def clean_obsids(obsids, radius, opt_survey='pstarrs', moc=None): # Select clean observations xmmobs_clean = obsids[obsids.columns['OBS_CLASS'] < 4] if opt_survey == 'pstarrs': # Select observations in Pan-STARRS footprint (dec>-30. deg) msk_pstarrs = xmmobs_clean.columns['DEC'] > -30 + u.deg).value xmmobs_clean_opt = xmmobs_clean[msk_pstarrs] elif opt_survey == 'sdss': # Select observations in SDSS footprint sdss_moc = MOC() read_moc_fits(sdss_moc, moc) moc_order = sdss_moc.order hp = HEALPix(nside=2**moc_order, order='nested', frame=ICRS()) xmmobs_clean_opt = utils.sources_inmoc(xmmobs_clean, hp, sdss_moc, moc_order=moc_order, ra='RA', dec='DEC', units=u.deg) else: raise ValueError('Unknown optical survey: {}'.format(opt_survey)) return xmmobs_clean_opt
def merge_cat(tmass, ukidss, vista): moc_vista = MOC() read_moc_fits(moc_vista, '../data/vista/moc_vista.fits') moc_ukidss = MOC() read_moc_fits(moc_ukidss, '../data/ukidss/moc_ukidss.fits') moc_order = moc_vista.order hp = HEALPix(nside=2**moc_order, order='nested', frame=ICRS()) moc_allsky = MOC(0, tuple(range(12))) moc_tmass = moc_allsky - moc_ukidss - moc_vista moc_vista = moc_vista - moc_ukidss vista_final = utils.sources_inmoc(vista, hp, moc_vista, moc_order=moc_order, ra='posRA', dec='posDec') vista_final.rename_column('NVTobjID', 'NIRobjID') vista_final.add_column( Table.Column(['VISTA'] * len(vista_final), name='NIR_SURVEY')) tmass_final = utils.sources_inmoc(tmass, hp, moc_tmass, moc_order=moc_order, ra='posRA', dec='posDec') tmass_final.rename_column('NTMobjID', 'NIRobjID') tmass_final.add_column( Table.Column(['2MASS'] * len(tmass_final), name='NIR_SURVEY')) ukidss.rename_column('NUKobjID', 'NIRobjID') ukidss.add_column(Table.Column(['UKIDSS'] * len(ukidss), name='NIR_SURVEY')) xmatchcat_final = vstack([tmass_final, vista_final, ukidss]) msk = np.logical_or(xmatchcat_final['NIR_SURVEY'] == 'UKIDSS', xmatchcat_final['NIR_SURVEY'] == '2MASS') msk = np.logical_and(xmatchcat_final['NIRobjID'].mask, msk) return xmatchcat_final
def vista(obsids_table, data_folder, moc_folder, opt_moc=None, radius=15 * u.arcmin, moc_order=16, overwrite=True): """ Get VISTA-VHS data using astroquery and the UKIDSS database For each observation in obsids_table, saves a fits file with name 'OBS_ID.fits' in 'data_folder/groups'. The function sends a query and selects all sources within 'radius' arcmin of the RA,DEC of the observation, then it filters the result selecting the sources in the corresponding MOC stored in 'moc_folder/mocs' (moc_order must be consistent with the order used to calculate the moc). If overwrite is True, always create a new fits file. If False, checks for an existing file and uses it to calculate the number of UKIDSS sources in the field. If it doesn't exist, creates the file. The function returns obsids_table with an additional column 'NSRC_VT' with the number of sources in the field. """ # Groups folder groups_folder = os.path.join(data_folder, 'groups') if not os.path.exists(groups_folder): os.makedirs(groups_folder) moc_folder = os.path.join(moc_folder, 'mocs') if opt_moc is not None: moc_optsurvey = MOC() read_moc_fits(moc_optsurvey, opt_moc) nsources_field = np.full((len(obsids_table), ), np.nan) hp = HEALPix(nside=2**moc_order, order='nested', frame=ICRS()) v = Vista() columns = 'sourceID, RA, Dec' constraint = '(jppErrBits | hppErrBits | ksppErrBits) < 65536' for i, row in enumerate(tqdm(obsids_table, desc="Making VISTA groups")): ## Group file name field_table_file = os.path.join(data_folder, groups_folder, '{}.fits'.format(row['OBS_ID'])) is_field_table = os.path.exists(field_table_file) if overwrite or (not