def visualize_hidden(self,threshold,bounds): print '\nSaving hidden layer filters...\n' #Visualizing 1st hidden layer f_name = 'my_filter_layer_0.png' im_side = sqrt(self.i_size) im_count = int(sqrt(self.h_sizes[0])) image = Image.fromarray(tile_raster_images( X=self.sa_layers[0].W1.get_value(borrow=True).T, img_shape=(im_side, im_side), tile_shape=(im_count, im_count), tile_spacing=(1, 1))) index = T.lscalar('index') max_inputs =[] #Higher level hidden layers for i in xrange(1,self.n_layers): print "Calculating features for higher layers\n" inp = 1e-8 + np.random.random_sample((self.i_size,))*0.05 inp = np.asarray(inp,dtype=config.floatX) input = shared(value=inp, name='input',borrow=True) max_ins = self.nlopt_optimization(input,threshold,bounds,i) f_name = 'my_filter_layer_'+str(i)+'.png' im_side = sqrt(self.i_size) im_count = int(sqrt(self.h_sizes[i])) image = Image.fromarray(tile_raster_images( X=max_ins, img_shape=(im_side, im_side), tile_shape=(im_count, im_count), tile_spacing=(1, 1)))
def test(Weights, counter, ext, channel=1): """this is an utility that takes weights and plot there feature as image""" tile_shape = (10, 10) image_resize_shape = (2, 2) if channel == 1: img = tile_raster_images( X=Weights.T, img_shape=(window_size, window_size), tile_shape=tile_shape, tile_spacing=(1, 1) ) newimg = np.zeros((img.shape[0] * image_resize_shape[0], img.shape[1] * image_resize_shape[1])) for i in xrange(img.shape[0]): for j in xrange(img.shape[1]): newimg[ i * image_resize_shape[0] : (i + 1) * image_resize_shape[0], j * image_resize_shape[1] : (j + 1) * image_resize_shape[1], ] = img[i][j] * np.ones(image_resize_shape) cv2.imwrite("tmp/" + str(counter) + "_" + ext + ".jpg", newimg) else: tile = Weights.shape[0] / channel i = 0 temp = ( Weights.T[:, tile * i : (i + 1) * tile], Weights.T[:, (i + 1) * tile : (i + 2) * tile], Weights.T[:, (i + 2) * tile : tile * (i + 3)], ) img = tile_raster_images( X=temp, img_shape=(window_size, window_size), tile_shape=tile_shape, tile_spacing=(1, 1) ) newimg = cv2.resize(img, (img.shape[0] * image_resize_shape[0], img.shape[1] * image_resize_shape[1])) cv2.imwrite("tmp/" + str(counter) + "_" + ext + ".jpg", newimg)
def test_autos_l2(corruption=0): #load data dataset='mnist.pkl.gz' datasets = load_data(dataset) train_set_x, train_set_y = datasets[0] valid_set_x,valid_set_y = datasets[1] #test against validation set n_hiddens = [10,25,50,100] x = T.matrix('x') rng = numpy.random.RandomState(123) theano_rng = RandomStreams(rng.randint(2 ** 30)) for n_hidden in n_hiddens: #load model da = dA(numpy_rng = rng, theano_rng = theano_rng, input=x, n_visible=28*28, n_hidden=n_hidden) da.load(open('../data/dA_l2/dA_l2_nhid'+str(n_hidden)+'_corr'+str(corruption)+'.p','r')) reconstructed = da.get_reconstructed_input(input=valid_set_x) image = Image.fromarray(tile_raster_images(X=reconstructed.eval(),img_shape=(28, 28), tile_shape=(10, 10),tile_spacing=(1, 1)))'../data/dA_l2/pics/dAs_reconstructed_nhid'+str(da.n_hidden)+'_corr'+str(corruption)+'.png') image = Image.fromarray(tile_raster_images(X=valid_set_x.get_value(),img_shape=(28, 28), tile_shape=(10, 10),tile_spacing=(1, 1)))'../data/dA_l2/pics/original.png')
def test(dataset = 'mnist.pkl.gz', output_folder = 'plots'): datasets = load_data(dataset) train_set_x, train_set_y = datasets[0] if not os.path.isdir(output_folder): os.makedirs(output_folder) os.chdir(output_folder) rng = numpy.random.RandomState(123) theano_rng = RandomStreams(rng.randint(2 ** 30)) input = T.matrix('input') output = get_corrupted_input_gaussian(theano_rng = theano_rng, input = input) corrupt = theano.function([input], output) mnist_noise = corrupt(train_set_x.get_value(borrow = True)) mnist_noise = theano.shared(value=mnist_noise, name='mnist_noise', borrow = True) # print train_set_x.get_value(borrow=True)[0] # print mnist_noise.get_value(borrow=True)[0] image_clean = Image.fromarray(tile_raster_images(X = train_set_x.get_value(borrow = True), img_shape=(28, 28), tile_shape=(1, 6), tile_spacing=(1,1)))'clean_6.png') image_noise = Image.fromarray(tile_raster_images(X = mnist_noise.get_value(borrow = True), img_shape=(28, 28), tile_shape=(1, 6), tile_spacing=(1,1)))'noise_6.png') print 'Done!'
