def update(self, hero: Hero): self._frame += 1 if self._current_animation == 'attack': self._image = Assets().entities['Pirate']['attack'][self.frame // 5 % 7] if self.frame == 5 * 7: self._frame = 0 self._current_animation = 'move' elif self._current_animation == 'move': self._image = Assets().entities['Pirate']['move'][0] if (hero.position.x <= self.position.x < hero.position.x + 2 and hero.position.y - 1 <= self.position.y <= hero.position.y + 2 ) or (self.__side == RIGHT and hero.position.x - 46 / TILE_SIZE[0] <= self.position.x <= hero.position.x - 32 / TILE_SIZE[0] and hero.position.y - 1 / 2 <= self.position.y <= hero.position.y + 2 + 1 / 2) or ( self.__side == LEFT and hero.position.x + 64 / TILE_SIZE[1] <= self.position.x <= hero.position.x + 78 / TILE_SIZE[1] and hero.position.y - 1 / 2 <= self.position.y <= hero.position.y + 2 + 1 / 2): self.attack(hero) elif self._current_animation == 'move': self.move(hero)
def update(self): self._frame += 1 if self._current_animation == 'attack': self._image = Assets().hero_animations[self._current_animation][ self.frame // 4 % FC_HERO_ATTACK] if self.frame == 9 or self.frame == 29 or self.frame == 49: Sounds() if self.frame == 4 * self.__attack_count: self._frame = 0 self.__attack_count = 0 self._current_animation = 'move' self._image = Assets().hero_animations[ self._current_animation][FC_HERO_MOVE * int( bool(self._inventory['equipment']['arm']))]
def render(self, screen, health): image = pygame.transform.scale(self.image, self.size) rect = image.get_rect() for i in range(int(health)): rect.topleft = self.position.x + i * (self.size[0] + 4), self.position.y screen.blit(image, rect) for i in range(int(health), Hero.MAX_HEALTH): rect.topleft = self.position.x + i * (self.size[0] + 4), self.position.y screen.blit(Assets().emptyHeart, rect) if health % 1 != 0: rect.topleft = self.position.x + int(health) * (self.size[0] + 4), self.position.y screen.blit(Assets().halfHeart, rect)
def move(self, hero: Hero): # add hero argument if (self.position.x - hero.position.x)**2 + ( self.position.y - hero.position.y )**2 <= 9**2 and self.position.x // HORIZONTAL_TILES_COUNT == hero.position.x // HORIZONTAL_TILES_COUNT and self.position.y // VERTICAL_TILES_COUNT == hero.position.y // VERTICAL_TILES_COUNT: self.__move_to_hero(hero) self._image = Assets().entities['Pirate']['move'][self.frame // 5 % 2]
def render(self, screen, active_slot, inventory): image = pygame.transform.scale(self.image, self.size) for i in range(4): item = list(inventory.values())[i] if item is not None: image.blit(item.image, pygame.Rect((6, SLOT_SIZE[1] * (i) + 6), item.size)) if active_slot is not None and isinstance(active_slot, str): slot_number = list(inventory.keys()).index(active_slot) image.blit(Assets().active_slot, pygame.Rect((0, SLOT_SIZE[1] * slot_number), SLOT_SIZE)) rect = image.get_rect() rect.topleft = self.position.x, self.position.y screen.blit(image, rect)
def render(self, screen, active_slot, inventory): image = pygame.transform.scale(self.image, self.size) for i in range(1, 7): if inventory[i] is not None: image.blit( inventory[i].image, pygame.Rect((SLOT_SIZE[1] * (i - 1) + 6, 6), inventory[i].size)) if active_slot is not None and isinstance(active_slot, int): image.blit( Assets().active_slot, pygame.Rect((SLOT_SIZE[1] * (active_slot - 1), 0), SLOT_SIZE)) rect = image.get_rect() rect.topleft = self.position.x, self.position.y screen.blit(image, rect)
