Example #1
    def clone_wps(self, tgt, vtables, with_files):
        Clone the WPS installation directory (self.wps_idir) together with the chosen table files vtables
        and additional files with_files.  The WPS clone is created in directory tgt.

        :param tgt: target directory into which WPS is cloned
        :param vtables: a dictionary with keys from list ['geogrid_vtable', 'ungrib_vtable', 'metgrid_vtable'],
                        which contain paths of the variable tables relative to 'etc/vtables'
        :param with_files: a list of files from the WPS source directory that should be symlinked
        src = self.wps_idir
        vtable_locs = self.vtable_locations

        # build a list of all files that are simply symlinked
        symlinks = list(self.wps_exec_files)

        # create target directory (and all intermediate subdirs if necessary)

        # clone all WPS executables
        map(lambda x: symlink_unless_exists(osp.join(src, x), osp.join(tgt, x)), symlinks)

        # clone all vtables (build symlink name, ensure directories exist, create the symlink)
        for vtable_id, vtable_path in vtables.iteritems():
            # build path to link location
            symlink_path = osp.join(tgt, vtable_locs[vtable_id])

            if not osp.exists(symlink_path):
                symlink_tgt = osp.join(self.sys_idir, "etc/vtables", vtable_path)
                symlink_unless_exists(symlink_tgt, ensure_dir(symlink_path))
Example #2
    def clone_wps(self, tgt, vtables, with_files):
        Clone the WPS installation directory (self.wps_idir) together with the chosen table files vtables
        and additional files with_files.  The WPS clone is created in directory tgt.

        :param tgt: target directory into which WPS is cloned
        :param vtables: a dictionary with keys from list ['geogrid_vtable', 'ungrib_vtable', 'metgrid_vtable'],
                        which contain paths of the variable tables relative to 'etc/vtables'
        :param with_files: a list of files from the WPS source directory that should be symlinked
        src = self.wps_idir
        vtable_locs = self.vtable_locations

        # build a list of all files that are simply symlinked
        symlinks = list(self.wps_exec_files)

        # create target directory (and all intermediate subdirs if necessary)

        # clone all WPS executables
            lambda x: symlink_unless_exists(osp.join(src, x), osp.join(tgt, x)
                                            ), symlinks)

        # clone all vtables (build symlink name, ensure directories exist, create the symlink)
        for vtable_id, vtable_path in vtables.iteritems():
            # build path to link location
            symlink_path = osp.join(tgt, vtable_locs[vtable_id])

            if not osp.exists(symlink_path):
                symlink_tgt = osp.join(self.sys_idir, "etc/vtables",
                symlink_unless_exists(symlink_tgt, ensure_dir(symlink_path))
Example #3
    def symlink_gribs(self, manifest, wps_dir):
        Make symlinks in the form GRIBFILE.XYZ to all manifest files into wps_dir.

        :param manifest: relative paths (w.r.t. ingest_dir) to GRIB files we want linked
        :param wps_dir: the WPS directory where we want the symlinks to appear
        for rel_path, grib_name in zip(manifest, generate_grib_names()):
            symlink_unless_exists(osp.join(self.ingest_dir, rel_path), osp.join(wps_dir, grib_name))
Example #4
    def symlink_gribs(self, manifest, wps_dir):
        Make symlinks in the form GRIBFILE.XYZ to all manifest files into wps_dir.

        :param manifest: relative paths (w.r.t. ingest_dir) to GRIB files we want linked
        :param wps_dir: the WPS directory where we want the symlinks to appear
        for rel_path, grib_name in zip(manifest, generate_grib_names()):
            logging.info('Linking %s -> %s' % ( osp.join(self.ingest_dir, rel_path), osp.join(wps_dir, grib_name)) )
            symlink_unless_exists(osp.join(self.ingest_dir, rel_path), osp.join(wps_dir, grib_name))
Example #5
    def clone_vtables(self, tgt):
        Clone all vtables (build symlink name, ensure directories exist, create the symlink)
        :param tgt: target directory into which WPS is cloned

        # where are the symlink locations for vtable files (name of symlink)
        vtable_locs = {'geogrid_vtable': 'geogrid/GEOGRID.TBL',
                        'ungrib_vtable': 'Vtable',
                       'metgrid_vtable': 'metgrid/METGRID.TBL'}
        vtables = self.vtables()
        # vtables: a dictionary with keys from list ['geogrid_vtable', 'ungrib_vtable', 'metgrid_vtable'],
        #               which contain paths of the variable tables relative to 'etc/vtables'

        for vtable_id, vtable_path in six.iteritems(vtables):
            # build path to link location
            symlink_path = osp.join(tgt, vtable_locs[vtable_id])

            if not osp.exists(symlink_path):
                symlink_tgt = osp.join(self.sys_dir, "etc/vtables", vtable_path)
                symlink_unless_exists(symlink_tgt, ensure_dir(symlink_path))
Example #6
    def clone_wrf(self, tgt, with_files):
        Clone the WRFV3 directory (self.wrf_idir) into tgt together with the additional files with_files.

