def get_employee(self, employee_id, field_list=None): """ API method for returning a single employee based on employee id. @param employee_id: String of the employee id. @param field_list: List of fields to return with the employee dictionary. @return: A dictionary containing employee information from the specified field list. """ get_fields = [] field_list = [utils.underscore_to_camelcase(field) for field in field_list] if field_list else None if field_list: for f in field_list: get_fields.append(f) else: for field in self.employee_fields: get_fields.append(field) payload = { 'fields': ",".join(get_fields) } url = self.base_url + "employees/{0}".format(employee_id) r = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers, params=payload, auth=(self.api_key, 'x')) r.raise_for_status() employee = r.json() if self.underscore_keys: employee = utils.underscore_keys(employee) return employee
def request_custom_report(self, field_list, report_format='xls', title="My Custom Report", output_filename=None): """ API method for returning a custom report by field list. Success Response: 200 The report will be generated in the requested format. The HTTP Content-type header will be set with the mime type for the response. @param fields: List of report fields @param report_format: String of the format to receive the report. (csv, pdf, xls, xml) @param output_filename: String (optional) if a filename/location is passed, the results will be saved to disk @return: A result in the format specified. (Will vary depending on format requested.) """ report_formats = self.report_formats report_formats.pop('json') if report_format not in report_formats: raise UserWarning("You requested an invalid report type. Valid values are: {0}".format(','.join([k for k in report_formats]))) get_fields = [] field_list = [underscore_to_camelcase(field) for field in field_list] if field_list else None if field_list: for f in field_list: if not self.employee_fields.get(f): raise UserWarning("You passed in an invalid field") else: get_fields.append(f) else: for field in self.employee_fields: get_fields.append(field) xml = self._format_report_xml(get_fields, title=title, report_format=report_format) url = self.base_url + "reports/custom/?format={0}".format(report_format) r =, data=xml, headers=self.headers, auth=(self.api_key, '')) r.raise_for_status() if report_format == 'json': # return list/dict for json type result = r.json() elif report_format in ('csv', 'xml'): # return text for csv type result = r.text else: # return requests object for everything else after saving the file to the location specified. result = r if output_filename: with open(output_filename, 'wb') as handle: for block in r.iter_content(1024): if not block: break handle.write(block) return result
def _parserBodyCommand(self, body, delimiter='|'): output = {} if body: tmp = body.splitlines() if len(tmp) > 0: header = tmp[0].split(delimiter) for l in tmp[1:-1]: line = l.split(delimiter) if len(line) < len(header): continue i = 0 tmp_dict = {} for e in line: tmp_dict[utils.underscore_to_camelcase(header[i])] = e i = i + 1 output[line[0]] = tmp_dict return output
def prepare_phase(positions_file_path, topology_file_path, ligand_dsl, system_options, gromacs_include_dir=None, verbose=False): """Create a Yank arguments for a phase from system files. Parameters ---------- positions_file_path : str Path to system position file (e.g. 'complex.inpcrd' or 'complex.gro'). topology_file_path : str Path to system topology file (e.g. 'complex.prmtop' or ''). ligand_dsl : str MDTraj DSL string that specify the ligand atoms. system_options : dict system_options[phase] is a a dictionary containing options to pass to createSystem(). gromacs_include_dir : str, optional Path to directory in which to look for other files included from the gromacs top file. verbose : bool Whether or not to log information (default is False). Returns ------- alchemical_phase : AlchemicalPhase The alchemical phase for Yank calculation with unspecified name, and protocol. """ # Load system files if os.path.splitext(topology_file_path)[1] == '.prmtop': # Read Amber prmtop and inpcrd files if verbose:"prmtop: %s" % topology_file_path)"inpcrd: %s" % positions_file_path) topology_file = positions_file = box_vectors = positions_file.boxVectors create_system_args = set( inspect.getargspec( else: # Read Gromacs top and gro files if verbose:"top: %s" % topology_file_path)"gro: %s" % positions_file_path) positions_file = box_vectors = positions_file.getPeriodicBoxVectors() topology_file = topology_file_path, periodicBoxVectors=box_vectors, includeDir=gromacs_include_dir) create_system_args = set( inspect.getargspec( # Prepare createSystem() options # OpenMM adopts camel case convention so we need to change the options format. # Then we filter system options according to specific createSystem() args system_options = { utils.underscore_to_camelcase(key): value for key, value in system_options.items() } system_options = { arg: system_options[arg] for arg in create_system_args if arg in system_options } # Determine if this will be an explicit or implicit solvent simulation. if box_vectors is not None: is_periodic = True else: is_periodic = False # Adjust nonbondedMethod # TODO: Ensure that selected method is appropriate. if 'nonbondedMethod' not in system_options: if is_periodic: