Example #1
	def get_complete_list_with_relations_owner(self, owner_userid, glob, limit, sort):
		Get *all* tags for owner_username's images and mark any that
		match the glob.

		@param owner_username: Owner of the account
		@type owner_username: String

		@param glob: A complex dictionary of limits for the user_images table
			see Glober.py for more details.
		@type glob: Dictionary
		valid_sorts = {
			'title-asc': ("t1.tag_name", "asc"),
			'title-desc': ("t1.tag_name", "desc"),
			'date_asc': ("date_added", "asc"),
			'date_desc': ("date_added", "desc"),
			'count-asc': ("cnt_images", "asc"),
			'count-desc': ("cnt_images", "desc"),
			'recent':("last_used", "desc")
			owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid, 'owner_userid')
			validation.required(glob, 'glob')
			limit = validation.cast_integer(limit, 'limit')
			validation.oneof(sort, valid_sorts.keys(), 'sort')
		except errors.ValidationError, ex:
			return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
Example #2
	def untag_image(self, owner_userid, tag_userid, image_id, tag_name):
		Removes assication with tag and image

		@param owner_username: Image owner username
		@type owner_username: String

		@param tag_username: username
		@type tag_username: String

		@param media_id: Id of image assciated with tag
		@type media_id: String

		@param tag_name: tag names to be associated with images (media_ids)
		@type tag_name: String
		@return: Nothing
		@rtype: Nothing
			owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid, 'owner_userid')
			tag_userid = validation.cast_integer(tag_userid, 'owner_userid')
			media_id = validation.cast_integer(image_id, 'image_id')
			validation.required(tag_name, 'tag_name')
		except errors.ValidationError, ex:
			return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
    def _make_media_path(self, media_id, host, username=None, width=None, height=None, crop=None):
		Makes a path to an image.

		@param media_id: ID of the image
		@type media_id: String

		@param host: Host that holds the image
		@type host: String

		@param username: User who modified the image (if applicable)
		@type username: String

		@param width: Width of the render
		@type width: Integer

		@param height: Height of the render
		@type height: Integer

		@param crop: Whether or not the render is cropped
		@type crop: Integer
            media_id = validation.media_id(media_id)
            validation.required(host, "host")
            if username:
                username = validation.username(username, "username")
            if width:
                width = validation.cast_integer(width, "width")
                height = validation.cast_integer(height, "height")
                crop = validation.cast_boolean(crop, "crop")
        except errors.ValidationError, ex:
            return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
Example #4
	def send_message(self, from_userid, to_userids, subject, body, reply_to_id):
		Sends a message to 1 or more recipients.

		@param from_username: User sending the message.
		@type from_username: String

		@param to_usernames: List of recipients
		@type to_usernames: List

		@param subject: Subject/heading of the message
		@type subject: String

		@param body: Body of the message
		@type body: String

		@param reply_to_id: Message being replied to, if applicable
		@type reply_to_id: Integer
			from_userid = validation.cast_integer(from_userid, 'from_userid')
			subject = validation.string(subject)
			validation.required(subject, 'subject')
			body = validation.string(body)
			validation.required(body, 'body')
			reply_to_id = validation.cast_integer(reply_to_id, 'reply_to_id')
			recipients = []
			if not isinstance(to_userids, (list, tuple)):
				to_userids = [to_userids]
			for user in to_userids:
				recipients.append(validation.cast_integer(user, 'to_userid'))
		except errors.ValidationError, ex:
			return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
Example #5
	def _generate_rendered(self, data, image_id, width, height, crop, quality):
		Generates and stores a rendered copy of an image for a given user.

		@param media_id: ID of the image being rendered.
		@type media_id: String

		@param data: Raw binary data for the image.
		@type data: String

		@param owner_username: User the image is being rendered for.
		@type owner_username: String

		@param width: Requested width of the image.
		@type width: Integer

		@param height: Requested height of the image.
		@type height: Integer

		@param crop: Whether or not the image should be cropped to exact size.
		@type crop: Boolean

		@param quality: Quality to use for the render.
		@type quality: Integer

		@return: Rendered binary data.
		@rtype: String
			validation.required(data, 'data')
			image_id = validation.cast_integer(image_id, 'image_id')
			width = validation.cast_integer(width, 'width')
			height = validation.cast_integer(height, 'height')
		except errors.ValidationError, ex:
			return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
	def update_image_comment(self, comment_owner, comment_id, subject, body, ip_address):
		Adds a comment to an image.

		@param commenting_username: Username making the comment.
		@type commenting_username: String

		@param comment_id: Comment being edited on.
		@type comment_id: Integer

		@param subject: Subject of the comment.
		@type subject: String

		@param body: Body of the comment.
		@type body: String

		@param ip_address: IP Address the comment is originating from
		@type ip_address: String

		@return: 0 on successful comment insertion, raises an exception otherwise.
		@rtype: Integer
			comment_owner = validation.cast_integer(comment_owner, 'comment_owner')
			comment_id = validation.cast_integer(comment_id, 'comment_id')
			validation.required(body, 'body')
			validation.required(ip_address, 'ip_address')
		except errors.ValidationError, ex:
			return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
    def update_image_comment(self, comment_owner, comment_id, subject, body,
		Adds a comment to an image.

		@param commenting_username: Username making the comment.
		@type commenting_username: String

		@param comment_id: Comment being edited on.
		@type comment_id: Integer

		@param subject: Subject of the comment.
		@type subject: String

		@param body: Body of the comment.
		@type body: String

		@param ip_address: IP Address the comment is originating from
		@type ip_address: String

		@return: 0 on successful comment insertion, raises an exception otherwise.
		@rtype: Integer
            comment_owner = validation.cast_integer(comment_owner,
            comment_id = validation.cast_integer(comment_id, 'comment_id')
            validation.required(body, 'body')
            validation.required(ip_address, 'ip_address')
        except errors.ValidationError, ex:
            return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
Example #8
    def completely_edit_tag(self, owner_userid, tag_name, new_name):
		Updates tag on all users pics

		@param owner_username: Image owner username
		@type owner_username: String

		@param tag_name: tag name to be removed
		@type tag_name: String
		@param new_name: new name for the tag
		@type new_name: String
		@return: Nothing
		@rtype: Nothing
        owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid, 'owner_userid')

        validation.required(tag_name, 'tag_name')
        tag_name = tag_name.strip()
        tag_name = tag_name.lower()

        validation.required(new_name, 'new_name')
        new_name = new_name.strip()
        new_name = new_name.lower()

        d = self.app.db.runOperation(
				select zoto_update_tag_for_all_user_images(%s, %s, %s)
				""", (owner_userid, tag_name, new_name))
        return d
Example #9
    def get_complete_list_with_relations_owner(self, owner_userid, glob, limit,
		Get *all* tags for owner_username's images and mark any that
		match the glob.

		@param owner_username: Owner of the account
		@type owner_username: String

		@param glob: A complex dictionary of limits for the user_images table
			see Glober.py for more details.
		@type glob: Dictionary
        valid_sorts = {
            'title-asc': ("t1.tag_name", "asc"),
            'title-desc': ("t1.tag_name", "desc"),
            'date_asc': ("date_added", "asc"),
            'date_desc': ("date_added", "desc"),
            'count-asc': ("cnt_images", "asc"),
            'count-desc': ("cnt_images", "desc"),
            'recent': ("last_used", "desc")
            owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid,
            validation.required(glob, 'glob')
            limit = validation.cast_integer(limit, 'limit')
            validation.oneof(sort, valid_sorts.keys(), 'sort')
        except errors.ValidationError, ex:
            return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
Example #10
	def add_rendered(self, image_id, data, width, height, crop):
		Adds a rendered image to the filesystem.

		@param media_id: ID of the image being rendered.
		@type media_id: String

		@param owner_username: User who's account the image is being rendered for.
		@type owner_username: String

		@param data: Actual binary data of the render
		@type data: String

		@param width: Requested width
		@type width: Integer

		@param height: Requested height
		@type height: Integer

		@param crop: Whether or not the image was cropped
		@type crop: Boolean
			image_id = validation.cast_integer(image_id, 'image_id')
			validation.required(data, 'data')
			if width:
				width = validation.cast_integer(width, 'width')
				height = validation.cast_integer(height, 'height')
				crop = validation.cast_boolean(crop, 'crop')
		except errors.ValidationError, ex:
			return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
Example #11
	def create_key(self, owner, app_name, email, url):
		Creates an API key and stores it in the global DB.

