Example #1
 def tearDownClass(cls):
     global rvsrc, rvfd, rvsize
     h = bs.munmap_binfile(rvsrc, rvfd, rvsize)
     if h != 0:
         assert False, "Error while closing the rsvk.10.bin memory-mapped file"
     global vrsrc, vrfd, vrsize
     h = bs.munmap_binfile(vrsrc, vrfd, vrsize)
     if h != 0:
         assert False, "Error while closing the vkrs.10.bin memory-mapped file"
Example #2
 def setup():
     global mf
     inputfile = os.path.realpath(
         os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) +
     mf, mfsize = bs.mmap_genoref_file(inputfile)
     if mfsize <= 0:
         assert False, "Unable to open the genoref.bin file"
Example #3
 def test_tearDown(self):
     global rvmf, rvmc, rvnrows
     h = bs.munmap_binfile(rvmf)
     if h != 0:
         assert False, "Error while closing the rsvk.10.bin memory-mapped file"
     global vrmf, vrmc, vrnrows
     h = bs.munmap_binfile(vrmf)
     if h != 0:
         assert False, "Error while closing the vkrs.10.bin memory-mapped file"
Example #4
 def setup():
     global mf, mc, nrows
     inputfile = os.path.realpath(
         os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) +
     mf, mc, nrows = bs.mmap_nrvk_file(inputfile)
     if nrows <= 0:
         assert False, "Unable to open the nrvk.10.bin file"
 def setup():
     global src, fd, size, last
     if fd >= 0:
     bs.munmap_binfile(src, fd, size)
     inputfile = os.path.realpath(
         os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) +
     src, fd, size, last = bs.mmap_binfile(inputfile)
     if fd < 0 or size != 3765:
         assert False, "Unable to open the file"
Example #6
 def setup():
     global mfsrc, mffd, mfsize, mflast, idx
     if mffd >= 0:
     bs.munmap_binfile(mfsrc, mffd, mfsize)
     inputfile = os.path.realpath(
             os.path.realpath(__file__)) +
     mfsrc, mffd, mfsize, mflast = bs.mmap_binfile(inputfile)
     if mffd < 0:
         assert False, "Unable to open the genoref.bin file"
     idx = bs.load_genoref_index(mfsrc)
Example #7
 def test_tearDown(self):
     global rvsrc, rvfd, rvsize
     h = bs.munmap_binfile(rvsrc, rvfd, rvsize)
     rvfd = -1
     rvsize = 0
     if h != 0:
         assert False, "Error while closing the rsvk.10.bin memory-mapped file"
     global vrsrc, vrfd, vrsize
     h = bs.munmap_binfile(vrsrc, vrfd, vrsize)
     vrfd = -1
     vrsize = 0
     if h != 0:
         assert False, "Error while closing the vkrs.10.bin memory-mapped file"
Example #8
 def test_tearDown(self):
     global mf
     h = bs.munmap_binfile(mf)
     mffd = -1
     mfsize = 0
     if h != 0:
         assert False, "Error while closing the nrvk.10.bin memory-mapped file"
 def test_col_tearDown(self):
     global src, fd, size
     h = bs.munmap_binfile(src, fd, size)
     fd = -1
     size = 0
     if h != 0:
         assert False, "Error while closing the memory-mapped file"
Example #10
 def test_tearDown(self):
     global mfsrc, mffd, mfsize
     h = bs.munmap_binfile(mfsrc, mffd, mfsize)
     mffd = -1
     mfsize = 0
     if h != 0:
         assert False, "Error while closing the genoref.bin memory-mapped file"
Example #11
 def setup():
     global rvmf, rvmc, rvnrows
     inputfile = os.path.realpath(
         os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) +
     rvmf, rvmc, rvnrows = bs.mmap_rsvk_file(inputfile, [4, 8])
     if rvnrows <= 0:
         assert False, "Unable to open the rsvk.10.bin file"
     global vrmf, vrmc, vrnrows
     inputfile = os.path.realpath(
         os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) +
     vrmf, vrmc, vrnrows = bs.mmap_vkrs_file(inputfile, [8, 4])
     if vrnrows <= 0:
         assert False, "Unable to open the vkrs.10.bin file"
Example #12
 def close(self):
     """Close all input files"""
     if self.genoref_mf is not None:
     if self.nrvk_mf is not None:
     if self.rsvk_mf is not None:
     if self.vkrs_mf is not None:
Example #13
 def setup():
     global rvsrc, rvfd, rvsize
     if rvfd >= 0:
     bs.munmap_binfile(rvsrc, rvfd, rvsize)
     inputfile = os.path.realpath(
         os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) +
     rvsrc, rvfd, rvsize, _ = bs.mmap_binfile(inputfile)
     if rvfd < 0 or rvsize != 120:
         assert False, "Unable to open the rsvk.10.bin file"
     global vrsrc, vrfd, vrsize
     if vrfd >= 0:
     bs.munmap_binfile(vrsrc, vrfd, vrsize)
     inputfile = os.path.realpath(
         os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) +
     vrsrc, vrfd, vrsize, _ = bs.mmap_binfile(inputfile)
     if vrfd < 0 or vrsize != 120:
         assert False, "Unable to open the vkrs.10.bin file"
Example #14
 def test_tearDown(self):
     global mf
     h = bs.munmap_binfile(mf)
     if h != 0:
         assert False, "Error while closing the genoref.bin memory-mapped file"
Example #15
 def tearDownClass(cls):
     global src, fd, size
     h = bs.munmap_binfile(src, fd, size)
     if h != 0:
         assert False, "Error while closing the memory-mapped file"
Example #16
vk.check_reference(mf, chrom=23, pos=0, ref='A')
# 0


