Example #1
    def input_script(cls, txin, i, for_sig):
        # for_sig:
        #   -1   : do not sign, estimate length
        #   i>=0 : serialized tx for signing input i
        #   None : add all known signatures

        p2sh = txin.get('redeemScript') is not None
        num_sig = txin['num_sig'] if p2sh else 1
        address = txin['address']

        x_signatures = txin['signatures']
        signatures = filter(None, x_signatures)
        is_complete = len(signatures) == num_sig

        if for_sig in [-1, None]:
            # if we have enough signatures, we use the actual pubkeys
            # use extended pubkeys (with bip32 derivation)
            if for_sig == -1:
                # we assume that signature will be 0x48 bytes long
                pubkeys = txin['pubkeys']
                sig_list = ["00" * 0x48] * num_sig
            elif is_complete:
                pubkeys = txin['pubkeys']
                sig_list = ((sig + '01') for sig in signatures)
                pubkeys = txin['x_pubkeys']
                sig_list = ((sig + '01') if sig else NO_SIGNATURE
                            for sig in x_signatures)
            script = ''.join(push_script(x) for x in sig_list)
            if not p2sh:
                x_pubkey = pubkeys[0]
                if x_pubkey is None:
                    addrtype, h160 = bc_address_to_hash_160(txin['address'])
                    x_pubkey = 'fd' + (chr(addrtype) + h160).encode('hex')
                script += push_script(x_pubkey)
                script = '00' + script  # put op_0 in front of script
                redeem_script = cls.multisig_script(pubkeys, num_sig)
                script += push_script(redeem_script)

        elif for_sig == i:
            script_type = TYPE_ADDRESS
            if 'is_claim' in txin and txin['is_claim']:
                script_type |= TYPE_CLAIM
                address = ((txin['claim_name'], txin['claim_value']), address)
            elif 'is_support' in txin and txin['is_support']:
                script_type |= TYPE_SUPPORT
                address = ((txin['claim_name'], txin['claim_id']), address)
            elif 'is_update' in txin and txin['is_update']:
                script_type |= TYPE_UPDATE
                address = ((txin['claim_name'], txin['claim_id'],
                            txin['claim_value']), address)
            script = txin['redeemScript'] if p2sh else cls.pay_script(
                script_type, address)
            script = ''

        return script
Example #2
    def pay_script(cls, output_type, addr):
        script = ''
        if output_type & TYPE_CLAIM:
            claim, addr = addr
            claim_name, claim_value = claim
            script += 'b5'  # op_claim_name
            script += push_script(claim_name.encode('hex'))
            # In order to solve ulord can not resolve ...
            if not gl.flag_claim:
                claim_value = base64.b64encode(claim_value)
                gl.flag_abandon = False
            script += push_script(claim_value.encode('hex'))
            script += '6d75'  # op_2drop, op_drop
        elif output_type & TYPE_SUPPORT:
            claim, addr = addr
            claim_name, claim_id = claim
            script += 'b6'
            script += push_script(claim_name.encode('hex'))
            script += push_script(claim_id.encode('hex'))
            script += '6d75'
        elif output_type & TYPE_UPDATE:
            claim, addr = addr
            claim_name, claim_id, claim_value = claim
            script += 'b7'
            script += push_script(claim_name.encode('hex'))
            script += push_script(claim_id.encode('hex'))
            claim_value = base64.b64encode(claim_value)  #+
            script += push_script(claim_value.encode('hex'))
            script += '6d6d'

        if output_type & TYPE_SCRIPT:
            script += addr.encode('hex')
        elif output_type & TYPE_ADDRESS:  # op_2drop, op_drop
            addrtype, hash_160 = bc_address_to_hash_160(addr)
            if addrtype == 0:
                script += '76a9'  # op_dup, op_hash_160
                script += push_script(hash_160.encode('hex'))
                script += '88ac'  # op_equalverify, op_checksig
            elif addrtype == 5:
                script += 'a9'  # op_hash_160
                script += push_script(hash_160.encode('hex'))
                script += '87'  # op_equal
                raise Exception("Unknown address type: %s" % addrtype)
            raise Exception("Unknown output type: %s" % output_type)
        return script