Example #1
def channel_join(token, channel_id):
    Given a channel_id of a channel that the authorised user can join,
    adds them to that channel

        token(string): an authorisation hash
        channel_id(int): identifier for channel

    # Check valid token
    user_id = validation.check_valid_token(token)

    # Checks channel exists

    #Checks the person wasn"t already in the channel
    validation.check_is_not_existing_channel_member(user_id, channel_id)

    #Checks the channel is public and adds the user to the members
    data.channel_add_member(channel_id, user_id)
    return {}
Example #2
def standup_active(token, channel_id):
    Checks if there is a standup active on the channel

        token(string): An authorisation hash
        channel_id(int): The channel_id of the channel that the standup is being checked

        is_active(boolean): If there is a standup active on the given channel
        time_finish(int(unix timestamp)): When the standup will be posted
    # Check that the token is valid
    user_input_id = validation.check_valid_token(token)

    # Check that the channel_id is valid

    # Check that user is in channel
    validation.check_user_in_channel(user_input_id, channel_id)

    # checks if the standup is running for the channel
    running = data.check_standup_running(channel_id)

    # Creates time_finish and if the standup is running puts the finish_time in it
    time_finish = None
    if running:
        time_finish = data.get_standup_timer_finish(channel_id)

    return {"is_active": running, "time_finish": time_finish}
Example #3
def standup_send(token, channel_id, message):
    Adds a new message to the standup in a channel

        token(string): An authorisation hash
        channel_id(int): The channel_id of the channel standup the message is being added too
        message(string): The message of the message being added


    # Check that the token is valid
    user_input_id = validation.check_valid_token(token)

    # Check that the channel_id is valid

    # Check that user is in channel
    validation.check_user_in_channel(user_input_id, channel_id)

    #Checks a standup is already running on this channel, raises error if it isn't

    # Check that the message is valid

    # Will insert the message to the running standup
    data.add_message_standup(user_input_id, message, channel_id)
    return {}
Example #4
def channel_invite(token, channel_id, u_id):
    Invites a user (with user id u_id) to join a channel with ID channel_id.
    Once invited the user is added to the  channel immediately

        token(string): an authorisation hash
        channel_id(int): identifier for channel
        u_id(int): Identifier for user

    # Check if token is valid
    inviter_uid = validation.check_valid_token(token)

    # Check if given valid channel_id

    # Check if is authorised(member of channel)
    validation.check_user_in_channel(inviter_uid, channel_id)

    # Check if given valid u_id

    # Check if invitee is already part of channel. If so,raise input error
    validation.check_is_not_existing_channel_member(u_id, channel_id)

    # Everything valid, Proceed with adding to channel
    data.channel_add_member(channel_id, u_id)
    return {}
Example #5
def channel_messages(token, channel_id, start):
    Checks that given information (token, channel_id, u_id) is valid then 
    given a Channel with ID channel_id that the authorised user is part of,
    return up to 50 messages between index "start" and "start + 50". Message
    with index 0 is the most recent message in the channel. This function
    returns a new index "end" which is the value of "start + 50", or, if this
    function has returned the least recent messages in the channel, returns -1
    in "end" to indicate there are no more messages to load after this return.

        token(string): an authorisation hash
        channel_id(int): identifier for channel
        start(int): index of starting message

        (dict): {messages, start, end}
    # Check if valid token
    u_id = validation.check_valid_token(token)

    # Check if given valid channel_id

    # Check if user is authorised(member of channel)
    validation.check_user_in_channel(u_id, channel_id)

    # Proceed to getting messages
    messages_list = {"messages": [], "start": start, "end": start + 50}

    channel = data.get_channel_info(channel_id)
    # Checking if start value is greater than number of total messages
    # and if so, raise Input Error
    if len(channel["messages"]) < start:
        raise InputError(description="Start value is too high")
    for message in reversed(
            list(channel["messages"].keys())[start:start + 50]):

        for react in channel["messages"][message]["reacts"]:
            if u_id in react['u_ids']:
                react['is_this_user_reacted'] = True
                react['is_this_user_reacted'] = False

    # Returns -1 when "end" is less than start + 50 and no more messages
    # to load
    if len(channel["messages"]) < start + 50:
        messages_list["end"] = -1
    return messages_list
Example #6
def test_check_valid_channel_id():
    check_valid_channel_id returns None if channel exists
    check_valid_channel_id raises an InputError if channel doesn't exist
    with pytest.raises(InputError):
        assert validation.check_valid_channel_id(1)
        assert validation.check_valid_channel_id(2)
        assert validation.check_valid_channel_id("three")
    user = auth.auth_register("*****@*****.**", "Imeanttest",
                              "thisfile", "righthere")
    _chan1 = channels.channels_create(user["token"], "ONE", True)
    _chan2 = channels.channels_create(user["token"], "TWO", True)
    assert validation.check_valid_channel_id(1) == None
    assert validation.check_valid_channel_id(2) == None
Example #7
def channel_details(token, channel_id):
    Checks that given information (token, channel_id, u_id) is valid then 
    given a Channel with ID channel_id that the authorised user is part of,
    provide basic details about the channel

        token(string): an authorisation hash
        channel_id(int): identifier for channel

        (dict): { name, owner_members, all_members }
    # Check if token is valid
    u_id = validation.check_valid_token(token)

