Example #1
    def _load_calib(self):
        # """Load and compute intrinsic and extrinsic calibration parameters.# """
        # We'll build the calibration parameters as a dictionary, then
        # convert it to a namedtuple to prevent it from being modified later
        data = {}

        # Load the calibration file
        calib_filepath = os.path.join(self.sequence_path, 'calib.txt')
        filedata = utils.read_calib_file(calib_filepath)

        # Create 3x4 projection matrices
        # 1x12 to 3x4
        P_rect_00 = np.reshape(filedata['P0'], (3, 4))
        P_rect_10 = np.reshape(filedata['P1'], (3, 4))
        P_rect_20 = np.reshape(filedata['P2'], (3, 4))
        P_rect_30 = np.reshape(filedata['P3'], (3, 4))
        # P_rect_40 = np.reshape(filedate['Tr'], (3, 4))

        data['P_rect_00'] = P_rect_00
        data['P_rect_10'] = P_rect_10
        data['P_rect_20'] = P_rect_20
        data['P_rect_30'] = P_rect_30

        # Compute the rectified extrinsics from cam0 to camN
        T1 = np.eye(4)
        T1[0, 3] = P_rect_10[0, 3] / P_rect_10[0, 0]
        T2 = np.eye(4)
        T2[0, 3] = P_rect_20[0, 3] / P_rect_20[0, 0]
        T3 = np.eye(4)
        T3[0, 3] = P_rect_30[0, 3] / P_rect_30[0, 0]

        # Compute the velodyne to rectified camera coordinate transforms
        # vstack
        data['T_cam0_velo'] = np.reshape(filedata['Tr'], (3, 4))
        # now data['T_cam0_velo'] is 4x4
        data['T_cam0_velo'] = np.vstack([data['T_cam0_velo'], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        data['T_cam1_velo'] = T1.dot(data['T_cam0_velo'])
        data['T_cam2_velo'] = T2.dot(data['T_cam0_velo'])
        data['T_cam3_velo'] = T3.dot(data['T_cam0_velo'])

        # Compute the camera intrinsics
        data['K_cam0'] = P_rect_00[0:3, 0:3]
        data['K_cam1'] = P_rect_10[0:3, 0:3]
        data['K_cam2'] = P_rect_20[0:3, 0:3]
        data['K_cam3'] = P_rect_30[0:3, 0:3]

        # Compute the stereo baselines in meters by projecting the origin of
        # each camera frame into the velodyne frame and computing the distances
        # between them
        p_cam = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1])
        p_velo0 = np.linalg.inv(data['T_cam0_velo']).dot(p_cam)
        p_velo1 = np.linalg.inv(data['T_cam1_velo']).dot(p_cam)
        p_velo2 = np.linalg.inv(data['T_cam2_velo']).dot(p_cam)
        p_velo3 = np.linalg.inv(data['T_cam3_velo']).dot(p_cam)

        data['b_gray'] = np.linalg.norm(p_velo1 - p_velo0)  # gray baseline
        data['b_rgb'] = np.linalg.norm(p_velo3 - p_velo2)   # rgb baseline

        self.calib = namedtuple('CalibData', data.keys())(*data.values())
    ori_velo_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(src_velo_dir, "*.bin"))
    # print(ori_velo_paths)
    for ori_velo_path in tqdm.tqdm(sorted(ori_velo_paths)):
        velo_idx = get_filename(ori_velo_path, False)
        calib_path = get_file_path_by_idx(velo_idx, src_calib_dir)
        label_path = get_file_path_by_idx(velo_idx, src_label_dir)
        image_path = get_file_path_by_idx(velo_idx, src_image_dir)

        output_velo_path = os.path.join(output_disturb_dir, velo_idx + ".bin")
        output_viz_velo_ori_path = os.path.join(output_viz_original_dir,
                                                velo_idx + ".jpg")
        output_viz_velo_disturb_path = os.path.join(output_viz_disturb_dir,
                                                    velo_idx + ".jpg")

        # Load calibration
        calib = read_calib_file(calib_path)
        # Load labels
        labels = load_label(label_path)
        # Load Lidar PC
        pc_velo = load_velo_scan(ori_velo_path)[:, :3]

        proj_cam_to_velo = project_cam2_to_velo(calib)

        temp = np.asarray([[1, 1, 1]])
        delete_inds = np.asarray([0])
        for obj in labels:
            # get obj range info
            range_info = get_obj_range_info(obj)
            inds = get_obj_inds(pc_velo, range_info)
            selected = pc_velo[inds]
            selected = selected[selected[:, 2].argsort()]
 def load_camera_matrix(self, path, sample_image):
     sample_height, sample_width = sample_image.shape[
         0], sample_image.shape[1]
     zoom_y = self.img_height / sample_height
     zoom_x = self.img_width / sample_width
     self.camera_matrix = read_calib_file(2, path, zoom_x, zoom_y)
Example #4
    cmap = np.array([cmap(i) for i in range(256)])[:, :3] * 255

    for i in range(imgfov_points.shape[1]):
        depth = imgfov_pc_cam2[2, i]
        color = cmap[int(640.0 / depth) % 256, :]
        cv2.circle(img, (int(np.round(
            imgfov_points[0, i])), int(np.round(imgfov_points[1, i]))),
    return img

def show(img):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # loading calibration
    calib = read_calib_file('./calib.txt')
    # loading image
    img = load_image('./left_images/00000000.png')
    # loading point cloud
    point_cloud = load_point_cloud('./point_clouds/00000000.bin')

    img = draw_lidar_on_image(calib, img, point_cloud)