def load_coef(cfg): set_field_if_no(cfg, 'for', {}) cfg['for']['k_names'], cfg['for']['kk'] = \ np.loadtxt(cfg['in']['path_coef'], dtype=[('name', 'S10'), ('k', '4<f4')], skiprows=1, unpack=True) # k0 k1*x k2*x^2 k3*x^3 CKO cfg['for']['kk'] = np.fliplr(cfg['for']['kk'])
def h5_names_gen(cfg_in, cfg_out: Mapping[str, Any], **kwargs) -> Iterator[Path]: """ """ set_field_if_no(cfg_out, 'log', {}) for tbl in cfg_out['tables']: cfg_out['log']['fileName'], cfg_out['log']['fileChangeTime'] = cfg_in[ 'time_interval'] try: yield tbl # Traceback error line pointing here is wrong except GeneratorExit: print('Something wrong?') return
def parse_csv(filename, cfg_in): """ Guess csv structure :param filename: :param cfg_in: :param known_structure: list of strings formats in order of columns, from start but may be not all (next is auto treeted) :return: lst_types, offset, headers * quotechar - specifies a one-character string to use as the quoting character. It defaults to '"'. * delimiter - specifies a one-character string to use as the field separator. It defaults to ','. * skipinitialspace - specifies how to interpret whitespace which immediately follows a delimiter. It defaults to False, which means that whitespace immediately following a delimiter is part of the following field. * lineterminator - specifies the character sequence which should terminate rows. * quoting - controls when quotes should be generated by the writer. It can take on any of the following module constants: csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL means only when required, for example, when a field contains either the quotechar or the delimiter csv.QUOTE_ALL means that quotes are always placed around fields. csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC means that quotes are always placed around fields which do not parse as integers or floating point numbers. csv.QUOTE_NONE means that quotes are never placed around fields. * escapechar - specifies a one-character string used to escape the delimiter when quoting is set to QUOTE_NONE. * doublequote - controls the handling of quotes inside fields. When True, two consecutive quotes are interpreted as one during read, and when writing, each quote character embedded in the data is written as two quotes Example: parse_csv(filename, ['%H:%M:%S']) """ set_field_if_no(cfg_in, 'types', []) set_field_if_no(cfg_in, 'delimiter') with open(filename, 'rb') as fh: ext = os_path.splitext(filename)[1] # Load a file object: try: # If you are sure that file is csv use CSVTableSet(fh) from magic import MagicException # because any_tableset uses libmagic table_set = any_tableset(fh, mimetype=None, extension=ext, delimiter=cfg_in['delimiter']) except (ImportError, MagicException) as e: print('There are error ', standard_error_info(e), '\n=> Loading file as csv without trying other formats') table_set = CSVTableSet(fh, delimiter=cfg_in['delimiter']) # A table set is a collection of tables: row_set = table_set.tables[0] # A row set is an iterator over the table, but it can only # be run once. To peek, a sample is provided: # guess header names and the offset of the header: offset, headers = headers_guess(row_set.sample) # tolerance=1 row_set.register_processor(headers_processor(headers)) # add one to begin with content, not the header: row_set.register_processor(offset_processor(offset + 1)) # guess column types: lst_types = type_guess(row_set.sample, strict=True) row_sample = next(row_set.sample) # check not detected types def formats2types(formats_str): for f in formats_str: if f: if is_date_format(f): yield (types.DateType(f)) else: yield (TimeType()) else: yield (None) known_types = formats2types(cfg_in['types']) for n, (t, s, kt) in enumerate(zip(lst_types, row_sample, known_types)): if t.result_type == types.StringType.result_type: # not auto detected? -> check known_types if kt.test(s.value): lst_types[n] = kt # t= kt else: # known_types fits element print( "col'" 's#{:d} value "{}" type not match provided type of {}'. format(n, s.value, type(kt))) # kt = types.DateType('mm/dd/yyyy') # kt.test('0'+s.value) # detect? else: pass # not works for time type: # print(jts.headers_and_typed_as_jts(headers, # list(map(jts.celltype_as_string, lst_types))).as_json()) return lst_types, offset, headers
# Check obtained format is the same if cfg['in']['types'] != lst_types_cur: if not len(cfg['in']['types']): cfg['in']['types'] = lst_types_cur else: print('file {} has another format!'.format(nameFE)) if cfg['in']['skiprows'] != skiprows_cur: if cfg['in']['skiprows'] is None: cfg['in']['skiprows'] = skiprows_cur else: print('file {} has another format!'.format(nameFE)) # Convert to numpy types set_field_if_no(cfg['in'], 'max_text_width', 2000) # big width for 2D blocks types2numpy = { t.result_type: np_type for t, np_type in zip(types.TYPES, '') } # { # types.StringType.result_type: '|S{:.0f}'.format(cfg['in']['max_text_width']) # } cfg['in']['dtype'] = np.array([np.float64] * len(cfg['in']['types'])) for k, typ in enumerate(cfg['in']['types']): if typ.result_type == types.StringType.result_type: pass cfg['in']['dtype'][k] = types2numpy[typ.result_type]
def main(new_arg=None): """ :param new_arg: returns cfg if new_arg=='<cfg_from_args>' but it will be None if argument argv[1:] == '-h' or '-v' passed to this code argv[1] is cfgFile. It was used with cfg files: 'csv2h5_nav_supervisor.ini' 'csv2h5_IdrRedas.ini' 'csv2h5_Idronaut.ini' :return: """ global l cfg = cfg_from_args(my_argparser(), new_arg) if not cfg or not cfg['program'].get('return'): print('Can not initialise') return cfg elif cfg['program']['return'] == '<cfg_from_args>': # to help testing return cfg l = init_logging(logging, None, cfg['program']['log'], cfg['program']['verbose']) print('\n' + this_prog_basename(__file__), end=' started. ') try: cfg['in']['paths'], cfg['in']['nfiles'], cfg['in'][ 'path'] = init_file_names(**{ **cfg['in'], 'path': cfg['in']['db_path'] }, b_interact=cfg['program']['b_interact']) set_field_if_no( cfg['in'], 'tables_log', '{}/logFiles' ) # will be filled by each table from cfg['in']['tables'] cfg['in']['query'] = query_time_range(**cfg['in']) set_field_if_no(cfg['out'], 'db_path', cfg['in']['db_path']) # cfg['out'] = init_file_names(cfg['out'], , path_field='db_path') except Ex_nothing_done as e: print(e.message) return () # args = parser.parse_args() # args.verbose= args.verbose[0] # try: # cfg= ini2dict(args.cfgFile) # cfg['in']['cfgFile']= args.cfgFile # except IOError as e: # print('\n==> '.join([a for a in e.args if isinstance(a,str)])) #e.message # raise(e) # Open text log if 'log' in cfg['program'].keys(): dir_create_if_need(os_path.dirname(cfg['program']['log'])) flog = open(cfg['program']['log'], 'a+', encoding='cp1251') cfg['out']['log'] = OrderedDict({'fileName': None, 'fileChangeTime': None}) # Prepare saving to csv if 'file_names_add_fun' in cfg['out']: file_names_add = eval( compile(cfg['out']['file_names_add_fun'], '', 'eval')) else: file_names_add = lambda i: '.csv' # f'_{i}.csv' # Prepare data for output store and open it if cfg['out']['tables'] == ['None']: # will not write new data table and its log cfg['out']['tables'] = None # cfg['out']['tables_log'] = None # for _runs cfg will be redefined (this only None case that have sense?) h5init(cfg['in'], cfg['out']) # store, dfLogOld = h5temp_open(**cfg['out']) cfg_fileN = os_path.splitext(cfg['in']['cfgFile'])[0] out_tables_log = cfg['out'].get('tables_log') if cfg_fileN.endswith('_runs') or (bool(out_tables_log) and 'logRuns' in out_tables_log[0]): # Will calculate only after filter # todo: calculate derived parameters before were they are bad (or replace all of them if any bad?) func_before_cycle = lambda x: None func_before_filter = lambda df, log_row, cfg: df func_after_filter = lambda df, cfg: log_runs(df, cfg, cfg['out']['log'] ) # this table will be added: cfg['out']['tables_log'] = [cfg['out']['tables'][0] + '/logRuns'] cfg['out'][ 'b_log_ready'] = True # to not apdate time range in h5_append() # Settings to not affect main data table and switch off not compatible options: cfg['out']['tables'] = [] cfg['out'][ 'b_skip_if_up_to_date'] = False # todo: If False check it: need delete all previous result of CTD_calc() or set min_time > its last log time. True not implemented? cfg['program'][ 'b_log_display'] = False # can not display multiple rows log if 'b_save_images' in cfg['extract_runs']: cfg['extract_runs']['path_images'] = cfg['out'][ 'db_path'].with_name('_subproduct') dir_create_if_need(cfg['extract_runs']['path_images']) else: if 'brown' in cfg_fileN.lower(): func_before_cycle = load_coef if 'Lat' in cfg['in']: func_before_filter = lambda *args, **kwargs: add_ctd_params( process_brown(*args, **kwargs), kwargs['cfg']) else: func_before_filter = process_brown else: func_before_cycle = lambda x: None def ctd_coord_and_params(df: pd.DataFrame, log_row, cfg): coord_data_col_ensure(df, log_row) return add_ctd_params(df, cfg) func_before_filter = ctd_coord_and_params func_after_filter = lambda df, cfg: df # nothing after filter func_before_cycle(cfg) # prepare: usually assign data to cfg['for'] if cfg['out'].get('path_csv'): dir_create_if_need(cfg['out']['path_csv']) # Load data Main circle ######################################### # Open input store and cicle through input table log records qstr_trange_pattern = "index>=Timestamp('{}') & index<=Timestamp('{}')" iSt = 1 dfLogOld, cfg['out']['db'], cfg['out'][ 'b_skip_if_up_to_date'] = h5temp_open(**cfg['out']) b_out_db_is_different = cfg['out']['db'] is not None and cfg['out'][ 'db_path_temp'] != cfg['in']['db_path'] # Cycle for each table, for each row in log: # for path_csv in gen_names_and_log(cfg['out'], dfLogOld): with FakeContextIfOpen( lambda f: pd.HDFStore(f, mode='r'), cfg['in']['db_path'], None if b_out_db_is_different else cfg['out']['db'] ) as cfg['in']['db']: # not opens ['in']['db'] if already opened to write for tbl in cfg['in']['tables']: if False: # Show table info nodes = sorted( cfg['out']['db'].root.__members__) # , key=number_key print(nodes) print(tbl, end='. ') df_log = cfg['in']['db'].select(cfg['in']['tables_log'].format(tbl) or tbl, where=cfg['in']['query']) if True: # try: if 'log' in cfg['program'].keys(): nRows = df_log.rows.size flog.writelines( '\n\n%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S> processed ') + f'{nRows} row' + ('s:' if nRows > 1 else ':')) for ifile, r in enumerate(df_log.itertuples(), start=iSt): # name=None print('.', end='') sys_stdout.flush() path_raw = PurePath(r.fileName) cfg['out']['log'].update(, fileChangeTime=r.fileChangeTime) # save current state cfg['in']['file_stem'] = cfg['out']['log'][ 'fileName'] # for exmple to can extract date in subprogram cfg['in']['fileChangeTime'] = cfg['out']['log'][ 'fileChangeTime'] if cfg['in']['b_skip_if_up_to_date']: have_older_data, have_duplicates = h5del_obsolete( cfg['out'], cfg['out']['log'], dfLogOld) if have_older_data: continue if have_duplicates: cfg['out']['b_remove_duplicates'] = True print('{}. {}'.format(ifile,, end=': ') # Load data qstr = qstr_trange_pattern.format(r.Index, r.DateEnd) df_raw = cfg['in']['db'].select(tbl, qstr) cols = df_raw.columns.tolist() # cfg['in']['lat'] and ['lon'] may be need in add_ctd_params() if Lat not in df_raw if 'Lat_en' in df_log.columns and 'Lat' not in cols: cfg['in']['lat'] = np.nanmean((r.Lat_st, r.Lat_en)) cfg['in']['lon'] = np.nanmean((r.Lon_st, r.Lon_en)) df = func_before_filter(df_raw, log_row=r, cfg=cfg) if df.size: # size is zero means save only log but not data # filter, updates cfg['out']['log']['rows'] df, _ = set_filterGlobal_minmax( df, cfg['filter'], cfg['out']['log']) if 'rows' not in cfg['out']['log']: l.warning('no data!') continue elif isinstance(cfg['out']['log']['rows'], int): print('filtered out {rows_filtered}, remains {rows}'. format_map(cfg['out']['log'])) if cfg['out']['log']['rows']: print('.', end='') else: l.warning('no data!') continue df = func_after_filter(df, cfg=cfg) # Append to Store h5_append(cfg['out'], df, cfg['out']['log'], log_dt_from_utc=cfg['in']['dt_from_utc']) # Copy to csv if cfg['out'].get('path_csv'): fname = '{:%y%m%d_%H%M}-{:%d_%H%M}'.format( r.Index, r.DateEnd) + file_names_add(ifile) if not 'data_columns' in cfg['out']: cfg['out']['data_columns'] = slice(0, -1) # all cols df.to_csv( # [cfg['out']['data_columns']] cfg['out']['path_csv'] / fname, date_format=cfg['out']['text_date_format'], float_format='%5.6g', index_label='Time' ) # to_string, line_terminator='\r\n' # Log to screen (if not prohibited explicitly) if cfg['out']['log'].get('Date0') is not None and ( ('b_log_display' not in cfg['program']) or cfg['program']['b_log_display']): str_log = '{fileName}:\t{Date0:%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S}-' \ '{DateEnd:%d. %H:%M:%S%z}\t{rows}rows'.format_map( cfg['out']['log']) # \t{Lat}\t{Lon}\t{strOldVal}->\t{mag} else: str_log = str(cfg['out']['log'].get('rows', '0')) # Log to logfile if 'log' in cfg['program'].keys(): flog.writelines('\n' + str_log) if b_out_db_is_different: try: if cfg['out']['tables'] is not None: print('') if