        :param tgt: target directory into which WRF is cloned
        :param with_files: a list of files from the WPS source directory that should be symlinked
        src = osp.join(self.wrf_idir, "run")

        # gather all files to symlink in one place
        symlinks = list(self.wrf_files)

        if self.wrf_serial_idir is None:

        # create target directory (and all intermediate subdirs if necessary)

        # symlink all at once
                lambda x: symlink_unless_exists(osp.join(src, x),
                                                osp.join(tgt, x)), symlinks))

        if self.wrf_serial_idir is not None:
            # gather all files to symlink in one place
            symlinks = list(self.wrf_serial_files)
            src = osp.join(self.wrf_serial_idir, "run")
            # symlink all at once
                    lambda x: symlink_unless_exists(osp.join(src, x),
                                                    osp.join(tgt, x)),
Example #7
    def clone_wrf(self, tgt, with_files):
        Clone the WRFV3 directory (self.wrf_idir) into tgt together with the additional files with_files.

        :param tgt: target directory into which WRF is cloned
        :param with_files: a list of files from the WPS source directory that should be symlinked
        src = osp.join(self.wrf_idir, "run")

        # gather all files to symlink in one place
        symlinks = list(self.wrf_files)

        # create target directory (and all intermediate subdirs if necessary)

        # symlink all at once
        map(lambda x: symlink_unless_exists(osp.join(src, x), osp.join(tgt, x)), symlinks)
Example #8
    def clone_wps(self, tgt, with_files):
        Clone the WPS installation directory (self.wps_idir) together with the chosen table files vtables
        and additional files with_files.  The WPS clone is created in directory tgt.

        :param tgt: target directory into which WPS is cloned
        :param with_files: a list of files from the WPS source directory that should be symlinked
        src = self.wps_idir

        # build a list of all files that are simply symlinked
        symlinks = list(self.wps_exec_files)

        # create target directory (and all intermediate subdirs if necessary)

        # clone all WPS executables
        map(lambda x: symlink_unless_exists(osp.join(src, x), osp.join(tgt, x)), symlinks)
Example #9
def retrieve_gribs_and_run_ungrib(js, grib_source, q):
    This function retrieves required GRIB files and runs ungrib.

    It returns either 'SUCCESS' or 'FAILURE' on completion.

    :param js: the JobState object containing the forecast configuration
    :param grib_source: the GribSource object containing ungrib configuration
    :param q: the multiprocessing Queue into which we will send either 'SUCCESS' or 'FAILURE'
    wps_dir = osp.abspath(js.wps_dir)
    grib_dir = osp.join(wps_dir, grib_source.id)
    wps_nml = js.wps_nml
        logging.info("retrieving GRIB files from %s" % grib_source.id)

        download_whole_cycle = js.get('download_whole_cycle', False)
        manifest = grib_source.retrieve_gribs(js.start_utc, js.end_utc,
                                              js.ref_utc, js.cycle_start_utc,
        # logging.info('manifest: ' + str(manifest))

        cache_colmet = len(manifest) > 1
        have_all_colmet = False
        if cache_colmet:
            have_all_colmet = len(manifest.colmet_missing) == 0
            colmet_dir = osp.join(grib_source.cache_dir,

        logging.info('cache colmet %s, have all colmet %s' %
                     (cache_colmet, have_all_colmet))

        if not have_all_colmet:
            # this is also if we do not cache
            grib_source.symlink_gribs(manifest.grib_files, grib_dir)

                js, 'grib2', 'Job %s - %d GRIB2 files downloaded.' %
                (js.job_id, len(manifest)))
            logging.info("running UNGRIB for %s" % grib_source.id)

                "step 4: patch namelist for ungrib end execute ungrib on %s files"
                % grib_source.id)

            update_namelist(wps_nml, grib_source.namelist_wps_keys())
            if cache_colmet:
                wps_nml['share']['start_date'] = [
                ] * js.num_doms
                wps_nml['share']['end_date'] = [
                ] * js.num_doms

            # logging.info("namelist.wps for UNGRIB: %s" % json.dumps(wps_nml, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
                         osp.join(grib_dir, 'namelist.wps'),
            symlink_unless_exists(osp.join(wps_dir, 'ungrib.exe'),
                                  osp.join(grib_dir, 'ungrib.exe'))

            print(grib_dir + ':')
            os.system('ls -l %s' % grib_dir)


            print(grib_dir + ':')
            os.system('ls -l %s' % grib_dir)

            if cache_colmet:
                # move output to cache directory
                for f in manifest.colmet_files:
                    move(osp.join(grib_dir, f), osp.join(colmet_dir, f))
                # now all colmet files should be in the cache

        if cache_colmet:
            for f in manifest.colmet_files:
                symlink_unless_exists(osp.join(colmet_dir, f),
                                      osp.join(wps_dir, f))
            # move output
            for f in glob.glob(osp.join(grib_dir, grib_source.prefix() + '*')):
                move(f, wps_dir)

        send_email(js, 'ungrib', 'Job %s - ungrib complete.' % js.job_id)
        logging.info('UNGRIB complete for %s' % grib_source.id)

    except Exception as e:
        logging.error('GRIB2/UNGRIB step failed with exception %s' % repr(e))