def main(): mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("MNIST_data/", one_hot=True) trX, trY, teX, teY = mnist.train.images, mnist.train.labels, mnist.test.images,\ mnist.test.labels img = Image.fromarray(tile_raster_images(X=trX[1:2], img_shape=( 28, 28), tile_shape=(1, 1), tile_spacing=(1, 1))) plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (2.0, 2.0) imgplot = plt.imshow(img) imgplot.set_cmap('gray') # trX = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0]] # trX = np.asarray(trX) # print(trX.shape[1]) rbm = RBM(trX.shape[1], 500) rbm.train(trX, debug=True) # Saving weights and biases rbm.save_weights(0) rbm.save_biases(0) out = rbm.rbm_output(trX[1:2], debug=True) v1 = rbm.backward_pass(out, rbm.w, rbm.vb) with tf.Session() as sess: feed = out =, feed_dict={out: feed}) img = Image.fromarray(tile_raster_images(X=out, img_shape=( 28, 28), tile_shape=(1, 1), tile_spacing=(1, 1))) plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (2.0, 2.0) imgplot = plt.imshow(img) imgplot.set_cmap('gray')
def visualize_examples_supervised(dataset): patches = dataset[0] labels = dataset[1] ps = np.sqrt(np.shape(patches)[1]) posIndices = np.nonzero(labels) negIndices = np.nonzero(1 - labels) imagePos = PIL.Image.fromarray( tile_raster_images(X=patches[posIndices], img_shape=(ps, ps), tile_shape=(10, 10), tile_spacing=(1, 1))) imageNeg = PIL.Image.fromarray( tile_raster_images(X=patches[negIndices], img_shape=(ps, ps), tile_shape=(10, 10), tile_spacing=(1, 1))) plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) plt.imshow(imagePos) plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) plt.imshow(imageNeg)
def visualize_hidden(self,threshold,bounds): print '\nSaving hidden layer filters...\n' #Visualizing 1st hidden layer f_name = 'my_filter_layer_0.png' im_count = int(sqrt(self.h_sizes[0])) image = Image.fromarray(tile_raster_images( X=self.sa_layers[0].W1.get_value(borrow=True).T, img_shape=(self.i_width, self.i_height), tile_shape=(im_count, im_count), tile_spacing=(1, 1))) index = T.lscalar('index') max_inputs =[] #Higher level hidden layers for i in xrange(1,self.n_layers): print "Calculating features for higher layers\n" inp = np.random.random_sample((self.i_size,))*0.02 inp = np.asarray(inp,dtype=config.floatX) input = shared(value=inp, name='input',borrow=True) max_ins = self.theano_max_activations(input,threshold,i,0.2) f_name = 'my_filter_layer_'+str(i)+'.png' im_count = int(sqrt(self.h_sizes[i])) image = Image.fromarray(tile_raster_images( X=max_ins, img_shape=(self.i_width, self.i_height), tile_shape=(im_count, im_count), tile_spacing=(1, 1)))
def test(Weights, counter, ext, channel=1): """this is an utility that takes weights and plot there feature as image""" tile_shape = (8, 8) image_resize_shape = (10, 10) img_shape = (window_size, window_size) newimg = None if channel == 1: img = tile_raster_images(X=Weights.T, img_shape=img_shape, tile_shape=tile_shape, tile_spacing=(1, 1)) newimg = np.zeros((img.shape[0]*image_resize_shape[0], img.shape[1]*image_resize_shape[1])) for i in xrange(img.shape[0]): for j in xrange(img.shape[1]): newimg[i*image_resize_shape[0]:(i+1)*image_resize_shape[0], j*image_resize_shape[1]:(j+1)*image_resize_shape[1]] = img[i][j] * np.ones(image_resize_shape) cv2.imwrite('tmp/'+str(counter)+'_'+ext+'.jpg', newimg) elif channel == 3: tile = Weights.shape[0] / channel i = 0 temp = (Weights.T[:, tile*i:(i+1)*tile], Weights.T[:, (i+1)*tile:(i+2)*tile], Weights.T[:, (i+2)*tile:tile*(i+3)]) img = tile_raster_images(X=temp, img_shape=img_shape, tile_shape=tile_shape, tile_spacing=(1, 1)) newimg = cv2.resize(img, (img.shape[0] * image_resize_shape[0],img.shape[1] * image_resize_shape[1])) cv2.imwrite('tmp/'+str(counter)+'_'+ext+'.jpg', newimg) else: temp = [] Weights = Weights.reshape((window_size*window_size, 64, 64)) for k in xrange(Weights.shape[1]): img = tile_raster_images(X=Weights[:,k, :].T, img_shape=img_shape, tile_shape=tile_shape, tile_spacing=(1, 1)) newimg = np.zeros((img.shape[0]*image_resize_shape[0], img.shape[1]*image_resize_shape[1])) for i in xrange(img.shape[0]): for j in xrange(img.shape[1]): newimg[i*image_resize_shape[0]:(i+1)*image_resize_shape[0], j*image_resize_shape[1]:(j+1)*image_resize_shape[1]] = img[i][j] * np.ones(image_resize_shape) temp.append(newimg) result = np.mean(temp, axis=0) cv2.imwrite('tmp/'+str(k)+'_'+str(counter)+'_'+ext+'.jpg', result)
def Find_plankton(model_name="plankton_conv_visualize_model.pkl.params"): """ Find plankton that activates the given layers most """ which_layer = 2 import plankton_vis1 samples = plankton_vis1.loadSamplePlanktons(numSamples=3000) print 'Dimension of Samples', np.shape(samples) Net = DeConvNet(model_name) #kernel_list = [ 2,23,60,12,45,9 ] kernel_list = range(48,64) num_of_maximum = 9 Heaps = findmaxactivation( Net, samples, num_of_maximum, kernel_list, which_layer=which_layer) bigbigmap = None # what is this? for kernel_index in Heaps: print 'dealing with',kernel_index,'th kernel' heap = Heaps[kernel_index] this_sams = [] this_Deconv = [] for pairs in heap: this_sam = pairs.sam this_sams.append( this_sam.reshape([NUM_C,MAX_PIXEL,MAX_PIXEL]) ) this_Deconv.append( Net.DeConv( this_sam, kernel_index, which_layer=which_layer ).reshape([NUM_C,MAX_PIXEL,MAX_PIXEL]) ) this_sams = np.array( this_sams ) this_sams = np.transpose( this_sams, [ 1, 0, 2, 3 ]) this_sams = this_sams.reshape( [ NUM_C, 9, MAX_PIXEL*MAX_PIXEL ]) this_sams = tuple( [ this_sams[0] for i in xrange(3)] + [None] ) this_Deconv = np.array( this_Deconv ) this_Deconv = np.transpose( this_Deconv, [ 1, 0, 2, 3 ]) this_Deconv = this_Deconv.reshape( [ NUM_C, num_of_maximum, MAX_PIXEL*MAX_PIXEL ]) this_Deconv = tuple( [ this_Deconv[0] for i in xrange(3)] + [None] ) this_map = tile_raster_images( this_sams, img_shape = (MAX_PIXEL,MAX_PIXEL), tile_shape = (3,3), tile_spacing=(1, 1), scale_rows_to_unit_interval=True, output_pixel_vals=True) this_Deconv = tile_raster_images( this_Deconv, img_shape = (MAX_PIXEL,MAX_PIXEL), tile_shape = (3,3), tile_spacing=(1, 1), scale_rows_to_unit_interval=True, output_pixel_vals=True) this_pairmap = np.append( this_map, this_Deconv, axis = 0) if bigbigmap == None: bigbigmap = this_pairmap segment_line = 255*np.ones([bigbigmap.shape[0],1,4],dtype='uint8') else: bigbigmap = np.append(bigbigmap, segment_line, axis = 1) bigbigmap = np.append(bigbigmap, this_pairmap, axis = 1) plt.imshow(bigbigmap)