cfg['out']['b_remove_duplicates']: h5remove_duplicates(cfg['out'], cfg_table_keys=('tables', 'tables_log')) # Create full indexes. Must be done because of using ptprepack in h5move_tables() below l.debug('Create index') for tblName in (cfg['out']['tables'] + cfg['out']['tables_log']): try: cfg['out']['db'].create_table_index(tblName, columns=['index'], kind='full') except Exception as e: l.warning( ': table {}. Index not created - error'.format( tblName), '\n==> '.join( [s for s in e.args if isinstance(s, str)])) except Exception as e: l.exception('The end. There are error ') import traceback, code from sys import exc_info as sys_exc_info tb = sys_exc_info()[2] # type, value, traceback.print_exc() last_frame = lambda tb=tb: last_frame(tb.tb_next ) if tb.tb_next else tb frame = last_frame().tb_frame ns = dict(frame.f_globals) ns.update(frame.f_locals) code.interact(local=ns) finally: cfg['out']['db'].close() if cfg['program']['log']: flog.close() if cfg['out']['db'].is_open: print('Wait store is closing...') sleep(2) failed_storages = h5move_tables(cfg['out']) print('Finishing...' if failed_storages else 'Ok.', end=' ') h5index_sort( cfg['out'], out_storage_name=f"{cfg['out']['db_path'].stem}-resorted.h5", in_storages=failed_storages)
def main(new_arg=None): cfg = cfg_from_args(my_argparser(), new_arg) if not cfg or not cfg['program'].get('return'): print('Can not initialise') return cfg elif cfg['program']['return'] == '<cfg_from_args>': # to help testing return cfg l = init_logging(logging, None, cfg['program']['log'], cfg['program']['verbose']) print('\n' + this_prog_basename(__file__), end=' started. ') try: cfg['in']['paths'], cfg['in']['nfiles'], cfg['in'][ 'path'] = init_file_names(**cfg['in'], b_interact=cfg['program']['b_interact'], cfg_search_parent=cfg['out']) h5init(cfg['in'], cfg['out']) except Ex_nothing_done as e: print(e.message) exit() df_dummy = pd.DataFrame( np.full(1, np.NaN, dtype=np.dtype({ 'formats': ['float64', 'float64'], 'names': cfg['out']['tracks_cols'][1:] })), index=(pd.NaT, )) # used for insert separator lines if 'routes_cols' not in cfg['in']: cfg['in']['routes_cols'] = cfg['in']['waypoints_cols'] if 'routes_cols' not in cfg['out']: cfg['out']['routes_cols'] = cfg['out'][ 'waypoints_cols'] # cfg['in']['routes_cols'] # # Writing if True: # try: l.warning('processing ' + str(cfg['in']['nfiles']) + ' file' + 's:' if cfg['in']['nfiles'] > 1 else ':') cfg['out']['log'] = {} set_field_if_no(cfg['out'], 'table_prefix', PurePath(cfg['in']['path']).stem) cfg['out']['table_prefix'] = cfg['out']['table_prefix'].replace( '-', '') if len([t for t in cfg['out']['tables'] if len(t)]) > 1: cfg['out']['tables'] = \ [cfg['out']['table_prefix'] + '_' + s for s in cfg['out']['tables']] cfg['out']['tables_log'] = \ [cfg['out']['table_prefix'] + '_' + s for s in cfg['out']['tables_log']] tables = dict(zip(df_names, cfg['out']['tables'])) tables_log = dict(zip(df_names, cfg['out']['tables_log'])) # Can not save path to DB (useless?) so set for this max file name length: set_field_if_no(cfg['out'], 'logfield_fileName_len', 50) cfg['out']['index_level2_cols'] = cfg['in']['routes_cols'][0] # ############################################################### # ## Cumulate all data in cfg['out']['path_temp'] ################## ## Main circle ############################################################ for i1_file, path_gpx in h5_dispenser_and_names_gen( cfg['in'], cfg['out']):'{}. {}: '.format(i1_file, # Loading data dfs = gpxConvert(cfg, path_gpx) print('write', end=': ') sys_stdout.flush() for key, df in dfs.items(): if (not tables.get(key)) or df.empty: continue elif key == 'tracks': # Save last time to can filter next file cfg['in']['time_last'] = df.index[-1] sort_time = False if key in {'waypoints', 'routes'} else None # monkey patching if 'tracker' in tables[key]: # Also {} must be in tables[key]. todo: better key+'_fun_tracker' in cfg['out']? # Trackers processing trackers_numbers = { '0-3106432': '1', '0-2575092': '2', '0-3124620': '3', '0-3125300': '4', '0-3125411': '5', '0-3126104': '6' } tables_pattern = tables[key] tables_log_pattern = tables_log[key] df['comment'] = df['comment'].str.split(" @", n=1, expand=True)[0] # split data and save to multipe tables df_all = df.set_index(['comment', df.index]) for sn, n in trackers_numbers.items( ): # set(df_all.index.get_level_values(0)) try: df = df_all.loc[sn] except KeyError: continue # redefine saving parameters cfg['out']['table'] = tables_pattern.format( trackers_numbers[sn]) cfg['out']['table_log'] = tables_log_pattern.format( trackers_numbers[sn]) call_with_valid_kwargs(df_filter_and_save_to_h5, df**cfg, input=cfg['in'], sort_time=sort_time) else: cfg['out']['table'] = tables[key] cfg['out']['table_log'] = tables_log[key] call_with_valid_kwargs(df_filter_and_save_to_h5, df, **cfg, input=cfg['in'], sort_time=sort_time) # try: # if cfg['out']['b_remove_duplicates']: # for tbls in cfg['out']['tables_have_wrote']: # for tblName in tbls: # cfg['out']['db'][tblName].drop_duplicates(keep='last', inplace= True) # print('Create index', end=', ') # create_table_index calls create_table which docs sais "cannot index Time64Col() or ComplexCol" # so load it, index, then save # level2_index = None # df = cfg['out']['db'][tblName] # last commented # df.set_index([navp_all_index, level2_index]) # df.sort_index() # cfg['out']['db'][tblName].sort_index(inplace=True) # if df is not None: # resave # df_log = cfg['out']['db'][tblName] # cfg['out']['db'].remove(tbls[0]) # cfg['out']['db'][tbls[0]] = df # cfg['out']['db'][tbls[1]] = df_log try: pass except Exception as e: print('The end. There are error ', standard_error_info(e)) # import traceback, code # from sys import exc_info as sys_exc_info # # tb = sys_exc_info()[2] # type, value, # traceback.print_exc() # last_frame = lambda tb=tb: last_frame(tb.tb_next) if tb.tb_next else tb # frame = last_frame().tb_frame # ns = dict(frame.f_globals) # ns.update(frame.f_locals) # code.interact(local=ns) # finally: # cfg['out']['db'].close() # failed_storages= h5move_tables(cfg['out'], cfg['out']['tables_have_wrote']) try: failed_storages = h5move_tables(cfg['out'], tbl_names=cfg['out'].get( 'tables_have_wrote', set())) print('Finishing...' if failed_storages else 'Ok.', end=' ') # Sort if have any processed data that needs it (not the case for the routes and waypoints), else don't because ``ptprepack`` not closes hdf5 source if it not finds data if cfg['in'].get('time_last'): cfg['out']['b_remove_duplicates'] = True h5index_sort( cfg['out'], out_storage_name=f"{cfg['out']['db_path'].stem}-resorted.h5", in_storages=failed_storages, tables=cfg['out'].get('tables_have_wrote', set())) except Ex_nothing_done: print('ok')
