def write_star(x, y, z, data): insertion_value_str = ",".join(data) insertion_str = "INSERT INTO gaia (" + insert_into_table_columns + ") VALUES (%s)" % insertion_value_str # Gives the names for the database folders x_idx = int(x/cell_size_pc) y_idx = int(y/cell_size_pc) z_idx = int(z/cell_size_pc) cell_dir = utils_path.append(dest_dir, "%+d/%+d/%+d" % (x_idx, y_idx, z_idx)) if not os.path.isdir(cell_dir): os.makedirs(cell_dir) cell_db_filename = utils_path.append(cell_dir, "cell.db") new_db = not os.path.isfile(cell_db_filename) c = db_connection_cache.get(cell_db_filename, open_connections) if new_db: c.execute(create_table_str) c.execute(insertion_str)
def get_neighbouring_cell_databases(cur_x_idx, cur_y_idx, cur_z_idx, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, min_z, max_z): min_x_idx = int(min_x / cell_size_pc) max_x_idx = int(max_x / cell_size_pc) min_y_idx = int(min_y / cell_size_pc) max_y_idx = int(max_y / cell_size_pc) min_z_idx = int(min_z / cell_size_pc) max_z_idx = int(max_z / cell_size_pc) to_add = set() for x_idx in range(min_x_idx, max_x_idx + 1): for y_idx in range(min_y_idx, max_y_idx + 1): for z_idx in range(min_z_idx, max_z_idx + 1): if cur_x_idx == x_idx and cur_y_idx == y_idx and cur_z_idx == z_idx: continue # Do not include self!! db_name = utils_path.append( db_folder, "%+d/%+d/%+d/cell.db" % (x_idx, y_idx, z_idx)) if os.path.isfile(db_name): to_add.add(db_name) return to_add
def find_comoving_to_star(star, in_group_sids): if star_sid_to_comoving_group_index.get(star[i_sid]) != None: return [] # Star already in other group! x = star[i_x] y = star[i_y] z = star[i_z] x_idx = int(x / cell_size_pc) y_idx = int(y / cell_size_pc) z_idx = int(z / cell_size_pc) conn_filename = utils_path.append( db_folder, "%+d/%+d/%+d/cell.db" % (x_idx, y_idx, z_idx)) conn = db_connection_cache.get(conn_filename, open_db_connections) min_x = max(x - maximum_broad_separation_pc, -max_distance_pc) max_x = min(x + maximum_broad_separation_pc, max_distance_pc) min_y = max(y - maximum_broad_separation_pc, -max_distance_pc) max_y = min(y + maximum_broad_separation_pc, max_distance_pc) min_z = max(z - maximum_broad_separation_pc, -max_distance_pc) max_z = min(z + maximum_broad_separation_pc, max_distance_pc) vx = star[i_vx] vy = star[i_vy] vz = star[i_vz] min_vx = vx - maximum_broad_velocity_diff_km_per_s max_vx = vx + maximum_broad_velocity_diff_km_per_s min_vy = vy - maximum_broad_velocity_diff_km_per_s max_vy = vy + maximum_broad_velocity_diff_km_per_s min_vz = vz - maximum_broad_velocity_diff_km_per_s max_vz = vz + maximum_broad_velocity_diff_km_per_s # Just boxes in everything in an oversized box # (compare value of maximum_broad_separation_pc to maximum_final_separation_pc). # Makes sure to not compare stars with themselves by excluding using source_ids. find_nearby_query = ''' SELECT %s FROM gaia WHERE source_id NOT IN (%s) AND (x > %f AND x < %f) AND (y > %f AND y < %f) AND (z > %f AND z < %f) AND (vx > %f AND vx < %f) AND (vy > %f AND vy < %f) AND (vz > %f AND vz < %f)''' % (columns_to_fetch, ",".join( map(lambda x: str(x), in_group_sids)), min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, min_z, max_z, min_vx, max_vx, min_vy, max_vy, min_vz, max_vz) maybe_comoving_to_star = conn.execute(find_nearby_query).fetchall() neighbour_cells_to_include = get_neighbouring_cell_databases( x_idx, y_idx, z_idx, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, min_z, max_z) for neighbour_cell_db_name in neighbour_cells_to_include: neighbour_conn = db_connection_cache.get(neighbour_cell_db_name, open_db_connections) maybe_comoving_to_star.extend( neighbour_conn.execute(find_nearby_query).fetchall()) if len(maybe_comoving_to_star) == 0: return [] comoving_to_star = [] pos = [star[i_x], star[i_y], star[i_z]] vel_km_per_s = [star[i_vx], star[i_vy], star[i_vz]] ra = star[i_ra] * conv.deg_to_rad dec = star[i_dec] * conv.deg_to_rad dist = star[i_dist] ra_error = star[i_ra_error] * conv.deg_to_rad dec_error = star[i_dec_error] * conv.deg_to_rad dist_error = star[i_dist_error] pmra = star[i_pmra] * conv.mas_per_yr_to_rad_per_s pmdec = star[i_pmdec] * conv.mas_per_yr_to_rad_per_s rv = star[i_rv] pmra_error = star[i_pmra_error] * conv.mas_per_yr_to_rad_per_s pmdec_error = star[i_pmdec_error] * conv.mas_per_yr_to_rad_per_s error_rv = star[i_rv_error] for mcs in maybe_comoving_to_star: if star_sid_to_comoving_group_index.get(mcs[i_sid]) != None: continue if mcs[i_parallax_over_error] < cut_parallax_over_error: continue mcs_pos = [mcs[i_x], mcs[i_y], mcs[i_z]] pos_diff_len = vec3.mag(vec3.sub(mcs_pos, pos)) mcs_ra = mcs[i_ra] * conv.deg_to_rad mcs_dec = mcs[i_dec] * conv.deg_to_rad mcs_dist = mcs[i_dist] mcs_ra_error = mcs[i_ra_error] * conv.deg_to_rad mcs_dec_error = mcs[i_dec_error] * conv.deg_to_rad mcs_dist_error = mcs[i_dist_error] pos_diff_len_error = vec3.celestial_magnitude_of_position_difference_error( ra, dec, dist, ra_error, dec_error, dist_error, mcs_ra, mcs_dec, mcs_dist, mcs_ra_error, mcs_dec_error, mcs_dist_error) # Position cut, with added 3*error if pos_diff_len > maximum_final_separation_pc + 3 * pos_diff_len_error: continue mcs_pmra = mcs[i_pmra] * conv.mas_per_yr_to_rad_per_s mcs_pmdec = mcs[i_pmdec] * conv.mas_per_yr_to_rad_per_s mcs_rv = mcs[i_rv] mcs_pmra_error = mcs[i_pmra_error] * conv.mas_per_yr_to_rad_per_s mcs_pmdec_error = mcs[i_pmdec_error] * conv.mas_per_yr_to_rad_per_s mcs_error_rv = mcs[i_rv_error] mcs_vel_km_per_s = [mcs[i_vx], mcs[i_vy], mcs[i_vz]] speed_diff = vec3.mag(vec3.sub(mcs_vel_km_per_s, vel_km_per_s)) speed_diff_error = vec3.celestial_magnitude_of_velocity_difference_error( mcs_ra, mcs_dec, mcs_dist * conv.pc_to_km, mcs_ra_error, mcs_dec_error, mcs_dist_error * conv.pc_to_km, mcs_pmra, mcs_pmdec, mcs_rv, mcs_pmra_error, mcs_pmdec_error, mcs_error_rv, ra, dec, dist * conv.pc_to_km, ra_error, dec_error, dist_error * conv.pc_to_km, pmra, pmdec, rv, pmra_error, pmdec_error, error_rv) # Velocity cut, with added 3*error if speed_diff > maximum_final_velocity_diff_km_per_s + 3 * speed_diff_error: continue comoving_to_star.append(mcs) if len(comoving_to_star) == 0: return [] # Important! Makes sure that recursive call further down does not re-use already used star. in_group_sids.update(map(lambda x: x[i_sid], comoving_to_star)) resulting_stars = comoving_to_star.copy() # Look for comoving stars to the comoving stars, creating a network of comoving stars. for cm_star in comoving_to_star: resulting_stars.extend(find_comoving_to_star(cm_star, in_group_sids)) return resulting_stars
