def show_final_preds(pred_boxes, points, gt_boxes):
     pred_boxes =
     boxes_show = np.concatenate([pred_boxes, gt_boxes], 0)
     pnum = pred_boxes.shape[0]
     gnum = gt_boxes.shape[0]
     labels_show = np.array([0]*pnum + [1]*gnum)
     Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(points, boxes_show, 'Z', is_yx_zb=True, labels=labels_show)
    def show_pcl_corners(self, pcl):
        import numpy as np
        from utils3d.bbox3d_ops import Bbox3D
        corners, _ = self.get_2top_corners_offseted()
        corners = corners.view([-1, 3]).cpu().data.numpy()
        corners_bot = corners.copy()

        tmp = self.bbox3d[:, 5].cpu().data.numpy()
        tmp = np.tile(np.expand_dims(tmp, 1), [1, 2]).reshape(-1)
        corners_bot[:, 2] = corners_bot[:, 2] - tmp
        corners = np.concatenate([corners, corners_bot], 0)

        n = corners.shape[0]
        boxes = np.zeros([n, 7])
        boxes[:, 0:3] = corners
        boxes[:, 3:6] = 0.2

        #points = pcl.cpu().data.numpy()
        points = pcl
                                  is_yx_zb=self.mode == 'standard',
        import pdb
        pdb.set_trace()  # XXX BREAKPOINT
Example #3
 def show(self, max_num=-1, points=None, with_centroids=False, boxes_show_together=None, points_keep_rate=POINTS_KEEP_RATE, points_sample_rate=POINTS_SAMPLE_RATE, colors=None):
   import numpy as np
   from utils3d.bbox3d_ops import Bbox3D
   boxes = self.bbox3d.cpu().data.numpy()
   if with_centroids:
     centroids = boxes.copy()
     if self.mode == 'yx_zb':
         centroids[:,2] += centroids[:,5]*0.5
     centroids[:,3:6] = 0.03
   if max_num > 0 and max_num < boxes.shape[0]:
     step = 4
     ids0 = np.random.choice(boxes.shape[0]//step-1, max_num, replace=False).reshape(-1,1)*step
     tmp = np.arange(step).reshape(1,step)
     ids = (ids0 + tmp).reshape(-1)
     boxes = boxes[ids]
   if with_centroids:
     boxes = np.concatenate([boxes, centroids], 0)
   if boxes_show_together:
     boxes_show_together = boxes_show_together.bbox3d.cpu().data.numpy()
     labels = np.array( [0]*boxes.shape[0] + [1]*boxes_show_together.shape[0])
     boxes = np.concatenate([boxes, boxes_show_together], 0)
     if 'labels' in self.fields():
         labels = self.get_field('labels').cpu().data.numpy().astype(np.int32)
         labels = None
   if points is None:
     Bbox3D.draw_bboxes(boxes, 'Z', is_yx_zb=self.mode=='yx_zb', \
     labels = labels, random_color=False)
     Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(points, boxes, 'Z', is_yx_zb=self.mode=='yx_zb',\
     labels = labels,  random_color=False, points_keep_rate=points_keep_rate, points_sample_rate=points_sample_rate, box_colors=colors)
Example #4
def show_pcl_boxdic(pcl, bboxes_dic):
  from utils3d.bbox3d_ops import Bbox3D
  boxes = []
  for obj in bboxes_dic:
    print(f'{obj}: {len(bboxes_dic[obj])}')
  boxes = np.concatenate(boxes, 0)
  Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(pcl[:,0:6], boxes, 'Z', is_yx_zb=True)
  Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(pcl[:,0:6], bboxes_dic['wall'], 'Z', is_yx_zb=True)
  import pdb; pdb.set_trace()  # XXX BREAKPOINT
Example #5
    def show__together(self, boxlist_1, max_num=-1, max_num_1=-1, points=None, offset_x=None, twolabels=False,
                       mesh=False, points_keep_rate=POINTS_KEEP_RATE, points_sample_rate=POINTS_SAMPLE_RATE, random_color=False, colors=None):
      import numpy as np
      from utils3d.bbox3d_ops import Bbox3D
      boxes = self.bbox3d.cpu().data.numpy().copy()
      if max_num > 0 and max_num < boxes.shape[0]:
        ids = np.random.choice(boxes.shape[0], max_num, replace=False)
        boxes = boxes[ids]

      boxes_1 = boxlist_1.bbox3d.cpu().data.numpy().copy()
      if max_num_1 > 0 and max_num_1 < boxes_1.shape[0]:
        ids = np.random.choice(boxes_1.shape[0], max_num_1, replace=False)
        boxes_1 = boxes_1[ids]

      if offset_x is not None:
          boxes_1[:,0] += offset_x

      if not twolabels and 'labels' in self.fields():
          labels = self.get_field('labels').cpu().data.numpy().astype(np.int32)
          labels_1 = boxlist_1.get_field('labels').cpu().data.numpy().astype(np.int32)
          labels = np.concatenate([labels, labels_1], 0)
          labels = np.array([0]*boxes.shape[0] + [1]*boxes_1.shape[0])

      boxes = np.concatenate([boxes, boxes_1], 0)
      if colors is not None:
        colors = np.concatenate(colors, 0)
        assert colors.shape[0] == boxes.shape[0]

      if points is None:
        if mesh:
          Bbox3D.draw_bboxes_mesh(boxes, 'Z', is_yx_zb=self.mode=='yx_zb', labels=labels)
          Bbox3D.draw_bboxes(boxes, 'Z', is_yx_zb=self.mode=='yx_zb', labels=labels, random_color=False)
        if isinstance(points, torch.Tensor):
          points = points.cpu().data.numpy()
        if offset_x is not None:
              tp = points.copy()
              tp[:,0] += offset_x
              points = np.concatenate([points, tp], 0)

              tp = tp.copy()
              tp[:,0] += offset_x
              points = np.concatenate([points, tp], 0)

