Example #1
    def load(self, **kw):
        re_multivalue = re.compile(r'\s*,\s*')

        self.by_name = dict()
        self.by_section = dict()

        log.info("Loading %s...", self.datafile)
        with open(self.datafile, "r") as fd:
            for pkg in deb822.Deb822.iter_paragraphs(fd):
                name = pkg["Package"]
                src = pkg.get("Source", name)
                if not src: src = name

                section = pkg.get("Section", "unknown")
                section = section.split("/")[-1]

                desc = pkg.get("Description", None)
                if desc is None: continue
                sdesc, ldesc = utils.splitdesc(desc)

                def mv(name):
                    "Get list value for multivalue field"
                    return [x for x in re_multivalue.split(pkg.get(name, "")) if x]

                # Cook the source info and make a dict with what we need
                info = Pkg(name, pkg["Version"], src, section, sdesc, ldesc,
                           mv("Architecture"), mv("Pre-Depends"), mv("Depends"),
                           mv("Recommends"), mv("Suggests"), mv("Enhances"), mv("Distribution"))

                # Index it by various attributes
                self.by_name[name] = info
                self.by_section.setdefault(section, []).append(info)
Example #2
    def load(self, **kw):
        self.facets = dict()
        self.tags = dict()

        log.info("Loading %s...", self.datafile)
        with open(self.datafile, "r") as fd:
            for voc in deb822.Deb822.iter_paragraphs(fd):
                if "Facet" in voc:
                    name = voc["Facet"]
                    sdesc, ldesc = utils.splitdesc(voc.get("Description", None))
                    self.facets[name] = Facet(name, sdesc, ldesc)
                elif "Tag" in voc:
                    name = voc["Tag"]
                    if name.find("::") == -1:
                        # Skip legacy tags
                    facet = self.facets[name.split("::")[0]]
                    sdesc, ldesc = utils.splitdesc(voc.get("Description", None))
                    self.tags[name] = Tag(name, facet, sdesc, ldesc)
                    log.warning("Found a record in vocabulary that is neither a Facet nor a Tag")