		@param owner: Name of the person/entity requesting the key.
		@type owner: String

		@param app_name: Name of the application that will be using the API key.
		@type app_name: String

		@param email: Contact address of the entity requesting the key.
		@type email: String

		@param url: Web address of the person/entity requesting the key.
		@type url: String

		@return: New API key
		@rtype: String
			validation.required(owner, 'owner')
			validation.required(app_name, 'app_name')
		except errors.ValidationError, ex:
			self.log.warning("Validation failure: %s" % str(ex))
			raise errors.APIError, str(ex)
	def add_image_comment(self, owner_userid, commenting_userid, image_id, subject, body, ip_address):
		Adds a comment to an image.

		@param owner_username: Username who owns the image being commented on.
		@type owner_username: String

		@param commenting_username: Username making the comment.
		@type commenting_username: String

		@param media_id: Image being commented on.
		@type media_id: String

		@param subject: Subject of the comment.
		@type subject: String

		@param body: Body of the comment.
		@type body: String

		@param ip_address: IP Address the comment is originating from
		@type ip_address: String

		@return: 0 on successful comment insertion, raises an exception otherwise.
		@rtype: Integer
			owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid, 'owner_userid')
			commenting_userid = validation.cast_integer(commenting_userid, 'commenting_userid')
			image_id = validation.cast_integer(image_id, "iamge_id")
			validation.required(body, 'body')
			validation.required(ip_address, 'ip_address')
		except errors.ValidationError, ex:
			return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
Example #13
	def completely_edit_tag(self, owner_userid, tag_name, new_name):
		Updates tag on all users pics

		@param owner_username: Image owner username
		@type owner_username: String

		@param tag_name: tag name to be removed
		@type tag_name: String
		@param new_name: new name for the tag
		@type new_name: String
		@return: Nothing
		@rtype: Nothing
		owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid, 'owner_userid')
		validation.required(tag_name, 'tag_name')
		tag_name = tag_name.strip()
		tag_name = tag_name.lower()
		validation.required(new_name, 'new_name')
		new_name = new_name.strip()
		new_name = new_name.lower()
		d = self.app.db.runOperation("""
				select zoto_update_tag_for_all_user_images(%s, %s, %s)
				""", (owner_userid, tag_name, new_name))
		return d
Example #14
    def untag_image(self, owner_userid, tag_userid, image_id, tag_name):
		Removes assication with tag and image

		@param owner_username: Image owner username
		@type owner_username: String

		@param tag_username: username
		@type tag_username: String

		@param media_id: Id of image assciated with tag
		@type media_id: String

		@param tag_name: tag names to be associated with images (media_ids)
		@type tag_name: String
		@return: Nothing
		@rtype: Nothing
            owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid,
            tag_userid = validation.cast_integer(tag_userid, 'owner_userid')
            media_id = validation.cast_integer(image_id, 'image_id')
            validation.required(tag_name, 'tag_name')
        except errors.ValidationError, ex:
            return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
Example #15
	def _make_media_path(self, media_id, host, username=None, width=None, height=None, crop=None):
		Makes a path to an image.

		@param media_id: ID of the image
		@type media_id: String

		@param host: Host that holds the image
		@type host: String

		@param username: User who modified the image (if applicable)
		@type username: String

		@param width: Width of the render
		@type width: Integer

		@param height: Height of the render
		@type height: Integer

		@param crop: Whether or not the render is cropped
		@type crop: Integer
			media_id = validation.media_id(media_id)
			validation.required(host, 'host')
			if username:
				username = validation.username(username, 'username')
			if width:
				width = validation.cast_integer(width, 'width')
				height = validation.cast_integer(height, 'height')
				crop = validation.cast_boolean(crop, 'crop')
		except errors.ValidationError, ex:
			return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
    def add_rendered(self, image_id, data, width, height, crop):
		Adds a rendered image to the filesystem.