def __init__(self, pos=Position(0, 0), size=(40, 75), is_active=True, frame=0, color='blue', destination={ 'position': Position(0, 0), 'level': '' }): super(Portal, self).__init__(pos, size) super(RenderableObject, self).__init__() self.is_active = is_active self.__color = color self.__destination = destination self._image = Assets().portals[color][0]
def __init__(self, name='Pirate', health=15, damage=0.5, armor=0, pos=Position(0, 0), size=(32, 50), side=RIGHT): super(Pirate, self).__init__(name, health, damage, armor, pos, size=(32, 50)) self.__side = side self._image = pygame.transform.scale( Assets().entities[]['move'][0], self.size)
def __init__(self, name='', pos=Position(0, 0), items=None): super().__init__(name, pos=pos) if items is None: self._items = { 1: None, 2: None, 3: None, 4: None, 5: None, 6: None, 7: None, 8: None, 9: None } else: self._items = items self._image = pygame.transform.scale2x(Assets().bargainer)
def __init__(self, name='', health=MAX_HEALTH, damage=3, armor=0, pos=Position(0, 0), money=0, inventory=None, effects=None, side=RIGHT): super().__init__(name, health, damage, armor, pos) self._money = money if inventory is None: self._inventory = { 'items': { 1: None, 2: None, 3: None, 4: None, 5: None, 6: None }, 'equipment': { 'head': None, 'chest': None, 'legs': None, 'arm': None } } else: self._inventory = inventory if effects is None: self._effects = {'strength': 0, 'invisibility': 0, 'poisoning': 0} else: self._effects = effects self.__attack_count = 0 self.__side = side self._image = pygame.transform.scale( Assets().hero_animations['move'][0], HERO_SIZE)
def image(self): return pygame.transform.scale2x(Assets().items[])
def __init__(self): super().__init__(pos=Position(25, 15), size=HEART_SIZE) self._image = Assets().fullHeart
def __init__(self): super().__init__(pos=Position(0, (HEIGHT - EQUIPMENT_BAR_SIZE[1]) // 2), size=EQUIPMENT_BAR_SIZE) self._image = Assets().equipment_bar
def __init__(self): super().__init__(pos=Position(230, 17), size=COIN_SIZE) self._image = Assets().coin
def __init__(self, opt): self.session_id = opt.session_id # Initialize camera and window self.cap = cv.VideoCapture(opt.input_device, eval(f'cv.{opt.input_api}')) assert self.cap.isOpened(), 'Failed to initialize video capture!' self.width, self.height = opt.video_width, opt.video_height self.cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, self.width) self.cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, self.height) self.window_name = 'tutorial' if opt.fullscreen: cv.namedWindow(self.window_name, cv.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv.setWindowProperty(self.window_name, cv.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, cv.WINDOW_FULLSCREEN) else: cv.namedWindow(self.window_name) self.width_qr = self.width // 4 self.width_half = self.width // 2 self.width_3qr = self.width // 4 * 3 self.border_margin = round(max(self.width, self.height) * 0.025) # Initialize openpose library import os import sys sys.path.append(os.fspath(opt.op_path / 'python/openpose/Release')) os.environ['PATH'] += f';{os.fspath(opt.op_path/"x64/Release")}' os.environ['PATH'] += f';{os.fspath(opt.op_path/"bin")}' try: import pyopenpose as op except ImportError as e: print('Error: OpenPose library could not be found.') raise e self._op_wrapper = op.WrapperPython() self._op_wrapper.configure({ 'model_folder': os.fspath(opt.op_path / '../models/'), 'model_pose': 'BODY_25', 'number_people_max': 1 }) self._op_wrapper.start() self._datum = op.Datum() # Raw data recorder if not opt.no_save: self.recorder = DataRecorder( (self.width, self.height), 24, f'records/{opt.session_id}/{int(time())}') else: self.recorder = DummyDataRecorder() # Handler of each state self.handlers = { State.Ready: