def update_song(self, song): = song # Update simpler. self.cover_image.set_from_pixbuf(CoverManager.get_pixbuf_from_song(song, 92, 92, False, False)) self.title_label.set_text(utils.xmlescape(song.get_str("title"))) self.artist_label.set_text(utils.xmlescape(song.get_str("artist"))) self.album_label.set_text(utils.xmlescape(song.get_str("album"))) # Update detail. if not in ["cue", "local", "cdda"]: utils.ThreadRun(self.get_song_attr, self.file_type_label.set_text, (song, True)).start() utils.ThreadRun(self.get_song_attr, self.file_format_label.set_text, (song, False)).start() else: self.file_type_label.set_text(self.get_song_attr(song, True)) self.file_format_label.set_text(self.get_song_attr(song, False)) self.file_size_label.set_text(song.get_str("#size")) self.song_duration_label.set_text(song.get_str("#duration")) self.song_bitrate_label.set_text(song.get_str("#bitrate")) self.song_rate_label.set_text(song.get_str("#rate")) self.song_added_label.set_text(song.get_str("#added")) self.song_lasted_label.set_text(song.get_str("#lastplayed")) self.song_playcount_label.set_text(song.get_str("#playcount")) self.song_date_label.set_text(song.get_str("#date")) # Update location. self.location_entry.set_text(song.get_path())
def init_size(self): tw = self.default_width - self.padding_x * 2 intro = self.channel_info.get("intro", "").strip() intro = utils.xmlescape(intro) intro_text = "<b>%s:</b> %s" % ("简介", intro) intro_th = 0 if intro: intro_tw, intro_th = get_content_size(intro_text, wrap_width=tw, text_size=9) if intro_th > self.line_height * 2: intro_th = self.line_height * 2 hotsongs = " / ".join(self.channel_info.get("hot_songs", [])).strip() hotsongs = utils.xmlescape(hotsongs) hotsongs_text = "<b>%s:</b> %s" % ("热门歌曲", hotsongs) hotsongs_tw, hotsongs_th = get_content_size(hotsongs_text, wrap_width=tw, text_size=9) if hotsongs_th > self.line_height * 2: hotsongs_th = self.line_height * 2 if intro_th == 0: height = hotsongs_th + self.line_height * 2 else: height = hotsongs_th + intro_th + self.line_height * 4 self.set_size_request(self.default_width, height)
def update_song(self, song): = song # Update simpler. self.cover_image.set_from_pixbuf( CoverManager.get_pixbuf_from_song(song, 92, 92, False, False)) self.title_label.set_text(utils.xmlescape(song.get_str("title"))) self.artist_label.set_text(utils.xmlescape(song.get_str("artist"))) self.album_label.set_text(utils.xmlescape(song.get_str("album"))) # Update detail. if not in ["cue", "local", "cdda"]: utils.ThreadRun(self.get_song_attr, self.file_type_label.set_text, (song, True)).start() utils.ThreadRun(self.get_song_attr, self.file_format_label.set_text, (song, False)).start() else: self.file_type_label.set_text(self.get_song_attr(song, True)) self.file_format_label.set_text(self.get_song_attr(song, False)) self.file_size_label.set_text(song.get_str("#size")) self.song_duration_label.set_text(song.get_str("#duration")) self.song_bitrate_label.set_text(song.get_str("#bitrate")) self.song_rate_label.set_text(song.get_str("#rate")) self.song_added_label.set_text(song.get_str("#added")) self.song_lasted_label.set_text(song.get_str("#lastplayed")) self.song_playcount_label.set_text(song.get_str("#playcount")) self.song_date_label.set_text(song.get_str("#date")) # Update location. self.location_entry.set_text(song.get_path())
def get_channel_contents(self, channel_info): name = utils.xmlescape(channel_info.get("name", "")) intro = utils.xmlescape(channel_info.get("intro", "")) hot_songs = "%s: %s" % ("热门歌曲", utils.xmlescape(" / ".join( channel_info.get("hot_songs", [])))) songs = "%s%s" % (str(channel_info.get("song_num", "0")), "首歌曲") return (name, intro, hot_songs, songs)
