def get_text_between_lines(lnum1, lnum2, col1=0, col2=sys.maxsize - 1): import vim lines = vim.eval('getline({}, {})'.format(lnum1, lnum2)) import utool as ut lines = ut.ensure_unicode_strlist(lines) try: if len(lines) == 0: pass elif len(lines) == 1: lines[0] = lines[0][col1:col2 + 1] else: lines[0] = lines[0][col1:] lines[-1] = lines[-1][:col2 + 1] text = '\n'.join(lines) except Exception: import utool as ut ut.ENABLE_COLORS = False ut.util_str.ENABLE_COLORS = False ut.util_dbg.COLORED_EXCEPTIONS = False print(ut.repr2(lines)) raise return text
def get_text_between_lines(lnum1, lnum2, col1=0, col2=sys.maxint - 1): import vim lines = vim.eval('getline({}, {})'.format(lnum1, lnum2)) import utool as ut lines = ut.ensure_unicode_strlist(lines) try: if len(lines) == 0: pass elif len(lines) == 1: lines[0] = lines[0][col1:col2 + 1] else: lines[0] = lines[0][col1:] lines[-1] = lines[-1][:col2 + 1] text = '\n'.join(lines) except Exception: import utool as ut ut.ENABLE_COLORS = False ut.util_str.ENABLE_COLORS = False ut.util_dbg.COLORED_EXCEPTIONS = False print(ut.list_str(lines)) raise return text
def ingest_rawdata(ibs, ingestable, localize=False): """ Ingests rawdata into an ibeis database. if ingest_type == 'named_folders': Converts folder structure where folders = name, to ibsdb if ingest_type == 'named_images': Converts imgname structure where imgnames = name_id.ext, to ibsdb CommandLine: python ibeis/dbio/ --db seals_drop2 Args: ibs (IBEISController): ibeis controller object ingestable (?): localize (bool): (default = False) Returns: list: aid_list - list of annotation rowids CommandLine: python -m ibeis.dbio.ingest_database --exec-ingest_rawdata python -m ibeis.dbio.ingest_database --exec-ingest_rawdata --db snow-leopards --imgdir /raid/raw_rsync/snow-leopards Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> # General ingest script >>> from ibeis.dbio.ingest_database import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> dbname = ut.get_argval('--db', str, None) # 'snow-leopards') >>> force_delete = ut.get_argflag(('--force_delete', '--force-delete')) >>> img_dir = ut.get_argval('--imgdir', type_=str, default=None) >>> assert img_dir is not None, 'specify img dir' >>> assert dbname is not None, 'specify dbname' >>> ingestable = Ingestable(dbname, >>> img_dir=img_dir, >>> ingest_type='unknown', >>> fmtkey=None, >>> species=None, >>> images_as_annots=False, >>> adjust_percent=0.00) >>> from ibeis.control import IBEISControl >>> dbdir = ibeis.sysres.db_to_dbdir(dbname, allow_newdir=True, use_sync=False) >>> ut.ensuredir(dbdir, verbose=True) >>> ibs = IBEISControl.request_IBEISController(dbdir) >>> localize = False >>> aid_list = ingest_rawdata(ibs, ingestable, localize) >>> result = ('aid_list = %s' % (str(aid_list),)) >>> print(result) """ print('[ingest_rawdata] Ingestable' + str(ingestable)) if ingestable.zipfile is not None: zipfile_fpath = ut.truepath(join(ibeis.sysres.get_workdir(), ingestable.zipfile)) ingestable.img_dir = ut.unarchive_file(zipfile_fpath) img_dir = realpath(ingestable.img_dir) ingest_type = ingestable.ingest_type fmtkey = ingestable.fmtkey adjust_percent = ingestable.adjust_percent species_text = ingestable.species postingest_func = ingestable.postingest_func print('[ingest] ingesting rawdata: img_dir=%r, injest_type=%r' % (img_dir, ingest_type)) # Get images in the image directory unzipped_file_base_dir = join(ibs.get_dbdir(), 