Example #1
def train():
    THRESHOLD = 0.95 # Proportion of representation when choosing the best eigen vectors

    args = arguments.get_arguments()

    # Training set characteristics
    TRAINING_SET_SIZE = args.training_set_size #Amount of training images for each individual
    # Testing set characteristics
    TESTING_SET_SIZE = args.testing_set_size #Amount of testing images for each individual

    # Load images
    if (args.verbose):
        print('Loading images')
    training_images, training_classes, testing_images, testing_classes, profile, profiles_map = imageHandler.load_images(training_size=TRAINING_SET_SIZE, testing_size=TESTING_SET_SIZE, image_dir=args.images)

    # Create matrix out of images
    matrix = (np.matrix(training_images)).T / 255.

    # Calculate mean different faces
    mean = matrix.mean(axis=1)
    imageHandler.save_image(mean, "mean.pgm")

    # Center matrix
    centered_matrix = (matrix - mean)

    # Calculate the covariance matrix
    # Calculate centered matrix * transposed centered matrix to get a similar matrix to the one of the covariance
        print('Calculating covariance matrix')
    covariance_matrix = (centered_matrix.T).dot(centered_matrix)

    # Calculate eigen values and eigen vectors
    if (args.verbose):
        print('Calculating eigen values and eigen vectors')
    if args.type == "pca":
        eig_values, eig_vectors = calculate_eigen(matrix=covariance_matrix, qr_method=args.qr_method, eig_method=args.eig_method)
    elif args.type == "kpca":
        eig_values, eig_vectors = calculate_kernel_eigen(matrix=covariance_matrix, qr_method=args.qr_method, eig_method=args.eig_method)
        raise ValueError("The type is not supported")

    # Get best eigenvalues
        print('Getting representative eigen values')
    best_eig_vectors = get_best_eig_vectors(eig_values, eig_vectors, THRESHOLD)

    # Calculate images
    # http://blog.manfredas.com/eigenfaces-tutorial/
    eigen_faces = centered_matrix.dot(best_eig_vectors)

    # Normalize eigen faces optimization
    row_sums = np.linalg.norm(eigen_faces, axis=0)
    eigen_faces = np.divide(eigen_faces,row(row_sums))

    # Project values on eigen vectors
        print('Projecting values on eigen vectors')
    projected_values = eigen_faces.T.dot(centered_matrix)

    # Write image files

    # Generate matrices from loaded images
    test_matrix = np.matrix(testing_images).T/255.
    test_matrix = test_matrix - mean

    testing_set = eigen_faces.T.dot(test_matrix)

    #Test images
    clf = svm.LinearSVC()

    # Training classifier with provided data set+group
    clf.fit(projected_values.T, training_classes)
    classifications = clf.score(testing_set.T, testing_classes)

    return mean, eigen_faces, clf, classifications, profile, profiles_map
Example #2
def train_kpca():

    THRESHOLD = 0.95  # Proportion of representation when choosing the best eigen vectors

    args = arguments.get_arguments()

    # Testing set characteristics
    TESTING_SET_SIZE = args.testing_set_size

    # Training set characteristics
    TRAINING_SET_SIZE = args.training_set_size  # Amount of training images for each individual

    # Load images
    if (args.verbose):
        print('Loading images')
    training_images, training_classes, testing_images, testing_classes, profiles, profile_map = imageHandler.load_images(

    TRAINING_IMAGES = len(training_images)

    # Create matrix out of images
    matrix = ((np.matrix(training_images)) - 127.5) / 127.5

    # Calculate K matrix and get eigen values and eigen vectors
    if (args.verbose):
        print('Calculating eigen values and eigen vectors')
    eig_values, eig_vectors, K = calculate_kernel_eigen(

    # Get best eigenvalues
    if (args.verbose):
        print('Getting representative eigen values')
    eigen_faces = get_best_eig_vectors(eig_values, eig_vectors, THRESHOLD)
    if (args.verbose):
        print('number of eigen faces used: ', eigen_faces.shape[1])

    training_projection = np.dot(K.T, eigen_faces)

    clf = svm.LinearSVC()
    clf.fit(training_projection, training_classes)

    testing_projection = get_testing_data(matrix, eigen_faces, testing_images,

    classifications = clf.score(testing_projection, testing_classes)

    return clf, eigen_faces, matrix, K, classifications, profiles, profile_map