def test(FLAG): print("Reading dataset...") if FLAG.dataset == 'CIFAR-10': dataset = CIFAR10(train=False) elif FLAG.dataset == 'CIFAR-100': dataset = CIFAR100(train=False) else: raise ValueError("dataset should be either CIFAR-10 or CIFAR-100.") Xtest, Ytest = dataset.test_data, dataset.test_labels print("Build VGG16 models...") dp = [(i + 1) * 0.05 for i in range(1, 20)] vgg16 = VGG16(FLAG.init_from, infer=True, prof_type=FLAG.prof_type) with tf.Session() as sess: if FLAG.save_dir is not None: saver = tf.train.Saver() ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(FLAG.save_dir) if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path: count = 0 for checkpoint in ckpt.all_model_checkpoint_paths: saver.restore(sess, checkpoint) print("Model restored %s" % checkpoint) print("Initialized") # saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) # print("Model restored %s" % ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) # # print("Initialized") count += 1 output = [] for dp_i in dp: accu =[str(int(dp_i * 100))], feed_dict={ vgg16.x: Xtest[:5000, :], vgg16.y: Ytest[:5000, :] }) accu2 =[str(int(dp_i * 100))], feed_dict={ vgg16.x: Xtest[5000:, :], vgg16.y: Ytest[5000:, :] }) output.append((accu + accu2) / 2) print("At DP={dp:.4f}, accu={perf:.4f}".format( dp=dp_i, perf=(accu + accu2) / 2)) res = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({ 'DP': [int(dp_i * 100) for dp_i in dp], 'accu': output }) res.to_csv("task%s_%s" % (count, FLAG.output), index=False) print("Write into task%s_%s" % (count, FLAG.output))
def test(FLAG): print("Reading dataset...") if FLAG.dataset == 'CIFAR-10': test_data = CIFAR10(train=False) vgg16 = VGG16(classes=10) elif FLAG.dataset == 'CIFAR-100': test_data = CIFAR100(train=False) vgg16 = VGG16(classes=100) else: raise ValueError("dataset should be either CIFAR-10 or CIFAR-100.") Xtest, Ytest = test_data.test_data, test_data.test_labels if is not None: data_dict = np.load(FLAG.init_from, encoding='latin1').item() data_dict = dpSparsifyVGG16(data_dict,, conv_pre_training=True, fc_pre_training=True) print("Build model from %s using dp=%s" % (FLAG.init_from, str( * 100))) else:, conv_pre_training=True, fc_pre_training=True) print("Build full model from %s" % (FLAG.init_from)) # build model using dp # dp = [(i+1)*0.05 for i in range(1,20)] dp = [1.0] vgg16.set_idp_operation(dp=dp, keep_prob=FLAG.keep_prob) flops, params = countFlopsParas(vgg16) print("Flops: %3f M, Paras: %3f M" % (flops / 1e6, params / 1e6)) FLAG.flops_M = flops / 1e6 FLAG.params_M = params / 1e6 with tf.Session() as sess: if FLAG.save_dir is not None: saver = tf.train.Saver() ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(FLAG.save_dir) if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path: saver.restore(sess, checkpoint) print("Model restored %s" % checkpoint) else: print("No model checkpoint in %s" % FLAG.save_dir) else: print("Initialized") output = [] for dp_i in dp: accu =[str(int(dp_i * 100))], feed_dict={ vgg16.x: Xtest[:5000, :], vgg16.y: Ytest[:5000, :], vgg16.is_train: False }) accu2 =[str(int(dp_i * 100))], feed_dict={ vgg16.x: Xtest[5000:, :], vgg16.y: Ytest[5000:, :], vgg16.is_train: False }) output.append((accu + accu2) / 2) print("At DP={dp:.4f}, accu={perf:.4f}".format( dp=dp_i *, perf=(accu + accu2) / 2)) res = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({ 'DP': [int(dp_i * 100) for dp_i in dp], 'accu': output }) res.to_csv(FLAG.output, index=False) print("Write into %s" % FLAG.output) FLAG.accuracy = (accu + accu2) / 2 header = '' row = '' for key in sorted(vars(FLAG)): if header is '': header = key row = str(getattr(FLAG, key)) else: header += "," + key row += "," + str(getattr(FLAG, key)) row += "\n" header += "\n" if os.path.exists("/home/cmchang/new_CP_CNN/performance.csv"): with open("/home/cmchang/new_CP_CNN/performance.csv", "a") as myfile: myfile.write(row) else: with open("/home/cmchang/new_CP_CNN/performance.csv", "w") as myfile: myfile.write(header) myfile.write(row)
