Example #1
def get_language_options(request, config=None):
    """Returns a list of information needed to generate the language menu."""
    return [{
        'lang': lang,
        'endonym': const.LANGUAGE_ENDONYMS.get(lang, '?'),
        'url': utils.set_url_param(request.url, 'lang', lang)
    } for lang in (config and config.language_menu_options or ['en'])]
Example #2
def get_language_option(request, lang, is_selected):
    return {
        'lang': lang,
        'endonym': const.LANGUAGE_ENDONYMS.get(lang, '?'),
        'url': utils.set_url_param(request.url, 'lang', lang),
        'is_selected': is_selected,
Example #3
def get_language_option(request, lang, is_selected):
    return {
        'lang': lang,
        'endonym': const.LANGUAGE_ENDONYMS.get(lang, '?'),
        'url': utils.set_url_param(request.url, 'lang', lang),
        'is_selected': is_selected,
Example #4
    def test_set_url_param(self):
        assert utils.set_url_param(
            'http://example.com/server/', 'foo', 'bar') == \
        assert utils.set_url_param(
            'http://example.com/server', 'foo', 'bar') == \
        assert utils.set_url_param(
            'http://example.com/server?foo=baz', 'foo', 'bar') == \
        assert utils.set_url_param(
            'http://example.com/server?foo=baz', 'foo', 'bar') == \

        # Collapses multiple parameters
        assert utils.set_url_param(
            'http://example.com/server?foo=baz&foo=baq', 'foo', 'bar') == \
        assert utils.set_url_param(
            'http://example.com/server?foo=baz&foo=baq', 'x', 'y') == \

        # Unicode is properly converted
        assert utils.set_url_param(
            u'\u4f60\u597d', '\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd') == \
            'http://example.com/server?foo=bar&' + \
Example #5
    def test_set_url_param(self):
        assert utils.set_url_param(
            'http://example.com/server/', 'foo', 'bar') == \
        assert utils.set_url_param(
            'http://example.com/server', 'foo', 'bar') == \
        assert utils.set_url_param(
            'http://example.com/server?foo=baz', 'foo', 'bar') == \
        assert utils.set_url_param(
            'http://example.com/server?foo=baz', 'foo', 'bar') == \

        # Collapses multiple parameters
        assert utils.set_url_param(
            'http://example.com/server?foo=baz&foo=baq', 'foo', 'bar') == \
        assert utils.set_url_param(
            'http://example.com/server?foo=baz&foo=baq', 'x', 'y') == \

        # Unicode is properly converted
        assert utils.set_url_param(
            u'\u4f60\u597d', '\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd') == \
            'http://example.com/server?foo=bar&' + \
Example #6
def setup_env(request):
    """Constructs the 'env' object, which contains various template variables
    that are commonly used by most handlers."""
    env = utils.Struct()
    env.repo, env.action = get_repo_and_action(request)
    env.config = config.Configuration(env.repo or '*')

    env.analytics_id = config.get('analytics_id')
    env.amp_gtm_id = config.get('amp_gtm_id')
    env.maps_api_key = config.get('maps_api_key')

    # Internationalization-related stuff.
    env.charset = select_charset(request)
    env.lang = select_lang(request, env.config)
    env.rtl = env.lang in const.LANGUAGES_BIDI
    env.virtual_keyboard_layout = const.VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_LAYOUTS.get(env.lang)

    # Used for parsing query params. This must be done before accessing any
    # query params which may have multi-byte value, such as "given_name" below
    # in this function.
    request.charset = env.charset

    # Determine the resource bundle to use.
    env.default_resource_bundle = config.get('default_resource_bundle', '1')
    env.resource_bundle = (request.cookies.get('resource_bundle', '')
                           or env.default_resource_bundle)

    # Information about the request.
    env.url = utils.set_url_param(request.url, 'lang', env.lang)
    env.scheme, env.netloc, env.path, _, _ = urlparse.urlsplit(request.url)
    env.force_https = False
    env.domain = env.netloc.split(':')[0]
    env.global_url = utils.get_repo_url(request, 'global')

    # Commonly used information that's rendered or localized for templates.
    env.language_options = get_language_options(request, env.config, env.lang)
    env.repo_options = get_repo_options(request, env.lang)
    env.expiry_options = [
        utils.Struct(value=value, text=const.PERSON_EXPIRY_TEXT[value])
        for value in sorted(const.PERSON_EXPIRY_TEXT.keys(), key=int)
    env.status_options = [
        utils.Struct(value=value, text=const.NOTE_STATUS_TEXT[value])
        for value in pfif.NOTE_STATUS_VALUES
        if (value != 'believed_dead' or not env.config
            or env.config.allow_believed_dead_via_ui)
    env.hidden_input_tags_for_preserved_query_params = (

    ui_param = request.get('ui', '').strip().lower()

