Example #1
    def make_test_similarity(test_case):
        #toy_params = {
        #    True:  {'mu': 0.9, 'sigma': .1},
        #    False: {'mu': 0.1, 'sigma': .4}
        # tau = np.pi * 2
        from ibeis import constants as const
        # view_to_ori = const.VIEWTEXT_TO_YAW_RADIANS
        view_to_ori = ut.map_dict_keys(lambda x: const.YAWALIAS[x], const.VIEWTEXT_TO_YAW_RADIANS)
        # view_to_ori = {
        #     'F': -1 * tau / 4,
        #     'L':  0 * tau / 4,
        #     'B':  1 * tau / 4,
        #     'R':  2 * tau / 4,
        # }
        import vtool as vt

        nid_list = np.array(ut.dict_take_column(test_case, 'name'))
        yaw_list = np.array(ut.dict_take(view_to_ori, ut.dict_take_column(test_case, 'view')))

        rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
        pmat = []
        for idx in range(len(test_case)):
            nid = nid_list[idx]
            yaw = yaw_list[idx]
            p_same = nid == nid_list
            p_comp = 1 - vt.ori_distance(yaw_list, yaw) / np.pi
            # estimate noisy measurements
            p_same_m = np.clip(p_same + rng.normal(0, .5, size=len(p_same)), 0, .9)
            p_comp_m = np.clip(p_comp + rng.normal(0, .5, size=len(p_comp)), 0, .9)
            p_same_and_comp = p_same_m * p_comp_m
        P = np.array(pmat)
        P[np.diag_indices(len(P))] = 0
        P = P + P.T / 2
        P = np.clip(P, .01, .99)
        print(ut.hz_str(' P = ', ut.array_repr2(P, precision=2, max_line_width=140)))
        return P
Example #2
def draw_em_graph(P, Pn, PL, gam, num_labels):
        python -m ibeis.algo.hots.testem test_em --show --no-cnn
    num_labels = PL.shape[1]
    name_nodes = ['N%d' % x for x in list(range(1, num_labels + 1))]
    #annot_nodes = ut.chr_range(len(Pn), base='A')
    annot_nodes = ['X%d' % x for x in list(range(1, len(Pn) + 1))]

    # name_nodes = ut.chr_range(num_labels, base='A')

    nodes = name_nodes + annot_nodes

    PL2 = gam[:, num_labels:].T
    PL2 += .01
    PL2 = PL2 / PL2.sum(axis=1)[:, None]
    # PL2 = PL2 / np.linalg.norm(PL2, axis=0)
    zero_part = np.zeros((num_labels, len(Pn) + num_labels))
    prob_part = np.hstack([PL2, Pn])
    print(ut.hz_str(' PL2 = ', ut.array_repr2(PL2, precision=2)))
    # Redo p with posteriors
    if ut.get_argflag('--postem'):
        P = np.vstack([zero_part, prob_part])

    weight_matrix = P  # NOQA
    graph = ut.nx_from_matrix(P, nodes=nodes)
    graph = graph.to_directed()
    # delete graph
    dup_edges = []
    seen_ = set([])
    for u, v in graph.edges():
        if u < v:
            u, v = v, u
        if (u, v) not in seen_:
            seen_.add((u, v))
            dup_edges.append((u, v))
    import plottool as pt
    import networkx as nx

    if len(name_nodes) == 3 and len(annot_nodes) == 4:
        graph.node[annot_nodes[0]]['pos'] = (20.,  200.)
        graph.node[annot_nodes[1]]['pos'] = (220., 200.)
        graph.node[annot_nodes[2]]['pos'] = (20.,  100.)
        graph.node[annot_nodes[3]]['pos'] = (220., 100.)
        graph.node[name_nodes[0]]['pos'] = (10., 300.)
        graph.node[name_nodes[1]]['pos'] = (120., 300.)
        graph.node[name_nodes[2]]['pos'] = (230., 300.)
        nx.set_node_attributes(graph, 'pin', 'true')

