def plot_chain_hbond(iso, ratio, fig, subplot_num): ax=fig.add_subplot(3, 4, subplot_num) fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.05,top=0.95,left=0.05,right=0.95,wspace=0.4, hspace=0.4) # pylab.rcParams['xtick.labelsize']='10' # pylab.rcParams['ytick.labelsize']='12' pylab.rcParams['legend.fontsize']='6' # pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [2.5,2.5] # pylab.rcParams["axes.titlesize"]='small' A=utils.smooth(numpy.genfromtxt('%(iso)s_sys%(subplot_num)d_chain_0_1_hbonds.dat' % vars(), comments="#"), 1000, timestep=2) B=utils.smooth(numpy.genfromtxt('%(iso)s_sys%(subplot_num)d_chain_1_2_hbonds.dat' % vars(), comments="#"), 1000, timestep=2) C=utils.smooth(numpy.genfromtxt('%(iso)s_sys%(subplot_num)d_chain_2_3_hbonds.dat' % vars(), comments="#"), 1000, timestep=2) D=utils.smooth(numpy.genfromtxt('%(iso)s_sys%(subplot_num)d_chain_3_4_hbonds.dat' % vars(), comments="#"), 1000, timestep=2) if A == []: print "WARNING: data file empty ... quitting ..." return output_data = numpy.hstack((A, B, C, D)) numpy.savetxt('%(iso)s_sys%(subplot_num)d_chain_hbonds_1000.dat' % vars(), output_data) time = A[:,0]/1000.0 ax.plot(time, A[:,1], label="chain 1-2") ax.plot(time, B[:,1], label="chain 2-3") ax.plot(time, C[:,1], label="chain 3-4") ax.plot(time, D[:,1], label="chain 4-5") pylab.ylim(0, 30) pylab.xlim(0, 200) pylab.grid(True) # xlabel('Time (ns)') # ylabel('Number of interchain hydrogen bonds') pylab.legend(loc='lower right') pylab.savefig('test_%(iso)s_%(ratio)s_chain_hbond.png' % vars())
def handle_data2(): import time import re from utils import smooth, interpl, chunk_decode len_e = 3000 register = 0x0B last_ts = None plt.ion() ax = plt.gca() result_ts = time.time() while True: response, timestamp = q2.get() if not response: return # Fix raw value val = int.from_bytes(response, 'big') val_fixed = val raw_frames_m.push(np.array([ [timestamp, val_fixed], ])) if last_ts is None: last_ts = raw_frames_m.window[0][0] if raw_frames_m.window[-1][0] - last_ts < 0.6: continue M = raw_frames_m.window M = M[np.logical_and(M[:, 0] > last_ts - 0.5, M[:, 0] < last_ts + 0.5)] Mtime = M[:, 0] value = M[:, 1] last_ts = Mtime[-1] sample_time = np.arange(Mtime[0], Mtime[-1], 1 / 2400) sample_time = sample_time[sample_time < Mtime[-1]] sample_value = interpl(Mtime, value, sample_time, 'nearest') sample_value_smooth = smooth(sample_value, 41) sample_value_DCremove = smooth(sample_value - sample_value_smooth, 5) value = np.zeros((10, 1)) for i in range(10): temp_sample = sample_value_DCremove[i:len_e:10] value[i] = max(temp_sample) + min(temp_sample) std_min = max(value) shift_index = np.where(value == std_min)[0][0] sample_wave = sample_value_DCremove[shift_index:len_e:10] temp_sample = sample_value_DCremove[shift_index:len_e:10] # bit_stream = sample_wave <= (max(temp_sample) + min(temp_sample)) / 2 bit_stream = sample_wave <= np.mean(temp_sample) bit_stream = bit_stream.astype(int) result = chunk_decode(bit_stream) if result is None: result = chunk_decode(bit_stream, flip=True) if result is not None: result_ts = time.time() for i in result: print(i)
def __getitem__(self, index): paths =[index] rt_path = os.path.join(self.opt.dataroot, self.video_bag, paths[0], paths[1], paths[2] + "_aligned_rt.npy") audio_path = os.path.join( self.opt.dataroot, 'unzip/dev_audio' if self.mode == 'train' else 'unzip/test_audio', paths[0], paths[1], paths[2]) + '.wav' if not os.path.exists(audio_path): return self.__getitem__(random.choice(range(len( ani_id = paths[3] rt = np.load(rt_path) fs, audio = self.parse_audio(audio_path, rt.shape[0]) rt_mean = np.array([0.07, -0.008, -0.016, 11.4, 5.69, -4.37]) rt_std = np.array([0.066, 0.132, 0.071, 9.99, 9.24, 16.95]) rt = (rt - rt_mean) / rt_std for i in range(rt.shape[1]): rt[:, i] = utils.smooth(rt[:, i]) for i in range(audio.shape[1]): for j in range(audio.shape[2]): audio[:, i, j] = utils.smooth(audio[:, i, j], 21) # audio = audio[:,3,:].mean(-1) # audio = utils.smooth(audio, 21) # pdb.set_trace() # plt.plot(range(rt.shape[0]), rt[:,0], label='rt_0') # plt.plot(range(audio.shape[0]), audio, label='audio_s') # plt.legend() # plt.savefig('/u/zkou2/Code/Trans/vs.png') # plt.close() return torch.from_numpy(rt), torch.from_numpy(audio)
def updateDatasets(self, fields, helper): """ This function should *update* the dataset(s) returned by getDatasets """ # get the input dataset - helper provides methods for getting other # datasets from Veusz ds_y = np.array(helper.getDataset(fields['ds_y']).data) # get the value to add order = fields['order'] method = fields['method'] smooth_num = fields['smooth'] ds_x = None if smooth_num > 0: ds_y = smooth(ds_y, smooth_num, 'hanning') if fields['ds_x'] != '': # Derive with respect to X ds_x = np.array(helper.getDataset(fields['ds_x']).data) if smooth_num > 0: ds_x = smooth(ds_x, smooth_num, 'hanning') out = xyderive(ds_x, ds_y, order, method) else: # Derive with respect to point indexes out = derive(ds_y, method, order) self.ds_out.update(data=out) return [self.ds_out]
def makeSegmentation(d, s, nbins=256, verbose=True, sigma=0.75, min_distance=1): fn = os.path.join(datadir, 'data_stage%d_%s.npy' % (s, features[0])) dists = np.load(fn) fn = os.path.join(datadir, 'data_stage%d_%s.npy' % (s, features[1])) rots = np.load(fn) ddata = np.vstack([np.log(dists[:, d]), (rots[:, d])]).T #gmmdata = np.vstack([dists[:,j], (rots[:,j])]).T #ddata.shape nanids = np.logical_or(np.any(np.isnan(ddata), axis=1), np.any(np.isinf(ddata), axis=1)) ddata = ddata[~nanids, :] #ddata.shape imgbin = None img2 = smooth(ddata, nbins=[nbins, nbins], sigma=(sigma, sigma)) #img = smooth(ddata, nbins = [nbins, nbins], sigma = (1,1)) local_maxi = peak_local_max(img2, indices=False, min_distance=min_distance) imgm2 = img2.copy() imgm2[local_maxi] = 3 * imgm2.max() if verbose: imgbin = smooth(ddata, nbins=[nbins, nbins], sigma=None) plt.figure(220) plt.clf() plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) plt.imshow(imgbin) plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) plt.imshow(img2) plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) plt.imshow(imgm2,, interpolation='nearest') markers = ndi.label(local_maxi)[0] labels = watershed(-img2, markers, mask=None) print "max labels: %d" % labels.max() if verbose: fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=3, sharex=True, sharey=True, subplot_kw={'adjustable': 'box-forced'}) ax0, ax1, ax2 = axes ax0.imshow(img2,, interpolation='nearest') ax0.set_title('PDF') labels[imgbin == 0] = 0 labels[0, 0] = -1 ax1.imshow(labels,, interpolation='nearest') ax1.set_title('Segmentation on Data') #labelsws[0,0] = -1; #ax2.imshow(labelsws,, interpolation='nearest') #ax1.set_title('Segmentation Full') return labels
def plot_stats_single(statistics, ylog=False, view=False, filename='avg_fitness.svg', momentum=0.99): """ Plots the population's average and best fitness. """ if plt is None: warnings.warn( "This display is not available due to a missing optional dependency (matplotlib)" ) return generation = range(len(statistics.best_fitnesses)) best_fitness = [c[1] for c in statistics.best_fitnesses] avg_fitness = np.array(statistics.get_fitness_mean()) stdev_fitness = np.array(statistics.get_fitness_stdev()) print(avg_fitness.shape) print(stdev_fitness.shape) print(len(best_fitness)) plt.plot(generation, smooth(avg_fitness, momentum=momentum), 'b-', label="average") plt.plot(generation, smooth(best_fitness, momentum=momentum), 'r-', label="best") plt.plot(generation, smooth(avg_fitness - stdev_fitness, momentum=momentum), 'g-.', label="-1 sd") plt.plot(generation, smooth(avg_fitness + stdev_fitness, momentum=momentum), 'g-.', label="+1 sd") plt.title("Population's average and best fitness") plt.xlabel("Generations") plt.ylabel("Fitness") plt.grid() plt.legend(loc="best") if ylog: plt.gca().set_yscale('symlog') plt.savefig(filename) if view: plt.close()