    # Interprets "small" and "style" parameters for backward compatibility.
    # TODO(ichikawa): Delete these in near future when we decide to drop
    # support of these parameters.
    small_param = request.get('small', '').strip().lower()
    style_param = request.get('style', '').strip().lower()
    if not ui_param and small_param == 'yes':
        ui_param = 'small'
    elif not ui_param and style_param:
        ui_param = style_param

    if ui_param:
        env.ui = ui_param
    elif user_agents.is_jp_tier2_mobile_phone(request):
        env.ui = 'light'
        env.ui = 'default'

    # UI configurations.
    # Enables features which require JavaScript.
    env.enable_javascript = True
    # Enables operations which requires Captcha.
    env.enable_captcha = True
    # Enables photo upload.
    env.enable_photo_upload = True
    # Enables to flag/unflag notes as spam, and to reveal spam notes.
    env.enable_spam_ops = True
    # Enables duplicate marking mode.
    env.enable_dup_mode = True
    # Shows a logo on top of the page.
    env.show_logo = True
    # Shows language menu.
    env.show_language_menu = True
    # Uses short labels for buttons.
    env.use_short_buttons = False
    # Optional "target" attribute for links to non-small pages.
    env.target_attr = ''
    # Shows record IDs in the results page.
    env.show_record_ids_in_results = True
    # Shows non AMP HTML pages by default.
    env.amp = False

    if env.ui == 'small':
        env.show_logo = False
        env.target_attr = ' target="_blank" '

    elif env.ui == 'light':
        # Disables features which requires JavaScript. Some feature phones
        # doesn't support JavaScript.
        env.enable_javascript = False
        # Disables operations which requires Captcha because Captcha requires
        # JavaScript.
        env.enable_captcha = False
        # Uploading is often not supported in feature phones.
        env.enable_photo_upload = False
        # Disables spam operations because it requires JavaScript and
        # supporting more pages on ui=light.
        env.enable_spam_ops = False
        # Disables duplicate marking mode because it doesn't support
        # small screens and it requires JavaScript.
        env.enable_dup_mode = False
        # Hides the logo on the top to save the space. Also, the logo links
        # to the global page which doesn't support small screens.
        env.show_logo = False
        # Hides language menu because the menu in the current position is
        # annoying in feature phones.
        # TODO(ichikawa): Consider layout of the language menu.
        env.show_language_menu = False
        # Too long buttons are not fully shown in some feature phones.
        env.use_short_buttons = True
        # To make it simple.
        env.show_record_ids_in_results = False

    env.back_chevron = u'\xab'
    back_chevron_in_charset = True
    except UnicodeEncodeError:
        # u'\xab' is not in the charset (e.g. Shift_JIS).
        back_chevron_in_charset = False
    if not back_chevron_in_charset or env.ui == 'light':
        # Use ASCII characters on ui=light too because some feature phones
        # support UTF-8 but don't render UTF-8 symbols such as u'\xab'.
        env.back_chevron = u'<<'

    env.enable_maps = (env.enable_javascript
                       and not env.config.zero_rating_mode
                       and env.maps_api_key)
    env.enable_analytics = (env.enable_javascript
                            and not env.config.zero_rating_mode
                            and env.analytics_id)
    env.enable_translate = (env.enable_javascript
                            and not env.config.zero_rating_mode
                            and env.config.translate_api_key)

    env.admin = AdminEnv(request)

    # Repo-specific information.
    if env.repo:
        # repo_url is the root URL for the repository.
        env.repo_url = utils.get_repo_url(request, env.repo)
        # start_url is like repo_url but preserves parameters such as 'ui'.
        env.start_url = utils.get_url(request, env.repo, '')
        # URL of the link in the heading. The link on ui=small links to the
        # normal UI.
        env.repo_title_url = (env.repo_url
                              if env.ui == 'small' else env.start_url)
        # URL to force default UI. Note that we show ui=light version in some
        # user agents when ui parameter is not specified.
        env.default_ui_url = utils.get_url(request, env.repo, '', ui='default')
        env.repo_path = urlparse.urlsplit(env.repo_url)[2]
        env.repo_title = get_localized_message(env.config.repo_titles,
                                               env.lang, '?')
        env.start_page_custom_html = get_localized_message(
            env.config.start_page_custom_htmls, env.lang, '')
        env.results_page_custom_html = get_localized_message(
            env.config.results_page_custom_htmls, env.lang, '')
        env.view_page_custom_html = get_localized_message(
            env.config.view_page_custom_htmls, env.lang, '')
        env.seek_query_form_custom_html = get_localized_message(
            env.config.seek_query_form_custom_htmls, env.lang, '')
        env.footer_custom_html = get_localized_message(
            env.config.footer_custom_htmls, env.lang, '')
        # If the repository is deactivated, we should not show test mode
        # notification.
        env.repo_test_mode = (env.config.test_mode
                              and not env.config.deactivated)
        env.force_https = env.config.force_https