overwrite and not is_field_table): ## Select all sources in the field field_coords = SkyCoord(ra=row['RA'] * u.deg, dec=row['DEC'] * u.deg) vrsp = v.query_region(field_coords, radius=radius, database='VHSDR4', programme_id='VHS', select=columns, where=constraint) # Add error column and units err = np.full((len(vrsp), ), 0.1) * u.arcsec vrsp.add_column(Table.Column(err, name='RADECERR')) vrsp['RA'] = vrsp['RA'] * u.deg vrsp['Dec'] = vrsp['Dec'] * u.deg vrsp.rename_column('sourceID', 'objID') # for consistency with 2MASS vrsp.remove_column('distance') ## Select sources in the non-overlaping area moc_field = MOC() read_moc_fits( moc_field, os.path.join(moc_folder, '{}.moc'.format(row['OBS_ID']))) if opt_moc is not None: moc_field = moc_optsurvey.intersection(moc_field) inmoc_table = sources_inmoc(vrsp, hp, moc_field, moc_order=moc_order, ra='RA', dec='Dec') ## Save sources field_table_file = os.path.join(data_folder, groups_folder, '{}.fits'.format(row['OBS_ID'])) inmoc_table.meta['description'] = 'VISTA' inmoc_table.write(field_table_file, overwrite=True) else: inmoc_table = nsources_field[i] = len(inmoc_table) colsrc = Table.Column(nsources_field, name='NSRC_VT') obsids_table.add_column(colsrc) return obsids_table
def tmass(obsids_table, data_folder, moc_folder, opt_moc=None, radius=15 * u.arcmin, moc_order=16, overwrite=True): """ Get 2MASS data using astroquery and Vizier For each observation in obsids_table, saves a fits file with name 'OBS_ID.fits' in 'data_folder/groups'. The function sends a Vizier query and selects all sources within 'radius' arcmin of the RA,DEC of the observation, then it filters the result selecting the sources in the corresponding MOC stored in 'moc_folder/mocs' (moc_order must be consistent with the order used to calculate the moc). If overwrite is True, always create a new fits file. If False, checks for an existing file and uses it to calculate the number of WISE sources in the field. If it doesn't exist, creates the file. The function returns obsids_table with an additional column 'NSRC_2M' with the number of sources in the field. """ # Groups folder groups_folder = os.path.join(data_folder, 'groups') if not os.path.exists(groups_folder): os.makedirs(groups_folder) moc_folder = os.path.join(moc_folder, 'mocs') if opt_moc is not None: moc_optsurvey = MOC() read_moc_fits(moc_optsurvey, opt_moc) nsources_field = np.full((len(obsids_table), ), np.nan) hp = HEALPix(nside=2**moc_order, order='nested', frame=ICRS()) v = Vizier(columns=[ 'Cntr', 'RAJ2000', 'DEJ2000', 'errMaj', 'errMin', 'errPA', 'Qflg' ], row_limit=np.inf, timeout=6000) for i, row in enumerate(tqdm(obsids_table, desc="Making 2MASS groups")): ## Group file name field_table_file = os.path.join(data_folder, groups_folder, '{}.fits'.format(row['OBS_ID'])) is_field_table = os.path.exists(field_table_file) if overwrite or (not overwrite and not is_field_table): ## Select all sources in the field field_coords = SkyCoord(ra=row['RA'] * u.deg, dec=row['DEC'] * u.deg) vrsp = v.query_region_async(field_coords, radius=radius, catalog='II/246/out', return_type='asu-tsv') # Fix bug in the vizier response # (returns the id as a short int and fails to load # properly as an astropy table) with open('/tmp/', 'wb') as tmpfile: tmpfile.write(vrsp.content) src_table ='/tmp/', format='') src_table = src_table[2:] objid = np.array(src_table['Cntr']).astype(np.int64) ra = np.array(src_table['RAJ2000']).astype(np.float) * u.deg dec = np.array(src_table['DEJ2000']).astype(np.float) * u.deg errMaj = np.array(src_table['errMaj']).astype(np.float) * u.arcsec # err_ra[err_ra == ' '] = '-1' # err_ra = err_ra.astype(np.float) * u.arcsec # err_ra[err_ra == -1] = np.nan errMin = np.array(src_table['errMin']).astype(np.float) * u.arcsec # err_dec[err_dec == ' '] = '-1' # err_dec = err_dec.astype(np.float) * u.arcsec # err_dec[err_dec == -1] = np.nan errPA = np.array(src_table['errPA']).astype(np.float) * u.deg flag = np.array(src_table['Qflg']) src_table = Table([objid, ra, dec, errMaj, errMin, errPA, flag], names=[ 'objID', 'RAJ2000', 'DEJ2000', 'errMaj', 'errMin', 'errPA', 'Qflg' ]) # Filter table # Sources detected with SNR>=5 in J, H or K flgJ = [f[0] in ['A', 'B', 'C'] for f in src_table['Qflg']] flgH = [f[1] in ['A', 'B', 'C'] for f in src_table['Qflg']] flgK = [f[2] in ['A', 'B', 'C'] for f in src_table['Qflg']] msk_good = np.logical_and(flgJ, np.logical_and(flgH, flgK)) src_table_new = src_table[msk_good] ## Select sources in the non-overlaping area moc_field = MOC() read_moc_fits( moc_field, os.path.join(moc_folder, '{}.moc'.format(row['OBS_ID']))) if opt_moc is not None: moc_field = moc_optsurvey.intersection(moc_field) inmoc_table = sources_inmoc(src_table_new, hp, moc_field, moc_order=moc_order, ra='RAJ2000', dec='DEJ2000') ## Save sources field_table_file = os.path.join(data_folder, groups_folder, '{}.fits'.format(row['OBS_ID'])) inmoc_table.meta['description'] = '2MASS' inmoc_table.remove_column('Qflg') inmoc_table.write(field_table_file, overwrite=True) else: inmoc_table = nsources_field[i] = len(inmoc_table) colsrc = Table.Column(nsources_field, name='NSRC_2M') obsids_table.add_column(colsrc) return obsids_table
def wise(obsids_table, data_folder, moc_folder, nir_moc=None, opt_moc=None, radius=15 * u.arcmin, moc_order=16, overwrite=True): """ Get All-WISE data using astroquery and Vizier For each observation in obsids_table, saves a fits file with name 'OBS_ID.fits' in 'data_folder/groups'. The function sends a Vizier query and selects all sources within 'radius' arcmin of the RA,DEC of the observation, then it filters the result selecting the sources in the corresponding MOC stored in 'moc_folder/mocs' (moc_order must be consistent with the order used to calculate the moc). If overwrite is True, always create a new fits file. If False, checks for an existing file and uses it to calculate the number of WISE sources in the field. If it doesn't exist, creates the file. The function returns obsids_table with an additional column 'NSRC_WS' with the number of sources in the field. """ # Groups folder if nir_moc is None: groups_folder = os.path.join(data_folder, 'groups') else: root, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(nir_moc)) survey = root.split('_')[-1] groups_folder = os.path.join(data_folder, 'groups_' + survey) moc_nirsurvey = MOC() read_moc_fits(moc_nirsurvey, nir_moc) if not os.path.exists(groups_folder): os.makedirs(groups_folder) moc_folder = os.path.join(moc_folder, 'mocs') if opt_moc is not None: moc_optsurvey = MOC() read_moc_fits(moc_optsurvey, opt_moc) nsources_field = np.full((len(obsids_table), ), np.nan) hp = HEALPix(nside=2**moc_order, order='nested', frame=ICRS()) v = Vizier(columns=['ID', 'RAJ2000', 'DEJ2000', 'eeMaj', 'eeMin', 'eePA'], row_limit=np.inf, timeout=6000) for i, row in enumerate(tqdm(obsids_table, desc="Making WISE groups")): ## Group file name field_table_file = os.path.join(data_folder, groups_folder, '{}.fits'.format(row['OBS_ID'])) is_field_table = os.path.exists(field_table_file) if overwrite or (not overwrite and not is_field_table): ## Select all sources in the field field_coords = SkyCoord(ra=row['RA'] * u.deg, dec=row['DEC'] * u.deg) vrsp = v.query_region(field_coords, radius=radius, catalog='II/328/allwise') ## Select sources in the