def main(debug=False, reloader=False): from utils import (create_config, runningInDocker) from ansi_management import (warning, success, error, info, clear_screen, bold, muted, yellow, blue) # Make sure current libraries are found in path current_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) # CLS + Welcome print("") print("") print(yellow("Welcome to the WARden <> Launching Application ...")) print("") print(f"[i] Running from directory: {current_path}") print("") if runningInDocker(): print( success( f"✅ Running inside docker container {emoji.emojize(':whale:')} Getting some James Bartley vibes..." )) print("") app = create_app() app.app_context().push() app = init_app(app) app.app_context().push() def close_running_threads(app): print("") print("") print(yellow("[i] Please Wait... Shutting down.")) # Delete Debug File try: from config import Config os.remove(Config.debug_file) except FileNotFoundError: pass # Clean all messages app.message_handler.clean_all() # Breaks background jobs app.scheduler.shutdown(wait=False) goodbye() os._exit(1) # Register the def above to run at close atexit.register(close_running_threads, app) print("") print(success("✅ WARden Server is Ready... Launch cool ASCII logo!")) print("")"Launched WARden Server [Success]") def onion_string(): from utils import pickle_it if app.settings['SERVER'].getboolean('onion_server'): try: pickle_it('save', 'onion_address.pkl', app.tor_service_id + '.onion') return (f""" {emoji.emojize(':onion:')} Tor Onion server running at: {yellow(app.tor_service_id + '.onion')} """) except Exception: return (yellow("[!] Tor Onion Server Not Running")) else: return ('') def local_network_string(): host = app.settings['SERVER'].get('host') port = str(app.settings['SERVER'].getint('port')) if app.runningInDocker: return ('') else: if host == '': return (f""" Or through your network at address: {yellow('http://')}{yellow(get_local_ip())}{yellow(f':{port}/')} """) port = app.settings['SERVER'].getint('port') # Check if this port is available from utils import is_port_in_use ports = [5001, 5002, 5003, 5004, 5005, 5006, 5007, 5008, 5009, 5010] if is_port_in_use(port) is True: # Ooops. Port in use... Let's try other ports... for p in ports: if is_port_in_use(p) is False: print( warning( f"[i] Please note that port {str(port)} is in use.")) print( warning( f"[i] Port was automatically changed to {str(p)} which is free." )) # Reassign port port = p app.settings['SERVER']['port'] = str(port) break print( fg.brightgreen(""" _ _ __ ___ ____ _ | |_| |__ ___ \ \ / / \ | _ \ __| | ___ _ __ | __| '_ \ / _ \ \ \ /\ / / _ \ | |_) / _` |/ _ \ '_ | | |_| | | | __/ \ V V / ___ \| _ < (_| | __/ | | | \__|_| |_|\___| \_/\_/_/ \_\_| \_\__,_|\___|_| |_|""")) print(f""" {yellow("Powered by NgU technology")} {emoji.emojize(':rocket:')} Privacy Focused Portfolio & Bitcoin Address Tracker ----------------------------------------------------------------- Application Loaded Open your browser and navigate to one of these addresses: {yellow('http://localhost:' + str(port) + '/')} {yellow('' + str(port) + '/')} {local_network_string()} {onion_string()} ---------------------------------------------------------------- CTRL + C to quit server ---------------------------------------------------------------- """), threaded=True, host=app.settings['SERVER'].get('host'), port=port, use_reloader=reloader) if app.settings['SERVER'].getboolean('onion_server'): from tor import stop_hidden_services stop_hidden_services(app)
def init_app(app): from ansi_management import (warning, success, error) from utils import (create_config, runningInDocker) from config import Config from connections import tor_request warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # Load config.ini into app # -------------------------------------------- # Read Global Variables from warden.config(s) # Can be accessed like a dictionary like: # app.settings['PORTFOLIO']['RENEW_NAV'] # -------------------------------------------- config_file = Config.config_file app.warden_status = {} # Check for internet connection internet_ok = internet_connected() if internet_ok is True: print(success("✅ Internet Connection")) else: print( error( "[!] WARden needs internet connection. Check your connection.") ) print(warning("[!] Exiting")) exit() # Config config_settings = configparser.ConfigParser() if os.path.isfile(config_file): app.warden_status['initial_setup'] = False print( success( "✅ Config Loaded from config.ini - edit it for customization" )) else: print( error( " Config File could not be loaded, created a new one with default values..." )) create_config(config_file) app.warden_status['initial_setup'] = True table_error = False try: # create empty instance of LoginManager app.login_manager = LoginManager() except sqlite3.OperationalError: table_error = True # Create empty instance of SQLAlchemy app.db = SQLAlchemy() app.db.init_app(app) # Import models so tables are created from models import Trades, User, AccountInfo, TickerInfo, SpecterInfo app.db.create_all() # There was an initial error on getting users # probably because tables were not created yet. # The above create_all should have solved it so try again. if table_error: # create empty instance of LoginManager app.login_manager = LoginManager() # If login required - go to login: app.login_manager.login_view = "warden.login" # To display messages - info class (Bootstrap) app.login_manager.login_message_category = "secondary" app.login_manager.init_app(app) # Create empty instance of messagehandler from message_handler import MessageHandler app.message_handler = MessageHandler() app.message_handler.clean_all() # Get Version print("") try: version_file = Config.version_file with open(version_file, 'r') as file: current_version ='\n', '') except Exception: current_version = 'unknown' with app.app_context(): app.version = current_version # Check if there are any users on database, if not, needs initial setup users = User.query.all() if users == []: app.warden_status['initial_setup'] = True # Check for Cryptocompare API Keys print("") check_cryptocompare() print("") print(f"[i] Running WARden version: {current_version}") app.warden_status['running_version'] = current_version # CHECK FOR UPGRADE repo_url = '' try: github_version = tor_request(repo_url).json()[0]['tag_name'] except Exception: github_version = None app.warden_status['github_version'] = github_version if github_version: print(f"[i] Newest WARden version available: {github_version}") parsed_github = version.parse(github_version) parsed_version = version.parse(current_version) app.warden_status['needs_upgrade'] = False if parsed_github > parsed_version: print(warning(" [i] Upgrade Available")) app.warden_status['needs_upgrade'] = True if parsed_github == parsed_version: print(success("✅ You are running the latest version")) else: print(warning("[!] Could not check GitHub for updates")) print("") # Check if config.ini exists with app.app_context(): app.settings = config_settings with app.app_context(): try: from utils import fxsymbol app.fx = fxsymbol(config_settings['PORTFOLIO']['base_fx'], 'all') except KeyError: # Problem with this config, reset print(error(" [!] Config File needs to be rebuilt")) print("") create_config(config_file) # TOR Server through Onion Address -- # USE WITH CAUTION - ONION ADDRESSES CAN BE EXPOSED! # WARden needs to implement authentication (coming soon) if app.settings['SERVER'].getboolean('onion_server'): from stem.control import Controller from urllib.parse import urlparse app.tor_port = app.settings['SERVER'].getint('onion_port') app.port = app.settings['SERVER'].getint('port') from warden_modules import home_path toraddr_file = os.path.join(home_path(), "onion.txt") app.save_tor_address_to = toraddr_file proxy_url = "socks5h://localhost:9050" tor_control_port = "" try: tor_control_address = urlparse(proxy_url).netloc.split(":")[0] if tor_control_address == "localhost": tor_control_address = "" app.controller = Controller.from_port( address=tor_control_address, port=int(tor_control_port) if tor_control_port else "default", ) except Exception: app.controller = None from tor import start_hidden_service start_hidden_service(app) from routes import warden from errors.handlers import errors from api.routes import api from csv_routes.routes import csv_routes from user_routes.routes import user_routes from simulator.routes import simulator app.register_blueprint(warden) app.register_blueprint(errors) app.register_blueprint(api) app.register_blueprint(csv_routes) app.register_blueprint(user_routes) app.register_blueprint(simulator) # Prepare app to receive