return False if os.path.isfile(sys.argv[2]) or os.path.isdir(sys.argv[2]): return False return True assert verify_arguments(), "Usage: db_folder output.cms" db_folder = sys.argv[1] output_filename = sys.argv[2] start_time = time.time() # Get metadata that was written alongside db metadata_filename = utils_path.append(db_folder, "metadata") assert os.path.isfile( metadata_filename), "metadata mising: %s" % metadata_filename metadata_fh = open(metadata_filename, "r") metadata_lines = metadata_fh.readlines() metadata_fh.close() metadata = {} for mdl in metadata_lines: key_value_pair = mdl.split(":") if len(key_value_pair) != 2: error("metadata in %s is of incorrect format" % db_folder) metadata[key_value_pair[0]] = eval(key_value_pair[1])
plt.clf() legend = [] for metallicity, iso in isos_per_metallicity.items(): iso_lteff = [] iso_gaia_G = [] iso_index_log_Teff = iso["columns"].index("log_Teff") iso_index_gaia_G = iso["columns"].index("Gaia_G_DR2Rev") for d in iso["data"]: iso_lteff.append(d[iso_index_log_Teff]) iso_gaia_G.append(d[iso_index_gaia_G]) plt.plot(iso_lteff, iso_gaia_G) plt.xlabel('log $T_{eff}$') plt.ylabel('Gaia G absolute magnitude') legend.append(str(metallicity)) for i in range(0, len(teff)): plt.plot(teff[i], abs_mags[i], '.', markersize=5) legend.extend( ["5921751752101964416", "5921751408511009024", "5921376578117781760"]) plt.legend(legend) plt.gca().invert_xaxis() plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.savefig(utils_path.append(output_dir, "%d_%s.eps" % (file_index, str(age))), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.02) file_index = file_index + 1
isos_per_metallicity = iba["isos_per_metallicity"] plt.clf() legend = [] for metallicity, iso in isos_per_metallicity.items(): iso_lteff = [] iso_gaia_G = [] iso_index_log_Teff = iso["columns"].index("log_Teff") iso_index_gaia_G = iso["columns"].index("Gaia_G_DR2Rev") for d in iso["data"]: iso_lteff.append(d[iso_index_log_Teff]) iso_gaia_G.append(d[iso_index_gaia_G]) plt.plot(iso_lteff, iso_gaia_G) plt.xlabel('log $T_{eff}$') plt.ylabel('Gaia G absolute magnitude') legend.append(str(metallicity)) for i in range(0, len(teff)): plt.plot(teff[i], abs_mags[i], '.', markersize=5) legend.extend(["5281825062636445696", "5213358473574080896"]) plt.title("Age: 10^%f (%s) years" % (age, str(int(10**age)))) plt.legend(legend) plt.gca().invert_xaxis() plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.savefig( utils_path.append(output_dir, "%d_%s.png" % (file_index, str(age)))) file_index = file_index + 1
os.makedirs(cell_dir) cell_db_filename = utils_path.append(cell_dir, "cell.db") new_db = not os.path.isfile(cell_db_filename) c = db_connection_cache.get(cell_db_filename, open_connections) if new_db: c.execute(create_table_str) c.execute(insertion_str) for file in os.listdir(source_dir): if not file.endswith(".csv"): continue csv_fh = open(utils_path.append(source_dir, file), "r") csv_lines = csv_fh.readlines() csv_fh.close() for i in range(1, len(csv_lines)): # skip header line csv_line = csv_lines[i] source_values = csv_line.split(",") if not is_valid(source_values): continue dest_values = [None] * len(all_columns) # throws in all columns that we take from Gaia as-is (compared to distance etc, calculated below) for idx, val in enumerate(source_values): dt = gaia_columns.data_types[idx]