def update_size(self): self.channel_name = utils.xmlescape(self.channel_info.get("name", "")) __, self.name_h = get_content_size(self.channel_name, text_size=9) self.detail_info = "%s首歌曲 %s制作" % (self.channel_info.get("song_num"), utils.xmlescape(self.channel_info.get("creator", {}).get("name", ""))) __, self.detail_h = get_content_size(self.detail_info, text_size=8) intro = utils.xmlescape(self.channel_info.get("intro", "").strip()) hotsongs = utils.xmlescape(" ".join(self.channel_info.get("hot_songs"))) self.channel_intro = intro or hotsongs __, self.intro_h = get_content_size(self.channel_intro, text_size=8)
def render(self, cr, rect): ''' Render item. This is IconView interface, you should implement it. ''' # Draw cover. if self.pixbuf is None: self.create_cover_pixbuf() pixbuf_x = rect.x + (rect.width - self.pixbuf.get_width()) / 2 cr.arc(pixbuf_x + self.pixbuf.get_width() / 2, rect.y + self.pixbuf.get_height() / 2, self.pixbuf.get_width() / 2, 0, 2 * math.pi) cr.clip() draw_pixbuf(cr, self.pixbuf, pixbuf_x, rect.y) cr.restore() if self.pixbuf_rect is None: self.pixbuf_rect = gtk.gdk.Rectangle( (rect.width - self.pixbuf.get_width()) / 2, 0, self.pixbuf.get_width(), self.pixbuf.get_height()) if self.mask_flag: if self.mask_pixbuf is None: self.create_mask_pixbuf() cr.arc(pixbuf_x + self.pixbuf.get_width() / 2, rect.y + self.pixbuf.get_height() / 2, self.pixbuf.get_width() / 2, 0, 2 * math.pi) cr.clip() draw_pixbuf(cr, self.mask_pixbuf, pixbuf_x, rect.y) cr.restore() title_rect = gtk.gdk.Rectangle(rect.x + self.padding_x, rect.y + self.pixbuf.get_height() + 5, rect.width - self.padding_x * 2, 11) total_rect = gtk.gdk.Rectangle(title_rect.x, title_rect.y + 16, title_rect.width, 9) render_text( cr, utils.xmlescape(self.title), title_rect, # app_theme.get_color("labelText").get_color(), "#444444", 10) render_text(cr, utils.xmlescape(self.description), total_rect, app_theme.get_color("labelText").get_color(), 8)
def on_panel_expose_event(self, widget, event): cr = widget.window.cairo_create() rect = widget.allocation draw_line(cr, (rect.x, rect.y + 1), (rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + 1), "#c7c7c7") draw_line(cr, (rect.x + rect.width, rect.y), (rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + rect.height), "#c7c7c7") draw_line(cr, (rect.x, rect.y + rect.height), (rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + rect.height), "#c7c7c7") draw_line(cr, (rect.x + 1, rect.y), (rect.x + 1, rect.y + rect.height), "#c7c7c7") tx = rect.x + self.padding_x ty = rect.y + self.padding_y tw = rect.width - self.padding_x * 2 intro = self.channel_info.get("intro", "").strip() intro = utils.xmlescape(intro) if intro: intro_text = "<b>%s:</b> %s" % ("简介", intro) intro_tw, intro_th = get_content_size(intro_text, wrap_width=tw,text_size=9) if intro_th > self.line_height * 2: intro_th = self.line_height * 2 cr.rectangle(tx, ty, intro_tw, intro_th) cr.clip() draw_text(cr, intro_text, tx, ty, intro_tw, intro_th, text_size=9, text_color="#878787", wrap_width=tw) cr.restore() with cairo_disable_antialias(cr): cr.move_to(tx, ty + intro_th + self.line_height) cr.rel_line_to(tw, 0) cr.set_dash([2.0, 2.0]) cr.stroke() cr.restore() hotsongs = " / ".join(self.channel_info.get("hot_songs", [])).strip() hotsongs = utils.xmlescape(hotsongs) hotsongs_text = "<b>%s:</b> %s" % ("热门歌曲", hotsongs) if intro: new_ty = ty + intro_th + self.line_height * 2 else: new_ty = ty hotsongs_tw, hotsongs_th = get_content_size(hotsongs_text, wrap_width=tw,text_size=9) if hotsongs_th > self.line_height * 2: hotsongs_th = self.line_height * 2 cr.rectangle(tx, new_ty, hotsongs_tw, hotsongs_th) cr.clip() draw_text(cr, hotsongs_text, tx, new_ty, hotsongs_tw, hotsongs_th, text_size=9, text_color="#878787", wrap_width=tw) return True
