def callback(itr): def samplefun(num_samps): import numpy as np z = np.array(np.random.randn(num_samps, zdim), dtype=np.float32) return decode(z).eval(session=sess) viz.plot_samples(itr, samplefun, savedir='avae_mnist_samples') def sample_normal(mu, log_sigmasq, M=5): dim = mu.get_shape()[1].value eps = tf.random_normal((M, dim), dtype=tf.float32) return mu + tf.exp(0.5 * log_sigmasq) * eps def recons(num_samps): # choose one datapoint, encode it subset = X[np.random.choice(X.shape[0], 1)] # compute encoder - first aux, then encoder conditioned on aux amu, alog_sigmasq = aux_encode(subset) asamps = sample_normal(amu, alog_sigmasq, M=24) Xa = tf.concat(1, [tf.tile(subset, [24, 1]), asamps]) zmu, zlog_sigmasq = encode(Xa) imgs = decode(sample_normal(zmu, zlog_sigmasq, M=24)).eval(session=sess) return np.row_stack([subset, imgs]) viz.plot_samples(itr, recons, savedir='avae_mnist_samples', stub='recon') test_lb = test_lb_fun.eval(session=sess) * Ntest print "test data VLB: ", np.mean(test_lb)
def callback(itr): # plot samples from the model generative process viz.plot_samples(itr, sample_fun, savedir=output_dir) # plot reconstructed samples viz.plot_samples(itr, recon_fun, savedir=output_dir, stub='recon') # evaluate test test_lb = test_vlb_fun.eval(session=sess) * Ntest print "test data VLB: ", np.mean(test_lb) # plot z space for each test data item, colored by digit type def plot_test_latent(): z = latent_space_fun() fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.gca() for i in xrange(10): idx = np.argmax(Yt, 1) == i ax.scatter(z[idx, 0], z[idx, 1], c=colors[i], label='%d' % i) ax.legend() fig.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, "latent_space_%03d.png" % itr)) plot_test_latent()
def callback(itr): def samplefun(num_samps): import numpy as np z = np.array(np.random.randn(num_samps, zdim), dtype=np.float32) return decode(z).eval(session=sess) viz.plot_samples(itr, samplefun, savedir='avae_mnist_samples') def sample_normal(mu, log_sigmasq, M=5): dim = mu.get_shape()[1].value eps = tf.random_normal((M, dim), dtype=tf.float32) return mu + tf.exp(0.5 * log_sigmasq) * eps def recons(num_samps): # choose one datapoint, encode it subset = X[np.random.choice(X.shape[0], 1)] # compute encoder - first aux, then encoder conditioned on aux amu, alog_sigmasq = aux_encode(subset) asamps = sample_normal(amu, alog_sigmasq, M=24) Xa = tf.concat(1, [tf.tile(subset, [24, 1]), asamps]) zmu, zlog_sigmasq = encode(Xa) imgs = decode(sample_normal(zmu, zlog_sigmasq, M=24)).eval(session=sess) return np.row_stack([subset, imgs]) viz.plot_samples(itr, recons, savedir='avae_mnist_samples', stub='recon') test_lb = test_lb_fun.eval(session=sess) * Ntest print "test data VLB: ", np.mean(test_lb) # plot z space for each test data item, colored by digit type def plot_test_latent(): amu, alog_sigmasq = aux_encode(Xtest) asamps = sample_normal(amu, alog_sigmasq, M=1) zmu, zlog_sigmasq = encode(tf.concat(1, [Xtest, asamps])) z = sample_normal(zmu, zlog_sigmasq, M=1).eval(session=sess) print z.shape import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.gca() import seaborn as sns colors = sns.color_palette('muted', n_colors=10) for i in xrange(10): idx = np.argmax(Yt, 1) == i ax.scatter(z[idx, 0], z[idx, 1], c=colors[i], label='%d' % i) ax.legend() fig.savefig("avae_mnist_samples/latent_space_%03d.png" % itr) plot_test_latent()
def callback(itr): def samplefun(num_samps): import numpy as np z = np.array(np.random.randn(num_samps, zdim), dtype=np.float32) return decode(z).eval(session=sess) viz.plot_samples(itr, samplefun, savedir='vae_mnist_samples') def sample_z(mu, log_sigmasq, M=5): eps = tf.random_normal((M, zdim), dtype=tf.float32) return mu + tf.exp(0.5 * log_sigmasq) * eps def recons(num_samps): # random subset subset = X[np.random.choice(X.shape[0], 1)] mu, log_sigmasq = encode(subset) imgs = decode(sample_z(mu, log_sigmasq, M=24)).eval(session=sess) return np.row_stack([subset, imgs]) viz.plot_samples(itr, recons, savedir='vae_mnist_samples', stub='recon') test_lb = test_lb_fun.eval(session=sess) * Ntest print "test data VLB: ", np.mean(test_lb)
def callback(itr): # plot samples from the model generative process viz.plot_samples(itr, sample_fun, savedir=output_dir) # plot reconstructed samples viz.plot_samples(itr, recon_fun, savedir=output_dir, stub='recon') # evaluate test test_lb = test_vlb_fun() print "test data VLB: ", np.mean(test_lb) # plot z space for each test data item, colored by digit type def plot_test_latent(): Z, Y = latent_space_fun() fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.gca() for i in xrange(10): idx = np.argmax(Y, 1) == i ax.scatter(Z[idx,0], Z[idx,1], c=colors[i], label='%d'%i) ax.legend() fig.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, "latent_space_%03d.png" % itr)) plot_test_latent()
def make_gmm_sample_fun(): z_gmm = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, zdim)) sfun_gmm = decode(z_gmm) def gmm_sample_fun(num_samps): return sfun_gmm.eval(feed_dict={z_gmm: gmm.sample(num_samps)}, session=sess) return gmm_sample_fun gmm_sample_fun = make_gmm_sample_fun() viz.plot_samples(0, gmm_sample_fun, savedir=OUTPUT_DIR, stub='gmm_', sidelen=10) viz.plot_samples(0, sample_fun, savedir=OUTPUT_DIR, stub='big_', sidelen=10) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt xg = yg = np.linspace(-3, 3, 100) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(xg, yg) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) z = gmm.score(np.column_stack([xx.flatten(), yy.flatten()])) plt.contourf(xx, yy, np.exp(z.reshape(xx.shape))) import os
zt = ztrain.eval(session=sess, feed_dict={Xtrain:X}) # fit a mixture model to zt, and sample from GMM prior from sklearn.mixture import GMM gmm = GMM(n_components=20, covariance_type='full') def make_gmm_sample_fun(): z_gmm = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, zdim)) sfun_gmm = decode(z_gmm) def gmm_sample_fun(num_samps): return sfun_gmm.eval(feed_dict={z_gmm: gmm.sample(num_samps)}, session=sess) return gmm_sample_fun gmm_sample_fun = make_gmm_sample_fun() viz.plot_samples(0, gmm_sample_fun, savedir=OUTPUT_DIR, stub='gmm_', sidelen=10) viz.plot_samples(0, sample_fun, savedir=OUTPUT_DIR, stub='big_', sidelen=10) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt xg = yg = np.linspace(-3, 3, 100) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(xg, yg) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8)) z = gmm.score(np.column_stack([xx.flatten(), yy.flatten()])) plt.contourf(xx, yy, np.exp(z.reshape(xx.shape))) import os plt.savefig(os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'prob_z_gmm.png')) plt.close("all") else: