def get_last_model(**kwargs): log_dir = get_varargin(kwargs, 'log_dir', cfg.FILEIO.LOG_DIR) and_key = get_varargin(kwargs, 'and_key', ['.ckpt']) or_key = get_varargin(kwargs, 'or_key', None) # List .h5 files in model_dir directory file_list = utils.select_files(log_dir, and_key=and_key, or_key=or_key) return sorted(file_list)[-1]
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(profiling_Callback, self).__init__() self.nb_epochs = get_varargin(kwargs, 'epochs', cfg.TRAIN.NB_EPOCHS) self.steps_per_epoch = get_varargin(kwargs, 'steps_per_epoch', cfg.TRAIN.STEPS_PER_EPOCH) self.profiling_freq = get_varargin(kwargs, 'profiling_freq', cfg.TRAIN.PROFILING_FREQ)
def downloadimages(query, **kwargs): # keywords is the search query # format is the image file format # limit is the number of images to be downloaded # print urs is to print the image file url # size is the image size which can # be specified manually ("large, medium, icon") # aspect ratio denotes the height width ratio # of images to download. ("tall, square, wide, panoramic") output_dir = get_varargin(kwargs, 'output_directory', os.getcwd()) nb_images = get_varargin(kwargs, 'nb_images', 4) img_size = get_varargin(kwargs, 'size', 'medium') arguments = { "keywords": query, "format": "jpg", "limit": nb_images, "print_urls": True, 'output_directory': output_dir, "size": img_size } # creating object response = google_images_download.googleimagesdownload() try: # Handling File NotFound Error except FileNotFoundError: pass
def train_init(model, **kwargs): model_name = get_varargin(kwargs, 'model_name', cfg.MODEL.NAME) retrain = get_varargin(kwargs, 'retrain', True)'Retrain Model: {}'.format(retrain)) init_epoch = 0 if retrain is False: # Train from scratch prefix ='%y%m%d_%H%M') ckpts_logdir = os.path.join(cfg.FILEIO.LOG_DIR, '{}-{}-ckpts'\ .format(prefix, model_name)) utils.makedir(ckpts_logdir) model = model else: last_model = get_last_model(log_dir=cfg.FILEIO.LOG_DIR) ckpts_logdir = os.path.dirname(last_model) last_model = last_model.replace('.index', '') filename = os.path.splitext(Path(last_model).name)[0] init_epoch = int(filename[filename.rfind('-') + 1:])'Load model weights from: {}'.format( Path(last_model).name)) model.load_weights(last_model) # model = KM.load_model(last_model) # Save cfg to yaml file yaml_filepath = Path(ckpts_logdir) / '{}-config.yaml'.format( cfg.MODEL.NAME.lower()) baseConfig.make_yaml_file(cfg, yaml_filepath) return model, ckpts_logdir, init_epoch
def make_captions(**kwargs): filepath = get_varargin(kwargs, 'filepath', None) save_opt = get_varargin(kwargs, 'save', True) data_dir = Path(filepath).parent doc = utils.read_txt(filepath=filepath) # Parse captions'Create captions for images') captions = dict() # tqdm_out = TqdmToLogger(logging.getLogger(),level=logging.INFO) for line in tqdm(doc.split('\n'), file=logger.logging_tqdm()): # split line by white space tokens = line.split() if len(line) < 2: continue # take the first token as the image id, the rest as the description image_id, image_desc = tokens[0], tokens[1:] # remove filename from image id image_id = image_id.split('.')[0] # convert description tokens back to string image_desc = 'startseq ' + ' '.join(image_desc) + ' endseq' # create the list if needed if image_id not in captions: captions[image_id] = list() captions[image_id].append(image_desc) # Clean captions'Clean captions') clean_descriptions(captions) if save_opt is True: utils.save_json(captions, filepath=data_dir / 'flickr8k_captions.json') return captions
def ResNet50(input_tensor=None, pooling=None, **kwargs): """Instantiates the ResNet50 architecture. # Arguments # Returns A Keras model instance. """ # Input arguments include_top = get_varargin(kwargs, 'include_top', True) nb_classes = get_varargin(kwargs, 'nb_classes', 1000) default_input_shape = _obtain_input_shape(None, default_size=224, min_size=197, data_format=K.image_data_format(), require_flatten=include_top) input_shape = get_varargin(kwargs, 'input_shape', default_input_shape) if input_tensor is None: img_input = KL.Input(shape=input_shape) else: if not K.is_keras_tensor(input_tensor): img_input = KL.Input(tensor=input_tensor, shape=input_shape) else: img_input = input_tensor bn_axis = 3 if K.image_data_format() == 'channels_last' else 1 x = KL.ZeroPadding2D((3, 3))(img_input) x = KL.Conv2D(64, (7, 7), strides=(2, 2), name='conv1')(x) x = KL.BatchNormalization(axis=bn_axis, name='bn_conv1')(x) x = KL.Activation('relu')(x) x = KL.MaxPooling2D((3, 3), strides=(2, 2))(x) for stage, nb_block in zip([2,3,4,5], [3,4,6,3]): for blk in range(nb_block): conv_block = True if blk == 0 else False strides = (2,2) if stage>2 and blk==0 else (1,1) x = identity_block(x, stage = stage, block_id = blk + 1, conv_block = conv_block, strides = strides) x = KL.AveragePooling2D((7, 7), name='avg_pool')(x) if include_top: x = KL.Flatten()(x) x = KL.Dense(nb_classes, activation='softmax', name='fc1000')(x) else: if pooling == 'avg': x = KL.GlobalAveragePooling2D()(x) elif pooling == 'max': x = KL.GlobalMaxPooling2D()(x) # Ensure that the model takes into account # any potential predecessors of `input_tensor`. if input_tensor is not None: inputs = get_source_inputs(input_tensor) else: inputs = img_input # Create model. model = Model(inputs, x, name='resnet50') return model
def logging_figure(fig, **kwargs): desc = get_varargin(kwargs, 'description', '') img_size = get_varargin(kwargs, 'img_size', 500) tmpfile = BytesIO() fig.savefig(tmpfile, format='png') encoded = base64.b64encode(tmpfile.getvalue()).decode('utf-8') html = desc + "<br/>" + "<img src=\'data:image/png;base64,{}\' style = 'width:{}px;height:{}px'>".format(encoded,img_size,img_size)
def log_fig(self, fig, **kwargs): desc = get_varargin(kwargs, 'description', '') img_size = get_varargin(kwargs, 'figsize', (800,600)) tmpfile = BytesIO() fig.savefig(tmpfile, format='png') encoded = base64.b64encode(tmpfile.getvalue()).decode('utf-8') html = desc + "<br/><br/>" + "<img src=\'data:image/png;base64,{}\' style = 'width:{}px;height:{}px'>"\ .format(encoded,img_size[0],img_size[1])
def html_text(icon_path, text, **kwargs): iconw = get_varargin(kwargs, 'icon_width', 16) iconh = get_varargin(kwargs, 'icon_height', 16) font_color = get_varargin(kwargs, 'font_color', 'black') font_size = get_varargin(kwargs, 'font_size', 4) html_icon = '<img src="{}" height = {} width = {}>'.format(icon_path, iconw, iconh) html_text = '<font color = {} size="{}"> {} </font>'.format(font_color, font_size, text) html_label = html_icon + html_text return html_label
def plt_keras_model(self, model, **kwargs): desc = get_varargin(kwargs, 'description', '') img_size = get_varargin(kwargs, 'figsize', (500,800)) kerasUtils.plot_model(model, to_file = 'model.png', show_shapes = True, dpi = 120, expand_nested = True) encoded = base64.b64encode(open('model.png', 'rb').read()).decode('utf-8') img_tag = desc + "<br/><br/>" + "<img src=\'data:image/png;base64,{}\' style = 'width:{}px;height:{}px'>"\ .format(encoded,img_size[0],img_size[1]) os.remove('model.png')
def identity_block(x, **kwargs): """The identity block is the block that has no conv layer at shortcut. # Arguments input_tensor: input tensor kernel_size: defualt 3, the kernel size of middle conv layer at main path filters: list of integers, the filterss of 3 conv layer at main path stage: integer, current stage label, used for generating layer names block: 'a','b'..., current block label, used for generating layer names # Returns Output tensor for the block. """ kernel_size = get_varargin(kwargs, 'kernel_size', 3) strides = get_varargin(kwargs, 'strides', (1,1)) stage = get_varargin(kwargs, 'stage', 2) conv_block = get_varargin(kwargs, 'conv_block', False) block_id = get_varargin(kwargs, 'block_id', 1) if stage == 2: filters = config.MODEL.RESNET.FILTERS_C2 elif stage == 3: filters = config.MODEL.RESNET.FILTERS_C3 elif stage == 4: filters = config.MODEL.RESNET.FILTERS_C4 