def Find_cifa_10(): """ balabala """ which_layer = 2 ''' -------------- ''' sam_file = open('SubSet1000.pkl', 'r') samples = cPickle.load( sam_file ) sam_file.close() print 'Dimension of Samples', np.shape(samples) Net = DeConvNet() #kernel_list = [ 2,23,60,12,45,9 ] kernel_list = [0,5,10,15] Heaps = findmaxactivation( Net, samples, 9, kernel_list, which_layer=which_layer) bigbigmap = None # what is this? for kernel_index in Heaps: print 'dealing with',kernel_index,'th kernel' heap = Heaps[kernel_index] this_sams = [] this_Deconv = [] for pairs in heap: this_sam = pairs.sam this_sams.append( this_sam.reshape([3,32,32]) ) this_Deconv.append( Net.DeConv( this_sam, kernel_index, which_layer=which_layer ).reshape([3,32,32]) ) this_sams = np.array( this_sams ) this_sams = np.transpose( this_sams, [ 1, 0, 2, 3 ]) this_sams = this_sams.reshape( [ 3, 9, 32*32 ]) this_sams = tuple( [ this_sams[i] for i in xrange(3)] + [None] ) this_Deconv = np.array( this_Deconv ) this_Deconv = np.transpose( this_Deconv, [ 1, 0, 2, 3 ]) this_Deconv = this_Deconv.reshape( [ 3, 9, 32*32 ]) this_Deconv = tuple( [ this_Deconv[i] for i in xrange(3)] + [None] ) this_map = tile_raster_images( this_sams, img_shape = (32,32), tile_shape = (3,3), tile_spacing=(1, 1), scale_rows_to_unit_interval=True, output_pixel_vals=True) this_Deconv = tile_raster_images( this_Deconv, img_shape = (32,32), tile_shape = (3,3), tile_spacing=(1, 1), scale_rows_to_unit_interval=True, output_pixel_vals=True) this_pairmap = np.append( this_map, this_Deconv, axis = 0) if bigbigmap == None: bigbigmap = this_pairmap segment_line = 255*np.ones([bigbigmap.shape[0],1,4],dtype='uint8') else: bigbigmap = np.append(bigbigmap, segment_line, axis = 1) bigbigmap = np.append(bigbigmap, this_pairmap, axis = 1) plt.imshow(bigbigmap)
def Find_cifa_10(): """ balabala """ sam_file = open('SubSet1000.pkl', 'r') samples = cPickle.load( sam_file ) sam_file.close() Net = DeConvNet() kernel_list = [ 2,23,60,12,45,9 ] Heaps = findmaxactivation( Net, samples, 9, kernel_list ) bigbigmap = None for kernel_index in Heaps: print 'dealing with',kernel_index,'th kernel' heap = Heaps[kernel_index] this_sams = [] this_Deconv = [] for pairs in heap: this_sam = pairs.sam this_sams.append( this_sam.reshape([3,32,32]) ) this_Deconv.append( Net.DeConv( this_sam, kernel_index ).reshape([3,32,32]) ) this_sams = np.array( this_sams ) this_sams = np.transpose( this_sams, [ 1, 0, 2, 3 ]) this_sams = this_sams.reshape( [ 3, 9, 32*32 ]) this_sams = tuple( [ this_sams[i] for i in xrange(3)] + [None] ) this_Deconv = np.array( this_Deconv ) this_Deconv = np.transpose( this_Deconv, [ 1, 0, 2, 3 ]) this_Deconv = this_Deconv.reshape( [ 3, 9, 32*32 ]) this_Deconv = tuple( [ this_Deconv[i] for i in xrange(3)] + [None] ) this_map = tile_raster_images( this_sams, img_shape = (32,32), tile_shape = (3,3), tile_spacing=(1, 1), scale_rows_to_unit_interval=True, output_pixel_vals=True) this_Deconv = tile_raster_images( this_Deconv, img_shape = (32,32), tile_shape = (3,3), tile_spacing=(1, 1), scale_rows_to_unit_interval=True, output_pixel_vals=True) this_pairmap = np.append( this_map, this_Deconv, axis = 0) if bigbigmap == None: bigbigmap = this_pairmap segment_line = 255*np.ones([bigbigmap.shape[0],1,4],dtype='uint8') else: bigbigmap = np.append(bigbigmap, segment_line, axis = 1) bigbigmap = np.append(bigbigmap, this_pairmap, axis = 1) plt.imshow(bigbigmap)
def main(): if not os.path.exists('rbm_vis'): os.makedirs('rbm_vis') batch_size = 20 train_set, test_set, val_set = load_data() test_x, test_y = test_set test_idx = np.where(test_y == 2)[0] test_sub_set = test_x[test_idx] train_x, train_y = train_set train_idx = np.where(train_y == 2)[0] train_sub_set = train_x[train_idx] rbm = RBM( n_visible= 28 * 28, n_hidden=100, input=train_sub_set, lr=0.5, b_size=batch_size ) epoches = 20 for i in range(epoches): w, b, a = rbm.compute_updates() img = Image.fromarray(utils.tile_raster_images(w.T, img_shape=(28, 28), tile_shape=(10, 10), tile_spacing=(1, 1)))'rbm_vis/filter_eapoch_{}.png'.format(i)) # test phase random_idx = numpy.random.choice(range(len(test_sub_set))) random_smpl = test_sub_set[random_idx] corr_random_smpl = copy.deepcopy(random_smpl) corr_random_smpl[:392] = 0 # reshape test_itm = test_sub_set[random_idx].reshape((1,-1)) visible_p = corr_random_smpl.reshape((1,-1)) v2_sample = rbm.reconstruct_visible([corr_random_smpl]) before_after = np.concatenate((test_itm, visible_p, v2_sample), axis=0) reconstruct = Image.fromarray(utils.tile_raster_images(before_after, img_shape=(28, 28), tile_shape=(1, 3), tile_spacing=(1, 1)))'rbm_vis/reconst_eapoch_{}.png'.format(i)) print('finished eapoch {}'.format(i))
