Example #1
    def _compute_elf_kp(self):
        This is used only to format convert kp that I computed previously into
        a format the compute_ori and compute_desc can handle. 
        This is used for component analysis.
        Use this one if I saved the kp with the scale. If I saved my kp like a
        savage, use the other one.


        total_time = 0.0
        global_start_time = time.time()
        kp_dir = 'res/elf/%s' % self.config.kp_dir_id

        for scene_name in cst.SCENE_LIST:
            duration = time.time() - global_start_time
            print('****** %s ****** %d:%02d' %
                  (scene_name, duration / 60, duration % 60))
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(cst.KP_DIR, scene_name)):
                os.makedirs(os.path.join(cst.KP_DIR, scene_name))

            for img_key in range(1, cst.MAX_IMG_NUM + 1):
                elf_kp_fn = os.path.join(kp_dir, scene_name,
                                         '%d_kp.txt' % (img_key))

                # same kp with the lift kp format
                extended_kp_fn = os.path.join(cst.KP_DIR, scene_name,
                                              '%d_kp.txt' % (img_key))
                kp_on_img_fn = os.path.join(cst.KP_DIR, scene_name,
                                            '%d.jpg' % (img_key))

                img_fn = os.path.join(cst.DATA_DIR, scene_name,
                                      '%d.ppm' % (img_key))
                image_color = cv2.imread(img_fn)
                image_color = cv2.resize(image_color, (cst.NEW_SIZE),
                image_gray = cv2.cvtColor(image_color,

                XYZS = np.loadtxt(elf_kp_fn)
                draw_XYZS_to_img(XYZS, image_color, kp_on_img_fn)

                # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                # Save as keypoint file to be used by the oxford thing
                #print("Turning into kp_list")
                kp_list = XYZS2kpList(XYZS)  # note that this is already sorted


                #print("Saving to txt")
                #saveKpListToTxt(kp_list, None, self.config.test_out_file)
                saveKpListToTxt(kp_list, None, extended_kp_fn)
Example #2
    def _compute_ori(self):
        """Compute Orientations """

        total_time = 0.0

        # Read image
        start_time = time.clock()
        cur_data = self.dataset.load_data()
        end_time = time.clock()
        load_time = (end_time - start_time) * 1000.0

        if self.config.verbose:
            print("Time taken to load patches is {} ms".format(load_time))
        total_time += load_time

        # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Test using the test function
        start_time = time.clock()
        oris = self._test_multibatch(cur_data)
        end_time = time.clock()
        compute_time = (end_time - start_time) * 1000.0

        if self.config.verbose:
            print("Time taken to compute is {} ms".format(compute_time))
        total_time += compute_time

        # update keypoints and save as new
        start_time = time.clock()
        kps = cur_data["kps"]
        for idxkp in xrange(len(kps)):
            kps[idxkp][IDX_ANGLE] = oris[idxkp] * 180.0 / np.pi % 360.0
            kps[idxkp] = update_affine(kps[idxkp])
        end_time = time.clock()
        update_time = (end_time - start_time) * 1000.0

        if self.config.verbose:
            print("Time taken to update is {} ms".format(update_time))
        total_time += update_time

        if self.config.verbose:
            print("Total time for orientation is {} ms".format(total_time))

        # save as new keypoints
        saveKpListToTxt(kps, self.config.test_kp_file,
Example #3
    def _compute_my_kp_load_my_kp(self):
        """Compute Keypoints.

        LATER: Clean up code


        total_time = 0.0
        global_start_time = time.time()

        for scene_name in cst.SCENE_LIST:
            duration = time.time() - global_start_time
            print('****** %s ****** %d:%02d'%(scene_name, duration/60,
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(cst.KP_DIR, scene_name)):
                os.makedirs(os.path.join(cst.KP_DIR, scene_name))
            for img_key in range(1, MAX_IMG_NUM+1):
                my_kp_fn = os.path.join(MY_cst.KP_DIR, scene_name, '%d.txt'%(img_key))
                extended_kp_fn = os.path.join(cst.KP_DIR, scene_name, '%d.txt'%(img_key))
                kp_on_img_fn = os.path.join(cst.KP_DIR, scene_name, '%d.jpg'%(img_key))
                img_fn = os.path.join(cst.DATA_DIR, scene_name, '%d.ppm'%(img_key))
                image_color = cv2.imread(img_fn)
                image_color = cv2.resize(image_color, (cst.NEW_SIZE),
                image_gray = cv2.cvtColor(
                        image_color, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY).astype("float32")
                XYZS = np.loadtxt(my_kp_fn)
                draw_XYZS_to_img(XYZS, image_color, kp_on_img_fn)

                # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                # Save as keypoint file to be used by the oxford thing
                #print("Turning into kp_list")
                kp_list = XYZS2kpList(XYZS)  # note that this is already sorted


                #print("Saving to txt")
                #saveKpListToTxt(kp_list, None, self.config.test_out_file)
                saveKpListToTxt(kp_list, None, extended_kp_fn)
Example #4
    def _compute_kp(self):
        """Compute Keypoints.

