Example #1
    def registerObject(self, objectData):
        if not self.validateFilters(objectData):

        email = objectData.email
        if email and SanitationUtils.stringIsEmail(email):
            self.registerEmail(objectData, email)
            if self.DEBUG_FLAT:
                self.registerWarning("invalid email address: %s" % email)

        role = objectData.role
        if role:
            self.registerRole(objectData, role)
            # self.registerWarning("invalid role: %s"%role)

        card = objectData.MYOBID
        if card and SanitationUtils.stringIsMYOBID(card):
            self.registerCard(objectData, card)

        username = objectData.username
        if username:
            self.registerUsername(objectData, username)
            if self.DEBUG_FLAT:
                self.registerWarning("invalid username: %s" % username)

        # company = objectData['Company']
        # # if self.DEBUG_FLAT: SanitationUtils.safePrint(repr(objectData), company)
        # if company:
        #     self.registerCompany(objectData, company)

        addresses = [objectData.billing_address, objectData.shipping_address]
        for address in filter(None, addresses):
            if not address.valid:
                reason = address.reason
                assert reason, "there must be a reason that this address is invalid: " + address
                self.registerBadAddress(objectData, address)

        name = objectData.name
        # print "NAME OF %s IS %s" % (repr(objectData), name.__str__(out_schema="flat"))
        if not name.valid:
            reason = name.reason
            assert reason, "there must be a reason that this name is invalid: " + name
            # print "registering bad name: ", SanitationUtils.coerceBytes(name)
            self.registerBadName(objectData, name)

        # emails = objectData.emails
        # if not emails.valid:
        #     reason = emails.reason
        #     self.registerBadEmail(objectData, emails)

        super(CSVParse_User, self).registerObject(objectData)
Example #2
 def append(self, objectData):
     assert issubclass(objectData.__class__, ImportShopMixin), \
         "object must be subclass of ImportShopMixin not %s : %s" % (
     return super(ShopProdList, self).append(objectData)
    def tabulate(self, cols=None, tablefmt=None):
        objs = self.objects
        sanitizer = self.getSanitizer(tablefmt)
        # sanitizer = (lambda x: str(x)) if tablefmt == 'html' else SanitationUtils.makeSafeOutput
        if objs:
            if not cols: cols = self.reportCols
            header = [self.objList_type]
            for col in cols.keys():
                header += [col]
            table = []
            for obj in objs:
                row = [obj.identifier]
                for col in cols.keys():
                    # if col == 'Address':
                    #     print repr(str(obj.get(col))), repr(sanitizer(obj.get(col)))
                    row += [ sanitizer(obj.get(col) )or ""]
                        Registrar.registerWarning("can't turn row into unicode: %s" % SanitationUtils.coerceUnicode(row))

                table += [row]
                # table += [[obj.index] + [ sanitizer(obj.get(col) )or "" for col in cols.keys()]]
            # print "table", table
            # SanitationUtils.safePrint(table)
            # return SanitationUtils.coerceUnicode(tabulate(table, headers=header, tablefmt=tablefmt))
            return (tabulate(table, headers=header, tablefmt=tablefmt))
            # print repr(table)
            # print repr(table.encode('utf8'))
            # return table.encode('utf8')
            Registrar.registerWarning("cannot tabulate Objlist: there are no objects")
            return ""
Example #4
    def valuesSimilar(self, col, mValue, sValue):
        response = super(SyncUpdate_Cat_Woo, self).valuesSimilar(col, mValue, sValue)
        if not response:
            if col is 'descsum':
                mDesc = SanitationUtils.similarMarkupComparison(mValue)
                sDesc = SanitationUtils.similarMarkupComparison(sValue)
                if mDesc == sDesc:
                    response = True

        if self.DEBUG_UPDATE: self.registerMessage(self.testToStr(col, mValue.__repr__(), sValue.__repr__(), response))
        return response
    def printBasicColumns(cls, objects):
        obj_list = cls.objectContainer.container()
        for _object in objects:

        cols = cls.objectContainer.container.getBasicCols()

        SanitationUtils.safePrint( obj_list.tabulate(
            tablefmt = 'simple'
Example #6
    def valuesSimilar(self, col, mValue, sValue):
        response = False
        if not (mValue or sValue):
            response = True
        elif not (mValue and sValue):
            response = False
        #check if they are similar
        if SanitationUtils.similarComparison(mValue) == SanitationUtils.similarComparison(sValue):
            response = True

        if self.DEBUG_UPDATE: self.registerMessage(self.testToStr(col, mValue, sValue, response))
        return response
 def execSilentCommandAssert(self, command):
     stdin, stdout, stderr = self.service.exec_command(command)
     if stdin: pass #gets rid of annoying warnings
     possible_errors = stdout.readlines() + stderr.readlines()
     for error in possible_errors:
         if re.match("^Countries.*", error):
             print error
         assert not error, "command <%s> returned errors: %s" % (
Example #8
def printBasicColumns(users):
    # print len(users)
    usrList = UsrObjList()
    for user in users:
        # SanitationUtils.safePrint( "BILLING ADDRESS:", repr(user), user['First Name'], user.get('First Name'), user.name.__unicode__(out_schema="flat"))

    cols = colData.getBasicCols()

    SanitationUtils.safePrint( usrList.tabulate(
        tablefmt = 'simple'
Example #9
    def __init__(self, cols, defaults, schema, **kwargs):
        if self.DEBUG_MRO:
        taxoSubs = kwargs.pop('taxoSubs', {})
        itemSubs = kwargs.pop('itemSubs', {})
        extra_defaults = OrderedDict([
            ('CVC', '0'),
            ('code', ''),
            ('name', ''),
            ('fullname', ''),
            ('description', ''),
            ('HTML Description', ''),
            ('imglist', [])
        extra_taxoSubs = OrderedDict([
            ('', ''),
        extra_itemSubs = OrderedDict([
            ('Hot Pink', 'Pink'),
            ('Hot Lips (Red)', 'Red'),
            ('Hot Lips', 'Red'),
            ('Silken Chocolate (Bronze)', 'Bronze'),
            ('Silken Chocolate', 'Bronze'),
            ('Moon Marvel (Silver)', 'Silver'),
            ('Dusty Gold', 'Gold'),

