Example #1
def tornado_client(webserver, df_server, df_server_huge, event_loop):
    df = df_server
    df.drop('obj', inplace=True)
    df.drop('datetime', inplace=True)
    df.drop('timedelta', inplace=True)
    webserver.set_datasets([df, df_server_huge])
    client = vaex.connect("%s://localhost:%d" % (scheme, test_port))
    yield client
Example #2
def open(path,
    """Open a DataFrame from file given by path.


    >>> df = vaex.open('sometable.hdf5')
    >>> df = vaex.open('somedata*.csv', convert='bigdata.hdf5')

    :param str or list path: local or absolute path to file, or glob string, or list of paths
    :param convert: convert files to an hdf5 file for optimization, can also be a path
    :param bool shuffle: shuffle converted DataFrame or not
    :param args: extra arguments for file readers that need it
    :param kwargs: extra keyword arguments
    :param bool copy_index: copy index when source is read via pandas
    :return: return a DataFrame on success, otherwise None
    :rtype: DataFrame

    S3 support:

    Vaex supports streaming of hdf5 files from Amazon AWS object storage S3.
    Files are by default cached in $HOME/.vaex/file-cache/s3 such that successive access
    is as fast as native disk access. The following url parameters control S3 options:

     * anon: Use anonymous access or not (false by default). (Allowed values are: true,True,1,false,False,0)
     * use_cache: Use the disk cache or not, only set to false if the data should be accessed once. (Allowed values are: true,True,1,false,False,0)
     * profile_name and other arguments are passed to :py:class:`s3fs.core.S3FileSystem`

    All arguments can also be passed as kwargs, but then arguments such as `anon` can only be a boolean, not a string.


    >>> df = vaex.open('s3://vaex/taxi/yellow_taxi_2015_f32s.hdf5?anon=true')
    >>> df = vaex.open('s3://vaex/taxi/yellow_taxi_2015_f32s.hdf5', anon=True)  # Note that anon is a boolean, not the string 'true'
    >>> df = vaex.open('s3://mybucket/path/to/file.hdf5?profile_name=myprofile')

    GCS support:
    Vaex supports streaming of hdf5 files from Google Cloud Storage.
    Files are by default cached in $HOME/.vaex/file-cache/gs such that successive access
    is as fast as native disk access. The following url parameters control GCS options:
     * token: Authentication method for GCP. Use 'anon' for annonymous access. See https://gcsfs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html#credentials for more details.
     * use_cache: Use the disk cache or not, only set to false if the data should be accessed once. (Allowed values are: true,True,1,false,False,0).
     * project and other arguments are passed to :py:class:`gcsfs.core.GCSFileSystem`