        LATER: Clean up code


        total_time = 0.0

        # Read image
        image_color, image_gray, load_prep_time = self.dataset.load_image()

        # check size
        image_height = image_gray.shape[0]
        image_width = image_gray.shape[1]

        # Multiscale Testing
        scl_intv = self.config.test_scl_intv
        # min_scale_log2 = 1  # min scale = 2
        # max_scale_log2 = 4  # max scale = 16
        min_scale_log2 = self.config.test_min_scale_log2
        max_scale_log2 = self.config.test_max_scale_log2
        # Test starting with double scale if small image
        min_hw = np.min(image_gray.shape[:2])
        # for the case of testing on same scale, do not double scale
        if min_hw <= 1600 and min_scale_log2 != max_scale_log2:
            print("INFO: Testing double scale")
            min_scale_log2 -= 1
        # range of scales to check
        num_division = (max_scale_log2 - min_scale_log2) * (scl_intv + 1) + 1
        scales_to_test = 2**np.linspace(min_scale_log2, max_scale_log2,

        # convert scale to image resizes
        resize_to_test = ((float(self.config.kp_input_size - 1) / 2.0) /
                          (get_ratio_scale(self.config) * scales_to_test))

        # check if resize is valid
        min_hw_after_resize = resize_to_test * np.min(image_gray.shape[:2])
        is_resize_valid = min_hw_after_resize > self.config.kp_filter_size + 1

        # if there are invalid scales and resizes
        if not np.prod(is_resize_valid):
            # find first invalid
            # first_invalid = np.where(True - is_resize_valid)[0][0]
            first_invalid = np.where(~is_resize_valid)[0][0]

            # remove scales from testing
            scales_to_test = scales_to_test[:first_invalid]
            resize_to_test = resize_to_test[:first_invalid]

        print('resize to test is {}'.format(resize_to_test))
        print('scales to test is {}'.format(scales_to_test))

        # Run for each scale
        test_res_list = []
        for resize in resize_to_test:

            # resize according to how we extracted patches when training
            new_height = np.cast['int'](np.round(image_height * resize))
            new_width = np.cast['int'](np.round(image_width * resize))
            start_time = time.clock()
            image = cv2.resize(image_gray, (new_width, new_height))
            end_time = time.clock()
            resize_time = (end_time - start_time) * 1000.0
            print("Time taken to resize image is {}ms".format(resize_time))
            total_time += resize_time

            # run test
            # LATER: Compatibility with the previous implementations
            start_time = time.clock()

            # Run the network to get the scoremap (the valid region only)
            scoremap = None
            if self.config.test_kp_use_tensorflow:
                scoremap = self.network.test(
                    image.reshape(1, new_height, new_width, 1)).squeeze()
                # OpenCV Version
                raise NotImplementedError("TODO: Implement OpenCV Version")

            end_time = time.clock()
            compute_time = (end_time - start_time) * 1000.0
            print("Time taken for image size {}"
                  " is {} milliseconds".format(image.shape, compute_time))

            total_time += compute_time

            # pad invalid regions and add to list
            start_time = time.clock()
                       int((self.config.kp_filter_size - 1) / 2),
            end_time = time.clock()
            pad_time = (end_time - start_time) * 1000.0
            print("Time taken for padding and stacking is {} ms".format(
            total_time += pad_time

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Non-max suppresion and draw.

        # The nonmax suppression implemented here is very very slow. Consider
        # this as just a proof of concept implementation as of now.