ckpt_dir = args.ckpt_dir # 'Model/CIFAR10/TT_30_Adam' which_resnet = args.which_resnet bond_dim = args.bond_dim params = {} params['data_path'] = '../CIFAR10/cifar-10-batches-py' # batch_size here does not matter params['batch_size'] = 64 # CIFAR10 = read_data.CIFAR10(params) # data={} # data['X_train']= CIFAR10._train_image_set # data['y_train']= CIFAR10._train_label_set # data['X_val']= CIFAR10._val_image_set # data['y_val']= CIFAR10._val_label_set CIFAR10 = CIFAR10.CIFAR10(params) data = {} data['X_val'] = CIFAR10._test_image_set data['y_val'] = CIFAR10._test_label_set config = tf.ConfigProto( allow_soft_placement=True) # , log_device_placement=True) #config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.90 config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with tf.device('/gpu:0'): with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: ## Set up input image and image augmentation ## image_size = 32 num_classes = 10 images = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
ckpt_dir = ckpt_dir + '/' else: pass ckpt_name = 'resnet_' + args.which_resnet which_opt = args.which_opt regu = args.regu global_step = args.global_step num_iter = args.num_iter bond_dim = args.bond_dim params = { 'batch_size': batch_size, 'data_path': '../CIFAR10/cifar-10-batches-py' } CIFAR10 = CIFAR10.CIFAR10(params) # data={} # data['X_train']= CIFAR10._train_image_set # data['y_train']= CIFAR10._train_label_set # data['X_val']= CIFAR10._val_image_set # data['y_val']= CIFAR10._val_label_set config = tf.ConfigProto( allow_soft_placement=True) # , log_device_placement=True) #config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.90 config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True with tf.device('/gpu:0'): with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: ## Set up input image and image augmentation ##
def train(FLAG): print("Reading dataset...") if FLAG.dataset == 'CIFAR-10': train_data = CIFAR10(train=True) test_data = CIFAR10(train=False) vgg16 = VGG16(classes=10) elif FLAG.dataset == 'CIFAR-100': train_data = CIFAR100(train=True) test_data = CIFAR100(train=False) vgg16 = VGG16(classes=100) else: raise ValueError("dataset should be either CIFAR-10 or CIFAR-100.") print("Build VGG16 models for %s..." % FLAG.dataset) Xtrain, Ytrain = train_data.train_data, train_data.train_labels Xtest, Ytest = test_data.test_data, test_data.test_labels, prof_type=FLAG.prof_type, conv_pre_training=True, fc_pre_training=False) vgg16.sparsity_train(l1_gamma=FLAG.lambda_s, l1_gamma_diff=FLAG.lambda_m, decay=FLAG.decay, keep_prob=FLAG.keep_prob) # define tasks tasks = ['var_dp'] print(tasks) # initial task cur_task = tasks[0] obj = vgg16.loss_dict[tasks[0]] saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables(), max_to_keep=len(tasks)) checkpoint_path = os.path.join(FLAG.save_dir, 'model.ckpt') tvars_trainable = tf.trainable_variables() #for rm in vgg16.gamma_var: # tvars_trainable.remove(rm) # print('%s is not trainable.'