Example #1
def gml_qa(country_code, gml_file):

    #file read
    input_gml = utOpen(gml_file)

    conv_gml = GMLStructure()

    #fill geometry
    conv_gml = gml_import(input_gml.read(),conv_gml)

    if str(country_code).upper() not in COUNTRIES_DICT:
        country_code = 'EU'
    country_code = str(country_code).upper()
    minx = float(COUNTRIES_DICT[country_code]['minx'])
    miny = float(COUNTRIES_DICT[country_code]['miny'])
    maxx = float(COUNTRIES_DICT[country_code]['maxx'])
    maxy = float(COUNTRIES_DICT[country_code]['maxy'])

    total_number = len(conv_gml.getShp_records())
    bad_feaures = 0
    mark_bad = 0

    if conv_gml.getFeat_type() == '1':
        for m in range(len(conv_gml.getShp_records())):
            for n in range (len(conv_gml.getShp_records()[m])):
                if not isPointInsideRectangle (minx,maxy,maxx,miny,(conv_gml.getShp_records()[m][n])[0][0],(conv_gml.getShp_records()[m][n])[0][1]):
                    mark_bad = 1
            if mark_bad:
                bad_feaures += 1
                mark_bad = 0
    elif conv_gml.getFeat_type() == '3':
        for m in range(len(conv_gml.getShp_records())):
            for k in range (len(conv_gml.getShp_records()[m])):
                for j in ((conv_gml.getShp_records()[m])[k]):
                    if not  isPointInsideRectangle (minx,maxy,maxx,miny,j[0],j[1]):
                        mark_bad = 1
            if mark_bad:
                bad_feaures += 1
                mark_bad = 0
    elif conv_gml.getFeat_type() == '5':
        for m in range(len(conv_gml.getShp_records())):
            for k in range (len(conv_gml.getShp_records()[m])):
                for j in ((conv_gml.getShp_records()[m])[k]):
                    if not isPointInsideRectangle (minx,maxy,maxx,miny,j[0],j[1]):
                        mark_bad = 1
            if mark_bad:
                bad_feaures += 1
                mark_bad = 0

    returnQA = QA_TEMPLATE % (total_number,str(total_number-bad_feaures), bad_feaures,("not passed", "passed successfully")[bad_feaures == 0])

    return returnQA
def gml_to_shp(gml_file, schema_file, user_enc="utf-8"):

    #generate name
    name_tmp = os.path.split(gml_file)[1]
    if '.' in name_tmp:
        name = name_tmp[:name_tmp.rfind('.')]
        name = name_tmp

    #file read
    input_gml = utOpen(gml_file)
    if not schema_file:
        schema_file = XSD_FILE
    input_schema = utOpen(schema_file)

    conv_gml = GMLStructure()

    #fill schema(dbf) information
        conv_gml = gml_sd_import(input_schema.read())
    except Exception, strerror:
        return "", strerror
def gml_to_kml(gml_file):
    #generate name
    name = gml_file[:gml_file.rfind('.')]

    input_gml = utOpen(gml_file)
    conv_gml = GMLStructure()