else: filters = config.MODEL.RESNET.FILTERS_C5 filters1, filters2, filters3 = filters bn_axis = 3 # Channel last, tensorflow backend prefix_blockname = 'C{}_branch2_blk{}_'.format(stage, block_id) fx = KL.Conv2D(filters1, (1, 1), strides = strides, name = '{}Conv1'.format(prefix_blockname))(x) fx = KL.BatchNormalization(axis=bn_axis, name = '{}Bnorm1'.format(prefix_blockname))(fx) #bn: batchnorm fx = KL.Activation('relu', name = '{}Act1'.format(prefix_blockname))(fx) fx = KL.Conv2D(filters2, kernel_size,padding='same', name = '{}Conv2'.format(prefix_blockname))(fx) fx = KL.BatchNormalization(axis = bn_axis, name = '{}Bnorm2'.format(prefix_blockname))(fx) fx = KL.Activation('relu', name = '{}Act2'.format(prefix_blockname))(fx) fx = KL.Conv2D(filters3, (1, 1), name = '{}Conv3'.format(prefix_blockname))(fx) fx = KL.BatchNormalization(axis=bn_axis, name = '{}Bnorm3'.format(prefix_blockname))(fx) prefix_blockname = 'C{}_branch1_blk{}_'.format(stage, block_id) #Shortcut branch if conv_block is True: shortcut = KL.Conv2D(filters3, (1, 1), strides = strides, name = '{}Conv1'.format(prefix_blockname))(x) shortcut = KL.BatchNormalization(axis=bn_axis, name = '{}Bnorm1'.format(prefix_blockname))(shortcut) else: shortcut = x # Merge fx = KL.Add()([fx, shortcut]) fx = KL.Activation('relu')(fx) return fx
def __init__(self, **kwargs): # Initialize Class default_logfile = os.path.join(current_dir, 'logging.html') write_mode = get_varargin(kwargs, 'mode', 'a') log_file = get_varargin(kwargs, 'log_file', default_logfile) if not os.path.isfile(log_file) or write_mode == 'w': with open(log_file,'w') as fid: fid.write('<head><title>luulog</title></head>') file_hdl = logging.FileHandler(log_file, mode = 'a') file_hdl.setFormatter(html_colorFormatter()) self.file_hdl = file_hdl self.make_logger()
def show_msg_dialog(**kwargs): msg_type = get_varargin(kwargs, 'type', 'info') title = get_varargin(kwargs, 'title', 'Message Dialog') message = get_varargin(kwargs, 'message', 'Custom message') msg = QMessageBox() if msg_type == 'info': msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) elif msg_type == 'warning': msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) elif msg_type == 'question': msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Question) msg.setText(message) msg.setWindowTitle(title) msg.exec_()
def list_private_function_names(self, **kwargs): key = get_varargin(kwargs, 'key', 'all') func_names = [] for mem in self.function_members: if mem[0].startswith('_'): func_names.append(mem[0]) return self.match_key(func_names, key)
def plt_samples(img_list, **kwargs): figsize = get_varargin(kwargs, 'figsize', (6, 6)) nb_cols = get_varargin(kwargs, 'nb_cols', 3) nb_img = len(img_list) labels = get_varargin(kwargs, 'labels', [None] * nb_img) cmap = get_varargin(kwargs, 'cmap', 'gray_r') suptitle = get_varargin(kwargs, 'suptitle', 'Train Images Samples') nb_rows = np.ceil(nb_img / nb_cols) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) for idx, (img, label) in enumerate(zip(img_list, labels)): ax = fig.add_subplot(nb_rows, nb_cols, idx + 1) plt.imshow(img, cmap=cmap) plt.axis('off') ax.set_title(label) plt.suptitle(suptitle) return fig
def list_method_names(self, **kwargs): key = get_varargin(kwargs, 'key', 'all') names = [] for mem in self.method_members: if not mem[0].startswith('_'): names.append(mem[0]) return self.match_key(names, key)
def list_attrs(self, **kwargs): key = get_varargin(kwargs, 'key', 'all') attrs = [] for mem in self.attr_members: if not mem[0].startswith('_'): attrs.append(mem[0]) return self.match_key(attrs, key)
def get_nb_gpus(**kwargs): verbose = get_varargin(kwargs, 'verbose', False) local_devices = device_lib.list_local_devices() gpu_list = [ for x in local_devices if x.device_type.lower() == 'gpu' ] if verbose: print(gpu_list) return len(gpu_list)
