def validate_knative(): """ Validate Knative by deploying the helloworld-go app. """ if platform.machine() != "x86_64": print("Knative tests are only relevant in x86 architectures") return wait_for_installation() knative_services = [ "activator", "autoscaler", "controller", ] for service in knative_services: wait_for_pod_state("", "knative-serving", "running", label="app={}".format(service)) here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) manifest = os.path.join(here, "templates", "knative-helloworld.yaml") kubectl("apply -f {}".format(manifest)) wait_for_pod_state("", "default", "running", label="") kubectl("delete -f {}".format(manifest))
def validate_istio(): """ Validate istio by deploying the bookinfo app. """ if platform.machine() != "x86_64": print("Istio tests are only relevant in x86 architectures") return wait_for_installation() istio_services = [ "citadel", "egressgateway", "galley", "ingressgateway", "sidecar-injector", ] for service in istio_services: wait_for_pod_state("", "istio-system", "running", label="istio={}".format(service)) here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) manifest = os.path.join(here, "templates", "bookinfo.yaml") kubectl("apply -f {}".format(manifest)) wait_for_pod_state("", "default", "running", label="app=details") kubectl("delete -f {}".format(manifest))
def validate_linkerd(): """ Validate Linkerd by deploying emojivoto. """ if platform.machine() != "x86_64": print("Linkerd tests are only relevant in x86 architectures") return wait_for_installation() wait_for_pod_state( "", "linkerd", "running", label="", timeout_insec=300, ) print("Linkerd controller up and running.") wait_for_pod_state( "", "linkerd", "running", label="", timeout_insec=300, ) print("Linkerd proxy injector up and running.") here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) manifest = os.path.join(here, "templates", "emojivoto.yaml") kubectl("apply -f {}".format(manifest)) wait_for_pod_state("", "emojivoto", "running", label="app=emoji-svc", timeout_insec=600) kubectl("delete -f {}".format(manifest))
def validate_cilium(): """ Validate cilium by deploying the bookinfo app. """ if platform.machine() != "x86_64": print("Cilium tests are only relevant in x86 architectures") return wait_for_installation() wait_for_pod_state("", "kube-system", "running", label="k8s-app=cilium") here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) manifest = os.path.join(here, "templates", "nginx-pod.yaml") # Try up to three times to get nginx under cilium for attempt in range(0, 10): kubectl("apply -f {}".format(manifest)) wait_for_pod_state("", "default", "running", label="app=nginx") output = cilium("endpoint list -o json", timeout_insec=20) if "nginx" in output: kubectl("delete -f {}".format(manifest)) break else: print("Cilium not ready will retry testing.") kubectl("delete -f {}".format(manifest)) time.sleep(20) else: print("Cilium testing failed.") assert False
def validate_multus(): """ Validate multus by making sure the multus pod is running. """ wait_for_installation() wait_for_pod_state("", "kube-system", "running", label="app=multus")
def validate_multus(): """ Validate multus by deploying alpine pod with 3 interfaces. """ wait_for_installation() here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) shutil.rmtree("/tmp/microk8s-multus-test-nets", ignore_errors=True) networks = os.path.join(here, "templates", "multus-networks.yaml") kubectl("create -f {}".format(networks)) manifest = os.path.join(here, "templates", "multus-alpine.yaml") kubectl("apply -f {}".format(manifest)) wait_for_pod_state("", "default", "running", label="app=multus-alpine") output = kubectl("exec multus-alpine -- ifconfig eth1", timeout_insec=900, err_out="no") assert "" in output output = kubectl("exec multus-alpine -- ifconfig eth2", timeout_insec=900, err_out="no") assert "" in output kubectl("delete -f {}".format(manifest)) kubectl("delete -f {}".format(networks)) shutil.rmtree("/tmp/microk8s-multus-test-nets", ignore_errors=True)
def validate_openebs(): """ Validate OpenEBS """ wait_for_installation() wait_for_pod_state( "", "openebs", "running", label="", timeout_insec=900, ) print("OpenEBS is up and running.") here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) manifest = os.path.join(here, "templates", "openebs-test.yaml") kubectl("apply -f {}".format(manifest)) wait_for_pod_state("", "default", "running", label="app=openebs-test-busybox", timeout_insec=900) output = kubectl("exec openebs-test-busybox -- ls /", timeout_insec=900, err_out="no") assert "my-data" in output kubectl("delete -f {}".format(manifest))
def validate_kata(): """ Validate Kata """ wait_for_installation() here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) manifest = os.path.join(here, "templates", "nginx-kata.yaml") kubectl("apply -f {}".format(manifest)) wait_for_pod_state("", "default", "running", label="app=kata") kubectl("delete -f {}".format(manifest))
def validate_keda(): """ Validate keda """ wait_for_installation() wait_for_pod_state("", "keda", "running", label="app=keda-operator") print("KEDA operator up and running.") here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) manifest = os.path.join(here, "templates", "keda-scaledobject.yaml") kubectl("apply -f {}".format(manifest)) scaledObject = kubectl("-n gonuts get") assert "stan-scaledobject" in scaledObject kubectl("delete -f {}".format(manifest))