    >>> df = vaex.open('gs://vaex-data/airlines/us_airline_data_1988_2019.hdf5?token=anon')
    >>> df = vaex.open('gs://vaex-data/testing/xys.hdf5?token=anon&cache=False')
    import vaex
        if path in aliases:
            path = aliases[path]
        if path.startswith("http://") or path.startswith("ws://") or \
           path.startswith("vaex+http://") or path.startswith("vaex+ws://"):  # TODO: think about https and wss
            server, name = path.rsplit("/", 1)
            url = urlparse(path)
            if '?' in name:
                name = name[:name.index('?')]
            extra_args = {
                key: values[0]
                for key, values in parse_qs(url.query).items()
            if 'token' in extra_args:
                kwargs['token'] = extra_args['token']
            if 'token_trusted' in extra_args:
                kwargs['token_trusted'] = extra_args['token_trusted']
            client = vaex.connect(server, **kwargs)
            return client[name]
        if path.startswith("cluster"):
            import vaex.enterprise.distributed
            return vaex.enterprise.distributed.open(path, *args, **kwargs)
            import vaex.file
            import glob
            if isinstance(path, str):
                paths = [path]
                paths = path
            filenames = []
            for path in paths:
                # TODO: can we do glob with s3?
                if path.startswith('s3://'):
                elif path.startswith('gs://'):
                    # sort to get predictable behaviour (useful for testing)
            ds = None
            if len(filenames) == 0:
                raise IOError(
                    'Could not open file: {}, it does not exist'.format(path))
            filename_hdf5 = _convert_name(filenames, shuffle=shuffle)
            filename_hdf5_noshuffle = _convert_name(filenames, shuffle=False)
            if len(filenames) == 1:
                path = filenames[0]
                naked_path = path
                if '?' in naked_path:
                    naked_path = naked_path[:naked_path.index('?')]
                ext = os.path.splitext(naked_path)[1]
                if os.path.exists(
                        filename_hdf5) and convert:  # also check mtime?
                    ds = vaex.file.open(filename_hdf5)
                    if ext == '.csv' or naked_path.endswith(
                    ):  # special support for csv.. should probably approach it a different way
                        csv_convert = filename_hdf5 if convert else False
                        ds = from_csv(path,
                        ds = vaex.file.open(path, *args, **kwargs)
                        if convert and ds:
                            ds.export_hdf5(filename_hdf5, shuffle=shuffle)
                            ds = vaex.file.open(
                            )  # argument were meant for pandas?
                if ds is None:
                    if os.path.exists(path):
                        raise IOError(
                            'Could not open file: {}, did you install vaex-hdf5? Is the format supported?'
            elif len(filenames) > 1:
                if convert not in [True, False]:
                    filename_hdf5 = convert
                    filename_hdf5 = _convert_name(filenames, shuffle=shuffle)
                if os.path.exists(
                        filename_hdf5) and convert:  # also check mtime
                    ds = open(filename_hdf5)
                    # with ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
                    # executor.submit(read_csv_and_convert, filenames, shuffle=shuffle, **kwargs)
                    dfs = []
                    for filename in filenames:
                    ds = concat(dfs)
                    if convert:
                        ds.export_hdf5(filename_hdf5, shuffle=shuffle)
                        ds = vaex.file.open(filename_hdf5)

        if ds is None:
            raise IOError('Unknown error opening: {}'.format(path))
        return ds
        logging.getLogger("vaex").error("error opening %r" % path)
Example #3
def open(path, convert=False, progress=None, shuffle=False, fs_options={}, fs=None, *args, **kwargs):
    """Open a DataFrame from file given by path.


    >>> df = vaex.open('sometable.hdf5')
    >>> df = vaex.open('somedata*.csv', convert='bigdata.hdf5')

    :param str or list path: local or absolute path to file, or glob string, or list of paths
    :param convert: Uses `dataframe.export` when convert is a path. If True, ``convert=path+'.hdf5'``
                    The conversion is skipped if the input file or conversion argument did not change.
    :param progress: (_Only applies when convert is not False_) {progress}
    :param bool shuffle: shuffle converted DataFrame or not
    :param dict fs_options: Extra arguments passed to an optional file system if needed:
        * Amazon AWS S3
            * `anonymous` - access file without authentication (public files)
            * `access_key` - AWS access key, if not provided will use the standard env vars, or the `~/.aws/credentials` file
            * `secret_key` - AWS secret key, similar to `access_key`
            * `profile` - If multiple profiles are present in `~/.aws/credentials`, pick this one instead of 'default', see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-configure-files.html
            * `region` - AWS Region, e.g. 'us-east-1`, will be determined automatically if not provided.
            * `endpoint_override` - URL/ip to connect to, instead of AWS, e.g. 'localhost:9000' for minio
        * Google Cloud Storage
            * :py:class:`gcsfs.core.GCSFileSystem`
        In addition you can pass the boolean "cache" option.
    :param group: (optional) Specify the group to be read from and HDF5 file. By default this is set to "/table".
    :param fs: Apache Arrow FileSystem object, or FSSpec FileSystem object, if specified, fs_options should be empty.
    :param args: extra arguments for file readers that need it
    :param kwargs: extra keyword arguments
    :return: return a DataFrame on success, otherwise None
    :rtype: DataFrame

    Cloud storage support:

    Vaex supports streaming of HDF5 files from Amazon AWS S3 and Google Cloud Storage.
    Files are by default cached in $HOME/.vaex/file-cache/(s3|gs) such that successive access
    is as fast as native disk access.

