def make_cacher(name, cfgstr=None): if cfgstr is None: cfgstr = ut.hashstr27(qreq_.get_cfgstr()) if False and ut.is_developer(): return ut.Cacher(fname=name + '_' + qreq_.ibs.get_dbname(), cfgstr=cfgstr, cache_dir=ut.ensuredir( ut.truepath('~/Desktop/smkcache'))) else: wrp = ut.DynStruct() def ensure(func): return func() wrp.ensure = ensure return wrp
def get_big_cacher(qreq_): bc_dpath, bc_fname, bc_cfgstr = qreq_.get_bigcache_info() cacher = ut.Cacher(bc_fname, bc_cfgstr, cache_dir=bc_dpath) return cacher
def bigcache_vsone(qreq_, hyper_params): """ Cached output of one-vs-one matches >>> from wbia.scripts.script_vsone import * # NOQA >>> self = OneVsOneProblem() >>> qreq_ = self.qreq_ >>> hyper_params = self.hyper_params """ import vtool as vt import wbia # Get a set of training pairs ibs = qreq_.ibs cm_list = qreq_.execute() infr = wbia.AnnotInference.from_qreq_(qreq_, cm_list, autoinit=True) # Per query choose a set of correct, incorrect, and random training pairs aid_pairs_ = infr._cm_training_pairs( rng=np.random.RandomState(42), **hyper_params.pair_sample ) aid_pairs_ = vt.unique_rows(np.array(aid_pairs_), directed=False).tolist() pb_aid_pairs_ = photobomb_samples(ibs) # TODO: try to add in more non-comparable samples aid_pairs_ = pb_aid_pairs_ + aid_pairs_ aid_pairs_ = vt.unique_rows(np.array(aid_pairs_)) # ====================================== # Compute one-vs-one scores and local_measures # ====================================== # Prepare lazy attributes for annotations qreq_ = infr.qreq_ ibs = qreq_.ibs qconfig2_ = qreq_.extern_query_config2 dconfig2_ = qreq_.extern_data_config2 qannot_cfg = ibs.depc.stacked_config(None, 'featweight', qconfig2_) dannot_cfg = ibs.depc.stacked_config(None, 'featweight', dconfig2_) # Remove any pairs missing features if dannot_cfg == qannot_cfg: unique_annots = ibs.annots(np.unique(np.array(aid_pairs_)), config=dannot_cfg) bad_aids = unique_annots.compress(~np.array(unique_annots.num_feats) > 0).aids bad_aids = set(bad_aids) else: annots1_ = ibs.annots(ut.unique(ut.take_column(aid_pairs_, 0)), config=qannot_cfg) annots2_ = ibs.annots(ut.unique(ut.take_column(aid_pairs_, 1)), config=dannot_cfg) bad_aids1 = annots1_.compress(~np.array(annots1_.num_feats) > 0).aids bad_aids2 = annots2_.compress(~np.array(annots2_.num_feats) > 0).aids bad_aids = set(bad_aids1 + bad_aids2) subset_idxs = np.where( [not (a1 in bad_aids or a2 in bad_aids) for a1, a2 in aid_pairs_] )[0] # Keep only a random subset if hyper_params.subsample: rng = np.random.RandomState(3104855634) num_max = hyper_params.subsample if num_max < len(subset_idxs): subset_idxs = rng.choice(subset_idxs, size=num_max, replace=False) subset_idxs = sorted(subset_idxs) # Take the current selection aid_pairs = ut.take(aid_pairs_, subset_idxs) if True: # NEW WAY config = hyper_params.vsone_assign # TODO: ensure annot probs like chips and features can be appropriately # set via qreq_ config or whatever matches = infr.exec_vsone_subset(aid_pairs, config=config) else: query_aids = ut.take_column(aid_pairs, 0) data_aids = ut.take_column(aid_pairs, 1) # OLD WAY # Determine a unique set of annots per config configured_aids = ut.ddict(set) configured_aids[qannot_cfg].update(query_aids) configured_aids[dannot_cfg].update(data_aids) # Make efficient annot-object representation configured_obj_annots = {} for config, aids in configured_aids.items(): annots = ibs.annots(sorted(list(aids)), config=config) configured_obj_annots[config] = annots annots1 = configured_obj_annots[qannot_cfg].loc(query_aids) annots2 = configured_obj_annots[dannot_cfg].loc(data_aids) # Get hash based on visual annotation appearence of each pair # as well as algorithm configurations used to compute those properties qvuuids = annots1.visual_uuids dvuuids = annots2.visual_uuids qcfgstr = annots1._config.get_cfgstr() dcfgstr = annots2._config.get_cfgstr() annots_cfgstr = ut.hashstr27(qcfgstr) + ut.hashstr27(dcfgstr) vsone_uuids = [ ut.combine_uuids(uuids, salt=annots_cfgstr) for uuids in ut.ProgIter( zip(qvuuids, dvuuids), length=len(qvuuids), label='hashing ids' ) ] # Combine into a big cache for the entire 1-v-1 matching run big_uuid = ut.hashstr_arr27(vsone_uuids, '', pathsafe=True) cacher = ut.Cacher('vsone_v7', cfgstr=str(big_uuid), appname='vsone_rf_train') cached_data = cacher.tryload() if cached_data is not None: # Caching doesn't work 100% for PairwiseMatch object, so we need to do # some postprocessing configured_lazy_annots = ut.ddict(dict) for config, annots in configured_obj_annots.items(): annot_dict = configured_lazy_annots[config] for _annot in ut.ProgIter(annots.scalars(), label='make lazy dict'): annot_dict[_annot.aid] = _annot._make_lazy_dict() # Extract pairs of annot objects (with shared caches) lazy_annots1 = ut.take(configured_lazy_annots[qannot_cfg], query_aids) lazy_annots2 = ut.take(configured_lazy_annots[dannot_cfg], data_aids) # Create a set of PairwiseMatches with the correct annot properties matches = [ vt.PairwiseMatch(annot1, annot2) for annot1, annot2 in zip(lazy_annots1, lazy_annots2) ] # Updating a new matches dictionary ensure the annot1/annot2 properties # are set correctly for key, cached_matches in list(cached_data.items()): fixed_matches = [match.copy() for match in matches] for fixed, internal in zip(fixed_matches, cached_matches): dict_ = internal.__dict__ ut.delete_dict_keys(dict_, ['annot1', 'annot2']) fixed.__dict__.update(dict_) cached_data[key] = fixed_matches else: cached_data = vsone_( qreq_, query_aids, data_aids, qannot_cfg, dannot_cfg, configured_obj_annots, hyper_params, ) # key_ = 'SV_LNBNN' key_ = 'RAT_SV' # for key in list(cached_data.keys()): # if key != 'SV_LNBNN': # del cached_data[key] matches = cached_data[key_] return matches, infr
def monkeypatch_encounters(ibs, aids, cache=None, **kwargs): """ Hacks in a temporary custom definition of encounters for this controller 50 days for PZ_MTEST kwargs = dict(days=50) if False: name_mindeltas = [] for name in annots.group_items(annots.nids).values(): times = name.image_unixtimes_asfloat deltas = [ut.unixtime_to_timedelta(np.abs(t1 - t2)) for t1, t2 in ut.combinations(times, 2)] if deltas: name_mindeltas.append(min(deltas)) print(ut.repr3(ut.lmap(ut.get_timedelta_str, sorted(name_mindeltas)))) """ from ibeis.algo.preproc.occurrence_blackbox import cluster_timespace_sec import numpy as np import datetime if len(aids) == 0: return annots = ibs.annots(sorted(set(aids))) thresh_sec = datetime.timedelta(**kwargs).total_seconds() # thresh_sec = datetime.timedelta(minutes=30).seconds if cache is None: cache = True # cache = len(aids) > 200 cfgstr = str(ut.combine_uuids(annots.visual_uuids)) + str(thresh_sec) cacher = ut.Cacher('occurrence_labels', cfgstr=cfgstr, enabled=cache) data = cacher.tryload() if data is None: print('Computing occurrences for monkey patch for %d aids' % (len(aids))) posixtimes = annots.image_unixtimes_asfloat latlons = annots.gps data = cluster_timespace_sec(posixtimes, latlons, thresh_sec=thresh_sec, km_per_sec=.002) occurrence_ids = data if occurrence_ids is None: # return # each annot is its own occurrence occurrence_ids = list(range(len(annots))) ndec = int(np.ceil(np.log10(max(occurrence_ids)))) suffmt = '-monkey-occur%0' + str(ndec) + 'd' encounter_labels = [ n + suffmt % (o, ) for o, n in zip(occurrence_ids, annots.names) ] occurrence_labels = [suffmt[1:] % (o, ) for o in occurrence_ids] enc_lookup = ut.dzip(annots.aids, encounter_labels) occur_lookup = ut.dzip(annots.aids, occurrence_labels) # annots_per_enc = ut.dict_hist(encounter_labels, ordered=True) # ut.get_stats(list(annots_per_enc.values())) # encounters = ibs._annot_groups([1]) # enc_names = ut.take_column(encounters.nids, 0) # name_to_encounters = ut.group_items(encounters, enc_names) # print('name_to_encounters = %s' % (ut.repr3(name_to_encounters)),) # print('Names to num encounters') # name_to_num_enc = ut.dict_hist( # ut.map_dict_vals(len, name_to_encounters).values()) # monkey patch to override encounter info def _monkey_get_annot_occurrence_text(ibs, aids): return ut.dict_take(occur_lookup, aids) def _monkey_get_annot_encounter_text(ibs, aids): return ut.dict_take(enc_lookup, aids) ut.inject_func_as_method(ibs, _monkey_get_annot_encounter_text, 'get_annot_encounter_text', force=True) ut.inject_func_as_method(ibs, _monkey_get_annot_occurrence_text, 'get_annot_occurrence_text', force=True)