def render(self, cr, rect): ''' Render item. This is IconView interface, you should implement it. ''' # Draw cover. if self.pixbuf is None: self.create_cover_pixbuf() pixbuf_x = rect.x + (rect.width - self.pixbuf.get_width()) / 2 cr.arc(pixbuf_x + self.pixbuf.get_width() / 2, rect.y + self.pixbuf.get_height() / 2, self.pixbuf.get_width() / 2, 0, 2 * math.pi) cr.clip() draw_pixbuf(cr, self.pixbuf, pixbuf_x, rect.y) cr.restore() if self.pixbuf_rect is None: self.pixbuf_rect = gtk.gdk.Rectangle((rect.width - self.pixbuf.get_width()) / 2, 0, self.pixbuf.get_width(), self.pixbuf.get_height()) if self.mask_flag: if self.mask_pixbuf is None: self.create_mask_pixbuf() cr.arc(pixbuf_x + self.pixbuf.get_width() / 2, rect.y + self.pixbuf.get_height() / 2, self.pixbuf.get_width() / 2, 0, 2 * math.pi) cr.clip() draw_pixbuf(cr, self.mask_pixbuf, pixbuf_x, rect.y) cr.restore() title_rect = gtk.gdk.Rectangle(rect.x + self.padding_x, rect.y + self.pixbuf.get_height() + 5, rect.width - self.padding_x * 2, 11) total_rect = gtk.gdk.Rectangle(title_rect.x, title_rect.y + 16, title_rect.width, 9) render_text(cr, utils.xmlescape(self.title), title_rect, # app_theme.get_color("labelText").get_color(), "#444444", 10) render_text(cr, utils.xmlescape(self.description), total_rect, app_theme.get_color("labelText").get_color(), 8)
def on_expose_event(self, widget, event): cr = widget.window.cairo_create() rect = widget.allocation rect.x += self.padding_x rect.width -= self.padding_x * 2 # Draw title. # _width, _height = get_content_size(self.title) # draw_text(cr, self.title, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, _height) # rect.y += self.padding_y + _height # Draw dashed. dash_line_width = 1 with cairo_disable_antialias(cr): cr.set_source_rgb(*color_hex_to_cairo("#D6D6D6")) cr.set_line_width(dash_line_width) cr.set_dash([4.0, 4.0]) cr.move_to(rect.x, rect.y) cr.rel_line_to(rect.width, 0) cr.stroke() rect.y += self.padding_y + dash_line_width # Draw plugin name. if self.plugin_info: plugin_name = "%s: %s" % ( _("Name"), utils.xmlescape(self.plugin_info.get("Name", ""))) _width, _height = get_content_size(plugin_name) draw_text(cr, plugin_name, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, _height) rect.y += self.padding_y + _height # Draw plugin Authors. plugin_authors = plugin_authors = "%s: %s" % ( _("Author(s)"), utils.xmlescape(self.plugin_info.get("Authors", ""))) _width, _height = get_content_size(plugin_authors) draw_text(cr, plugin_authors, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, _height) rect.y += self.padding_y + _height # Draw plugin description plugin_description = self.plugin_info.get("Description", "") _width, _height = get_content_size(plugin_description) draw_text(cr, plugin_description, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, _height) return True
def update_size(self): self.channel_name = utils.xmlescape(self.channel_info.get("name", "")) __, self.name_h = get_content_size(self.channel_name, text_size=9) self.detail_info = "%s首歌曲 %s制作" % ( self.channel_info.get("song_num"), utils.xmlescape( self.channel_info.get("creator", {}).get("name", ""))) __, self.detail_h = get_content_size(self.detail_info, text_size=8) intro = utils.xmlescape(self.channel_info.get("intro", "").strip()) hotsongs = utils.xmlescape(" ".join( self.channel_info.get("hot_songs"))) self.channel_intro = intro or hotsongs __, self.intro_h = get_content_size(self.channel_intro, text_size=8)
def render_item_text2(cr, content, rect, in_select, in_highlight, align=pango.ALIGN_LEFT, font_size=9, error=False): if in_select: color = app_theme.get_color("simpleSelectItem").get_color() else: # color = app_theme.get_color("labelText").get_color() color = "#707070" if error: color = "#ff0000" content = utils.xmlescape(content) draw_text(cr, content, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, font_size, color, alignment=align)