    The following common fs_options are used for S3 access:

     * anon: Use anonymous access or not (false by default). (Allowed values are: true,True,1,false,False,0)
     * cache: Use the disk cache or not, only set to false if the data should be accessed once. (Allowed values are: true,True,1,false,False,0)

    All fs_options can also be encoded in the file path as a query string.


    >>> df = vaex.open('s3://vaex/taxi/yellow_taxi_2015_f32s.hdf5', fs_options={{'anonymous': True}})
    >>> df = vaex.open('s3://vaex/taxi/yellow_taxi_2015_f32s.hdf5?anon=true')
    >>> df = vaex.open('s3://mybucket/path/to/file.hdf5', fs_options={{'access_key': my_key, 'secret_key': my_secret_key}})
    >>> df = vaex.open(f's3://mybucket/path/to/file.hdf5?access_key={{my_key}}&secret_key={{my_secret_key}}')
    >>> df = vaex.open('s3://mybucket/path/to/file.hdf5?profile=myproject')

    Google Cloud Storage support:

    The following fs_options are used for GCP access:

     * token: Authentication method for GCP. Use 'anon' for annonymous access. See https://gcsfs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html#credentials for more details.
     * cache: Use the disk cache or not, only set to false if the data should be accessed once. (Allowed values are: true,True,1,false,False,0).
     * project and other arguments are passed to :py:class:`gcsfs.core.GCSFileSystem`


    >>> df = vaex.open('gs://vaex-data/airlines/us_airline_data_1988_2019.hdf5', fs_options={{'token': None}})
    >>> df = vaex.open('gs://vaex-data/airlines/us_airline_data_1988_2019.hdf5?token=anon')
    >>> df = vaex.open('gs://vaex-data/testing/xys.hdf5?token=anon&cache=False')
    import vaex
    import vaex.convert
        if not isinstance(path, (list, tuple)):
            # remote and clusters only support single path, not a list
            path = vaex.file.stringyfy(path)
            if path in aliases:
                path = aliases[path]
            path = vaex.file.stringyfy(path)
            if path.startswith("http://") or path.startswith("ws://") or \
                path.startswith("vaex+wss://") or path.startswith("wss://") or \
               path.startswith("vaex+http://") or path.startswith("vaex+ws://"):
                server, name = path.rsplit("/", 1)
                url = urlparse(path)
                if '?' in name:
                    name = name[:name.index('?')]
                extra_args = {key: values[0] for key, values in parse_qs(url.query).items()}
                if 'token' in extra_args:
                    kwargs['token'] = extra_args['token']
                if 'token_trusted' in extra_args:
                    kwargs['token_trusted'] = extra_args['token_trusted']
                client = vaex.connect(server, **kwargs)
                return client[name]
            if path.startswith("cluster"):
                import vaex.enterprise.distributed
                return vaex.enterprise.distributed.open(path, *args, **kwargs)