Specter Server info # For the first load, just get a saved file if available # The background jobs will update later with app.app_context(): from specter_importer import Specter app.specter = Specter() app.specter.refresh_txs(load=True) app.downloading = False with app.app_context(): app.runningInDocker = runningInDocker() with app.app_context(): app.tor = create_tor() # Check if home folder exists, if not create home = str(Path.home()) home_path = os.path.join(home, 'warden/') try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(home_path)) except Exception: pass # Start Schedulers from backgroundjobs import (background_settings_update, background_specter_update, background_scan_network, background_specter_health, background_mempool_seeker) def bk_su(): with app.app_context(): background_specter_update() def bk_stu(): with app.app_context(): background_settings_update() def bk_scan(): with app.app_context(): background_scan_network() def bk_specter_health(): with app.app_context(): background_specter_health() def bk_mempool_health(): with app.app_context(): background_mempool_seeker() app.scheduler = BackgroundScheduler() app.scheduler.add_job(bk_su, 'interval', seconds=1) app.scheduler.add_job(bk_stu, 'interval', seconds=1) app.scheduler.add_job(bk_scan, 'interval', seconds=1) app.scheduler.add_job(bk_specter_health, 'interval', seconds=1) app.scheduler.add_job(bk_mempool_health, 'interval', seconds=1) app.scheduler.start() print(success("✅ Background jobs running")) print("") app.app_context().push() print(success("✅ Application startup is complete")) return app
def main(debug=False, reloader=False): from utils import (create_config, runningInDocker) from ansi_management import (warning, success, error, info, clear_screen, bold, muted, yellow, blue) # Make sure current libraries are found in path current_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) # CLS + Welcome print("") print("") print(yellow(" Welcome to the WARden <> Launching Application ...")) print("") print(f" [i] Running from directory: {current_path}") print("") if runningInDocker(): print(success(f"✅ Running inside docker container {emoji.emojize(':whale:')} Getting some James Bartley vibes...")) print("") app = create_app() app.app_context().push() app = init_app(app) app.app_context().push() def close_running_threads(app): print("") print("") print(yellow(" [i] Please Wait... Shutting down.")) # Delete Debug File try: from config import Config os.remove(Config.debug_file) except FileNotFoundError: pass # Clean all messages app.message_handler.clean_all() # Breaks background jobs app.scheduler.shutdown(wait=False) print(""" Goodbye & Keep Stacking """) print("") # Register the def above to run at close atexit.register(close_running_threads, app) print("") print(success("✅ WARden Server is Ready... Launch cool ASCII logo!")) print("") def onion_string(): if app.settings['SERVER'].getboolean('onion_server'): return (f""" {emoji.emojize(':onion:')} Tor Onion server running at: {yellow(app.tor_service_id + '.onion')} """) else: return ('') def local_network_string(): host = app.settings['SERVER'].get('host') if app.runningInDocker: return ('') else: if host == '': return (f""" Or through your network at address: {yellow('http://')}{yellow(get_local_ip())}{yellow(':5000/')} """) print( fg.brightgreen(""" _ _ __ ___ ____ _ | |_| |__ ___ \ \ / / \ | _ \ __| | ___ _ __ | __| '_ \ / _ \ \ \ /\ / / _ \ | |_) / _` |/ _ \ '_ | | |_| | | | __/ \ V V / ___ \| _ < (_| | __/ | | | \__|_| |_|\___| \_/\_/_/ \_\_| \_\__,_|\___|_| |_|""")) print(f""" {yellow("Powered by NgU technology")} {emoji.emojize(':rocket:')} Privacy Focused Portfolio & Bitcoin Address Tracker ----------------------------------------------------------------- Application Loaded Open your browser and navigate to one of these addresses: {yellow('http://localhost:5000/')} {yellow('')} {local_network_string()} {onion_string()} ---------------------------------------------------------------- CTRL + C to quit server ---------------------------------------------------------------- """), threaded=True, host=app.settings['SERVER'].get('host'), port=app.settings['SERVER'].getint('port'), use_reloader=reloader) if app.settings['SERVER'].getboolean('onion_server'): from tor import stop_hidden_services stop_hidden_services(app)