        print('annot_nodes = %r' % (annot_nodes,))
        print('name_nodes = %r' % (name_nodes,))

        for u in annot_nodes:
            for v in name_nodes:
                if graph.has_edge(u, v):
                    print('1) u, v = %r' % ((u, v),))
                    graph.edge[u][v]['taillabel'] = graph.edge[u][v]['label']
                    graph.edge[u][v]['color'] = pt.ORANGE
                    graph.edge[u][v]['labelcolor'] = pt.BLUE
                    del graph.edge[u][v]['label']
                elif graph.has_edge(v, u):
                    print('2) u, v = %r' % ((u, v),))
                    graph.edge[v][u]['headlabel'] = graph.edge[v][u]['label']
                    graph.edge[v][u]['color'] = pt.ORANGE
                    graph.edge[v][u]['labelcolor'] = pt.BLUE
                    del graph.edge[v][u]['label']
                    print((u, v))

    # import itertools
    # name_const_edges = [(u, v, {'style': 'invis'}) for u, v in itertools.combinations(name_nodes, 2)]
    # graph.add_edges_from(name_const_edges)
    # nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'constraint', {edge: False for edge in graph.edges() if edge[0] == 'b' or edge[1] == 'b'})
    # nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'constraint', {edge: False for edge in graph.edges() if edge[0] in annot_nodes and edge[1] in annot_nodes})
    # nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'constraint', {edge: True for edge in graph.edges() if edge[0] in name_nodes or edge[1] in name_nodes})
    # nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'constraint', {edge: True for edge in graph.edges() if (edge[0] in ['a', 'b'] and edge[1] in ['a', 'b']) and edge[0] in annot_nodes and edge[1] in annot_nodes})
    # nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'constraint', {edge: True for edge in graph.edges() if (edge[0] in ['c'] or edge[1] in ['c']) and edge[0] in annot_nodes and edge[1] in annot_nodes})
    # nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'constraint', {edge: True for edge in graph.edges() if (edge[0] in ['a'] or edge[1] in ['a']) and edge[0] in annot_nodes and edge[1] in annot_nodes})
    # nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'constraint', {edge: True for edge in graph.edges() if (edge[0] in ['b'] or edge[1] in ['b']) and edge[0] in annot_nodes and edge[1] in annot_nodes})
    # graph.add_edges_from([('root', n) for n in nodes])
    # {node: 'names' for node in name_nodes})
    nx.set_node_attributes(graph, 'color', {node: pt.RED for node in name_nodes})
    # nx.set_node_attributes(graph, 'width', {node: 20 for node in nodes})
    # nx.set_node_attributes(graph, 'height', {node: 20 for node in nodes})
    #nx.set_node_attributes(graph, 'group', {node: 'names' for node in name_nodes})
    #nx.set_node_attributes(graph, 'group', {node: 'annots' for node in annot_nodes})
    nx.set_node_attributes(graph, 'groupid', {node: 'names' for node in name_nodes})
    nx.set_node_attributes(graph, 'groupid', {node: 'annots' for node in annot_nodes})
    graph.graph['clusterrank'] = 'local'
    # graph.graph['groupattrs'] = {
    #     'names': {'rankdir': 'LR', 'rank': 'source'},
    #     'annots': {'rankdir': 'TB', 'rank': 'source'},
    # }
    ut.nx_delete_edge_attr(graph, 'weight')
    # pt.show_nx(graph, fontsize=10, layoutkw={'splines': 'spline', 'prog': 'dot', 'sep': 2.0}, verbose=1)
    layoutkw = {
        # 'rankdir': 'LR',
        'splines': 'spline',
        # 'splines': 'ortho',
        # 'splines': 'curved',
        # 'compound': 'True',
        # 'prog': 'dot',
        'prog': 'neato',
        # 'packMode': 'clust',
        # 'sep': 4,
        # 'nodesep': 1,
        # 'ranksep': 1,
    #pt.show_nx(graph, fontsize=12, layoutkw=layoutkw, verbose=0, as_directed=False)
    pt.show_nx(graph, fontsize=6, fontname='Ubuntu', layoutkw=layoutkw, verbose=0, as_directed=False)
Example #3
def test_em():
        python -m ibeis.algo.hots.testem test_em --show
        python -m ibeis.algo.hots.testem test_em --show --no-cnn

