def plot2D(result,par1,par2, colorMap = getColorMap(), labelSize = 15, fontSize = 10, axisHandle = None): """ This function constructs a 2 dimensional marginal plot of the posterior density. This is the same plot as it is displayed in plotBayes in an unmodifyable way. The result struct is passed as result. par1 and par2 should code the two parameters to plot: 0 = threshold 1 = width 2 = lambda 3 = gamma 4 = eta Further plotting options may be passed. """ from utils import strToDim # convert strings to dimension number par1,label1 = strToDim(str(par1)) par2,label2 = strToDim(str(par2)) assert (par1 != par2), 'par1 and par2 must be different numbers to code for the parameters to plot' if axisHandle == None: axisHandle = plt.gca() try: plt.axes(axisHandle) except TypeError: raise ValueError('Invalid axes handle provided to plot in.') plt.set_cmap(colorMap) marg, _, _ = marginalize(result, np.array([par1, par2])) if par1 > par2 : marg = marg.T if 1 in marg.shape: if len(result['X1D'][par1])==1: plotMarginal(result,par2) else: plotMarginal(result,par2) else: e = [result['X1D'][par2][0], result['X1D'][par2][-1], \ result['X1D'][par1][0], result['X1D'][par1][-1]] plt.imshow(marg, extent = e) plt.ylabel(label1,fontsize = labelSize) plt.xlabel(label2,fontsize = labelSize) plt.tick_params(direction='out',right='off',top='off') for side in ['top','right']: axisHandle.spines[side].set_visible(False) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci',scilimits=(-2,4))
def plot2D(result, par1, par2, colorMap=getColorMap(), labelSize=15, fontSize=10, axisHandle=None, showImediate=True): """ This function constructs a 2 dimensional marginal plot of the posterior density. This is the same plot as it is displayed in plotBayes in an unmodifyable way. The result struct is passed as result. par1 and par2 should code the two parameters to plot: 0 = threshold 1 = width 2 = lambda 3 = gamma 4 = eta Further plotting options may be passed. """ from utils import strToDim # convert strings to dimension number par1, label1 = strToDim(str(par1)) par2, label2 = strToDim(str(par2)) assert ( par1 != par2 ), 'par1 and par2 must be different numbers to code for the parameters to plot' if axisHandle == None: axisHandle = plt.gca() try: plt.axes(axisHandle) except TypeError: raise ValueError('Invalid axes handle provided to plot in.') plt.set_cmap(colorMap) marg, _, _ = marginalize(result, np.array([par1, par2])) if par1 > par2: marg = marg.T if 1 in marg.shape: if len(result['X1D'][par1]) == 1: plotMarginal(result, par2) else: plotMarginal(result, par2) else: e = [result['X1D'][par2][0], result['X1D'][par2][-1], \ result['X1D'][par1][0], result['X1D'][par1][-1]] plt.imshow(marg, extent=e) plt.ylabel(label1, fontsize=labelSize) plt.xlabel(label2, fontsize=labelSize) plt.tick_params(direction='out', right='off', top='off') for side in ['top', 'right']: axisHandle.spines[side].set_visible(False) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', scilimits=(-2, 4)) if (showImediate):
def plotMarginal(result, dim = 0, lineColor = [0, 105/255, 170/255], lineWidth = 2, xLabel = '', yLabel = 'Marginal Density', labelSize = 15, tufteAxis = False, prior = True, priorColor = [.7, .7, .7], CIpatch = True, plotPE = True, axisHandle = None): """ Plots the marginal for a single dimension. result should be a result struct from the main psignifit routine dim is the parameter to plot: 1=threshold, 2=width, 3=lambda, 4=gamma, 5=sigma """ from utils import strToDim if isinstance(dim,str): dim = strToDim(dim) if len(result['marginals'][dim]) <= 1: print('Error: The parameter you wanted to plot was fixed in the analysis!') return if axisHandle == None: axisHandle = plt.gca() try: plt.axes(axisHandle) plt.rc('text', usetex=True) except TypeError: raise ValueError('Invalid axes handle provided to plot in.') if not xLabel: if dim == 0: xLabel = 'Threshold' elif dim == 1: xLabel = 'Width' elif dim == 2: xLabel = r'$\lambda$' elif dim == 3: xLabel = r'$\gamma$' elif dim == 4: xLabel = r'$\eta$' x = result['marginalsX'][dim] marginal = result['marginals'][dim] CI = np.hstack(result['conf_Intervals'][dim].T) Fit = result['Fit'][dim] holdState = plt.ishold() if not holdState: plt.cla() plt.hold(True) # patch for confidence region if CIpatch: xCI = np.array([CI[0], CI[1], CI[1], CI[0]]) xCI = np.insert(xCI, 1, x[np.logical_and(x>=CI[0], x<=CI[1])]) yCI = np.array([np.interp(CI[0], x, marginal), np.interp(CI[1], x, marginal), 0, 0]) yCI = np.insert(yCI, 1, marginal[np.logical_and(x>=CI[0], x<=CI[1])]) from matplotlib.patches import Polygon as patch color = .5*np.array(lineColor) + .5* np.array([1,1,1]) axisHandle.add_patch(patch(np.array([xCI,yCI]).T, fc=color, ec=color)) # plot prior if prior: xprior = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), 1000) plt.plot(xprior, result['options']['priors'][dim](xprior), '--', c=priorColor, clip_on=False) # posterior plt.plot(x, marginal, lw=lineWidth, c=lineColor, clip_on=False) # point estimate if plotPE: plt.plot([Fit,Fit], [0, np.interp(Fit, x, marginal)], 'k', clip_on=False) plt.xlim([min(x), max(x)]) plt.ylim([0, 1.1*max(marginal)]) plt.xlabel(xLabel, fontsize=labelSize, visible=True) # if tufteAxis plt.ylabel(yLabel, fontsize=labelSize, visible=True) # if tufteAxis # else: plt.tick_params(direction='out', right='off', top='off') for side in ['top','right']: axisHandle.spines[side].set_visible(False) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', scilimits=(-2,4)) plt.hold(holdState) return axisHandle
def plotMarginal(result, dim=0, lineColor=[0, 105 / 255, 170 / 255], lineWidth=2, xLabel='', yLabel='Marginal Density', labelSize=15, tufteAxis=False, prior=True, priorColor=[.7, .7, .7], CIpatch=True, plotPE=True, axisHandle=None, showImediate=True): """ Plots the marginal for a single dimension. result should be a result struct from the main psignifit routine dim is the parameter to plot: 1=threshold, 2=width, 3=lambda, 4=gamma, 5=sigma """ from utils import strToDim if isinstance(dim, str): dim = strToDim(dim) if len(result['marginals'][dim]) <= 1: print( 'Error: The parameter you wanted to plot was fixed in the analysis!' ) return if axisHandle == None: axisHandle = plt.gca() try: plt.axes(axisHandle) plt.rc('text', usetex=True) except TypeError: raise ValueError('Invalid axes handle provided to plot in.') if not xLabel: if dim == 0: xLabel = 'Threshold' elif dim == 1: xLabel = 'Width' elif dim == 2: xLabel = r'$\lambda$' elif dim == 3: xLabel = r'$\gamma$' elif dim == 4: xLabel = r'$\eta$' x = result['marginalsX'][dim] marginal = result['marginals'][dim] CI = np.hstack(result['conf_Intervals'][dim].T) Fit = result['Fit'][dim] holdState = plt.ishold() if not holdState: plt.cla() plt.hold(True) # patch for confidence region if CIpatch: xCI = np.array([CI[0], CI[1], CI[1], CI[0]]) xCI = np.insert(xCI, 1, x[np.logical_and(x >= CI[0], x <= CI[1])]) yCI = np.array([ np.interp(CI[0], x, marginal), np.interp(CI[1], x, marginal), 0, 0 ]) yCI = np.insert(yCI, 1, marginal[np.logical_and(x >= CI[0], x <= CI[1])]) from matplotlib.patches import Polygon as patch color = .5 * np.array(lineColor) + .5 * np.array([1, 1, 1]) axisHandle.add_patch(patch(np.array([xCI, yCI]).T, fc=color, ec=color)) # plot prior if prior: xprior = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), 1000) plt.plot(xprior, result['options']['priors'][dim](xprior), '--', c=priorColor, clip_on=False) # posterior plt.plot(x, marginal, lw=lineWidth, c=lineColor, clip_on=False) # point estimate if plotPE: plt.plot([Fit, Fit], [0, np.interp(Fit, x, marginal)], 'k', clip_on=False) plt.xlabel(xLabel, fontsize=labelSize, visible=True) plt.ylabel(yLabel, fontsize=labelSize, visible=True) plt.tick_params(direction='out', right='off', top='off') for side in ['top', 'right']: axisHandle.spines[side].set_visible(False) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', scilimits=(-2, 4)) plt.hold(holdState) if (showImediate): plt.xlim([min(x), max(x)]) plt.ylim([0, 1.1 * max(marginal)]) return axisHandle