non-overlaping area moc_field = MOC() read_moc_fits( moc_field, os.path.join(moc_folder, '{}.moc'.format(row['OBS_ID']))) if opt_moc is not None: moc_field = moc_optsurvey.intersection(moc_field) if nir_moc is not None: moc_field = moc_nirsurvey.intersection(moc_field) inmoc_table = sources_inmoc(vrsp[0], hp, moc_field, moc_order=moc_order, ra='RAJ2000', dec='DEJ2000') ## Save sources field_table_file = os.path.join(data_folder, groups_folder, '{}.fits'.format(row['OBS_ID'])) inmoc_table.meta['description'] = 'AllWISE' inmoc_table.write(field_table_file, overwrite=True) else: inmoc_table = nsources_field[i] = len(inmoc_table) colsrc = Table.Column(nsources_field, name='NSRC_WS') obsids_table.add_column(colsrc) return obsids_table
def pstarrs(obsids_table, data_folder, moc_folder, nir_moc=None, radius=15 * u.arcmin, moc_order=16, overwrite=True): """ Get Pan-STARRS data using astroquery and Vizier. For each observation in obsids_table, saves a fits file with name 'OBS_ID.fits' in 'data_folder/groups'. The function sends a Vizier query and selects all sources within 'radius' arcmin of the RA,DEC of the observation, then it filters the result selecting the sources in the corresponding MOC stored in 'moc_folder/mocs' (moc_order must be consistent with the order used to calculate the MOC). If overwrite is True, always create a new fits file. If False, checks for an existing file and uses it to calculate the number of Pan-STARRS sources in the field. If it doesn't exist, creates the file. The function returns obsids_table with an additional column 'NSRC_PS' with the number of sources in the field. """ # Groups folder if nir_moc is None: groups_folder = os.path.join(data_folder, 'groups') else: root, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(nir_moc)) survey = root.split('_')[-1] groups_folder = os.path.join(data_folder, 'groups_' + survey) moc_nirsurvey = MOC() read_moc_fits(moc_nirsurvey, nir_moc) if not os.path.exists(groups_folder): os.makedirs(groups_folder) moc_folder = os.path.join(moc_folder, 'mocs') nsources_field = np.full((len(obsids_table), ), np.nan) hp = HEALPix(nside=2**moc_order, order='nested', frame=ICRS()) v = Vizier(columns=[ 'objID', 'RAJ2000', 'DEJ2000', 'e_RAJ2000', 'e_DEJ2000', 'Nd', 'Qual' ], column_filters={"Nd": ">1"}, row_limit=np.inf, timeout=6000) for i, row in enumerate(tqdm(obsids_table, desc="Making Pan-STARRS groups")): ## Group file name field_table_file = os.path.join(data_folder, groups_folder, '{}.fits'.format(row['OBS_ID'])) is_field_table = os.path.exists(field_table_file) if overwrite or (not overwrite and not is_field_table): ## Select all sources in the field field_coords = SkyCoord(ra=row['RA'] * u.deg, dec=row['DEC'] * u.deg) vrsp = v.query_region_async(field_coords, radius=radius, catalog='II/349', return_type='asu-tsv') # Fix bug in the vizier response # (returns the objID as a short int and fails to load # properly as an astropy table) with open('/tmp/', 'wb') as tmpfile: tmpfile.write(vrsp.content) src_table ='/tmp/', format='') src_table = src_table[2:] objid = np.array(src_table['objID']).astype(np.int64) ra = np.array(src_table['RAJ2000']).astype(np.float) * u.deg dec = np.array(src_table['DEJ2000']).astype(np.float) * u.deg err_ra = np.array(src_table['e_RAJ2000']) err_ra[err_ra == ' '] = '-1' err_ra = err_ra.astype(np.float) * u.arcsec err_ra[err_ra == -1] = np.nan err_dec = np.array(src_table['e_DEJ2000']) err_dec[err_dec == ' '] = '-1' err_dec = err_dec.astype(np.float) * u.arcsec err_dec[err_dec == -1] = np.nan flag = np.array(src_table['Qual']).astype(np.int32) src_table = Table([objid, ra, dec, err_ra, err_dec, flag], names=[ 