def test_no_error_is_raised_if_the_thumb_is_heavier_than_100_ko(self): # given with open(MODULE_PATH / '..' / 'files/mouette_full_size.jpg', 'rb') as f: thumb = try: # when check_thumb_quality(thumb) except: # then assert False, 'Images heavier than 100 ko should be accepted'
def test_an_error_is_raised_if_the_thumb_is_too_light(self): # given with open(MODULE_PATH / '..' / 'files/mouette_thumbnail.jpg', 'rb') as f: thumb = # when with pytest.raises(ApiErrors) as e: check_thumb_quality(thumb) # then assert e.value.errors['thumb'] == ["L'image doit faire 100 ko minimum"]
def create_mediation(): check_thumb_in_request(files=request.files, form=request.form) offerer_id = dehumanize(request.form['offererId']) offer_id = dehumanize(request.form['offerId']) credit = request.form.get('credit') ensure_current_user_has_rights(RightsType.editor, offerer_id) mediation = create_new_mediation(offer_id, offerer_id, current_user, credit) thumb = read_thumb(files=request.files, form=request.form) check_thumb_quality(thumb) save_thumb(mediation, thumb, 0, crop=_get_crop(request.form)) return jsonify(as_dict(mediation)), 201
def test_an_error_is_raised_if_the_thumb_height_is_less_than_400_px(self): # given with open(MODULE_PATH / '..' / 'files/mouette_landscape.jpg', 'rb') as f: thumb = # when with pytest.raises(ApiErrors) as e: check_thumb_quality(thumb) # then assert e.value.errors['thumb'] == [ "L'image doit faire 400 * 400 px minimum" ]