def process(h5file, ratio): isomerlist = ["scyllo", "chiro", "water"] plot_data = [] mean_contact_list = [] std_contact_list = [] #read in files for each system and aggregate format="pp_nonpolar_vs_t.xvg" for iso in isomerlist: print "processing", iso pattern = re.compile(r"%(iso)s.*%(ratio)s.*%(format)s" % vars()) if iso == "water": pattern = re.compile(r"%(iso)s.*%(format)s" % vars()) datalist=[] for table in h5file.listNodes(where='/pp_nonpolar'): table_path = os.path.join('/pp_nonpolar', if data = myh5.getTableAsMatrix(h5file, table_path) if data is not None: data = data.astype('float') datalist.append(data[0:config.LASTFRAME, 1]) else: print "no data was read in" print "datalist", datalist data_matrix = numpy.transpose(numpy.vstack(datalist)) print "data_matrix", data_matrix, data_matrix.shape avg, std = utils.summary_statistics(data_matrix, sum_across="columns") avg_contacts = numpy.average(data_matrix[config.STARTFRAME:config.LASTFRAME], axis=0) mean_contact = numpy.average(avg_contacts) std_contact = numpy.std(avg_contacts) print mean_contact print std_contact mean_contact_list.append(mean_contact) std_contact_list.append(std_contact) avg_smoothed = utils.smooth(avg/config.NMOLECULES, 500, time_present=False, timestep=2) std_smoothed = utils.smooth(std/config.NMOLECULES, 500, time_present=True, timestep=2) plot_data.append(avg_smoothed) plot_data.append(std_smoothed) timeseries_matrix = numpy.hstack(plot_data) print "timeseries_matrix", timeseries_matrix, timeseries_matrix.shape print "time", timeseries_matrix[:,0] numpy.savetxt(ratio + "_pp_nonpolar_smoothed.txt.gz", timeseries_matrix, fmt='%0.3f') utils.savetxt(ratio + "_avg_pp_nonpolar_contact.txt", "#scyllo chiro water", numpy.vstack([mean_contact_list, std_contact_list]), fmt='%0.3f') return timeseries_matrix
def plot_both_games_curves( num_epochs=5000, window_size=200, log_path='./log/', ): recon_matrix = np.asarray( read_topo_sim_dir(log_path + 'recon_topsim/'))[:, :num_epochs] refer_matrix = np.asarray( read_topo_sim_dir(log_path + 'refer_topsim/'))[:, :num_epochs] recon_mean, recon_upper, recon_lower = get_plot_components(recon_matrix) refer_mean, refer_upper, refer_lower = get_plot_components(refer_matrix) print('topo-sim:', ttest_ind(recon_mean[-29:], refer_mean[-29:])) recon_mean, recon_upper, recon_lower = tuple([ smooth(x, window_size)[:num_epochs] for x in [recon_mean, recon_upper, recon_lower] ]) refer_mean, refer_upper, refer_lower = tuple([ smooth(x, window_size)[:num_epochs] for x in [refer_mean, refer_upper, refer_lower] ]) # Start plotting the two lines with variance x_axis = np.arange(recon_mean.size) + 1 plt.plot(x_axis, recon_mean, label='reconstruction language', linewidth=0.5) plt.fill_between(x_axis, recon_upper, recon_lower, color='blue', alpha=0.2) plt.plot(x_axis, refer_mean, label='referential language', linewidth=0.5) plt.fill_between(x_axis, refer_upper, refer_lower, color='orange', alpha=0.2) plt.xlabel('Epochs') plt.ylabel('Topological Similarity') plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.ylim([0.28, 0.36]) fig_file = './result/compare_topo_sim.pdf' create_dir_for_file(fig_file) plt.savefig(fig_file, format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
def makeSegmentation(d, s, nbins = 256, verbose = True, sigma = 0.75, min_distance = 1): fn = os.path.join(datadir, 'data_stage%d_%s.npy' % (s,features[0])); dists = np.load(fn); fn = os.path.join(datadir, 'data_stage%d_%s.npy' % (s,features[1])); rots = np.load(fn); ddata = np.vstack([np.log(dists[:,d]), (rots[:,d])]).T #gmmdata = np.vstack([dists[:,j], (rots[:,j])]).T #ddata.shape nanids = np.logical_or(np.any(np.isnan(ddata), axis=1), np.any(np.isinf(ddata), axis=1)); ddata = ddata[~nanids,:]; #ddata.shape imgbin = None; img2 = smooth(ddata, nbins = [nbins, nbins], sigma = (sigma,sigma)) #img = smooth(ddata, nbins = [nbins, nbins], sigma = (1,1)) local_maxi = peak_local_max(img2, indices=False, min_distance = min_distance) imgm2 = img2.copy(); imgm2[local_maxi] = 3 * imgm2.max(); if verbose: imgbin = smooth(ddata, nbins = [nbins, nbins], sigma = None) plt.figure(220); plt.clf() plt.subplot(2,2,1) plt.imshow(imgbin) plt.subplot(2,2,2) plt.imshow(img2) plt.subplot(2,2,3); plt.imshow(imgm2,, interpolation='nearest') markers = ndi.label(local_maxi)[0] labels = watershed(-img2, markers, mask = None); print "max labels: %d" % labels.max() if verbose: fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=3, sharex=True, sharey=True, subplot_kw={'adjustable':'box-forced'}) ax0, ax1, ax2 = axes ax0.imshow(img2,, interpolation='nearest') ax0.set_title('PDF') labels[imgbin==0] = 0; labels[0,0] = -1; ax1.imshow(labels,, interpolation='nearest') ax1.set_title('Segmentation on Data') #labelsws[0,0] = -1; #ax2.imshow(labelsws,, interpolation='nearest') #ax1.set_title('Segmentation Full') return labels;
def initialize(self, sp): sp.dt = 300#120#240#18#45#15 sp.nsub = 10 sp.dx = 4000 sp.KBi = 2e8#1e9 self.E_floating = False self.U_floating = True self.V_floating = True self.os = sp.getOcean(220, 200, 5)[:] = np.array([10, 10, 20, 20, 40]) self.os.depth[:] = 100 ## Shallow area: self.os.depth[int(0.4*self.os.imax):int(0.6*self.os.imax), \ int(0.4*self.os.jmax):int(0.6*self.os.jmax)] = self.os.depth[0,0]*0.45 self.os.depth[...] = utils.smooth(self.os.depth, D=0.1, repeats=5) #self.os.depth[:] = netcdfStorage.getDepthMatrix('../matlab/') #self.os.depth[:] = netcdfStorage.getDepthMatrix('../matlab/') self.os.calcKmmDzz() tval = [12, 11, 10, 9, 8] sval = [25, 27, 28, 29, 30] for i in range(0,self.os.imax): for j in range(0,self.os.jmax): #self.os.E[i,j] = 0.2 - 0.4*i/self.os.imax for k in range(0,self.os.kmm[i,j]): if i<self.os.imax-1: self.os.U[i,j,k] = -0*0.05 self.os.T[i,j,k] = tval[k] self.os.S[i,j,k] = sval[k] #+ 3.5*(i/self.os.imax)*math.exp(-(self.os.midLayerDepths[k]-5)/10) self.initBounds(self.os, self.os.imax, self.os.jmax, self.os.kmax, tval, sval)
def get_spectrogram(y, padding=0): """Extract spectrogram from audio data. This implementation is identical to what's described in the original paper. Parameters ---------- y: np.ndarray, the input singal(audio time series). padding(optional): int, pad the input signal. Returns ------- D: np.ndarray, STFT matrix. """ y = rosa.stft(y, n_fft=const_args['n_fft'], hop_length=const_args['hop_length'], window=const_args['window']) y = np.abs(y) y = np.flipud(y) y = np.log(1e-5+y) - np.log(1e-5) y = y - np.mean(y) y = y / np.sqrt(np.mean(np.power(y, 2))) r, c = y.shape for c_ in range(c): y[:, c_] = utils.smooth(y[:, c_], 19) y = np.concatenate((np.zeros((r, padding)), y, np.zeros((r, padding))), axis=1) return y
def computeRCurv(self, XY): vx = (sigut.smooth(XY[:, 0], XY[:, 1], 5, 2, 1)) # vx = abs(dxy[:,0]) vy = (sigut.smooth(XY[:, 0], XY[:, 2], 5, 2, 1)) # vy = abs(dxy[:,1]) ax = sigut.smooth(XY[:, 0], vx, 5, 2, 1) ay = sigut.smooth(XY[:, 0], vy, 5, 2, 1) curv = np.power(vx * vx + vy * vy, 1.5) / abs(vx * ay - vy * ax) # curv = sigut.smooth(XY[:,0], curv, 7, 5, 0) curv_int = np.log(curv) curv_int = curv_int.astype(int) curv_int[curv_int < 0] = 0 curv_int[curv_int > CURV_TRONCON[-1]] = CURV_TRONCON[-1] return curv, curv_int