            ('Screen Printed', ''),
            ('Embroidered', ''),
        extra_cols = [schema]

        cols = listUtils.combineLists( cols, extra_cols )
        defaults = listUtils.combineOrderedDicts( defaults, extra_defaults )
        super(CSVParse_Gen_Tree, self).__init__( cols, defaults, **kwargs)
        # CSVParse_Gen_Mixin.__init__(self, schema)

        metaWidth = kwargs.get('metaWidth', 2)
        assert metaWidth >= 2, "metaWidth must be greater than 2 for a GEN subclass"

        self.schema     = schema
        self.taxoSubs   = listUtils.combineOrderedDicts( taxoSubs, extra_taxoSubs )
        self.itemSubs   = listUtils.combineOrderedDicts( itemSubs, extra_itemSubs )
        self.taxoRegex  = SanitationUtils.compileRegex(self.taxoSubs)
        self.itemRegex  = SanitationUtils.compileRegex(self.itemSubs)

        if self.DEBUG_GEN:
            self.registerMessage("taxoDepth: {}".format(self.taxoDepth), 'CSVParse_Gen_Tree.__init__')
            self.registerMessage("itemDepth: {}".format(self.itemDepth), 'CSVParse_Gen_Tree.__init__')
            self.registerMessage("maxDepth: {}".format(self.maxDepth), 'CSVParse_Gen_Tree.__init__')
            self.registerMessage("metaWidth: {}".format(self.metaWidth), 'CSVParse_Gen_Tree.__init__')
            self.registerMessage("schema: {}".format(self.schema), 'CSVParse_Gen_Tree.__init__')
Example #10
 def update_meta(self, newmeta):
     oldmeta = self.read_meta()
     newmeta = dict([(key, SanitationUtils.coerceAscii(value)) for key, value in newmeta.items()])
     changed = []
     for key in ['title', 'description']:
         if SanitationUtils.similarComparison(oldmeta[key]) != SanitationUtils.similarComparison(newmeta[key]):
             changed += [key]
             if self.DEBUG_IMG:
                     u"changing imgmeta[%s] from %s to %s" % (key, repr(oldmeta[key]), repr(newmeta[key])),
     if changed:
         self.write_meta(newmeta['title'], newmeta['description'])
Example #11
 def testToStr(self, col, val1, val2, res):
     return u"testing col %s: %s | %s -> %s" % (
Example #12
 def getSlaveUpdatesNativeRecursive(self, col, updates=None):
     if updates == None: updates = OrderedDict()
     SanitationUtils.safePrint("getting updates for col %s, updates: %s" % (col, str(updates)))
     if col in self.colData.data.keys():
         data = self.colData.data[col]
         if data.get(self.s_meta_target):
             data_s = data.get(self.s_meta_target,{})
             if not data_s.get('final') and data_s.get('key'):
                 updates[data_s.get('key')] = self.newSObject.get(col)
         if data.get('aliases'):
             data_aliases = data.get('aliases')
             for alias in data_aliases:
                 if self.sColSemiStatic(alias):
                 updates = self.getSlaveUpdatesNativeRecursive(alias, updates)
     return updates
Example #13
    def toHTML(self):
        colNames = self.getColNames()

        html  = u'<table class="shop_table lasercommerce pricing_table table table-striped">'
        html +=   '<thead><tr>'
        for col, name in colNames.items():
            colClass = SanitationUtils.sanitizeClass(col)
            html += '<th class=%s>' % colClass
            html +=   bleach.clean(name)
            html += '</th>'
        html +=   '</tr></thead>'
        ruleLines = self.getRuleLines()
        self.registerMessage("ruleLines: %s" % (ruleLines))
        for ruleLineData in ruleLines:
            lineType = ruleLineData.get('Discount Type','')
            html += '<tr>'
            for col in colNames.keys():
                value = ruleLineData.get(col, '')
                if col == 'Discount' and lineType in ['PDSC']:
                    value += '%'
                html += '<td>'
                html +=  value #bleach.clean(value)
                html += '</td>'
            html += '</tr>'
        html += "</table>"