        if mesh:
          Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes_mesh(points, boxes, 'Z', is_yx_zb=self.mode=='yx_zb', labels=labels, points_keep_rate=points_keep_rate,   points_sample_rate=points_sample_rate, random_color=random_color, box_colors=colors)
          Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(points, boxes, 'Z', is_yx_zb=self.mode=='yx_zb', labels=labels, random_color=random_color,
                                    points_keep_rate=points_keep_rate,  points_sample_rate=points_sample_rate, box_colors=colors)
 def show_with_corners(self, only_corner=0):
     import numpy as np
     from utils3d.bbox3d_ops import Bbox3D
     corners, _ = self.get_2top_corners_offseted()
     corners = corners.view([-1, 3])
     points = corners.cpu().data.numpy()
     boxes = self.bbox3d.cpu().data.numpy()
     if only_corner:
         boxes = boxes[0:0, :]
     Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(points, boxes, 'Z', is_yx_zb=self.mode=='yx_zb',\
Example #7
 def show_highlight(self, ids, points=None):
     from utils3d.bbox3d_ops import Bbox3D
     ids = np.array(ids)
     n = len(self)
     labels = np.zeros([n]).astype(
     labels[ids] = 1
     boxes = self.bbox3d.cpu().data.numpy()
     if points is None:
         Bbox3D.draw_bboxes(boxes, 'Z', is_yx_zb=self.mode=='yx_zb', labels=labels, random_color=False)
         if isinstance(points, torch.Tensor):
             points = points.cpu().data.numpy()
         Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(points, boxes, 'Z', is_yx_zb=self.mode=='yx_zb', labels=labels, random_color=False)
def is_edge_wall_of_ceiling(wall_cenlines, ceiling, walls_org):

    c_corners = Bbox3D.bbox_corners(ceiling, 'Z')
    c_lines = np.take(c_corners, Bbox3D._lines_z0_vids, axis=0)
    c_lines[:, :, 2] = 0
    wall_cenlines_ = np.concatenate(
        [wall_cenlines, wall_cenlines.mean(1, keepdims=True)], 1)
    wn = wall_cenlines.shape[0]
    in_mask0 = points_in_lines(wall_cenlines_.reshape([-1, 3]),
                               threshold_dis=0.1)  # [wn*3,4]
    in_mask0 = in_mask0.reshape([wn, 3, 4])  # [wn,3,4]

    # find all wdge walls
    in_mask1 = in_mask0.any(2)  # [wn,3] in any of four edge of a ceiling
    in_state = in_mask1.sum(1)
    winc_mask = in_state >= 2  # [wn] the number of points on edge: 0~3.  two of three: two corners, one centroid
    winc_ids = np.where(winc_mask)[0]

    # clean repeat edge walls on same edge: only at most one edge wall on each
    # edge allowed
    if winc_ids.shape[0] == 0:
        winc_ids_1 = winc_ids
        winc_state = []
        keep_ids = clean_extend_lines(wall_cenlines[winc_ids])
        winc_ids_1 = winc_ids[keep_ids]
        winc_state = in_state[winc_ids_1]

    edge_wall_num = winc_ids_1.shape[0]

    if Debug and edge_wall_num < 2 and 0:
        #if Debug:
        print(f'edge_wall_num: {edge_wall_num}')
        boxes = np.concatenate([ceiling.reshape([1, -1]), walls_org[winc_ids]],
        wo = walls_org.copy()
        wo[:, 2] -= 2
        #boxes = np.concatenate([boxes, wo],0)
        #boxes = ceiling.reshape([1,-1])
        points = np.concatenate(
            [wall_cenlines_.reshape([-1, 3]),
             c_lines.reshape([-1, 3])], 0)
        Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(points, boxes, 'Z', False)

        boxes = np.concatenate(
            [ceiling.reshape([1, -1]), walls_org[winc_ids_1]], 0)
        Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(points, boxes, 'Z', False)
    return edge_wall_num, winc_state
Example #9
def crop_walls(wall_bboxes):
    crop walls with intersections not on the corner
    if wall_bboxes.shape[0] == 0:
        return wall_bboxes

    intersections = Bbox3D.all_intersections_by_cenline(
        wall_bboxes, check_same_height=False, not_on_corners=True)
    n = wall_bboxes.shape[0]
    new_walls = []
    keep_mask = np.array([True] * n)
    for i in range(n):
        inters_i = intersections[i]
        if inters_i.shape[0] == 0:
        new_walls_i = Bbox3D.split_wall_by_centroid_intersections(
            wall_bboxes[i], inters_i)
        keep_mask[i] = False

        show = False
        #tmp = np.concatenate(new_walls, 0)
        #if tmp.shape[0] >= 7:
        #  show = True
        if show:
            #tmp = wall_bboxes.copy()
            tmp = new_walls_i.copy()
            tmp[:, 2] += 1
            for ti in range(1, tmp.shape[0]):
                tmp[ti:, 2] += 0.2
            show_box = np.concatenate([tmp, wall_bboxes[i:i + 1]], 0)
            Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(inters_i, show_box, 'Z', False)
            #Bbox3D.draw_bboxes(show_box, 'Z', False)
            import pdb
            pdb.set_trace()  # XXX BREAKPOINT

    num_croped = np.sum(keep_mask == False)
    print(f'num croped:{num_croped}\nnum new:{len(new_walls)}')
    wall_bboxes = wall_bboxes[keep_mask]
    if len(new_walls) > 0:
        new_walls = np.concatenate(new_walls, 0)
        wall_bboxes = np.concatenate([wall_bboxes, new_walls], 0)
    return wall_bboxes
  def show_anchors(points, anchors, gt_boxes, anchors_mask=None):
    # show valid anchors
    if anchors_mask is not None:
      indices = np.where(anchors_mask)[0]
      anchors = anchors[indices,:]

    show_num = -1
    if show_num>0 and show_num < anchors.shape[0]:
      indices = np.random.choice(anchors.shape[0], show_num)
      anchors = anchors[indices,:]