'unzipped_files') def extract_zipfile_images(ibs, ingestable): import utool as ut # NOQA zipfile_list = ut.glob(ingestable.img_dir, '*.zip', recursive=True) if len(zipfile_list) > 0: print('Found zipfile_list = %r' % (zipfile_list,)) ut.ensuredir(unzipped_file_base_dir) for zipfile in zipfile_list: unziped_file_relpath = dirname(relpath(relpath(realpath(zipfile), realpath(ingestable.img_dir)))) unzipped_file_dir = join(unzipped_file_base_dir, unziped_file_relpath) ut.ensuredir(unzipped_file_dir) ut.unzip_file(zipfile, output_dir=unzipped_file_dir, overwrite=False) gpath_list = ut.list_images(unzipped_file_dir, fullpath=True, recursive=True) else: gpath_list = [] return gpath_list def list_images(img_dir): """ lists images that are not in an internal cache """ import utool as ut # NOQA ignore_list = ['_hsdb', '.hs_internals', '_ibeis_cache', '_ibsdb'] gpath_list = ut.list_images(img_dir, fullpath=True, recursive=True, ignore_list=ignore_list) return gpath_list # FIXME ensure python3 works with this gpath_list1 = ut.ensure_unicode_strlist(list_images(img_dir)) gpath_list2 = ut.ensure_unicode_strlist(extract_zipfile_images(ibs, ingestable)) gpath_list = gpath_list1 + gpath_list2 #__STR__ = const.__STR__ #map(__STR__, gpath_list) #ut.embed() # Parse structure for image names if ingest_type == 'named_folders': name_list1 = get_name_texts_from_parent_folder(gpath_list1, img_dir, fmtkey) name_list2 = get_name_texts_from_parent_folder(gpath_list2, unzipped_file_base_dir, fmtkey) name_list = name_list1 + name_list2 pass elif ingest_type == 'named_images': name_list = get_name_texts_from_gnames(gpath_list, img_dir, fmtkey) elif ingest_type == 'unknown': name_list = [const.UNKNOWN for _ in range(len(gpath_list))] else: raise NotImplementedError('unknwon ingest_type=%r' % (ingest_type,)) # Find names likely to be the same? RECTIFY_NAMES_HUERISTIC = True if RECTIFY_NAMES_HUERISTIC: names = sorted(list(set(name_list))) splitchars = [' ', '/'] def multisplit(str_, splitchars): import utool as ut n = [str_] for char in splitchars: n = ut.flatten([_.split(char) for _ in n]) return n groupids = [multisplit(n1, splitchars)[0] for n1 in names] grouped_names = ut.group_items(names, groupids) fixed_names = {newkey: key for key, val in grouped_names.items() if len(val) > 1 for newkey in val} name_list = [fixed_names.get(name, name) for name in name_list] # Add Images gpath_list = [gpath.replace('\\', '/') for gpath in gpath_list] gid_list_ = ibs.add_images(gpath_list) # <DEBUG> #print('added: ' + ut.indentjoin(map(str, zip(gid_list_, gpath_list)))) unique_gids = list(set(gid_list_)) print("[ingest] Length gid list: %d" % len(gid_list_)) print("[ingest] Length unique gid list: %d" % len(unique_gids)) assert len(gid_list_) == len(gpath_list) for gid in gid_list_: if gid is None: print('[ingest] big fat warning') # </DEBUG> gid_list = ut.filter_Nones(gid_list_) unique_gids, unique_names, unique_notes = resolve_name_conflicts( gid_list, name_list) # Add ANNOTATIONs with names and notes if ingestable.images_as_annots: aid_list = ibs.use_images_as_annotations(unique_gids, adjust_percent=adjust_percent) ibs.set_annot_names(aid_list, unique_names) ibs.set_annot_notes(aid_list, unique_notes) if species_text is not None: ibs.set_annot_species(aid_list, [species_text] * len(aid_list)) if localize: ibs.localize_images() if postingest_func is not None: postingest_func(ibs)