        >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST
        >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.testem import *  # NOQA
        >>> P, Pn, PL, gam, num_labels = test_em()
        >>> ut.quit_if_noshow()
        >>> import plottool as pt
        >>> pt.qt4ensure()
        >>> draw_em_graph(P, Pn, PL, gam, num_labels)
        >>> ut.show_if_requested()

    # Matrix if unary probabilites, The probability that each node takes on a
    # given label, independent of its edges.

    test_case = [
        {'name': 1, 'view': 'L'},
        {'name': 1, 'view': 'L'},
        {'name': 2, 'view': 'L'},
        {'name': 2, 'view': 'R'},
        {'name': 2, 'view': 'B'},
        {'name': 3, 'view': 'L'},
        #{'name': 3, 'view': 'L'},
        #{'name': 4, 'view': 'L'},

    def make_test_similarity(test_case):
        #toy_params = {
        #    True:  {'mu': 0.9, 'sigma': .1},
        #    False: {'mu': 0.1, 'sigma': .4}
        # tau = np.pi * 2
        from ibeis import constants as const
        # view_to_ori = const.VIEWTEXT_TO_YAW_RADIANS
        view_to_ori = ut.map_dict_keys(lambda x: const.YAWALIAS[x], const.VIEWTEXT_TO_YAW_RADIANS)
        # view_to_ori = {
        #     'F': -1 * tau / 4,
        #     'L':  0 * tau / 4,
        #     'B':  1 * tau / 4,
        #     'R':  2 * tau / 4,
        # }
        import vtool as vt

        nid_list = np.array(ut.dict_take_column(test_case, 'name'))
        yaw_list = np.array(ut.dict_take(view_to_ori, ut.dict_take_column(test_case, 'view')))

        rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
        pmat = []
        for idx in range(len(test_case)):
            nid = nid_list[idx]
            yaw = yaw_list[idx]
            p_same = nid == nid_list
            p_comp = 1 - vt.ori_distance(yaw_list, yaw) / np.pi
            # estimate noisy measurements
            p_same_m = np.clip(p_same + rng.normal(0, .5, size=len(p_same)), 0, .9)
            p_comp_m = np.clip(p_comp + rng.normal(0, .5, size=len(p_comp)), 0, .9)
            p_same_and_comp = p_same_m * p_comp_m
        P = np.array(pmat)
        P[np.diag_indices(len(P))] = 0
        P = P + P.T / 2
        P = np.clip(P, .01, .99)
        print(ut.hz_str(' P = ', ut.array_repr2(P, precision=2, max_line_width=140)))
        return P

    Pn = make_test_similarity(test_case)

    if False:
        Pn = np.array(np.matrix(
            .0 .7 .3 .2 .4 .5;
            .7 .0 .4 .4 .3 .5;
            .3 .4 .0 .6 .1 .5;
            .2 .4 .6 .0 .2 .3;
            .4 .3 .1 .2 .0 .8;
            .5 .5 .5 .3 .8 .0

        PL = np.array(np.matrix(
            .7 .5 .5;
            .8 .4 .3;
            .5 .7 .3;
            .5 .8 .4;
            .3 .2 .8;
            .5 .5 .8

    if True:
        Pn = np.array(np.matrix(
            1.0  0.7  0.4  0.2;
            0.7  1.0  0.4  0.4;
            0.4  0.4  1.0  0.6;
            0.2  0.4  0.6  1.0