        import vaex.file
        import glob
        if isinstance(path, str):
            paths = [path]
            paths = path
        filenames = []
        for path in paths:
            path = vaex.file.stringyfy(path)
            if path in aliases:
                path = aliases[path]
            path = vaex.file.stringyfy(path)
            naked_path, options = vaex.file.split_options(path)
            if glob.has_magic(naked_path):
                filenames.extend(list(sorted(vaex.file.glob(path, fs_options=fs_options, fs=fs))))
        df = None
        if len(filenames) == 0:
            raise IOError(f'File pattern did not match anything {path}')
        filename_hdf5 = vaex.convert._convert_name(filenames, shuffle=shuffle)
        filename_hdf5_noshuffle = vaex.convert._convert_name(filenames, shuffle=False)
        if len(filenames) == 1:
            path = filenames[0]
            # # naked_path, _ = vaex.file.split_options(path, fs_options)
            _, ext, _ = vaex.file.split_ext(path)
            if ext == '.csv':  # special case for csv
                return vaex.from_csv(path, fs_options=fs_options, fs=fs, convert=convert, progress=progress, **kwargs)
            if convert:
                path_output = convert if isinstance(convert, str) else filename_hdf5
                    path_input=path, fs_options_input=fs_options, fs_input=fs,
                    path_output=path_output, fs_options_output=fs_options, fs_output=fs,
                    *args, **kwargs
                ds = vaex.dataset.open(path_output, fs_options=fs_options, fs=fs, **kwargs)
                ds = vaex.dataset.open(path, fs_options=fs_options, fs=fs, **kwargs)
            df = vaex.from_dataset(ds)
            if df is None:
                if os.path.exists(path):
                    raise IOError('Could not open file: {}, did you install vaex-hdf5? Is the format supported?'.format(path))
        elif len(filenames) > 1:
            if convert not in [True, False]:
                filename_hdf5 = convert
                filename_hdf5 = vaex.convert._convert_name(filenames, shuffle=shuffle)
            if os.path.exists(filename_hdf5) and convert:  # also check mtime
                df = vaex.open(filename_hdf5)
                dfs = []
                for filename in filenames:
                    dfs.append(vaex.open(filename, fs_options=fs_options, fs=fs, convert=bool(convert), shuffle=shuffle, **kwargs))
                df = vaex.concat(dfs)
                if convert:
                    if shuffle:
                        df = df.shuffle()
                    df.export_hdf5(filename_hdf5, progress=progress)
                    df = vaex.open(filename_hdf5)

        if df is None:
            raise IOError('Unknown error opening: {}'.format(path))
        return df
        logger.exception("error opening %r" % path)
Example #4
def open(path, convert=False, shuffle=False, fs_options={}, *args, **kwargs):
    """Open a DataFrame from file given by path.


    >>> df = vaex.open('sometable.hdf5')
    >>> df = vaex.open('somedata*.csv', convert='bigdata.hdf5')

    :param str or list path: local or absolute path to file, or glob string, or list of paths
    :param convert: convert files to an hdf5 file for optimization, can also be a path
    :param bool shuffle: shuffle converted DataFrame or not
    :param args: extra arguments for file readers that need it
    :param kwargs: extra keyword arguments
    :return: return a DataFrame on success, otherwise None
    :rtype: DataFrame

    S3 support:

    Vaex supports streaming of hdf5 files from Amazon AWS object storage S3.
    Files are by default cached in $HOME/.vaex/file-cache/s3 such that successive access
    is as fast as native disk access. The following url parameters control S3 options:

     * anon: Use anonymous access or not (false by default). (Allowed values are: true,True,1,false,False,0)
     * use_cache: Use the disk cache or not, only set to false if the data should be accessed once. (Allowed values are: true,True,1,false,False,0)
     * profile and other arguments are passed to :py:class:`s3fs.core.S3FileSystem`

    All arguments can also be passed as kwargs, but then arguments such as `anon` can only be a boolean, not a string.