    n0 = anchors.shape[0]
    n1 = gt_boxes.shape[0]
    anchors = np.concatenate([anchors, gt_boxes], 0)
    labels = np.array([1]*n0 + [0]*n1)
    Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(points, anchors, 'Z', is_yx_zb=True, labels=labels)
def forcely_crop_scene(pcl0, walls, ceilings):
  scene_min = pcl0[:,:3].min(0)
  scene_max = pcl0[:,:3].max(0)
  scene_size = scene_max - scene_min
  abandon = scene_size - MAX_SCENE_SIZE

  masks = []
  ref_boxes = [walls, walls, ceilings]
  for i in range(3):

    if abandon[i] > 0:
      if ref_boxes[i].shape[0] == 0:
        if i<2:
          rate_min = 0.5
          rate_min = 0

        ref_min = ref_boxes[i][:,i].min()
        ref_max = ref_boxes[i][:,i].max()
        wmin = ref_min - scene_min[i]
        wmax =  scene_max[i] - ref_max
        rate_min = wmin / (wmin+wmax)
      new_mini = scene_min[i] + abandon[i] * rate_min
      new_maxi = scene_max[i] - abandon[i] * (1-rate_min)
      masks.append( (pcl0[:,i] > new_mini) * (pcl0[:,i] < new_maxi) )

  if len(masks) > 0:
    mask = masks[0]
    for m in masks:
      mask = mask * m
    pcl1 = pcl0[mask]

    pcl1 = pcl0

  show = 0
  if show:
    scene_min_new = pcl1[:,:3].min(0)
    scene_max_new = pcl1[:,:3].max(0)
    print(f'Org: {scene_min} - {scene_max}')
    print(f'New: {scene_min_new} - {scene_max_new}')
    pcl00 = pcl0.copy()
    pcl00[:,2] -= 15
    pcl_show = np.concatenate([pcl00, pcl1], 0)
    Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(pcl_show, walls, 'Z', False, points_keep_rate=1)
  return pcl1
  def show_high_score_preds(score_threshold0, score_threshold1, total_scores, box_preds, anchors, gt_boxes, points):
      pos_ids = np.where(np.logical_and(total_scores >= score_threshold0, total_scores < score_threshold1))[0]
      box_preds_pos = box_preds[pos_ids]
      anchors = anchors[pos_ids]
      pnum = box_preds_pos.shape[0]
      gnum = gt_boxes.shape[0]
      #gt_boxes[:,2] -= 0.2
      #points[:,2] -= 1
      labels_show = np.array([0]*pnum + [1]*gnum)

      boxes_show = np.concatenate([box_preds_pos, gt_boxes], 0)
      #Bbox3D.draw_bboxes(boxes_show, 'Z', is_yx_zb=True, labels=labels_show)
      print(f'pred boxes with scores in [{score_threshold0}, {score_threshold1}]')
      Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(points, boxes_show, 'Z', is_yx_zb=True, labels=labels_show)

      #print(f'anchors with scores in [{score_threshold0}, {score_threshold1}]')
      #Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(points, anchors, 'Z', is_yx_zb=True)

def unused_read_indoor_info():
  info_path = f'{SPLITED_DIR}/sung_infos_train.pkl'
  with open(info_path, 'rb') as f:
    infos = pickle.load(f)
  idx = 0
  print(f'totally {len(infos)} blocks')
  for idx in range(0,len(infos)):
    info = infos[idx]
    pcl_path = info['velodyne_path']
    pointcloud_num_features = info['pointcloud_num_features']
    points = np.fromfile( pcl_path, dtype=np.float32).reshape([-1, pointcloud_num_features])

    annos = info['annos']
    loc = annos['location']
    dims = annos['dimensions']
    rots = annos['rotation_y']
    gt_boxes = np.concatenate([loc, dims, rots[..., np.newaxis]], axis=1).astype(np.float32)

    Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(points, gt_boxes, 'Z', is_yx_zb=True)
  def pos_targets(labels, bbox_targets, anchors, is_show=False,\
                  gt_boxes=None, points=None):
      anchors0 = anchors.copy()
      anchors0[:,2] -= 5
      if gt_boxes is None:
        gt_boxes = np.zeros((0,7), dtype=np.float32)
        gt_boxes =gt_boxes.copy()
        gt_boxes[:,2] -= 1
      if points is None:
        points = np.zeros((0,3), dtype=np.float32)

      pos_ids = np.where(labels==1)[0]
      neg_ids = np.where(labels==0)[0]

      bbox_targets_pos = bbox_targets[pos_ids]
      anchors_pos = anchors[pos_ids]

      pos_num = pos_ids.shape[0]
      gt_num = gt_boxes.shape[0]

      anchor_num = anchors.shape[0]
      if is_show:
        print(f"gt_box_num:{gt_num}    anchor_num: {anchor_num}")
        print(f"all positive anchors: {pos_num}")
        labels_show = np.array([0]*pos_num + [1]*gt_num)
        boxes_show_0 = np.concatenate([anchors_pos, gt_boxes],0)
        Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(points, boxes_show_0,
                    'Z', is_yx_zb=True, labels=labels_show)