def geneggfilter(data): data = data / np.max(np.abs(data)) # data[data > 0] = 0 # data = medfilt(data, 9) # data = savgol_filter(data, 21, 2) data = smooth(data, 49) return data
def task22(method = 'point_feature_matching'): video_path = 'travi.mp4' vCapture = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path) n_frames = int(vCapture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) w = int(vCapture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)) h = int(vCapture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)) if method == 'point_feature_matching': start_time = time.time() rad = 50 # define radius # Step 1 # Define the codec for output video fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'MJPG') # Set up output video fps = 30 outVideo = cv2.VideoWriter('video_out.mp4', fourcc, fps, (w, h)) #Step 2 _,prev= prev_gray = cv2.cvtColor(prev,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # Step 3 transformations = np.zeros(((n_frames-1),3)) for i in trange(n_frames-2): dx,dy,a,current_gray = opticalFlow.extractRotation_translation(prev_gray,vCapture) transformations[i] = [dx,dy,a] # Update frame prev_gray = current_gray # Calc smooth motion btw frames motion = np.cumsum(transformations,axis=0) smooth_motion = utils.smooth(motion,rad) diff = smooth_motion - motion transformations_smooth = transformations + diff # Apply smoothed camera motion to frames vCapture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, 0) for i in range(n_frames-2): available,f = if not available: break stabilised_f,frame_out = opticalFlow.stabilise_frame(transformations_smooth, i, f, w, h) if True: if (frame_out.shape[1] >= 1920): frame_out = cv2.resize(frame_out, (frame_out.shape[1] / 2, frame_out.shape[0] / 2)) cv2.imshow('BEFORE & AFTER',frame_out) cv2.waitKey(10) outVideo.write(stabilised_f) end_time = time.time() print('Duration:',end_time-start_time) elif method == 'mesh': start_time = time.time() x_motion_meshes, y_motion_meshes, x_paths, y_paths = Stabilization.read_video(vCapture) sx_paths, sy_paths = Stabilization.stabilize(x_paths, y_paths) x_motion_meshes, y_motion_meshes, new_x_motion_meshes, new_y_motion_meshes = Stabilization.get_frame_warp(x_motion_meshes,y_motion_meshes,x_paths, y_paths,sx_paths, sy_paths) Stabilization.generate_stabilized_video(vCapture, x_motion_meshes, y_motion_meshes, new_x_motion_meshes, new_y_motion_meshes) end_time = time.time() print('Duration:',end_time-start_time)
def isCopa(time, throughput, RTT): RTT += 0.01 samples_per_RTT = int(len(time) / (time[-1] - time[0])) * RTT throughput = smooth(throughput, int(samples_per_RTT))[5:-5] time = time[5:-5] peaks, properties = find_peaks(throughput, distance=3 * samples_per_RTT, width=samples_per_RTT, prominence=0.1) diffs = np.diff(time[peaks]) # # print(np.var(diffs)) # plt.plot(time, throughput) # plt.plot(time[peaks], throughput[peaks], "x") # if (len(diffs) == 0 or np.var(diffs) > 0.085): # print(np.var(diffs)) # plt.plot(time, throughput) # plt.plot(time[peaks], throughput[peaks], "x") # return False freq = np.average(diffs) # if isClose(freq, 5 * RTT, threshold=RTT*1.1): # print(freq, 5*RTT) # plt.plot(time, throughput) # plt.plot(time[peaks], throughput[peaks], "x") # return True if isClose(freq, 5 * RTT, threshold=RTT * 1.1) else False
def isBBR(time, throughput, RTT): #RTT+=0.01 samples_per_RTT = int(len(time) / (time[-1] - time[0])) * RTT throughput = smooth(throughput, 10)[3:-3] time = time[3:-3] peaks, properties = find_peaks(throughput, width=samples_per_RTT, prominence=0.15) diffs = np.diff(time[peaks]) if (len(diffs) == 0 or np.var(diffs) > 0.025): # print(np.var(diffs)) # plt.plot(time, throughput) # plt.plot(time[peaks], throughput[peaks], "x") # return False freq = np.average(diffs) # if not isClose(freq, 8 * RTT, RTT*1.3): # print(freq, 8*RTT) # plt.plot(time, throughput) # plt.plot(time[peaks], throughput[peaks], "x") # #print(freq) return True if isClose(freq, 8 * RTT, threshold=RTT * 1.3) else False
def display(self, momentum=0.0): plt.figure() plt.plot(self.period * np.arange(len(self.eer)), smooth(self.eer, momentum=0.9), label="dev EER every {} generations".format(self.period)) plt.xlabel("generations") plt.ylabel("EER") plt.figure() plt.plot(self.period * np.arange(len(self.acc)), smooth(self.acc, momentum=0.9), label="dev acc every {} generations".format(self.period)) plt.xlabel("generations") plt.ylabel("accuracy")
def model(data, ix_to_char, char_to_ix, num_iterations=200000, n_a=50, dino_names=7, vocab_size=27): """ Trains the model and generates dinosaur names. Arguments: data -- text corpus ix_to_char -- dictionary that maps the index to a character char_to_ix -- dictionary that maps a character to an index num_iterations -- number of iterations to train the model for n_a -- number of units of the RNN cell dino_names -- number of dinosaur names you want to sample at each iteration. vocab_size -- number of unique characters found in the text, size of the vocabulary Returns: parameters -- learned parameters """ n_x, n_y = vocab_size, vocab_size parameters = initialize_parameters(n_a, n_x, n_y) loss = get_initial_loss(vocab_size, dino_names) with open("Name.txt") as f: examples = f.readlines() examples = [x.lower().strip() for x in examples] np.random.seed(0) np.random.shuffle(examples) a_prev = np.zeros((n_a, 1)) for j in range(num_iterations): index = j % len(examples) X = [None] + [char_to_ix[ch] for ch in examples[index]] Y = X[1:] + [char_to_ix["\n"]] curr_loss, gradients, a_prev = optimize(X, Y, a_prev, parameters, 0.01) loss = smooth(loss, curr_loss) if j % 2000 == 0: print('Iteration: %d, Loss: %f' % (j, loss) + '\n') seed = 0 for name in range(dino_names): sampled_indices = sample(parameters, char_to_ix, seed) print_sample(sampled_indices, ix_to_char) seed += 1 print('\n') return parameters
def process_map(self, x_in): """Process data.""" x = np.array(x_in, copy=True) if # add noise if ng is not None x = add_shape_noise(x, self.A_pix,, self.rng) if self.smoothing: # smooth if smoothing is not None x = smooth(x, self.smoothing, self.scale) return x
def get_kappa_rms(self, x, omega_m_list, sigma_8_list): """Return the mean kappa r.m.s. of fiducial maps.""" kappa_rms = [] for xi, o, s in zip(x, omega_m_list, sigma_8_list): # loop maps if o == self.fiducial_params[0] and s == self.fiducial_params[1]: im = smooth(xi, self.smoothing, self.scale) # apply smoothing kappa_rms.append(im.std()) # get kappa rms for a map return np.mean(kappa_rms) # return mean kappa rms
