def build_summary(metrics, labels, logits, learning_rate): true_image = map_to_image(utils.tile_images(labels)) pred_image = map_to_image( utils.tile_images(tf.to_float(tf.nn.sigmoid(logits) > 0.5))) return tf.summary.merge([ tf.summary.scalar('learning_rate', learning_rate), tf.summary.scalar('loss', metrics['loss']), tf.summary.scalar('iou', metrics['iou']), tf.summary.scalar('roc_auc', metrics['roc_auc']), tf.summary.scalar('pr_auc', metrics['pr_auc']), tf.summary.image('true_image', tf.expand_dims(true_image, 0)), tf.summary.image('pred_image', tf.expand_dims(pred_image, 0)) ])
def draw(trainer=None, model=None, batch=None, prefix=None): # save input & predicted images with chainer.using_config('enable_backprop', False): with chainer.using_config('train', False): directory = trainer.out if model.dataset_name == 'shapenet': images_in, _, viewpoints, _, _ = converter(batch) images_prediction = model.predict_and_render( images_in, viewpoints).data.get().squeeze() images_prediction_cp = model.predict_and_render( images_in, viewpoints[::-1]).data.get().squeeze() images_ref = None cmin_in = -1 elif model.dataset_name == 'pascal': images_in, images_ref, rotation_matrices, rotation_matrices_random, labels = converter( batch) images_prediction = model.predict_and_render( images_in, rotation_matrices).data.get().squeeze() images_prediction_cp = model.predict_and_render( images_in, rotation_matrices_random).data.get().squeeze() cmin_in = 0 # input images image = utils.tile_images(images_in.get()) scipy.misc.toimage(image, cmin=cmin_in, cmax=1).save( os.path.join(directory, '%s_images_in.png' % prefix)) if images_ref is not None: image = utils.tile_images(images_ref.get()) scipy.misc.toimage(image, cmin=cmin_in, cmax=1).save( os.path.join(directory, '%s_images_ref.png' % prefix)) # predicted images images_prediction = utils.tile_images(images_prediction) if model.no_texture: images_prediction = 1 - images_prediction scipy.misc.toimage(images_prediction, cmin=0, cmax=1).save( os.path.join(directory, '%s_prediction.png' % prefix)) # predicted images from viewpoints images_prediction_cp = utils.tile_images(images_prediction_cp) if model.no_texture: images_prediction_cp = 1 - images_prediction_cp scipy.misc.toimage(images_prediction_cp, cmin=0, cmax=1).save( os.path.join(directory, '%s_prediction_cp.png' % prefix))
def render(self, mode='human'): imgs = self.get_images() bigimg = tile_images(imgs) if mode == 'human': self.get_viewer().imshow(bigimg) return self.get_viewer().isopen elif mode == 'rgb_array': return bigimg else: raise NotImplementedError
def render(self, mode='human'): for pipe in self.remotes: pipe.send(('render', None)) imgs = [pipe.recv() for pipe in self.remotes] bigimg = tile_images(imgs) if mode == 'human': import cv2 cv2.imshow('vecenv', bigimg[:, :, ::-1]) cv2.waitKey(1) elif mode == 'rgb_array': return bigimg else: raise NotImplementedError
def generate_between_classes( model: torch.nn.Module, img_size: list, classes: int, saveto: str, n_classes: int, cuda: bool = False, ) -> None: y = np.zeros((1, n_classes), dtype="float32") y[:, classes] = 1 / len(classes) y = np.repeat(y, 10, axis=0) gen = utils.tile_images(generate(model, img_size, y, cuda=cuda), n_rows=1) imageio.imsave(saveto, gen.astype("uint8"))
def render(self, mode="human"): for pipe in self.remotes: pipe.send(("render", None)) imgs = [pipe.recv() for pipe in self.remotes] bigimg = tile_images(imgs) if mode == "human": import cv2 cv2.imshow("vecenv", bigimg[:, :, ::-1]) cv2.waitKey(1) elif mode == "rgb_array": return bigimg else: raise NotImplementedError
def render(self, mode='human'): for pipe in self.remotes: pipe.send(('render', None)) if self.experiment_lvl == 'ego': normal = [] for pipe in self.remotes: res = pipe.recv() normal.append(res[0]['normal']) imgs = np.stack(normal) else: imgs = [pipe.recv() for pipe in self.remotes] bigimg = tile_images(imgs) if mode == 'human': import cv2 cv2.imshow('vecenv', bigimg[:, :, ::-1]) cv2.waitKey(1) elif mode == 'rgb_array': return bigimg else: raise NotImplementedError
def render(self, mode='human'): for pipe in self.remotes: pipe.send(('render', None)) imgs = [pipe.recv() for pipe in self.remotes] bigimg = tile_images(imgs) if mode == 'human': #import cv2 #cv2.imshow('vecenv', bigimg[:,:,::-1]) #cv2.waitKey(1) if self.viewer is None: from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering self.viewer = rendering.SimpleImageViewer() #print(imgs) self.viewer.imshow(bigimg[:, :, ::-1]) #print(bigimg[:, :, ::-1].shape) return bigimg[:, :, ::-1] elif mode == 'rgb_array': return bigimg else: raise NotImplementedError
def test_RBM_timep(self, learning_rate=0.1, training_epochs=10, batch_size=50, n_chains=20, n_samples=5, output_folder='rbm_plots', n_hidden=500): """ Demonstrate how to train and afterwards sample from it using Theano. :param learning_rate: learning rate used for training the RBM :param training_epochs: number of epochs used for training :param dataset: path the the pickled dataset :param batch_size: size of a batch used to train the RBM :param n_chains: number of parallel Gibbs chains to be used for sampling :param n_samples: number of samples to plot for each chain from DLRBM_2D_temporal import * funcs = DLRBM_2D_temporal() funcs.test_RBM_timep() """ traindata_path= 'allLpatches_10x10x5.pklz' #'allLpatches_subs_smaller.pklz' #'allLpatches.pklz' trainUdata_path= 'allUpatches_10x10x5.pklz'#'allUpatches_subs_smaller.pklz' #'allUpatches.pklz' labeldata_path= 'allLabels_10x10x5.pklz' #'allLabels_subs_smaller.pklz' #'allLabels.pklz' ############# ## LOAD datasets ############# datasets = self.load_wUdata(traindata_path, labeldata_path, trainUdata_path) train_set_x, train_set_y = datasets[0] np_train_x, np_train_y = datasets[3] valid_set_x, valid_set_y = datasets[1] np_valid_x, np_valid_y = datasets[4] test_set_x, test_set_y = datasets[2] np_test_x, np_test_y = datasets[5] # inpect one image class 1 Vol = np_train_x[0].reshape(5,10,10) imgslicestime = [Vol[0,:,:], Vol[1,:,:], Vol[2,:,:], Vol[3,:,:], Vol[4,:,:]] subslicestime = [] # Display image fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=4, figsize=(16, 8)) for k in range(1,5): ax[k-1,0].imshow(imgslicestime[k], ax[k-1,0].set_axis_off() ax[k-1,0].set_adjustable('box-forced') # Display Original histogram ax[k-1,1].hist(imgslicestime[k].ravel(), bins=50, color='black') ax[k-1,1].ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='scientific', scilimits=(0, 0)) ax[k-1,1].set_xlabel('original') # substract volume subVol = np.asarray(imgslicestime[k]) - np.asarray(imgslicestime[0]) subslicestime.append(subVol) # Display normalized histogram ax[k-1,2].hist(subVol.ravel(), bins=50, color='black') ax[k-1,2].ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='scientific', scilimits=(0, 0)) ax[k-1,2].set_xlabel('substracted histogram') # display normalized 0-1 ax[k-1,3].imshow(subVol, ax[k-1,3].set_axis_off() ax[k-1,3].set_adjustable('box-forced') ################# # Substract pathces from pre-contrast ################# subsnp_train_x = [] subsnp_valid_x = [] subsnp_test_x = [] for img in np_train_x: Vol = img.reshape(5,10,10) imgslicestime = [Vol[0,:,:], Vol[1,:,:], Vol[2,:,:], Vol[3,:,:], Vol[4,:,:]] subslicestime = [] for k in range(1,5): # substract volume subVol = np.asarray(imgslicestime[k]) - np.asarray(imgslicestime[0]) subslicestime.append(subVol) #append subsnp_train_x.append( np.asarray(subslicestime).reshape(4*10*10) ) for img in np_valid_x: Vol = img.reshape(5,10,10) imgslicestime = [Vol[0,:,:], Vol[1,:,:], Vol[2,:,:], Vol[3,:,:], Vol[4,:,:]] subslicestime = [] for k in range(1,5): # substract volume subVol = np.asarray(imgslicestime[k]) - np.asarray(imgslicestime[0]) subslicestime.append(subVol) #append subsnp_valid_x.append( np.asarray(subslicestime).reshape(4*10*10) ) for img in np_test_x: Vol = img.reshape(5,10,10) imgslicestime = [Vol[0,:,:], Vol[1,:,:], Vol[2,:,:], Vol[3,:,:], Vol[4,:,:]] subslicestime = [] for k in range(1,5): # substract volume subVol = np.asarray(imgslicestime[k]) - np.asarray(imgslicestime[0]) subslicestime.append(subVol) #append subsnp_test_x.append( np.asarray(subslicestime).reshape(4*10*10) ) # train_set_x, train_set_y = self.shared_dataset(subsnp_train_x, np_train_y) # valid_set_x, valid_set_y = self.shared_dataset(subsnp_valid_x, np_valid_y) # test_set_x, test_set_y = self.shared_dataset(subsnp_test_x, np_test_y) # # subsdatasets = [(train_set_x, train_set_y), # (valid_set_x, valid_set_y), # (test_set_x, test_set_y) ] print "n_chains %d " % n_chains print "n_hidden %d " % n_hidden print "training_epochs %d " % training_epochs print "batch_size %d " % batch_size print "learning_rate %f " % learning_rate print "n_samples %d " % n_samples print "output_folder %s " % output_folder ############################## # compute number of minibatches for training, validation and testing n_train_batches = train_set_x.get_value(borrow=True).shape[0] // batch_size # allocate symbolic variables for the data index = T.lscalar() # index to a [mini]batch x = T.matrix('x') # the data is presented as rasterized images rng = numpy.random.RandomState(123) theano_rng = RandomStreams(rng.randint(2 ** 30)) # initialize storage for the persistent chain (state = hidden # layer of chain) persistent_chain = theano.shared(numpy.zeros((batch_size, n_hidden), dtype=theano.config.floatX), borrow=True) # construct the RBM class rbm = RBM(input=x, n_visible=5*10*10, n_hidden=n_hidden, numpy_rng=rng, theano_rng=theano_rng) # get the cost and the gradient corresponding to one step of CD-15 cost, updates = rbm.get_cost_updates(lr=learning_rate, persistent=persistent_chain, k=15) ################################# # Training the RBM # ################################# if not os.path.isdir(output_folder): os.makedirs(output_folder) os.chdir(output_folder) # it is ok for a theano function to have no output # the purpose of train_rbm is solely to update the RBM parameters train_rbm = theano.function( [index], cost, updates=updates, givens={ x: train_set_x[index * batch_size: (index + 1) * batch_size] }, name='train_rbm' ) plotting_time = 0. start_time = timeit.default_timer() # go through training epochs for epoch in range(training_epochs): # go through the training set mean_cost = [] for batch_index in range(n_train_batches): mean_cost += [train_rbm(batch_index)] print('Training epoch %d, cost is ' % epoch, numpy.mean(mean_cost)) # Plot filters after each training epoch plotting_start = timeit.default_timer() # Construct image from the weight matrix Wrbm = rbm.W.get_value(borrow=True).T fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=4, nrows=1, figsize=(16, 6)) for k in range(1,5): image = utils.tile_images( X=Wrbm.reshape( Wrbm.shape[0], 5, 10, 10)[:,k,:,:], img_shape=(10,10), tile_shape=(25,20), tile_spacing=(0, 0) ) im = axes[k-1].imshow(image, vmin=np.min(image.ravel()), vmax=np.max(image.ravel()), interpolation='nearest', cmap="Greys_r") axes[k-1].get_xaxis().set_visible(False) axes[k-1].get_yaxis().set_visible(False) cax,kw = mpl.colorbar.make_axes([ax for ax in axes.flat]) plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax, **kw) fig.savefig('filters_at_epoch_%i.png' % epoch) plotting_stop = timeit.default_timer() plotting_time += (plotting_stop - plotting_start) end_time = timeit.default_timer() pretraining_time = (end_time - start_time) - plotting_time print ('Plotting took %f minutes' % (plotting_time / 60.)) print ('Training took %f minutes' % (pretraining_time / 60.)) ##################################### # save the best model ##################################### with open('bestRBM_10x10x5.obj', 'wb') as fp: pickle.dump(rbm, fp) ##################################### # Open best model ##################################### with open('bestRBM_10x10x5.obj', 'rb') as fp: rbm = pickle.load(fp) ################################# # Sampling from the RBM # ################################# # find out the number of test samples number_of_test_samples = test_set_x.get_value(borrow=True).shape[0] # pick random test examples, with which to initialize the persistent chain test_idx = rng.randint(number_of_test_samples - n_chains) persistent_vis_chain = theano.shared( numpy.asarray( test_set_x.get_value(borrow=True)[test_idx:test_idx + n_chains], dtype=theano.config.floatX ) ) plot_every = 1000 # define one step of Gibbs sampling (mf = mean-field) define a # function that does `plot_every` steps before returning the # sample for plotting ( [ presig_hids, hid_mfs, hid_samples, presig_vis, vis_mfs, vis_samples ], updates ) = theano.scan( rbm.gibbs_vhv, outputs_info=[None, None, None, None, None, persistent_vis_chain], n_steps=plot_every ) # add to updates the shared variable that takes care of our persistent # chain :. updates.update({persistent_vis_chain: vis_samples[-1]}) # construct the function that implements our persistent chain. # we generate the "mean field" activations for plotting and the actual # samples for reinitializing the state of our persistent chain sample_fn = theano.function( [], [ vis_mfs[-1], vis_samples[-1] ], updates=updates, name='sample_fn' ) # create a space to store the image for plotting ( we need to leave # room for the tile_spacing as well) sub_pre = numpy.zeros( (11 * n_samples + 1, 11 * n_chains - 1), dtype='uint8') sub_post1 = numpy.zeros( (11 * n_samples + 1, 11 * n_chains - 1), dtype='uint8') sub_post2 = numpy.zeros( (11 * n_samples + 1, 11 * n_chains - 1), dtype='uint8') sub_post3 = numpy.zeros( (11 * n_samples + 1, 11 * n_chains - 1), dtype='uint8') sub_post4 = numpy.zeros( (11 * n_samples + 1, 11 * n_chains - 1), dtype='uint8') fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=5) for idx in range(n_samples): # generate `plot_every` intermediate samples that we discard, # because successive samples in the chain are too correlated vis_mf, vis_sample = sample_fn() print(' ... plotting sample %d' % idx) Xvis = vis_mf.reshape( vis_mf.shape[0],5,100) sub_pre[11 * idx:11 * idx + 10, :] = utils.tile_raster_images( X=Xvis[:,0,:], img_shape=(10, 10), tile_shape=(1, n_chains), tile_spacing=(1, 1) ) sub_post1[11 * idx:11 * idx + 10, :] = utils.tile_raster_images( X=Xvis[:,1,:], img_shape=(10, 10), tile_shape=(1, n_chains), tile_spacing=(1, 1) ) sub_post2[11 * idx:11 * idx + 10, :] = utils.tile_raster_images( X=Xvis[:,2,:], img_shape=(10, 10), tile_shape=(1, n_chains), tile_spacing=(1, 1) ) sub_post3[11 * idx:11 * idx + 10, :] = utils.tile_raster_images( X=Xvis[:,3,:], img_shape=(10, 10), tile_shape=(1, n_chains), tile_spacing=(1, 1) ) sub_post4[11 * idx:11 * idx + 10, :] = utils.tile_raster_images( X=Xvis[:,4,:], img_shape=(10, 10), tile_shape=(1, n_chains), tile_spacing=(1, 1) ) # construct image axes[0].imshow( Image.fromarray( sub_pre), cmap="Greys_r") axes[1].imshow( Image.fromarray( sub_post1), cmap="Greys_r") axes[2].imshow( Image.fromarray( sub_post2), cmap="Greys_r") axes[3].imshow( Image.fromarray( sub_post3), cmap="Greys_r") axes[4].imshow( Image.fromarray( sub_post4), cmap="Greys_r") axes[0].get_xaxis().set_visible(False) axes[0].get_yaxis().set_visible(False) axes[1].get_xaxis().set_visible(False) axes[1].get_yaxis().set_visible(False) axes[2].get_xaxis().set_visible(False) axes[2].get_yaxis().set_visible(False) axes[3].get_xaxis().set_visible(False) axes[3].get_yaxis().set_visible(False) axes[4].get_xaxis().set_visible(False) axes[4].get_yaxis().set_visible(False) item='test' #show and save fig.savefig('samples_fromchain'+str(item)+'.pdf') return
def main(args): dset = load_data(args.dataset, args.test) if not args.test: val_images = test_images = dset.validation.images else: val_images = dset.test.images def get_val_batch(): idcs = np.arange(val_images.shape[0]) np.random.shuffle(idcs) return val_images[idcs[:args.batch_size * 2]] compute_fid, _fid_lc = load_fid(dset.test.images, args) use_restored_s1 = len(args.restore_s1_from) > 0 if use_restored_s1: args_json = json.load( open(os.path.join(args.restore_s1_from, 'hps.txt'))) assert args_json['dataset'] == args.dataset and \ args_json['sd_param'] == args.sd_param keys_to_restore = ['sd_param', 'z_dims_s1', 'skip_last_fc'] vars(args).update(dict((k, args_json[k]) for k in keys_to_restore)) tf.set_random_seed(args.seed) np.random.seed(args.seed) G = Graph(args, val_images.shape[1], val_images.shape[3]) config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True sess = tf.Session(config=config) if use_restored_s1: s1_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope=FIRST_STAGE) saver = tfv1.train.Saver(var_list=s1_vars) ckpt_dir = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state( args.restore_s1_from).model_checkpoint_path print('RESTORING S1 FROM', ckpt_dir) saver.restore(sess, ckpt_dir) saver = tfv1.train.Saver(keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours=2, max_to_keep=1) print(args) B = 100 if args.decoder_warmup and not use_restored_s1: print('Warmup stage:') es = EarlyStopper(args.n_iter_s0 // (B * 4)) with LogContext(args.n_iter_s0 // B, logdir=args.dir, tfsummary=True) as ctx: for i in ctx: for j in range(B): # training x_mb, _ = dset.train.next_batch(args.batch_size) G.train_step_0(sess, x_mb, * 2, i) x_mb = G.process_batch(get_val_batch()) to_log ={**G.optimizer_s0.print}, { G.x_ph: x_mb, G.is_training_ph: False }) ctx.log_scalars(to_log, list(to_log)) if es.add_check(to_log['__loss']): print('Early stopping') break if not use_restored_s1: print('First stage:') es = EarlyStopper(args.n_iter_s1 // (B * 8)) with LogContext(args.n_iter_s1 // B, logdir=args.dir, tfsummary=True) as ctx: for i in ctx: for j in range(B): # training lr = compute_lr(, args.lr_halve_every_s1, i * B + j) x_mb, _ = dset.train.next_batch(args.batch_size) G.train_step_1(sess, x_mb, lr, i) # plot validation x_mb = G.process_batch(get_val_batch()) to_log ={**G.optimizer_s1.print}, { G.x_ph: x_mb, G.is_training_ph: False }) # if i % 80 == 0: # fids, _ = G.get_fids('s1', sess, val_images, compute_fid) # to_log.update(fids) ctx.log_scalars(to_log, list(to_log)) if args.s1_early_stop and es.add_check(to_log['__loss']): print('Early stop') break e_start = args.n_iter_s1 // B N = dset.train.images.shape[0] B = (N + args.batch_size - 1) // args.batch_size G.gen_qzx(sess, dset.train.images) if args.production: if use_restored_s1: fids, _ = G.get_fids('s1', sess, val_images, compute_fid) print('S1 FID:', fids) else:, os.path.join(args.dir, 'model'), global_step=e_start) print('Model saved') if args.decoder_warmup_s2: print('S2 warmup stage:') es = EarlyStopper(args.n_iter_s0 // (B * 4)) with LogContext(args.n_iter_s0 // B, logdir=args.dir, tfsummary=True) as ctx: for i in ctx: idcs = np.arange(N) np.random.shuffle(idcs) z_samples = np.random.normal(G.s1_mu_z, G.s1_sig_z)[idcs] for j in range(B): # training G.train_step_02(sess, z_samples[j * B:(j + 1) * B],, i) to_log =, { G.model_s1.z: z_samples, G.is_training_ph: False }) ctx.log_scalars(to_log, list(to_log)) if es.add_check(to_log['__loss']): print('Early stopping') break with LogContext(args.n_iter_s2 // B + 1, logdir=args.dir, tfsummary=True, n_ep_start=e_start) as ctx: for i in ctx: idcs = np.arange(N) np.random.shuffle(idcs) z_samples = np.random.normal(G.s1_mu_z, G.s1_sig_z)[idcs] for j in range(B): # training lr = compute_lr(, args.lr_halve_every_s2, i * B + j) z_mb = z_samples[j * B:(j + 1) * B] G.train_step_2(sess, z_mb, lr, i) # plot validation x_mb = G.process_batch(get_val_batch()) to_log =, { G.x_ph: x_mb, G.is_training_ph: False }) if i % 80 == 0: fids, _ = G.get_fids('s2', sess, val_images, compute_fid) to_log.update(fids) ctx.log_scalars(to_log, list(to_log)) if (i * 100) % args.save_every == 0 and args.save_every > 0:, os.path.join(args.dir, 'model'), global_step=i + e_start) print('Model saved') print('Test/validation:') test_images = val_images _, sample_images = G.get_fids('s2', sess, val_images, compute_fid) im_tiled = tile_images(sample_images[:100].reshape((100, G.HW, G.HW, G.C))) save_image(os.path.join(args.dir, 'sampled.png'), im_tiled) score = compute_fid_inception(dset, sess, G) print('FID SCORE (Bin Dai\'s) =', score)
def test_SdA_timep(self, pretraining_epochs, pretrain_lr, batch_size, training_epochs, finetune_lr, corruption_levels, hidden_layers_sizes, hidden_layers_sidelen, output_folder): """ Demonstrates how to train and test a stochastic denoising autoencoder. :type learning_rate: float :param learning_rate: learning rate used in the finetune stage (factor for the stochastic gradient) :type pretraining_epochs: int :param pretraining_epochs: number of epoch to do pretraining :type pretrain_lr: float :param pretrain_lr: learning rate to be used during pre-training :type n_iter: int :param n_iter: maximal number of iterations ot run the optimizer :type dataset: string :param dataset: path the the pickled dataset """ traindata_path= 'allLpatches_10x10x5.pklz' #'allLpatches_subs_smaller.pklz' #'allLpatches.pklz' trainUdata_path= 'allUpatches_10x10x5.pklz'#'allUpatches_subs_smaller.pklz' #'allUpatches.pklz' labeldata_path= 'allLabels_10x10x5.pklz' #'allLabels_subs_smaller.pklz' #'allLabels.pklz' ############# ## LOAD datasets ############# datasets = self.load_wUdata(traindata_path, labeldata_path, trainUdata_path) train_set_x, train_set_y = datasets[0] np_train_x, np_train_y = datasets[3] valid_set_x, valid_set_y = datasets[1] np_valid_x, np_valid_y = datasets[4] test_set_x, test_set_y = datasets[2] np_test_x, np_test_y = datasets[5] # inpect one image class 1 Vol = np_train_x[0].reshape(5,10,10) imgslicestime = [Vol[0,:,:], Vol[1,:,:], Vol[2,:,:], Vol[3,:,:], Vol[4,:,:]] subslicestime = [] # Display image fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=4, figsize=(12, 4)) for k in range(1,5): ax[k-1,0].imshow(imgslicestime[k], ax[k-1,0].set_axis_off() ax[k-1,0].set_adjustable('box-forced') # Display Original histogram ax[k-1,1].hist(imgslicestime[k].ravel(), bins=50, color='black') ax[k-1,1].ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='scientific', scilimits=(0, 0)) ax[k-1,1].set_xlabel('original') # substract volume subVol = np.asarray(imgslicestime[k]) - np.asarray(imgslicestime[0]) subslicestime.append(subVol) # Display normalized histogram ax[k-1,2].hist(subVol.ravel(), bins=50, color='black') ax[k-1,2].ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='scientific', scilimits=(0, 0)) ax[k-1,2].set_xlabel('substracted histogram') # display normalized 0-1 ax[k-1,3].imshow(subVol, ax[k-1,3].set_axis_off() ax[k-1,3].set_adjustable('box-forced') plt.close() ################# # Substract pathces from pre-contrast ################# subsnp_train_x = [] subsnp_valid_x = [] subsnp_test_x = [] for img in np_train_x: Vol = img.reshape(5,10,10) imgslicestime = [Vol[0,:,:], Vol[1,:,:], Vol[2,:,:], Vol[3,:,:], Vol[4,:,:]] subslicestime = [] for k in range(1,5): # substract volume subVol = np.asarray(imgslicestime[k]) - np.asarray(imgslicestime[0]) subslicestime.append(subVol) #append subsnp_train_x.append( np.asarray(subslicestime).reshape(4*10*10) ) for img in np_valid_x: Vol = img.reshape(5,10,10) imgslicestime = [Vol[0,:,:], Vol[1,:,:], Vol[2,:,:], Vol[3,:,:], Vol[4,:,:]] subslicestime = [] for k in range(1,5): # substract volume subVol = np.asarray(imgslicestime[k]) - np.asarray(imgslicestime[0]) subslicestime.append(subVol) #append subsnp_valid_x.append( np.asarray(subslicestime).reshape(4*10*10) ) for img in np_test_x: Vol = img.reshape(5,10,10) imgslicestime = [Vol[0,:,:], Vol[1,:,:], Vol[2,:,:], Vol[3,:,:], Vol[4,:,:]] subslicestime = [] for k in range(1,5): # substract volume subVol = np.asarray(imgslicestime[k]) - np.asarray(imgslicestime[0]) subslicestime.append(subVol) #append subsnp_test_x.append( np.asarray(subslicestime).reshape(4*10*10) ) train_set_x, train_set_y = self.shared_dataset(subsnp_train_x, np_train_y) valid_set_x, valid_set_y = self.shared_dataset(subsnp_valid_x, np_valid_y) test_set_x, test_set_y = self.shared_dataset(subsnp_test_x, np_test_y) subsdatasets = [(train_set_x, train_set_y), (valid_set_x, valid_set_y), (test_set_x, test_set_y) ] ################# # To normalize find mean and std, then convert to float in [0-1] range # ref on mininatch normalization: chrome-extension://oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm/ # stackedOver: ################# # Xtrain = np.asarray(np_train_x) # muXtrain = np.mean(Xtrain) # varXtrain = np.var(Xtrain) # print(muXtrain,varXtrain) # # Xvalid = np.asarray(np_valid_x) # muXvalid = np.mean(Xvalid) # varXvalid = np.var(Xvalid) # print(muXvalid,varXvalid) # # Xtest = np.asarray(np_test_x) # muXtest = np.mean(Xtest) # varXtest = np.var(Xtest) # print(muXtest,varXtest) # # fnp_train_x = [] # fnp_valid_x = [] # fnp_test_x = [] # for img in np_train_x: # #img=np_train_x[1] # fimg = (img - muXtrain)/np.sqrt(varXtrain+0.00001) # rVol = exposure.rescale_intensity(fimg.reshape(4,10,10), out_range=(0, 1)) # img = sitk.GetImageFromArray(rVol) # aimg = sitk.Cast(img,sitk.sitkFloat32) # sitkVol = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(aimg) # img = sitkVol.reshape(400) # fnp_train_x.append(img) # for img in np_valid_x: # fimg = (img - muXvalid)/np.sqrt(varXvalid+0.00001) # rVol = exposure.rescale_intensity(fimg.reshape(4,10,10), out_range=(0, 1)) # img = sitk.GetImageFromArray(rVol) # aimg = sitk.Cast(img,sitk.sitkFloat32) # sitkVol = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(aimg) # img = sitkVol.reshape(400) # fnp_valid_x.append(img) # for img in np_test_x: # fimg = (img - muXtest)/np.sqrt(varXtest+0.00001) # rVol = exposure.rescale_intensity(fimg.reshape(4,10,10), out_range=(0, 1)) # img = sitk.GetImageFromArray(rVol) # aimg = sitk.Cast(img,sitk.sitkFloat32) # sitkVol = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(aimg) # img = sitkVol.reshape(400) # fnp_test_x.append(img) # ################# ## plot ooptional ################# # fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=4, nrows=2) # axes[0,0].imshow(np_train_x[1].reshape(5,10,10)[0,:,:], cmap="Greys_r") # axes[0,1].imshow(np_train_x[1].reshape(5,10,10)[1,:,:], cmap="Greys_r") # axes[0,2].imshow(np_train_x[1].reshape(5,10,10)[2,:,:], cmap="Greys_r") # axes[0,3].imshow(np_train_x[1].reshape(5,10,10)[3,:,:], cmap="Greys_r") # axes[1,0].imshow( fnp_train_x[1].reshape(5,10,10)[0,:,:], cmap="Greys_r") # axes[1,1].imshow( fnp_train_x[1].reshape(5,10,10)[1,:,:], cmap="Greys_r") # axes[1,2].imshow( fnp_train_x[1].reshape(5,10,10)[2,:,:], cmap="Greys_r") # axes[1,3].imshow( fnp_train_x[1].reshape(5,10,10)[3,:,:], cmap="Greys_r") # train_set_x, train_set_y = self.shared_dataset(fnp_train_x, np_train_y) # valid_set_x, valid_set_y = self.shared_dataset(fnp_valid_x, np_valid_y) # test_set_x, test_set_y = self.shared_dataset(fnp_test_x, np_test_y) # compute number of minibatches for training, validation and testing n_train_batches = train_set_x.get_value(borrow=True).shape[0] n_train_batches //= batch_size # numpy random generator numpy_rng = np.random.RandomState(89677) print('... building the Stacked Autoenconder model') if not os.path.isdir(output_folder): os.makedirs(output_folder) # construct the stacked denoising autoencoder class sda = SdA( numpy_rng=numpy_rng, n_ins = 4*10*10, # before 30*30*4 hidden_layers_sizes=hidden_layers_sizes, corruption_levels=corruption_levels, n_outs=2 ) ######################### # PRETRAINING THE MODEL # ######################### dA_avg_costs = [] dA_iter = [] layer_i = [] print('... getting the pretraining functions') pretraining_fns = sda.pretraining_functions(train_set_x=train_set_x, np_train_y=np_train_y, batch_size=batch_size) print('... pre-training the model') start_time = timeit.default_timer() ## Pre-train layer-wise for i in range(sda.n_layers): # go through pretraining epochs meanc = [] for epoch in range(pretraining_epochs): # go through the training set c = []; if( epoch % 100 == 0): pretrain_lr = pretrain_lr/10 for batch_index in range(n_train_batches): c.append(pretraining_fns[i](index=batch_index, corruption=corruption_levels[i], lr=pretrain_lr)) # append