def h5_append(cfg_out: Dict[str, Any], df: Union[pd.DataFrame, dd.DataFrame], log, log_dt_from_utc=pd.Timedelta(0), tim=None): ''' Append dataframe to Store: df to cfg_out['table'] ``table`` node and append chield table with 1 row metadata including 'index' and 'DateEnd' which is calculated as first and last elements of df.index :param df: pandas or dask datarame to append. If dask then log_dt_from_utc must be None (not assign log metadata here) :param log: dict which will be appended to child tables, cfg_out['tables_log'] :param cfg_out: dict with fields: db: opened hdf5 store in write mode table: name of table to update (or tables: list, then used only 1st element) table_log: name of chield table (or tables_log: list, then used only 1st element) tables: None - to return with done nothing! list of str - to assign cfg_out['table'] = cfg_out['tables'][0] tables_log: list of str - to assign cfg_out['table_log'] = cfg_out['tables_log'][0] b_insert_separator: (optional), freq (optional) data_columns: optional, list of column names to write. chunksize: may be None but then must be chunksize_percent to calcW ake Up: chunksize = len(df) * chunksize_percent / 100 :param log_dt_from_utc: 0 or pd.Timedelta - to correct start and end time: index and DateEnd. Note: if log_dt_from_utc is None then start and end time: 'Date0' and 'DateEnd' fields of log must be filled right already :return: None :updates: log: 'Date0' and 'DateEnd' cfg_out: only if not defined already: cfg_out['table_log'] = cfg_out['tables_log'][0] table_log tables_have_wrote list appended (or created) with tuple `(table, table_log)` ''' df_len = len(df) if tim is None else len( tim) # use computed values if possible for faster dask if df_len: # dask.dataframe.empty is not implemented if cfg_out.get('b_insert_separator'): # Add separatiion row of NaN msg_func = f'{df_len}rows+1dummy' cfg_out.setdefault('fs') df = h5_append_dummy_row(df, cfg_out['fs'], tim) df_len += 1 else: msg_func = f'{df_len}rows' # Save to store # check/set tables names if 'tables' in cfg_out: if cfg_out['tables'] is None:'selected(%s)... ', msg_func) return set_field_if_no(cfg_out, 'table', cfg_out['tables'][0])'h5_append(%s)... ', msg_func) set_field_if_no(cfg_out, 'nfiles', 1) if 'chunksize' in cfg_out and cfg_out['chunksize'] is None: if ('chunksize_percent' in cfg_out): # based on first file cfg_out['chunksize'] = int( df_len * cfg_out['chunksize_percent'] / 1000) * 10 if cfg_out['chunksize'] < 10000: cfg_out['chunksize'] = 10000 else: cfg_out['chunksize'] = 10000 if df_len <= 10000 and isinstance(df, dd.DataFrame): df = df.compute() # dask not writes "all NaN" rows # , compute=False # cfg_out['db'].append(cfg_out['table'], df, data_columns=True, index=False, # chunksize=cfg_out['chunksize']) table = None try: table = df_data_append_fun(df, cfg_out['table'], cfg_out) except ValueError as e: table = h5append_on_inconsistent_index(cfg_out, cfg_out['table'], df, df_data_append_fun, e, msg_func) except TypeError as e: # (, AttributeError)? if isinstance(df, dd.DataFrame): last_nan_row = df.loc[df.index.compute()[-1]].compute() # df.compute().query("index >= Timestamp('{}')".format(df.index.compute()[-1].tz_convert(None))) ??? works # df.query("index > Timestamp('{}')".format(t_end.tz_convert(None)), meta) #df.query(f"index > {t_end}").compute() if all(last_nan_row.isna()): l.exception( f'{msg_func}: dask not writes separator? Repeating using pandas' ) table = df_data_append_fun( last_nan_row, cfg_out['table'], cfg_out, min_itemsize={ c: 1 for c in (cfg_out['data_columns'] if cfg_out. get('data_columns', True ) is not True else df.columns) }) # sometimes pandas/dask get bug (thinks int is a str?): When I add row of NaNs it tries to find ``min_itemsize`` and obtain NaN (for float too, why?) this lead to error else: l.exception(msg_func) else: l.error('%s: Can not write to store. %s', msg_func, standard_error_info(e)) raise (e) except Exception as e: l.error(f'%s: Can not write to store. %s', msg_func, standard_error_info(e)) raise (e) # run even if df is empty becouse of possible needs to write log only table_log = h5add_log(cfg_out, df, log, tim, log_dt_from_utc) _t = (table, table_log) if 'tables_have_wrote' in cfg_out: cfg_out['tables_have_wrote'].add(_t) else: cfg_out['tables_have_wrote'] = {_t}
def h5add_log(cfg_out: Dict[str, Any], df, log: Union[pd.DataFrame, Mapping, None], tim, log_dt_from_utc): """ Updates (or creates if need) metadata table :param cfg_out: dict with fields: - b_log_ready: if False or '' then updates log['Date0'], log['DateEnd']. - db: handle of opened hdf5 store - some of following fields (next will be tried if previous not defined): - table_log: str, path of log table - tables_log: List[str], path of log table in first element - table: str, path of log table will be consructed by adding '/log' - tables: List[str], path of log table will be consructed by adding '/log' to first element - logfield_fileName_len: optiondal, fixed length of string format of 'fileName' hdf5 column :param df: :param log: Mapping records or dataframe. updates 'Date0' and 'DateEnd' if no 'Date0' or it is {} or None :param tim: :param log_dt_from_utc: :return: """ if cfg_out.get('b_log_ready') and (isinstance(log, Mapping) and not log): return # synchro "tables_log" and more user friendly but not so universal to code "table_log" if cfg_out.get('table_log'): table_log = cfg_out['table_log'] else: table_log = cfg_out.get('tables_log') if table_log: if '{}' in table_log[0]: table_log = table_log[0].format(cfg_out['table']) else: table_log = table_log[0] else: # set default for (1st) data table try: table_log = f"{cfg_out['table']}'/log'" except KeyError: table_log = f"{cfg_out['tables'][0]}'/log'" set_field_if_no(cfg_out, 'logfield_fileName_len', 255) if (log.get('Date0') is None) or not cfg_out.get('b_log_ready'): # or (table_log.split('/')[-1].startswith('logFiles')): log['Date0'], log['DateEnd'] = timzone_view( (tim if tim is not None else df.index.compute() if isinstance( df, dd.DataFrame) else df.index)[[0, -1]], log_dt_from_utc) # dfLog = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(log, np.dtype(np.unicode_, cfg_out['logfield_fileName_len'])) if not isinstance(log, pd.DataFrame): try: log = pd.DataFrame(log).set_index('Date0') except ValueError as e: # , Exception log = pd.DataFrame.from_records( log, exclude=['Date0'], index=log['Date0'] if isinstance(log['Date0'], pd.DatetimeIndex) else [log['Date0']]) # index='Date0' not work for dict try: return df_log_append_fun(log, table_log, cfg_out) except ValueError as e: return h5append_on_inconsistent_index(cfg_out, table_log, log, df_log_append_fun, e, 'append log') except ClosedFileError as e: l.warning('Check code: On reopen store update store variable')
