, :] mask = dets[:, 0].gt(0.).expand(5, dets.size(0)).t() dets = torch.masked_select(dets, mask).view(-1, 5) if dets.size(0) == 0: continue boxes = dets[:, 1:] scores = dets[:, 0].cpu().numpy() cls_dets = np.hstack((boxes.cpu().numpy(), scores[:, np.newaxis])).astype(np.float32, copy=False) for cls_det in cls_dets: x1 = int(w * cls_det[0]) y1 = int(h * cls_det[1]) det = Detection(-1, labels[j - 1], (x1, y1), width=w * (cls_det[2] - cls_det[0]), height=h * (cls_det[3] - cls_det[1]), confidence=cls_det[4]) frame.detections.append(det) # kalman(frame) if tracking is not None: tracking(frame, frames, debug=debug) frames.append(frame) if debug: plt.figure() for det in frame.detections: rect = patches.Rectangle(det.top_left, det.width, det.height, linewidth=2, edgecolor='blue', facecolor='none') plt.gca().add_patch(rect) plt.text(det.top_left[0], det.top_left[1], s='{} ~ {}'.format(det.label,, color='white', verticalalignment='top', bbox={ 'color': 'blue', 'pad': 0 }) plt.imshow(im) plt.axis('off') # plt.savefig('../video/video_ssd_KalmanID/frame_{:04d}'.format(i)) plt.close() #iou_over_time(frames) mAP = mean_average_precision(frames) print("SSD mAP:", mAP)
# # Alternatives # Controller_object (Controller) # Want_suspect (Want) # Building_subparts (Building) # Hedging # Be_in_agreement_on_action (agreement) # Disgraceful_situation (situation) # Change_event_duration (event) # Intentional_deception (deception) ANNOTATIONS_PATH = 'annotations.csv' STOPWORDS_PATH = 'stop_words_FULL.txt' if __name__ == '__main__': annotations = read_annotations(ANNOTATIONS_PATH) stopw = load_stopwords(STOPWORDS_PATH) res_rows = [] giuste = 0 for frame, word, target_synset in annotations: # Se non รจ disponibile il mapping if target_synset is None: giuste += 1 continue # Rimuovo il PoS dalla parola estratta dalle annotazioni input_word = word.split('.')[0] # disambiguo la parola input_word (quella centrale # nelle annotazioni) usando il frame come contesto
def main(cwd, do_amgng, amgng_file, ma_window, ma_recalc_delay, do_cla, cla_file, buffer_len, plot): global mean_oa, mean_sem values = inspect.getargvalues(inspect.currentframe())[3] print('using parameters: {}'.format(values)) annotations_path = os.path.join(cwd, 'annotations.csv') anndf = utils.read_annotations(annotations_path, ['Aux']) amgng_df = None if do_amgng: from mgng.amgng import main as amgng_main print('Training AMGNG model...') out_file = os.path.join(cwd, 'out_amgng_{}'.format(amgng_file)) full_path = os.path.join(cwd, amgng_file) start = amgng_main(input_file=full_path, output_file=out_file, buffer_len=buffer_len, index_col='timestamp', skip_rows=[1,2], ma_window=ma_window, ma_recalc_delay=ma_recalc_delay) amgng_time = - start amgng_df = set_annotations_and_plot(out_file, anndf, 'anomaly_density', plot) amgng_df['AnnotationSpans'] = amgng_df.Annotation.copy() utils.fill_annotations(amgng_df, 'Annotation', '.*OA.*', spans_field='AnnotationSpans', method='pad', mean=mean_oa, std=mean_sem) amgng_df.to_csv(out_file) print('Time taken: amgng={}'.format(amgng_time)) cla_df = None if do_cla: from cla.swarm import swarm from cla.cla import create_model, open_input_file from cla.cla import prepare_run, process_row print('Training CLA model...') full_path = os.path.join(cwd, cla_file) out_file = os.path.join(cwd, 'out_cla_{}'.format(cla_file)) cla_model = {} fields, csv_reader, input_handler = open_input_file(full_path) start = for p in fields: swarm_desc = fill_swarm_description(full_path, buffer_len, p) model_params = swarm(cwd=cwd, input_file=cla_file, swarm_description=swarm_desc) model = create_model(params=model_params, predictedField=p) model_out_file = os.path.join(cwd, '{}_{}'.format(p, cla_file)) shifter, output_handler = prepare_run(fields=fields, predicted_field=p, plot=False, output_name=model_out_file) cla_model[p] = {'model': model, 