		@param media_id: ID of the image being rendered.
		@type media_id: String

		@param owner_username: User who's account the image is being rendered for.
		@type owner_username: String

		@param data: Actual binary data of the render
		@type data: String

		@param width: Requested width
		@type width: Integer

		@param height: Requested height
		@type height: Integer

		@param crop: Whether or not the image was cropped
		@type crop: Boolean
            image_id = validation.cast_integer(image_id, "image_id")
            validation.required(data, "data")
            if width:
                width = validation.cast_integer(width, "width")
                height = validation.cast_integer(height, "height")
                crop = validation.cast_boolean(crop, "crop")
        except errors.ValidationError, ex:
            return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
    def _read_binary(self, filename):
		Reads a binary file from the disk.

		@param filename: File to be read
		@type filename: String
            validation.required(filename, "filename")
        except errors.ValidationError, ex:
            return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
Example #18
	def _delete_binary(self, filename):
		Safely deletes a file.

		@param filename: Name of the file to be deleted.
		@type filename: String
			validation.required(filename, 'filename')
		except errors.ValidationError, ex:
			return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
Example #19
	def _read_binary(self, filename):
		Reads a binary file from the disk.

		@param filename: File to be read
		@type filename: String
			validation.required(filename, 'filename')
		except errors.ValidationError, ex:
			return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
    def _delete_binary(self, filename):
		Safely deletes a file.

		@param filename: Name of the file to be deleted.
		@type filename: String
            validation.required(filename, "filename")
        except errors.ValidationError, ex:
            return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
Example #21
	def get_media_source_id(self, source_name):
		Gets the source id from the media_sources that matches the name provided.

		@param source_name: Source name to be reconciled.
		@type source_name: String

		@return: Source id
		@rtype: (Deferred) Integer
		validation.required(source_name, 'source_name')

		return self.media_sources.get(source_name, 1)
    def get_media_source_id(self, source_name):
		Gets the source id from the media_sources that matches the name provided.

		@param source_name: Source name to be reconciled.
		@type source_name: String

		@return: Source id
		@rtype: (Deferred) Integer
        validation.required(source_name, "source_name")

        return self.media_sources.get(source_name, 1)
Example #23
	def clear_renders(self, media_id, owner_username, node):
		Clears out all the renders for a particular user's image.

		@param media_id: ID of the media being cleared
		@type media_id: String

		@param owner_username: User who owns the image
		@type owner_username: String
			media_id = validation.media_id(media_id)
			owner_username = validation.username(owner_username)
			validation.required(node, 'node')
		except errors.ValidationError, ex:
			return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
    def clear_renders(self, media_id, owner_username, node):
		Clears out all the renders for a particular user's image.

		@param media_id: ID of the media being cleared
		@type media_id: String

		@param owner_username: User who owns the image
		@type owner_username: String
            media_id = validation.media_id(media_id)
            owner_username = validation.username(owner_username)
            validation.required(node, "node")
        except errors.ValidationError, ex:
            return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
Example #25
    def beta_blogger_get_blog_list(self, owner_userid, token):
		Gets a user's list of blogger blogs.

		@param owner_username: User to get blogs for.
		@type owner_username: String

		@param token: Auth token to use for communicating with beta blogger.
		@type token: String
            owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid,
            token = validation.string(token)
            validation.required(token, 'token')
        except errors.ValidationError, ex:
            return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
Example #26
	def delete_key(self, api_key):
		Deletes the specified API key from the database.

		@param api_key: API key to be deleted.
		@type api_key: String
		@return: nothing
		@rtype: nothing

		@raise errors.APIError: when api_key validation failed
			validation.required(api_key, 'api_key')
		except errors.ValidationError, ex:
			self.log.warning("Validation failure: %s" % str(ex))
			raise errors.APIError, str(ex)
Example #27
	def get_key_info(self, api_key, include_key=False):
		Gets information about the supplied API key.

		@param api_key: The key to get information for.
		@type api_key: String
		@return: api key info
		@rtype: dictionary

		@raise errors.ValidationError: when api_key validation fails.
			validation.required(api_key, 'api_key')
		except errors.ValidationError, ex:
			self.log.warning("Validation failure: %s" % str(ex))
			raise errors.APIError, str(ex)
Example #28
	def _write_binary(self, filename, data, delete=True):
		Writes a binary file to the filesystem.  If delete is True, and the file
		already exists, it will be deleted.  Otherwise, an exception is thrown.