def compute_foreground_scores(group_A_segmentations, group_B_segmentations, random_chunks, states, metric_A, metric_B, to_smooth=False, max_min_window=0, compute_per_state_scores=False): foreground_scores = dict((k, {}) for k in [OVERALL_SCORE] + (states if compute_per_state_scores else [])) datasets_A = sorted(group_A_segmentations) datasets_B = sorted(group_B_segmentations) for chrom in random_chunks: chrom_segmentations_A = [chrom_segmentation_to_list(group_A_segmentations[d][chrom], BIN_SIZE) for d in datasets_A] chrom_segmentations_B = [chrom_segmentation_to_list(group_B_segmentations[d][chrom], BIN_SIZE) for d in datasets_B] for chunk_start, chunk_end in random_chunks[chrom]: chunk_segmentations_A = dict((d, seg[chunk_start:chunk_end]) for d, seg in izip(datasets_A, chrom_segmentations_A)) chunk_segmentations_B = dict((d, seg[chunk_start:chunk_end]) for d, seg in izip(datasets_B, chrom_segmentations_B)) chunk_scores = get_overall_and_per_state_diff_score(chrom, chunk_segmentations_A, metric_A, chunk_segmentations_B, metric_B, BIN_SIZE, states, None, compute_per_state_scores, max_min_window, background_chunk=True) if to_smooth: chunk_scores = dict((score_type, smooth(chunk_scores[score_type])) for score_type in chunk_scores) for score_type in foreground_scores: for s in chunk_scores[score_type]: abs_score = abs(s) if abs_score not in foreground_scores[score_type]: foreground_scores[score_type][abs_score] = 0 foreground_scores[score_type][abs_score] += 1 for score_type in foreground_scores: total_regions = sum(foreground_scores[score_type].itervalues()) total_so_far = 0 for s in sorted(foreground_scores[score_type], reverse=True): total_so_far += foreground_scores[score_type][s] foreground_scores[score_type][s] = total_so_far / float(total_regions) return dict((score_type, sorted(foreground_scores[score_type].items())) for score_type in foreground_scores)
def caculate_instance_prior_confidence_score(train_set, k, num_level = 2): """ 在holdout dataset(或者训练集)中计算每个instance在每个dynamic factor的先验信心分数 """ import random num_factor = len(train_set[0][1][1]) # get the number of factors topic_popularity = dict() # topic_id ==> (level, target_comment_count, prediction_comment_count, ratio) for train_topic_id, train_ins, level in train_set: target_comment_count = train_ins[0][0] prediction_comment_count = train_ins[0][4] ratio = target_comment_count * 1.0 / prediction_comment_count topic_popularity[train_topic_id] = (level, target_comment_count, prediction_comment_count, ratio) # topic_id ==> [i, j] for factor i on class j prior_score = dict() total = len(train_set) index = 0 factor_correct_count = np.zeros((num_factor,), float) for topic_id, ins, true_level in train_set: print 'Topic id: %s, Iteration: %d' % (topic_id, index) # 记录评分矩阵 score_matrix = np.zeros((num_factor, num_level)) for findex in range(num_factor): level_confidence_score = factor_score_knn(findex, ins, train_set, topic_popularity, k, num_level) level_confidence_score = smooth(level_confidence_score) score_matrix[findex, :] = level_confidence_score # 计算先验,满足两个要求 level_prior = np.ones((num_factor, num_level)) # prior for classes(levels) pred_level_list = [0] * num_factor num_correct = 0 # 得出正确结果的factor的个数 print 'Topic %s true level: %d' % (topic_id, true_level) for findex in range(num_factor): # predict based on confidence pred_level_list[findex] = pred_level = np.argmax(score_matrix[findex, :]) print 'Factor %d prediction: %d' % (findex, pred_level) score = score_matrix[findex, true_level] if pred_level != true_level: # 如果当前factor分类错误,则此factor对分类的贡献忽略 level_prior[findex, :] = 1.0 / num_level else: # 如果预测正确,则在此类中,添加权重 beta = score / (1 - score) level_prior[findex, true_level] *= beta num_correct += 1 factor_correct_count[findex] += 1 Z = np.sum(level_prior[findex, :]) level_prior[findex, :] /= Z prior_score[topic_id] = level_prior print 'Instance level prior for %s: %r' % (topic_id, level_prior) index += 1 #print 'Training acc of single factors:', factor_correct_count / total print 'Training acc of single factors:', factor_correct_count / total return prior_score
def run_NAIE(config): graph = load_graph(config['dataset'], labels_is_onehot=False) if config['task'] == 'lp': graph.G = remove_edges( graph.G, config['lp_test_path'] + config['dataset'] + "_lp_test.edgelist") print("Left edges in G: {}".format(graph.G.number_of_edges())) test_pairs, test_labels = read_test_links(config['lp_test_path'] + config['dataset'] + "_lp_test.edgelist") config['link_test_pairs'] = [ (edges[0], edges[1], label) for edges, label in zip(test_pairs, test_labels) ] y = graph.labels X = graph.features A = graph.adjcency_matrix(is_sparse=False) C = np.concatenate([A, config['lambda'] * X], axis=1) smooth_X = smooth(A, X, 1.0) smooth_A = smooth(A, A, 1.0) if config['strategy'] == 'nc': gamma_adj = 1 - get_balance_coefficient(graph.G, smooth_A) gamma_attr = 1 - get_balance_coefficient(graph.G, smooth_X) elif config['strategy'] == 'sw': omega = get_omega(graph.G) omega = abs(omega) if omega > 1: omega = 1.0 gamma_adj = omega gamma_attr = omega print("gamma_adj={:4f}, gamma_attr={:.4f}".format(gamma_adj, gamma_attr)) ada_smooth_A = smooth(A, A, gamma_adj) ada_smooth_X = smooth(A, X, gamma_attr) target = np.concatenate([ada_smooth_A, config['lambda'] * ada_smooth_X], axis=1) config['struct'][0] = C.shape[1] data = {'C': C, 'target': target, 'adj': A, 'y': y} model = NAIE(config) model.train(data)
def main(): args = parse() file = args.file speech_path = os.path.join(args.speechfolder, file) true_egg_path = os.path.join(args.eggfolder, file) estimated_egg_path = os.path.join(args.geneggfolder, file) speech = np.load(speech_path) speech = minmaxnormalize(speech) speech = smooth(speech, 21) true_egg = np.load(true_egg_path) true_egg = minmaxnormalize(true_egg) if args.detrend: _, true_egg = detrend(None, true_egg) estimated_egg = np.load(estimated_egg_path) estimated_egg = minmaxnormalize(estimated_egg) # srange = slice(0, speech.shape[0]) srange = slice(10700, 15400) speech = speech[srange] plt.figure() fig = plt.gcf() plt.subplot(211) plt.title("Speech") plt.plot(speech, "k", label="Speech Waveform") plt.xlabel("Sample") plt.ylabel("Amplitude") dft = np.fft.rfft(speech) freqs = np.fft.rfftfreq(np.size(speech, 0), 1 / 16e3) assert freqs.shape == dft.shape plt.subplot(212) plt.title("Fourier Spectra") plt.gca().semilogx(freqs, np.abs(dft)**2, "b", label="DFT") # plt.plot(freqs, np.abs(dft), "b", label="DFT") plt.xlabel("Frequency") plt.ylabel("PSD") plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.926, bottom=0.117, left=0.078, right=0.981, hspace=0.476, wspace=0.2) mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager() mng.window.showMaximized() fig.savefig("images/fft.png")
def filter_by_dbscan(self, df, bm): """ Do filter by dbscan name """ du, sb = df[df.bmnum==bm], [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan] sb[0] = len(du.groupby("time")) self.gen_summary[bm] = {"bmnum": bm, "v": np.median(du.v), "p": np.median(du.p_l), "w": np.median(du.w_l), "sound":sb[0], "echo":len(du), "v_mad": stats.median_absolute_deviation(du.v), "p_mad": stats.median_absolute_deviation(du.p_l), "w_mad": stats.median_absolute_deviation(du.w_l)} xpt = 100./sb[0] if bm == "all": sb[1] = "[" + str(int(np.min(df.bmnum))) + "-" + str(int(np.max(df.bmnum))) + "]" sb[2] = len(self.scans) * int((np.max(df.bmnum)-np.min(df.bmnum)+1)) else: sb[1] = "[" + str(int(bm)) + "]" sb[2] = len(self.scans) l = du.groupby("time")" Beam Analysis: {bm}, {len(l)}") rng, eco = np.array(du.groupby(["slist"]).count().reset_index()["slist"]),\ np.array(du.groupby(["slist"]).count().reset_index()["p_l"]) Rng, Eco = np.arange(np.max(du.slist)+1), np.zeros((np.max(du.slist)+1)) for e, r in zip(eco, rng): Eco[Rng.tolist().index(r)] = e eco, Eco = utils.smooth(eco, self.window), utils.smooth(Eco, self.window) glims, labels = {}, [] ds = DBSCAN(eps=self.eps, min_samples=self.min_samples).fit(du[["slist"]].values) du["labels"] = ds.labels_ names = {} for j, r in enumerate(set(ds.labels_)): x = du[du.labels==r] glims[r] = [np.min(x.slist), np.max(x.slist)] names[r] = "C"+str(j) if r >= 0: self.boundaries[bm].append({"peak": Rng[np.min(x.slist) + Eco[np.min(x.slist):np.max(x.slist)].argmax()], "ub": np.max(x.slist), "lb": np.min(x.slist), "value": np.max(eco)*xpt, "bmnum": bm, "echo": len(x), "sound": sb[0]})" Individual clster detected: {set(du.labels)}") loc_folder = self.fig_folder + "gate_summary/" if not os.path.exists(loc_folder): os.system("mkdir -p " + loc_folder) fig_file = loc_folder + "gate_{bm}_summary.png".format(bm="%02d"%bm) to_midlatitude_gate_summary(self.rad, du, glims, names, (rng,eco), fig_file, sb) return