      # decoded anchors: shoud be exactly the gt_boxes
      from second.core.box_np_ops import second_box_decode
      bboxes_decoded = second_box_decode(bbox_targets_pos, anchors_pos, smooth_dim=True)
      #Bbox3D.draw_bboxes(bboxes_decoded, 'Z', is_yx_zb=True)
      #Bbox3D.draw_bboxes(gt_boxes, 'Z', is_yx_zb=True)
      boxes_show = np.concatenate([bboxes_decoded, gt_boxes, anchors0], 0)
      labels_show = np.array([0]*pos_num + [1]*gt_num + [2]*anchors0.shape[0])
      if is_show:
        print('gt boxes from targets')
        Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(points, boxes_show, 'Z', is_yx_zb=True, labels=labels_show)
      return bboxes_decoded
Example #15
def show_pcl_boxes(pcl, boxes):
    from utils3d.bbox3d_ops import Bbox3D
    Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(pcl[:, 0:3], boxes, 'Z', is_yx_zb=True)
def show_all(boxes_ls):
    boxes = np.concatenate(boxes_ls, 0)
    if boxes.shape[0] == 0:
    Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(boxes[:, 0:3], boxes, 'Z', is_yx_zb=False)
Example #17
def merge_pieces_of_same_walls_alongY(wall_bboxes):
    1) Find all the walls which are A) parallel along X, B) one of cen_corners is very close
      C) centroid of one wall is inside of another
    2) Merge along Y
    from utils3d.geometric_util import angle_with_x, vertical_dis_points_lines
    if wall_bboxes.shape[0] == 0:
        return wall_bboxes
    show = False
    if show:
        wall_bboxes0 = wall_bboxes.copy()
        wall_bboxes0[:, 2] -= 1

    n = wall_bboxes.shape[0]
    cen_lines = Bbox3D.bboxes_centroid_lines(wall_bboxes,
                                             up_axis='Z')  # [n,2,3]
    cen_direc = cen_lines[:, 1, :] - cen_lines[:, 0, :]  # [n,3]
    np.linalg.norm(cen_direc[:, 0:2], axis=1)
    angles = angle_with_x(cen_direc[:, 0:2], 1)
    boxes_merged_extra = []
    remain_mask = np.array([True] * n)
    merge_y_num = 0
    split_and_merge_num = 0

    for i in range(n - 1):
        # 1) parallel along X
        angles_dif = angles[i] - angles[i + 1:]
        # make to [0,np.pi/2]
        angles_dif = np.abs(limit_period(angles_dif, 0.5, np.pi))
        angle_mask = angles_dif < 7 * np.pi / 180

        # 2) one of centroid line corners is very close
        cen_dis = cen_lines[i:i + 1].reshape(
            [1, 2, 1, 3]) - cen_lines[i + 1:].reshape([-1, 1, 2, 3])
        cen_dis = np.linalg.norm(cen_dis, axis=3)
        cen_dis_min = cen_dis.min(axis=1).min(axis=1)
        cen_dis_max = cen_dis.max(axis=1).max(axis=1)
        thickness_sum = wall_bboxes[:, 4] * 0.5 + wall_bboxes[i, 4] * 0.5
        thickness_sum = thickness_sum[i + 1:]
        cendis_mask = cen_dis_min < thickness_sum

        # 3) the other centroid line corner is inside of the long box
        centroid_dis = np.linalg.norm(wall_bboxes[i:i + 1, 0:3] -
                                      wall_bboxes[i + 1:, 0:3],
        #tmp = np.maximum(wall_bboxes[i,3], wall_bboxes[i+1:,3])
        tmp = (wall_bboxes[i, 3] + wall_bboxes[i + 1:, 3]) * 0.45 - 0.1
        centroid_mask = centroid_dis < tmp

        #if i==4:
        #  import pdb; pdb.set_trace()  # XXX BREAKPOINT
        #  show_boxes = wall_bboxes[[4,12]]
        #  Bbox3D.draw_bboxes(show_boxes, 'Z', False)
        #  pass

        mask_i = angle_mask * cendis_mask * centroid_mask
        if mask_i.any():
            ids = np.where(mask_i)[0] + i + 1
            # 5) the centroid corner used to split the other

            # 4) vertical dis
            vertical_dis = vertical_dis_points_lines(cen_lines[i],
            ave_thickness = (wall_bboxes[i, 4] + wall_bboxes[ids, 4]) * 0.5
            thickness_gap_rate = vertical_dis / ave_thickness
            verdis_mask = (thickness_gap_rate > 0.2) * (thickness_gap_rate <

            ids = ids[verdis_mask]
            vertical_dis = vertical_dis[verdis_mask]

            is_need_merge = ids.shape[0] > 0

            if is_need_merge:
                # split the longer box, and merge the shorter one along Y
                k = ids.shape[0]
                for j in range(k):
                    idx = ids[j]

                    size_x_i = wall_bboxes[i, 3]
                    size_x_j = wall_bboxes[idx, 3]
                    size_x_rate = size_x_i / size_x_j
                    print(f'size_x_rate: {size_x_rate}')
                    if np.abs(size_x_rate - 1) < 0.15:
                        merge_y_num += 1
                        box_merge = merge_2pieces_of_1wall(
                            wall_bboxes[i], wall_bboxes[idx], 'Y')

                        if show and False:
                            show_boxes = np.concatenate([
                                wall_bboxes[i:i + 1], wall_bboxes[idx:idx + 1]
                            ], 0)
                            if box_merge is not None:
                                show_boxes = np.concatenate(
                                    [show_boxes, box_merge], 0)
                                show_boxes[-1, 2] += 0.2
                                import pdb
                                pdb.set_trace()  # XXX BREAKPOINT
                            show_boxes = np.concatenate(
                                [show_boxes, wall_bboxes0], 0)
                            Bbox3D.draw_bboxes(show_boxes, 'Z', False)
                        if box_merge is not None:
                            wall_bboxes[idx] = box_merge.reshape([7])
                            remain_mask[i] = False
                                'The two walls cannot be merged along Y, this should not happen normally'
                                'merge_pieces_of_same_walls_alongY again after crop_walls to solve some special case: Originally, a wall is broken by no intersection like 0058113bdc8bee5f387bb5ad316d7b28'
                            #show_boxes = np.concatenate([wall_bboxes[i:i+1], wall_bboxes[idx:idx+1]], 0)
                            #Bbox3D.draw_bboxes(wall_bboxes, 'Z', False, highlight_ids=[idx, i])
                            #Bbox3D.draw_bboxes(show_boxes, 'Z', False)
                            #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()  # XXX BREAKPOINT
                            #raise NotImplementedError