        env.params_full_name = request.get('full_name', '').strip()
        if not env.params_full_name:
            # Preformat the name from 'given_name' and 'family_name' parameters.
            given_name = request.get('given_name', '').strip()
            family_name = request.get('family_name', '').strip()
            env.params_full_name = utils.get_full_name(given_name, family_name,

    return env
def setup_env(request):
    """Constructs the 'env' object, which contains various template variables
    that are commonly used by most handlers."""
    env = utils.Struct()
    env.repo, env.action = get_repo_and_action(request)
    env.config = config.Configuration(env.repo or '*')
    # TODO(ryok): Rename to local_test_mode or something alike to disambiguate
    # better from repository's test_mode.
    env.test_mode = (request.remote_addr == '' and

    # We sometimes want to disable analytics/maps for requests from a specific
    # mobile carrier (specified by IP ranges).
    # In this way, we can avoid requests to sites outside google.org, and
    # allow the carrier to zero-rate access to Person Finder.
    # TODO(ichikawa): Add server test for this feature.
    # TODO(kpy): Make these global config settings and get rid of get_secret().

    if utils.is_ip_address_in_one_of_networks(
            request.remote_addr, env.config.ip_networks_to_disable_analytics):
        env.analytics_id = None
        env.analytics_id = get_secret('analytics_id')

    if utils.is_ip_address_in_one_of_networks(
            request.remote_addr, env.config.ip_networks_to_disable_maps):
        env.maps_api_key = None
        env.maps_api_key = get_secret('maps_api_key')

    # Internationalization-related stuff.
    env.charset = select_charset(request)
    env.lang = select_lang(request, env.config)
    env.rtl = env.lang in django_setup.LANGUAGES_BIDI
    env.virtual_keyboard_layout = const.VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_LAYOUTS.get(env.lang)

    # Used for parsing query params. This must be done before accessing any
    # query params which may have multi-byte value, such as "given_name" below
    # in this function.
    request.charset = env.charset

    # Determine the resource bundle to use.
    env.default_resource_bundle = config.get('default_resource_bundle', '1')
    env.resource_bundle = (request.cookies.get('resource_bundle', '') or

    # Information about the request.
    env.url = utils.set_url_param(request.url, 'lang', env.lang)
    env.scheme, env.netloc, env.path, _, _ = urlparse.urlsplit(request.url)
    env.force_https = False
    env.domain = env.netloc.split(':')[0]
    env.global_url = utils.get_repo_url(request, 'global')

    # Commonly used information that's rendered or localized for templates.
    env.language_options = get_language_options(request, env.config)
    env.repo_options = get_repo_options(request, env.lang)
    env.expiry_options = [
        utils.Struct(value=value, text=const.PERSON_EXPIRY_TEXT[value])
        for value in sorted(const.PERSON_EXPIRY_TEXT.keys(), key=int)
    env.status_options = [
        utils.Struct(value=value, text=const.NOTE_STATUS_TEXT[value])
        for value in pfif.NOTE_STATUS_VALUES
        if (value != 'believed_dead' or
            not env.config or env.config.allow_believed_dead_via_ui)
    env.hidden_input_tags_for_preserved_query_params = (

    ui_param = request.get('ui', '').strip().lower()

    # Interprets "small" and "style" parameters for backward compatibility.
    # TODO(ichikawa): Delete these in near future when we decide to drop
    # support of these parameters.
    small_param = request.get('small', '').strip().lower()
    style_param = request.get('style', '').strip().lower()
    if not ui_param and small_param == 'yes':
        ui_param = 'small'
    elif not ui_param and style_param:
        ui_param = style_param

    if ui_param:
        env.ui = ui_param
    elif user_agents.is_jp_tier2_mobile_phone(request):
        env.ui = 'light'
        env.ui = 'default'