def find_bc(profile, mc_input): s = read_mesa(profile) r = np.flipud(s.radius) m = np.flipud(s.mass) rho = np.flipud(s.rho) p = np.flipud(s.pressure) drhodr = np.gradient(rho,r) drhodr_smooth = smooth(drhodr) dpdr = np.gradient(p,r) dpdr_smooth = smooth(dpdr) ic = find_nearest(m, mc_input) bc = {'r' : r[ic], 'm' : m[ic], 'rho' : rho[ic], 'p' : p[ic], 'drhodr' : drhodr[ic], 'dpdr' : dpdr[ic]} return bc
def generate_candidate_default(self, original, unnormalized_source_direction, source_direction, source_norm): spherical_step = self.spherical_step source_step = self.source_step perturbation = np.random.randn(*original.shape) perturbation = perturbation.astype(np.float32) shape = perturbation.shape # apply hanning filter if self.args.smooth: if % 2 == 1: # Verifying Odd Window Size perturbation = smooth(perturbation.squeeze(), perturbation = perturbation.reshape(shape) # =========================================================== # calculate candidate on sphere # =========================================================== dot = np.vdot(perturbation, source_direction) perturbation -= dot * source_direction perturbation *= spherical_step * source_norm / norm(perturbation) D = 1 / np.sqrt(spherical_step**2 + 1) direction = perturbation - unnormalized_source_direction spherical_candidate = original + D * direction # =========================================================== # add perturbation in direction of source # =========================================================== new_source_direction = original - spherical_candidate new_source_direction_norm = norm(new_source_direction) # length if spherical_candidate would be exactly on the sphere length = source_step * source_norm # length including correction for deviation from sphere deviation = new_source_direction_norm - source_norm length += deviation # make sure the step size is positive length = max(0, length) # normalize the length length = length / new_source_direction_norm candidate = spherical_candidate + length * new_source_direction return (candidate, spherical_candidate)
def main(): fname = '../images/original/chibombo1.png' original = cv.imread(fname) utils.show_image(original, 'original') img = utils.smooth(original, 'bilateral') utils.show_image(img, 'bilateral filter') # get image dimensions xdim, ydim, nchannels = img.shape veg_to_background = detectvegetation.detect(img, xdim, ydim) segmented = segmentcolor.mask(veg_to_background, xdim, ydim) detect = detectpolygon.detect(segmented, original, xdim, ydim)
def __init__(self, path): t = path if type and path.__class__ == str: t = phash = imagehash.phash(t, 8) histogram = np.array(t.convert('L').histogram()) self.md5 = md5(t.tostring()).hexdigest() self.phash = str(phash) self.histogram = utils.smooth(histogram, 100) self.mins = argrelextrema(self.histogram, np.less)[0] self.maxs = argrelextrema(self.histogram, np.greater)[0] self.histogram = np.array(map(lambda x: int(x), self.histogram)) if len(self.mins) < 2: self.mins = np.append(self.mins, [1000] * (2-len(self.mins)) ) if len(self.maxs) < 2: self.maxs = np.append(self.maxs, [1000] * (2-len(self.maxs)) )
def updateDatasets(self, fields, helper): """Do shifting of dataset. This function should *update* the dataset(s) returned by getDatasets """ # get the input dataset - helper provides methods for getting other # datasets from Veusz ds_in = helper.getDataset(fields['ds_in']) # get the value to add window = fields['window'] method = fields['method'] start_index = fields['start_index'] end_index = fields['end_index'] if end_index == 0: end_index = len( x = numpy.array( x = x[start_index:end_index] if ds_in == helper.getDataset(fields['ds_out']): raise plugins.DatasetPluginException( "Input and output datasets should differ.") if x.ndim != 1: raise plugins.DatasetPluginException( "smooth only accepts 1 dimension arrays.") if x.size < window: raise plugins.DatasetPluginException( "Input vector needs to be bigger than window size.") if window < 3: raise plugins.DatasetPluginException("Window is too small.") if not method in [ 'flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman' ]: raise plugins.DatasetPluginException( "Mehtod is one of 'flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman'" ) y = smooth(x, window, method) y = numpy.concatenate( ([0:start_index], y,[end_index:])) # update output dataset with input dataset (plus value) and errorbars self.ds_out.update(data=y, serr=ds_in.serr, perr=ds_in.perr, nerr=ds_in.nerr) return [self.ds_out]
def run(c, num_gen=100, params=None, display=False): """ Runs NEAT for num_gen generations and with custom config parameters params. """ # Manually sets some parameters with custom values if params is None: params = {} for p in params: setattr(c.genome_config, p, params[p]) pop = neat.Population(c) stats = neat.StatisticsReporter() pop.add_reporter(stats) reporter = neat.StdOutReporter(True) pop.add_reporter(reporter) evaluator = MNISTEvaluator(eval_genome, load_MNIST(train=True)) # evaluator = MNISTParallelEvaluator(multiprocessing.cpu_count(), eval_genome, load_MNIST(train=True)) acc_reporter = AccuracyReporter(evaluator) pop.add_reporter(acc_reporter) start = time.time() winner =, num_gen) end = time.time() print("execution time:", end - start) if display: visualize.draw_net(c, winner, True, filename="graph_hyperneat_test") visualize.plot_stats(stats, ylog=False, view=True, filename="stats_hyperneat_test") plt.figure() plt.plot(smooth(acc_reporter.accuracy, momentum=0.995)) visualize.plot_species(stats, view=True, filename="species_hyperneat_test1") return winner
def updateDatasets(self, fields, helper): """Do shifting of dataset. This function should *update* the dataset(s) returned by getDatasets """ # get the input dataset - helper provides methods for getting other # datasets from Veusz ds_in = helper.getDataset(fields['ds_in']) # get the value to add window = fields['window'] method = fields['method'] start_index = fields['start_index'] end_index = fields['end_index'] if end_index == 0: end_index = len( x = numpy.array( x = x[start_index:end_index] if ds_in == helper.getDataset(fields['ds_out']): raise plugins.DatasetPluginException( "Input and output datasets should differ.") if x.ndim != 1: raise plugins.DatasetPluginException( "smooth only accepts 1 dimension arrays.") if x.size < window: raise plugins.DatasetPluginException( "Input vector needs to be bigger than window size.") if window < 3: raise plugins.DatasetPluginException("Window is too small.") if not method in ['flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman']: raise plugins.DatasetPluginException( "Mehtod is one of 'flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman'") y = smooth(x, window, method) y = numpy.concatenate(([0:start_index], y,[end_index:])) # update output dataset with input dataset (plus value) and errorbars self.ds_out.update( data=y, serr=ds_in.serr, perr=ds_in.perr, nerr=ds_in.nerr) return [self.ds_out]