'shifter': shifter, 'output_handler': output_handler, 'model_out_file': model_out_file} swarm_time = - start start = for i, row in enumerate(csv_reader): for p in fields: process_row(row=row, fields=fields, predicted_field=p, model=cla_model[p]['model'], shifter=cla_model[p]['shifter'], output_handler=cla_model[p]['output_handler'], counter=i) cla_time = - start input_handler.close() for i, p in enumerate(fields): cla_model[p]['output_handler'].close() df = pd.read_csv(cla_model[p]['model_out_file'], parse_dates=True, index_col='timestamp') if i == 0: cla_df = df else: cla_df.anomaly_likelihood += df.anomaly_likelihood cla_df.anomaly_likelihood /= len(fields) cla_df.to_csv(out_file) cla_df = set_annotations_and_plot(out_file, anndf, 'anomaly_likelihood', plot) cla_df['AnnotationSpans'] = cla_df.Annotation.copy() utils.fill_annotations(cla_df, 'Annotation', '.*OA.*', spans_field='AnnotationSpans', method='pad', mean=mean_oa, std=mean_sem) cla_df.to_csv(out_file) print('Time taken: swarm={}, cla={}'.format(swarm_time, cla_time)) return amgng_df, cla_df
def evaluate_detection(image_list, test_dict, graph_list, label_map, min_threshold=0.2, ignore_labels=False, do_recognition=False, graph_r=None, labels_r=None, save_images=False, logging_dir=None): """ Evaluate a list of detection graphs given a minimum threshold. Analyse results to find a good threshold. Optionally use recognition graph to re-label results or ignore the labels completely (just compare bounding boxes). :param image_list: list of images (label files exist) :param graph_list: list of detection graph files :param label_map: label map for detection :param min_threshold: minimum threshold to filter detection results :param ignore_labels: if true, only compare bounding boxes :param do_recognition: if true, re-label detection results :param graph_r: graph file for recognition :param labels_r: label file for recognition :return: """ detector = detect.Detector(detection_threshold=min_threshold) if do_recognition: recognizer = recognize.TensorflowRecognition() recognizer.load_graph(graph_r, labels_r) for graph in graph_list: detector.load_graph(graph, label_map) # evaluate this graph and determine a good threshold rec_true = 0 rec_false = 0 detect_true = 0 detect_false = 0 detect_missing = 0 num_images = len(image_list) sum_threshold = 0.0 for image in image_list: print(image) label_path = utils.get_label_path_by_image(image) annotation_list = utils.read_annotations(label_path) img = cv2.imread(image) id_list, score_list, box_list = detector.detect(img) detection_list = utils.detection_results_to_annotation_list( id_list, score_list, box_list) match_list = [] annotation_unmatched_list = list(range(len(annotation_list))) for detection in detection_list: best_match = -1 best_p = 0.0 # minimum likelihood for matching label_match = False for i in range(len(annotation_list)): annotation = annotation_list[i] p = match_bounding_boxes(detection.bbox, annotation.bbox) if ignore_labels: if p > best_p: best_match = i best_p = p elif not do_recognition: if p > best_p: hyp_list = [(detection.label, detection.prob)] likelihood, score = match_hypotheses( 1, hyp_list, annotation.label) # todo: save threshold/score if likelihood > 0: label_match = True else: if p > best_p: n = 3 # todo hyp_list = [(detection.label, detection.prob) ] # todo: do recognition likelihood, score = match_hypotheses( n, hyp_list, annotation.label) # todo: save threshold/score if likelihood > 0: label_match = True if not best_match == -1: sum_threshold = sum_threshold + detection.prob # get thresholds for correct(!) detections (only bbox) match_list.append((best_match, best_p, label_match)) if save_images: save_image(img, detection_list, annotation_list, match_list, logging_dir) for