system_options['nonbondedMethod'] = else: system_options['nonbondedMethod'] = # Check for solvent configuration inconsistencies # TODO: Check to make sure both files agree on explicit/implicit. err_msg = '' if is_periodic: if 'implicitSolvent' in system_options: err_msg = 'Found periodic box in inpcrd file and implicitSolvent specified.' if system_options['nonbondedMethod'] == err_msg = 'Found periodic box in inpcrd file but nonbondedMethod is NoCutoff' else: if system_options['nonbondedMethod'] != err_msg = 'nonbondedMethod is NoCutoff but could not find periodic box in inpcrd.' if len(err_msg) != 0: logger.error(err_msg) raise RuntimeError(err_msg) # Create system and update box vectors (if needed) system = topology_file.createSystem(removeCMMotion=False, **system_options) if is_periodic: system.setDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors(*box_vectors) # Store numpy positions positions = positions_file.getPositions(asNumpy=True) # Check to make sure number of atoms match between prmtop and inpcrd. topology_natoms = system.getNumParticles() positions_natoms = positions.shape[0] if topology_natoms != positions_natoms: err_msg = "Atom number mismatch: {} has {} atoms; {} has {} atoms.".format( topology_file_path, topology_natoms, positions_file_path, positions_natoms) logger.error(err_msg) raise RuntimeError(err_msg) # Find ligand atoms and receptor atoms atom_indices = find_components(system, topology_file.topology, ligand_dsl) alchemical_phase = AlchemicalPhase('', system, topology_file.topology, positions, atom_indices, None) return alchemical_phase
def prepare_phase(positions_file_path, topology_file_path, ligand_dsl, system_options, gromacs_include_dir=None, verbose=False): """Create a Yank arguments for a phase from system files. Parameters ---------- positions_file_path : str Path to system position file (e.g. 'complex.inpcrd' or 'complex.gro'). topology_file_path : str Path to system topology file (e.g. 'complex.prmtop' or ''). ligand_dsl : str MDTraj DSL string that specify the ligand atoms. system_options : dict system_options[phase] is a a dictionary containing options to pass to createSystem(). gromacs_include_dir : str, optional Path to directory in which to look for other files included from the gromacs top file. verbose : bool Whether or not to log information (default is False). Returns ------- alchemical_phase : AlchemicalPhase The alchemical phase for Yank calculation with unspecified name, and protocol. """ # Load system files if os.path.splitext(topology_file_path)[1] == '.prmtop': # Read Amber prmtop and inpcrd files if verbose:"prmtop: %s" % topology_file_path)"inpcrd: %s" % positions_file_path) topology_file = positions_file = box_vectors = positions_file.boxVectors create_system_args = set(inspect.getargspec( else: # Read Gromacs top and gro files if verbose:"top: %s" % topology_file_path)"gro: %s" % positions_file_path) positions_file = box_vectors = positions_file.getPeriodicBoxVectors() topology_file =, periodicBoxVectors=box_vectors, includeDir=gromacs_include_dir) create_system_args = set(inspect.getargspec( # Prepare createSystem() options # OpenMM adopts camel case convention so we need to change the options format. # Then we filter system options according to specific createSystem() args system_options = {utils.underscore_to_camelcase(key): value for key, value in system_options.items()} system_options = {arg: system_options[arg] for arg in create_system_args if arg in system_options} # Determine if this will be an explicit or implicit solvent simulation. if box_vectors is not None: is_periodic = True else: is_periodic = False # Adjust nonbondedMethod # TODO: Ensure that selected method is appropriate. if 'nonbondedMethod' not in system_options: if is_periodic: system_options['nonbondedMethod'] = else: system_options['nonbondedMethod'] = # Check for solvent configuration inconsistencies # TODO: Check to make sure both files agree on explicit/implicit. err_msg = '' if is_periodic: if 'implicitSolvent' in system_options: err_msg = 'Found periodic box in inpcrd file and implicitSolvent specified.' if system_options['nonbondedMethod'] == err_msg = 'Found periodic box in inpcrd file but nonbondedMethod is NoCutoff' else: if system_options['nonbondedMethod'] != err_msg = 'nonbondedMethod is NoCutoff but could not find periodic box in inpcrd.' if len(err_msg) != 0: logger.error(err_msg) raise RuntimeError(err_msg) # Create system and update box vectors (if needed) system = topology_file.createSystem(removeCMMotion=False, **system_options) if is_periodic: system.setDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors(*box_vectors) # Store numpy positions positions = positions_file.getPositions(asNumpy=True) # Check to make sure number of atoms match between prmtop and inpcrd. topology_natoms = system.getNumParticles() positions_natoms = positions.shape[0] if topology_natoms != positions_natoms: err_msg = "Atom number mismatch: {} has {} atoms; {} has {} atoms.".format( topology_file_path, topology_natoms, positions_file_path, positions_natoms) logger.error(err_msg) raise RuntimeError(err_msg) # Find ligand atoms and receptor atoms atom_indices = find_components(system, topology_file.topology, ligand_dsl) alchemical_phase = AlchemicalPhase('', system, topology_file.topology, positions, atom_indices, None) return alchemical_phase