def Plot_EXP_RF(self, layer=0): Exp_RF =[layer]) spike_sum = np.sum([layer], axis=0, dtype='f') Exp_RF = / spike_sum)) im_size, num_dict = Exp_RF.shape side = int(np.round(np.sqrt(im_size))) im_rows = int(np.sqrt(num_dict)) if im_rows**2 < num_dict: im_cols = im_rows + 1 else: im_cols = im_rows OC = num_dict / im_size img = tile_raster_images(Exp_RF.T, img_shape=(side, side), tile_shape=(im_rows, im_cols), tile_spacing=(1, 1), scale_rows_to_unit_interval=True, output_pixel_vals=True) fig = plt.figure() plt.title('Experimental Receptive Fields Layer ' + str(layer)) plt.axis('off') plt.imsave( + '/Images/RFs/Exp_RF_' + str(layer) + '.png', img, plt.close(fig)
def visualise_weight(self, rbm, image_name): assert rbm.associative if rbm.v_n in [784, 625, 2500, 5000]: plotting_start = time.clock() # Measure plotting time w = rbm.W.get_value(borrow=True).T u = rbm.U.get_value(borrow=True).T weight = np.hstack((w, u)) tile_shape = (rbm.h_n / 10 + 1, 10) image = Image.fromarray( utils.tile_raster_images( X=weight, img_shape=(self.img_shape[0] *2, self.img_shape[1]), tile_shape=tile_shape, tile_spacing=(1, 1) ) ) plotting_end = time.clock() return plotting_end - plotting_start return 0
def visualize_filters(self): W = self.W.eval() patchSize = np.sqrt(W.shape[0]) return tile_raster_images(X=W.T, img_shape=(patchSize, patchSize), tile_shape=(20,20), tile_spacing=(0, 0), scale_rows_to_unit_interval=True, output_pixel_vals=True)
def display(M, side_i, side_t): image = Image.fromarray( tile_raster_images(M, img_shape=(side_i, side_i), tile_shape=(side_t, side_t), tile_spacing=(2, 2)))
def Plot_RF(self, network_Q=None, layer=0, filenum=''): if network_Q != None: Q = network_Q[layer].get_value() filenum = str(filenum) function = '' else: Q =[layer] function = im_size, num_dict = Q.shape side = int(np.round(np.sqrt(im_size))) im_rows = int(np.sqrt(num_dict)) if im_rows**2 < num_dict: im_cols = im_rows+1 else: im_cols = im_rows OC = num_dict/im_size img = tile_raster_images(Q.T, img_shape=(side, side), tile_shape=(im_rows, im_cols), tile_spacing=(1, 1), scale_rows_to_unit_interval=True, output_pixel_vals=True) fig = plt.figure() plt.title('Receptive Fields' + filenum) plt.axis('off') plt.imsave( + '/Images/RFs/Receptive_Fields'+function+filenum+'.png', img, plt.close(fig)
def train_da(da, index, x, train_set_x, fig = 'filters_corruption_30.png', corruption_level = 0.3, learning_rate = 0.1, training_epochs = 15, batch_size=20): cost, updates = da.get_cost_updates(corruption_level = corruption_level, learning_rate = learning_rate) train_da = theano.function([index], cost, updates = updates, givens = {x : train_set_x[index * batch_size : (index + 1) * batch_size]}) n_train_batches = train_set_x.get_value(borrow=True).shape[0] / batch_size start_time = timeit.default_timer() for epoch in xrange(training_epochs): c = [] for batch_index in xrange(n_train_batches): c.append(train_da(batch_index)) print 'train epoch %d cost' %epoch, numpy.mean(c) end_time = timeit.default_timer() print 'train time %.2f m' %((end_time - start_time) / 60) img_size = numpy.ceil( numpy.sqrt( da.W.get_value(borrow = True).shape[0])) image = Image.fromarray(tile_raster_images( X=da.W.get_value(borrow=True).T, img_shape=(img_size, img_size), tile_shape=(10, 10), tile_spacing=(1, 1))) + fig) return (end_time - start_time)
def sample(self, input=None, n_chains=20, n_samples=10): number_of_test_samples = input.get_value(borrow=True).shape[0] test_idx = self.numpy_rng.randint(number_of_test_samples - n_chains) persistent_vis_chain = theano.shared( np.asarray(input.get_value(borrow=True)[test_idx:test_idx + n_chains], dtype=theano.config.floatX)) plot_every = 1000 ([presig_hids,hid_mfs,hid_samples,presig_vis,vis_mfs,vis_samples],updates) = \ theano.scan(self.gibbs_vhv,outputs_info=[None, None, None, None, None, persistent_vis_chain],n_steps=plot_every,name="gibbs_vhv") updates.update({persistent_vis_chain: vis_samples[-1]}) sample_fn = theano.function([], [vis_mfs[-1], vis_samples[-1]], updates=updates, name='sample_fn') image_data = np.zeros((29 * n_samples + 1, 29 * n_chains - 1), dtype='uint8') for idx in range(n_samples): vis_mf, vis_sample = sample_fn() print(' ... plotting sample %d' % idx) image_data[29 * idx:29 * idx + 28, :] = tile_raster_images( X=vis_mf, img_shape=(28, 28), tile_shape=(1, n_chains), tile_spacing=(1, 1)) image = Image.fromarray(image_data)'samples.png') os.chdir('../')
def test_cA(learning_rate=0.01, training_epochs=20, dataset='../datasets/mnist.pkl.gz', batch_size=10, output_folder='cA_plots', contraction_level=.1): datasets = load_data(dataset) train_set_x, train_set_y = datasets[0] n_train_batches = train_set_x.get_value(borrow=True).shape[0] n_train_batches /= batch_size index = T.lscalar() x = T.matrix('x') if not os.path.isdir(output_folder): os.makedirs(output_folder) os.chdir(output_folder) rng = numpy.random.RandomState(123) ca = cA(numpy_rng=rng, input=x, n_visible=28 * 28, n_hidden=500, n_batchsize=batch_size) cost, updates = ca.get_cost_updates(contraction_level=contraction_level, learning_rate=learning_rate) train_ca = theano.function( [index], [T.mean(ca.L_rec), ca.L_jacob], updates=updates, givens={ x: train_set_x[index * batch_size: (index + 1) * batch_size] } ) start_time = timeit.default_timer() for epoch in xrange(training_epochs): c = [] for batch_index in xrange(n_train_batches): c.append(train_ca(batch_index)) c_array = numpy.vstack(c) print 'Training epoch %d, reconstruction cost ' % epoch, numpy.mean( c_array[0]), ' jacobian norm ', numpy.mean(numpy.sqrt(c_array[1])) end_time = timeit.default_timer() training_time = (end_time - start_time) print >> sys.stderr, ('The code for file ' + os.path.split(__file__)[1] + ' ran for %.2fm' % ((training_time) / 60.)) image = Image.fromarray(tile_raster_images( X=ca.W.get_value(borrow=True).T, img_shape=(28, 28), tile_shape=(10, 10), tile_spacing=(1, 1)))'cae_filters.png') os.chdir('../')