% rm) with tf.Session() as sess: # hyper parameters batch_size = 64 epoch = 500 early_stop_patience = 50 min_delta = 0.0001 opt_type = 'adam' # recorder epoch_counter = 0 # optimizer global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False) # Passing global_step to minimize() will increment it at each step. if opt_type is 'sgd': start_learning_rate = 1e-4 # adam # 4e-3 #sgd half_cycle = 20000 learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(start_learning_rate, global_step, half_cycle, 0.5, staircase=True) opt = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate, momentum=0.9, use_nesterov=True) else: start_learning_rate = 1e-4 # adam # 4e-3 #sgd half_cycle = 10000 learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(start_learning_rate, global_step, half_cycle, 0.5, staircase=True) opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate) train_op = opt.minimize(obj, global_step=global_step, var_list=tvars_trainable) # progress bar ptrain = IntProgress() pval = IntProgress() display(ptrain) display(pval) ptrain.max = int(Xtrain.shape[0] / batch_size) pval.max = int(Xtest.shape[0] / batch_size) spareness = vgg16.spareness(thresh=0.05) print("initial spareness: %s" % # re-initialize initialize_uninitialized(sess) # reset due to adding a new task patience_counter = 0 current_best_val_accu = 0 # optimize when the aggregated obj while (patience_counter < early_stop_patience and epoch_counter < epoch): def load_batches(): for i in range(int(Xtrain.shape[0] / batch_size)): st = i * batch_size ed = (i + 1) * batch_size batch = ia.Batch(images=Xtrain[st:ed, :, :, :], data=Ytrain[st:ed, :]) yield batch batch_loader = ia.BatchLoader(load_batches) bg_augmenter = ia.BackgroundAugmenter(batch_loader=batch_loader, augseq=transform, nb_workers=4) # start training stime = time.time() bar_train = Bar( 'Training', max=int(Xtrain.shape[0] / batch_size), suffix='%(index)d/%(max)d - %(percent).1f%% - %(eta)ds') bar_val = Bar( 'Validation', max=int(Xtest.shape[0] / batch_size), suffix='%(index)d/%(max)d - %(percent).1f%% - %(eta)ds') train_loss, train_accu = 0.0, 0.0 while True: batch = bg_augmenter.get_batch() if batch is None: print("Finished epoch.") break x_images_aug = batch.images_aug y_images = loss, accu, _ = [obj, vgg16.accu_dict[cur_task], train_op], feed_dict={ vgg16.x: x_images_aug, vgg16.y: y_images, vgg16.is_train: True }) train_loss += loss train_accu += accu ptrain.value += 1 ptrain.description = "Training %s/%s" % (ptrain.value, ptrain.max) train_loss = train_loss / ptrain.value train_accu = train_accu / ptrain.value batch_loader.terminate() bg_augmenter.terminate() # # training an epoch # for i in range(int(Xtrain.shape[0]/batch_size)): # st = i*batch_size # ed = (i+1)*batch_size # augX = transform.augment_images(Xtrain[st:ed,:,:,:]) #[train_op], feed_dict={vgg16.x: augX, # vgg16.y: Ytrain[st:ed,:], # vgg16.is_train: False}) # ptrain.value +=1 # ptrain.description = "Training %s/%s" % (i, ptrain.max) # # validation val_loss = 0 val_accu = 0 for i in range(int(Xtest.shape[0] / 200)): st = i * 200 ed = (i + 1) * 200 loss, accu = [obj, vgg16.accu_dict[cur_task]], feed_dict={ vgg16.x: Xtest[st:ed, :], vgg16.y: Ytest[st:ed, :], vgg16.is_train: False }) val_loss += loss val_accu += accu pval.value += 1 pval.description = "Testing %s/%s" % (pval.value, pval.value) val_loss = val_loss / pval.value val_accu = val_accu / pval.value print("\nspareness: %s" % # early stopping check if (val_accu - current_best_val_accu) > min_delta: current_best_val_accu = val_accu patience_counter = 0 para_dict =, "para_dict.npy"), para_dict) print("save in %s" % os.path.join(FLAG.save_dir, "para_dict.npy")) else: patience_counter += 1 # shuffle Xtrain and Ytrain in the