        return html.encode('UTF-8')
 def __init__(self, data=None):
     if data is None:
         data = {}
     assert hasattr(data, 'items'), "Container initialized with non-dict"
     super(Item, self).__init__([
         (key, SanitationUtils.sanitize_container_value(val)) for key, val \
         in data.items()
Example #15
 def sanitizeValue(self, col, value):
     # print "sanitizing", col, repr(value)
     if 'phone' in col.lower():
         if 'preferred' in col.lower():
             if value and len(SanitationUtils.stripNonNumbers(value)) > 1:
                 # print "value nullified", value
                 return ""
     return value
Example #16
 def __init__(self, data=None):
     if data is None:
         data = {}
     assert hasattr(data, 'items'), "Container initialized with non-dict"
     super(Item, self).__init__([
         (key, SanitationUtils.sanitize_container_value(val)) for key, val \
         in data.items()
Example #17
 def tabulate(self, tablefmt=None):
         prefix, suffix = "", ""
         delimeter = "\n"
         if tablefmt == 'html':
             delimeter = ''
             prefix = '<div class="matchList">'
             suffix = '</div>'
         return prefix + delimeter.join(
             [SanitationUtils.coerceBytes(match.tabulate(tablefmt=tablefmt)) for match in self if match]
         ) + suffix
         return ""
Example #18
 def writeSection(title, description, data, length = 0, html_class="results_section"):
     sectionID = SanitationUtils.makeSafeClass(title)
     description = "%s %s" % (str(length) if length else "No", description)
     outFile.write('<div class="%s">'% html_class )
     outFile.write('<a data-toggle="collapse" href="#%s" aria-expanded="true" data-target="#%s" aria-controls="%s">' % (sectionID, sectionID, sectionID))
     outFile.write('<h2>%s (%d)</h2>' % (title, length))
     outFile.write('<div class="collapse" id="%s">' % sectionID)
     outFile.write('<p class="description">%s</p>' % description)
     outFile.write('<p class="data">' )
     outFile.write( re.sub("<table>","<table class=\"table table-striped\">",data) )
Example #19
 def displayUpdateList(self, updateList, tablefmt=None):
     if updateList:
         delimeter = "<br/>" if tablefmt=="html" else "\n"
         subject_fmt = "<h4>%s</h4>" if tablefmt=="html" else "%s"
         # header = ["Column", "Reason", "Old", "New"]
         header = OrderedDict([
             ('col', 'Column'),
             ('reason', 'Reason'),
             ('oldLoserValue', 'Old'),
             ('oldWinnerValue', 'New'),
             ('mColTime', 'M TIME'),
             ('sColTime', 'S TIME'),
         subjects = {}
         for warnings in updateList.values():
             for warning in warnings:
                 subject = warning['subject']
                 if subject not in subjects.keys():
                     subjects[subject] = []
                 warning_fmtd = dict([\
                     (key, SanitationUtils.sanitizeForTable(val))\
                     for key, val in warning.items()\
                     if key in header
                 for key in ['mColTime', 'sColTime']:
                         rawTime = int(warning[key])
                         if rawTime:
                             warning_fmtd[key] = TimeUtils.wpTimeToString(rawTime)
                     except Exception, e:
         tables = []
         for subject, warnings in subjects.items():
             antiSubject_fmtd = subject_fmt % self.opposite_src(subject)
             table = [header]+warnings
             table_fmtd = tabulate(table, headers='firstrow', \
                                   tablefmt=tablefmt )
             tables.append(delimeter.join([antiSubject_fmtd, table_fmtd]))
         return delimeter.join(tables)
Example #20
    def valuesSimilar(self, col, mValue, sValue):
        response = super(SyncUpdate_Usr, self).valuesSimilar(col, mValue, sValue)
        if not response:
            if "phone" in col.lower():
                if "preferred" in col.lower():
                    mPreferred = SanitationUtils.similarTruStrComparison(mValue)
                    sPreferred = SanitationUtils.similarTruStrComparison(sValue)
                    # print repr(mValue), " -> ", mPreferred
                    # print repr(sValue), " -> ", sPreferred
                    if mPreferred == sPreferred:
                        response = True
                    mPhone = SanitationUtils.similarPhoneComparison(mValue)
                    sPhone = SanitationUtils.similarPhoneComparison(sValue)
                    plen = min(len(mPhone), len(sPhone))
                    if plen > 7 and mPhone[-plen] == sPhone[-plen]:
                        response = True
            elif "role" in col.lower():
                mRole = SanitationUtils.similarComparison(mValue)
                sRole = SanitationUtils.similarComparison(sValue)
                if mRole == 'rn':
                    mRole = ''
                if sRole == 'rn':
                    sRole = ''
                if mRole == sRole:
                    response = True
            elif "address" in col.lower() and isinstance(mValue, ContactAddress):
                if( mValue != sValue ):
                    # print "M: ", mValue.__str__(out_schema="flat"), "S: ", sValue.__str__(out_schema="flat")
                response = mValue.similar(sValue)
            elif "web site" in col.lower():
                if SanitationUtils.similarURLComparison(mValue) == SanitationUtils.similarURLComparison(sValue):
                    response = True

        if self.DEBUG_UPDATE: self.registerMessage(self.testToStr(col, mValue.__str__(), sValue.__str__(), response))
        return response
Example #21
    def valuesSimilar(self, col, mValue, sValue):
        response = super(SyncUpdate_Prod, self).valuesSimilar(col, mValue, sValue)
        if col in self.colData.data:
            colData = self.colData.data[col]
            if colData.get('type'):
                if colData.get('type') == 'currency':
                    mPrice = SanitationUtils.similarCurrencyComparison(mValue)
                    sPrice = SanitationUtils.similarCurrencyComparison(sValue)
                    if mPrice == sPrice:
                        response = True
        elif not response:
            if col is 'descsum':
                mDesc = SanitationUtils.similarMarkupComparison(mValue)
                sDesc = SanitationUtils.similarMarkupComparison(sValue)
                if mDesc == sDesc:
                    response = True
            elif col is 'CVC':
                mCom = SanitationUtils.similarComparison(mValue) or '0'
                sCom = SanitationUtils.similarComparison(sValue) or '0'
                if mCom == sCom:
                    response = True

        if self.DEBUG_UPDATE: self.registerMessage(self.testToStr(col, mValue.__repr__(), sValue.__repr__(), response))
        return response
Example #22
 def sanitizeCell(self, cell):
     return SanitationUtils.sanitizeCell(cell)
 def __str__(self):
     return SanitationUtils.coerce_bytestr(self.__unicode__())
 def tabulate(self, cols=None, tablefmt=None):
     objlist = self.getObjList()
     return SanitationUtils.coerceBytes(objlist.tabulate(cols, tablefmt))
Example #25
sshClient = paramiko.SSHClient()
    stdin, stdout, stderr = sshClient.exec_command(command)
    possible_errors = stdout.readlines()
    assert not possible_errors, "command returned errors: " + possible_errors
        sftpClient = sshClient.open_sftp()    
        fstat = sftpClient.stat(exportFilename)
        if fstat:
            sftpClient.get(exportFilename, maPath)
    except Exception, e:
        SanitationUtils.safePrint("ERROR IN SFTP: " + str(e))

except Exception, e:
    SanitationUtils.safePrint("ERROR IN SSH: " + str(e))

maParser = CSVParse_User(
    cols = colData.getImportCols(),
    defaults = colData.getDefaults(),
    contact_schema = 'act',

maParser.analyseFile(maPath, maEncoding)
Example #26
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from utils import SanitationUtils
from kitchen.text import converters

def printandrep(name, thing, back = ""):
    fmt_str = "%32s |"
    print fmt_str % name, fmt_str % converters.to_bytes(thing), fmt_str % repr(thing), fmt_str % converters.to_bytes(back), fmt_str % converters.to_bytes(unicode(back))

u_str = u"<\U0001F44C'&>"
utf8_str = SanitationUtils.unicodeToUTF8(u_str)
utf8_back = SanitationUtils.utf8ToUnicode(utf8_str)
xml_str = SanitationUtils.unicodeToXml(u_str)
xml_back = SanitationUtils.xmlToUnicode(xml_str)
ascii_str = SanitationUtils.unicodeToAscii(u_str)
ascii_back = SanitationUtils.asciiToUnicode(u_str)