def expose_button(self, widget, event): cr = widget.window.cairo_create() rect = widget.allocation if widget.state == gtk.STATE_NORMAL: bg_pixbuf = self.normal_bg.get_pixbuf() elif widget.state == gtk.STATE_PRELIGHT: bg_pixbuf = self.hover_bg.get_pixbuf() elif widget.state == gtk.STATE_ACTIVE: bg_pixbuf = self.press_bg.get_pixbuf() icon_pixbuf = self.button_icon.get_pixbuf() icon_y = rect.y + (rect.height - icon_pixbuf.get_height()) / 2 # Draw bg. draw_pixbuf(cr, bg_pixbuf, rect.x, rect.y) # Draw icon. draw_pixbuf(cr, icon_pixbuf, rect.x + self.left_padding, icon_y) # Draw label. draw_text(cr, utils.xmlescape(self.content), rect.x + self.left_padding + self.label_padding + icon_pixbuf.get_width(), rect.y, rect.width - self.left_padding - self.label_padding - icon_pixbuf.get_width(), rect.height, self.font_size, text_color="#FFFFFF") return True
def on_expose_event(self, widget, event): cr = widget.window.cairo_create() rect = widget.allocation rect.x += self.padding_x rect.width -= self.padding_x * 2 # Draw title. # _width, _height = get_content_size(self.title) # draw_text(cr, self.title, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, _height) # rect.y += self.padding_y + _height # Draw dashed. dash_line_width = 1 with cairo_disable_antialias(cr): cr.set_source_rgb(*color_hex_to_cairo("#D6D6D6")) cr.set_line_width(dash_line_width) cr.set_dash([4.0, 4.0]) cr.move_to(rect.x, rect.y) cr.rel_line_to(rect.width, 0) cr.stroke() rect.y += self.padding_y + dash_line_width # Draw plugin name. if self.plugin_info: plugin_name = "%s: %s" % (_("Add-on"), utils.xmlescape(self.plugin_info.get("Name", ""))) _width, _height = get_content_size(plugin_name) draw_text(cr, plugin_name, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, _height) rect.y += self.padding_y + _height # Draw plugin Authors. plugin_authors = plugin_authors = "%s: %s" % (_("Author(s)"), utils.xmlescape(self.plugin_info.get("Authors", ""))) _width, _height = get_content_size(plugin_authors) draw_text(cr, plugin_authors, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, _height) rect.y += self.padding_y + _height # Draw plugin description plugin_description = self.plugin_info.get("Description", "") _width, _height = get_content_size(plugin_description) draw_text(cr, plugin_description, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, _height) return True
def __init__(self, title, value, is_select=False): self.hover_flag = False self.highlight_flag = False self.title = utils.xmlescape(title) self.genre_id = value self.underline_flag = False self.redraw_request_callback = None self.is_select = is_select
def __init__(self, parent, title, allocation_widget): gobject.GObject.__init__(self) self.hover_flag = False self.allocation_widget = allocation_widget self.highlight_flag = False self.owner_key = self.title = utils.xmlescape(title) self.parent_key = parent self.has_underline = True
def update(self, lrc_list): self.__url = lrc_list[2] self.title = utils.xmlescape(lrc_list[1]) self.artist = utils.xmlescape(lrc_list[0]) if len(lrc_list) > 3: self.netcode = lrc_list[3] else: self.netcode = "utf-8" # Calculate item size. self.title_padding_x = 10 self.title_padding_y = 5 (self.title_width, self.title_height) = get_content_size(self.title, DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE) self.artist_padding_x = 10 self.artist_padding_y = 5 (self.artist_width, self.artist_height) = get_content_size(self.artist, DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE)
