resultd.close() summary = Summary(verbose=args.verbose) bugzilla_user = yamlconfig["bugzilla"]["user"] bugzilla_password = yamlconfig["bugzilla"]["password"] bzid = bugzilla.RHBugzilla(url=args.bugzilla_url, user=bugzilla_user, password=bugzilla_password) if not bzid: print "Failed to connect to bugzilla!" sys.exit(1) for ami in result: ami_fd = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() ami_fd.write(yaml.safe_dump(ami)) overall_result, bug_summary, bug_description = valid_result.get_overall_result(ami) if args.test: summary.add(ami['ami'], status='fail') print bug_description else: BZ_Object = bzid.createbug(product=args.bugzilla_product, component=args.bugzilla_component, version="RHEL" + ami["version"], rep_platform=ami["arch"], summary=bug_summary, op_sys="Linux") if not BZ_Object: print "Failed to create bug in bugzilla!" sys.exit(1) bugid = str(BZ_Object.bug_id) attach_name = ami["ami"] + ".yaml" res = bzid.attachfile(bugid, ami_fd, attach_name, filename=attach_name, contenttype="text/yaml", ispatch=False) bug = bzid.getbug(bugid) if bug:
def main(): """ Main """ argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Report validation result to bugzilla') argparser.add_argument('--bugzilla-component', default="images", help='use specified bugzilla component') argparser.add_argument('--bugzilla-product', default="Cloud Image Validation", help='use specified bugzilla product') argparser.add_argument('--bugzilla-url', default="", help='use specified bugzilla xmlrpc url') argparser.add_argument('--config', default="/etc/validation.yaml", help='use supplied yaml config file') argparser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_const', const=True, default=False, help='debug mode') argparser.add_argument('--result', help='yaml file with validation result', required=True) argparser.add_argument('--test', action='store_const', const=True, default=False, help='report to stdout instead of bugzilla') argparser.add_argument('-y', '--yaml-summary', help='provide info in yaml', action='store_const', default=False, const=True) argparser.add_argument('-a', '--all-commands', help='show all commands in bugzillas not just failed', action='store_true') args = argparser.parse_args() resultd = open(args.result, 'r') try: from yaml import CLoader as Loader except ImportError: from yaml import Loader result = yaml.load(resultd, Loader=Loader) resultd.close() summary = Summary(yaml_summary=args.yaml_summary) if not args.test: confd = open(args.config, 'r') yamlconfig = yaml.load(confd) confd.close() bugzilla_user = yamlconfig["bugzilla"]["user"] bugzilla_password = yamlconfig["bugzilla"]["password"] bzid = bugzilla.RHBugzilla(url=args.bugzilla_url, user=bugzilla_user, password=bugzilla_password) if not bzid: print "Failed to connect to bugzilla!" sys.exit(1) for ami in result: ami_fd = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() ami_fd.write(yaml.safe_dump(ami)) overall_result, bug_summary, info, bug_description = valid_result.get_overall_result(ami, verbose=args.all_commands) bugnr = None if not args.test: bzobject = bzid.createbug(product=args.bugzilla_product, component=args.bugzilla_component, version="RHEL" + ami["version"], rep_platform=ami["arch"], summary=bug_summary, op_sys="Linux", keywords=["TestOnly"]) if not bzobject: print "Failed to create bug in bugzilla!" sys.exit(1) bugid = str(bzobject.bug_id) attach_name = ami["ami"] + ".yaml" bzid.attachfile(bugid, ami_fd, attach_name, filename=attach_name, contenttype="text/yaml", ispatch=False) # FIXME: check previous call result bug = None for ntry in xrange(10): try: bug = bzid.getbug(bugid) break except: # bug not found, retry time.sleep(10) if bug: bugnr = for comment in bug_description: bug.addcomment(comment) bug.setstatus("VERIFIED" if overall_result == "succeeded" else "ON_QA") else: print info print '\n'.join(bug_description) summary.add(ami['ami'], bug=bugnr, status='pass' if overall_result == "succeeded" else 'fail') ami_fd.close() print summary
def report_results(self): """ Looking if we can report some transactions """ with resultdic_lock: """ Dictionary is now locked """ for transaction_id in resultdic.keys(): """ Checking all transactions """ report_ready = True for ami in resultdic[transaction_id].keys(): """ Checking all amis: they should be finished """ if resultdic[transaction_id][ami]['ninstances'] != len(resultdic[transaction_id][ami]['instances']): """ Still have some jobs running ...""" logging.debug('WatchmanThread: ' + transaction_id + ': ' + ami + ': waiting for ' + str(resultdic[transaction_id][ami]['ninstances']) + ' results, got ' + str(len(resultdic[transaction_id][ami]['instances']))) report_ready = False if report_ready: resfile = resdir + '/' + transaction_id + '.yaml' result = [] data = resultdic[transaction_id] emails = None subject = None for ami in data.keys(): result_item = {'ami': data[ami]['instances'][0]['ami'], 'product': data[ami]['instances'][0]['product'], 'version': data[ami]['instances'][0]['version'], 'arch': data[ami]['instances'][0]['arch'], 'region': data[ami]['instances'][0]['region'], 'console_output': {}, 'result': {}} for instance in data[ami]['instances']: if not instance['instance_type'] in result_item['result'].keys(): result_item['result'][instance['instance_type']] = instance['result'].copy() else: result_item['result'][instance['instance_type']].update(instance['result']) # we're interested in latest console output only, overwriting result_item['console_output'][instance['instance_type']] = instance['console_output'] result.append(result_item) if 'emails' in data[ami].keys(): emails = data[ami]['emails'] if 'subject' in data[ami].keys(): subject = data[ami]['subject'] result_yaml = yaml.safe_dump(result) with resultdic_yaml_lock: resultdic_yaml[transaction_id] = result_yaml try: result_fd = open(resfile, 'w') result_fd.write(result_yaml) result_fd.close() if emails: for ami in result: overall_result, bug_summary, bug_description = valid_result.get_overall_result(ami) msg = MIMEMultipart() msg.preamble = 'Validation result' if subject: msg['Subject'] = "[" + overall_result + "] " + subject else: msg['Subject'] = "[" + overall_result + "] " + bug_summary msg['From'] = mailfrom msg['To'] = emails txt = MIMEText(bug_description + '\n') msg.attach(txt) txt = MIMEText(yaml.safe_dump(ami), 'yaml') msg.attach(txt) s = smtplib.SMTP('localhost') s.sendmail(mailfrom, emails.split(','), msg.as_string()) s.quit() except Exception, e: logging.error('WatchmanThread: saving result failed, %s' % e)'Transaction ' + transaction_id + ' finished. Result: ' + resfile) resultdic.pop(transaction_id)
def report_results(self): """ Looking if we can report some transactions """ with self.shareddata.resultdic_lock: for transaction_id in self.shareddata.resultdic.keys(): # Checking all transactions transaction_dict = self.shareddata.resultdic[transaction_id].copy() # if the transaction progress ratio is equal to 1.0 the transaction is finished if self.transaction_progress(transaction_id, transaction_dict) == 1.0: resfile = self.shareddata.resdir + "/" + transaction_id + ".yaml" result = [] data = transaction_dict emails = None subject = None for ami in data.keys(): result_item = { "ami": data[ami]["instances"][0]["ami"], "product": data[ami]["instances"][0]["product"], "version": data[ami]["instances"][0]["version"], "arch": data[ami]["instances"][0]["arch"], "region": data[ami]["instances"][0]["region"], "console_output": {}, "result": {}, } for instance in data[ami]["instances"]: if not instance["instance_type"] in result_item["result"].keys(): result_item["result"][instance["instance_type"]] = instance["result"].copy() else: result_item["result"][instance["instance_type"]].update(instance["result"]) # we're interested in latest console output only, overwriting result_item["console_output"][instance["instance_type"]] = instance["console_output"] result.append(result_item) # setting shareddata.last_testing_exitstatus, valid_runner script will return this exit status overall_result, _, _, _ = valid_result.get_overall_result(result_item) if overall_result == "succeeded": self.shareddata.last_testing_exitstatus.set(0) else: self.shareddata.last_testing_exitstatus.set(1) if "emails" in data[ami].keys(): emails = data[ami]["emails"] if "subject" in data[ami].keys(): subject = data[ami]["subject"] result_yaml = yaml.safe_dump(result) self.shareddata.resultdic_yaml[transaction_id] = result_yaml try: result_fd = open(resfile, "w") result_fd.write(result_yaml) result_fd.close() if emails: for ami in result: overall_result, bug_summary, bug_description = valid_result.get_overall_result(ami) msg = MIMEMultipart() msg.preamble = "Validation result" if subject: msg["Subject"] = "[" + overall_result + "] " + subject else: msg["Subject"] = "[" + overall_result + "] " + bug_summary msg["From"] = self.shareddata.mailfrom msg["To"] = emails txt = MIMEText(bug_description + "\n") msg.attach(txt) txt = MIMEText(yaml.safe_dump(ami), "yaml") msg.attach(txt) smtp = smtplib.SMTP("localhost") smtp.sendmail(self.shareddata.mailfrom, emails.split(","), msg.as_string()) smtp.quit() # pylint: disable=broad-except except Exception, err: self.logger.error("WatchmanProcess: saving result failed, %s", err) # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member self.logger.progress("Transaction " + transaction_id + " finished. Result: " + resfile) self.shareddata.resultdic.pop(transaction_id)