printandrep( "u_str", u_str )
printandrep( "utf8_str", utf8_str, utf8_back )
printandrep( "xml_str", xml_str, xml_back )
printandrep( "ascii_str", ascii_str, ascii_back )

print SanitationUtils.unicodeToUTF8(None)
print SanitationUtils.utf8ToUnicode(None)
print SanitationUtils.unicodeToXml(None)
print SanitationUtils.xmlToUnicode(None)
print SanitationUtils.unicodeToAscii(None)
print SanitationUtils.asciiToUnicode(None)
print SanitationUtils.coerceUnicode(None)

print converters.to_bytes(SanitationUtils.coerceUnicode("\xf0\x9f\x91\x8c"))
Example #27
    def initContactObjects(self, data):
        # emails_kwargs = OrderedDict(filter(None, [\
        #     ((key, data.get(value)) if data.get(value) else None) for key, value in\
        #     {
        #         'email'         : 'E-mail',
        #         'personal_email': 'Personal E-mail',
        #     }.items()
        # ]))
        # self['E-mails'] = EmailFields(
        #     **emails_kwargs
        # )

        name_kwargs = OrderedDict(
                    ((key, data.get(value)) if data.get(value) else None)
                    for key, value in {
                        "first_name": "First Name",
                        "middle_name": "Middle Name",
                        "family_name": "Surname",
                        "name_prefix": "Name Prefix",
                        "name_suffix": "Name Suffix",
                        "contact": "Contact",
                        "company": "Company",
                        "city": "City",
                        "country": "Country",
                        "state": "State",

        self["Name"] = ContactName(**name_kwargs)

        assert self["Name"] is not None, "contact is missing mandatory fields: something went wrong"

        address_kwargs = OrderedDict(
                    ((key, data.get(value)) if data.get(value) else None)
                    for key, value in {
                        "line1": "Address 1",
                        "line2": "Address 2",
                        "city": "City",
                        "postcode": "Postcode",
                        "state": "State",
                        "country": "Country",
                        "company": "Company",

        self["Address"] = ContactAddress(**address_kwargs)

        # print "ADDRESS: ", self['Address']

        alt_address_kwargs = OrderedDict(
                    ((key, data.get(value)) if data.get(value) else None)
                    for key, value in {
                        "line1": "Home Address 1",
                        "line2": "Home Address 2",
                        "city": "Home City",
                        "postcode": "Home Postcode",
                        "state": "Home State",
                        "country": "Home Country",
                        "company": "Company",

        self["Home Address"] = ContactAddress(**alt_address_kwargs)

        # print "HOME ADDRESS: ", self['Home Address']

        phone_kwargs = OrderedDict(
                    ((key, data.get(value)) if data.get(value) else None)
                    for key, value in {
                        "mob_number": "Mobile Phone",
                        "tel_number": "Phone",
                        "fax_number": "Fax",
                        "mob_pref": "Mobile Phone Preferred",
                        "tel_pref": "Phone Preferred",

        self["Phone Numbers"] = ContactPhones(**phone_kwargs)

        social_media_kwargs = OrderedDict(
                    ((key, data.get(value)) if data.get(value) else None)
                    for key, value in {
                        "facebook": "Facebook Username",
                        "twitter": "Twitter Username",
                        "gplus": "GooglePlus Username",
                        "instagram": "Instagram Username",
                        "website": "Web Site",

        self["Social Media"] = SocialMediaFields(**social_media_kwargs)

        emails = []
        if data.get("E-mail"):
            emails = listUtils.combineLists(emails, SanitationUtils.findallEmails(data["E-mail"]))
        if data.get("Personal E-mail"):
            emails = listUtils.combineLists(emails, SanitationUtils.findallEmails(data.get("Personal E-mail")))
        self["E-mail"] = emails.pop(0) if emails else None
        self["Personal E-mail"] = ", ".join(emails)

        urls = []
        if data.get("Web Site"):
            urls = listUtils.combineLists(urls, SanitationUtils.findallURLs(data["Web Site"]))
        self["Web Site"] = urls.pop(0) if urls else None

        # if not self['Emails'].valid:
        #     self['emails_reason'] = '\n'.join(filter(None, [
        #         self['Emails'].reason,
        #     ]))

        if not self["Address"].valid or not self["Home Address"].valid:
            self["address_reason"] = "\n".join(
                        "ADDRESS: " + self["Address"].reason if not self["Address"].valid else None,
                        "HOME ADDRESS: " + self["Home Address"].reason if not self["Home Address"].valid else None,

        if not self["Name"].valid:
            self["name_reason"] = "\n".join(filter(None, [self["Name"].reason]))

        if not self["Phone Numbers"].valid:
            self["phone_reason"] = "\n".join(filter(None, [self["Phone Numbers"].reason]))

        if not self["Social Media"].valid:
            self["social_reason"] = "\n".join(filter(None, [self["Social Media"].reason]))
Example #28
def main():
    global testMode, inFolder, outFolder, logFolder, srcFolder, pklFolder, \
        yamlPath, repPath, mFailPath, sFailPath, logPath, zipPath

    userFile = cardFile = emailFile = sinceM = sinceS = False


    with open(yamlPath) as stream:
        config = yaml.load(stream)

        if 'inFolder' in config.keys():
            inFolder = config['inFolder']
        if 'outFolder' in config.keys():
            outFolder = config['outFolder']
        if 'logFolder' in config.keys():
            logFolder = config['logFolder']

        merge_mode = config.get('merge_mode', 'sync')
        MASTER_NAME = config.get('master_name', 'MASTER')
        SLAVE_NAME = config.get('slave_name', 'SLAVE')
        DEFAULT_LAST_SYNC = config.get('default_last_sync')
        master_file = config.get('master_file', '')
        slave_file = config.get('slave_file', '')
        userFile = config.get('userFile')
        cardFile = config.get('cardFile')
        emailFile = config.get('emailFile')
        sinceM = config.get('sinceM')
        sinceS = config.get('sinceS')
        download_slave = config.get('download_slave')
        download_master = config.get('download_master')
        update_slave = config.get('update_slave')
        update_master = config.get('update_master')
        do_filter = config.get('do_filter')
        do_problematic = config.get('do_problematic')
        do_post = config.get('do_post')
        do_sync = config.get('do_sync')