'objID', 'RAJ2000', 'DEJ2000', 'e_RAJ2000', 'e_DEJ2000', 'Qual' ]) # Filter table msk_good = (src_table['Qual'] & 16) != 0 src_table_new = src_table[msk_good] ## Select sources in the non-overlaping area moc_field = MOC() read_moc_fits( moc_field, os.path.join(moc_folder, '{}.moc'.format(row['OBS_ID']))) if nir_moc is not None: moc_field = moc_nirsurvey.intersection(moc_field) inmoc_table = sources_inmoc(src_table_new, hp, moc_field, moc_order=moc_order, ra='RAJ2000', dec='DEJ2000') ## Save sources inmoc_table.remove_columns(['Qual']) inmoc_table.meta['description'] = 'Pan-STARRS' inmoc_table.write(field_table_file, overwrite=True) else: inmoc_table = nsources_field[i] = len(inmoc_table) colsrc = Table.Column(nsources_field, name='NSRC_PS') obsids_table.add_column(colsrc) return obsids_table
def xmm(obsids_table, data_folder, src_filename, nir_moc=None, opt_moc=None, moc_order=16, radius=15 * u.arcmin, use_poscorr=False): """ Get XMM sources For each observation in obsids_table, saves a fits file with name 'OBS_ID.fits' in 'data_folder/groups'. The function selects all sources in the catalogue 'src_filename' within 'radius' arcmin of the RA, DEC of the observation, then it filters the result selecting the sources in the corresponding MOC stored in 'moc_folder/mocs' (moc_order must be consistent with the order used to calculate the MOC). If use_poscorr is True, it uses the corrected coordinates of the catalogue (SAS task eposcorr and Pan-STARRS sources) The function returns obsids_table with additional columns 'TEXP_EP' (exposure time of the EPIC observation), 'SKY_AREA' (non-overlaping area of the observation) and 'NSRC_XMM' (number of X-ray sources in the field). """ # Groups folder if nir_moc is None: groups_folder = os.path.join(data_folder, 'groups') else: root, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(nir_moc)) survey = root.split('_')[-1] groups_folder = os.path.join(data_folder, 'groups_' + survey) moc_nirsurvey = MOC() read_moc_fits(moc_nirsurvey, nir_moc) if not os.path.exists(groups_folder): os.makedirs(groups_folder) if opt_moc is not None: moc_optsurvey = MOC() read_moc_fits(moc_optsurvey, opt_moc) src_table_all = msk_badsrc = src_table_all['SC_SUM_FLAG'] < 2 if use_poscorr: rakey = 'SC_RA_CORR' deckey = 'SC_DEC_CORR' else: rakey = 'SC_RA' deckey = 'SC_DEC' src_table = src_table_all[msk_badsrc] src_catalog = SkyCoord(ra=src_table[rakey], dec=src_table[deckey]) area_field = np.full((len(obsids_table), ), np.nan) nsources_field = np.full((len(obsids_table), ), np.nan) hp = HEALPix(nside=2**moc_order, order='nested', frame=ICRS()) moc_folder = os.path.join(data_folder, 'mocs') for i, row in enumerate(tqdm(obsids_table, desc="Making XMM groups")): ## Load moc of the non-overlaping area moc_file = os.path.join(moc_folder, '{}.moc'.format(row['OBS_ID'])) moc_field = MOC() read_moc_fits(moc_field, moc_file) if opt_moc is not None: moc_field = moc_optsurvey.intersection(moc_field) if nir_moc is not None: moc_field = moc_nirsurvey.intersection(moc_field) area_field[i] = moc_field.area_sq_deg if area_field[i] == 0: nsources_field[i] = 0 else: ## Select all sources in the field field_coords = SkyCoord(ra=row['RA'] * u.deg, dec=row['DEC'] * u.deg) msk_src = src_catalog.separation(field_coords) <= radius src_table_new = src_table[msk_src] ## Select sources in the non-overlaping area inmoc_table = sources_inmoc(src_table_new, hp, moc_field, moc_order=moc_order, ra=rakey, dec=deckey) nsources_field[i] = len(inmoc_table) # Save sources if nsources_field[i] > 0: field_table_file = os.path.join( data_folder, groups_folder, '{}.fits'.format(row['OBS_ID'])) inmoc_table.keep_columns(['SRCID', rakey, deckey, 