    # UI configurations.
    # Enables features which require JavaScript.
    env.enable_javascript = True
    # Enables operations which requires Captcha.
    env.enable_captcha = True
    # Enables photo upload.
    env.enable_photo_upload = True
    # Enables to flag/unflag notes as spam, and to reveal spam notes.
    env.enable_spam_ops = True
    # Enables duplicate marking mode.
    env.enable_dup_mode = True
    # Shows a logo on top of the page.
    env.show_logo = True
    # Shows language menu.
    env.show_language_menu = True
    # Uses short labels for buttons.
    env.use_short_buttons = False
    # Optional "target" attribute for links to non-small pages.
    env.target_attr = ''
    # Shows record IDs in the results page.
    env.show_record_ids_in_results = True

    if env.ui == 'small':
        env.show_logo = False
        env.target_attr = ' target="_blank" '

    elif env.ui == 'light':
        # Disables features which requires JavaScript. Some feature phones
        # doesn't support JavaScript.
        env.enable_javascript = False
        # Disables operations which requires Captcha because Captcha requires
        # JavaScript.
        env.enable_captcha = False
        # Uploading is often not supported in feature phones.
        env.enable_photo_upload = False
        # Disables spam operations because it requires JavaScript and
        # supporting more pages on ui=light.
        env.enable_spam_ops = False
        # Disables duplicate marking mode because it doesn't support
        # small screens and it requires JavaScript.
        env.enable_dup_mode = False
        # Hides the logo on the top to save the space. Also, the logo links
        # to the global page which doesn't support small screens.
        env.show_logo = False
        # Hides language menu because the menu in the current position is
        # annoying in feature phones.
        # TODO(ichikawa): Consider layout of the language menu.
        env.show_language_menu = False
        # Too long buttons are not fully shown in some feature phones.
        env.use_short_buttons = True
        # To make it simple.
        env.show_record_ids_in_results = False

    env.back_chevron = u'\xab'
    back_chevron_in_charset = True
    except UnicodeEncodeError:
        # u'\xab' is not in the charset (e.g. Shift_JIS).
        back_chevron_in_charset = False
    if not back_chevron_in_charset or env.ui == 'light':
        # Use ASCII characters on ui=light too because some feature phones
        # support UTF-8 but don't render UTF-8 symbols such as u'\xab'.
        env.back_chevron = u'<<'

    # Repo-specific information.
    if env.repo:
        # repo_url is the root URL for the repository.
        env.repo_url = utils.get_repo_url(request, env.repo)
        # start_url is like repo_url but preserves parameters such as 'ui'.
        env.start_url = utils.get_url(request, env.repo, '')
        # URL of the link in the heading. The link on ui=small links to the
        # normal UI.
        env.repo_title_url = (
            env.repo_url if env.ui == 'small' else env.start_url)
        # URL to force default UI. Note that we show ui=light version in some
        # user agents when ui parameter is not specified.
        env.default_ui_url = utils.get_url(request, env.repo, '', ui='default')
        env.repo_path = urlparse.urlsplit(env.repo_url)[2]
        env.repo_title = get_localized_message(
            env.config.repo_titles, env.lang, '?')
        env.start_page_custom_html = get_localized_message(
            env.config.start_page_custom_htmls, env.lang, '')
        env.results_page_custom_html = get_localized_message(
            env.config.results_page_custom_htmls, env.lang, '')
        env.view_page_custom_html = get_localized_message(
            env.config.view_page_custom_htmls, env.lang, '')
        env.seek_query_form_custom_html = get_localized_message(
            env.config.seek_query_form_custom_htmls, env.lang, '')
        env.footer_custom_html = get_localized_message(
            env.config.footer_custom_htmls, env.lang, '')
        # If the repository is deactivated, we should not show test mode
        # notification.
        env.repo_test_mode = (
            env.config.test_mode and not env.config.deactivated)
        env.force_https = env.config.force_https

        env.params_full_name = request.get('full_name', '').strip()
        if not env.params_full_name:
            # Preformat the name from 'given_name' and 'family_name' parameters.
            given_name = request.get('given_name', '').strip()
            family_name = request.get('family_name', '').strip()
            env.params_full_name = utils.get_full_name(
                given_name, family_name, env.config)

    return env
def get_language_options(request, config=None):
    """Returns a list of information needed to generate the language menu."""
    return [{'lang': lang,
             'endonym': const.LANGUAGE_ENDONYMS.get(lang, '?'),
             'url': utils.set_url_param(request.url, 'lang', lang)}
            for lang in (config and config.language_menu_options or ['en'])]