    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Merge contact records between two databases')
    group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    group.add_argument("-v", "--verbosity", action="count",
                        help="increase output verbosity")
    group.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true")
    group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    group.add_argument('--testmode', help='Run in test mode with test databases',
                        action='store_true', default=None)
    group.add_argument('--livemode', help='Run the script on the live databases',
                        action='store_false', dest='testmode')
    group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    group.add_argument('--download-master', help='download the master data',
                       action="store_true", default=None)
    group.add_argument('--skip-download-master', help='use the local master file instead\
        of downloading the master data', action="store_false", dest='download_master')
    group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    group.add_argument('--download-slave', help='download the slave data',
                       action="store_true", default=None)
    group.add_argument('--skip-download-slave', help='use the local slave file instead\
        of downloading the slave data', action="store_false", dest='download_slave')
    group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    group.add_argument('--update-master', help='update the master database',
                       action="store_true", default=None)
    group.add_argument('--skip-update-master', help='don\'t update the master database',
                       action="store_false", dest='update_master')
    group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    group.add_argument('--update-slave', help='update the slave database',
                       action="store_true", default=None)
    group.add_argument('--skip-update-slave', help='don\'t update the slave database',
                       action="store_false", dest='update_slave')
    group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    group.add_argument('--do-filter', help='filter the databases',
                       action="store_true", default=None)
    group.add_argument('--skip-filter', help='don\'t filter the databases',
                       action="store_false", dest='do_filter')
    group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    group.add_argument('--do-sync', help='sync the databases',
                       action="store_true", default=None)
    group.add_argument('--skip-sync', help='don\'t sync the databases',
                       action="store_false", dest='do_sync')
    group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    group.add_argument('--do-problematic', help='make problematic updates to the databases',
                       action="store_true", default=None)
    group.add_argument('--skip-problematic', help='don\'t make problematic updates to the databases',
                       action="store_false", dest='do_problematic')
    group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    group.add_argument('--do-post', help='post process the contacts',
                       action="store_true", default=None)
    group.add_argument('--skip-post', help='don\'t post process the contacts',
                       action="store_false", dest='do_post')

    parser.add_argument('--m-ssh-host', help='location of master ssh server')
    parser.add_argument('--m-ssh-port', type=int, help='location of master ssh port')
    parser.add_argument('--limit', type=int, help='global limit of objects to process')
    parser.add_argument('--master-file', help='location of master file')
    parser.add_argument('--slave-file', help='location of slave file')

    group = parser.add_argument_group()
    group.add_argument('--debug-abstract', action='store_true', dest='debug_abstract')
    group.add_argument('--debug-parser', action='store_true', dest='debug_parser')
    group.add_argument('--debug-update', action='store_true', dest='debug_update')
    group.add_argument('--debug-flat', action='store_true', dest='debug_flat')
    group.add_argument('--debug-name', action='store_true', dest='debug_name')
    group.add_argument('--debug-address', action='store_true', dest='debug_address')
    group.add_argument('--debug-client', action='store_true', dest='debug_client')
    group.add_argument('--debug-utils', action='store_true', dest='debug_utils')
    group.add_argument('--debug-contact', action='store_true', dest='debug_contact')

    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args:
        print args
        if args.verbosity > 0:
            Registrar.DEBUG_PROGRESS = True
            Registrar.DEBUG_ERROR = True
        if args.verbosity > 1:
            Registrar.DEBUG_MESSAGE = True
        if args.quiet:
            Registrar.DEBUG_PROGRESS = False
            Registrar.DEBUG_ERROR = False
            Registrar.DEBUG_MESSAGE = False
        if args.testmode is not None:
            testMode = args.testmode
        if args.download_slave is not None:
            download_slave = args.download_slave
        if args.download_master is not None:
            download_master = args.download_master
        if args.update_slave is not None:
            update_slave = args.update_slave
        if args.update_master is not None:
            update_master = args.update_master
        if args.do_filter is not None:
            do_filter = args.do_filter
        if args.do_sync is not None:
            do_sync = args.do_sync
        if args.do_problematic is not None:
            do_problematic = args.do_problematic
        if args.do_post is not None:
            do_post = args.do_post
        if args.m_ssh_port:
            m_ssh_port = args.m_ssh_port
        if args.m_ssh_host:
            m_ssh_host = args.m_ssh_host
        if args.master_file is not None:
            download_master = False
            master_file = args.master_file
        if args.slave_file is not None:
            download_slave = False
            slave_file = args.slave_file
        if args.card_file is not None:
            cardFile = args.card_file
            do_filter = True

        if args.debug_abstract is not None:
            Registrar.DEBUG_ABSTRACT = args.debug_abstract
        if args.debug_parser is not None:
            Registrar.DEBUG_PARSER = args.debug_parser
        if args.debug_update is not None:
            Registrar.DEBUG_UPDATE = args.debug_update
        if args.debug_flat is not None:
            Registrar.DEBUG_FLAT = args.debug_flat
        if args.debug_name is not None:
            Registrar.DEBUG_NAME = args.debug_name
        if args.debug_address is not None:
            Registrar.DEBUG_ADDRESS = args.debug_address
        if args.debug_client is not None:
            Registrar.DEBUG_CLIENT = args.debug_client
        if args.debug_utils is not None:
            Registrar.DEBUG_UTILS = args.debug_utils
        if args.debug_contact is not None:
            Registrar.DEBUG_CONTACT = args.dest='debug_contact'