dA_avg_costs.append( np.mean(c) ) dA_iter.append(epoch) layer_i.append(i) print('Pre-training layer %i, epoch %d, cost %f' % (i, epoch, np.mean(c))) # check that Cost does not improve more than 1% on the training set after an epoch meanc.append( np.mean(c) ) if (epoch > 195): decrCost = abs(meanc[epoch-1] - meanc[epoch])/meanc[epoch]*100 if(decrCost <= 0.01): break end_time = timeit.default_timer() print(('The pretraining code for file ' + os.path.split(__file__)[1] + ' ran for %.2fm' % ((end_time - start_time) / 60.))) ##################################### # Plot images in 2D ##################################### Xtmp = sda.dA_layers[0].W.get_value(borrow=True).T imagefilters = [] for k in range(4): imgX = Xtmp.reshape( Xtmp.shape[0], 4, 10, 10)[:,k,:,:] image = tile_images(X=imgX , img_shape=(10, 10), tile_shape=(10, 10), tile_spacing=(1, 1)) # append to all imagefilters.append( image ) ############## # Format ################# LLdata = [float(L) for L in dA_avg_costs] LLiter = [float(it) for it in dA_iter] LLilayer = [ilayer for ilayer in layer_i] dfpredata = pd.DataFrame( LLdata ) dfpredata.columns = ['LL_iter'] dfpredata['iter'] = LLiter dfpredata['layer'] = LLilayer ######################## # FINETUNING THE MODEL # ######################## # for fine tunning make minibatch size = 1 # compute number of minibatches for training, validation and testing #batch_size = 4 #n_train_batches = train_set_x.get_value(borrow=True).shape[0]//4 # get the training, validation and testing function for the model print('... getting the finetuning functions') train_fn, validate_model, test_model = sda.build_finetune_functions( datasets=subsdatasets, batch_size=batch_size, learning_rate=finetune_lr ) print('... finetunning the Stacked model') ############ ### for plotting likelihood or cost, accumulate returns of train_model ############ minibatch_avg_costs = [] minibatch_iter = [] minibatch_loss = [] # early-stopping parameters patience = 1000 * n_train_batches # look as this many examples regardless patience_increase = 2. # wait this much longer when a new best is # found improvement_threshold = 0.995 # a relative improvement of this much is # considered significant validation_frequency = min(n_train_batches, patience // 2) # go through this many # minibatche before checking the network # on the validation set; in this case we # check every epoch best_validation_loss = np.inf test_score = 0. start_time = timeit.default_timer() done_looping = False epoch = 0 while (epoch < training_epochs) and (not done_looping): epoch = epoch + 1 for minibatch_index in range(n_train_batches): minibatch_avg_cost = train_fn(minibatch_index) iter = (epoch - 1) * n_train_batches + minibatch_index if (iter + 1) % validation_frequency == 0: validation_losses = validate_model() this_validation_loss = np.mean(validation_losses) print('epoch %i, minibatch %i/%i, validation error %f %%' % (epoch, minibatch_index + 1, n_train_batches, this_validation_loss * 100.)) ############## # append ################# minibatch_avg_costs.append(minibatch_avg_cost) minibatch_iter.append(iter) minibatch_loss.append(this_validation_loss*100) # if we got the best validation score until now if this_validation_loss < best_validation_loss: #improve patience if loss improvement is good enough if ( this_validation_loss < best_validation_loss * improvement_threshold ): patience = max(patience, iter * patience_increase) # save best validation score and iteration number best_validation_loss = this_validation_loss best_iter = iter # test it on the test set test_losses = test_model() test_score = np.mean(test_losses) print((' epoch %i, minibatch %i/%i, test error of ' 'best model %f %%') % (epoch, minibatch_index + 1, n_train_batches, test_score * 100.)) if patience <= iter: done_looping = True break end_time = timeit.default_timer() print 'Optimization complete with best validation score of %f, on iteration %i, with test performance %f' % ((best_validation_loss * 100.), (best_iter + 1), (test_score * 100.)) print(('The training code for file ' + os.path.split(__file__)[1] + ' ran for %.2fm' % ((end_time - start_time) / 60.))) ############## # Format ################# LLdata = [float(L) for L in minibatch_avg_costs] LLiter = [float(it) for it in minibatch_iter] LLoss = [float(l) for l in minibatch_loss] dfinedata = pd.DataFrame( LLdata ) dfinedata.columns = ['LL_iter'] dfinedata['iter'] = LLiter dfinedata['loss'] = LLoss ############### ## Predictions ############### # get training data in numpy format X,y = subsnp_train_x, np_train_y #datasets[3] Xtrain = np.asarray(X) ytrain = utils.makeMultiClass(y) # get valid data in numpy format X,y = subsnp_valid_x, np_valid_y # #datasets[4] Xvalid = np.asarray(X) yvalid = utils.makeMultiClass(y) # get test data in numpy format X,y = subsnp_test_x, np_test_y #datasets[5] Xtest = np.asarray(X) ytest = utils.makeMultiClass(y) ############### # predicting using the SDA ############### # in train predtrain = sda.predict_functions(Xtrain).argmax(1) # let's see how the network did y = ytrain.argmax(1) e0 = 0.0; y0 = len([0 for yi in range(len(y)) if y[yi]==0]) e1 = 0.0; y1 = len([1 for yi in range(len(y)) if y[yi]==1]) for i in range(len(y)): if(y[i] == 1): e1 += y[i]==predtrain[i] if(y[i] == 0): e0 += y[i]==predtrain[i] # printing the result, this structure should result in 80% accuracy Acutrain0=100*e0/y0 Acutrain1=100*e1/y1 print "Train Accuracy for class 0: %2.2f%%"%(Acutrain0) print "Train Accuracy for class 1: %2.2f%%"%(Acutrain1) # in Valid predvalid = sda.predict_functions(Xvalid).argmax(1) # let's see how the