Example #1
def cleanPluginDir(directory):
    logger.debug('Cleaning path: {}'.format(directory))
    if os.path.isdir(directory):
        # Clear up directory
        for doomed in os.listdir(directory):
            if fnmatch.fnmatch(doomed, '[!_]*.py[co]'):
                os.unlink(os.path.join(directory, doomed))
Example #2
 def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
     # Keep track of subclasses of Extension
     if not attrs.get(
             '').startswith('utopia.') and not cls.__name__.startswith('_'):
         cls.__extensions[cls._typeName()] = cls
         cls.__uuid__ = uuid.uuid4().urn
         logger.debug('    Found {}'.format(cls))
         # Give this class's module the name of its loaded plugin
         if len(inspect.stack()) >= 5:
             inspect.getmodule(cls).__dict__['__plugin__'] = inspect.stack(
Example #3
def loadPlugin(path):
    # Split the path up
    directory, filename = os.path.split(path)
    basename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
    mod_name = 'plugin_{}_{}'.format(
        str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', ''), basename)

    # Only python files and zips are acceptable
    is_py_file = ext == '.py' and not os.path.isdir(path)
    is_zip_file = ext == '.zip' and not os.path.isdir(path)
    is_zip_dir = ext == '.zip' and os.path.isdir(path)
    #logger.info((path, ext, is_py_file, is_zip_file, is_zip_dir))
    if is_py_file or is_zip_file or is_zip_dir:
        # Any filename beginning with an underscore is ignored
        if filename.startswith('_'):
            logger.info('Ignoring underscored file: {}'.format(path))

        # Attempt to load the plugin
        logger.debug('Loading extensions from: {}'.format(path))
        if is_zip_dir:
            entry = os.path.join(path, 'python', basename + '.py')
            if os.path.exists(entry):
                    sys.path.append(os.path.join(directory, filename,
                    mod = imp.load_source(mod_name, entry)
                    mod.__file__ = path
                    mod.__loader__ = _makeLoader(path)
                except Exception as e:
                    logger.error('Failed to load %s', filename, exc_info=True)
                logger.error('Cannot find entry point %s in zip directory: %s',
                             os.path.join('python', basename + '.py'), path)
        elif is_py_file:
                mod = imp.load_source(mod_name, path)
                mod.__file__ = path
            except Exception as e:
                logger.error('Failed to load %s', filename, exc_info=True)
        elif is_zip_file:
                importer = zipimport.zipimporter(os.path.join(path, 'python'))
                mod = importer.load_module(mod_name)
            except Exception as e:
                logger.error('Failed to load %s', filename, exc_info=True)
from lxml import etree
from utopia.log import logger

    import spineapi
    def scrape(document):
        '''Look for a non-horizontal arXiv ID on the front page (the standard
           layout of ArXiv articles has the ID printed up the left-hand side.'''
        regex = r'arXiv:([\w.-]+/\d{7}|\d{4}\.\d{4,})(v\d+)+'
        for match in document.search(regex, spineapi.RegExp):
            if match.begin().lineArea()[1] > 0:
                return match.text()[6:]
except ImportError:
    logger.debug('spineapi not imported: document scraping of ArXiv IDs will be unavailable')

def url(arxivid):
    '''Given an ArXiv ID, turn it into a link.'''
    return 'http://arxiv.org/abs/{0}'.format(urllib.quote_plus(arxivid))

def fetchXML(arxivid):
    '''Given an ArXiv ID, find its representative XML document.'''
    params = urllib.urlencode({'id_list': arxivid, 'start': '0', 'max_results': '1'})
    url = 'http://export.arxiv.org/api/query?{0}'.format(params)
    return urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=8).read()

def parseXML(xml):
    '''Parse an ArXiv XML document and return a citation dictionary.'''
Example #5
    def execute_resolver(self, citations, document = None):
        # Strip off the 'plugin_XXXXX_' prefix from the module's name
        plugin_name = '{0}.{1}'.format(self.__module__.split('_')[-1], self.__class__.__name__)
        logger.debug('Resolving from {0}: {1}'.format(plugin_name, getattr(self, '__doc__', 'Unknown resolver')))