def plot_dssp(iso, ratio, fig, subplot_num): ax=fig.add_subplot(3, 4, subplot_num) fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.05,top=0.95,left=0.05,right=0.95,wspace=0.4, hspace=0.4) # pylab.rcParams['xtick.labelsize']='10' # pylab.rcParams['ytick.labelsize']='12' pylab.rcParams['legend.fontsize']='6' # pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [2.5,2.5] # pylab.rcParams["axes.titlesize"]='small' # TODO: refactor this to a configuration file #filename = '%(subplot_num)d/sys%(subplot_num)d_dssp.dat' % vars() filename = 'ab_%(iso)s_%(ratio)s_%(subplot_num)d_sc.xvg' % vars() A=[] if os.path.exists(filename): A=utils.smooth(numpy.genfromtxt(filename, comments="#"), 1000, timestep=2) else: print "WARNING: %(filename)s not found" % vars() if A == []: print "WARNING: data file empty ... quitting ..." return time = A[:,0]/1000.0 ax.plot(time, A[:,2], label="Coil") ax.plot(time, A[:,3], label="B-sheet") ax.plot(time, A[:,4], label="B-bridge") ax.plot(time, A[:,5], label="Bend") ax.plot(time, A[:,6], label="Turn") pylab.ylim(0, 80) pylab.xlim(0, 100) pylab.grid(True) # xlabel('Time (ns)') # ylabel('Number of interchain hydrogen bonds') pylab.legend(loc='lower right')
for i in range(nbins): ii = (qv == i) h[i, 0] = np.nanmean(m[ii]) # mean mortality in this bin if m[ii].size > 0: h[i, 4] = np.nanmean( a[ii] ) #record the mean of Q values in the bin (to make sure it matches what I expect) h[i, 1] = np.std(m[ii]) / np.sqrt( m[ii].size) # SEM of mortality in this bin h[i, 2] = m[ii].size # nb of data points in this bin h[:, 3] = h[:, 0] * h[:, 2] / qv.size # weighted average!! # [nansum(h(:,4)) mean(prog(:,2))] %check that both are close! yy1 = smooth(np.array(range(nbins)), h[:, 0], 0.1) fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.xlim(0, nbins) plt.ylim(0, 1) plt.plot([0, nbins], [0.5, 0.5], linestyle=':', color='black') plt.plot([nbins / 2, nbins / 2], [0, 1], linestyle=':', color='black') plt.plot(h[:, 0], linewidth=1, color='blue') plt.plot(h[:, 0] + h[:, 1], linewidth=0.5, color='blue') plt.plot(h[:, 0] - h[:, 1], linewidth=0.5, color='blue') plt.plot(yy1, linewidth=1, color='red') ax.set_ylabel('Mortality risk') ax.set_xlabel('Return of actions') plt.xticks(np.arange(0, nbins + 10, step=nbins / 10), np.arange(-100, 120, step=20))
def process(h5file, ratio, format="p2p_vs_t.dat"): # given a h5file return a list of data to be plotted as line plots # and a corresponding list of labels header = "# time average_inter std_inter average_intra std_intra" datalist = [] labellist = [] isomerlist = ["scyllo", "chiro", "water"] mean_contact_list = [] std_contact_list = [] for iso in isomerlist: print "processing", iso pattern = re.compile(r"%(iso)s.*%(ratio)s.*%(format)s" % vars()) if iso == "water": pattern = re.compile(r"%(iso)s.*%(format)s" % vars()) data_inter = [] data_intra = [] for table in h5file.listNodes(where='/polar'): table_path = os.path.join('/polar', if print "processing", data = myh5.getTableAsMatrix(h5file, table_path, dtype=numpy.int32) data = data.astype('float') print "converted to float32", data nrows, ncols = data.shape assert nrows > ncols print "Test data read in dimensions", data.shape, data.dtype data_inter.append(data[0:config.LASTFRAME,1]) data_intra.append(data[0:config.LASTFRAME,2]) # compute summary statistics print "summarizing statistics ... " inter_matrix = utils.array_list_to_matrix(data_inter) intra_matrix = utils.array_list_to_matrix(data_intra) average_inter, std_inter = utils.summary_statistics(inter_matrix) average_intra, std_intra = utils.summary_statistics(intra_matrix) # compute the time average number of contacts and its std error avg_contacts = numpy.average(inter_matrix, axis=0) mean_contact = numpy.average(avg_contacts) std_contact = numpy.std(avg_contacts) mean_contact_list.append(mean_contact) std_contact_list.append(std_contact) print mean_contact, std_contact time = data[0:config.LASTFRAME,0] # print "Test: dimensions of average_inter", average_inter.shape plotdata = utils.array_list_to_matrix([ time, average_inter, std_inter, average_intra, std_intra ]) print "plotdata", plotdata print "Test: dimensions of plotdata for", iso, ratio, plotdata.shape plotdata_smoothed = utils.smooth(plotdata, 500, time_present=True, timestep=2) print plotdata_smoothed datalist.append(plotdata_smoothed) print "smoothed data", plotdata_smoothed, plotdata_smoothed.shape ratiolabel = config.RATIO[ratio] if iso == "water": labellist.append("water" % vars()) else: labellist.append("%(iso)s (%(ratiolabel)s)" % vars()) utils.savetxt('%(ratio)s_p2p_vs_t.txt' % vars(), header, plotdata, fmt='%0.2f') utils.savetxt('%(ratio)s_p2p_vs_t_smoothed.txt' % vars(), header, plotdata_smoothed, fmt='%0.2f') utils.savetxt('%(ratio)s_avg_contacts_w_err.txt' % vars(), "#scyllo chiro water", numpy.vstack([mean_contact_list, std_contact_list]), fmt='%0.2f') return (datalist, labellist)
def do(fields, helper): """Actually do the CurveOperationPlugin calculation.""" op = fields['operation'].lower() xtol = fields['tolerance'] # get the input dataset - helper provides methods for getting other # datasets from Veusz ay = np.array(helper.getDataset(fields['ay']).data) ax = np.array(helper.getDataset(fields['ax']).data) N = len(ax) if len(ay) != N: raise plugins.DatasetPluginException( 'Curve A X,Y datasets must have same length') by = np.array(helper.getDataset(fields['by']).data) bx = np.array(helper.getDataset(fields['bx']).data) Nb = len(bx) if len(by) != Nb: raise plugins.DatasetPluginException( 'Curve B X,Y datasets must have same length') error = 0 # Relativize if fields['relative']: d = by[0] - ay[0] by -= d logging.debug('relative correction', d) # If the two curves share the same X dataset, directly operate if fields['bx'] == fields['ax']: out = numexpr.evaluate(op, local_dict={'a': ay, 'b': by}) return out, 0 # Smooth x data if fields['smooth']: ax = utils.smooth(ax) bx = utils.smooth(bx) # Rectify x datas so they can be used for interpolation if xtol > 0: rax, dax, erra = utils.rectify(ax) rbx, dbx, errb = utils.rectify(bx) logging.debug('rectification errors', erra, errb) if erra > xtol or errb > xtol: raise plugins.DatasetPluginException( 'X Datasets are not comparable in the required tolerance.') # TODO: manage extrapolation! # Get rectified B(x) spline for B(y) logging.debug('rbx', rbx[-1] - bx[-1], rbx) logging.debug('by', by) N = len(rbx) margin = 1 + int(N / 10) step = 2 + int((N - 2 * margin) / 100) logging.debug( 'interpolating', len(rbx), len(by), margin, step) bsp = interpolate.LSQUnivariateSpline(rbx, by, rbx[margin:-margin:step]) #ext='const' scipy>=0.15 error = bsp.get_residual() # Evaluate B(y) spline with rectified A(x) array b = bsp(rax) logging.debug('rax', rax[-1] - ax[-1], rax) logging.debug('a', ay) logging.debug('b', b, b[1000:1010]) #'/tmp/misura/rbx',rbx) #'/tmp/misura/by',by) #'/tmp/misura/rax',rax) #'/tmp/misura/ay',ay) # Perform the operation using numexpr out = numexpr.evaluate(op, local_dict={'a': ay, 'b': b}) logging.debug('out', out) return out, error