                        # the longer box need to be split along X before merging
                        split_and_merge_num += 1
                        cen_dis_ij = cen_dis[idx - i - 1]
                        if size_x_rate > 1:
                            longer_idx = i
                            short_idx = idx
                            cen_dis_ij = cen_dis_ij.min(axis=0)
                            longer_idx = idx
                            short_idx = i
                            cen_dis_ij = cen_dis_ij.min(axis=1)
                        # find the intersection point on longer box
                        far_corner_id = int(cen_dis_ij[0] < cen_dis_ij[1])
                        cen_dir_longer = cen_lines[longer_idx,
                                                   1] - cen_lines[longer_idx,
                        cen_dir_longer /= np.linalg.norm(cen_dir_longer)
                        sl_dir = cen_lines[
                            short_idx, far_corner_id] - cen_lines[longer_idx,
                        intersection = np.sum(
                            sl_dir * cen_dir_longer
                        ) * cen_dir_longer + cen_lines[longer_idx, 0]
                        # offset: half of the thickness
                        intersection += cen_dir_longer * wall_bboxes[i,
                                                                     4] * 0.5

                        splited_boxes = Bbox3D.split_wall_by_centroid_intersections(
                            intersection.reshape([1, 3]))  # [2,7]

                        if splited_boxes.shape[0] == 1:
                                '\n\n\t\tComplicated situation, not solved well yet.\n\n'
                            box_merge = None
                            if False and DEBUG and splited_boxes.shape[0] == 1:
                                box_tmp = np.array(
                                    [[0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0]])
                                box_tmp[0, 0:3] = intersection.reshape([1, 3])
                                boxes_show = np.concatenate([
                                    box_tmp, wall_bboxes[longer_idx].reshape(
                                        [-1, 7])
                                ], 0)
                                    intersection.reshape([1, 3]), boxes_show,
                                    'Z', False)
                            tmp = wall_bboxes[short_idx,
                                              0:3] - splited_boxes[:, 0:
                                                                   3]  # [2,3]
                            tmp = np.linalg.norm(tmp, axis=1)  # [2]
                            merge_id = int(tmp[0] > tmp[1])
                            box_merge = merge_2pieces_of_1wall(
                                splited_boxes[merge_id], 'Y')

                        if show and False:
                            #if box_merge is None:
                            show_boxes = np.concatenate([
                                wall_bboxes[i:i + 1], wall_bboxes[idx:idx + 1]
                            ], 0)
                                intersection.reshape([1, 3]), show_boxes, 'Z',
                            show_boxes = np.concatenate(
                                [show_boxes, splited_boxes], 0)
                            show_boxes[-1, 2] += 0.5
                            show_boxes[-2, 2] += 0.7
                            if box_merge is not None:
                                show_boxes = np.concatenate(
                                    [show_boxes, box_merge], 0)
                                show_boxes[-1, 2] += 1
                            show_boxes = np.concatenate(
                                [show_boxes, wall_bboxes0], 0)
                            Bbox3D.draw_bboxes(show_boxes, 'Z', False)
                            import pdb
                            pdb.set_trace()  # XXX BREAKPOINT

                        if box_merge is None:
                            # temperally solution, may because of a wall being changed several
                            # times
                            remain_mask[short_idx] = False
                            wall_bboxes[longer_idx] = splited_boxes[1 -
                            wall_bboxes[short_idx] = box_merge.reshape([7])

    wall_bboxes_new = wall_bboxes[remain_mask]
    #boxes_merged_extra = np.concatenate(boxes_merged_extra, 0)
    #wall_bboxes_new = np.concatenate([wall_bboxes, boxes_merged_extra], 0)
        f'merge_y_num:{merge_y_num}  split_and_merge_num:{split_and_merge_num}'
    if show:
    return wall_bboxes_new
Example #18
def render_parsed_house_walls(parsed_dir, show_pcl=SHOW_PCL, show_by_class=0):
    house_name = os.path.basename(parsed_dir)
    bboxes = []
    labels = []
    for obj in CLASSES:
        bbox_fn_ = f'{parsed_dir}/object_bbox/{obj}.txt'
        bboxes_ = np.loadtxt(bbox_fn_).reshape([-1, 7])
        label = DSET_METAS0.class_2_label[obj]
        labels += [label] * bboxes_.shape[0]
    bboxes = np.concatenate(bboxes, 0)
    labels = np.array(labels).astype(np.int8)
    if bboxes.shape[0] > 0:
        scene_size = Bbox3D.boxes_size(bboxes)
        print(f'scene wall size:{scene_size}')

        #Bbox3D.draw_bboxes(bboxes, up_axis='Z', is_yx_zb=False, labels=labels)
        #if not show_pcl:
        Bbox3D.draw_bboxes_mesh(bboxes, up_axis='Z', is_yx_zb=False)
        #Bbox3D.draw_bboxes_mesh(bboxes, up_axis='Z', is_yx_zb=False, labels=labels)

        if show_by_class:
            for c in range(1, max(labels) + 1):
                cs = DSET_METAS0.label_2_class[c]
                if cs not in ['wall', 'window', 'door']:
                    #if cs not in ['wall']:
                mask = labels == c
                bboxes_c = bboxes[mask]

    if show_pcl:
        pcl_fn = f'{parsed_dir}/pcl_camref.ply'
        if not os.path.exists(pcl_fn):

        pcd = open3d.read_point_cloud(pcl_fn)
        points = np.asarray(pcd.points)
        points = cam2world_pcl(points)
        colors = np.asarray(pcd.colors)
        pcl = np.concatenate([points, colors], 1)

        scene_size = pcl_size(pcl)
        print(f'scene pcl size:{scene_size}')
        print(f'point num: {pcl.shape[0]}')

        #pcl = cut_points_roof(pcl)

