Example #1
 def start( self ):
     """ Starts the Mininet object with the current topology (if not already
     if not self.built:
         raise RuntimeError( 'can only start after calling build() method once' )
     elif not self.started:
         info( newline() )
         info( newline( newline( '=== Starting Mininet...' ) ) )
         self.started = True
Example #2
    def add_remote_varanus_collector( self, name, user, server, varanus_home, cid, **params ):
        """ Adds a remote VARANUS collector to the current topology and returns a
            RemoteCollectorConfig object representing it, or a NullNodeConfig
            if VARANUS usage is disabled.
            - name        : a textual representation of the collector
            - user        : the name of the user on the remote server
            - server      : the IP address of the remote server
            - varanus_home: home directory of varanus project
            - cid         : the collector identifier
        if self.enable_varanus:
            if self.built:
                raise RuntimeError( 'build() method was already called; cannot add any more collectors' )

            name = as_str( name )
            storage = self.hosts
            check_duplicate( storage, name )

            c = self._new_remote_node( RemoteCollectorConfig, name, user, server, \
                                       varanus_home=varanus_home, cid=cid, \
                                       **params )
            storage[ name ] = c

            info( newline( '=== Added remote VARANUS collector', c ) )
            return c
            return self.add_null_host( name )
Example #3
    def add_link( self, port1, port2, **params ):
        """ Adds a new link to the current topology and returns a LinkConfig object
            representing it. If any of the ports is a null port then this method
            returns a NullLinkConfig object.
            - port1: a PortConfig object representing the port of the 1st node
            - port2: a PortConfig object representing the port of the 2nd node
        if self.built:
            raise RuntimeError( 'build() method was already called; cannot add any more links' )

        if isinstance( port1, NullPortConfig ) or isinstance( port2, NullPortConfig ):
            return NullLinkConfig( port1, port2, **params )

        if port1.is_virtual() and port2.is_virtual():
            link_cls = VirLinkConfig
        elif not ( port1.is_virtual() or port2.is_virtual() ):
            link_cls = PhyLinkConfig
            raise RuntimeError( "link between virtual port and physical port is not supported" )

        l = link_cls( port1, port2, **params )
        self.links.append( l )

        info( newline( '=== Added link', l ) )
        return l
Example #4
    def start( self ):
        t = threading.Thread( target=self._run, name='ShellCommandHandler-{}-thread'.format( self.key ) )
        t.daemon = True

        output( newline( '<', 'Starting shell command', self.cmd, '>' ) )
        self.cmd_proc = NodeUtils.run_cmd_async( self.node, self.cmd )
Example #5
    def add_custom_remote_host( self, name, user, server, \
                                startcmd, stopcmd, morecmds=None, \
                                **params ):
        """ Adds a custom remote host to the current topology and returns a
            CustomRemoteHostConfig object representing it.
            - name    : a textual representation of the host
            - user    : the name of the user on the remote server
            - server  : the IP address of the remote server
            - startcmd: a function used to start the host when called
            - stopcmd : a function used to stop the host when called
            - morecmds: additional optional commands to define in the Mininet
        if self.built:
            raise RuntimeError( 'build() method was already called; cannot add any more hosts' )

        name = as_str( name )
        storage = self.hosts
        check_duplicate( storage, name )

        h = self._new_remote_node( CustomRemoteHostConfig, name, user, server, \
                                   startcmd=startcmd, stopcmd=stopcmd, morecmds=morecmds, \
                                   **params )
        storage[ name ] = h

        info( newline( '=== Added custom remote host', h ) )
        return h
Example #6
    def forward_OVS_ports( self, sw, src, dest ):
        if not isinstance( sw, LocalOVSSwitchConfig ) and \
           not isinstance( sw, RemoteOVSSwitchConfig ):
            sw = self.switches[ sw ]

        sw.forward_ports( src, dest )
        info( newline( '=== Forwarded OVS ports in switch', sw, \
              '-', src, '-->', dest ) )
Example #7
 def start(self, *args, **kwargs):
     if not self._is_active:
         self.startcmd(self, *args, **kwargs)
         self._is_active = True
             newline('<! Cannot start the already active node', self.name,
Example #8
 def _run( self ):
         sock = self._accept_single_connection()
         if is_some( sock ):
             self._handle_connection( sock )
     except IOError as e:
         error( newline( 'IO error:', e ) )
         self._active_thread = None
Example #9
    def _accept_single_connection( self ):
        with closing( socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM ) ) as srvsock:
            srvsock.setsockopt( socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1 )
            srvsock.bind( ( "localhost", self._listenport ) )
            srvsock.listen( 1 )
            srvsock.settimeout( self._server_timeout )
            output( newline( '< RCLI server was started on port', self._listenport, '>' ) )