match in match_list: if match[0] == -1: detect_false = detect_false + 1 else: detect_true = detect_true + 1 if match[0] in annotation_unmatched_list: annotation_unmatched_list.remove(match[0]) if match[2]: rec_true = rec_true + 1 else: rec_false = rec_false + 1 for index in annotation_unmatched_list: detect_missing = detect_missing + 1 detected = detect_true + detect_false to_detect = detect_true + detect_missing rec_total = rec_true + rec_false detection_rate = float(detect_true) / float(to_detect) correct_detected = float(detect_true) / float(detected) recognition_rate = float(rec_true) / float(rec_total) avg_threshold = float(sum_threshold) / float(detect_true) print( "Detected {} of all annotations.\n{} of detections were correct (annotated)." .format(detection_rate, correct_detected)) if do_recognition: print("\nRecognition rate: {}\n\n".format(recognition_rate)) print("average threshold of correct (!) detections: {}".format( avg_threshold))
import sys from utils import read_annotations gold_annotations = read_annotations(sys.argv[1]) pred_annotations = read_annotations(sys.argv[2]) def get_precision(gold_annotations, pred_annotations, entirety=False): TP, FP = 0, 0 for sent_id, annotations in pred_annotations.items(): for pred_ann in annotations: per, _, org = pred_ann T = False for glod_ann in gold_annotations[sent_id]: if entirety: if per == glod_ann[0] and org == glod_ann[2]: T = True break else: if (per in glod_ann[0] or glod_ann[0] in per) and (org in glod_ann[2] or glod_ann[2] in org): T = True break if T: TP += 1 else: FP += 1 return TP / (TP + FP)
def main(): video = Video("../datasets/AICity_data/train/S03/c010/vdo.avi") gt = read_annotations('../annotations', start_frame, end_frame) """ DETECTIONS """ det_algs = ['yolo3', 'mask_rcnn', 'ssd512'] for alg in det_algs: detections = read_detections( '../datasets/AICity_data/train/S03/c010/det/det_{0}.txt'.format( alg)) detections = detections[start_frame:end_frame + 1] frames = [] # roi = cv2.imread('../datasets/AICity_data/train/S03/c010/roi.jpg') for im, f in seq(video.get_frames( start_frame_number=start_frame)).take(end_frame - start_frame + 1): f.ground_truth = gt[] f.detections = detections[] frames.append(f) if make_video: make_video_frame(im, f, frames) iou_over_time(frames) mAP = mean_average_precision(frames) print(alg, " mAP:", mAP) """ DETECTIONS FROM ALTERED GROUND TRUTH """ frames = [] for im, f in seq(video.get_frames()).take(end_frame - start_frame + 1): f.ground_truth = gt[] f.detections = alter_detections(f.ground_truth) frames.append(f) if make_video: make_video_frame(im, f, frames) iou_over_time(frames) mAP = mean_average_precision(frames) print('Random alteration', " mAP:", mAP) """ OPTICAL FLOW """ of_det_1 = read_optical_flow( '../datasets/optical_flow/detection/LKflow_000045_10.png') of_det_2 = read_optical_flow( '../datasets/optical_flow/detection/LKflow_000157_10.png') of_gt_1 = read_optical_flow('../datasets/optical_flow/gt/000045_10.png') of_gt_2 = read_optical_flow('../datasets/optical_flow/gt/000157_10.png') img_1 = cv2.imread('../datasets/optical_flow/img/000045_10.png') img_2 = cv2.imread('../datasets/optical_flow/img/000157_10.png') msen_of = msen(of_det_2, of_gt_2) pepn_of = pepn(of_det_2, of_gt_2) print(msen_of, pepn_of) show_optical_flow(of_gt_1) show_optical_flow_arrows(img_1, of_gt_1) msen_45 = msen(of_det_1, of_gt_1, plot=True) pepn_45 = pepn(of_det_1, of_gt_1) print("Sequence 045: MSEN", msen_45, "PEPN", pepn_45) msen_157 = msen(of_det_2, of_gt_2, plot=True) pepn_157 = pepn(of_det_2, of_gt_2) print("Sequence 157: MSEN", msen_157, "PEPN", pepn_157) show_optical_flow(of_gt_1)