def caculate_instance_prior_confidence_score(train_set, test_set, num_neigh, num_factor, num_level = 2): """ 在holdout dataset(或者训练集)中计算每个instance在每个dynamic factor的先验信心分数 """ # merge the train and test set dataset = list(train_set) dataset.extend(test_set) topic_popularity = dict() # topic_id ==> (level, comment_count) for topic_id, ins, level in train_set: target_comment_count = ins[0][0] prediction_comment_count = ins[0][4] # ratio的值不小于1 ratio = target_comment_count * 1.0 / prediction_comment_count # 最后一个值表示该topic是否是train topic topic_popularity[topic_id] = (level, target_comment_count, prediction_comment_count, ratio, ins, True) # 对于测试样本, None值表示未知 for topic_id, ins, level in test_set: target_comment_count = ins[0][0] prediction_comment_count = ins[0][4] # ratio的值不小于1 ratio = target_comment_count * 1.0 / prediction_comment_count topic_popularity[topic_id] = (level, target_comment_count, prediction_comment_count, ratio, ins, False) print 'Creating mutual knn graphs...' # Note: 一些帖子可能包含比num_neigh少的mutual knn neighbour mutual_knn_graph_list = create_mutual_knn_graph(dataset, num_neigh, num_factor, topic_popularity) #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() # train_topic_id ==> [i, j] for factor i on class j prior_score = dict() total = len(train_set) index = 0 factor_correct_count = np.zeros((num_factor,), float) for train_topic_id, train_ins, true_level in train_set: print 'Topic id: %s, Iteration: %d, true level: %d' % (train_topic_id, index, true_level) # 记录评分矩阵 score_matrix = np.zeros((num_factor, num_level)) for findex in range(num_factor): # 使用原来的近邻挑选方法 level_confidence_score, level_prior_score = factor_score_knn(findex, mutual_knn_graph_list[findex], train_topic_id, topic_popularity, num_level) level_confidence_score = smooth(level_confidence_score) score_matrix[findex, :] = level_confidence_score pred_level_list = [0] * num_factor num_correct = 0 # 得出正确结果的factor的个数 for findex in range(num_factor): # predict based on confidence pred_level_list[findex] = pred_level = np.argmax(score_matrix[findex, :]) print 'Factor %d: confidence = %r, prediction = %d' % (findex, score_matrix[findex, :], pred_level) if pred_level != true_level: pass else: num_correct += 1 factor_correct_count[findex] += 1 # 每个factor预测正确的样本个数 # 计算先验,满足两个要求 # 每个instance都保存有某个factor对其分类结果的信息,如果分类正确,则权重大于1,如果分类错误,则小于1 level_prior = np.ones((num_factor, )) # prior for classes(levels) # 在factor之间之间进行区别:例如如果只有一个factor预测正确,那么奖励会更多 delta = 1.0 if num_correct == 0: correct_reward = 1.0 else: correct_reward = delta / num_correct rho = 3 for findex in range(num_factor): # 预测两类的信心值之差 diff_score = abs(score_matrix[findex, 0] - score_matrix[findex, 1]) if pred_level_list[findex] != true_level: tmp = math.exp(-1 * rho * diff_score) else: tmp = math.exp(+1 * rho * diff_score) # 另外一层考虑:例如如果只有一个factor预测正确,则奖励会更多 if pred_level_list[findex] == true_level: tmp *= math.exp(correct_reward) level_prior[findex] *= tmp #level_prior /= np.sum(level_prior) prior_score[train_topic_id] = level_prior print 'Instance level prior for %s: %r\n' % (train_topic_id, level_prior) index += 1 #print 'Training acc of single factors:', factor_correct_count / total print 'Training acc of single factors:', factor_correct_count / total return topic_popularity, prior_score, mutual_knn_graph_list
def handle_data(pos_data): from utils import smooth, interpl, chunk_decode from numpy import genfromtxt correct_pck_num = 0 diff_num = [] first_detected = False # plt.ion() # f = plt.figure() # ax = f.add_subplot(311) # ax2 = f.add_subplot(312) # ax3 = f.add_subplot(313) # pos_data = genfromtxt(FILE_NAME, delimiter=',') real_time = pos_data[:,1] real_val = pos_data[:,0] even_time = np.arange(real_time[0], real_time[-1], 1/2400) even_time = even_time[even_time < real_time[-1]] even_val = interpl(real_time, real_val, even_time, 'nearest') even_val_smooth = smooth(even_val, 21) even_val_DCremove = smooth(even_val - even_val_smooth, 5) # np.savetxt('even_val_DCremove.csv', even_val_DCremove, delimiter=',') total_points = len(even_time) # maintain slide window within 0.3s raw_frames_m = deque(maxlen=int(2400*0.3)) for i in range(total_points): val = even_val_DCremove[i] ts = even_time[i] raw_frames_m.append([ts, val]) if len(raw_frames_m) != raw_frames_m.maxlen: continue sample_value_DCremove = np.array(raw_frames_m)[:,1] value = np.zeros((10, 1)) for i in range(10): temp_sample = sample_value_DCremove[i:raw_frames_m.maxlen:10] value[i] = max(temp_sample) - min(temp_sample) std_min = max(value) shift_index = np.where(value==std_min)[0][0] sample_wave = sample_value_DCremove[shift_index:raw_frames_m.maxlen:10] temp_sample = sample_value_DCremove[shift_index:raw_frames_m.maxlen:10] # bit_stream = sample_wave <= (max(temp_sample) + min(temp_sample)) / 2 bit_stream = sample_wave <= np.mean(temp_sample) bit_stream = bit_stream.astype(int) result, diff_count = chunk_decode(bit_stream) if result is None: result, diff_count = chunk_decode(bit_stream, flip=True) if result is not None: if not first_detected: first_detected = True for _ in range(int(raw_frames_m.maxlen/2)): raw_frames_m.popleft() # print(result) start_ts = np.array(raw_frames_m)[0,0] end_ts = np.array(raw_frames_m)[-1,0] to_plot = pos_data[np.logical_and(pos_data[:,1] > start_ts, pos_data[:,1] < end_ts)][:,0] to_plot_FFT = fft(to_plot[:250]) l = 30 to_plot_FFT[1+l:to_plot_FFT.size-l] = 0 # ax.plot(to_plot[:250]) # ax2.plot(ifft(to_plot_FFT)) # ax3.plot(to_plot_FFT[1:]) # plt.pause(10) # correct_pck_num += 1 diff_num.append(diff_count[0]) elif first_detected and diff_count != []: diff_num.append(diff_count[0]) print('correct_pck_num:', correct_pck_num) # print('diff_num:', diff_num) diff_num = sorted(diff_num) diff_num = diff_num[:100] # print(diff_num) total_error_num = sum(diff_num) + (100 - len(diff_num)) * 62
# smooth the pdf + watershed from utils import smooth nbins = (400,400); j = 400; gmmdata = np.vstack([np.log(dists[:,j]), (rots[:,j])]).T #gmmdata = np.vstack([dists[:,j], (rots[:,j])]).T gmmdata.shape nanids = np.any(np.isnan(gmmdata), axis=1); gmmdata = gmmdata[~nanids,:]; gmmdata.shape imgbin = smooth(gmmdata, nbins = nbins, sigma = None) img = smooth(gmmdata, nbins = nbins, sigma = (7,7)) #plt.matshow(img) from scipy import ndimage as ndi from skimage.morphology import watershed from skimage.feature import peak_local_max local_maxi = peak_local_max(img, indices=False, footprint=np.ones((3, 3))) markers = ndi.label(local_maxi)[0] labels = watershed(-img, markers, mask = None) fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, sharex=True, sharey=True, subplot_kw={'adjustable':'box-forced'}) ax0, ax1 = axes ax0.imshow(img,, interpolation='nearest') ax0.set_title('PDF')
mean_fitness.append(mean(fitness)) best_fitness.append(max(fitness)) solutions = [solution for solution in solutions if solution] if solutions: best_solutions.append(min(solutions, key=lambda x: len(x))) fig, ax1 = pylab.subplots() #ax1.plot(mean_fitness) #ax1.plot(best_fitness) ax1.plot(smooth(mean_fitness, generations // 10)) ax1.plot(smooth(best_fitness, generations // 10)) ax1.axhline(1.0 / len(path), ls='dashed') ax1.set_xlabel('Generations') ax1.set_ylabel('Fitness') ax1.set_ylim(0, top=max(best_fitness) * 0.05 + ax1.get_ylim()[1]) ax1.set_xlim(0, right=len(mean_fitness) - 1) ax1.legend(('Mean', 'Best', 'Max'), 'best') fig.savefig('fitness_{0}.pdf'.format(agents)) fig = pylab.figure()