        global_limit = args.limit

    # api config

    with open(yamlPath) as stream:
        optionNamePrefix = 'test_' if testMode else ''
        config = yaml.load(stream)
        ssh_user = config.get(optionNamePrefix+'ssh_user')
        ssh_pass = config.get(optionNamePrefix+'ssh_pass')
        ssh_host = config.get(optionNamePrefix+'ssh_host')
        ssh_port = config.get(optionNamePrefix+'ssh_port', 22)
        m_ssh_user = config.get(optionNamePrefix+'m_ssh_user')
        m_ssh_pass = config.get(optionNamePrefix+'m_ssh_pass')
        m_ssh_host = config.get(optionNamePrefix+'m_ssh_host')
        m_ssh_port = config.get(optionNamePrefix+'m_ssh_port', 22)
        remote_bind_host = config.get(optionNamePrefix+'remote_bind_host', '')
        remote_bind_port = config.get(optionNamePrefix+'remote_bind_port', 3306)
        db_user = config.get(optionNamePrefix+'db_user')
        db_pass = config.get(optionNamePrefix+'db_pass')
        db_name = config.get(optionNamePrefix+'db_name')
        db_charset = config.get(optionNamePrefix+'db_charset', 'utf8mb4')
        wp_srv_offset = config.get(optionNamePrefix+'wp_srv_offset', 0)
        m_db_user = config.get(optionNamePrefix+'m_db_user')
        m_db_pass = config.get(optionNamePrefix+'m_db_pass')
        m_db_name = config.get(optionNamePrefix+'m_db_name')
        m_db_host = config.get(optionNamePrefix+'m_db_host')
        m_x_cmd = config.get(optionNamePrefix+'m_x_cmd')
        m_i_cmd = config.get(optionNamePrefix+'m_i_cmd')
        tbl_prefix = config.get(optionNamePrefix+'tbl_prefix', '')
        wp_user = config.get(optionNamePrefix+'wp_user', '')
        wp_pass = config.get(optionNamePrefix+'wp_pass', '')
        store_url = config.get(optionNamePrefix+'store_url', '')
        wc_api_key = config.get(optionNamePrefix+'wc_api_key')
        wc_api_secret = config.get(optionNamePrefix+'wc_api_secret')
        remote_export_folder = config.get(optionNamePrefix+'remote_export_folder', '')

    ### DISPLAY CONFIG ###
    if Registrar.DEBUG_MESSAGE:
        if testMode:
            print "testMode enabled"
            print "testMode disabled"
        if not download_slave:
            print "no download_slave"
        if not download_master:
            print "no download_master"
        if not update_master:
            print "not updating maseter"
        if not update_slave:
            print "not updating slave"
        if not do_filter:
            print "not doing filter"
        if not do_sync:
            print "not doing sync"
        if not do_post:
            print "not doing post"


    FieldGroup.do_post = do_post
    SyncUpdate.setGlobals( MASTER_NAME, SLAVE_NAME, merge_mode, DEFAULT_LAST_SYNC)


    for path in (inFolder, outFolder, logFolder, srcFolder, pklFolder):
        if not os.path.exists(path):

    fileSuffix = "_test" if testMode else ""
    fileSuffix += "_filter" if do_filter else ""
    m_x_filename = "act_x"+fileSuffix+"_"+importName+".csv"
    m_i_filename = "act_i"+fileSuffix+"_"+importName+".csv"
    s_x_filename = "wp_x"+fileSuffix+"_"+importName+".csv"
    remoteExportPath = os.path.join(remote_export_folder, m_x_filename)

    if download_master:
        maPath = os.path.join(inFolder, m_x_filename)
        maEncoding = "utf-8"
        # maPath = os.path.join(inFolder, "act_x_test_2016-05-03_23-01-48.csv")
        maPath = os.path.join(inFolder, master_file)
        # maPath = os.path.join(inFolder, "500-act-records-edited.csv")
        # maPath = os.path.join(inFolder, "500-act-records.csv")
        maEncoding = "utf8"
    if download_slave:
        saPath = os.path.join(inFolder, s_x_filename)
        saEncoding = "utf8"
        saPath = os.path.join(inFolder, slave_file)
        # saPath = os.path.join(inFolder, "500-wp-records-edited.csv")
        saEncoding = "utf8"

    moPath = os.path.join(outFolder, m_i_filename)
    repPath = os.path.join(outFolder, "usr_sync_report%s.html" % fileSuffix)
    WPresCsvPath = os.path.join(outFolder, "sync_report_wp%s.csv" % fileSuffix)
    masterResCsvPath = os.path.join(outFolder, "sync_report_act%s.csv" % fileSuffix)
    masterDeltaCsvPath = os.path.join(outFolder, "delta_report_act%s.csv" % fileSuffix)
    slaveDeltaCsvPath = os.path.join(outFolder, "delta_report_wp%s.csv" % fileSuffix)
    mFailPath = os.path.join(outFolder, "act_fails%s.csv" % fileSuffix)
    sFailPath = os.path.join(outFolder, "wp_fails%s.csv" % fileSuffix)
    sqlPath = os.path.join(srcFolder, "select_userdata_modtime.sql")
    # pklPath = os.path.join(pklFolder, "parser_pickle.pkl" )
    pklPath = os.path.join(pklFolder, "parser_pickle%s.pkl" % fileSuffix )
    logPath = os.path.join(logFolder, "log_%s.txt" % importName)
    zipPath = os.path.join(logFolder, "zip_%s.zip" % importName)


    assert store_url, "store url must not be blank"
    xmlrpc_uri = store_url + 'xmlrpc.php'
    json_uri = store_url + 'wp-json/wp/v2'

    actFields = ";".join(ColData_User.getACTImportCols())

    jsonConnectParams = {
        'json_uri': json_uri,
        'wp_user': wp_user,
        'wp_pass': wp_pass

    wcApiParams = {

    sqlConnectParams = {


    actConnectParams = {
        'hostname':    m_ssh_host,
        'port':        m_ssh_port,
        'username':    m_ssh_user,
        'password':    m_ssh_pass,

    actDbParams = {
        'db_name': m_db_name,
        'db_host': m_db_host,
        'db_user': m_db_user,
        'db_pass': m_db_pass,
        'fields' : actFields,
    if sinceM: actDbParams['since'] = sinceM

    fsParams = {
        'importName': importName,
        'remote_export_folder': remote_export_folder,
        'inFolder': inFolder,
        'outFolder': outFolder