'SC_POSERR']) inmoc_table.write(field_table_file, overwrite=True) if not ('EP_TEXP' in obsids_table.colnames): texp_ep = (3.0 * obsids_table['PN_TEXP'] + obsids_table['M1_TEXP'] + obsids_table['M2_TEXP']) / 5 obsids_table['EP_TEXP'] = texp_ep obsids_table['SKY_AREA'] = area_field * u.deg**2 obsids_table['NSRC_XMM'] = nsources_field # colsrc = Table.Column(nsources_field, name='NSRC_XMM') # colarea = Table.Column(area_field*u.deg**2, name='SKY_AREA') # # if 'EP_TEXP' in obsids_table.colnames: # obsids_table.add_columns([colarea, colsrc]) # # else: # texp_ep = (3.0*obsids_table['PN_TEXP'] + # obsids_table['M1_TEXP'] + obsids_table['M2_TEXP'])/5 # colexp = Table.Column(texp_ep*u.s, name='EP_TEXP') # obsids_table.add_columns([colexp, colarea, colsrc]) return obsids_table[obsids_table['NSRC_XMM'] > 0]
def sdss(obsids_table, data_folder, moc_folder, nir_moc=None, data_release=14, radius=15 * u.arcmin, moc_order=15, overwrite=True): """ Get SDSS data using astroquery. For each observation in obsids_table, saves a fits file with name 'OBS_ID.fits' in 'data_folder/groups'. The function sends a query and selects all sources within 'radius' of the RA,DEC of the observation, then it filters the result selecting the sources in the corresponding MOC stored in 'moc_folder/mocs' (moc_order must be consistent with the order used to calculate the MOC). If overwrite is True, always create a new fits file. If False, checks for an existing file and uses it to calculate the number of SDSS sources in the field. If it doesn't exist, creates the file. The function returns obsids_table with an additional column 'NSRC_SDSS' with the number of sources in the field. """ # Groups folder if nir_moc is None: groups_folder = os.path.join(data_folder, 'groups') else: root, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(nir_moc)) survey = root.split('_')[-1] groups_folder = os.path.join(data_folder, 'groups_' + survey) moc_nirsurvey = MOC() read_moc_fits(moc_nirsurvey, nir_moc) if not os.path.exists(groups_folder): os.makedirs(groups_folder) moc_folder = os.path.join(moc_folder, 'mocs') nsources_field = np.full((len(obsids_table), ), np.nan) hp = HEALPix(nside=2**moc_order, order='nested', frame=ICRS()) photoobj_fields = ['objID', 'mode', 'ra', 'dec', 'raErr', 'decErr'] for i, row in enumerate(tqdm(obsids_table, desc="Making SDSS groups")): ## Group file name field_table_file = os.path.join(data_folder, groups_folder, '{}.fits'.format(row['OBS_ID'])) is_field_table = os.path.exists(field_table_file) if overwrite or (not overwrite and not is_field_table): ## Select all sources in the field field_coords = SkyCoord(ra=row['RA'] * u.deg, dec=row['DEC'] * u.deg) src_table = SDSS.query_region(field_coords, radius=radius, photoobj_fields=photoobj_fields, data_release=data_release) # Filter table # In ARCHES, the only filter is selecting primary objects, # no filtering in the quality of photometry (clean). src_table = src_table[src_table['mode'] == 1] ## Select sources in the non-overlaping area moc_field = MOC() read_moc_fits( moc_field, os.path.join(moc_folder, '{}.moc'.format(row['OBS_ID']))) if nir_moc is not None: moc_field = moc_nirsurvey.intersection(moc_field) inmoc_table = sources_inmoc(src_table, hp, moc_field, moc_order=moc_order, ra='ra', dec='dec', units=u.deg) ## Save sources inmoc_table.remove_columns(['mode']) inmoc_table.meta['description'] = 'SDSS' inmoc_table.write(field_table_file, overwrite=True) else: inmoc_table = nsources_field[i] = len(inmoc_table) colsrc = Table.Column(nsources_field, name='NSRC_SDSS') obsids_table.add_column(colsrc) return obsids_table