            while not self.is_shutdown():
                    sock, addr = srvsock.accept()
                    output( newline( '< RCLI client connected at', addr, '>' ) )
                    sock.settimeout( self.sock_timeout )
                    return sock
                except socket.timeout:
                    pass # try again
                return None
Example #10
 def start(self, *args, **kwargs):
     if not self._is_active:
         self.startcmd(self, *args, **kwargs)
         self._is_active = True
         # do not call Controller start method
             newline('<! Cannot start the already active controller',
                     self.name, '!>'))
Example #11
 def stop(self, *args, **kwargs):
     if self._is_active:
         self.stopcmd(self, *args, **kwargs)
         self._is_active = False
         # bypass Controller stop method
             newline('<! Cannot stop the inactive controller', self.name,
Example #12
    def add_console_command( self, name, cmd ):
        """ Adds a named command to be available to call when interacting with
            - name: the name of the command
            - cmd : the function to be called when the command is executed
        name = as_str( name )

        info ( newline( '=== Registered console command', '"' + name + '"' ) )
        self.cli.register_command( name, cmd )
Example #13
    def stop(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self._is_active:
            self.stopcmd(self, *args, **kwargs)
            self._is_active = False

            deleteIntfs = kwargs.get('deleteIntfs')
            if is_some(deleteIntfs):
                super(CustomNodeMixin, self).stop(deleteIntfs=deleteIntfs)
                super(CustomNodeMixin, self).stop()
            warn(newline('<! Cannot stop the inactive node', self.name, '!>'))
Example #14
    def build( self ):
        """ Builds the Mininet objects for controllers, nodes and links.
        if self.built:
            raise RuntimeError( 'can only call build() method once' )
            info( newline( '=== Building controllers...' ) )
            for c in self.controllers.itervalues():
                c.build( self.net )

            info( newline( '=== Building hosts...' ) )
            for h in self.hosts.itervalues():
                h.build( self.net )

            info( newline( '=== Building switches...' ) )
            for s in self.switches.itervalues():
                s.build( self.net )

            info( newline( '=== Building links...' ) )
            for l in self.links:
                l.build( self.net )

            self.built = True
Example #15
    def add_local_host( self, name, **params ):
        """ Adds a new local host to the current topology and returns a
            LocalHostConfig object representing it.
            - name: a textual representation of the host 
        if self.built:
            raise RuntimeError( 'build() method was already called; cannot add any more hosts' )

        name = as_str( name )
        storage = self.hosts
        check_duplicate( storage, name )

        h = self._new_node( LocalHostConfig, name, **params )
        storage[ name ] = h

        info( newline( '=== Added local host', h ) )
        return h
Example #16
    def add_null_switch( self, name, **params ):
        """ Adds a dummy non-existent switch to the current topology and returns
            a NullNodeConfig object representing it.
            - name: a textual representation of the switch
        if self.built:
            raise RuntimeError( 'build() method was already called; cannot add any more switches' )

        name = as_str( name )
        storage = self.switches
        check_duplicate( storage, name )

        s = self._new_node( NullNodeConfig, name, **params )
        storage[ name ] = s

        info( newline( '=== Added null switch', s ) )
        return s
Example #17
    def add_null_controller( self, name, **params ):
        """ Adds a dummy non-existent controller to the current topology and
            returns a NullControllerConfig object representing it.
            - name: a textual representation of the controller
        if self.built:
            raise RuntimeError( 'build() method was already called; cannot add any more controllers' )

        name = as_str( name )
        storage = self.controllers
        check_duplicate( storage, name )

        c = self._new_node( NullControllerConfig, name, **params )
        storage[ name ] = c

        info( newline( '=== Added null controller', c ) )
        return c
Example #18
    def add_local_ovs_switch( self, name, **params ):
        """ Adds a new local OVS switch to the current topology and returns a
            LocalOVSSwitchConfig object representing it.
            - name: a textual representation of the switch
        if self.built:
            raise RuntimeError( 'build() method was already called; cannot add any more switches' )

        name = as_str( name )
        storage = self.switches
        check_duplicate( storage, name )

        s = self._new_node( LocalOVSSwitchConfig, name, \
                            protocols=self.of_version, **params )
        storage[ name ] = s

        info( newline( '=== Added local OVS switch', s ) )
        return s
Example #19
    def add_remote_host( self, name, user, server, **params ):
        """ Adds a new remote host to the current topology and returns a
            RemoteHostConfig object representing it.
            - name  : a textual representation of the host
            - user  : the name of the user on the remote server
            - server: the IP address of the remote server
        if self.built:
            raise RuntimeError( 'build() method was already called; cannot add any more hosts' )

        name = as_str( name )
        storage = self.hosts
        check_duplicate( storage, name )

        h = self._new_remote_node( RemoteHostConfig, name, user, server, **params )
        storage[ name ] = h

        info( newline( '=== Added remote host', h ) )
        return h
Example #20
    def interact( self ):
        """ Starts the Mininet object (if not started already), launches a
            console to interact with user and shutdowns Mininet when done.