def render_item_text(cr, content, rect, in_select, in_highlight, align=pango.ALIGN_LEFT, font_size=9, error=False): if in_highlight: color = app_theme.get_color("simpleSelectItem").get_color() else: # color = app_theme.get_color("labelText").get_color() color = "#707070" if error: color = "#ff0000" content = utils.xmlescape(content) draw_text(cr, content, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, font_size, color, alignment=align)
def __init__(self, title, callback=None): TreeItem.__init__(self) self.column_index = 0 self.side_padding = 5 self.item_height = 37 self.title = utils.xmlescape(title) self.item_width = 121 self.hover_bg = app_theme.get_pixbuf("webcast/categroy_bg.png").get_pixbuf() self.press_callback = callback self.parent_widget = None self.item_index = -1 self.has_icon = False self.webcast_key = ""
def init_size(self): tw = self.default_width - self.padding_x * 2 intro = self.channel_info.get("intro", "").strip() intro = utils.xmlescape(intro) intro_text = "<b>%s:</b> %s" % ("简介", intro) intro_th = 0 if intro: intro_tw, intro_th = get_content_size(intro_text, wrap_width=tw,text_size=9) if intro_th > self.line_height * 2: intro_th = self.line_height * 2 hotsongs = " / ".join(self.channel_info.get("hot_songs", [])).strip() hotsongs = utils.xmlescape(hotsongs) hotsongs_text = "<b>%s:</b> %s" % ("热门歌曲", hotsongs) hotsongs_tw, hotsongs_th = get_content_size(hotsongs_text, wrap_width=tw,text_size=9) if hotsongs_th > self.line_height * 2: hotsongs_th = self.line_height * 2 if intro_th == 0: height = hotsongs_th + self.line_height * 2 else: height = hotsongs_th + intro_th + self.line_height * 4 self.set_size_request(self.default_width, height)
def __init__(self, title, callback=None): TreeItem.__init__(self) self.column_index = 0 self.side_padding = 5 self.item_height = 37 self.title = utils.xmlescape(title) self.item_width = 121 self.hover_bg = app_theme.get_pixbuf( "webcast/categroy_bg.png").get_pixbuf() self.press_callback = callback self.parent_widget = None self.item_index = -1 self.has_icon = False self.webcast_key = ""
def render_title(self, cr, rect, in_select, in_highlight): rect.x += self.title_padding_x rect.width -= self.title_padding_x * 2 if in_highlight: color = app_theme.get_color("simpleSelectItem").get_color() else: color = app_theme.get_color("labelText").get_color() # if error: # color = "#ff0000" content = utils.xmlescape(self.title) draw_text(cr, content, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, text_size=9, text_color=color, alignment=pango.ALIGN_LEFT)
def __bind(self, raw_key, field): key = deepin_to_keybinder(raw_key) try: self.__try_unbind(key) except: pass try: result = keybinder.bind(key, lambda : self.__handle_callback(key, self.func[field])) except: result = False else: if not result: dbus_notify.set_summary(PROGRAM_NAME_LONG) dbus_notify.set_body(_("Failed to bind %s !") % utils.xmlescape(raw_key)) dbus_notify.notify() return result
def __bind(self, raw_key, field): key = deepin_to_keybinder(raw_key) try: self.__try_unbind(key) except: pass try: result = keybinder.bind(key, lambda : self.__handle_callback(key, self.func[field])) except: result = False else: if not result: dbus_notify.set_summary(_("DMusic")) dbus_notify.set_body(_("Failed to bind %s !") % utils.xmlescape(raw_key)) dbus_notify.notify() return result
def update(self, song , buffering = None): if not song: return = song title = song.get_str("title") if song.get_str("artist"): title = "%s - %s" % (title, song.get_str("artist")) title = utils.xmlescape(title) if buffering is not None: if buffering >= 0 and buffering <= 98: buffering_title = "%s(%d%%) - %s" % (_("buffering..."), buffering, title) else: buffering_title = title self.set_text(buffering_title) else: self.set_text(title)