def visualize(best_params, best_samples, alg_name, tile_shape_sample, filter_shape=(10,10), tile_shape_J = (10,10), spacing = (1,1)): J = best_params J_inv = linalg.pinv(J) n_sample = best_samples.shape[0] save_name = '-' + 'nsamples' + str(n_sample) + '-'+ alg_name + '.png' receptive_field = utils.tile_raster_images(J.T, filter_shape,tile_shape_J, spacing) image_rf = Image.fromarray(receptive_field) rf_name = 'J' + save_name receptive_field_inv = utils.tile_raster_images(J_inv, filter_shape,tile_shape_J, spacing) image1 = Image.fromarray(receptive_field_inv) rf_inv_name = 'J_inv' + save_name samples_vis = utils.tile_raster_images(best_samples, filter_shape,tile_shape_sample, spacing) samples_vis_image = Image.fromarray(samples_vis)'representative samples.png')
def train_dA(learning_rate=0.1, training_epochs=250, batch_size=30): d = load_data_chunk() train_x, train_y = d[0] n_train_batches = train_x.get_value(borrow=True).shape[0] / batch_size index = T.lscalar() # index to a [mini]batch x = T.matrix('x') # the data is presented as rasterized images rng = numpy.random.RandomState(123) theano_rng = RandomStreams(rng.randint(2 ** 30)) image_size = train_x.get_value(borrow=True).shape[1] da = dA(numpy_rng=rng, theano_rng=theano_rng, input=x, n_visible=image_size, n_hidden=500) cost, updates = da.get_cost_updates(corruption_level=0.3, learning_rate=learning_rate) train_da = theano.function([index], cost, updates=updates, givens={x: train_x[index * batch_size:(index + 1) * batch_size]}) for epoch in xrange(training_epochs): c = [] for batch_index in xrange(n_train_batches): c.append(train_da(batch_index)) print 'Training epoch %d, cost ' % epoch, numpy.mean(c) image = PIL.Image.fromarray(tile_raster_images( X=da.W.get_value(borrow=True).T, img_shape=(IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT), tile_shape=(10, 10), tile_spacing=(1, 1)))'filters_corruption_30.png')
def show_image(path, n_w, img_shape, tile_shape): image = Image.fromarray( tile_raster_images(X=n_w.T, img_shape=img_shape, tile_shape=tile_shape, tile_spacing=(1, 1)))
def sample_DBN(): persistent_vis_chain = theano.shared( numpy.asarray(test_set_x.get_value(borrow=True)[test_idx : test_idx + n_chains], dtype=theano.config.floatX) ) plot_every = 1000 ([presig_hids, hid_mfs, hid_samples, presig_vis, vis_mfs, vis_samples], updates) = theano.scan( rbm.gibbs_vhv, outputs_info=[None, None, None, None, None, persistent_vis_chain], n_steps=plot_every ) updates.update({persistent_vis_chain: vis_samples[-1]}) sample_fn = theano.function([], [vis_mfs[-1], vis_samples[-1]], updates=updates, name="sample_fn") image_data = numpy.zeros((5 * n_samples + 1, 5 * n_chains - 1), dtype="uint8") for idx in xrange(n_samples): vis_mf, vis_sample = sample_fn() print " ... plotting sample ", idx image_data[5 * idx : 5 * idx + 4, :] = tile_raster_images( X=vis_mf, img_shape=(4, 4), tile_shape=(1, n_chains), tile_spacing=(1, 1) ) image = Image.fromarray(image_data)"samples.png") os.chdir("../")
def Plot_RF(self, network_Q=None, layer=0, filenum=''): if network_Q != None: Q = network_Q[layer].get_value() filenum = str(filenum) function = '' else: Q =[layer] function = im_size, num_dict = Q.shape side = int(np.round(np.sqrt(im_size))) im_rows = int(np.sqrt(num_dict)) if im_rows**2 < num_dict: im_cols = im_rows + 1 else: im_cols = im_rows OC = num_dict / im_size img = tile_raster_images(Q.T, img_shape=(side, side), tile_shape=(im_rows, im_cols), tile_spacing=(1, 1), scale_rows_to_unit_interval=True, output_pixel_vals=True) fig = plt.figure() plt.title('Receptive Fields' + filenum) plt.axis('off') plt.imsave( + '/Images/RFs/Receptive_Fields' + function + filenum + '.png', img, plt.close(fig)
def saveImage(self, fname): z = self.W.T if type(self.W) == np.ndarray else self.W.eval().T a = int(np.sqrt(self.inputShape)) b = int(np.sqrt(self.outputShape)) image = PIL.Image.fromarray(tile_raster_images( X=z, img_shape=(a, a), tile_shape=(b, b), tile_spacing=(1, 1)))
def save_pcd_fantasy(self, ind): image = Image.fromarray( tile_raster_images(X=self.vArr, img_shape=(28, 28), tile_shape=(25, 20), tile_spacing=(1, 1)))"pcd_fantasy_step_%d.png" % ind)
def save_weights_visual(self, ind): image = Image.fromarray( tile_raster_images(X=(self.rbm_w).T, img_shape=(28, 28), tile_shape=(25, 20), tile_spacing=(1, 1)))"rbm_%d.png" % ind)
def test_dA(learning_rate=0.1, training_epochs=15, dataset='./data/mnist.pkl.gz', batch_size=20, output_folder='dA_plots'): datasets = load_data(dataset) train_set_x, train_set_y = datasets[0] n_train_batches = train_set_x.get_value(borrow=True).shape[0] / batch_size index = T.lscalar() x = T.matrix('x') if not os.path.isdir(output_folder): os.makedirs(output_folder) os.chdir(output_folder) rng = numpy.random.RandomState(123) theano_rng = RandomStreams(rng.randint(2 ** 30)) da = dA(numpy_rng=rng, theano_rng=theano_rng, input=x, n_visible=28*28, n_hidden=500) cost, updates = da.get_cost_updates(corruption_level=0., learning_rate=learning_rate) train_da = theano.function([index], cost, updates=updates, givens={x: train_set_x[index * batch_size: (index + 1) * batch_size]}) start_time = time.clock(); # training for epoch in xrange(training_epochs): c = [] for batch_index in xrange(n_train_batches): c.append(train_da(batch_index)) print 'Training epoch %d, cost ' % epoch, numpy.mean(c) end_time = time.clock() training_time = (end_time - start_time) print >> sys.stderr, ('The no corruption code for file ' + os.path.split(__file__)[1] + ' ran for %.2fm' % ((training_time) / 60.)) image = PIL.Image.fromarray( tile_raster_images(X=da.W.get_value(borrow=True).T, img_shape=(28, 28), tile_shape=(10, 10), tile_spacing=(1, 1)))'filters_corruption_0.png') # training with corruption_level is 30% ...... os.chdir('../')