def add_layouts(current_layout, layout_list, **kwargs): nb_comps = len(layout_list) ratio_list = get_varargin(kwargs, 'ratio',[np.floor(100/nb_comps)]*nb_comps) for layout, ratio in zip(layout_list, ratio_list): layout_type = layout.__class__.__name__ if layout_type == 'QGroupBox': current_layout.addWidget(layout, ratio) else: current_layout.addLayout(layout, ratio)
def matplotlib_canvas(**kwargs): layout_type = get_varargin(kwargs, 'layout', 'vertical') if layout_type == 'vertical': layout = QVBoxLayout() else: layout = QHBoxLayout() figure = Figure() canvas = FigureCanvasQTAgg(figure) layout.addWidget(canvas) return layout, figure
def create_slider(**kwargs): slider_type = get_varargin(kwargs, 'type', 'horizontal') if slider_type == 'horizontal': py_comp = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal) else: py_comp = QSlider(Qt.Vertical) py_comp.setMinimum(0) py_comp.setMaximum(100) py_comp.setValue(50) py_comp.setTickInterval(10) py_comp.setTickPosition(QSlider.TicksBelow) return py_comp
def download_model_weight(model_url,**kwargs): """ Download pre-trained model weight .h5 from url Arguments: model_url {str} -- link to .h5 file """ model_dir = cfg.FILEIO.PRE_TRAINED_DIR model_filename = os.path.split(model_url)[1] to_file = get_varargin(kwargs, 'to_file', os.path.join(model_dir, model_filename)) # Start downloading utils.download_url(model_url, to_file)
def make_subset_captions(caption_filepath, subsetImg_filepath, **kwargs): # Parse input arguments save_opt = get_varargin(kwargs, 'save', True) data_dir = Path(subsetImg_filepath).parent # subsetImg_filename = os.path.splitext(Path(subsetImg_filepath).name)[0] captions = make_captions(filepath=caption_filepath) subsetid_set = make_imgID_set(subsetImg_filepath)'Create Captions for subset image Ids') subset_captions = dict() for key, val in captions.items(): if key in subsetid_set: subset_captions[key] = val return subset_captions
def __init__(self, **kwargs): line_height = get_varargin(kwargs, 'line_height', 0.5) black = "<p style = 'line-height: {}; color:black; white-space:pre'>".format(line_height) blue = "<p style='color:blue'>" orange = "<p style='color:#ff8c00; font-weight:bold'>" red = "<p style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>" span = "<span style='color: #026440;''>" reset = "</p>" msgformat = '%(asctime)s|%(filename)s:%(lineno)d|%(levelname)s|' self.FORMATS = { logging.DEBUG: blue + msgformat + "\t" + '%(message)s' + reset, logging.INFO: black + span + msgformat + "</span>\t" + '%(message)s' + reset, logging.WARNING: orange + msgformat + "\t" + '%(message)s' + reset, logging.ERROR: red + msgformat +"\t"+ '%(message)s' + reset, logging.CRITICAL: red + msgformat + "\t" + '%(message)s' + reset }
def load_df(fullfilename, **kwargs): """Load .csv or .xlxs file to pandas dataframe Input: fullfilename: fullpath to input data file in .csv or .xlsx format Options: skiprows: row index to skip Returns: df: pandas dataframe """ skiprows = get_varargin(kwargs, 'skiprows', None) filename, file_ext = os.path.splitext(fullfilename)'Pandas read: {}{}'.format(filename, file_ext)) if file_ext == '.csv': df = pd.read_csv(fullfilename, skiprows=skiprows) else: df = pd.read_excel(fullfilename, skiprows=skiprows) # ==== END ===='DONE: %s' % inspect.stack()[0][3]) return df
def logging_setup(**kwargs): default_logfile = os.path.join(current_dir, 'logging.html') log_file = get_varargin(kwargs, 'log_file', default_logfile) # Logging logger = logging.getLogger() html_logger = logging.getLogger() stream_hdl = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) file_hdl = logging.FileHandler(log_file, mode = 'a') stream_hdl.setFormatter(colorFormatter()) logger.addHandler(stream_hdl) file_hdl.setFormatter(html_colorFormatter()) logger.addHandler(file_hdl) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) html_logger.addHandler(file_hdl) html_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Only keep one logger for h in logger.handlers[:-2]: logger.removeHandler(h) return logger