self.handle_ready, State.PoseReady: self.handle_pose_ready, State.PoseMeasuring: self.handle_pose_measuring, State.Finish: self.handle_finish, } # Load assets self.assets = Assets('assets/') self.poses: List[Posture] = [ Pose_01, Pose_02, Pose_03, Pose_04, Pose_05, Pose_06, Pose_08, Pose_09, Pose_10 ] self.poses_ui: List[InformationLayer] = generate_info_layers( self.poses) self.running: bool = True self.state: State = State.Ready self.pose_index_iter: Iterator[int] = iter(range(len(self.poses))) self.current_pose_i: int = 0 self.t_start: float = perf_counter() self.fail_counter = deque([False] * opt.fail_tolerance, maxlen=opt.fail_tolerance) self.angle: float = np.pi self.confidence: float = 0 self.score: int = 0 self.keypoints: np.ndarray = np.array([], np.float32) self.frame: np.ndarray = np.array([], np.uint8)
def __init__(self): super().__init__(pos=Position((WIDTH - INVENTORY_BAR_SIZE[0]) // 2, (HEIGHT - INVENTORY_BAR_SIZE[1])), size=INVENTORY_BAR_SIZE) self._image = Assets().inventory_bar
def move(self, key, room: Room): def can_stand(step_x=0, step_y=0): if step_x != 0: return room.tileOn( Position( int(self.position.x + step_x) % HORIZONTAL_TILES_COUNT, int(self.position.y) % VERTICAL_TILES_COUNT) ).type != '#' and room.tileOn( Position( int(self.position.x + step_x) % HORIZONTAL_TILES_COUNT, int(self.position.y + 1) % VERTICAL_TILES_COUNT) ).type != '#' and (self.position.y % 1 == 0 or (room.tileOn( Position( int(self.position.x + step_x) % HORIZONTAL_TILES_COUNT, int(self.position.y + 1) % VERTICAL_TILES_COUNT) ).type != '#' and room.tileOn( Position( int(self.position.x + step_x) % HORIZONTAL_TILES_COUNT, int(self.position.y + 2) % VERTICAL_TILES_COUNT)).type != '#')) elif step_y != 0: return room.tileOn( Position( int(self.position.x) % HORIZONTAL_TILES_COUNT, int(self.position.y + step_y) % VERTICAL_TILES_COUNT) ).type != '#' and room.tileOn( Position( int(self.position.x + 1) % HORIZONTAL_TILES_COUNT, int(self.position.y + step_y) % VERTICAL_TILES_COUNT) ).type != '#' and (self.position.x % 1 == 0 or (room.tileOn( Position( int(self.position.x + 1) % HORIZONTAL_TILES_COUNT, int(self.position.y + step_y) % VERTICAL_TILES_COUNT) ).type != '#' and room.tileOn( Position( int(self.position.x + 2) % HORIZONTAL_TILES_COUNT, int(self.position.y + step_y) % VERTICAL_TILES_COUNT)).type != '#')) self._image = Assets().hero_animations['move'][ self.frame // 7 % FC_HERO_MOVE + FC_HERO_MOVE * int(bool(self._inventory['equipment']['arm']))] if key == pygame.K_DOWN: if self.position.y % VERTICAL_TILES_COUNT == VERTICAL_TILES_COUNT - HERO_SIZE_IN_TILES[ 1]: self.position.y += HERO_SIZE_IN_TILES[1] elif can_stand(step_y=HERO_SIZE_IN_TILES[1]): self.position.y += 1 / 4 elif key == pygame.K_UP: if self.position.y % VERTICAL_TILES_COUNT == 0: self.position.y -= 1 elif can_stand(step_y=-1 / 4): self.position.y -= 1 / 4 elif key == pygame.K_LEFT: if self.position.x % HORIZONTAL_TILES_COUNT == 0: self.position.x -= HERO_SIZE_IN_TILES[0] elif can_stand(step_x=-1 / 4): self.position.x -= 1 / 4 self.__side = LEFT elif key == pygame.K_RIGHT: if self.position.x % HORIZONTAL_TILES_COUNT == HORIZONTAL_TILES_COUNT - HERO_SIZE_IN_TILES[ 0]: self.position.x += HERO_SIZE_IN_TILES[0] elif can_stand(step_x=HERO_SIZE_IN_TILES[0]): self.position.x += 1 / 4 self.__side = RIGHT
def update(self): if self.is_active: self._frame += 1 self._image = Assets().portals[self.color][self.frame // 5 % 9]
def __init__(self): super().__init__(pos=Position(25, 42), size=SHIELD_SIZE) self._image = Assets().armor
def image(self): return pygame.transform.scale(Assets().tiles[self._type], TILE_SIZE)