def tmp(nn_, train_history): epoch = train_history[-1]['epoch'] reco = nn_.predict(data) Image.fromarray(tile_raster_images(X=reco.reshape(data.shape[0], -1), img_shape=(data.shape[2], data.shape[3]), tile_shape=(tile_size, tile_size), tile_spacing=(1, 1), scale_rows_to_unit_interval=True )).save(os.path.join(outputdir, "reco_%04d.png" % epoch))
def plot(data, Urs, Ua, dwhite): ''' plot the pictures results. ''' image = Image.fromarray( tile_raster_images( X=data[:100], img_shape=(28, 28), tile_shape=(10, 10), tile_spacing=(1, 1) ) )'original.png') image = Image.fromarray( tile_raster_images( X=dwhite[:100], img_shape=(28, 28), tile_shape=(10, 10), tile_spacing=(1, 1) ) )'whitened.png') for i in range(4): zimage = Image.fromarray( tile_raster_images( X=Urs[i][:100], img_shape=(28, 28), tile_shape=(10, 10), tile_spacing=(1, 1) ) )'reduced_k%i.png' % i) uimage = Image.fromarray( tile_raster_images( X=Ua[i][:100], img_shape=(28, 28), tile_shape=(10, 10), tile_spacing=(1, 1) ) )'reconstructed_k%i.png' % i)
def test_autoencoder(): learning_rate = 0.1 training_epochs = 30 batch_size = 20 datasets = load_data('data/mnist.pkl.gz') train_set_x = datasets[0][0] # ミニバッチの数(教師データをbatch数で割るだけ) n_train_batches = train_set_x.get_value(borrow=True).shape[0] / batch_size # ミニバッチのindexシンボル index = T.lscalar() # ミニバッチの学習データシンボル x = T.matrix('x') rng = np.random.RandomState(123) theano_rng = RandomStreams(rng.randint(2 ** 30)) # autoencoder モデル da = dA(numpy_rng=rng, theano_rng=theano_rng, input=x, n_visible=28*28, n_hidden=500) # コスト関数と更新式のシンボル cost, updates = da.get_cost_updates(corruption_level=0.0, learning_rate=learning_rate) # trainingの関数 train_da = theano.function([index], cost, updates=updates, givens={ x : train_set_x[index*batch_size : (index+1)*batch_size] }) fp = open("log/ae_cost.txt", "w") # training start_time = time.clock() for epoch in xrange(training_epochs): c = [] for batch_index in xrange(n_train_batches): c.append(train_da(batch_index)) print 'Training epoch %d, cost ' % epoch, np.mean(c) fp.write('%d\t%f\n' % (epoch, np.mean(c))) end_time = time.clock() training_time = (end_time - start_time) fp.close() print "The no corruption code for file " + os.path.split(__file__)[1] + " ran for %.2fm" % ((training_time / 60.0)) image = Image.fromarray(tile_raster_images( X=da.W.get_value(borrow=True).T, img_shape=(28, 28), tile_shape=(10, 10), tile_spacing=(1, 1)))'log/dae_filters_corruption_00.png')
def imageArray2(data,resolution,tileShape=(10,10)): try: import PIL.Image as Image except ImportError: import Image from utils import tile_raster_images image = Image.fromarray(tile_raster_images(X=self.W.get_value(borrow=True).T, img_shape=resolution, tile_shape=tileShape, tile_spacing=(1, 1))) return image
def makeImage(data,resolution,tileShape): from utils import tile_raster_images try: import PIL.Image as Image except ImportError: import Image return Image.fromarray( tile_raster_images(X=data, img_shape=resolution, tile_shape=tileShape, tile_spacing=(1, 1)))
def plot(element, dataset = 'mnist.pkl.gz'): autoencoder = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], 'autoencoder.pkl'))) if element == 'reconstructions': print('... plot reconstructions') datasets = load_data(dataset) test_set_x, test_set_y = datasets[2] rec = theano.function([autoencoder.x], autoencoder.z) image = Image.fromarray(tile_raster_images(X = rec(test_set_x[:100]), img_shape = (28, 28), tile_shape= (5, 20), tile_spacing=(1, 1)))[0], 'autoencoderrec.png')) elif element == 'repflds': print('... plot receptive fields') image = Image.fromarray(tile_raster_images(X=autoencoder.W.get_value(borrow = True).T, img_shape = (28, 28), tile_shape = (5, 20), tile_spacing=(1, 1)))[0],'autoencoderfilter.png')) else: print("dot't know how to plot %" % element) print("either use 'reconstructions' or 'repflds'") return -1
def main(): whiten = False if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '--whiten': whiten = True del sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) <= 3: print 'Usage: %s pcaDims n_hidden learningRate' % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(1) # loads data like datasets = ((train_x, train_y), ([], None), (test_x, None)) datasets = loadUpsonData('../data/upson_rovio_1/train_15_50000.pkl.gz', '../data/upson_rovio_1/test_15_50000.pkl.gz') img_dim = 15 # must match actual size of training data print 'done loading.' pcaDims = int(sys.argv[1]) pca = PCA(datasets[0][0]) # train datasets[0][0] = pca.toPC(datasets[0][0], pcaDims, whiten=whiten) # train datasets[1][0] = pca.toPC( datasets[1][0], pcaDims, whiten=whiten) if len(datasets[1][0]) > 0 else array([]) # valid datasets[2][0] = pca.toPC(datasets[2][0], pcaDims, whiten=whiten) # test print 'reduced by PCA to' print('(%d, %d, %d) %d dimensional examples in (train, valid, test)' % (datasets[0][0].shape[0], datasets[1][0].shape[0], datasets[2][0].shape[0], datasets[0][0].shape[1])) # plot mean and principle components image = Image.fromarray( tile_raster_images(X=pca.meanAndPc(pcaDims).T, img_shape=(img_dim, img_dim), tile_shape=(10, 10), tile_spacing=(1, 1))), 'meanAndPc.png')) # plot fractional stddev in PCA dimensions pyplot.semilogy(pca.fracStd, 'bo-') if pcaDims is not None: pyplot.axvline(pcaDims) pyplot.savefig(os.path.join(resman.rundir, 'fracStd.png')) pyplot.clf() test_rbm(datasets=datasets, training_epochs=45, img_dim=img_dim, n_input=pcaDims if pcaDims else img_dim * img_dim, n_hidden=int(sys.argv[2]), learning_rate=float(sys.argv[3]), output_dir=resman.rundir, quickHack=False, visibleModel='real', initWfactor=.01, imgPlotFunction=lambda xx: pca.fromPC(xx, unwhiten=whiten))