def main(new_arg=None, **kwargs): """ :param new_arg: list of strings, command line arguments :kwargs: dicts for each section: to overwrite values in them (overwrites even high priority values, other values remains) Note: if new_arg=='<cfg_from_args>' returns cfg but it will be None if argument argv[1:] == '-h' or '-v' passed to this code argv[1] is cfgFile. It was used with cfg files: 'csv2h5_nav_supervisor.ini' 'csv2h5_IdrRedas.ini' 'csv2h5_Idronaut.ini' :return: """ global l cfg = cfg_from_args(my_argparser(), new_arg, **kwargs) if not cfg or not cfg['program'].get('return'): print('Can not initialise') return cfg elif cfg['program']['return'] == '<cfg_from_args>': # to help testing return cfg l = init_logging(logging, None, cfg['program']['log'], cfg['program']['verbose']) print('\n' + this_prog_basename(__file__), end=' started. ') try: cfg['in']['paths'], cfg['in']['nfiles'], cfg['in'][ 'path'] = init_file_names(**cfg['in'], b_interact=cfg['program']['b_interact']) except Ex_nothing_done as e: print(e.message) return () bOld_FF00FF = False # if 'TermGrunt' in sys.argv[1] FF00FF' in str(cfg['in']['path']): # 'TermGrunt.h5' ? args.path.endswith ('bin'): # bOld_FF00FF = True # cfg['in'].update({ # 'header': 'TERM', # 'dt_from_utc': timedelta(hours=-1), # 'fs': 1, 'b_time_fromtimestamp': True, # 'b_time_fromtimestamp_source': False}) # else: # 'Katran.h5' # cfg['in'].update({ # 'delimiter_hex': '000000E6', # 'header': 'P, Temp, Cond', # 'dt_from_utc': timedelta(hours=0), # 'fs': 10, 'b_time_fromtimestamp': False, # 'b_time_fromtimestamp_source': False}) set_field_if_no( cfg['in'], 'dtype', 'uint{:d}'.format(2**(3 + np.searchsorted( 2**np.array([3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) > np.array( 8 * (cfg['in']['data_word_len'] - 1)), 1)))) # Prepare cpecific format loading and writing set_field_if_no(cfg['in'], 'coltime', []) cfg['in'] = init_input_cols(cfg['in']) cfg['out']['names'] = np.array(cfg['in']['dtype'].names)[ \ cfg['in']['cols_loaded_save_b']] cfg['out']['formats'] = [ cfg['in']['dtype'].fields[n][0] for n in cfg['out']['names'] ] cfg['out']['dtype'] = np.dtype({ 'formats': cfg['out']['formats'], 'names': cfg['out']['names'] }) h5init(cfg['in'], cfg['out']) # cfg['Period'] = 1.0 / cfg['in']['fs'] # instead Second can use Milli / Micro / Nano: # cfg['pdPeriod'] = pd.to_timedelta(cfg['Period'], 's') # #pd.datetools.Second(cfg['Period'])\ # if 1 % cfg['in']['fs'] == 0 else\ # pd.datetools.Nano(cfg['Period'] * 1e9) # log table of loaded files. columns: Start time, file name, and its index in array off all loaded data: log_item = cfg['out']['log'] = { } # fields will have: 'fileName': None, 'fileChangeTime': None, 'rows': 0 strLog = '' # from collections import namedtuple # type_log_files = namedtuple('type_log_files', ['label','iStart']) # log.sort(axis=0, order='log_item['Date0']')#sort files by time dfLogOld, cfg['out']['db'], cfg['out'][ 'b_skip_if_up_to_date'] = h5temp_open(**cfg['out']) if 'log' in cfg['program'].keys(): f = open(PurePath(sys_argv[0]).parent / cfg['program']['log'], 'a', encoding='cp1251') f.writelines('\n\n%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S> processed ' + str(cfg['in']['nfiles']) + ' file' + 's:' if cfg['in']['nfiles'] > 1 else ':')) b_remove_duplicates = False # normally no duplicates but will if detect # Config specially for readBinFramed set_field_if_no(cfg['in'], 'b_byte_order_is_big_endian', True) set_field_if_no(cfg['in'], 'b_baklan', False) set_field_if_no(cfg['in'], 'b_time_fromtimestamp_source', False) cfg['out']['fs'] = cfg['in']['fs'] if True: ## Main circle ############################################################ for i1_file, path_in in h5_dispenser_and_names_gen( cfg['in'], cfg['out']):'{}. {}: '.format(i1_file, # Loading data if bOld_FF00FF: V = readFF00FF(path_in, cfg) iFrame = np.arange(len(V)) else: V, iFrame = readBinFramed(path_in, cfg['in']) if ('b_time_fromtimestamp' in cfg['in'] and cfg['in']['b_time_fromtimestamp']) or \ ('b_time_fromtimestamp_source' in cfg['in'] and cfg['in']['b_time_fromtimestamp_source']): path_in_rec = os_path.join( 'd:\\workData\\_source\\BalticSea\\151021_T1Grunt_Pregol\\_source\\not_corrected', os_path.basename(path_in)[:-3] + 'txt' ) if cfg['in']['b_time_fromtimestamp_source'] else path_in log_item['Date0'] = datetime.fromtimestamp( os_path.getmtime(path_in_rec)) # getctime is bad log_item['Date0'] -= iFrame[-1] * timedelta( seconds=1 / cfg['in']['fs'] ) # use for computer filestamp at end of recording else: log_item['Date0'] = datetime.strptime( path_in.stem, cfg['in']['filename2timestart_format']) log_item['Date0'] += cfg['in']['dt_from_utc'] tim = log_item['Date0'] + iFrame * timedelta( seconds=1 / cfg['in']['fs'] ) # tim = pd.date_range(log_item['Date0'], periods=np.size(V, 0), freq=cfg['pdPeriod']) df = pd.DataFrame( V.view(dtype=cfg['out']['dtype']), # np.uint16 columns=cfg['out']['names'], index=tim) # pd.DataFrame(V, columns=cfg['out']['names'], dtype=cfg['out']['formats'], index=tim) if df.empty: # log['rows']==0 print('No data => skip file') continue df, tim = set_filterGlobal_minmax(df, cfg_filter=cfg['filter'], log=log_item, dict_to_save_last_time=cfg['in']) if log_item['rows_filtered']: print('filtered out {}, remains {}'.format( log_item['rows_filtered'], log_item['rows'])) if not log_item['rows']: l.warning('no data! => skip file') continue elif log_item['rows']: print( '.', end='' ) # , divisions=d.divisions), divisions=pd.date_range(tim[0], tim[-1], freq='1D') else: l.warning('no data! => skip file') continue # Append to Store h5_append(cfg['out'], df.astype('int32'), log_item) if 'txt' in cfg['program'].keys(): # can be saved as text too np.savetxt(cfg['program']['txt'], V, delimiter='\t', newline='\n', header=cfg['in']['header'] + log_item['fileName'], fmt='%d', comments='') try: if b_remove_duplicates: for tblName in (cfg['out']['table'] + cfg['out']['tableLog_names']): cfg['out']['db'][tblName].drop_duplicates( keep='last', inplace=True) # subset='fileName',? if len(strLog): print('Create index', end=', ') for tblName in (cfg['out']['table'] + cfg['out']['tableLog_names']): cfg['out']['db'].create_table_index(tblName, columns=['index'], kind='full') else: print('done nothing') except Exception as e: l.exception('The end. There are error ') import traceback, code from sys import exc_info as sys_exc_info tb = sys_exc_info()[2] # type, value, traceback.print_exc() last_frame = lambda tb=tb: last_frame(tb.tb_next) if tb.tb_next else tb frame = last_frame().tb_frame ns = dict(frame.f_globals) ns.update(frame.f_locals) code.interact(local=ns) # sort index if have any processed data (needed because ``ptprepack`` not closses hdf5 source if it not finds data) if cfg['in'].get('time_last'): failed_storages = h5move_tables(cfg['out']) print('Ok.', end=' ') h5index_sort( cfg['out'], out_storage_name=f"{cfg['out']['db_path'].stem}-resorted.h5", in_storages=failed_storages)