        # Standard nearby : nonmax will check approximately the same area as
        # descriptor support region.
        nearby = int(
            np.round((0.5 * (self.config.kp_input_size - 1.0) *
                      float(self.config.desc_input_size) /
        fNearbyRatio = self.config.test_nearby_ratio
        # Multiply by quarter to compensate
        fNearbyRatio *= 0.25
        nearby = int(np.round(nearby * fNearbyRatio))
        nearby = max(nearby, 1)

        nms_intv = self.config.test_nms_intv
        edge_th = self.config.test_edge_th

        print("Performing NMS")
        start_time = time.clock()
        res_list = test_res_list
        # check whether the return result for socre is right
        #        print(res_list[0][400:500,300:400])
        XYZS = get_XYZS_from_res_list(
        end_time = time.clock()
        XYZS = XYZS[:self.config.test_num_keypoint]

        # For debugging
        # TODO: Remove below
        draw_XYZS_to_img(XYZS, image_color, self.config.test_out_file + '.jpg')

        nms_time = (end_time - start_time) * 1000.0
        print("NMS time is {} ms".format(nms_time))
        total_time += nms_time
        print("Total time for detection is {} ms".format(total_time))
        # if bPrintTime:
        #     # Also print to a file by appending
        #     with open("../timing-code/timing.txt", "a") as timing_file:
        #         print("------ Keypoint Timing ------\n"
        #               "NMS time is {} ms\n"
        #               "Total time is {} ms\n".format(
        #                   nms_time, total_time
        #               ),
        #               file=timing_file)

        # # resize score to original image size
        # res_list = [cv2.resize(score,
        #                        (image_width, image_height),
        #                        interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
        #             for score in test_res_list]
        # # make as np array
        # res_scores = np.asarray(res_list)
        # with h5py.File('test/scores.h5', 'w') as score_file:
        #     score_file['score'] = res_scores

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Save as keypoint file to be used by the oxford thing
        print("Turning into kp_list")
        kp_list = XYZS2kpList(XYZS)  # note that this is already sorted

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # LATER: take care of the orientations somehow...
        # # Also compute angles with the SIFT method, since the keypoint
        # # component alone has no orientations.
        # print("Recomputing Orientations")
        # new_kp_list, _ = recomputeOrientation(image_gray, kp_list,
        #                                       bSingleOrientation=True)

        print("Saving to txt")
        saveKpListToTxt(kp_list, None, self.config.test_out_file)
Example #5
    def _compute_ori(self):
        """Compute Orientations """

        total_time = 0.0
        global_start_time = time.time()

        fail_scene = ['v_feast']
        for scene_name in cst.SCENE_LIST:
            duration = time.time() - global_start_time
            print('****** %s ****** %d:%02d' %
                  (scene_name, duration / 60, duration % 60))
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(cst.ORI_DIR, scene_name)):
                os.makedirs(os.path.join(cst.ORI_DIR, scene_name))
            for img_key in range(1, cst.MAX_IMG_NUM + 1):
                kp_fn = os.path.join(cst.KP_DIR, scene_name,
                                     '%d_kp.txt' % (img_key))
                img_fn = os.path.join(cst.DATA_DIR, scene_name,
                                      '%d.ppm' % (img_key))
                new_kp_fn = os.path.join(cst.ORI_DIR, scene_name,
                                         '%d_kp.txt' % (img_key))

                if ((scene_name == 'v_feast' and img_key == 6)
                        or (scene_name == 'v_wall' and img_key == 6)):
                    if cst.DATA == 'hpatches':
                # Read image
                start_time = time.clock()
                cur_data = self.dataset.my_load_data(img_fn, kp_fn,
                end_time = time.clock()
                load_time = (end_time - start_time) * 1000.0
                #print("Time taken to load patches is {} ms".format(
                #    load_time
                total_time += load_time

                # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                # Test using the test function
                start_time = time.clock()
                oris = self._test_multibatch(cur_data)
                end_time = time.clock()
                compute_time = (end_time - start_time) * 1000.0
                #print("Time taken to compute is {} ms".format(
                #    compute_time
                total_time += compute_time

                # update keypoints and save as new
                start_time = time.clock()
                kps = cur_data["kps"]
                for idxkp in xrange(len(kps)):
                    kps[idxkp][IDX_ANGLE] = oris[idxkp] * 180.0 / np.pi % 360.0
                    kps[idxkp] = update_affine(kps[idxkp])
                end_time = time.clock()
                update_time = (end_time - start_time) * 1000.0
                #print("Time taken to update is {} ms".format(
                #    update_time
                total_time += update_time
                #print("Total time for orientation is {} ms".format(total_time))