    >>> df = vaex.open('s3://vaex/taxi/yellow_taxi_2015_f32s.hdf5?anon=true')
    >>> df = vaex.open('s3://vaex/taxi/yellow_taxi_2015_f32s.hdf5', anon=True)  # Note that anon is a boolean, not the string 'true'
    >>> df = vaex.open('s3://mybucket/path/to/file.hdf5?profile=myprofile')

    GCS support:
    Vaex supports streaming of hdf5 files from Google Cloud Storage.
    Files are by default cached in $HOME/.vaex/file-cache/gs such that successive access
    is as fast as native disk access. The following url parameters control GCS options:
     * token: Authentication method for GCP. Use 'anon' for annonymous access. See https://gcsfs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html#credentials for more details.
     * use_cache: Use the disk cache or not, only set to false if the data should be accessed once. (Allowed values are: true,True,1,false,False,0).
     * project and other arguments are passed to :py:class:`gcsfs.core.GCSFileSystem`


    >>> df = vaex.open('gs://vaex-data/airlines/us_airline_data_1988_2019.hdf5?token=anon')
    >>> df = vaex.open('gs://vaex-data/testing/xys.hdf5?token=anon&cache=False')
    import vaex
    import vaex.convert
        path = vaex.file.stringyfy(path)
        if path in aliases:
            path = aliases[path]
        path = vaex.file.stringyfy(path)
        if path.startswith("http://") or path.startswith("ws://") or \
           path.startswith("vaex+http://") or path.startswith("vaex+ws://"):  # TODO: think about https and wss
            server, name = path.rsplit("/", 1)
            url = urlparse(path)
            if '?' in name:
                name = name[:name.index('?')]
            extra_args = {
                key: values[0]
                for key, values in parse_qs(url.query).items()
            if 'token' in extra_args:
                kwargs['token'] = extra_args['token']
            if 'token_trusted' in extra_args:
                kwargs['token_trusted'] = extra_args['token_trusted']
            client = vaex.connect(server, **kwargs)
            return client[name]
        if path.startswith("cluster"):
            import vaex.enterprise.distributed
            return vaex.enterprise.distributed.open(path, *args, **kwargs)
            import vaex.file
            import glob
            if isinstance(path, str):
                paths = [path]
                paths = path
            filenames = []
            for path in paths:
                naked_path, options = vaex.file.split_options(path)
                if glob.has_magic(naked_path):
                        list(sorted(vaex.file.glob(path, **kwargs))))
            df = None
            if len(filenames) == 0:
                raise IOError(f'File pattern did not match anything {path}')
            filename_hdf5 = vaex.convert._convert_name(filenames,
            filename_hdf5_noshuffle = vaex.convert._convert_name(filenames,
            if len(filenames) == 1:
                path = filenames[0]
                # # naked_path, _ = vaex.file.split_options(path, fs_options)
                _, ext, _ = vaex.file.split_ext(path)
                if ext == '.csv':  # special case for csv
                    return vaex.from_csv(path,
                if convert:
                    path_output = convert if isinstance(convert,
                                                        str) else filename_hdf5
                    ds = vaex.dataset.open(path_output, fs_options=fs_options)
                    ds = vaex.dataset.open(path, fs_options=fs_options)
                df = vaex.from_dataset(ds)
                if df is None:
                    if os.path.exists(path):
                        raise IOError(
                            'Could not open file: {}, did you install vaex-hdf5? Is the format supported?'
            elif len(filenames) > 1:
                if convert not in [True, False]:
                    filename_hdf5 = convert
                    filename_hdf5 = vaex.convert._convert_name(filenames,
                if os.path.exists(
                        filename_hdf5) and convert:  # also check mtime
                    df = vaex.open(filename_hdf5)
                    dfs = []
                    for filename in filenames:
                    df = vaex.concat(dfs)
                    if convert:
                        if shuffle:
                            df = df.shuffle()
                        df = vaex.open(filename_hdf5)

        if df is None:
            raise IOError('Unknown error opening: {}'.format(path))
        return df
        logging.getLogger("vaex").error("error opening %r" % path)
Example #5
def tornado_client(webserver, event_loop):
    client = vaex.connect("%s://localhost:%d" % (scheme, webserver.port))
    yield client
Example #6
def server(vaex_server):
    server = vaex.connect("%s://localhost:%d" % (scheme, test_port))
    yield server