        #Bbox3D.draw_points(pcl,  points_keep_rate=POINTS_KEEP_RATE)
        #Bbox3D.draw_points(pcl,  points_keep_rate=POINTS_KEEP_RATE, animation_fn='points.mp4', ani_size=AniSizes[house_name])
        bboxes[:, 2] += 0.1
  def split_bbox(bbox_fn, points_splited):
    bbox in file bbox_fn: up_axis='Y' with always x_size > z_size

    transform with cam2world_box:
      up_axis == 'Z'
      always: x_size > y_size
    obj = os.path.basename(bbox_fn).split('.')[0]
    min_point_num_per1sm = 10
    # thickness_aug for cropping x
    thickness_aug = 0.3
    assert IndoorData._block_size0[-1] == -1 # do  not crop box along z

    bboxes = np.loadtxt(bbox_fn).reshape([-1,7])
    #if DEBUG:
    #  #show_walls_1by1(bboxes)
    #  bboxes = bboxes[3:4]

    areas = bboxes[:,3] * bboxes[:,5]
    min_point_num = np.minimum( min_point_num_per1sm * areas, 200 )
    bboxes_aug = bboxes.copy()
    #bboxes_aug[:,4] += thickness_aug
    bboxes_aug[:,3:6] = np.clip(bboxes_aug[:,3:6],a_min= thickness_aug, a_max=None )
    bn = bboxes.shape[0]

    sn = len(points_splited)
    bboxes_splited = []
    for i in range(0, sn):
      #  Use to constrain size_x size_z
      point_masks_aug_i = Bbox3D.points_in_bbox(points_splited[i][:,0:3].copy(), bboxes_aug.copy())
      #  Use to constrain size_y (the thickness)
      bboxes_tc = IndoorData.adjust_box_for_thickness_crop(bboxes)
      point_masks_i = Bbox3D.points_in_bbox(points_splited[i][:,0:3].copy(), bboxes_tc)

      pn_in_box_aug_i = np.sum(point_masks_aug_i, 0)
      pn_in_box_i = np.sum(point_masks_i, 0)
      #print(f'no aug:{pn_in_box_i}\n auged:{pn_in_box_aug_i}')

      # (1) The bboxes with no points with thickness_aug will be removed firstly
      keep_box_aug_i = pn_in_box_aug_i > min_point_num
      bboxes_i = bboxes[keep_box_aug_i]

      if DEBUG and obj=='ceiling' and 0:
        rm_box_aug_i = pn_in_box_aug_i <= min_point_num
        bboxes_no_points_i = bboxes[rm_box_aug_i].copy()
        bboxes_no_points_i[:,0] += 30
        bboxes_show = np.concatenate([bboxes_i, bboxes_no_points_i],0)
        Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(points_splited[i], bboxes_show, up_axis='Z', is_yx_zb=False)

      points_aug_i = [points_splited[i][point_masks_aug_i[:,j]] for j in range(bn)]
      points_aug_i = [points_aug_i[j] for j in range(bn) if keep_box_aug_i[j]]

      points_i = [points_splited[i][point_masks_i[:,j]] for j in range(bn)]
      points_i = [points_i[j] for j in range(bn) if keep_box_aug_i[j]]

      # (2) Crop all the boxes by points and intersec_corners seperately
      bn_i = bboxes_i.shape[0]
      croped_bboxes_i = []
      keep_unseen_intersection = False
      if keep_unseen_intersection:
        intersec_corners_idx_i, intersec_corners_i = Bbox3D.detect_all_intersection_corners(bboxes_i, 'Z')
        intersec_corners_idx_i = [None]*bn_i
      invalid_bn = 0
      for k in range(bn_i):
        croped_box_k =  Bbox3D.crop_bbox_by_points(
                          bboxes_i[k], points_i[k], points_aug_i[k], 'Z', intersec_corners_idx_i[k])
        if  croped_box_k is  not None:
          croped_bboxes_i.append( croped_box_k )
          invalid_bn += 1
          #Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(points_splited[i], bboxes_i[k:k+1], up_axis='Z', is_yx_zb=False, points_keep_rate=1.0)
      if len(croped_bboxes_i) > 0:
        croped_bboxes_i = np.concatenate(croped_bboxes_i, 0)
        croped_bboxes_i = np.array([]).reshape([-1,7])

      # (3) Refine x size of each bbox by thickness croped of intersected bbox
      #croped_size = bboxes_i[:,3:6] - croped_bboxes_i[:,3:6]
      refine_x_by_intersection = False # not correct yet
      if refine_x_by_intersection:
        for k in range(bn_i):
          itsc0, itsc1 = intersec_corners_idx_i[k]
          crop_value = [0,0]
          if itsc0 >= 0:
            crop_value[0] = Bbox3D.refine_intersection_x(croped_bboxes_i[k], 'neg', croped_bboxes_i[itsc0], 'Z')
          if itsc1 >= 0:
            crop_value[1] = Bbox3D.refine_intersection_x(croped_bboxes_i[k], 'pos', croped_bboxes_i[itsc1], 'Z')
          if itsc0 >= 0 or itsc1 > 0:
            croped_bboxes_i[k] = Bbox3D.crop_bbox_size(croped_bboxes_i[k], 'X', crop_value)

          #crop_ysize_neg = croped_size[itsc0,1] if itsc0 >= 0 else 0
          #crop_ysize_pos = croped_size[itsc1,1] if itsc1 >= 0 else 0
          #croped_bboxes_i[k] = Bbox3D.crop_bbox_size(croped_bboxes_i[k], 'X', [crop_ysize_neg, crop_ysize_pos])