def off_the_shelf_yolo(tracking, debug=False, *args, **kwargs): video = Video("../datasets/AICity_data/train/S03/c010/frames") detection_transform = DetectionTransform() classes = utils.load_classes('../config/coco.names') gt = read_annotations( '../datasets/AICity_data/train/S03/c010/m6-full_annotation.xml') model = Darknet('../config/yolov3.cfg') model.load_weights('../weights/fine_tuned_yolo_freeze.weights') if torch.cuda.is_available(): model = model.cuda() frames = [] last_im = None model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): for i, im in tqdm(enumerate(video.get_frames(start=len(video) // 4)), total=len(video), file=sys.stdout, desc='Yolo'): im_tensor = detection_transform(im) im_tensor = im_tensor.view((-1, ) + im_tensor.size()) if torch.cuda.is_available(): im_tensor = im_tensor.cuda() detections = model.forward(im_tensor) detections = utils.non_max_suppression(detections, 80, conf_thres=.6, nms_thres=0.3) frame = Frame(i + (len(video) // 4)) frame.ground_truth = gt[] for d in detections[0]: if int(d[6]) in VALID_LABELS: bbox = d.cpu().numpy() det = Detection(-1, classes[int(d[6])], (bbox[0], bbox[1]), width=bbox[2] - bbox[0], height=bbox[3] - bbox[1], confidence=d[5]) detection_transform.unshrink_detection(det) frame.detections.append(det) if tracking is not None: last_frame = None if len(frames) == 0 else frames[-1] tracking(frame=frame, im=im, last_frame=last_frame, last_im=last_im, frames=frames, debug=False) frames.append(frame) last_im = im if debug: plt.figure() for det in frame.detections: rect = patches.Rectangle(det.top_left, det.width, det.height, linewidth=2, edgecolor='blue', facecolor='none') plt.gca().add_patch(rect) if tracking is None: text = '{}'.format(det.label) else: text = '{} ~ {}'.format(det.label, plt.text(det.top_left[0], det.top_left[1], s=text, color='white', verticalalignment='top', bbox={ 'color': 'blue', 'pad': 0 }) plt.imshow(im) plt.axis('off') # plt.savefig('../video/video_yolo_fine_tune_good/frame_{:04d}'.format(i)) plt.close() # iou_over_time(frames) mAP = mean_average_precision(frames) print("YOLO mAP:", mAP)
def main(cwd, do_amgng, amgng_file, ma_window, ma_recalc_delay, do_cla, cla_file, buffer_len, plot): values = inspect.getargvalues(inspect.currentframe())[3] print('using parameters: {}'.format(values)) annotations_path = os.path.join(cwd, 'annotations.csv') anndf = utils.read_annotations(annotations_path, ['Type'], 20000) amgng_df = None if do_amgng: from mgng.amgng import main as amgng_main print('Training AMGNG model...') out_file = os.path.join(cwd, 'out_amgng_{}'.format(amgng_file)) full_path = os.path.join(cwd, amgng_file) start = amgng_main(input_file=full_path, output_file=out_file, buffer_len=buffer_len, index_col='timestamp', skip_rows=[1,2], ma_window=ma_window, ma_recalc_delay=ma_recalc_delay) amgng_time = - start print('Reading results...') amgng_df = pd.read_csv(out_file, parse_dates=True, index_col='timestamp') amgng_df['Annotation'] = anndf.Type print('Writing annotated results...') amgng_df.to_csv(out_file) if plot: utils.plot_results(amgng_df, ['ECG1'], 'anomaly_score', 'anomaly_density', '[rs]') print('Time taken: amgng={}'.format(amgng_time)) cla_df = None if do_cla: from cla.swarm import swarm from cla.cla import main as cla_main out_file = os.path.join(cwd, 'out_cla_{}'.format(cla_file)) print('Training CLA model...') full_path = os.path.join(cwd, cla_file) SWARM_DESCRIPTION = { 'includedFields': [ { 'fieldName': 'timestamp', 'fieldType': 'datetime', }, { 'fieldName': 'ECG1', 'fieldType': 'float', }, ], 'streamDef': { 'info': 'chfdbchf13 ECG1', 'version': 1, 'streams': [ { 'info': 'chfdbchf13', 'source': full_path, 'columns': ['*'] } ] }, 'inferenceType': 'TemporalAnomaly', 'inferenceArgs': { 'predictionSteps': [1], 'predictedField': 'ECG1' }, 'iterationCount': buffer_len, 'swarmSize': 'small' } start = swarm(cwd=cwd, input_file=cla_file, swarm_description=SWARM_DESCRIPTION) swarm_time = - start start = cla_main(cwd=cwd, input_file=full_path, output_name=out_file, plot=False, predicted_field='ECG1') cla_time = - start print('Reading results...') cla_df = pd.read_csv(out_file, parse_dates=True, index_col='timestamp') cla_df['Annotation'] = anndf.Type print('Writing annotated results...') cla_df.to_csv(out_file) if plot: utils.plot_results(cla_df, ['ECG1'], 'anomaly_score', 'anomaly_likelihood', '[rs]') print('Time taken: swarm={}, cla={}'.format(swarm_time, cla_time)) return amgng_df, cla_df
