carts = new_carts
        if len(carts) == 1:
            i, j = next(iter(carts.values())).get_loc()

def day13(input_):

TEST_INPUT = test_case(R'''
|   |  /----\
| /-+--+-\  |
| | |  | v  |
\-+-/  \-+--/


TEST_INPUT = test_case(R'''
|   |  
| /<+-\
| | | v
\>+</ |
  |   ^
Example #2
from typing import List

from utils import read_input, test_case

Input = read_input(19)
InputTest = test_case('''
#ip 0
seti 5 0 1
seti 6 0 2
addi 0 1 0
addr 1 2 3
setr 1 0 0
seti 8 0 4
seti 9 0 5

def addr(registers, a, b, c):
    registers[c] = registers[a] + registers[b]

def addi(registers, a, b, c):
    registers[c] = registers[a] + b

def mulr(registers, a, b, c):
    registers[c] = registers[a] * registers[b]

def muli(registers, a, b, c):
    registers[c] = registers[a] * b
Example #3
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, Set, Dict, Optional

from utils import read_input, test_case

INPUT = read_input(7)
INPUT_TEST = test_case('''
Step C must be finished before step A can begin.
Step C must be finished before step F can begin.
Step A must be finished before step B can begin.
Step A must be finished before step D can begin.
Step B must be finished before step E can begin.
Step D must be finished before step E can begin.
Step F must be finished before step E can begin.

Graph = Dict[str, Set[str]]

def parse_graph(input_: List[str]) -> Graph:
    graph = defaultdict(set)

    for line in input_:
        words = line.split()
        prereq = words[1]
        step = words[7]
        if prereq not in graph:
            graph[prereq] = set()
import re
from collections import defaultdict, deque
from itertools import count
from typing import List, Tuple

from utils import read_input, test_case

INPUT = read_input(17)
INPUT_TEST = test_case('''
x=495, y=2..7
y=7, x=495..501
x=501, y=3..7
x=498, y=2..4
x=506, y=1..2
x=498, y=10..13
x=504, y=10..13
y=13, x=498..504

Pos = Tuple[int, int]

def day17(input_: List[str]) -> None:
    min_y = 99999999
    max_y = -1
    min_x = 99999999
    max_x = -1

    ground = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: '.'))
    for line in input_:
        at, start, end = map(int, re.findall(r'\d+', line))
Example #5
import dataclasses
import re
import timeit
from typing import List

import numpy as np

from utils import read_input, test_case

INPUT = read_input(23)
INPUT_TEST_P1 = test_case('''
pos=<0,0,0>, r=4
pos=<1,0,0>, r=1
pos=<4,0,0>, r=3
pos=<0,2,0>, r=1
pos=<0,5,0>, r=3
pos=<0,0,3>, r=1
pos=<1,1,1>, r=1
pos=<1,1,2>, r=1
pos=<1,3,1>, r=1
INPUT_TEST_P2 = test_case('''
pos=<10,12,12>, r=2
pos=<12,14,12>, r=2
pos=<16,12,12>, r=4
pos=<14,14,14>, r=6
pos=<50,50,50>, r=200
pos=<10,10,10>, r=5

import copy
from collections import Counter
from typing import List

from utils import read_input, test_case

INPUT_TEST = test_case('''

INPUT = read_input(18)

Plot = List[List[str]]

def print_plot(plot: Plot):
    for row in plot:
        for i in row:
            print(i, end='')

Example #7
from day15_lib import day15
from utils import read_input, test_case

INPUT = read_input(15)

INPUT_TEST = test_case("""

INPUT_TEST_1 = test_case('''

INPUT_TEST_2 = test_case('''
        for a in moons:
            a[0] += a[3]
            a[1] += a[4]
            a[2] += a[5]

def part1(inp: List[str]) -> None:
    moons = parse_input(inp)

test0 = test_case("""
<x=-1, y=0, z=2>
<x=2, y=-10, z=-7>
<x=4, y=-8, z=8>
<x=3, y=5, z=-1>

test1 = test_case("""
<x=-8, y=-10, z=0>
<x=5, y=5, z=10>
<x=2, y=-7, z=3>
<x=9, y=-8, z=-3>

if __name__ == '__main__':
        angle, ast = min(angles, key=itemgetter(0))
        last = ast
        deg = angle + 0.0001
        print(f'{i + 1}th asteroid: {last} at deg {angle:.2f}')


    print(last[0] * 100 + last[1])

test0 = test_case('''

test1 = test_case('''
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple

from utils import read_input, test_case

INPUT = read_input(12)
TEST_INPUT = test_case('''
initial state: #..#.#..##......###...###

...## => #
..#.. => #
.#... => #
.#.#. => #
.#.## => #
.##.. => #
.#### => #
#.#.# => #
#.### => #
##.#. => #
##.## => #
###.. => #
###.# => #
####. => #

def iterate(rules: Dict[str, str], pots: Dict[int, str]) -> Dict[int, str]:
    i_min = min(pots)
    i_max = max(pots)

    pots_new: Dict[int, str] = defaultdict(lambda: '.')
TEST_INPUT = test_case('''
position=< 9,  1> velocity=< 0,  2>
position=< 7,  0> velocity=<-1,  0>
position=< 3, -2> velocity=<-1,  1>
position=< 6, 10> velocity=<-2, -1>
position=< 2, -4> velocity=< 2,  2>
position=<-6, 10> velocity=< 2, -2>
position=< 1,  8> velocity=< 1, -1>
position=< 1,  7> velocity=< 1,  0>
position=<-3, 11> velocity=< 1, -2>
position=< 7,  6> velocity=<-1, -1>
position=<-2,  3> velocity=< 1,  0>
position=<-4,  3> velocity=< 2,  0>
position=<10, -3> velocity=<-1,  1>
position=< 5, 11> velocity=< 1, -2>
position=< 4,  7> velocity=< 0, -1>
position=< 8, -2> velocity=< 0,  1>
position=<15,  0> velocity=<-2,  0>
position=< 1,  6> velocity=< 1,  0>
position=< 8,  9> velocity=< 0, -1>
position=< 3,  3> velocity=<-1,  1>
position=< 0,  5> velocity=< 0, -1>
position=<-2,  2> velocity=< 2,  0>
position=< 5, -2> velocity=< 1,  2>
position=< 1,  4> velocity=< 2,  1>
position=<-2,  7> velocity=< 2, -2>
position=< 3,  6> velocity=<-1, -1>
position=< 5,  0> velocity=< 1,  0>
position=<-6,  0> velocity=< 2,  0>
position=< 5,  9> velocity=< 1, -2>
position=<14,  7> velocity=<-2,  0>
position=<-3,  6> velocity=< 2, -1>