		@param filename: Name of the file to write
		@type filename: String

		@param data: Binary data to be written
		@type data: String

		@param delete: Whether to delete or raise an exception
		@type delete: Boolean
			validation.required(filename, 'filename')
			validation.required(data, 'data')
		except errors.ValidationError, ex:
			return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
    def _write_binary(self, filename, data, delete=True):
		Writes a binary file to the filesystem.  If delete is True, and the file
		already exists, it will be deleted.  Otherwise, an exception is thrown.

		@param filename: Name of the file to write
		@type filename: String

		@param data: Binary data to be written
		@type data: String

		@param delete: Whether to delete or raise an exception
		@type delete: Boolean
            validation.required(filename, "filename")
            validation.required(data, "data")
        except errors.ValidationError, ex:
            return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
    def _generate_render_paths(self, media_id, host, username=None):
		Generates all possible render storage for the given host/media_id/username.

		@param media_id: ID of the media rendered
		@type media_id: String

		@param host: Host the render is stored on
		@type host: String

		@param username: Specific username, if applicable
		@type username: String (or None)
            media_id = validation.media_id(media_id)
            validation.required(host, "host")
            if username:
                username = validation.username(username, "username")
        except errors.ValidationError, ex:
            return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
Example #31
	def _generate_render_paths(self, media_id, host, username=None):
		Generates all possible render storage for the given host/media_id/username.

		@param media_id: ID of the media rendered
		@type media_id: String

		@param host: Host the render is stored on
		@type host: String

		@param username: Specific username, if applicable
		@type username: String (or None)
			media_id = validation.media_id(media_id)
			validation.required(host, 'host')
			if username:
				username = validation.username(username, 'username')
		except errors.ValidationError, ex:
			return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
Example #32
	def set_attr(self, owner_userid, image_id, key, value):
		Sets an attribute of an image.
		@param owner_username: Username
		@type owner_username: String
		@param media_id: Image ID
		@type media_id: String
		@param key: Field to set. One of ('title', 'description', 'date', 'camera_make', 
						'camera_model', 'fstop', 'exposure_time', 'focal_length', 
						'iso_speed', 'rotate_bit', 'flash_fired', 'lat', 'lng', 'alt')
		@type key: String
		@param value: Value to set field to.
		@type: String

		@return: Nothing
		@rtype: Nothing
		owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid, 'owner_userid')
		image_id = validation.cast_integer(image_id, 'image_id')
		validation.required(key, 'key')

		validation.oneof(key, self.attr_fields.keys(), 'key')

		if key == 'date':
			validation.isodatetime(value, 'date')
		if key == 'lat' or key == 'lng':
			value = float(value)
		if key == 'title':
			value = utils.check_n_chop(value, 30)

		self.log.debug("setting image [%s] [%s]=>[%s]" % (image_id, key, value))
		return self.app.db.runOperation("""
				select zoto_image_set_attr(%s, %s, %s, %s)
				""", (owner_userid, image_id, key, utils.sql_escape(value)))
Example #33
    def get_complete_list_with_relations(self, auth_userid, owner_userid, glob,
                                         limit, sort):
		Get *all* tags on owner_username's images and mark
		any that match the glob
		@param owner_username: The user's tags we care about
		@type owner_username: String

		@param auth_username: The logged-in user that is trying to get the tag list
		@type auth_username: String

		@param glob: A complex dictionary of limits for the user_images table
				see Globber.py for more details
		@type glob: Dictionary

		@return: List of Dictionaries including tag_name, image_count, is_related (boolean)
        valid_sorts = {
            'title-asc': ("t1.tag_name", "asc"),
            'title-desc': ("t1.tag_name", "desc"),
            'date_asc': ("date_added", "asc"),
            'date_desc': ("date_added", "desc"),
            'count-asc': ("cnt_images", "asc"),
            'count-desc': ("cnt_images", "desc"),
            'recent': ("last_used", "desc")

            owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid, 'owner_id')
            limit = validation.cast_integer(limit, 'limit')
            if auth_userid:
                auth_userid = validation.cast_integer(auth_userid,
            validation.required(glob, 'glob')
            validation.oneof(sort, valid_sorts.keys(), 'sort')
        except errors.ValidationError, ex:
            return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
Example #34
	def get_complete_list_with_relations(self, auth_userid, owner_userid, glob, limit, sort):
		Get *all* tags on owner_username's images and mark
		any that match the glob
		@param owner_username: The user's tags we care about
		@type owner_username: String