def update(self, song , buffering = None): if not song: return = song title = song.get_str("title") if song.get_str("artist"): title = "%s - %s" % (title, song.get_str("artist")) title = utils.xmlescape(title) if buffering is not None: if buffering >= 0 and buffering <= 98: buffering_title = "%s(%d%%) - %s" % (_("buffering"), buffering, title) else: buffering_title = title self.set_text(buffering_title) else: self.set_text(title)
def __init__(self, title, webcast_key, sourcebar, index, show_icon=False): TreeItem.__init__(self) self.column_index = 0 self.side_padding = 5 self.item_height = 37 self.title = utils.xmlescape(title) self.item_width = 121 self.webcast_key = webcast_key self.hover_bg = app_theme.get_pixbuf("webcast/categroy_bg.png").get_pixbuf() self.selected_pixbuf = app_theme.get_pixbuf("webcast/source_sselect.png").get_pixbuf() owner_keys = WebcastsDB.get_keys_from_categroy(webcast_key) panel_items = [PanelItem(webcast_key, key, sourcebar) for key in owner_keys] self.popup_panel = PopupPanel() self.popup_panel.add_items(panel_items) self.parent_widget = sourcebar self.item_index = index self.has_icon = show_icon
def __init__(self, title, webcast_key, sourcebar, index, show_icon=False): TreeItem.__init__(self) self.column_index = 0 self.side_padding = 5 self.item_height = 37 self.title = utils.xmlescape(title) self.item_width = 121 self.webcast_key = webcast_key self.hover_bg = app_theme.get_pixbuf( "webcast/categroy_bg.png").get_pixbuf() self.selected_pixbuf = app_theme.get_pixbuf( "webcast/source_sselect.png").get_pixbuf() owner_keys = WebcastsDB.get_keys_from_categroy(webcast_key) panel_items = [ PanelItem(webcast_key, key, sourcebar) for key in owner_keys ] self.popup_panel = PopupPanel() self.popup_panel.add_items(panel_items) self.parent_widget = sourcebar self.item_index = index self.has_icon = show_icon
def on_panel_expose_event(self, widget, event): cr = widget.window.cairo_create() rect = widget.allocation # Clear color to transparent window. if self.is_composited(): cr.rectangle(*rect) cr.set_source_rgba(1, 1, 1, 0.95) cr.set_operator(cairo.OPERATOR_SOURCE) cr.paint() else: cr.rectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height) cr.set_operator(cairo.OPERATOR_SOURCE) cr.set_source_rgb(0.9, 0.9, 0.9) cr.fill() cr = widget.window.cairo_create() rect = widget.allocation with cairo_disable_antialias(cr): cr.rectangle(rect.x + 1, rect.y + 1, rect.width - 1, rect.height - 1) cr.set_line_width(1) cr.set_source_rgb(*color_hex_to_cairo("#D6D6D6")) cr.stroke() if not return True dash_y = rect.y + self.cover_height + self.cover_up_offset + self.cover_bottom_offset + 1 dash_x = rect.x dash_width = rect.width cover_pixbuf = self.get_song_cover() rect.x += self.cover_padding_x rect.width -= self.cover_padding_x * 2 # rect.y += (rect.height - self.cover_height) / 2 rect.y += self.cover_up_offset draw_pixbuf(cr, cover_pixbuf, rect.x, rect.y) rect.x += self.cover_width + self.text_padding_x rect.width -= (self.cover_width + self.text_padding_x) title = utils.xmlescape("title")) artist = utils.xmlescape("artist")) album = utils.xmlescape("album")) _width, _height = get_content_size(title, text_size=self.title_text_size) if not artist and not album: _height = self.cover_height draw_text(cr, title, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, _height, text_color=self.other_text_color, text_size=self.title_text_size) if artist: rect.y += _height + self.text_padding_y _width, _height = get_content_size(artist, text_size=self.other_text_size) draw_text(cr, artist, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, _height, text_size=self.other_text_size, text_color=self.other_text_color) if album: rect.y += _height + self.text_padding_y _width, _height = get_content_size(artist, text_size=self.other_text_size) draw_text(cr, album, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, _height, text_size=self.other_text_size, text_color=self.other_text_color) # draw