      # (4) remove too small wall
      min_wall_size_x = 0.2
      sizex_mask = croped_bboxes_i[:,3] > min_wall_size_x
      croped_bboxes_i = croped_bboxes_i[sizex_mask]

      show = False
      if show and DEBUG and len(points_i) > 0 and obj=='ceiling':
        points = np.concatenate(points_i,0)
        points = points_splited[i]
        points1 = points.copy()
        points1[:,0] += 30
        points = np.concatenate([points, points1], 0)
        bboxes_i[:,0] += 30
        bboxes_i = np.concatenate([bboxes_i, croped_bboxes_i], 0)
        #Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(points, bboxes_i, up_axis='Z', is_yx_zb=False)
        Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes_mesh(points, bboxes_i, up_axis='Z', is_yx_zb=False)
        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()  # XXX BREAKPOINT
    return bboxes_splited
  def split_scene(scene_dir, splited_path):
    from suncg_utils.suncg_preprocess import check_house_intact, read_summary, write_summary

    scene_name = os.path.basename(scene_dir)
    splited_path = os.path.join(splited_path, scene_name)
    summary_0 = read_summary(splited_path)

    always_update = ALWAYS_UPDATE

    #house_intact, intacts = check_house_intact(scene_dir)
    #if not house_intact:
    #  return
    summary_raw = read_summary(scene_dir)
    is_big_size = (summary_raw['scene_size'] > MAX_SCENE_SIZE).any()
    always_update = always_update or ( ALWAYS_BIG_SIZE and is_big_size )

    if (not always_update) and 'split_num' in summary_0:
      sn = summary_0['split_num'].squeeze()
      still_split = ALWAYS_UPDATE_MULTI_SPLITS and sn  >1
      if not still_split:
        print(f'skip {splited_path}')
    print(f'spliting {scene_dir}')
    gen_ply = False

    if 'level_num' in summary_raw and  summary_raw['level_num'] != 1:

    pcl_fn = os.path.join(scene_dir, 'pcl_camref.ply')
    if not os.path.exists(pcl_fn):
      print(f'pcl.ply not exist, skip {scene_dir}')

    fns = glob.glob(os.path.join(splited_path, '*.pth'))
    if ONLY_MODIFY_BOX and len(fns)>0:
      print('Load points from pth directly')
      scene_name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(fns[0]))
      is_special_scene = IndoorData.is_a_special_scene(scene_name)
      points_splited = []
      for fni in fns:
        pcl_i, boxes_i = torch.load(fni)
        points_splited, is_special_scene = IndoorData.split_pcl_plyf(pcl_fn)
    n_block = len(points_splited)

    bboxes_splited = {}
    boxes_nums = {}
    for obj in CLASSES_USED:
      bbox_fn = os.path.join(scene_dir, f'object_bbox/{obj}.txt')
      if os.path.exists(bbox_fn):
        if is_special_scene or n_block > 1:
            bboxes_splited[obj] = IndoorData.split_bbox(bbox_fn, points_splited)
            bboxes_splited[obj] = IndoorData.load_bboxes(bbox_fn)
        boxes_nums[obj]  = []
        for ii in range(n_block):
            boxes_nums[obj].append( len(bboxes_splited[obj][ii]) )

    if not os.path.exists(splited_path):

    for i in range(n_block):
      boxes_num_all_classes = sum([bn[i] for bn in boxes_nums.values()])
      if n_block>1 and  boxes_num_all_classes < MIN_BOXES_NUM:
      fni = splited_path + '/pcl_%d.pth'%(i)
      pcl_i = points_splited[i].astype(np.float32)

      #offset = pcl_i[:,0:3].mean(0)
      #pcl_i[:,0:3] = pcl_i[:,0:3] - offset
      pcl_i = np.ascontiguousarray(pcl_i)

      boxes_i = {}
      for obj in bboxes_splited:
        boxes_i[obj] = bboxes_splited[obj][i].astype(np.float32)
        if obj in ['ceiling', 'floor', 'room']:
          boxes_i[obj] = Bbox3D.set_yaw_zero(boxes_i[obj])
          #boxes_i[obj] = preprocess_cfr_standard(boxes_i[obj]), boxes_i), fni)

      if gen_ply:
        Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(pcl_i, boxes_i['wall'], 'Z', False)
        pclfn_i = splited_path + f'/pcl_{i}.ply'
        points_ply(pcl_i[:,0:3], pclfn_i)
        boxfn_i = splited_path + f'/wall_{i}.ply'
        Bbox3D.save_bboxes_ply(boxfn_i, boxes_i['wall'], 'Z')
      print(f'save {fni}')
    write_summary(splited_path, 'split_num', n_block, 'w')
 def show_all_valid_anchors(anchors, anchors_mask, points):
   anchors = anchors[anchors_mask]
   Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(points, anchors, 'Z', is_yx_zb=True)
def render_pth_file(pth_fn, show_by_class=0):
    pcl, bboxes0 = torch.load(pth_fn)
    pcl = down_sample_points(pcl)

    if 'clutter' in bboxes0:
        del bboxes0['clutter']
    #points = pcl[:,0:3]
    #colors = pcl[:,3:6]
    #normals = pcl[:,6:9]

    if CLASSES is None:
        bboxes = bboxes0
        bboxes = {}
        for c in CLASSES:
            if c in bboxes0:
                bboxes[c] = bboxes0[c]

    scene_size = pcl_size(pcl)
    print(f'scene pcl size:{scene_size}')
    print(f'point num: {pcl.shape[0]}')

    #pcl = cut_points_roof(pcl)

    classes = [k for k in bboxes.keys()]
    num_classes = {k: bboxes[k].shape[0] for k in bboxes.keys()}
    print(f'\nclasses: {num_classes}\n\n')

    all_bboxes = np.concatenate([boxes for boxes in bboxes.values()], 0)
    nums = [boxes.shape[0] for boxes in bboxes.values()]
    labels = []
    for i, n in enumerate(nums):
        labels += [i] * n
    labels = np.array(labels)