    # Prepare Filter Data

    print debugUtils.hashify("PREPARE FILTER DATA"), timediff()

    if do_filter:
        filterFiles = {
            'users': userFile,
            'emails': emailFile,
            'cards': cardFile,
        filterItems = {}
        for key, filterFile in filterFiles.items():
            if filterFile:
                    with open(os.path.join(inFolder,filterFile) ) as filterFileObj:
                        filterItems[key] = [\
                            re.sub(r'\s*([^\s].*[^\s])\s*(?:\n)', r'\1', line)\
                            for line in filterFileObj\
                except IOError, e:
                    SanitationUtils.safePrint("could not open %s file [%s] from %s" % (
                    raise e
        if sinceM:
            filterItems['sinceM'] = TimeUtils.wpStrptime(sinceM)
        if sinceS:
            filterItems['sinceS'] = TimeUtils.wpStrptime(sinceS)
Example #29
    def __init__(self, cols={}, defaults={}, schema='MY', importName="", \
            taxoSubs={}, itemSubs={}, taxoDepth=3, itemDepth=2, metaWidth=2):
        if self.DEBUG_MRO:
            self.registerMessage(' ')
        extra_cols = [ 'WNRC', 'RNRC', 'HTML Description' ]

        extra_defaults =  OrderedDict([
            ('Sell', 'S'),
            ('Tax Code When Sold', 'GST'),
            ('Sell Price Inclusive', 'X'),
            ('Income Acct', '41000'),
            ('Use Desc. On Sale', ''),
            ('Inactive Item', 'N'),

        extra_taxoSubs = OrderedDict([
            ('', ''),

        extra_itemSubs = OrderedDict([
            ('Body Butter with Shimmer', 'Body Butter w/ Shimmer'),
            ('Tan Saver Body Wash', 'Body Wash'),
            ('Full Body Moisturizer', 'Moisturizer'),
            ('Moisturizing Body Milk', 'Body Milk'),
            ('Hair Brush', 'Brush'),
            ('Training Session', 'Session'),
            ('Skin Trial Pack', "Pack"),
            ('Trial Pack', "Pack"),
            ('Starter Package', 'Pack'),
            ('Sample Pack', "Pack"),
            ('Evaluation Package', 'Pack'),
            ('Spare Pot & Hose', 'Pot, Hose'),
            ('Spare Pots & Hose', 'Pots, Hose'),
            ('spare pot + Hose', 'pot, hose'),
            ('spare pots + Hose', 'pots, hose'),
            ('extraction fans', 'xfan'),
            ('Low Voltage', 'LV'),
            ('Double Sided', '2Sided'),

            ('TechnoTan', 'TT'),
            ('VuTan', 'VT'),
            ('EzeBreathe', 'EZB'),
            ('Sticky Soul', 'SS'),
            ('My Tan', 'MT'),
            ('TanSense', 'TS'),
            ('Tanning Advantage', 'TA'),
            ('Tanbience', 'TB'),
            ('Mosaic Minerals', 'MM'),

            ('Removal', 'Rem.'),
            ('Remover', 'Rem.'),
            ('Application', 'App.'),
            ('Peach & Vanilla', 'P&V'),
            ('Tamarillo & Papaya', 'T&P'),
            ('Tamarillo', 'TAM'),
            ('Lavander & Rosmary', 'L&R'),
            ('Lavender & Rosemary', 'L&R'),
            ('Coconut & Lime', 'C&L'),
            ('Melon & Cucumber', 'M&C'),
            ('Coconut Cream', 'CC'),
            ('Black & Silver', 'B&S'),
            ('Black & Gold', 'B&G'),
            ('Hot Pink', 'PNK'),
            ('Hot Lips (Red)', 'RED'),
            ('Hot Lips Red', 'RED'),
            ('Hot Lips', 'RED'),
            ('Silken Chocolate (Bronze)', 'BRZ'),
            ('Silken Chocolate', 'BRZ'),
            ('Moon Marvel (Silver)', 'SLV'),
            ('Dusty Gold', 'GLD'),

            ('Black', 'BLK'),
            ('Light Blue', 'LBLU'),
            ('Dark Blue', 'DBLU'),
            ('Blue', 'BLU'),
            ('Green', 'GRN'),
            ('Pink', 'PNK'),
            ('White', 'WHI'),
            ('Grey', 'GRY'),
            ('Peach', 'PEA'),
            ('Bronze', 'BRZ'),
            ('Silver', 'SLV'),
            ('Gold', 'GLD'),
            ('Red', 'RED'),

            ('Cyclone', 'CYC'),
            ('Classic', 'CLA'),
            ('Premier', 'PRE'),
            ('Deluxe', 'DEL'),
            ('ProMist Cube', 'CUBE'),
            ('ProMist', 'PRO'),
            ('Mini Mist', 'MIN'),

            ('Choc Fudge', 'CFdg.'),
            ('Choc Mousse', 'Cmou'),
            ('Ebony', 'Ebny.'),
            ('Creme Caramel', 'CCarm.'),
            ('Caramel', 'Carm.'),
            ('Cappuccino', 'Capp.'),
            ('Evaluation', 'Eval.'),
            ('Package', 'Pack'),
            ('Sample', 'Samp.'),
            ('sample', 'Samp.'),
            ('Tan Care', 'TCare'),
            ('After Care', "ACare"),
            ('A-Frame', 'AFrm'),
            ('X-Frame', 'XFrm'),
            ('Tear Drop Banner', 'TDBnr'),
            ('Roll Up Banner', 'RUBnr'),
            ('Hose Fitting', 'Fit.'),
            ('Magnetic', 'Mag.'),
            ('Option ', 'Opt.'),
            ('Style ', 'Sty.'),
            ('Insert and Frame', 'ins. frm.'),
            ('Insert Only', 'ins.'),
            ('Insert', 'ins.'),
            ('insert', 'ins.'),
            ('Frame', 'frm.'),
            ('Foundation', 'Found.'),
            ('Economy', 'Econ.'),