network did y = yvalid.argmax(1) e0 = 0.0; y0 = len([0 for yi in range(len(y)) if y[yi]==0]) e1 = 0.0; y1 = len([1 for yi in range(len(y)) if y[yi]==1]) for i in range(len(y)): if(y[i] == 1): e1 += y[i]==predvalid[i] if(y[i] == 0): e0 += y[i]==predvalid[i] # printing the result, this structure should result in 80% accuracy Acuvalid0=100*e0/y0 Acuvalid1=100*e1/y1 print "Valid Accuracy for class 0: %2.2f%%"%(Acuvalid0) print "Valid Accuracy for class 1: %2.2f%%"%(Acuvalid1) # in Xtest predtest = sda.predict_functions(Xtest).argmax(1) # let's see how the network did y = ytest.argmax(1) e0 = 0.0; y0 = len([0 for yi in range(len(y)) if y[yi]==0]) e1 = 0.0; y1 = len([1 for yi in range(len(y)) if y[yi]==1]) for i in range(len(y)): if(y[i] == 1): e1 += y[i]==predtest[i] if(y[i] == 0): e0 += y[i]==predtest[i] # printing the result, this structure should result in 80% accuracy Acutest0=100*e0/y0 Acutest1=100*e1/y1 print "Test Accuracy for class 0: %2.2f%%"%(Acutest0) print "Test Accuracy for class 1: %2.2f%%"%(Acutest1) return [dfpredata, dfinedata, imagefilters, sda, Acutrain0, Acutrain1, Acuvalid0, Acuvalid1, Acutest0, Acutest1]
def fit( train_loader:, val_loader:, model: torch.nn.Module, exp_path: str, label_preprocess: Callable, loss_fn: torch.autograd.Function, label2onehot: Callable, n_classes: int = 10, optimizer: str = "adam", learning_rate: float = 1e-4, cuda: bool = True, patience: int = 10, max_epochs: int = 200, resume: bool = False, ): def _save_img(x: np.array, filename: str): "save numpy array representaion of image to image file" Image.fromarray((255 * x).astype("uint8")).save(filename) def _run_epoch(dataloader:, training: bool): p_bar = ProgressBar() losses = [] mean_outs = [] # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # batch_images = [bs, ch, w, h], batch_targets = [bs, n_classes] OHE for batch_images, batch_targets in p_bar(dataloader): batch_labels = label_preprocess(batch_images) if cuda: batch_images, batch_targets = batch_images.cuda(), batch_targets.cuda() batch_labels = batch_labels.cuda() if training: optimizer.zero_grad() model.train() else: model.eval() predicted_labels = model(batch_images, batch_targets) # cross entropy between image's pixel value vs predicted loss = loss_fn(predicted_labels, batch_labels) # track mean output predicted_labels = # TODO: why do we need to keep track of mean? mean_outs.append( np.mean(np.argmax(predicted_labels, axis=1)) / predicted_labels.shape[1] ) if training: loss.backward() optimizer.step() losses.append( utils.clearline() return float(np.mean(losses)), np.mean(mean_outs) if cuda: model = model.cuda() exp_path = Path(exp_path) if not os.path.isdir(exp_path): os.makedirs(exp_path) statsfile = exp_path / "stats.json" optimizer = { "adam": torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate), "sgd": torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate, momentum=0.9), "adamax": torch.optim.Adamax(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate), }[optimizer.lower()] # load a single example from the iterator to get the image size x = train_loader.sampler.data_source.__getitem__(0)[0] img_size = list(x.numpy().shape[1:]) if not resume: stats = { "loss": {"train": [], "val": []}, "mean_output": {"train": [], "val": []}, } best_val = np.inf stall = 0 start_epoch = 0 generated = [] plots = [] else: with open(statsfile, "r") as js: stats = json.load(js) best_val = np.min(stats["loss"]["val"]) stall = len(stats["loss"]["val"]) - np.argmin(stats["loss"]["val"]) - 1 start_epoch = len(stats["loss"]["val"]) - 1 generated = list(np.load(exp_path / "generated.npy")) plots = list(np.load(exp_path / "generated_plots.npy")) print(f"Resuming from epoch {start_epoch}") for epoch in range(start_epoch, max_epochs): # Training t0 = time.time() loss, mean_out = _run_epoch(train_loader, training=True) time_per_example = (time.time() - t0) / len(train_loader.dataset) stats["loss"]["train"].append(loss) stats["mean_output"]["train"].append(mean_out) print( ( f"Epoch {epoch}: Training loss = {loss:.4f} mean output = {mean_out:.2f} " f"{time_per_example*1000:.2f} msec/example" ) ) # Validation t0 = time.time() loss, mean_out = _run_epoch(val_loader, training=False) time_per_example = (time.time() - t0) / len(val_loader.dataset) stats["loss"]["val"].append(loss) stats["mean_output"]["val"].append(mean_out) print( ( f" Validation loss = {loss:.4f} mean output = {mean_out:.2f} " f"{time_per_example*1000:.2f} msec/example" ) ) # Generate images and update gif new_frame = utils.tile_images( generate_images(model, img_size, n_classes, label2onehot, cuda) ) generated.append(new_frame) # Update gif with loss plot plot_frame = plot_loss(stats["loss"]["train"], stats["loss"]["val"]) if new_frame.ndim == 2: new_frame = np.repeat(new_frame[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2) nw = int(new_frame.shape[1] * plot_frame.shape[0] / new_frame.shape[0]) new_frame = resize( new_frame, [plot_frame.shape[0], nw], order=0, preserve_range=True, mode="constant", ) plots.append( np.concatenate( (plot_frame.astype("uint8"), new_frame.astype("uint8")), axis=1 ) ) # Save gif arrays so it can resume training if interrupted / "generated.npy", generated) / "generated_plots.npy", plots) # Save stats and update training curves with open(statsfile, "w") as sf: json.dump(stats, sf) utils.plot_stats(stats, exp_path) # Early stopping, exp_path / "last_checkpoint.pth") if loss < best_val: best_val = loss stall = 0, exp_path / "best_checkpoint.pth") imageio.imsave( exp_path / "best_generated.jpeg", generated[-1].astype("uint8") ) imageio.imsave( exp_path / "best_generated_plots.jpeg", plots[-1].astype("uint8") ) imageio.mimsave( exp_path / "generated.gif", np.array(generated), format="gif", loop=0, fps=2, ) imageio.mimsave( exp_path / "generated_plot.gif", np.array(plots), format="gif", loop=0, fps=2, ) else: stall += 1 if stall >= patience: break