def tmp(nn_, train_history): epoch = train_history[-1]['epoch'] filter_ = lyr.W.get_value(True).T filter_ = filter_.reshape((filter_.shape[0], img_shape, img_shape, -1)) for f in xrange(filter_.shape[-1]): Image.fromarray(tile_raster_images(X=filter_[..., f].reshape((filter_.shape[0], -1)), img_shape=(img_shape, img_shape), tile_shape=(tile_size, tile_size), tile_spacing=(1, 1), scale_rows_to_unit_interval=True )).save(os.path.join(outputdir, "weights_n%04d_f%d.png" % (epoch, f)))
def tmp(nn_, train_history): epoch = train_history[-1]['epoch'] resp = get_output(lyr, data, deterministic=True).eval() tile_size = int( numpy.sqrt(resp.shape[1])) for d in xrange(resp.shape[0]): Image.fromarray(tile_raster_images(X=resp[d,...].reshape((resp.shape[1], -1)), img_shape=(resp.shape[2], resp.shape[3]), tile_shape=(tile_size, tile_size), tile_spacing=(1, 1), scale_rows_to_unit_interval=True )).save(os.path.join(outputdir, "resp_%04d_d%d.png" % (epoch,d)))
def write_patch_examples_unsupervised(datasets): patches = datasets[0][0].get_value() ps = np.sqrt(np.shape(patches)[1]) image = PIL.Image.fromarray( tile_raster_images(X=patches, img_shape=(ps, ps), tile_shape=(10, 10), tile_spacing=(1, 1)))"some_originalExamples.png") patches = datasets[0][1].get_value() ps = np.sqrt(np.shape(patches)[1]) image = PIL.Image.fromarray( tile_raster_images(X=patches, img_shape=(ps, ps), tile_shape=(10, 10), tile_spacing=(1, 1)))"some_noisyExamples.png")
def plotExamples(data, number = 9, title=""): title = title + "Example_data" print("Plotting " + title) image_size = np.floor(np.sqrt(data.shape[1])) subplot_size = int(np.floor(np.sqrt(number))) raster = tile_raster_images( X=data, img_shape=(image_size, image_size), tile_shape=(subplot_size, subplot_size), tile_spacing=(1, 1)) image = Image.fromarray(raster)"plots/" +"%Y%m%dT%H%M%S") + "_" + title + '.png')
def my_test(): datasets = load_data('../data/mnist.pkl.gz') train_set_x, train_set_y = datasets[0] image_data = numpy.zeros((29 + 1, 29 * 10 - 1), dtype='uint8') image_data[:, :, :] = tile_raster_images( X=train_set_x.get_value(borrow=True)[0:10], img_shape=(28, 28), tile_shape=(1, 10), tile_spacing=(1, 1)) image = PIL.Image.fromarray(image_data)'samples.png')
def plot_gabors(gabors): n, m = gabors.shape side = int(np.round(np.sqrt(m))) w = int(np.sqrt(n)) if w ** 2 < n: h = w + 1 else: h = w img = tile_raster_images(gabors, (side, side), (w, h), (2, 2)) plt.imshow(img, interpolation="nearest", cmap="gray")
def drawimg(da, set, dataClass, letter): y = da.get_hidden_values(set.get_value(borrow=True)) z = da.get_reconstructed_input(y) error = calcost(numpy.array(set.get_value(borrow=True)), numpy.array(z.eval())) print(letter + '_' + dataClass + ' loss = ' + str(error)) image = Image.fromarray( tile_raster_images(X=(set.get_value(borrow=True) * 500), img_shape=(28, 28), tile_shape=(10, 10), tile_spacing=(1, 1))) + '_' + letter + '.png') image = Image.fromarray( tile_raster_images(X=(z.eval() * 500), img_shape=(28, 28), tile_shape=(10, 10), tile_spacing=(1, 1))) + '_' + letter + '_predict.png')
def construct_W_image(self): # Construct image from the weight matrix f, s = largest_factors(self.n_hidden) return Image.fromarray( tile_raster_images( X=self.rbm.W.get_value(borrow=True).T, img_shape=(28, 28), tile_shape=(f, s), tile_spacing=(1, 1) ) )
def my_test(): datasets = load_data('../data/mnist.pkl.gz') train_set_x, train_set_y = datasets[0] image_data = numpy.zeros((29 + 1, 29 * 10 - 1), dtype='uint8') image_data[:,:,:] = tile_raster_images(X = train_set_x.get_value(borrow=True)[0:10], img_shape = (28,28), tile_shape = (1, 10), tile_spacing = (1, 1)) image = PIL.Image.fromarray(image_data)'samples.png')
def plot_gabors(gabors): n, m = gabors.shape side = int(np.round(np.sqrt(m))) w = int(np.sqrt(n)) if w**2 < n: h = w + 1 else: h = w img = tile_raster_images(gabors, (side, side), (w, h), (2, 2)) plt.imshow(img, interpolation='nearest', cmap='gray')
def plotExamples(data, number=9, title=""): title = title + "Example_data" print("Plotting " + title) image_size = np.floor(np.sqrt(data.shape[1])) subplot_size = int(np.floor(np.sqrt(number))) raster = tile_raster_images(X=data, img_shape=(image_size, image_size), tile_shape=(subplot_size, subplot_size), tile_spacing=(1, 1)) image = Image.fromarray(raster)"plots/" +"%Y%m%dT%H%M%S") + "_" + title + '.png')
def main(): random.seed(1) img_dim = 15 # 10, 15, ... datasets = loadUpsonData('../data/upson_rovio_1/train_%d_50000.pkl.gz' % img_dim, '../data/upson_rovio_1/test_%d_50000.pkl.gz' % img_dim) print 'done loading.' train_set_x_data, train_set_y = datasets[0] pca = PCA(train_set_x_data) print 'done PCA.' image = Image.fromarray(tile_raster_images( X = train_set_x_data, img_shape = (img_dim,img_dim),tile_shape = (10,10), tile_spacing=(1,1))), 'samplesData.png')) pyplot.figure() pyplot.subplot(221); pyplot.semilogy(pca.var); pyplot.title('pca.var') pyplot.subplot(222); pyplot.semilogy(pca.std); pyplot.title('pca.std') pyplot.subplot(223); pyplot.semilogy(pca.fracVar); pyplot.title('pca.fracVar') pyplot.subplot(224); pyplot.semilogy(pca.fracStd); pyplot.title('pca.fracStd') pyplot.savefig(os.path.join(resman.rundir, 'varstd.png')) pyplot.close() #font = ImageFont.truetype('/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-lyx/cmr10.ttf', 10) font = ImageFont.truetype('/usr/share/texmf/fonts/opentype/public/lm/lmmono12-regular.otf', 