def finish(self, registration): from import sign_in_user if not registration.location: # if there is a university with same title we will use it. existing = LocationTag.get_by_title(registration.university_title) if existing is not None: registration.location = existing else: registration.location = registration.create_university() user = registration.create_user() bind_group_invitations(user) # TODO: integrity checks here meta.Session.add(user) registration.completed = True # flush before sending any emails meta.Session.flush() process_registration_invitations(registration) meta.Session.commit() if user.is_teacher: teacher_registered_email(user) sign_in_user(user) redirect(url(controller='profile', action='register_welcome'))
def _try_sign_in(self, username, password, location=None, remember=False): # user may have registered in several Ututi # networks using same username locations = [user.location for user in User.get_all(username)] if len(locations) == 0: return {'username': _('Incorrect username.')} if len(locations) > 1: # if there is more than one location, # we will want to show it in the form c.locations = [(, loc.title) for loc in locations] c.selected_location = location if location is None and len(locations) == 1: location = locations[0].id if location is None: # still none! that means that location is not # unique and user did not specify it. return {'location': _('Please select your network.')} user = User.authenticate(location, username, password) if user is None: return {'password': _('Incorrect password.')} sign_in_user(user, long_session=remember)
def login(self, location): email = request.POST.get('login') password = request.POST.get('password') remember = True if request.POST.get('remember', None) else False destination = c.came_from or location.url(action='index') if password is not None: user = User.authenticate(location, email, password.encode('utf-8')) c.header = _('Wrong username or password!') c.message = _('You seem to have entered your username and password wrong, please try again!') if user is not None: from import sign_in_user sign_in_user(user, long_session=remember) redirect(str(destination)) return render('location/login.mako')
def recovery(self, key=None): try: if hasattr(self, 'form_result'): defaults = {'recovery_key': key} user = meta.Session.query(User).filter(User.recovery_key == key).one() user.update_password(self.form_result.get('new_password')) user.recovery_key = None #password reset is actually a confirmation of the email = True meta.Session.commit() h.flash(_('Your password has been updated. Welcome back!')) sign_in_user(user) redirect(url(controller='profile', action='home')) else: defaults={'recovery_key': key} return htmlfill.render(self._pswreset_form(), defaults=defaults) except NoResultFound: abort(404)
def _try_to_login(self, name, email, google_id=None, facebook_id=None, fb_access_token=None): assert bool(google_id) != bool(facebook_id) if google_id: user = User.get_byopenid(google_id) elif facebook_id: user = User.get_byfbid(facebook_id) if user is not None: # Existing user, log him in and proceed. if facebook_id and not user.logo: user.update_logo_from_facebook() meta.Session.commit() sign_in_user(user) redirect(c.came_from or url(controller='home', action='index')) else: # Facebook needs to be asked for the email separately. if facebook_id: name, email = self._facebook_name_and_email(facebook_id, fb_access_token) if not email: h.flash(_('Facebook did not provide your email address.')) redirect(c.came_from or url(controller='home', action='index')) # This user has never logged in using FB/Google before. user = User.get_global(email) if user is None: h.flash(_('Login failed. Please login using your username and bind your account first.')) redirect(url(controller='home', action='login')) else: # Existing user logging in using FB/Google. if google_id: h.flash(_('Your Google account "%s" has been linked to your existing Ututi account.') % email) user.openid = google_id elif facebook_id: h.flash(_('Your Facebook account "%s" has been linked to your existing Ututi account.') % email) user.facebook_id = facebook_id bind_group_invitations(user) if not user.logo: user.update_logo_from_facebook() meta.Session.commit() sign_in_user(user) redirect(c.came_from or url(controller='home', action='index'))