    #Bbox3D.draw_points(pcl,  points_keep_rate=POINTS_KEEP_RATE)
    #Bbox3D.draw_bboxes_mesh(all_bboxes, up_axis='Z', is_yx_zb=False, labels=labels)
    #Bbox3D.draw_bboxes_mesh(all_bboxes, up_axis='Z', is_yx_zb=False)
    #Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes_mesh(pcl, all_bboxes, up_axis='Z', is_yx_zb=False, labels=labels, points_keep_rate=POINTS_KEEP_RATE)
    #Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes_mesh(pcl, all_bboxes, up_axis='Z', is_yx_zb=False, points_keep_rate=POINTS_KEEP_RATE)
    #Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(pcl, all_bboxes, up_axis='Z', is_yx_zb=False,points_keep_rate=POINTS_KEEP_RATE)
    #Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(pcl, all_bboxes, up_axis='Z', is_yx_zb=False, labels=labels, points_keep_rate=POINTS_KEEP_RATE, animation_fn='anima.mp4', ani_size=[280,700,550,1350])
    #Bbox3D.draw_bboxes(all_bboxes, up_axis='Z', is_yx_zb=False, labels=labels)

    #boxlist = BoxList3D(all_bboxes, size3d=None, mode='standard', examples_idxscope=None, constants={})


    if show_by_class:
        for clas in bboxes.keys():
            #if clas not in ['wall']:
            #if clas not in ['wall', 'window', 'door','ceiling', 'floor']:
            #  continue
            #if clas not in CLASSES:
            #  continue
            boxes = bboxes[clas]
            bn = boxes.shape[0]
            print(clas, f'num={bn}')
            #Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(points, boxes, up_axis='Z', is_yx_zb=False)
            #Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes_mesh(pcl, boxes, up_axis='Z', is_yx_zb=False, points_keep_rate=POINTS_KEEP_RATE)
                import pdb
                pdb.set_trace()  # XXX BREAKPOINT
 def show_points_bbox(points, boxes, labels=None, names='', image_path=''):
   from utils_3d.bbox3d_ops import Bbox3D
   #print("\timage: ", image_path)
   Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(points, boxes, up_axis='Z', labels=labels, names=names, is_yx_zb=True)
def get_part_bbox(vertices, triangle, triangle_norms, name=''):
  bbox: [xc, yc, zc, x_size, y_size, z_size, yaw]
    #show_mesh(vertices, triangle)
    class_name = name.split('#')[0]

    box_min = np.min(vertices, 0)
    box_max = np.max(vertices, 0)

    centroid = (box_min + box_max) / 2.0
    y_size = box_max[1] - box_min[1]

    ## Find the 8 outside corners
    distances = np.linalg.norm(vertices - np.expand_dims(centroid, 0), axis=1)
    max_dis = max(distances)
    out_corner_mask = (abs(distances - max_dis) < 1e-5)
    n0 = vertices.shape[0]
    #print([i for i in range(n0) if out_corner_mask[i]])
    out_vertices = [
        vertices[i:i + 1, :] for i in range(n0) if out_corner_mask[i]
    if len(out_vertices) == 0:
        import pdb
        pdb.set_trace()  # XXX BREAKPOINT
        return None
    out_vertices = np.concatenate(out_vertices, 0)

    if out_vertices.shape[0] != 8:
        #Bbox3D.draw_points_open3d(out_vertices, show=True)
        #Bbox3D.draw_points_open3d(vertices, show=True)
        #show_mesh(vertices, triangle)
        if class_name not in ENABLE_NO_RECTANGLE:
                f'\nFailed to find bbox, not rectangle, {class_name} \n {out_vertices.shape[0]} vertices\n'
            assert False
            import pdb
            pdb.set_trace()  # XXX BREAKPOINT
            return None
                f'\nNot rectangle, use no yaw box, {class_name} \n {out_vertices.shape[0]} vertices\n'
            min_max = {'min': box_min, 'max': box_max}
            bbox_noyaw = Bbox3D.bbox_from_minmax(min_max)
            #Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(vertices, bbox_noyaw, 'Y', is_yx_zb=False)
            return bbox_noyaw

    ## Find the 4 corners on one side
    x_right_mask = out_vertices[:, 0] - centroid[0] > 0
    x_right_corners = np.concatenate(
        [out_vertices[i:i + 1, :] for i in range(8) if x_right_mask[i]], 0)
    assert x_right_corners.shape[0] == 4
    x_right_cen = np.mean(x_right_corners, 0)

    ## get length
    x_size = np.linalg.norm(x_right_cen - centroid) * 2

    if not abs(x_right_cen[1] - centroid[1]) < 1e-7:
        print("y should be same, pitch and rool should be 0")

    ## the angle between x_right_cen and x axis
    x_direc = x_right_cen - centroid
    x_direc = (x_direc) / np.linalg.norm(x_direc)
    x_axis = np.array([1, 0, 0])
    # [-90, 90]
    yaw = np.arccos(np.sum(x_direc * x_axis))
    if abs(yaw) < 0.01:
        yaw = 0
        assert x_direc[0] > 0
        assert x_direc[1] == 0
        yaw *= np.sign(x_direc[2])

    ## Find the 2 corners at top within x_right_corners
    top_mask = x_right_corners[:, 1] - centroid[1] > 0
    x_right_top_corners = np.concatenate(
        [x_right_corners[i:i + 1, :] for i in range(4) if top_mask[i]], 0)
    assert x_right_top_corners.shape[0] == 2
    # get z_size
    z_size = np.linalg.norm(x_right_top_corners[0] - x_right_top_corners[1])

    ### got the bbox
    xc, yc, zc = centroid
    bbox = np.array([xc, yc, zc, x_size, y_size, z_size, yaw])

    ### Check
    if yaw != 0 and False:
        Bbox3D.draw_bboxes(bbox, 'Y', False)

    if False:
        min_max = {'min': box_min, 'max': box_max}
        bbox_noyaw = Bbox3D.bbox_from_minmax(min_max)
        bboxes_show = np.concatenate(
            [bbox.reshape([1, 7]),
             bbox_noyaw.reshape([1, 7])], 0)
        Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(vertices, bboxes_show, 'Y', is_yx_zb=False)
    return bbox
Example #25
def show_all(boxes_ls):
    boxes = np.concatenate(boxes_ls, 0)
    Bbox3D.draw_points_bboxes(boxes[:, 0:3], boxes, 'Z', is_yx_zb=False)