    # fill geometry
    conv_gml = gml_import(input_gml.read(),conv_gml)

    # GML output
    kml_generator = KMLGenerator()

    kml_data = kml_generator.fillKMLHeader()
    kml_data += kml_generator.fillKMLStyle()
    if conv_gml.getFeat_type() == '1':
        for m in range(len(conv_gml.getShp_records())):
            for n in range (len(conv_gml.getShp_records()[m])):
                    x,y = transcalc((conv_gml.getShp_records()[m][n])[0][0],(conv_gml.getShp_records()[m][n])[0][1],10)
                    kml_data += kml_generator.fillKMLPoint("", x, y)
    elif conv_gml.getFeat_type() == '3':
        for m in range(len(conv_gml.getShp_records())):
            thelist = []
            temp_thelist = thelist.append 
            for k in range (len(conv_gml.getShp_records()[m])):
                mylist = []
                temp_mylist = mylist.append 
                for j in ((conv_gml.getShp_records()[m])[k]):
            kml_data += kml_generator.fillKMLLine("", thelist)
    elif conv_gml.getFeat_type() == '5':
        for m in range(len(conv_gml.getShp_records())):
            thelist = []
            temp_thelist = thelist.append 
            for k in range (len(conv_gml.getShp_records()[m])):
                mylist = []
                temp_mylist = mylist.append 
                for j in ((conv_gml.getShp_records()[m])[k]):
            kml_data += kml_generator.fillKMLPoly("", thelist)
    kml_data += kml_generator.fillKMLFooter()
    return kml_data
Example #4
def gml_to_image(in_name, in_gml, in_width, in_height, in_filetype, in_out_colour, in_fill_colour, in_country, in_ims_server, in_ims_service, im_background = 0):

    if im_background:
        if str(in_country).upper() not in COUNTRIES_DICT:
            in_country = 'EU'
        in_country = str(in_country).upper()
        imsresp = get_background_image(in_ims_server, in_ims_service, COUNTRIES_DICT[in_country]['minx'], COUNTRIES_DICT[in_country]['miny'], COUNTRIES_DICT[in_country]['maxx'], COUNTRIES_DICT[in_country]['maxy'], in_width, in_height)

        imsresp = download_ims_image(imsresp)
        imb = Image.open (imsresp.getUrl())
        #imb = imb.convert("P")
        #imb.palette = ImagePalette.ImagePalette("RGB")

        # make a new empty image
        im = Image.new("P", (in_width, in_height),255)
        im.palette = ImagePalette.ImagePalette("RGB")
        # make a new empty image
        im = Image.new("P", (in_width, in_height),255)
        im.palette = ImagePalette.ImagePalette("RGB")

    input_gml = utOpen(in_gml)
    conv_gml = GMLStructure()

    # fill geometry
    conv_gml = gml_import(input_gml.read(),conv_gml)

    # if no geographic data available
    if len(conv_gml.getShp_records()) == 0:
        #font = ImageFont.truetype("arial.ttf", 15)
        font = ImageFont.load_default()
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
        draw.text((10, 10), " NO DATA", font=font, fill = in_out_colour)
        del draw

    if conv_gml.getFeat_type() == '1':
        for m in range(len(conv_gml.getShp_records())):
            for n in range (len(conv_gml.getShp_records()[m])):
                draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
                if im_background:
                    x,y = utMapToPoint((conv_gml.getShp_records()[m][n])[0][0],(conv_gml.getShp_records()[m][n])[0][1], in_width, in_height,imsresp.getMinx(),imsresp.getMiny(),imsresp.getMaxx(),imsresp.getMaxy())
                    x,y = utMapToPoint((conv_gml.getShp_records()[m][n])[0][0],(conv_gml.getShp_records()[m][n])[0][1], in_width, in_height,(conv_gml.getXY_min())[0], (conv_gml.getXY_min())[1], (conv_gml.getXY_max())[0], (conv_gml.getXY_max())[1])
                draw.rectangle([x-1,y+1,x+1,y-1], outline = in_out_colour)
                del draw
    elif conv_gml.getFeat_type() == '3':
        for m in range(len(conv_gml.getShp_records())):
            for k in range (len(conv_gml.getShp_records()[m])):
                mylist = []
                temp_mylist = mylist.append 
                for j in ((conv_gml.getShp_records()[m])[k]):
                    if im_background:
                        temp_mylist(utMapToPoint(j[0],j[1], in_width, in_height, imsresp.getMinx(),imsresp.getMiny(),imsresp.getMaxx(),imsresp.getMaxy()))
                        temp_mylist(utMapToPoint(j[0],j[1], in_width, in_height,(conv_gml.getXY_min())[0], (conv_gml.getXY_min())[1], (conv_gml.getXY_max())[0], (conv_gml.getXY_max())[1]))
                draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
                draw.line(mylist, width = 1, fill = in_out_colour)
                del draw
    elif conv_gml.getFeat_type() == '5':
        for m in range(len(conv_gml.getShp_records())):
            #prepare polygons
            ordered_shapes = []
            temp_ordered_shapes = ordered_shapes.append
            mypoint = {}
            pol_has_poi = {}
            poi_has_pol = {}
            for k in range (len(conv_gml.getShp_records()[m])):
                t = (conv_gml.getShp_records()[m])[k][0]
                mypoint[k] = t
            for p in range(len(mypoint)):
                p_count = 0
                for k in range (len(conv_gml.getShp_records()[m])):
                    if point_inside_polygon(mypoint[p][0],mypoint[p][1],(conv_gml.getShp_records()[m])[k]) and k <>p:
                        p_count += 1
                poi_has_pol[p] = p_count
            for k in range (len(conv_gml.getShp_records()[m])):
                p_count = 0
                for p in range(len(mypoint)):
                    if point_inside_polygon(mypoint[p][0],mypoint[p][1],(conv_gml.getShp_records()[m])[k]) and k <>p:
                pol_has_poi[k] = p_count
            pol_sort = {}
            auxlist = [ (value, key) for key, value in pol_has_poi.items() ]
            i = 0
            for value, key in auxlist:
                pol_sort[i] = key