dash with cairo_disable_antialias(cr): cr.set_source_rgb(*color_hex_to_cairo("#D6D6D6")) cr.set_line_width(1) cr.move_to(dash_x, dash_y) cr.rel_line_to(dash_width, 0) # cr.set_dash([2.0, 2.0]) cr.stroke() other_width = (dash_width - self.cover_padding_x * 2) / 2 - self.cover_padding_x / 2 other_left_x = dash_x + self.cover_padding_x other_right_x = dash_x + dash_width / 2 + self.cover_padding_x / 2 # draw size and format other_y = dash_y + self.other_up_offset song_size = "%s: %s" % (_("Size"), utils.xmlescape("#size"))) song_format = "%s: %s" % (_("Type"), utils.get_song_attr( _width, _height = get_content_size(song_size, text_size=self.other_text_size) draw_text(cr, song_size, other_left_x, other_y, other_width, _height, text_size=self.other_text_size, text_color=self.other_text_color ) draw_text(cr, song_format, other_right_x, other_y, other_width, _height, text_size=self.other_text_size, text_color=self.other_text_color ) # draw playcount and duration. other_y += _height + self.other_text_padding_y playcount ="#playcount") if playcount == "Never" or not playcount: playcount = "0" song_playcount = "%s: %s" % (_("Playcount"), playcount) duration = "%s: %s" % (_("Duration"),"#duration")) draw_text(cr, song_playcount, other_left_x, other_y, other_width, _height, text_size=self.other_text_size, text_color=self.other_text_color ) draw_text(cr, duration, other_right_x, other_y, other_width, _height, text_size=self.other_text_size, text_color=self.other_text_color ) return True
def __init__(self, _tuple): # Init gobject. gobject.GObject.__init__(self) # MissionThread.__init__(self) # Get tuple values. self.key_name, self.value_name, nums, self.tag = _tuple # Set cell size. self.cell_width = 84 if self.tag == "folder": self.cell_width = 67 # Set display label. if not self.key_name: self.name_label= _("Unknown") elif self.key_name == "deepin-all-songs": self.name_label = _("All Tracks") else: self.name_label = utils.xmlescape(self.key_name) # Just create pixbuf when need render it to save memory. self.pixbuf = None # Display track number self.labels = "%d %s" % (nums, _("Track(s)")) self.pixbuf_offset_x = 4 self.pixbuf_offset_y = 4 self.padding_x = 6 self.border_size = 4 self.padding_y = 20 self.hover_flag = False self.highlight_flag = False self.draw_side_flag = True self.__draw_play_hover_flag = False self.__draw_play_press_flag = False self.cover_dpixbuf = app_theme.get_pixbuf("cover/default_cover.png") # normal side pixbuf if self.tag == "folder": self.__normal_side_pixbuf = app_theme.get_pixbuf("local/side_normal.png").get_pixbuf() else: self.__normal_side_pixbuf = app_theme.get_pixbuf("filter/side_normal.png").get_pixbuf() # normal play pixbuf self.__normal_play_pixbuf = app_theme.get_pixbuf("filter/play_normal.png").get_pixbuf() self.play_rect = gtk.gdk.Rectangle( self.__normal_side_pixbuf.get_width() - self.__normal_play_pixbuf.get_width() - 2 - 6, self.__normal_side_pixbuf.get_height() - self.__normal_play_pixbuf.get_height() - 2 - 6, self.__normal_play_pixbuf.get_width(), self.__normal_play_pixbuf.get_height() ) try: self.retrieve = TransforDB.convert(self.name_label.lower().replace(" ", "")) \ + self.name_label.lower().replace(" ", "") except: self.retrieve = ""
class XMLFromPattern(Pattern): _formatters = [lambda k, s: utils.xmlescape(s)]
def get_channel_contents(self, channel_info): name = utils.xmlescape(channel_info.get("name", "")) intro = utils.xmlescape(channel_info.get("intro", "")) hot_songs = "%s: %s" % ("热门歌曲", utils.xmlescape(" / ".join(channel_info.get("hot_songs", [])))) songs = "%s%s" % (str(channel_info.get("song_num", "0")), "首歌曲") return (name, intro, hot_songs, songs)