def main(new_arg=None, veusze=None): """ Note: if vsz data source have 'Ag_old_inv' variable then not invert coef. Else invert to use in vsz which not invert coefs :param new_arg: :return: """ global l p = veuszPropagate.my_argparser() p_groups = { g.title: g for g in p._action_groups if g.title.split(' ')[-1] != 'arguments' } # skips special argparse groups p_groups['in'].add( '--channels_list', help= 'channels needed zero calibration: "magnetometer" or "M" for magnetometer and any else for accelerometer, use "M, A" for both, empty to skip ' ) p_groups['in'].add( '--widget', help= 'path to Veusz widget property which contains coefficients. For example "/fitV(force)/grid1/graph/fit1/values"' ) p_groups['in'].add( '--data_for_coef', default='max_incl_of_fit_t', help= 'Veusz data to use as coef. If used with widget then this data is appended to data from widget' ) p_groups['out'].add('--out.path', help='path to db where write coef') p_groups['out'].add( '--re_tbl_from_vsz_name', help= 'regex to extract hdf5 table name from to Veusz file name (last used "\D*\d*")' # ? why not simly specify table name? ) # todo: "b_update_existed" arg will be used here for exported images. Check whether False works or prevent open vsz cfg = cfg_from_args(p, new_arg) if not Path(cfg['program']['log']).is_absolute(): cfg['program']['log'] = str( Path(__file__).parent.joinpath( cfg['program']['log'])) # l.root.handlers[0].baseFilename if not cfg: return if new_arg == '<return_cfg>': # to help testing return cfg l = init_logging(logging, None, cfg['program']['log'], cfg['program']['verbose']) veuszPropagate.l = l print('\n' + this_prog_basename(__file__), 'started', end=' ') if cfg['out']['b_images_only']: print('in images only mode.') try: print('Output pattern ') # Using cfg['out'] to store pattern information if not Path(cfg['in']['pattern_path']).is_absolute(): cfg['in']['pattern_path'] = str(cfg['in']['path'].parent.joinpath( cfg['in']['pattern_path'])) set_field_if_no(cfg['out'], 'path', cfg['in']['pattern_path']) cfg['out']['paths'], cfg['out']['nfiles'], cfg['out'][ 'path'] = init_file_names(**cfg['out'], b_interact=cfg['program']['b_interact']) except Ex_nothing_done as e: print(e.message, ' - no pattern') return # or raise FileNotFoundError? try: print(end='Data ') cfg['in']['paths'], cfg['in']['nfiles'], cfg['in'][ 'path'] = init_file_names( **cfg['in'], b_interact=False) # do not bother user 2nd time except Ex_nothing_done as e: print(e.message) return # or raise FileNotFoundError? if not cfg['out']['export_dir']: cfg['out']['export_dir'] = Path(cfg['out']['path']).parent if cfg['program']['before_next'] and 'restore_config' in cfg['program'][ 'before_next']: cfg['in_saved'] = cfg['in'].copy() # cfg['loop'] = asyncio.get_event_loop() # cfg['export_timeout_s'] = 600 cfg['out']['export_dir'] = dir_from_cfg(cfg['out']['path'].parent, cfg['out']['export_dir']) veuszPropagate.load_vsz = veuszPropagate.load_vsz_closure( cfg['program']['veusz_path'], b_execute_vsz=cfg['program']['b_execute_vsz']) gen_veusz_and_logs = veuszPropagate.load_to_veusz( veuszPropagate.ge_names(cfg), cfg, veusze) names_get = ['Inclination_mean_use1', 'logVext1_m__s' ] # \, 'Inclination_mean_use2', 'logVext2_m__s' names_get_fits = ['fit'] # , 'fit2' vsz_data = {n: [] for n in names_get} for n in names_get_fits: vsz_data[n] = [] # prepare collecting all coef in text also names_get_txt_results = ['fit1result'] # , 'fit2result' txt_results = {n: {} for n in names_get_txt_results} i_file = 0 for veusze, log in gen_veusz_and_logs: if not veusze: continue i_file += 1 print(i_file) if cfg['out']['re_tbl_from_vsz_name']: table = cfg['out']['re_tbl_from_vsz_name'].match( log['out_name']).group() else: table = re.sub( '^[\d_]*', '', log['out_name']) # delete all first digits (date part) for n in names_get: vsz_data[n].append(veusze.GetData(n)[0]) for n in [cfg['in']['data_for_coef']]: vsz_data[n] = list(veusze.GetData(n)[0]) # Save velocity coefficients into //{table}//coef//Vabs{i} where i - fit number enumeretad from 0 for i, name_out in enumerate(names_get_fits): # ['fit1', 'fit2'] coef = veusze.Get( cfg['in']['widget'] ) # veusze.Root['fitV(inclination)']['grid1']['graph'][name_out].values.val if 'a' in coef: coef_list = [ coef[k] for k in ['d', 'c', 'b', 'a'] if k in coef ] else: coef_list = [ coef[k] for k in sorted(coef.keys(), key=digits_first) ] if cfg['in']['data_for_coef']: coef_list += vsz_data[cfg['in']['data_for_coef']] vsz_data[name_out].append(coef_list) h5copy_coef(None, cfg['out']['path'], table, dict_matrices={ f'//coef//Vabs{i}': coef_list, f'//coef//date': np.float64([ np.NaN, np.datetime64( ]) }) # h5savecoef(cfg['out']['path'], path=f'//{table}//coef//Vabs{i}', coef=coef_list) txt_results[names_get_txt_results[i]][table] = str(coef) # Zeroing matrix - calculated in Veusz by rotation on old0pitch old0roll Rcor = veusze.GetData( 'Rcor' )[0] # zeroing angles tuned by "USEcalibr0V_..." in Veusz Custom definitions if len(cfg['in']['channels']): 'Applying zero calibration matrix of peach = {} and roll = {} degrees' .format(np.rad2deg(veusze.GetData('old0pitch')[0][0]), np.rad2deg(veusze.GetData('old0roll')[0][0]))) with h5py.File(cfg['out']['path'], 'a') as h5: for channel in cfg['in']['channels']: (col_str, coef_str) = channel_cols(channel) # h5savecoef(cfg['out']['path'], path=f'//{table}//coef//Vabs{i}', coef=coef_list), dict_matrices={'//coef//' + coef_str + '//A': coefs[tbl][channel]['A'], '//coef//' + coef_str + '//C': coefs[tbl][channel]['b']}) # Currently used inclinometers have electronics rotated on 180deg. Before we inserted additional # rotation operation in Veusz by inverting A_old. Now we want iclude this information in database coef only. try: # Checking that A_old_inv exist A_old_inv = veusze.GetData('Ag_old_inv') is_old_used = True # Rcor is not account for electronic is rotated. except KeyError: is_old_used = False # Rcor is account for rotated electronic. if is_old_used: # The rotation is done in vsz (A_old in vsz is inverted) so need rotate it back to # use in vsz without such invertion # Rotate on 180 deg (note: this is not inversion) A_old_inv = h5[f'//{table}//coef//{coef_str}//A'][...] A_old =, [[1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, -1] ]) # adds 180 deg to roll else: A_old = h5[f'//{table}//coef//{coef_str}//A'][...] # A_old now accounts for rotated electronic A =, A_old) h5copy_coef(None, h5, table, dict_matrices={f'//coef//{coef_str}//A': A}) # veusze.Root['fitV(inclination)']['grid1']['graph2'][name_out].function.val print(vsz_data) veuszPropagate.export_images( veusze, cfg['out'], f"_{log['out_name']}", b_skip_if_exists=not cfg['out']['b_update_existed']) # vsz_data = veusz_data(veusze, cfg['in']['data_yield_prefix']) # # caller do some processing of data and gives new cfg: # cfgin_update = yield(vsz_data, log) # to test run veusze.Save('-.vsz') # cfg['in'].update(cfgin_update) # only update of is tested # if cfg['in']['add_custom']: # for n, e in zip(cfg['in']['add_custom'], cfg['in']['add_custom_expressions']): # veusze.AddCustom('definition', n, e, mode='replace') # #cor_savings.send((veusze, log)) # # # # # veusze.Save(str(path_vsz_save), mode='hdf5') # veusze.Save(str(path_vsz_save)) saves time with bad resolution print(f'Ok') print(txt_results) for n in names_get: pd.DataFrame.from_dict( dict(zip(list(txt_results['fit1result'].keys()), vsz_data[n]))).to_csv( Path(cfg['out']['path']).with_name( f'average_for_fitting-{n}.txt'), sep='\t', header=txt_results['fit1result'].keys, mode='a') return {**vsz_data, 'veusze': veusze}
def main(config: ConfigType) -> None: """ ---------------------------- Save data tp CSV-like files from Pandas HDF5 store*.h5 ---------------------------- :param config: with fields: - in - mapping with fields: - tables_log: - log table name or pattern str for it: in pattern '{}' will be replaced by data table name - cols_good_data: - ['dt_from_utc', 'db', 'db_path', 'table_nav'] - out - mapping with fields: - cols: can use i - data row number and i_log_row - log row number that is used to load data range - cols_log: can use i - log row number - text_date_format - file_name_fun, file_name_fun_log - {fun} part of "lambda rec_num, t_st, t_en: {fun}" string to compile function for name of data and log text files - sep """ global cfg cfg = to_vaex_hdf5.cfg_dataclasses.main_init(config, cs_store_name) cfg = to_vaex_hdf5.cfg_dataclasses.main_init_input_file(cfg, cs_store_name) #h5init(cfg['in'], cfg['out']) #cfg['out']['dt_from_utc'] = 0 qstr_trange_pattern = "index>=Timestamp('{}') & index<=Timestamp('{}')" # Prepare saving to csv # file name for files and log list: for fun in ['file_name_fun', 'file_name_fun_log']: cfg['out'][fun] = ( eval( compile(f"lambda i, t_st, t_en: {cfg['out'][fun]}", '', 'eval')) if fun in cfg['out'] else ((lambda rec_num, t_st, t_en: 'log.csv') if fun.endswith('log') else lambda rec_num, t_st, t_en: '.csv') # f'_{i}.csv' ) set_field_if_no(cfg['out'], 'text_path', cfg['in']['db_path'].parent) dir_create_if_need(cfg['out']['text_path']) ## Main circle ############################################################ i_log_row_st = 0 for tbl, tbl_log, store in h5_tables_gen(cfg['in']['db_path'], cfg['in']['tables'], cfg['in']['tables_log']): # save log list if tbl_log: df_log =, where=cfg['in']['query'])'Saving {} data files of ranges listed in {}', df_log.shape[0], tbl_log) df_log_csv = order_cols(df_log, cfg['out']['cols_log']) # df_log_csv = interp_vals( # df_log_csv, # df_search=None, # #cols_good_data = None, # db = store, # dt_search_nav_tolerance = timedelta(minutes=2) # ) df_log_csv.to_csv( cfg['out']['text_path'] / cfg['out']['file_name_fun_log']( i_log_row_st, df_log.index[0], df_log.DateEnd[-1]), date_format=cfg['out']['text_date_format'], float_format=cfg['out']['text_float_format'], sep=cfg['out']['sep']) else:'{}: ', tbl) for i_log_row, log_row in enumerate( df_log.itertuples(), start=i_log_row_st ): # h5log_rows_gen(table_log=tbl_log, db=store, ): # Load data chunk that log_row describes print('.', end='') qstr = qstr_trange_pattern.format(log_row.Index, log_row.DateEnd) df_raw =, qstr) df_raw['i_log_row'] = i_log_row df_csv = order_cols(df_raw, cfg['out']['cols']) # Save data df_csv.to_csv(cfg['out']['text_path'] / cfg['out']['file_name_fun']( i_log_row, df_raw.index[0], df_raw.index[-1]), date_format=cfg['out']['text_date_format'], float_format=cfg['out']['text_float_format'], sep=cfg['out']['sep']) i_log_row_st += df_log.shape[0] print('Ok>', end=' ')
def init_input_cols(*, header=None, dtype, converters=None, cols_load, max_text_width=2000, dt_from_utc=0, comments='"', cols_loaded_save_b=None): """ Append/modify dictionary cfg_in for parameters of dask/pandas load_csv() function and of save to hdf5. :param header (required if no 'cols'): comma/space separated string, column names in source file data header. Used to find cfg_in['cols'] if last is not cpecified. May have format cpecifiers: '(text)','(float)','(time)', and also not used cols cpecified by skipping name between commas like in 'col1,,,col4' as in Veusz standard input dialog. :param dtype: type of data in column (as in Numpy loadtxt) :param converters: dict (see "converters" in Numpy loadtxt) or function(cfg_in) to make dict here :param cols_load: list of used column names :return: modified cfg_in dictionary. Will have fields: cols - list constructed from header by spit and remove format cpecifiers: '(text)', '(float)', '(time)' cols_load - list[int], indexes of ``cols`` in needed to save order coltime/coldate - index of 'Time'/'Date' column dtype: numpy.dtype of data after using loading function but before filtering/calculating fields numpy.float64 - default and for '(float)' format specifier numpy string with length cfg_in['max_text_width'] - for '(text)' datetime64[ns] - for coldate column (or coltime if no coldate) and for '(time)' col_index_name - index name for saving Pandas frame. Will be set to name of cfg_in['coltime'] column if not exist already used in main() default time postload proc only (if no specific loader which calculates and returns time column for index) cols_loaded_save_b - columns mask of cols_load to save (some columns needed only before save to calculate of others). Default: exluded (text) columns and index and coldate (because index saved in other variable and coldate