def validate_cilium(): """ Validate cilium by deploying the bookinfo app. """ if platform.machine() != 'x86_64': print("Cilium tests are only relevant in x86 architectures") return wait_for_installation() wait_for_pod_state("", "kube-system", "running", label="k8s-app=cilium") here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) manifest = os.path.join(here, "templates", "nginx-pod.yaml") kubectl("apply -f {}".format(manifest)) wait_for_pod_state("", "default", "running", label="app=nginx") output = cilium('endpoint list -o json') assert "nginx" in output kubectl("delete -f {}".format(manifest))
def validate_multus(): """ Validate multus by deploying alpine pod with 3 interfaces. """ wait_for_installation() here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) networks = os.path.join(here, "templates", "multus-networks.yaml") kubectl("create -f {}".format(networks)) manifest = os.path.join(here, "templates", "multus-alpine.yaml") kubectl("apply -f {}".format(manifest)) wait_for_pod_state("", "default", "running", label="app=multus-alpine") output = kubectl("exec multus-alpine -- ifconfig eth1", err_out='no') assert "" in output output = kubectl("exec multus-alpine -- ifconfig eth2", err_out='no') assert "" in output kubectl("delete -f {}".format(manifest)) kubectl("delete -f {}".format(networks))
def validate_istio(): """ Validate istio by deploying the bookinfo app. """ if platform.machine() != "x86_64": print("Istio tests are only relevant in x86 architectures") return wait_for_installation() istio_services = [ "pilot", "egressgateway", "ingressgateway", ] for service in istio_services: wait_for_pod_state("", "istio-system", "running", label="istio={}".format(service)) cmd = "/snap/bin/microk8s.istioctl verify-install" return run_until_success(cmd, timeout_insec=900, err_out="no")
def validate_linkerd(): """ Validate Linkerd by deploying emojivoto. """ if platform.machine() != 'x86_64': print("Linkerd tests are only relevant in x86 architectures") return wait_for_installation() wait_for_pod_state("", "linkerd", "running", label="") here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) manifest = os.path.join(here, "templates", "emojivoto.yaml") kubectl("apply -f {}".format(manifest)) wait_for_pod_state("", "emojivoto", "running", label="app=emoji-svc") kubectl("delete -f {}".format(manifest))
def validate_istio(): """ Validate istio by deploying the bookinfo app. """ wait_for_installation() istio_services = [ "citadel", "egressgateway", "galley", "ingressgateway", "sidecar-injector", "statsd-prom-bridge", ] for service in istio_services: wait_for_pod_state("", "istio-system", "running", label="istio={}".format(service)) here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) manifest = os.path.join(here, "templates", "bookinfo.yaml") kubectl("apply -f {}".format(manifest)) wait_for_pod_state("", "default", "running", label="app=details") kubectl("delete -f {}".format(manifest))
def test_refresh_path(self): """ Deploy an old snap and try to refresh until the current one. """ start_channel = 14 last_stable_minor = None if upgrade_from.startswith('latest') or '/' not in upgrade_from: attempt = 0 release_url = "" while attempt < 10 and not last_stable_minor: r = requests.get(release_url) if r.status_code == 200: last_stable_str = r.content.decode().strip() # We have "v1.18.4" and we need the "18" last_stable_parts = last_stable_str.split('.') last_stable_minor = int(last_stable_parts[1]) else: time.sleep(3) attempt += 1 else: channel_parts = upgrade_from.split('.') channel_parts = channel_parts[1].split('/') print(channel_parts) last_stable_minor = int(channel_parts[0]) print("") print( "Testing refresh path from 1.{} to 1.{} and finally refresh to {}". format(start_channel, last_stable_minor, upgrade_to)) assert last_stable_minor is not None channel = "1.{}/stable".format(start_channel) print("Installing {}".format(channel)) cmd = "sudo snap install microk8s --classic --channel={}".format( channel) run_until_success(cmd) wait_for_installation() channel_minor = start_channel channel_minor += 1 while channel_minor <= last_stable_minor: channel = "1.{}/stable".format(channel_minor) print("Refreshing to {}".format(channel)) cmd = "sudo snap refresh microk8s --classic --channel={}".format( channel) run_until_success(cmd) wait_for_installation() channel_minor += 1 print("Installing {}".format(upgrade_to)) if upgrade_to.endswith('.snap'): cmd = "sudo snap install {} --classic --dangerous".format( upgrade_to) else: cmd = "sudo snap refresh microk8s --channel={}".format(upgrade_to) run_until_success(cmd) # Allow for the refresh to be processed time.sleep(10) wait_for_installation()
def validate_linkerd(): """ Validate Linkerd by deploying emojivoto. """ if platform.machine() != 'x86_64': print("Linkerd tests are only relevant in x86 architectures") return wait_for_installation() wait_for_pod_state("", "linkerd", "running", label="", timeout_insec=300) print("Linkerd controller up and running.") wait_for_pod_state( "", "linkerd", "running", label="", timeout_insec=300) print("Linkerd proxy injector up and running.")