        PL = np.array(np.matrix(
            0.7  0.5  0.5;
            0.8  0.4  0.3;
            0.5  0.7  0.3;
            0.5  0.8  0.4
    num_nodes = Pn.shape[0]

    for num_labels in range(1, 2):
        #Pn = np.array(np.matrix(
        #    b"""
        #    .0 .7 .3 .2 .4 .5;
        #    .7 .0 .4 .4 .3 .5;
        #    .3 .4 .0 .6 .1 .5;
        #    .2 .4 .6 .0 .2 .3;
        #    .4 .3 .1 .2 .0 .8;
        #    .5 .5 .5 .3 .8 .0
        #    """))

        # Uniform distribution over labels
        if 0:
            PL = np.ones((num_nodes, num_labels)) / num_labels
            # Give nodes preferences
            PL[np.diag_indices(num_labels)] *= 1.01
            PL /= np.linalg.norm(PL, axis=0)
            # PL[0, :] = .01 / (num_labels - 1)
            # PL[0, 0] = .99
            PL /= np.linalg.norm(PL, axis=0)

        # Number of nodes
        num_nodes = Pn.shape[0]
        # Number of classes
        num_labels = PL.shape[1]
        #num_labels = num_nodes
        #if 0 or num_labels != 3:
        #    PL = np.ones((num_nodes, num_labels)) / num_labels
        #    # PL[0, :] = .01 / (num_labels - 1)
        #    # PL[0, 0] = .99
        d = num_labels + num_nodes

        # Stack everything into a single matrix
        zero_part = np.zeros((num_labels, num_nodes + num_labels))
        prob_part = np.hstack([PL, Pn])
        #print(ut.hz_str(' prob_part = ', ut.array_repr2(prob_part[:, :], precision=2)))
        P = np.vstack([zero_part, prob_part])

        # Gamma will hold a probability distribution over the nodes
        # The labeled nodes must match themselves.
        # The unlabeld nodes are initialized with a uniform distribution.
        gam = np.hstack([np.eye(num_labels), np.ones((num_labels, num_nodes)) / num_labels])

        print('num_labels = %r' % (num_labels,))
        # print(ut.hz_str(' gamma = ', ut.array_repr2(gam[:, num_labels:], max_line_width=140, precision=2)))
        print(ut.hz_str(' gamma = ', ut.array_repr2(gam, max_line_width=140, precision=2)))

        delta_i = np.zeros(num_labels)
        def dErr(i, gam, P, delta_i=delta_i):
            # exepcted liklihood is cross entropy error
            delta_i[:] = 0
            # Compute the gradient of the cross entropy error
            # This is over both names and annotations
            for j in range(d):
                if i != j:
                    delta_i += gam[:, j] * np.log(P[i, j] / (1 - P[i, j]))
            # compute the projected gradient
            delta_i_hat = delta_i - delta_i.sum() / num_labels
            return delta_i_hat

        # Maximies the expected liklihood of gamma
        learn_rate = 0.05
        num_iters = 1000
        dGam = np.zeros(gam.shape)
        # for count in range(num_iters):
        for count in ut.ProgIter(range(num_iters), label='EM', bs=True):
            # Compute error gradient
            for i in range(num_labels, d):
                dGam[:, i] = dErr(i, gam, P)
            # Make a step in the gradient direction
            # print(ut.hz_str(' dGam = ', ut.array_repr2(dGam, max_line_width=140, precision=2)))
            gam = gam + learn_rate * dGam
            # Normalize
            gam = np.clip(gam, 0, 1)
            for i in range(num_labels, d):
                gam[:, i] = gam[:, i] / np.sum(gam[:, i])
        # print(ut.hz_str(' gamma = ', ut.array_repr2(gam, max_line_width=140, precision=2)))
        # print(ut.hz_str(' gamma = ', ut.array_repr2(gam[:, num_labels:], max_line_width=140, precision=2)))
    return P, Pn, PL, gam, num_labels