# Normalize a variant - this function should be used before generating a new VariantKey
vk.normalize_variant(mf, chrom=13, pos=2, ref='CDE', alt='CFE')
# (48, 3, b'D', b'F', 1, 1)
# Return values are: code, POS, REF, ALT, REF length, ALT length

# Create normalized VariantKey
vk.normalized_variantkey(mf, chrom="13", pos=2, posindex=0, ref='CDE', alt='CFE')
# (7493989787586955617, 48)


# /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

# ----

# Load the lookup table for non-reversible variantkeys.
# The input binary files can be generated from a normalized VCF file using the resources/tools/nrvk.sh script.
# The VCF file can be normalized using the `resources/tools/vcfnorm.sh` script.
# This example uses the "c/test/data/nrvk.10.bin".
mf, mc, nrows = vk.mmap_nrvk_file('nrvk.10.bin')
if nrows <= 0:
    assert False, "Unable to open the nrvk.10.bin file"
Example #17
print(vk.get_genoref_seq(mfsrc, mfidx, chrom=23, pos=0))
# b'A'

print(vk.check_reference(mfsrc, mfidx, chrom=23, pos=0, ref='A'))
# 0


# Normalize a variant - this function should be used before generating a new VariantKey
print(vk.normalize_variant(mfsrc, mfidx, chrom=13, pos=2, ref='CDE',
# (48, 3, b'D', b'F', 1, 1)
# Return values are: code, POS, REF, ALT, REF length, ALT length

vk.munmap_binfile(mfsrc, mffd, mfsize)

# /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

# ----

# Load the lookup table for non-reversible variantkeys.
# The input binary files can be generated from a normalized VCF file using the resources/tools/vkhexbin.sh script.
# The VCF file can be normalized using the `resources/tools/vcfnorm.sh` script.
# This example uses the "c/test/data/vknr.10.bin".
mfsrc, mffd, mfsize, mflast = vk.mmap_binfile('vknr.10.bin')
if mffd < 0:
    assert False, "Unable to open the vknr.10.bin file"

print(vk.find_ref_alt_by_variantkey(mfsrc, mflast, vk=0x2000c3521f1c15ab))
Example #18
 def tearDownClass(cls):
     global mf, mc, nrows
     h = bs.munmap_binfile(mf)
     if h != 0:
         assert False, "Error while closing the nrvk.10.bin memory-mapped file"
Example #19
 def tearDownClass(cls):
     global mfsrc, mffd, mfsize
     h = bs.munmap_binfile(mfsrc, mffd, mfsize)
     if h != 0:
         assert False, "Error while closing the genoref.bin memory-mapped file"