may only used to create it) Example ------- header= u'`Ensemble #`,txtYY_M_D_h_m_s_f(text),,,Top,`Average Heading (degrees)`,`Average Pitch (degrees)`,stdPitch,`Average Roll (degrees)`,stdRoll,`Average Temp (degrees C)`,txtVe_none(text) txtVn_none(text) txtVup(text) txtErrVhor(text) txtInt1(text) txtInt2(text) txtInt3(text) txtInt4(text) txtCor1(text) txtCor2(text) txtCor3(text) txtCor4(text),,,SpeedE_BT SpeedN_BT SpeedUp ErrSpeed DepthReading `Bin Size (m)` `Bin 1 Distance(m;>0=up;<0=down)` absorption IntScale'.strip() """ cfg_in = locals() # must be 1st row in function to be dict of input args dtype_text_max = '|S{:.0f}'.format(max_text_width) # np.str if header: # if header specified re_sep = ' *(?:(?:,\n)|[\n,]) *' # not isolate "`" but process ",," right cfg_in['cols'] = re.split(re_sep, header) # re_fast = re.compile(u"(?:[ \n,]+[ \n]*|^)(`[^`]+`|[^`,\n ]*)", re.VERBOSE) # cfg_in['cols']= re_fast.findall(cfg_in['header']) elif not 'cols' in cfg_in: # cols is from header, is specified or is default warnings.warn("default 'cols' is deprecated, use init_input_cols({header: " "'stime, latitude, longitude'}) instead", DeprecationWarning, 2) cfg_in['cols'] = ('stime', 'latitude', 'longitude') # default parameters dependent from ['cols'] cols_load_b = np.ones(len(cfg_in['cols']), np.bool8) # assign data type of input columns b_was_no_dtype = not 'dtype' in cfg_in if b_was_no_dtype: cfg_in['dtype'] = np.array([np.float64] * len(cfg_in['cols'])) # 32 gets trunkation errors after 6th sign (=> shows long numbers after dot) elif isinstance(cfg_in['dtype'], str): cfg_in['dtype'] = np.array([np.dtype(cfg_in['dtype'])] * len(cfg_in['cols'])) elif isinstance(cfg_in['dtype'], list): # prevent numpy array(list) guess minimal dtype because otherwise dtype will take maximum memory of length dtype_text_max numpy_cur_dtype = np.min_scalar_type(cfg_in['dtype']) numpy_cur_dtype_len = numpy_cur_dtype.itemsize / np.dtype((numpy_cur_dtype.kind, 1)).itemsize cfg_in['dtype'] = np.array(cfg_in['dtype'], '|S{:.0f}'.format( max(len(dtype_text_max), numpy_cur_dtype_len))) for sCol, sDefault in (['coltime', 'Time'], ['coldate', 'Date']): if (sCol not in cfg_in): # if cfg['col(time/date)'] is not provided try find 'Time'/'Date' column name if not (sDefault in cfg_in['cols']): sDefault = sDefault + '(text)' if not (sDefault in cfg_in['cols']): continue cfg_in[sCol] = cfg_in['cols'].index(sDefault) # assign 'Time'/'Date' column index to cfg['col(time/date)'] elif isinstance(cfg_in[sCol], str): cfg_in[sCol] = cfg_in['cols'].index(cfg_in[sCol]) if cfg_in['converters']: if not isinstance(cfg_in['converters'], dict): # suspended evaluation required cfg_in['converters'] = cfg_in['converters'](cfg_in) if b_was_no_dtype: # converters produce datetime64[ns] for coldate column (or coltime if no coldate): cfg_in['dtype'][cfg_in.get('coldate', cfg_in['coltime'])] = 'datetime64[ns]' # process format cpecifiers: '(text)','(float)','(time)' and remove it from ['cols'], # also find not used cols cpecified by skipping name between commas like in 'col1,,,col4' for i, s in enumerate(cfg_in['cols']): if len(s) == 0: cols_load_b[i] = 0 else: b_i_not_in_converters = (not (i in cfg_in['converters'].keys())) \ if cfg_in['converters'] else True i_suffix = s.rfind('(text)') if i_suffix > 0: # text cfg_in['cols'][i] = s[:i_suffix] if (cfg_in['dtype'][ i] == np.float64) and b_i_not_in_converters: # reassign from default float64 to text cfg_in['dtype'][i] = dtype_text_max else: i_suffix = s.rfind('(float)') if i_suffix > 0: # float cfg_in['cols'][i] = s[:i_suffix] if b_i_not_in_converters: # assign to default. Already done? assert cfg_in['dtype'][i] == np.float64 else: i_suffix = s.rfind('(time)') if i_suffix > 0: cfg_in['cols'][i] = s[:i_suffix] if (cfg_in['dtype'][i] == np.float64) and b_i_not_in_converters: cfg_in['dtype'][i] = 'datetime64[ns]' # np.str if cfg_in.get('cols_load'): cols_load_b &= np.isin(cfg_in['cols'], cfg_in['cols_load']) else: cfg_in['cols_load'] = np.array(cfg_in['cols'])[cols_load_b] # apply settings that more narrows used cols if 'cols_not_use' in cfg_in: cols_load_in_used_b = np.isin(cfg_in['cols_load'], cfg_in['cols_not_use'], invert=True) if not np.all(cols_load_in_used_b): cfg_in['cols_load'] = cfg_in['cols_load'][cols_load_in_used_b] cols_load_b = np.isin(cfg_in['cols'], cfg_in['cols_load']) col_names_out = cfg_in['cols_load'].copy() # Convert ``cols_load`` to index (to be compatible with numpy loadtxt()), names will be in cfg_in['dtype'].names cfg_in['cols_load'] = np.int32([cfg_in['cols'].index(c) for c in cfg_in['cols_load'] if c in cfg_in['cols']]) # not_cols_load = np.array([n in cfg_in['cols_not_use'] for n in cfg_in['cols']], np.bool) # cfg_in['cols_load']= np.logical_and(~not_cols_load, cfg_in['cols_load']) # cfg_in['cols']= np.array(cfg_in['cols'])[cfg_in['cols_load']] # cfg_in['dtype']= cfg_in['dtype'][cfg_in['cols_load']] # cfg_in['cols_load']= np.flatnonzero(cfg_in['cols_load']) # cfg_in['dtype']= np.dtype({'names': cfg_in['cols'].tolist(), 'formats': cfg_in['dtype'].tolist()}) cfg_in['cols'] = np.array(cfg_in['cols']) cfg_in['dtype_raw'] = np.dtype({'names': cfg_in['cols'], 'formats': cfg_in['dtype'].tolist()}) cfg_in['dtype'] = np.dtype({'names': cfg_in['cols'][cfg_in['cols_load']], 'formats': cfg_in['dtype'][cfg_in['cols_load']].tolist()}) # Get index name for saving Pandas frame b_index_exist = 'coltime' in cfg_in if b_index_exist: set_field_if_no(cfg_in, 'col_index_name', cfg_in['cols'][cfg_in['coltime']]) # Output columns mask if cfg_in['cols_loaded_save_b'] is None: # Mask of only needed output columns (text columns are not more needed after load) cfg_in['cols_loaded_save_b'] = np.logical_not(np.array( [cfg_in['dtype'].fields[n][0].char == 'S' for n in cfg_in['dtype'].names])) # a.dtype will = cfg_in['dtype'] if 'coldate' in cfg_in: cfg_in['cols_loaded_save_b'][ cfg_in['dtype'].names.index( cfg_in['cols'][cfg_in['coldate']])] = False else: # list to array cfg_in['cols_loaded_save_b'] = np.bool8(cfg_in['cols_loaded_save_b']) # Exclude index from cols_loaded_save_b if b_index_exist and cfg_in['col_index_name']: cfg_in['cols_loaded_save_b'][cfg_in['dtype'].names.index( cfg_in['col_index_name'])] = False # (must index be used separately?) # Output columns dtype col_names_out = np.array(col_names_out)[cfg_in['cols_loaded_save_b']].tolist() + cfg_in['cols_use'] cfg_in['dtype_out'] = np.dtype({ 'formats': [cfg_in['dtype'].fields[n][0] if n in cfg_in['dtype'].names else np.dtype(np.float64) for n in col_names_out], 'names': col_names_out}) return cfg_in