                # save as new keypoints
                saveKpListToTxt(kps, kp_fn, new_kp_fn)
Example #6
    def _compute_ori(self):
        """Compute Orientations """

        total_time = 0.0
        global_start_time = time.time()

        for scene_name in cst.SCENE_LIST:
            print('scene_name: %s'%scene_name)
            img_dir = '%s/%s/'%(cst.DATA_DIR, scene_name)
            img_list = [ l for l in sorted(os.listdir(img_dir)) if l[-3:]=='png']
            img_num = len(img_list)

            duration = time.time() - global_start_time
            print('****** %s ****** %d:%02d'%(scene_name, duration/60,
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(cst.ORI_DIR, scene_name)):
                os.makedirs(os.path.join(cst.ORI_DIR, scene_name))

            for img_id in range(img_num):
                root_name = '%04d'%img_id

                kp_fn = os.path.join(cst.KP_DIR, scene_name, '%s.txt'%(root_name))
                img_fn = os.path.join(img_dir, '%s.png'%root_name)
                new_kp_fn = os.path.join(cst.ORI_DIR, scene_name, '%s.txt'%(root_name))

                # Read image
                start_time = time.clock()
                cur_data = self.dataset.my_load_data(img_fn, kp_fn, cst.NEW_SIZE)
                end_time = time.clock()
                load_time = (end_time - start_time) * 1000.0
                #print("Time taken to load patches is {} ms".format(
                #    load_time
                total_time += load_time

                # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                # Test using the test function
                start_time = time.clock()
                oris = self._test_multibatch(cur_data)
                end_time = time.clock()
                compute_time = (end_time - start_time) * 1000.0
                #print("Time taken to compute is {} ms".format(
                #    compute_time
                total_time += compute_time

                # update keypoints and save as new
                start_time = time.clock()
                kps = cur_data["kps"]
                for idxkp in xrange(len(kps)):
                    kps[idxkp][IDX_ANGLE] = oris[idxkp] * 180.0 / np.pi % 360.0
                    kps[idxkp] = update_affine(kps[idxkp])
                end_time = time.clock()
                update_time = (end_time - start_time) * 1000.0
                #print("Time taken to update is {} ms".format(
                #    update_time
                total_time += update_time
                #print("Total time for orientation is {} ms".format(total_time))

                # save as new keypoints
                saveKpListToTxt( kps, kp_fn, new_kp_fn)
Example #7
    def _compute_kp_load_my_savage_kp(self):
        """Compute Keypoints I saved for everything like a sauvage. So you need
        to specific the scale = 4.2

        LATER: Clean up code


        total_time = 0.0
        global_start_time = time.time()
        for scene_name in cst.SCENE_LIST:
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(cst.KP_DIR, scene_name)):
                os.makedirs(os.path.join(cst.KP_DIR, scene_name))
            print('scene_name: %s'%scene_name)
            img_dir = os.path.join(cst.DATA_DIR, scene_name, 'test/image_color')
            img_list = os.listdir(img_dir)

            duration = time.time() - global_start_time
            print('****** %s ****** %d:%02d'%(scene_name, duration/60,
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(cst.KP_DIR, scene_name)):
                os.makedirs(os.path.join(cst.KP_DIR, scene_name))

            for img_name in img_list:
                if not '.png' in img_name:
                root_name = img_name.split(".")[0]
                my_kp_fn = os.path.join(MY_cst.KP_DIR, scene_name,'%s_kp.txt'%(root_name))
                extended_kp_fn = os.path.join(cst.KP_DIR, scene_name, '%s.txt'%(root_name))
                kp_on_img_fn = os.path.join(cst.KP_DIR, scene_name, '%s.jpg'%(root_name))
                img_fn = os.path.join(cst.DATA_DIR, scene_name, 'test/image_color/', img_name)
                image_color = cv2.imread(img_fn)
                image_color = cv2.resize(image_color, (cst.NEW_SIZE),
                image_gray = cv2.cvtColor(
                        image_color, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY).astype("float32")
                XYZS = np.loadtxt(my_kp_fn)
                my_pts = np.loadtxt(my_kp_fn)

                SCALE = 4.2
                scale_v = np.ones(my_pts.shape[1])*SCALE
                my_pts = np.vstack((my_pts, scale_v))
                my_pts = my_pts[[0,1,3,2],:]

                #SCALE = 4.2
                #scale_v = np.ones(my_pts.shape[1])*SCALE
                #my_pts = np.vstack((my_pts, scale_v))

                #intensity = np.ones(my_pts.shape[1])*SCALE # I forgot to save it
                #my_pts = np.vstack((my_pts, intensity))
                XYZS = my_pts.T
                draw_XYZS_to_img(XYZS, image_color, kp_on_img_fn)

                # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                # Save as keypoint file to be used by the oxford thing
                #print("Turning into kp_list")
                kp_list = XYZS2kpList(XYZS)  # note that this is already sorted


                #print("Saving to txt")
                #saveKpListToTxt(kp_list, None, self.config.test_out_file)
                saveKpListToTxt(kp_list, None, extended_kp_fn)