Example #1
def contact():
    form = ContactForm(request.form)
    if request.method == "POST":
        # There are three differente responses: thanks, invalid, and error
        response = "thanks"

        # Use variable_encode to get form entries to a normal dict.
        dataDict = variable_encode(request.form)
        responseHeaders = request.headers
        # We use this checkbox state as an inverse state of spam
        # If this is checked, we assume a bot ignored the markup and 
        # clicked it.
        # We then ignore the message, but present a false sense of 
        # success.
        antispam = True if dataDict.has_key("antispam") else False

        # If "AJAX" variable was passed via POST, this was an ajax request.
        isAjax = "AJAX" in dataDict.keys()

        # Get all invalid field entries.
        invalid = validation.invalid_fields(dataDict)

        # If we have any invalid entries at on, we respond with an invalid 
        # indicator. Otherwise, attempt to send the email.
        if invalid:
            response = "invalid"
        elif antispam:
            response == 'thanks'
            response = send_email(dataDict, responseHeaders)

        # Just return the response if this is AJAX: Do something with the response
        # with JavaScript instead of rendering the template.
        if isAjax:
            return response
            # Get information based on the response.
            info = render_template("%s.html"%response, invalid=invalid,
                                   page_title="Contact Us")

        # If the response was thanks, clear the form.
        if response == 'thanks' :
            form = ContactForm()

        return render_template("contact_t.html", form=form, info=info, page_title="Contact Us")
        return render_template("contact_t.html", form=form, page_title="Contact Us")
Example #2
def contact():
    form = ContactForm(request.form)
    if request.method == "POST":

        # There are three differente responses: thanks, invalid, and error
        response = "thanks"

        # Use variable_encode to get form entries to a normal dict.
        dataDict = variable_encode(request.form)

        # If "AJAX" variable was passed via POST, this was an ajax request.
        isAjax = "AJAX" in dataDict.keys()

        # Get all invalid field entries.
        invalid = validation.invalid_fields(dataDict)

        # If we have any invalid entries at on, we respond with an invalid
        # indicator. Otherwise, attempt to send the email.
        if invalid:
            response = "invalid"
            response = send_email(dataDict)

        # Just return the response if this is AJAX: Do something with the response
        # with JavaScript instead of rendering the template.
        if isAjax:
            return response
            # Get information based on the response.
            info = render_template("form_response/%s.html" % response,

            # If the response was thanks, clear the form.
            if response == 'thanks':
                form = ContactForm()

            return render_template("contact.html", form=form, info=info)
        return render_template("contact.html", form=form, title="Contact Us")
Example #3
def contact():
  form = ContactForm(request.form)
  if request.method == "POST":

    # There are three differente responses: thanks, invalid, and error
    response = "thanks"

    # Use variable_encode to get form entries to a normal dict.
    dataDict = variable_encode(request.form)

    # If "AJAX" variable was passed via POST, this was an ajax request.
    isAjax = "AJAX" in dataDict.keys()

    # Get all invalid field entries.
    invalid = validation.invalid_fields(dataDict)

    # If we have any invalid entries at on, we respond with an invalid 
    # indicator. Otherwise, attempt to send the email.
    if invalid:
      response = "invalid"
    	response = send_email(dataDict)

    # Just return the response if this is AJAX: Do something with the response
    # with JavaScript instead of rendering the template.
    if isAjax:
      return response
      # Get information based on the response.
      info = render_template("form_response/%s.html"%response, invalid=invalid)

      # If the response was thanks, clear the form.
      if response == 'thanks':
        form = ContactForm()

      return render_template("contact.html", form=form, info=info)
    return render_template("contact.html", form=form, title="Contact Us")