def test_upgrade(self): """ Deploy, probe, upgrade, validate nothing broke. """ print("Testing upgrade from {} to {}".format(upgrade_from, upgrade_to)) cmd = "sudo snap install microk8s --classic --channel={}".format(upgrade_from) run_until_success(cmd) wait_for_installation() if is_container(): # In some setups (eg LXC on GCE) the hashsize nf_conntrack file under # sys is marked as rw but any update on it is failing causing kube-proxy # to fail. here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) apply_patch = os.path.join(here, "") check_call("sudo {}".format(apply_patch).split()) # Run through the validators and # select those that were valid for the original snap test_matrix = {} try: enable = microk8s_enable("dns") wait_for_pod_state("", "kube-system", "running", label="k8s-app=kube-dns") assert "Nothing to do for" not in enable enable = microk8s_enable("dashboard") assert "Nothing to do for" not in enable validate_dns_dashboard() test_matrix['dns_dashboard'] = validate_dns_dashboard except CalledProcessError: print('Will not test dns-dashboard') try: enable = microk8s_enable("storage") assert "Nothing to do for" not in enable validate_storage() test_matrix['storage'] = validate_storage except CalledProcessError: print('Will not test storage') try: enable = microk8s_enable("ingress") assert "Nothing to do for" not in enable validate_ingress() test_matrix['ingress'] = validate_ingress except CalledProcessError: print('Will not test ingress') try: enable = microk8s_enable("gpu") assert "Nothing to do for" not in enable validate_gpu() test_matrix['gpu'] = validate_gpu except CalledProcessError: print('Will not test gpu') try: enable = microk8s_enable("registry") assert "Nothing to do for" not in enable validate_registry() test_matrix['registry'] = validate_registry except CalledProcessError: print('Will not test registry') try: validate_forward() test_matrix['forward'] = validate_forward except CalledProcessError: print('Will not test port forward') try: enable = microk8s_enable("metrics-server") assert "Nothing to do for" not in enable validate_metrics_server() test_matrix['metrics_server'] = validate_metrics_server except CalledProcessError: print('Will not test the metrics server') # AMD64 only tests if platform.machine() == 'x86_64' and under_time_pressure == 'False': """ # Prometheus operator on our lxc is chashlooping disabling the test for now. try: enable = microk8s_enable("prometheus", timeout_insec=30) assert "Nothing to do for" not in enable validate_prometheus() test_matrix['prometheus'] = validate_prometheus except: print('Will not test the prometheus') # The kubeflow deployment is huge. It will not fit comfortably # with the rest of the addons on the same machine during an upgrade # we will need to find another way to test it. try: enable = microk8s_enable("kubeflow", timeout_insec=30) assert "Nothing to do for" not in enable validate_kubeflow() test_matrix['kubeflow'] = validate_kubeflow except: print('Will not test kubeflow') """ try: enable = microk8s_enable("fluentd", timeout_insec=30) assert "Nothing to do for" not in enable validate_fluentd() test_matrix['fluentd'] = validate_fluentd except CalledProcessError: print('Will not test the fluentd') try: enable = microk8s_enable("jaeger", timeout_insec=30) assert "Nothing to do for" not in enable validate_jaeger() test_matrix['jaeger'] = validate_jaeger except CalledProcessError: print('Will not test the jaeger addon') # We are not testing cilium because we want to test the upgrade of the default CNI """ try: enable = microk8s_enable("cilium", timeout_insec=300) assert "Nothing to do for" not in enable validate_cilium() test_matrix['cilium'] = validate_cilium except CalledProcessError: print('Will not test the cilium addon') """ try: ip_ranges = ( ",," ) enable = microk8s_enable("{}:{}".format("metallb", ip_ranges), timeout_insec=500) assert "MetalLB is enabled" in enable and "Nothing to do for" not in enable validate_metallb_config(ip_ranges) test_matrix['metallb'] = validate_metallb_config except CalledProcessError: print("Will not test the metallb addon") # We will not be testing multus because it takes too long for cilium and multus # to settle after the update