def multiply_dataset(input_dir, output_dir, bg_dir, num_rotate=1, num_illuminate=1, num_scale=1, num_blur=1, num_bg=1): print("input: " + input_dir) print("output: " + output_dir) bg_list = [] use_bg = False if bg_dir is not None and not bg_dir == "" and num_bg > 0: print("try to read background data set") for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(bg_dir): for filename in filenames: file = dirname + '/' + filename if file.endswith(".jpg"): l_file = file.replace("/images/", "/labels/").replace(".jpg", ".txt") if not (os.path.isfile(l_file)): print( "error: Surface label file does not exist! Skipping image." ) continue bg_list.append("{}".format(file)) print("found {} backgrounds".format(len(bg_list))) if len(bg_list) > 0: use_bg = True else: print("background change disabled") print("multiply image (light, scale, blur, rotate): {}x{}x{}x{}x{} times". format(num_illuminate, num_scale, num_blur, num_rotate, num_bg)) rotation_limit = 80 for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(input_dir): for filename in filenames: file_path = dirname + '/' + filename if not os.path.exists(dirname.replace( input_dir, output_dir)): # creates dir path os.makedirs(dirname.replace(input_dir, output_dir)) roi_path = dirname.replace(input_dir, output_dir).replace( "/images", "/rois").replace("/labels", "/rois") if not os.path.exists(roi_path): os.makedirs(roi_path) # deals with all None-Image files if imghdr.what(file_path) is None: if ".jpg" in filename or ".png" in filename: # ignore empty images continue if dirname.endswith( "/labels" ): # ignores the label files, they will be written later continue #if "train.txt" in filename or "test.txt" in filename: # leaves the files empty to fill it later # train_txt = open(file_path.replace(input_dir, output_dir).replace("test.txt", "train.txt"), 'a+') else: # copy the files without changing old_file = open(file_path, 'r') new_file = open(file_path.replace(input_dir, output_dir), 'w+') new_file.write( old_file.close() # close the streams new_file.close() continue if "mask." in file_path: # ignore masks continue if "/rois" in file_path: # ignore generated rois continue label_path = file_path.replace("/images/", "/labels/").replace( ".jpg", ".txt").replace(".png", ".txt") mask_path = file_path.replace(".jpg", "_mask.jpg").replace( ".png", "_mask.png") if not os.path.isfile(label_path): # skip images with no labels continue has_mask = False if os.path.isfile(mask_path): # check mask exists has_mask = True print(file_path) image = cv2.imread(file_path) mask = cv2.imread(mask_path, 0) annotation_list = utils.read_annotations(label_path) new_path = file_path.replace(input_dir, output_dir) results = [] if has_mask and use_bg: results = replace_annotation_in_image(image, mask, new_path, bg_list, num_bg, num_rotate, rotation_limit) bbox_list = [] for a in annotation_list: bbox = copy.deepcopy(a.bbox) bbox_list.append(bbox) original = (image, new_path, bbox_list) results.append(original) for res in results: if not len(annotation_list) == len(res[2]): print( "ERROR: There are {} annotations, but only {} bounding boxes were changed. " + "Skip.".format(len(annotation_list), len(res[2]))) continue change_whole_image(res[0], res[1], annotation_list, res[2], num_illuminate, num_scale, num_blur)