def main(args): from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data if not args.test: mnist = input_data.read_data_sets( 'data/', one_hot=False, source_url='') val_images = test_images = mnist.validation.images else: mnist = input_data.read_data_sets( 'data/', one_hot=False, source_url='', validation_size=0) val_images = mnist.test.images np.random.seed(args.seed) tf.set_random_seed(args.seed) if args.do_fid: compute_fid, _fid_lc = load_fid( mnist.test.images, args, binarize=(args.observation != 'normal')) # digit placeholder x_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 784)) is_training_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, shape=(), name='is_training') z_dims = args.z_dims if args.latent == 'euc' else args.z_dims + 1 activation = {'elu': tf.nn.elu, 'tanh': tf.nn.tanh}[args.ae_activation] if args.implicit: x1 = tf.tile(x_ph, [args.n_particles, 1]) model_cls = models.ImplicitAE model = model_cls(x=x1, h_dim=args.h_dims, z_dim=z_dims, eps_dim=args.eps_dims, latent_space=args.latent, ae_activation=args.ae_activation, energy_activation=args.energy_activation, rescale_sph_latent=args.rescale_sph_latent, observation=args.observation, gan=(args.model == 'wae-gan'), is_training_ph=is_training_ph) optimizer = { 'vae': optimizers.ImplicitVAE, 'wae': optimizers.ImplicitWAE, 'wae-gan': optimizers.GanWAE, 'wae-mmd': optimizers.MMDWAE, }[args.model](model, args) ais_method = args.ais_method if args.latent == 'euc' else 'riem_ld' log_lh_sym = log_lh_ais(model, optimizer, ais_method) else: assert not args.model.startswith('wae') dist = {'euc': 'normal', 'sph': 'vmf'}[args.latent] model = models.ExplicitAE(x=x_ph, h_dim=args.h_dims, z_dim=z_dims, distribution=dist, rescale_sph_latent=args.rescale_sph_latent) optimizer = optimizers.ExplicitVAE(model, args) log_lh_lb_sym = log_likelihood(model, optimizer, n=1000) ais_method = args.ais_method if args.latent == 'euc' else 'riem_ld' log_lh_sym = log_lh_ais(model, optimizer, ais_method) # === FOR VIS === if args.latent == 'euc': dist_pz = tf.distributions.Normal(tf.zeros_like(model.z), tf.ones_like(model.z)) pz_sample = dist_pz.sample() elif args.latent == 'sph': dist_pz = HypersphericalUniform(model.z_dim - 1, dtype=model.x.dtype) pz_sample = dist_pz.sample([tf.shape(model.z)[0]]) x_sample_sym = tf.nn.sigmoid(model._decoder(pz_sample)) config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True sess = tf.Session(config=config) saver = tfv1.train.Saver(keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours=2, max_to_keep=2) print(args) with LogContext(args.n_iter // 100, logdir=args.dir, tfsummary=True) as ctx: for i in ctx: for j in range(100): # training x_mb, _ = mnist.train.next_batch(args.batch_size) if args.observation != 'normal': x_mb = (x_mb > np.random.random(size=x_mb.shape)).astype( np.float32) optimizer.step(sess, {x_ph: x_mb, is_training_ph: True}) # plot validation x_mb = val_images if args.observation != 'normal': x_mb = (x_mb > np.random.random(size=x_mb.shape)).astype( np.float32) to_log ={**optimizer.print}, { x_ph: x_mb, is_training_ph: False }) ctx.log_scalars(to_log, list(to_log)) if i % 80 == 0 and i > 0: if not args.implicit: idcs = np.arange(x_mb.shape[0]) np.random.shuffle(idcs) idcs = idcs[:48] loglh_val =, { model.x: x_mb[idcs], is_training_ph: False }) to_log.update({ 'log_lh_mean': np.mean(loglh_val), 'log_lh_sd': np.std(loglh_val) / (idcs.shape[0]**0.5) }) if args.do_fid: sample_images = x_sample_sym, { model.x: np.zeros_like( val_images[:10000]).astype('f'), is_training_ph: False }) fid_score = compute_fid(sample_images) to_log['fid'] = fid_score print(i, to_log) if (i * 100) % args.save_every == 0 and args.save_every > 0:, os.path.join(args.dir, 'model'), global_step=i) print('Model saved') print('Test/validation:') test_images = val_images sample_images = x_sample_sym, { model.x: np.zeros_like(val_images[:10000]).astype('f'), is_training_ph: False }) im_tiled = tile_images(sample_images[:100].reshape((100, 28, 28))) save_image(os.path.join(args.dir, 'sampled.png'), im_tiled) if args.do_fid: fid_score = compute_fid(sample_images) print('FID SCORE =', fid_score) return if not args.implicit: x_mb = val_images if args.observation != 'normal': # dynamic binarization x_mb = (x_mb > np.random.random(size=x_mb.shape)).astype( np.float32) print_ = {**optimizer.print} print_['LL'] = log_lh_lb_sym print(, {model.x: x_mb, is_training_ph: False})) lsum = 0 lden = 0 idc = np.arange(test_images.shape[0]) np.random.shuffle(idc) test_images = test_images[idc] with LogContext(test_images.shape[0] // args.batch_size) as ctx: for j in ctx: ti = test_images[j * args.batch_size:(j + 1) * args.batch_size] if args.observation != 'normal': ti = (ti > np.random.random(size=ti.shape)).astype(np.float32) lhs =, {model.x: ti, is_training_ph: False}) lsum += lhs.mean() * ti.shape[0] lden += ti.shape[0] if j % 10 == 0: ctx.log_scalars({'avg': lsum / lden}, ['avg']) print('AIS lb = {}'.format(lsum / lden))
from utils import tile_images, save_image import os, sys import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt dir_ = sys.argv[1] ims = [] for j in range(100): im = plt.imread(os.path.join(dir_, '{}.png'.format(j))) ims.append(im) ims = np.array(ims) save_image(os.path.join(dir_, 'all.png'), tile_images(ims))