14) def plotImage(xx, filename, str = None): arr = tile_raster_images(X = xx, img_shape = (img_dim,img_dim),tile_shape = (10,10), tile_spacing=(1,1)) arrHeight = arr.shape[0] if str is not None: arr = vstack((arr, zeros((20, arr.shape[1]), dtype = arr.dtype))) image = Image.fromarray(arr) if str is not None: draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) draw.text((2, arrHeight+2), str, 255, font = font) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image), filename)) plotImage(pca.pc().T, 'pc.png') for dims in [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 225]: plotImage(pca.pcaAndBack(train_set_x_data, dims), 'samplesPCA_%03d.png' % dims, 'dims=%d' % dims) for ee, epsilon in enumerate([0, 1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2, 1e-1, 1, 2, 5]): plotImage(pca.toZca(train_set_x_data, dims, epsilon = epsilon), 'samplesZCA_%03d_%02d.png' % (dims, ee), 'dims=%d, eps=%s' % (dims, repr(epsilon)))
def visualize_features(W,W_prev,img_shape=(20,49)): # W_adjusted =,W) neurons = np.reshape(W_adjusted,(img_shape[0],img_shape[1],W_adjusted.shape[1])) image = Image.fromarray( utils.tile_raster_images(X=W_adjusted.T, img_shape=(img_shape[0],img_shape[1]), tile_shape=(10, 10), tile_spacing=(1, 1))) # plt.imshow(image) return image
def plot_filters(sess, rbm, epoch, dirn='../work'): w_T = np.transpose( image = Image.fromarray( tile_raster_images( X=w_T, # X=rbm.W.get_value(borrow=True).T, img_shape=(28, 28), tile_shape=(10, 10), tile_spacing=(1, 1))) fname = 'filters_at_epoch_{}.png'.format(epoch) path = os.path.join(dirn, fname)
def filter_visualize_color(params): a = open(params,'rb') temp = cPickle.load(a) w1_c01b = temp[0] w1_bc01 = numpy.rollaxis(w1_c01b,3,0) w1_shape = w1_bc01.shape x = w1_bc01.reshape((w1_shape[0],3,w1_shape[2]*w1_shape[3])) x0 = x[:,0,:] x1 = x[:,1,:] x2 = x[:,2,:] image = PIL.Image.fromarray(tile_raster_images(X=(x0,x1,x2,None),img_shape=(w1_shape[2],w1_shape[3]),tile_shape=(w1_shape[0]/8,8),tile_spacing=(1,1)))'filters.png')
def test_autos_l2(corruption=0): #load data dataset = 'mnist.pkl.gz' datasets = load_data(dataset) train_set_x, train_set_y = datasets[0] valid_set_x, valid_set_y = datasets[1] #test against validation set n_hiddens = [10, 25, 50, 100] x = T.matrix('x') rng = numpy.random.RandomState(123) theano_rng = RandomStreams(rng.randint(2**30)) for n_hidden in n_hiddens: #load model da = dA(numpy_rng=rng, theano_rng=theano_rng, input=x, n_visible=28 * 28, n_hidden=n_hidden) da.load( open( '../data/dA_l2/dA_l2_nhid' + str(n_hidden) + '_corr' + str(corruption) + '.p', 'r')) reconstructed = da.get_reconstructed_input(input=valid_set_x) image = Image.fromarray( tile_raster_images(X=reconstructed.eval(), img_shape=(28, 28), tile_shape=(10, 10), tile_spacing=(1, 1)))'../data/dA_l2/pics/dAs_reconstructed_nhid' + str(da.n_hidden) + '_corr' + str(corruption) + '.png') image = Image.fromarray( tile_raster_images(X=valid_set_x.get_value(), img_shape=(28, 28), tile_shape=(10, 10), tile_spacing=(1, 1)))'../data/dA_l2/pics/original.png')
def main(): print '... loading dataset' from toolbox import CostMatrixGenerator, MNISTLoader, class_to_example loader = MNISTLoader('/home/syang100/datasets') train_set, test_set = loader.mnist() train_set_x, train_set_y = train_set test_set_x, test_set_y = test_set cmg = CostMatrixGenerator(train_set_y, 10) cost_mat = cmg.general() train_set_c = class_to_example(train_set_y, cost_mat) test_set_c = class_to_example(test_set_y, cost_mat) # model parameters # rng_num = np.random.randint(100000) rng = np.random.RandomState(123) hidden_layer_sizes = [500] # pretraining parameters pretrain_epochs = 15 pretrain_learning_rate = 0.1 pretrain_batch_size = 20 corruption_levels = [0.25] balance_coefs = [100.] # finetuneing parameters finetune_epochs = 0 finetune_learning_rate = 0.001 finetune_batch_size = 1 reg = CSDNN(numpy_rng=rng, n_in=28 * 28, hidden_layer_sizes=hidden_layer_sizes, n_out=10) print '... pre-training model' reg.pretrain(train_set=[train_set_x, train_set_y, train_set_c], n_epochs=pretrain_epochs, learning_rate=pretrain_learning_rate, batch_size=pretrain_batch_size, corruption_levels=corruption_levels, balance_coefs=balance_coefs) image = Image.fromarray( tile_raster_images(X=reg.cA_layers[0].W.get_value(borrow=True).T, img_shape=(28, 28), tile_shape=(10, 10), tile_spacing=(1, 1)))'filters_7.png') """
def visualise_reconstructions(orig, reconstructions, img_shape, plot_n=None, img_name='reconstruction'): k = len(reconstructions) assert k > 0 if plot_n: data_size = min(plot_n, orig.shape[0]) else: data_size = orig.shape[0] if orig.shape[1] in [784, 625, 1250, 784*2, 2500, 5000]: nrow, ncol = img_shape image_data = np.zeros( ((nrow+1) * (k+1) + 1, (ncol+1) * data_size - 1), dtype='uint8' ) # Original images image_data[0:nrow, :] = utils.tile_raster_images( X=orig, img_shape=img_shape, tile_shape=(1, data_size), tile_spacing=(1, 1) ) # Generate image by plotting the sample from the chain for i in xrange(1, k+1): # print ' ... plotting sample ', i idx = (nrow+1) * i image_data[idx:(idx+nrow), :] = utils.tile_raster_images( X=(reconstructions[i-1]), img_shape=img_shape, tile_shape=(1, data_size), tile_spacing=(1, 1) ) # construct image image = Image.fromarray(image_data) + '_{}.png'.format(k))
def save_weights(model, epoch): if epoch % 5 != 0: return tile_j = int(numpy.ceil(numpy.sqrt(model.n_hiddens))) tile_i = int(numpy.ceil(float(model.n_hiddens) / tile_j)) W = (model.W.T) image = PIL.Image.fromarray(tile_raster_images( X = W, img_shape = (31, 39), tile_shape = (tile_j, tile_i), tile_spacing=(1,1)))'weights_%d.png' % epoch)