def validate(self): """validates the testrun: parse the testplan macro for testcase names and testers, and parse those testcases (wiki pages) to get and validate the actions and expected results. A test plan macrco looks like this: #! TestPlan Id: TA14 Testart: UsecaseTest Build: DC-3.1.1 Konfiguration: IE7-Win, FF-LUX Usecases: BaugruppenVerwalten, ObjekteSuchen Testcases/SaveAsEinerBaugruppe mmuster TcErzeugenEinerBaugruppe lmende, mmuster """ self.dbg("TestRun.validate()") try: attributes, tc_tester_tups = parsers.TestPlanMacroParser(self.env).parse_config( self._testplan_macro_content(self.wikiplan.text) ) except TracError, e: self.env.log.error(e) raise TracError(safe_unicode("Testplan error on %s, %s" % (, e.message)))
def normalize_story(story_info): story_info = tokenizer.predict(story_info) story_info = normalize_special_mark.sub(u' \g<special_mark> ', story_info) story_info = normalize_space.sub(u' ', story_info) story_info = tokenizer.spliter.split(story_info) story_info = filter(lambda x: len(x.strip()) > 0, story_info) story_info = map(lambda x: fix_missing_period(x), story_info) story_info = u' '.join(story_info) # convert unicode to bytes string story_info = utils.safe_unicode(story_info) story_info = story_info.encode('utf-8') return story_info
def setup(self, pagename, manager): """ Sets up a new testrun and inserts a new trac ticket of type testrun into the database. """ self.dbg("TestRun.setup( %s, %s )" % (str(pagename), str(manager))) self.wikiplan = WikiPage(self.env, pagename) # add new testrun ticket data = {OWNER: manager, "reporter": manager, SUMMARY:, "type": "testrun"} self.dbg("ticket data: %s" % data) try: self.ticket.populate(data) self.runid = self.ticket.insert() self.ticket["description"] = self.description self.ticket.save_changes() except TracError, e: self.env.log.error(e) raise TracError(safe_unicode("TestRun ticket could not be created: %s" % e.message))
self.testcases = list() for pagename, testers in tc_tester_tups: for tester in testers: try: tc = parser.parseTestcase(pagename=pagename) tc.testrun = self.runid tc.status = NOT_TESTED tc.tester = tester for ta in tc.actions: ta.testrun = self.runid ta.status = NOT_TESTED except TracError, e: self.env.log.error(e) errors[pagename] = safe_unicode(e.message) continue self.testcases.append(tc) if errors: self._set_defect(errors) raise TracError( "Testplan could not be started, for more information " "review the testplan page '%s' and restart the testplan" % ) def _testplan_macro_content(self, wikitext): """ searches the testplan macro text in a wiki page. """ self.dbg("TestRun._testplan_macro_content()")