and the multus test needs to be refactored so we do # delete and recreate the networks configured. """ try: enable = microk8s_enable("multus", timeout_insec=150) assert "Nothing to do for" not in enable validate_multus() test_matrix['multus'] = validate_multus except CalledProcessError: print('Will not test the multus addon') """ # Refresh the snap to the target if upgrade_to.endswith('.snap'): cmd = "sudo snap install {} --classic --dangerous".format(upgrade_to) else: cmd = "sudo snap refresh microk8s --channel={}".format(upgrade_to) run_until_success(cmd) # Allow for the refresh to be processed time.sleep(10) wait_for_installation() # Test any validations that were valid for the original snap for test, validation in test_matrix.items(): print("Testing {}".format(test)) validation() if not is_container(): # On lxc umount docker overlay is not permitted. check_call("sudo snap remove microk8s".split())
def test_upgrade(self): """ Deploy, probe, upgrade, validate nothing broke. """ print("Testing upgrade from {} to {}".format(upgrade_from, upgrade_to)) cmd = "sudo snap install microk8s --classic --channel={}".format(upgrade_from) run_until_success(cmd) wait_for_installation() if is_container(): # In some setups (eg LXC on GCE) the hashsize nf_conntrack file under # sys is marked as rw but any update on it is failing causing kube-proxy # to fail. here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) apply_patch = os.path.join(here, "") check_call("sudo {}".format(apply_patch).split()) # Run through the validators and # select those that were valid for the original snap test_matrix = {} try: enable = microk8s_enable("dns") wait_for_pod_state("", "kube-system", "running", label="k8s-app=kube-dns") assert "Nothing to do for" not in enable enable = microk8s_enable("dashboard") assert "Nothing to do for" not in enable validate_dns_dashboard() test_matrix['dns_dashboard'] = validate_dns_dashboard except: print('Will not test dns-dashboard') try: enable = microk8s_enable("storage") assert "Nothing to do for" not in enable validate_storage() test_matrix['storage'] = validate_storage except: print('Will not test storage') try: enable = microk8s_enable("ingress") assert "Nothing to do for" not in enable validate_ingress() test_matrix['ingress'] = validate_ingress except: print('Will not test ingress') try: enable = microk8s_enable("gpu") assert "Nothing to do for" not in enable validate_gpu() test_matrix['gpu'] = validate_gpu except: print('Will not test gpu') try: enable = microk8s_enable("registry") assert "Nothing to do for" not in enable validate_registry() test_matrix['registry'] = validate_registry except: print('Will not test registry') try: validate_forward() test_matrix['forward'] = validate_forward except: print('Will not test port forward') try: enable = microk8s_enable("metrics-server") assert "Nothing to do for" not in enable validate_metrics_server() test_matrix['metrics_server'] = validate_metrics_server except: print('Will not test the metrics server') # AMD64 only tests if platform.machine() == 'x86_64' and under_time_pressure == 'False': ''' Prometheus operator on our lxc is chashlooping disabling the test for now. try: enable = microk8s_enable("prometheus", timeout_insec=30) assert "Nothing to do for" not in enable validate_prometheus() test_matrix['prometheus'] = validate_prometheus except: print('Will not test the prometheus') ''' try: enable = microk8s_enable("fluentd", timeout_insec=30) assert "Nothing to do for" not in enable validate_fluentd() test_matrix['fluentd'] = validate_fluentd except: print('Will not test the fluentd') try: enable = microk8s_enable("jaeger", timeout_insec=30) assert "Nothing to do for" not in enable validate_jaeger() test_matrix['jaeger'] = validate_jaeger except: print('Will not test the jaeger addon') # Refresh the snap to the target if upgrade_to.endswith('.snap'): cmd = "sudo snap install {} --classic --dangerous".format(upgrade_to) else: cmd = "sudo snap refresh microk8s --channel={}".format(upgrade_to) run_until_success(cmd) # Allow for the refresh to be processed time.sleep(10) wait_for_installation() # Test any validations that were valid for the original snap for test, validation in test_matrix.items(): print("Testing {}".format(test)) validation() if not is_container(): # On lxc umount docker overlay is not permitted. check_call("sudo snap remove microk8s".split())