		@param auth_username: The logged-in user that is trying to get the tag list
		@type auth_username: String

		@param glob: A complex dictionary of limits for the user_images table
				see Globber.py for more details
		@type glob: Dictionary

		@return: List of Dictionaries including tag_name, image_count, is_related (boolean)
		valid_sorts = {
			'title-asc': ("t1.tag_name", "asc"),
			'title-desc': ("t1.tag_name", "desc"),
			'date_asc': ("date_added", "asc"),
			'date_desc': ("date_added", "desc"),
			'count-asc': ("cnt_images", "asc"),
			'count-desc': ("cnt_images", "desc"),
			'recent':("last_used", "desc")

			owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid, 'owner_id')
			limit = validation.cast_integer(limit, 'limit')
			if auth_userid:
				auth_userid = validation.cast_integer(auth_userid, 'auth_userid')
			validation.required(glob, 'glob')
			validation.oneof(sort, valid_sorts.keys(), 'sort')
		except errors.ValidationError, ex:
			return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
    def add_image_comment(self, owner_userid, commenting_userid, image_id,
                          subject, body, ip_address):
		Adds a comment to an image.

		@param owner_username: Username who owns the image being commented on.
		@type owner_username: String

		@param commenting_username: Username making the comment.
		@type commenting_username: String

		@param media_id: Image being commented on.
		@type media_id: String

		@param subject: Subject of the comment.
		@type subject: String

		@param body: Body of the comment.
		@type body: String

		@param ip_address: IP Address the comment is originating from
		@type ip_address: String

		@return: 0 on successful comment insertion, raises an exception otherwise.
		@rtype: Integer
            owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid,
            commenting_userid = validation.cast_integer(
                commenting_userid, 'commenting_userid')
            image_id = validation.cast_integer(image_id, "iamge_id")
            validation.required(body, 'body')
            validation.required(ip_address, 'ip_address')
        except errors.ValidationError, ex:
            return utils.return_deferred_error(ex.value)
Example #36
	def add(self, owner_userid, filename, data, image_source, title, description, testing=False):
		Add an image to the system.  does all the fancy stuff of checking types,
		sources, quota, etc...

		This is as high-level as as it gets, call this if you need to add an image to
		the system.

		@param owner_username: Username that will own the image.
		@type username: String

		@param filename: The original filename of this image.
		@type filename: String

		@param data: The binary data of the image.
		@type data: byte-array (buffer or XMLRPC.Binary object)

		@param image_source: Where did this image come from?  (Must be one of the entries in the media_sources table).
		@type image_source: String

		@param title: Title of the newly added image.
		@type title: String

		@param description: Description of the newly added image.
		@type description: String

		@param testing: If true, data contains the name of a local file to be read instead of binary data.  Remove this once we are finished developing.
		@type testing: Boolean

		@return: New media_id of the image added.
		@rtype: (Deferred) String
		owner_userid = validation.cast_integer(owner_userid, 'owner_userid')
		validation.required(data, 'data')
		state = {}
		if not title:
			title = filename.replace(".jpg", "")
			title = title.replace(".JPG", "")

		if testing:
			f = open(data, 'rb')
			data = f.read()
		if isinstance(data, Binary):
			data = data.data
		media_id = md5.md5(data).hexdigest()
		source_id = self.app.api.mediahost.get_media_source_id(image_source)
		def store_image(void):
			self.log.debug("storing image %s" % media_id)
			return self.app.api.mediahost.add(data, source_id)

		def assign_to_user(void):
			return self.set_user_image(owner_userid, media_id, filename, image_source, title, description, data)

		def check_result(result):
			if result[0] == 0:
				image_id = result[1]
				return (0, (image_id, media_id))
				return result

		# TODO: make sure the user has enough room to store it
		# TODO: check to see if it's a duplicate? -- no
		# TODO: do something for global stats (should be a DB trigger)
		d = manip.verify_jpeg(data) # make sure this is an acceptable image type
		d.addCallback(store_image) # store the image
		d.addCallback(assign_to_user) # assign the user to the image
		return d