            for k in range (len(conv_gml.getShp_records()[m])):
                mylist = []
                temp_mylist = mylist.append 
                for j in ((conv_gml.getShp_records()[m])[pol_sort[k]]):
                    if im_background:
                        temp_mylist(utMapToPoint(j[0],j[1], in_width, in_height, imsresp.getMinx(),imsresp.getMiny(),imsresp.getMaxx(),imsresp.getMaxy()))
                        temp_mylist(utMapToPoint(j[0],j[1], in_width, in_height,(conv_gml.getXY_min())[0], (conv_gml.getXY_min())[1], (conv_gml.getXY_max())[0], (conv_gml.getXY_max())[1]))
                draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
                if poi_has_pol[pol_sort[k]] % 2 == 0:
                    draw.polygon(mylist, outline = in_out_colour, fill = in_fill_colour)
                    draw.polygon(mylist, outline = in_out_colour, fill = 255)
                del draw

    if im_background:
        # cleanup

    # save the image
    file_extension = in_filetype.lower()
    if in_filetype.lower() == "jpeg":
        file_extension = "jpg"
    elif in_filetype.lower() == "TIFF":
        file_extension = "tif"
    image_url = join(FILES_PATH, "%s.%s" % (in_name, file_extension))
    if im_background:
        im.save(image_url, "%s" % in_filetype, transparency = 255, color=255)
        im = Image.open (image_url)
        im = im.convert("RGBA")
        imb = imb.convert("RGBA")
        mask = im.point(lambda i: i > 0 and 200) # use black as transparent
        imb.paste (im, (0,0), mask)
        imb.save(image_url, "%s" % in_filetype)
        im.save(image_url, "%s" % in_filetype)

    l_file = open(image_url, mode='rb')
    content = l_file.read()

    return content
                    recdbf_toadd[ntag] = int(valtag)
            elif dbf_recc_type[ntag] == 'decimal':
                if valtag == 'None' or valtag == '':
                    recdbf_toadd[ntag] = float()
                    recdbf_toadd[ntag] = float(valtag)
            elif dbf_recc_type[ntag] == 'string':
                recdbf_toadd[ntag] = str(valtag)
        dbf.write_record(k, recdbf_toadd)

    #Fill metadata
    gml_generator = GMLGenerator(user_enc)
    input_metadata = utOpen(gml_file)
    retMetadata = meta_import(input_metadata.read())

    l_file = open(os.path.join(FILES_PATH, '%s%s' % (name, '.xml')), 'wb')
    l_file.write(gml_generator.fillExportMetadata(retMetadata, name))