            ('Medium-Dark', 'MDark'),
            ('Medium Dark', 'MDark'),
            ('Medium', 'Med.'),
            ('medium', 'med.'),
            ('Extra Dark', 'XDark'),
            ('Extra-Dark', 'XDark'),
            ('Dark', 'Dark'),
            ('Tanning', 'Tan.'),
            ('Extra Small', 'XSml.'),
            ('Small', 'Sml.'),
            ('Extra Large', 'XLge.'),
            ('Large', 'Lge.'),
            ('Ladies', 'Ld.'),
            ('Mens', 'Mn.'),
            ('Non Personalized', 'Std.'),
            ('Personalized', 'Per.'),
            ('personalized', 'per.'),
            ('Personalised', 'Per.'),
            ('personalised', 'per.'),
            ('Custom Designed', 'Cust.'),
            ('Refurbished', 'Refurb.'),
            ('Compressor', 'Cmpr.'),
            ('Spray Gun', 'Gun'),
            ('Permanent', 'Perm.'),
            ('Shimmering', 'Shim.'),
            ('Screen Printed', 'SP'),
            ('Embroidered', 'Embr.'),
            ('Athletic', 'Athl.'),
            ('Singlet', 'Sing.'),
            ('Solution', 'Soln.'),
            ('Flash Tan', 'FTan'),
            ('Original', 'Orig.'),
            ('Exfoliating', 'Exfo.'),
            ('Disposable', 'Disp.'),
            ('Retractable', 'Ret.'),
            ('Synthetic', 'SYN'),
            ('Natural', 'NAT'),
            ('Bayonet', 'BAY'),
            ('Hexagonal', 'Hex.'),
            ('Product Pack', 'PrPck'),
            ('Complete', 'Compl.'),
            ('Fanatic', 'Fan.'),

            ('one', '1'),
            ('One', '1'),
            ('two', '2'),
            ('Two', '2'),
            ('three', '3'),
            ('Three', '3'),
            ('four', '4'),
            ('Four', '4'),
            # ('for', '4'),
            ('five', '5'),
            ('Five', '5'),
            ('six', '6'),
            ('Six', '6'),
            ('seven', '7'),
            ('seven', '7'),
            ('eight', '8'),
            ('Eight', '8'),
            ('nine', '9'),
            ('Nine', '9'),

            (' Plus', '+'),
            (' - ', ' '),
            (' Pack / ', ' x '),
            ('with', 'w/'),
            ('With', 'w/'),
            ('Box of', 'Box/'),
            (' Fitting for ', ' Fit '),
            (' Fits ', ' Fit '),
            (' and ', ' & '),
            (' And ', ' & '),

            # (' (2hr)', ''),
            (' (sachet)', ''),
            (' (pump bottle)', ''),
            (' Bottle with Flip Cap', ''),
            (' (jar)', ''),
            (' (tube)', ''),
            (' (spray)', ''),

            (' \xe2\x80\x94 ', ' '),


        if not importName: importName = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        cols = listUtils.combineLists( cols, extra_cols )
        defaults = listUtils.combineOrderedDicts( defaults, extra_defaults )
        taxoSubs = listUtils.combineOrderedDicts( taxoSubs, extra_taxoSubs )
        itemSubs = listUtils.combineOrderedDicts( itemSubs, extra_itemSubs )
        if not schema: schema = "MY"

        super(CSVParse_MYO, self).__init__( cols, defaults, schema, \
                taxoSubs, itemSubs, taxoDepth, itemDepth, metaWidth)
        if self.DEBUG_MYO:
            self.registerMessage( "csvparse initialized with cols: %s" %
Example #30
from utils import SanitationUtils

import json
from wordpress_json import WordpressJsonWrapper

wp = WordpressJsonWrapper('http://www.technotea.com.au/wp-json/wp/v2', 'neil', 'Stretch@6164')
# wp = WordpressJsonWrapper('http://minimac.ddns.me:11182/wp-json/wp/v2', 'neil', 'Stretch6164')

headers = {
    "User-Agent": "curl",
    "Content-Type": "text/json",
    # ...

# posts = wp.get_posts(post_id=16886, headers=headers)
# print json.dumps(posts)

# posts = wp.get_user(user_id=9)
# print json.dumps(posts)

fields_json = '{"client_grade": "Silver", "myob_customer_card_id": "", "direct_brand": "Pending", "myob_card_id": "C000009", "act_role": "RN", "billing_company": null, "first_name":"asdasdadadaadggg" }'
fields_json_base64 = SanitationUtils.encodeBase64(fields_json)
# fields_json_base64 = "eyJ1c2VyX2xvZ2luIjogImFkbWluIiwgImZpcnN0X25hbWUiOiAibm/wn5GMb2Twn5GMbGUiLCAidXNlcl91cmwiOiAiaHR0cDovL3d3dy5sYXNlcnBoaWxlLmNvbS9hc2QifQ=="

posts = wp.update_user(user_id=9, data={'tansync_updated_fields': fields_json_base64})
print json.dumps(posts)

posts = wp.get_user(user_id=9)
print json.dumps(posts)
Example #31
                insort(mDeltaUpdates, syncUpdate)

            if syncUpdate.sUpdated and syncUpdate.sDeltas:
                insort(sDeltaUpdates, syncUpdate)

            if not syncUpdate:

            if syncUpdate.sUpdated:
                syncSlaveUpdates = syncUpdate.getSlaveUpdates()
                if 'E-mail' in syncSlaveUpdates:
                    newEmail = syncSlaveUpdates['E-mail']
                    if newEmail in saParser.emails:
                        mObjects = [mObject]
                        sObjects = [sObject] + saParser.emails[newEmail]
                        SanitationUtils.safePrint("duplicate emails", mObjects, sObjects)
                        emailConflictMatches.addMatch(Match(mObjects, sObjects))

            if(not syncUpdate.importantStatic):
                if(syncUpdate.mUpdated and syncUpdate.sUpdated):
                        insort(problematicUpdates, syncUpdate)
                elif(syncUpdate.mUpdated and not syncUpdate.sUpdated):
                    insort(nonstaticMUpdates, syncUpdate)
                        insort(problematicUpdates, syncUpdate)
                elif(syncUpdate.sUpdated and not syncUpdate.mUpdated):
                    insort(nonstaticSUpdates, syncUpdate)
Example #32
 def __str__(self):
     return SanitationUtils.coerce_bytestr(self.__unicode__())