    # Check if given valid channel_id

    # Check if user is authorised(member of channel)
    validation.check_user_in_channel(u_id, channel_id)

    # Everything valid, Proceed with getting details
    channel_info = {"name": "", "owner_members": [], "all_members": []}
    # Find channel and copy infomation into channel_details
    channel = data.get_channel_info(channel_id)
    channel_info["name"] = channel["name"]
    for u_id in channel["members"]:
        user = data.get_user_info(u_id)
        member = {}
        member["u_id"] = user["u_id"]
        member["name_first"] = user["name_first"]
        member["name_last"] = user["name_last"]
        member["name_last"] = user["name_last"]
        member["profile_img_url"] = user["profile_img_url"]

    for u_id in channel["owners"]:
        user = data.get_user_info(u_id)
        owner = {}
        owner["u_id"] = user["u_id"]
        owner["name_first"] = user["name_first"]
        owner["name_last"] = user["name_last"]
        owner["profile_img_url"] = user["profile_img_url"]
    return channel_info
Example #8
def standup_start(token, channel_id, length):
    Starts the standup for the given channel

        token(string): An authorisation hash
        channel_id(int): The channel_id of the channel the standup is being started for
        length(int): The delay before the standup should be posted

        time_finish(int(unix timestamp)): When the standup will be posted

    # Check that the token is valid
    user_input_id = validation.check_valid_token(token)

    # Check that the channel_id is valid

    # Check that user is in channel
    validation.check_user_in_channel(user_input_id, channel_id)

    # Check that the length is greater then 0

    #Checks a standup isn't already running on this channel, raises error if it is

    # Will begin the timer which will wait the length amount of time before calling the
    # function
    timer_class = threading.Timer(length, send_standup,
                                  [user_input_id, channel_id])

    # Calculates when the standup will finish
    time_finish = get_time_finish(length)

    # Inserts the standup into the channel
    data.create_standup(channel_id, user_input_id, timer_class, time_finish)
    return {"time_finish": time_finish}
Example #9
def message_sendlater(token, channel_id, message, time_sent):
    Adds a new message to the messages in a channel at a set date

        token(string): An authorisation hash
        channel_id(int): The channel_id of the channel the message is being added too
        message(string): The message of the message being added
        time_sent(int): The Unix timestamp of the date the message is to be sent

        message_id(int): An identifier for the new message

    # Check that the token is valid
    user_input_id = validation.check_valid_token(token)

    # Check that the message is valid.

    # Check that the channel_id is valid

    # Check that user is in channel
    validation.check_user_in_channel(user_input_id, channel_id)

    current_timestamp = round(datetime.datetime.now().timestamp())
    delta = time_sent - current_timestamp
    if round(delta) <= 0:
        raise InputError(description="Can't send to the past")

    t = threading.Timer(delta, message_send(token, channel_id, message))

    data.add_sendlater(t, time_sent)
    new_message_id = data.get_message_num()
    return {
        "message_id": new_message_id,
Example #10
def channel_leave(token, channel_id):
    Checks if user is in channel, then removes the user from the channel

        token(string): An authorisation hash
        channel_id(int): Identifier for channels

        Empty dictionary
    # Check valid token
    u_id = validation.check_valid_token(token)

    # Check if given valid channel_id

    # Check if token is valid and user is authorised(member of channel)
    validation.check_user_in_channel(u_id, channel_id)

    # Everything valid, Proceed with leaving channel
    data.channel_remove_member(channel_id, u_id)
    return {}
Example #11
def message_send(token, channel_id, message):
    Adds a new message to the messages in a channel

        token(string): An authorisation hash
        channel_id(int): The channel_id of the channel the message is being added too
        message(string): The message of the message being added

        message_id(int): An identifier for the new message
    # Check that the token is valid
    user_input_id = validation.check_valid_token(token)

    # Check that the message is valid.

    # Check that the channel_id is valid

    # Check that user is in channel
    validation.check_user_in_channel(user_input_id, channel_id)

    new_message_id = data.make_message_id()
    new_message = {}
    new_message["message"] = message
    new_message["u_id"] = user_input_id
    new_message["time_created"] = datetime.datetime.now().replace().timestamp()
    new_message["message_id"] = new_message_id
    new_message["is_pinned"] = False
    new_message["reacts"] = [{
        "react_id": 1,
        "u_ids": []
    }, {
        "react_id": 2,
        "u_ids": []
    }, {
        "react_id": 3,
        "u_ids": []
    }, {
        "react_id": 4,
        "u_ids": []

    # Check if message is calling weather API
    if validation.check_weather_call(message):
        new_message['message'] = weather.get_weather(message)

    # Check if message will start a hangman session
    if validation.check_start_hangman(channel_id, message):
        return hangman.start(user_input_id, channel_id, new_message,

    # Check if hangman is active and message is a guess
    if validation.check_if_hangman(channel_id, message):
        hangman.guess(user_input_id, channel_id, message)

    # Check if hangman should stop (/hangman stop)
    if validation.check_if_stop_message(message):
        return hangman.stop(user_input_id, channel_id)

    if message.startswith("/KAHIO/END"):
        new_message["message"] = kahio.kahio_end(user_input_id, channel_id)
    elif message.startswith("/KAHIO"):
        new_message["message"] = kahio.start_kahio(user_input_id, channel_id,
    elif data.check_kahio_running(channel_id):
        return kahio.kahio_guess(user_input_id, channel_id, new_message)

    data.add_message(new_message, channel_id)

    return {
        "message_id": new_message_id,