def test_upgrade(self): """ Deploy, probe, upgrade, validate nothing broke. """ print("Testing upgrade from {} to {}".format(upgrade_from, upgrade_to)) cmd = "sudo snap install microk8s --classic --channel={}".format( upgrade_from).split() check_call(cmd) wait_for_installation() # Run through the validators and # select those that were valid for the original snap test_matrix = {} try: enable = microk8s_enable("dns") wait_for_pod_state("", "kube-system", "running", label="k8s-app=kube-dns") assert "Nothing to do for" not in enable validate_dns() test_matrix['dns'] = validate_dns except: print('Will not test dns') try: enable = microk8s_enable("dashboard") assert "Nothing to do for" not in enable validate_dashboard() test_matrix['dashboard'] = validate_dashboard except: print('Will not test dashboard') try: enable = microk8s_enable("storage") assert "Nothing to do for" not in enable validate_storage() test_matrix['storage'] = validate_storage except: print('Will not test storage') try: enable = microk8s_enable("ingress") assert "Nothing to do for" not in enable validate_ingress() test_matrix['ingress'] = validate_ingress except: print('Will not test ingress') try: enable = microk8s_enable("gpu") assert "Nothing to do for" not in enable validate_gpu() test_matrix['gpu'] = validate_gpu except: print('Will not test gpu') try: enable = microk8s_enable("registry") assert "Nothing to do for" not in enable validate_registry() test_matrix['registry'] = validate_registry except: print('Will not test registry') try: validate_forward() test_matrix['forward'] = validate_forward except: print('Will not test port forward') try: enable = microk8s_enable("metrics-server") assert "Nothing to do for" not in enable validate_metrics_server() test_matrix['metrics_server'] = validate_metrics_server except: print('Will not test the metrics server') # Refresh the snap to the target if upgrade_to.endswith('.snap'): cmd = "sudo snap install {} --classic --dangerous".format( upgrade_to).split() else: cmd = "sudo snap refresh microk8s --channel={}".format( upgrade_to).split() check_call(cmd) # Allow for the refresh to be processed time.sleep(10) wait_for_installation() # Test any validations that were valid for the original snap for test, validation in test_matrix.items(): print("Testing {}".format(test)) validation() # On lxc umount docker overlay is not permitted. try: check_call( "sudo grep -E (lxc|hypervisor) /proc/1/environ /proc/cpuinfo". split()) except CalledProcessError: check_call("sudo snap remove microk8s".split())
def test_upgrade(self): """ Deploy, probe, upgrade, validate nothing broke. """ print("Testing upgrade from {} to {}".format(upgrade_from, upgrade_to)) cmd = "sudo snap install microk8s --classic --{}".format( upgrade_from).split() check_call(cmd) wait_for_installation() # Run through the validators and # select those that were valid for the original snap test_matrix = {} try: microk8s_enable("dns") wait_for_pod_state("", "kube-system", "running", label="k8s-app=kube-dns") validate_dns() test_matrix['dns'] = validate_dns except: print('Will not test dns') try: microk8s_enable("dashboard") validate_dashboard() test_matrix['dashboard'] = validate_dashboard except: print('Will not test dashboard') try: microk8s_enable("storage") validate_storage() test_matrix['storage'] = validate_storage except: print('Will not test storage') try: microk8s_enable("ingress") validate_ingress() test_matrix['ingress'] = validate_ingress except: print('Will not test ingress') # Refresh the snap to the target if upgrade_to.endswith('.snap'): cmd = "sudo snap install {} --classic --dangerous".format( upgrade_to).split() else: cmd = "sudo snap refresh microk8s --{}".format(upgrade_to).split() check_call(cmd) # Allow for the refresh to be processed time.sleep(10) wait_for_installation() # Test any validations that were valid for the original snap for test, validation in test_matrix.items(): print("Testing {}".format(test)) validation() cmd = "sudo snap remove microk8s".split() check_call(cmd)