Example #1
def synchronize_url():
    url = utils.site_url('/site.js')
    url = 'http://localhost/GalleryMetadata/site.js'

    # sys.stdout.write('\n\n')
    #sys.stdout.write('Downloading from: ' + url + '\n');

    result = urlfetch.fetch(url);
    if result.status_code == 200:
        contents = result.content
Example #2
def dispatch_secret(path):
    jt.access = 'secret'

    # modes
    res = re.match(r'^([^/]+)/('+'|'.join(modes.keys())+')/([^/]*)$', path)
    if res:
        url, mode, method = res.groups()
        jt.site = db.get_site(secret_url=url)
        if not jt.site or jt.site.deleted:
            return no_site(url)

        if jt.site.public_url:
            return web.seeother(utils.site_url()+mode+'/'+method)

        return dispatch_mode(mode, method)

    # pages
    res = re.match(r'^([^/]+)/(.*)', path)
    if res:
        url, page = res.groups()
        # make all secret urls lowercase
        if not url.islower():
            return web.seeother('/%s/%s' % (url.lower(), page))

        jt.site = db.get_site(secret_url=url)
        if not jt.site or jt.site.deleted:
            return no_site(url)

        if page != page.replace(' ', '_'):
            return web.seeother(utils.page_url(page)+web.ctx.query)

        if jt.site.public_url:
            return web.seeother(utils.site_url()+page)

        return dispatch_page(page)

    return web.notfound()
Example #3
def dispatch_secret(path):
    jt.access = 'secret'

    # modes
    res = re.match(r'^([^/]+)/(' + '|'.join(modes.keys()) + ')/([^/]*)$', path)
    if res:
        url, mode, method = res.groups()
        jt.site = db.get_site(secret_url=url)
        if not jt.site or jt.site.deleted:
            return no_site(url)

        if jt.site.public_url:
            return web.seeother(utils.site_url() + mode + '/' + method)

        return dispatch_mode(mode, method)

    # pages
    res = re.match(r'^([^/]+)/(.*)', path)
    if res:
        url, page = res.groups()
        # make all secret urls lowercase
        if not url.islower():
            return web.seeother('/%s/%s' % (url.lower(), page))

        jt.site = db.get_site(secret_url=url)
        if not jt.site or jt.site.deleted:
            return no_site(url)

        if page != page.replace(' ', '_'):
            return web.seeother(utils.page_url(page) + web.ctx.query)

        if jt.site.public_url:
            return web.seeother(utils.site_url() + page)

        return dispatch_page(page)

    return web.notfound()
Example #4
def synchronize():
    url = utils.site_url('/site.js')
    url = 'E:\\Gallery\\LiveImages\\site.js'
    url = 'E:\\GalleryMetadata\\site.js'

    # sys.stdout.write('\n\n')
    #sys.stdout.write('Downloading from: ' + url + '\n');

    #result = urlfetch.fetch(url);
    #if result.status_code == 200:

    #    contents = result.content
    #    #sys.stdout.write(contents+ '\n\n')
    with open(url, "r") as myfile:
        contents = myfile.read()
Example #5
File: db.py Project: 10sr/jottit
def get_sites(email):
    query = """SELECT   public_url,
               FROM     sites s
               WHERE    email = $email
               AND      deleted = false
               ORDER BY updated DESC"""
    sites = web.query(query, vars=locals())
    sites = list(sites)
    for s in sites:
        s.url = utils.site_url(s)

    out = web.utils.iterbetter(iter(sites))
    out.__len__ = len(sites)
    out.__list__ = sites
    return out
Example #6
File: db.py Project: 10sr/jottit
def get_site(**vars):
    if vars is None: vars = {}
    vars = dict([(c, str(v)) for (c, v) in vars.items()])
    def pfix(s):
        if s == 'id': return 's.id'
        else: return s
    where_clause = ' AND '.join('%s = $%s' % (pfix(k), k) for k in vars.keys())

    query = """SELECT   s.*,
                        to_char(s.updated, 'YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SSZ') as atom_updated
               FROM     sites s
               WHERE    %s
               LIMIT 1
            """ % where_clause
    d = web.query(query, vars=vars)
    d = (d and d[0]) or None
    if d:
        d.url = utils.site_url(d)
    return d
Example #7
File: db.py Project: 10sr/jottit
def change_public_url(url):
    url = url.strip()
    site_id = jt.site.id
    web.update('sites', where='id=$site_id', public_url=url, vars=locals())
    jt.site.public_url = url
    jt.site.url = utils.site_url(jt.site)