def fileIO_config(**kwargs): """ **kwargs: project -- str. project name. Default: serviceBot Returns: FILEIO -- ecict. FileIO configuration """ project_name = get_varargin(kwargs, 'project', 'serviceBot') FILEIO = edict() # Directories FILEIO.PROJECT_DIR = os.path.join(user_dir, project_name) FILEIO.LOG_DIR = os.path.join(FILEIO.PROJECT_DIR, 'logs') FILEIO.PRE_TRAINED_DIR = os.path.join(FILEIO.PROJECT_DIR, 'train/pre_trained') FILEIO.DATASET_DIR = os.path.join(FILEIO.PROJECT_DIR, 'datasets') # files FILEIO.YAML_CONFIG = os.path.join(current_dir, 'base_config.yaml') # Make dirs for ipath in [FILEIO.LOG_DIR, FILEIO.DATASET_DIR, FILEIO.PRE_TRAINED_DIR]: utils.makedir(ipath) return FILEIO
def train(model, **kwargs): train_dataset, test_dataset = load_dataset(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test) nb_epochs = get_varargin(kwargs, 'epochs', NB_EPOCHS) for epoch in range(1, nb_epochs+1): progress = utils.ProgressBar(NB_BATCHS, title = 'Batch', start = 0, symbol = '=', printer = 'stdout') start_time = time.time() total_loss = 0 for idx, batch_data in enumerate(train_dataset): progress.current = idx +1 progress() step_loss = train_step(model, batch_data) total_loss += step_loss train_loss = total_loss/progress.current _,_,secs = utils.elapsed_time(start_time)'Training Model. Epochs: {}/{}. Batch size: {}. Elapsed time: {:.1f}s'\ .format( epoch, nb_epochs, BATCH_SIZE, secs))'Train loss: {:.3f}, Train acc: {:.3f}%'\ .format(train_loss, train_acc.result()*100)) train_acc.reset_states()
def logging_head(inputvar, **kwargs): size = get_varargin(kwargs, 'size', 5) if type(inputvar) is dict: inputdict = inputvar for key in list(inputdict)[:size]:'{}: {}'.format(key, inputdict[key]))
def uigridcomp(**kwargs): layout_type = get_varargin(kwargs, 'layout', 'horizontal') font = get_varargin(kwargs, 'font', QFont('Arial', 11, QFont.Normal)) groupbox = get_varargin(kwargs, 'groupbox', None) groupbox_icon = get_varargin(kwargs, 'groupbox_icon', None) comp_list = get_varargin(kwargs, 'components', None) nb_comps = len(comp_list) icon_path_list = get_varargin(kwargs, 'icons', [None] * nb_comps) label_list = get_varargin(kwargs, 'labels', [None] * nb_comps) ratio_list = get_varargin(kwargs, 'ratios', [np.floor(100 / nb_comps)] * nb_comps) if layout_type == 'vertical': layout = QVBoxLayout() else: layout = QHBoxLayout() def create_slider(**kwargs): slider_type = get_varargin(kwargs, 'type', 'horizontal') if slider_type == 'horizontal': py_comp = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal) else: py_comp = QSlider(Qt.Vertical) py_comp.setMinimum(0) py_comp.setMaximum(100) py_comp.setValue(50) py_comp.setTickInterval(10) py_comp.setTickPosition(QSlider.TicksBelow) return py_comp output_widgets = [] for comp, label, icon, ratio in zip(comp_list, label_list, icon_path_list, ratio_list): py_comp = None if comp == 'pushbutton': py_comp = QPushButton(label) py_comp.setIcon(QIcon(icon)) elif comp == 'togglebutton': py_comp = QPushButton(label) py_comp.setIcon(QIcon(icon)) py_comp.setCheckable(Tru) py_comp.toggle() elif comp == 'hSlider': py_comp = create_slider(type='horizontal') elif comp == 'vSlider': py_comp = create_slider(type='vertical') elif comp == 'edit': py_comp = QLineEdit(label) elif comp == 'combobox': py_comp = QComboBox() py_comp.setInsertPolicy(QComboBox.InsertAtTop) py_comp.addItems(label) elif comp == 'label': py_comp = QLabel(label) elif comp == 'list': py_comp = QListWidget() py_comp.addItems(label) # py_comp.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.MultiSelection) elif comp == 'radio': py_comp = QRadioButton(label) py_comp.setIcon(QIcon(icon)) elif comp == 'blank': layout.addStretch(0) if comp != 'blank': py_comp.setFont(font) output_widgets.append(py_comp) layout.addWidget(py_comp, ratio) if groupbox is not None: groupbox_obj = QGroupBox(groupbox) gbox_font = font gbox_font.setBold(True) groupbox_obj.setFont(gbox_font) groupbox_obj.setLayout(layout) return groupbox_obj, output_widgets else: return layout, output_widgets