Example #1
    def __init__(self, name, value, collection_time=None,
                 ttl_seconds=None, unit=None):
        Inits the datapoint
        @param name - String name of the metric
        @param value - Value of the metric
        @param collection_time - Time of collection
        @param ttl_seconds - Number of seconds for datapoint to live
        @param unit - String unit of the metric
        self['metricValue'] = value
        self['metricName'] = name

        if collection_time is None:
            self.logger.debug("No collection time provided. Generating now")
            collection_time = utils.time_in_ms()
        self['collectionTime'] = collection_time

        # Set ttl
        if not ttl_seconds:
            ttl_seconds = 60 * 60 * 24 * 180
        ttl_seconds = max(ttl_seconds, 0)
        self['ttlInSeconds'] = ttl_seconds

        # Set units
        if unit:
            self['unit'] = unit
        self.logger.debug("Created datapoint:\n%s" % pprint.pformat(self))
Example #2
from client import Blueflood, Datapoint
from utils import time_in_ms
import pprint

auth_url = 'https://identity.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2.0/'
apikey = '0e688a460988337e0e759524a2ccfc33'
username = '******'

client = Blueflood(auth_url=auth_url, apikey=apikey, username="******")

point = {
    'collectionTime': 1442262994835,
    'metricName': 'james.test.number',
    'metricValue': 55,
    'ttlInSeconds': 3600

#point = Datapoint('intel.suda-devstack-dfw.Threads_created', 55, collection_time=1442262994835, ttl_seconds=3600)
print "Ingesting"

print "Getting"
resp = client.get_metrics(0, time_in_ms(), ['james.test.number'], points=100)