        # If a source already exists that was generated by this plugin, skip it
        if len([citation for citation in citations if pick(citation, PROVENANCE_PLUGIN_KEYSPEC, None) == plugin_name]) == 0:
                # Just start by trying to execute the resolver's resolve() method
                resolved = self.resolve(citations, document)
                if resolved is not None:
                    if isinstance(resolved, collections.Mapping):
                        resolved = [resolved]
                    sanitised = []
                    for citation in resolved:
                        # Are there any non-provenance keys?
                        if len([key for key in citation.keys() if key != PROVENANCE_KEYSPEC]) > 0:
                            # Add any resolver provenance to the result
                            if hasattr(self, 'provenance') and callable(self.provenance):
                                provenance = self.provenance()
                                if not isinstance(provenance, collections.Mapping):
                                    provenance = {}
                                # Record the name of the plugin that generated the citation
                                set_by_keyspec(provenance, PROVENANCE_PLUGIN_KEY, plugin_name)
                                existing = pick(citation, PROVENANCE_KEYSPEC, {})
                                set_by_keyspec(citation, PROVENANCE_KEYSPEC, provenance)
                                # Record when the citation was generated locally
                                set_by_keyspec(citation, PROVENANCE_WHEN_KEYSPEC, datetime.datetime.now().isoformat())
                    if len(sanitised) > 0:
                        return sanitised
            except Exception as exception:
                # Unwrap timeouts
                if isinstance(exception, urllib2.URLError) and hasattr(exception, 'reason') and isinstance(exception.reason, socket.timeout):
                    exception = exception.reason
                # Record the name of the plugin that generated the error
                error = {}
                set_by_keyspec(error, PROVENANCE_WHEN_KEYSPEC, datetime.datetime.now().isoformat())
                set_by_keyspec(error, PROVENANCE_PLUGIN_KEYSPEC, plugin_name)
                # Get the provenance from the resolver
                if hasattr(self, 'provenance') and callable(self.provenance):
                    provenance = self.provenance()
                    if isinstance(provenance, collections.Mapping):
                        existing = pick(error, PROVENANCE_KEYSPEC, {})
                        set_by_keyspec(error, PROVENANCE_KEYSPEC, existing)
                # Deal with the various known errors
                if isinstance(exception, socket.timeout):
                    category = 'timeout'
                    message = 'The server did not respond'
                elif isinstance(exception, urllib2.HTTPError):
                    category = 'server'
                    message = unicode(getattr(exception, 'reason', 'The server did not respond as expected'))
                elif isinstance(exception, urllib2.URLError):
                    category = 'connection'
                    message = unicode(getattr(exception, 'reason', 'The server could not be found'))
                    category = 'unknown'
                    message = 'An unexpected error occured'
                error['error'] = {
                    'category': category,
                    'message': message,
                logger.warning('Error in resolver ({0}): {1}'.format(pick(error, PROVENANCE_WHENCE_KEYSPEC, '?'), message), exc_info=True)
                return [error]
        # If the result isn't what we expect, return None
        logger.debug(' -> null result')
        return None
Example #6
##  Try to initialise the Utopia bridge.
##  This code modifies the current Python environment to make it work when
##  imported from within Utopia Document's Python interpreter. This will fail
##  when the package is invoked on the command-line, and that's OK.

from utopia.log import logger

    import utopiabridge as bridge
    import utopiaauth as auth
except (AttributeError, ImportError):
    import sys
    logger.debug('Could not find package utopiabridge:', exc_info=True)
        'This script does not seem to be running inside Utopia Documents. Some functions will not work.'
    bridge = None
    auth = None

##  Basic classes for use in Utopia

import utopia.extension

class Configurator(utopia.extension.Extension):