next epoch idx = np.random.permutation(Xtrain.shape[0]) Xtrain, Ytrain = Xtrain[idx, :, :, :], Ytrain[idx, :] # epoch end # writer.add_summary(epoch_summary, epoch_counter) epoch_counter += 1 ptrain.value = 0 pval.value = 0 bar_train.finish() bar_val.finish() print( "Epoch %s (%s), %s sec >> train loss: %.4f, train accu: %.4f, val loss: %.4f, val accu at %s: %.4f" % (epoch_counter, patience_counter, round(time.time() - stime, 2), train_loss, train_accu, val_loss, cur_task, val_accu)), checkpoint_path, global_step=epoch_counter) sp, rcut = gammaSparsifyVGG16(para_dict, thresh=0.02), "sparse_dict.npy"), sp) print("sparsify %s in %s" % (np.round( 1 - rcut, 3), os.path.join(FLAG.save_dir, "sparse_dict.npy"))) #writer.close() arr_spareness.append(1 - rcut), "sprocess.npy"), arr_spareness) FLAG.optimizer = opt_type = start_learning_rate FLAG.batch_size = batch_size FLAG.epoch_end = epoch_counter FLAG.val_accu = current_best_val_accu header = '' row = '' for key in sorted(vars(FLAG)): if header is '': header = key row = str(getattr(FLAG, key)) else: header += "," + key row += "," + str(getattr(FLAG, key)) row += "\n" header += "\n" if os.path.exists("/home/cmchang/new_CP_CNN/model.csv"): with open("/home/cmchang/new_CP_CNN/model.csv", "a") as myfile: myfile.write(row) else: with open("/home/cmchang/new_CP_CNN/model.csv", "w") as myfile: myfile.write(header) myfile.write(row)
def train(FLAG): print("Reading dataset...") if FLAG.dataset == 'CIFAR-10': train_data = CIFAR10(train=True) test_data = CIFAR10(train=False) elif FLAG.dataset == 'CIFAR-100': train_data = CIFAR100(train=True) test_data = CIFAR100(train=False) else: raise ValueError("dataset should be either CIFAR-10 or CIFAR-100.") Xtrain, Ytrain = train_data.train_data, train_data.train_labels Xtest, Ytest = test_data.test_data, test_data.test_labels print("Build VGG16 models...") vgg16 = VGG16(FLAG.init_from, prof_type=FLAG.prof_type) # build model using dp dp = [(i + 1) * 0.05 for i in range(1, 20)] # define tasks tasks = ['100', '50'] print(tasks) saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables(), max_to_keep=len(tasks)) checkpoint_path = os.path.join(FLAG.save_dir, 'model.ckpt') tvars_trainable = tf.trainable_variables() for rm in vgg16.gamma_var: tvars_trainable.remove(rm) print('%s is not trainable.' % rm) # useful function def initialize_uninitialized(sess): global_vars = tf.global_variables() is_not_initialized = [tf.is_variable_initialized(var) for var in global_vars]) not_initialized_vars = [ v for (v, f) in zip(global_vars, is_not_initialized) if not f ] if len(not_initialized_vars): with tf.Session() as sess: # hyper parameters learning_rate = 2e-4 batch_size = 32 alpha = 0.5 early_stop_patience = 4 min_delta = 0.0001 # optimizer # opt = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate, momentum=0.9) opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate) # recorder epoch_counter = 0 # tensorboard writer writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(FLAG.log_dir, sess.graph) # progress bar ptrain = IntProgress() pval = IntProgress() display(ptrain) display(pval) ptrain.max = int(Xtrain.shape[0] / batch_size) pval.max = int(Xtest.shape[0] / batch_size) # initial task obj = vgg16.loss_dict[tasks[0]] while (len(tasks)): # acquire a new task cur_task = tasks[0] tasks = tasks[1:] new_obj = vgg16.loss_dict[cur_task] # just finished a task if epoch_counter > 0: # save models, checkpoint_path, global_step=epoch_counter) # task-wise loss aggregation # obj = tf.add(tf.multiply(1-alpha,obj), tf.multiply(alpha,new_obj)) obj = tf.add(obj, new_obj) # optimizer train_op = opt.minimize(obj, var_list=tvars_trainable) # re-initialize initialize_uninitialized(sess) # reset due to adding a new task patience_counter = 0 current_best_val_loss = 100000 # a large number # optimize when the aggregated obj while (patience_counter < early_stop_patience): stime = time.time() bar_train = Bar( 'Training', max=int(Xtrain.shape[0] / batch_size), suffix='%(index)d/%(max)d - %(percent).1f%% - %(eta)ds') bar_val = Bar( 'Validation', max=int(Xtest.shape[0] / batch_size), suffix='%(index)d/%(max)d - %(percent).1f%% - %(eta)ds') # training an epoch for i in range(int(Xtrain.shape[0] / batch_size)): st = i * batch_size ed = (i + 1) * batch_size[train_op], feed_dict={ vgg16.x: Xtrain[st:ed, :, :, :], vgg16.y: Ytrain[st:ed, :] }) ptrain.value += 1 ptrain.description = "Training %s/%s" % (i, ptrain.max) # validation val_loss = 0 val_accu = 0 for i in range(int(Xtest.shape[0] / 200)): st = i * 200 ed = (i + 1) * 200 loss, accu, epoch_summary = [obj, vgg16.accu_dict[cur_task], vgg16.summary_op], feed_dict={ vgg16.x: Xtest[st:ed, :], vgg16.y: Ytest[st:ed, :] }) val_loss += loss val_accu += accu pval.value += 1 pval.description = "Testing %s/%s" % (i, pval.value) val_loss = val_loss / pval.value val_accu = val_accu / pval.value # early stopping check if (current_best_val_loss - val_loss) > min_delta: current_best_val_loss = val_loss patience_counter = 0 else: patience_counter += 1 # shuffle Xtrain and Ytrain in the next epoch idx = np.random.permutation(Xtrain.shape[0]) Xtrain, Ytrain = Xtrain[idx, :, :, :], Ytrain[idx, :] # epoch end writer.add_summary(epoch_summary, epoch_counter) epoch_counter += 1 ptrain.value = 0 pval.value = 0 bar_train.finish() bar_val.finish() print( "Epoch %s (%s), %s sec >> obj loss: %.4f, task at %s: %.4f" % (epoch_counter, patience_counter, round(time.time() - stime, 2), val_loss, cur_task, val_accu)), checkpoint_path, global_step=epoch_counter) writer.close()
def test(FLAG): print("Reading dataset...") if FLAG.dataset == 'CIFAR-10': test_data = CIFAR10(train=False) vgg16 = VGG16(classes=10) elif FLAG.dataset == 'CIFAR-100': test_data = CIFAR100(train=False) vgg16 = VGG16(classes=100) else: raise ValueError("dataset should be either CIFAR-10 or CIFAR-100.") Xtest, Ytest = test_data.test_data, test_data.test_labels if is not None: data_dict = np.load(FLAG.init_from, encoding='latin1').item() data_dict = dpSparsifyVGG16(data_dict,, prof_type=FLAG.prof_type, conv_pre_training=True, fc_pre_training=True) print("Build model from %s using dp=%s" % (FLAG.init_from, str( * 100))) else:, prof_type=FLAG.prof_type, conv_pre_training=True, fc_pre_training=True) print("Build full model from %s" % (FLAG.init_from)) # build model using dp dp = [(i + 1) * 0.05 for i in range(1, 20)] vgg16.set_idp_operation(dp=dp, keep_prob=FLAG.keep_prob) flops, params = countFlopsParas(vgg16) print("Flops: %3f M, Paras: %3f M" % (flops / 1e6, params / 1e6)) with tf.Session() as sess: print("Initialized") output = [] for dp_i in dp: accu =[str(int(dp_i * 100))], feed_dict={ vgg16.x: Xtest[:5000, :], vgg16.y: Ytest[:5000, :], vgg16.is_train: False }) accu2 =[str(int(dp_i * 100))], feed_dict={ vgg16.x: Xtest[5000:, :], vgg16.y: Ytest[5000:, :], vgg16.is_train: False }) output.append((accu + accu2) / 2) print("At DP={dp:.4f}, accu={perf:.4f}".format( dp=dp_i, perf=(accu + accu2) / 2)) res = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({ 'DP': [int(dp_i * 100) for dp_i in dp], 'accu': output }) res.to_csv(FLAG.output, index=False) print("Write into %s" % FLAG.output)