def caculate_class_prior_confidence_score(train_set, k, num_level = 2): """ 在holdout dataset(或者训练集)中计算每个dynamic factor的先验信心分数 """ import random num_factor = len(train_set[0][1][1]) # get the number of factors topic_popularity = dict() # topic_id ==> (level, comment_count) for train_topic_id, train_ins, level in train_set: target_comment_count = train_ins[0][0] prediction_comment_count = train_ins[0][4] ratio = target_comment_count * 1.0 / prediction_comment_count topic_popularity[train_topic_id] = (level, target_comment_count, prediction_comment_count, ratio) # prior_score[i, j]: for factor i, P(true=j | pred=j) prior_score = np.ones((num_factor, num_level)) total = len(train_set) # 检查是否收敛 score_history = np.zeros((num_factor * num_level, total), float) index = 0 score_matrix = np.zeros((num_factor, num_level)) for topic_id, ins, true_level in train_set: #if random.random() < 0: # continue print 'Iteration: ', index for findex in range(num_factor): level_confidence_score = factor_score_knn(findex, ins, train_set, topic_popularity, k, num_level) level_confidence_score = smooth(level_confidence_score) score_matrix[findex, :] = level_confidence_score #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() for findex in range(num_factor): # predict based on confidence pred_level = np.argmax(score_matrix[findex, :]) if pred_level != true_level: # 如果预测错误,则将各个信心值调的尽量接近 score = score_matrix[findex, true_level] beta = (1 - score) / score prior_score[findex, true_level] *= beta else: # 如果预测正确,则在此类中,添加权重 score = score_matrix[findex, true_level] beta = score / (1 - score) prior_score[findex, true_level] *= beta # normalize Z = np.sum(prior_score[findex, :]) prior_score[findex, :] /= Z prior_score[findex, :] = smooth(prior_score[findex, :]) print 'Current prior info: \n', prior_score #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() # 记录历史prior数据 for i in range(num_factor): for j in range(num_level): row_index = i * num_level + j score_history[row_index, index] = prior_score[i, j] index += 1 #score_history = score_history[:, index] #check_convergence_plot(score_history) return prior_score
ts_context_generator = TSContextGenerator(probabilities_of_users, arms_samples_for_each_user, arms) for i in range(number_of_days): ts_context_generator.update_regret_after_day_passed( number_of_clicks_per_day) if i % number_of_days_for_splitting == 0 and i != 0: print(i + 1) ts_context_generator.split() regret.append(ts_context_generator.regrets) reward.append(ts_context_generator.rewards) clair.append(ts_context_generator.clairs) plt.figure(0) plt.plot(np.cumsum(np.mean(regret, axis=0))) plt.legend(["6 arms - TS"]) plt.xlabel("number of days") plt.ylabel("cumulative regret [€]") plt.xticks(np.linspace(0, number_of_clicks_per_day * number_of_days, 8), np.linspace(0, number_of_days, 8, dtype=np.int32)) plt.figure(1) plt.plot(u.smooth(np.mean(reward, axis=0), 800)) plt.plot(u.smooth(np.mean(clair, axis=0), 800)) plt.legend(["reward", "clairvoyant"]) plt.xlabel("number of days") plt.ylabel("mean reward for click [€]") plt.xticks(np.linspace(0, number_of_clicks_per_day * number_of_days, 8), np.linspace(0, number_of_days, 8, dtype=np.int32))
m1 = graph['means'][n] m2 = graph['means'][n+1] dm = int(t2-t1) for tp in range(dm): av = ( (m1*(dm-tp)/dm) + (m2*tp)/dm ) ynew.append( av ) window_len = 11 xnew = np.linspace( min(graph['timepoints']), max(graph['timepoints']), len(ynew) ) ynew = np.array( ynew ) # Iteratively smooth with a small window to minimise distortion # smooth the xaxis alongside to prevent x-distortion for x in range( 20 ): ynew = utils.smooth(ynew, window_len=window_len, window='blackman') xnew = utils.smooth(xnew, window_len=window_len, window='blackman') plt.plot( xnew, ynew, color=graph['color']) else: if graph['control']: plt.fill_between( graph['timepoints'], [a+b for a, b in zip( graph['means'], graph['stddev'] )], y2=[a-b for a, b in zip( graph['means'], graph['stddev'] )], alpha=0.05, color=graph['style'][0]) plt.plot( graph['timepoints'], graph['means'], color=graph['style'][0], linestyle=graph['style'][2], label=classl, alpha=0.2) else: plt.errorbar( graph['timepoints'], graph['means'], yerr=graph['stddev'], label=classl, fmt=graph['style'][0], marker=graph['style'][1], linestyle=graph['style'][2]) if options.control: pass #for classl in baselines: # p = mpatches.Rectangle(xy, width, height, facecolor="orange", edgecolor="red")
fn = os.path.join(datadir, 'data_stage%d_%s.npy' % (s,features[0])); dists = np.load(fn); fn = os.path.join(datadir, 'data_stage%d_%s.npy' % (s,features[1])); rots = np.load(fn); ddata = np.vstack([np.log(dists[:,d]), (rots[:,d])]).T #gmmdata = np.vstack([dists[:,j], (rots[:,j])]).T ddata.shape nanids = np.logical_or(np.any(np.isnan(ddata), axis=1), np.any(np.isinf(ddata), axis=1)); ddata = ddata[~nanids,:]; ddata.shape imgbin = smooth(ddata, nbins = [nbins, nbins], sigma = None) img2 = smooth(ddata, nbins = [nbins, nbins], sigma = (0.75,0.75)) img = smooth(ddata, nbins = [nbins, nbins], sigma = (1,1)) plt.figure(220); plt.clf() plt.subplot(2,2,1) plt.imshow(imgbin) plt.subplot(2,2,2) plt.imshow(img) plt.subplot(2,2,3) plt.imshow(img2) local_maxi = peak_local_max(img2, indices=False, min_distance = 1) imgm2 = img2.copy(); imgm2[local_maxi] = 3 * imgm2.max(); plt.subplot(2,2,3);
def caculate_instance_prior_confidence_score(train_set, k, num_level = 2): """ 在holdout dataset(或者训练集)中计算每个instance在每个dynamic factor的先验信心分数 """ import random num_factor = len(train_set[0][1][1]) # get the number of factors topic_popularity = dict() # topic_id ==> (level, comment_count) for train_topic_id, train_ins, level in train_set: target_comment_count = train_ins[0][0] prediction_comment_count = train_ins[0][4] ratio = target_comment_count * 1.0 / prediction_comment_count topic_popularity[train_topic_id] = (level, target_comment_count, prediction_comment_count, ratio) # topic_id ==> [i, j] for factor i on class j prior_score = dict() total = len(train_set) index = 0 factor_correct_count = np.zeros((num_factor,), float) for topic_id, ins, true_level in train_set: print 'Topic id: %s, Iteration: %d' % (topic_id, index) # 记录评分矩阵 score_matrix = np.zeros((num_factor, num_level)) for findex in range(num_factor): level_confidence_score = factor_score_knn(findex, ins, train_set, topic_popularity, k, num_level) level_confidence_score = smooth(level_confidence_score) score_matrix[findex, :] = level_confidence_score # 计算先验,满足两个要求 level_prior = np.ones((num_factor, num_level)) # prior for classes(levels) pred_level_list = [0] * num_factor num_correct = 0 # 得出正确结果的factor的个数 print 'Topic %s, true level: %d' % (topic_id, true_level) for findex in range(num_factor): # predict based on confidence pred_level_list[findex] = pred_level = np.argmax(score_matrix[findex, :]) print 'Factor %d prediction: %d' % (findex, pred_level) if pred_level != true_level: pass else: num_correct += 1 factor_correct_count[findex] += 1 # 最简单的情形:直接使用score_matrix来作为factor信心值 level_prior = score_matrix # 在factor之间之间进行区别:例如如果只有一个factor预测正确,那么奖励会更多 rho = 2.0 for findex in range(num_factor): if pred_level_list[findex] != true_level: the_other_level = 1 - true_level level_prior[findex, the_other_level] *= math.exp(-1 * 1.0 * rho / (num_factor-num_correct)) else: level_prior[findex, true_level] *= math.exp(+1 * 1.0 * rho / num_correct) # normalize level_prior[findex, :] /= np.sum(level_prior[findex, :]) prior_score[topic_id] = level_prior print 'Instance level prior for %s: %r' % (topic_id, level_prior) index += 1 #print 'Training acc of single factors:', factor_correct_count / total print 'Training acc of single factors:', factor_correct_count / total return prior_score