    #Fill projection
    input_prj = utOpen(gml_file)
    retProjection = prj_import(input_prj.read())

    l_file = open(os.path.join(FILES_PATH, '%s%s' % (name, '.prj')), 'wb')

    res = zip_generator(FILES_PATH, name)
def shp_to_gml(filename, in_schema, user_enc="utf-8", temp_name=None):
    #generate name
    name_tmp = os.path.split(filename)[1]
    if '.' in name_tmp:
        name = name_tmp[:name_tmp.rfind('.')]
        name = name_tmp

    if temp_name:
        meta_filename = temp_name
        meta_filename = name

    # Creates the GML file
    inputfilepath = os.path.join(FILES_PATH, filename)

    shp = shapelib.ShapeFile(inputfilepath)
    dbf = dbflib.DBFFile(inputfilepath)

    # GML output
    gml_generator = GMLGenerator(user_enc)

    # Some alias
    shp_read = shp.read_object

    #file read
    if not in_schema:
        in_schema = XSD_FILE
    input_schema = utOpen(in_schema)
    # Fill schema(dbf) information
    conv_gml = gml_sd_import(input_schema.read())

    #Read metadata
    retMetadata = {}
        input_metadata = utOpen("%s.xml" % os.path.join(FILES_PATH, name))
        retMetadata = meta_import(input_metadata.read())
        for k in METADATA_LABELS:
            retMetadata[k] = ''

    #Read projection
        input_prj = utOpen("%s.prj" % os.path.join(FILES_PATH, name)).read()
        input_prj = ''

    dbf_filter = {}
    for j in range(len(conv_gml.getRec_dbf())):
        ttype, tname, tlen, tdecc = (conv_gml.getRec_dbf())[j]
        dbf_filter[tname] = {'type':ttype, 'len':tlen, 'decc':tdecc}

    gml_data = gml_generator.fillHeader(in_schema)
    gml_data += gml_generator.fillMetadata(retMetadata, meta_filename)
    gml_data += gml_generator.fillProjection(input_prj)
    gml_data += gml_generator.fillBoundingBox(shp.info()[2][0], shp.info()[2][1], shp.info()[3][0], shp.info()[3][1])
    for j in range(dbf.record_count()):
        dbf_ready = {}
        for k,v in ((dbf.read_record(j)).items()):
            if k in dbf_filter:
                if dbf_filter[k]['type'] == 'string':
                    if len(v) is not 0:
                        if len(v) > int(dbf_filter[k]['len']):
                            v = v[:int(dbf_filter[k]['len'])]
                if dbf_filter[k]['type'] == 'decimal':
                    if not len(str(v)) == 0:
                        if not '.' in str(v):
                            v = float(str(v) + ".0")
                        whole,decimal = str(v).split('.')
                        if len(whole) > int(dbf_filter[k]['len']):
                            whole = whole[:int(dbf_filter[k]['len'])]
                        if len(decimal) > int(dbf_filter[k]['decc']):
                            decimal = decimal[:int(dbf_filter[k]['decc'])]
                        v = whole + '.' + decimal
                if dbf_filter[k]['type'] == 'integer':
                    if not len(v) == 0:
                        if len(v) > int(dbf_filter[k]['len']):
                            v = v[:int(dbf_filter[k]['len'])]
                dbf_ready[k] = v
        # Add rest of the records as null
        for kf in dbf_filter:
            if kf not in dbf_ready:
                    dbf_ready[kf] = ''

        # Geometry types
        # Point
        if shp.info()[1] == 1:
            gml_data += gml_generator.fillFeatureMemberPoint("F%s" % j, shp_read(j).vertices()[0][0], shp_read(j).vertices()[0][1], dbf_ready)
        # Polyline
        elif shp.info()[1] == 3:
            gml_data += gml_generator.fillFeatureMemberLine("F%s" % j, shp_read(j).vertices(), dbf_ready)
        # Polygon
        elif shp.info()[1] == 5:
            gml_data += gml_generator.fillFeatureMemberPolygon("F%s" % j, shp_read(j).vertices(), dbf_ready)
    gml_data += gml_generator.fillFooter()


    return gml_data