        info( newline() )
        info( newline( newline( '=== Interacting now with Mininet ===' ) ) )
        result = self.cli.run_command_line( self.net )

        info( newline() )
        info( newline( newline( '=== Stopping Mininet...' ) ) )

        return result
Example #21
    def add_pica8_switch( self, name, user, server, **params ):
        """ Adds a new pica8 switch (remote) to the current topology and returns
            a Pica8SwitchConfig object representing it.
            - name  : a textual representation of the switch
            - user  : the name of the user on the remote server
            - server: the IP address of the remote server
        if self.built:
            raise RuntimeError( 'build() method was already called; cannot add any more switches' )

        name = as_str( name )
        storage = self.switches
        check_duplicate( storage, name )

        s = self._new_remote_node( Pica8SwitchConfig, name, user, server, \
                                   protocols=self.of_version, \
                                   **params )
        storage[ name ] = s

        info( newline( '=== Added Pica8 switch', s ) )
        return s
Example #22
    def add_custom_local_controller( self, name, startcmd, stopcmd, morecmds=None, \
                                     **params ):
        """ Adds a custom local controller to the current topology and returns
            a CustomLocalControllerConfig object representing it.
            - name    : a textual representation of the controller
            - startcmd: a function used to start the controller when called
            - stopcmd : a function used to stop the controller when called
            - morecmds: additional optional commands to define in the Mininet
        if self.built:
            raise RuntimeError( 'build() method was already called; cannot add any more controllers' )

        name = as_str( name )
        storage = self.controllers
        check_duplicate( storage, name )

        c = self._new_node( CustomLocalControllerConfig, name, \
                            startcmd=startcmd, stopcmd=stopcmd, morecmds=morecmds, \
                            **params )
        storage[ name ] = c

        info( newline( '=== Added custom local controller', c ) )
        return c
Example #23
    def add_local_varanus_sdncontroller( self, name, varanus_home, sudo=None, **params ):
        """ Adds a local VARANUS SDN controller to the current topology and returns a
            LocalSDNControllerConfig object representing it, or a NullControllerConfig
            if VARANUS usage is disabled.
            - name        : a textual representation of the controller
            - varanus_home: home directory of varanus project
        if self.enable_varanus:
            if self.built:
                raise RuntimeError( 'build() method was already called; cannot add any more controllers' )

            name = as_str( name )
            storage = self.controllers
            check_duplicate( storage, name )

            c = self._new_node( LocalSDNControllerConfig, name, \
                                varanus_home=varanus_home, sudo=sudo, \
                                **params )
            storage[ name ] = c

            info( newline( '=== Added local VARANUS SDN controller', c ) )
            return c
            return self.add_null_controller( name )
Example #24
    def _run( self ):
        if is_some( self.addr ):
            with closing( socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM ) ) as sock:
                sock.connect( self.addr )
                sock.settimeout( self.sock_timeout )
                output( newline( '< Shell command client with key', self.key, 'connected to', self.addr, '>' ) )

                while not self.cmd_proc.is_finished():
                    line = self.cmd_proc.readline( block=True, timeout=self.line_timeout )
                    if is_some( line ):
                        debug( newline( '== Sending output line ===============================' ) )
                        debug( newline( line ) )
                        debug( newline( '======================================================' ) )
                        line = _IOUtils.encode_str( line )
                        self._do_write_output_line( sock, line )
            debug( newline( '== Command output ======================================' ) )
            debug( multiline( self.cmd_proc.read_available_lines() ) )
            debug( newline( '========================================================' ) )
Example #25
 def stop_custom( self, cmd ):
     output( newline( '<', 'Stopping shell command', "'" + self.cmd + "'", 'by executing', "'" + cmd + "'", '>' ) )
     NodeUtils.run_cmd( self.node, cmd )
Example #26
 def terminate( self ):
     cmd_proc = self.cmd_proc
     if is_some( cmd_proc ):
         output( newline( '<', 'Terminating shell command', "'" + self.cmd + "'", '>' ) )
Example #27
 def _popen(self, cmd, **params):
     debug(newline('==== Popen in node', self.name, '===='))
     debug(newline('PARAMS:', dict(**params)))
     return super(NodeMixin, self)._popen(cmd, **params)
Example #28
 def write(self, data):
     debug(newline('==== Shell command in node', self.name, '===='))
     return super(NodeMixin, self).write(data)