Example #1
 def forget(self, schema):
     name = str(schema)
     if IInterface.providedBy(schema):
         name = identify_interface(schema)
     if name not in self._names:
Example #2
 def forget(self, schema):
     name = str(schema)
     if IInterface.providedBy(schema):
         name = identify_interface(schema)
     if name not in self._names:
Example #3
 def bind(self, schema):
     if not IInterface.providedBy(schema):
         raise TypeError("Cannot bind non-interface object %s" % schema)
     name = identify_interface(schema)
     if name in self._names:
         raise KeyError("duplicate schema: Interface %s already managed." % (name,))
Example #4
 def bind(self, schema):
     if not IInterface.providedBy(schema):
         raise TypeError('Cannot bind non-interface object %s' % schema)
     name = identify_interface(schema)
     if name in self._names:
         raise KeyError(
             'duplicate schema: Interface %s already managed.' % (name,))
Example #5
 def test_dynamic_schema_identification(self):
     from hashlib import md5
     from plone.supermodel import serializeSchema
     iface = ITestSchema2
     oldname = iface.__name__
     iface.__name__ = ''
     assert iface.__module__ == 'uu.retrieval.tests.test_schema'
     expected_signature = md5(serializeSchema(iface).strip()).hexdigest()
     expected_name = 'I%s' % expected_signature
     expected_identifier = '.'.join((iface.__module__, expected_name))
     assert identify_interface(ITestSchema2) == expected_identifier
     iface.__name__ = oldname  # clean up
Example #6
    def test_dynamic_schema_identification(self):
        from hashlib import md5
        from plone.supermodel import serializeSchema

        iface = ITestSchema2
        oldname = iface.__name__
        iface.__name__ = ""
        assert iface.__module__ == "uu.retrieval.tests.test_schema"
        expected_signature = md5(serializeSchema(iface).strip()).hexdigest()
        expected_name = "I%s" % expected_signature
        expected_identifier = ".".join((iface.__module__, expected_name))
        assert identify_interface(ITestSchema2) == expected_identifier
        iface.__name__ = oldname  # clean up
Example #7
 def __contains__(self, name):
     if IInterface.providedBy(name):
         name = identify_interface(name)
     name = str(name)
     return name in self._names
Example #8
 def bind(self, schema):
     if hasattr(self, '_v_schema'):
         delattr(self, '_v_schema')
     self._schema = identify_interface(schema)
Example #9
 def test_schema_identification(self):
     name = identify_interface(ITestSchema)
     assert name == ITestSchema.__identifier__
Example #10
 def __contains__(self, name):
     if IInterface.providedBy(name):
         name = identify_interface(name)
     name = str(name)
     return name in self._names
Example #11
from zope.schema import getFieldNamesInOrder, ValidationError
from zope.schema import interfaces as fieldtypes

from uu.retrieval.utils import identify_interface

from uu.formlibrary.measure.interfaces import IMeasureDefinition
from uu.formlibrary.search.interfaces import COMPARATORS
from uu.formlibrary.search.interfaces import IFieldQuery
from uu.formlibrary.search.interfaces import IJSONFilterRepresentation
from uu.formlibrary.search.interfaces import IRecordFilter, IFilterGroup
from uu.formlibrary.search.interfaces import IComposedQuery
from uu.formlibrary.utils import normalize_usa_date

# field serialization, used by FieldQuery:
field_id = lambda f: (identify_interface(f.interface), f.__name__)
resolvefield = lambda t: resolve(t[0])[t[1]]  # (name, fieldname) -> schema

# comparator class resolution from identifier:
comparator_cls = lambda v: getattr(query, v) if v in COMPARATORS else None

# get index type from FieldQuery
def query_idxtype(fieldquery, schema):
    """Get index type for specific comparator, field combination"""
    comparator, fieldname = fieldquery.comparator, fieldquery.fieldname
    field = schema[fieldname]

    # for text, whether to use text index or field index depends on the
    # comparator saved on the query:
    line_types = (fieldtypes.ITextLine, fieldtypes.IBytesLine)
Example #12
 def test_schema_identification(self):
     name = identify_interface(ITestSchema)
     assert name == ITestSchema.__identifier__
Example #13
from zope.interface.interfaces import IInterface
from zope.schema import getFieldNamesInOrder, ValidationError
from zope.schema import interfaces as fieldtypes

from uu.retrieval.utils import identify_interface

from uu.formlibrary.measure.interfaces import IMeasureDefinition
from uu.formlibrary.search.interfaces import COMPARATORS
from uu.formlibrary.search.interfaces import IFieldQuery
from uu.formlibrary.search.interfaces import IJSONFilterRepresentation
from uu.formlibrary.search.interfaces import IRecordFilter, IFilterGroup
from uu.formlibrary.search.interfaces import IComposedQuery
from uu.formlibrary.utils import normalize_usa_date

# field serialization, used by FieldQuery:
field_id = lambda f: (identify_interface(f.interface), f.__name__)
resolvefield = lambda t: resolve(t[0])[t[1]]  # (name, fieldname) -> schema

# comparator class resolution from identifier:
comparator_cls = lambda v: getattr(query, v) if v in COMPARATORS else None

# get index type from FieldQuery
def query_idxtype(fieldquery, schema):
    """Get index type for specific comparator, field combination"""
    comparator, fieldname = fieldquery.comparator, fieldquery.fieldname
    field = schema[fieldname]

    # for text, whether to use text index or field index depends on the
    # comparator saved on the query:
    line_types = (fieldtypes.ITextLine, fieldtypes.IBytesLine)
Example #14
 def bind(self, schema):
     if hasattr(self, '_v_schema'):
         delattr(self, '_v_schema')
     self._schema = identify_interface(schema)