Example #1
    def engine(self):
        URL format: api/engine?level=<container_type>&id=<container_id>

        It expects a multipart/form-data request with a "metadata" field (json valid against api/schemas/input/enginemetadata)
        and 0 or more file fields with a non null filename property (filename is null for the "metadata").
        level = self.get_param("level")
        if level != "acquisition":
            self.abort(404, "engine uploads are supported only at the acquisition level")
        acquisition_id = self.get_param("id")
        if not acquisition_id:
            self.abort(404, "container id is required")
            acquisition_id = bson.ObjectId(acquisition_id)
        if not self.superuser_request:
            self.abort(402, "uploads must be from an authorized drone")
        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix=".tmp", dir=config.get_item("persistent", "data_path")) as tempdir_path:
                file_store = files.MultiFileStore(self.request, tempdir_path)
            except files.FileStoreException as e:
                self.abort(400, str(e))
            if not file_store.metadata:
                self.abort(400, "metadata is missing")
            metadata_validator = validators.payload_from_schema_file(self, "enginemetadata.json")
            metadata_validator(file_store.metadata, "POST")
            file_infos = file_store.metadata["acquisition"].pop("files", [])
                acquisition_obj = reaperutil.update_container_hierarchy(file_store.metadata, acquisition_id, level)
            except APIStorageException as e:
                self.abort(400, e.message)
            # move the files before updating the database
            for name, fileinfo in file_store.files.items():
                path = fileinfo["path"]
                target_path = os.path.join(
                    config.get_item("persistent", "data_path"), util.path_from_hash(fileinfo["hash"])
                files.move_file(path, target_path)

            self._merge_fileinfos(file_store.files, file_infos)
            # update the fileinfo in mongo if a file already exists
            for f in acquisition_obj["files"]:
                fileinfo = file_store.files.get(f["name"])
                if fileinfo:
                    fileinfo.pop("path", None)
                    reaperutil.update_fileinfo("acquisitions", acquisition_obj["_id"], fileinfo)
                    fileinfo["existing"] = True
            # create the missing fileinfo in mongo
            for name, fileinfo in file_store.files.items():
                # if the file exists we don't need to create it
                # skip update fileinfo for files that doesn't have a path
                if not fileinfo.get("existing") and fileinfo.get("path"):
                    del fileinfo["path"]
                    reaperutil.add_fileinfo("acquisitions", acquisition_obj["_id"], fileinfo)
            return [{"filename": k, "hash": v["hash"], "size": v["size"]} for k, v in file_store.files.items()]
Example #2
    def download(self):
        In downloads we use filters in the payload to exclude/include files.
        To pass a single filter, each of its conditions should be satisfied.
        If a file pass at least one filter, it is included in the targets.
        For example:

        download_payload = {
            'optional': True,
            'nodes': [{'level':'project', '_id':project_id}],
        will download files with tag 'incomplete' OR type different from 'dicom'

        download_payload = {
            'optional': True,
            'nodes': [{'level':'project', '_id':project_id}],
        will download only files with tag 'incomplete' AND type different from 'dicom'
        ticket_id = self.get_param("ticket")
        if ticket_id:
            ticket = config.db.downloads.find_one({"_id": ticket_id})
            if not ticket:
                self.abort(404, "no such ticket")
            if ticket["ip"] != self.request.client_addr:
                self.abort(400, "ticket not for this source IP")
            if self.get_param("symlinks"):
                self.response.app_iter = self._symlinkarchivestream(ticket, config.get_item("persistent", "data_path"))
                self.response.app_iter = self._archivestream(ticket)
            self.response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/octet-stream"
            self.response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=" + str(ticket["filename"])
            for project_id in ticket["projects"]:
                config.db.projects.update_one({"_id": project_id}, {"$inc": {"counter": 1}})
            req_spec = self.request.json_body
            validator = validators.payload_from_schema_file(self, "download.json")
            validator(req_spec, "POST")
            log.debug(json.dumps(req_spec, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(",", ": ")))
            if self.get_param("format") == "bids":
                return self._preflight_archivestream_bids(req_spec)
                return self._preflight_archivestream(req_spec)
Example #3
    def engine(self):
        URL format: api/engine?level=<container_type>&id=<container_id>

        It expects a multipart/form-data request with a "metadata" field (json valid against api/schemas/input/enginemetadata)
        and 0 or more file fields with a non null filename property (filename is null for the "metadata").
        level = self.get_param('level')
        if level is None:
            self.abort(404, 'container level is required')
        if level != 'acquisition':
                'engine uploads are supported only at the acquisition level')
        acquisition_id = self.get_param('id')
        if not acquisition_id:
            self.abort(404, 'container id is required')
            acquisition_id = util.ObjectId(acquisition_id)
        if not self.superuser_request:
            self.abort(402, 'uploads must be from an authorized drone')
        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='.tmp',
                                             'data_path')) as tempdir_path:
                file_store = files.MultiFileStore(self.request, tempdir_path)
            except files.FileStoreException as e:
                self.abort(400, str(e))
            if not file_store.metadata:
                self.abort(400, 'metadata is missing')
            metadata_validator = validators.payload_from_schema_file(
                self, 'enginemetadata.json')
            metadata_validator(file_store.metadata, 'POST')
            file_infos = file_store.metadata['acquisition'].pop('files', [])
            now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
                acquisition_obj = reaperutil.update_container_hierarchy(
                    file_store.metadata, acquisition_id, level)
            except APIStorageException as e:
                self.abort(400, e.message)
            # move the files before updating the database
            for name, fileinfo in file_store.files.items():
                path = fileinfo['path']
                target_path = os.path.join(
                    config.get_item('persistent', 'data_path'),
                files.move_file(path, target_path)
            # merge infos from the actual file and from the metadata
            merged_infos = self._merge_fileinfos(file_store.files, file_infos)
            # update the fileinfo in mongo if a file already exists
            for f in acquisition_obj['files']:
                fileinfo = merged_infos.get(f['name'])
                if fileinfo:
                    fileinfo.pop('path', None)
                    fileinfo['modified'] = now
                    acquisition_obj = reaperutil.update_fileinfo(
                        'acquisitions', acquisition_obj['_id'], fileinfo)
                    fileinfo['existing'] = True
            # create the missing fileinfo in mongo
            for name, fileinfo in merged_infos.items():
                # if the file exists we don't need to create it
                # skip update fileinfo for files that doesn't have a path
                if not fileinfo.get('existing') and fileinfo.get('path'):
                    del fileinfo['path']
                    fileinfo['created'] = now
                    fileinfo['modified'] = now
                    acquisition_obj = reaperutil.add_fileinfo(
                        'acquisitions', acquisition_obj['_id'], fileinfo)

            for f in acquisition_obj['files']:
                if f['name'] in file_store.files:
                    file_ = {
                        'name': f['name'],
                        'hash': f['hash'],
                        'type': f.get('type'),
                        'measurements': f.get('measurements', [])
                    rules.create_jobs(config.db, acquisition_obj,
                                      'acquisition', file_)
            return [{
                'name': k,
                'hash': v['hash'],
                'size': v['size']
            } for k, v in merged_infos.items()]